Passive Skills

Passive Skills Details

Passive Skills are a feature that is akin to Abilities in the main game. These skills give each Pokémon a latent ability that activates in certain conditions, much like the abilities of main series Pokémon games. Some of these are as standard on Sync Pairs but others activate when part of a Sync Grid or part of a Lucky Skill.

Passive Skills Image

List of Passive Skills

NameEffectSync PairsSync GridsLucky Skills
"Absorbs Hit": Sp. Atk Up 1 Has a chance (20%) of lowering the target's Sp. Atk by 1 stat rank when the user's attack move that has the absorbs effect tag is successful.
"Absorbs Hit": Sp. Atk Up 2 Has a chance (30%) of lowering the target's Sp. Atk by 1 stat rank when the user's attack move that has the absorbs effect tag is successful.
"Absorbs Hit": Sp. Atk Up 3 Has a chance (40%) of lowering the target's Sp. Atk by 1 stat rank when the user's attack move that has the absorbs effect tag is successful.
"Absorbs Hit": Sp. Atk Up 4 Has a chance (50%) of lowering the target's Sp. Atk by 1 stat rank when the user's attack move that has the absorbs effect tag is successful.
"Absorbs Hit": Sp. Atk Up 5 Has a chance (60%) of lowering the target's Sp. Atk by 1 stat rank when the user's attack move that has the absorbs effect tag is successful.
"Absorbs Hit": Sp. Atk Up 6 Has a chance (70%) of lowering the target's Sp. Atk by 1 stat rank when the user's attack move that has the absorbs effect tag is successful.
"Absorbs Hit": Sp. Atk Up 7 Has a chance (80%) of lowering the target's Sp. Atk by 1 stat rank when the user's attack move that has the absorbs effect tag is successful.
"Absorbs Hit": Sp. Atk Up 8 Has a chance (90%) of lowering the target's Sp. Atk by 1 stat rank when the user's attack move that has the absorbs effect tag is successful.
"Absorbs Hit": Sp. Atk Up 9 Lowers the target's Sp. Atk by 1 stat rank when the user's attack move that has the absorbs effect tag is successful.
"Absorbs Hit": Attack Down Lowers the target's Attack by 1 stat rank when the user's attack move that has the absorbs effect tag is successful. Mallow & Shiinotic
"Quick Move": Physical Boost Up1 1 Has a chance (20%) of increasing the user's Physical Moves ↑ Next effect by 1 rank when it uses a move that has the quick move effect tag.
"Quick Move": Physical Boost Up1 2 Has a chance (30%) of increasing the user's Physical Moves ↑ Next effect by 1 rank when it uses a move that has the quick move effect tag.
"Quick Move": Physical Boost Up1 3 Has a chance (40%) of increasing the user's Physical Moves ↑ Next effect by 1 rank when it uses a move that has the quick move effect tag.
"Quick Move": Physical Boost Up1 4 Has a chance (50%) of increasing the user's Physical Moves ↑ Next effect by 1 rank when it uses a move that has the quick move effect tag.
"Quick Move": Physical Boost Up1 5 Has a chance (60%) of increasing the user's Physical Moves ↑ Next effect by 1 rank when it uses a move that has the quick move effect tag.
"Quick Move": Physical Boost Up1 6 Has a chance (70%) of increasing the user's Physical Moves ↑ Next effect by 1 rank when it uses a move that has the quick move effect tag.
"Quick Move": Physical Boost Up1 7 Has a chance (80%) of increasing the user's Physical Moves ↑ Next effect by 1 rank when it uses a move that has the quick move effect tag.
"Quick Move": Physical Boost Up1 8 Has a chance (90%) of increasing the user's Physical Moves ↑ Next effect by 1 rank when it uses a move that has the quick move effect tag.
"Quick Move": Physical Boost Up1 9 Increases the user's Physical Moves ↑ Next effect by 1 rank when it uses a move that has the quick move effect tag. Paulo & Lycanroc (Dusk Form)
"Quick Move": Sync CD Down 1 Has a chance (20%) of reducing the user's sync move countdown by 1 when it uses a move that has the quick move effect tag.
"Quick Move": Sync CD Down 2 Has a chance (30%) of reducing the user's sync move countdown by 1 when it uses a move that has the quick move effect tag.
"Quick Move": Sync CD Down 2 1 Has a chance (20%) of reducing the user's sync move countdown by 2 when it uses a move that has the quick move effect tag.
"Quick Move": Sync CD Down 2 2 Has a chance (30%) of reducing the user's sync move countdown by 2 when it uses a move that has the quick move effect tag.
"Quick Move": Sync CD Down 2 3 Has a chance (40%) of reducing the user's sync move countdown by 2 when it uses a move that has the quick move effect tag.
"Quick Move": Sync CD Down 2 4 Has a chance (50%) of reducing the user's sync move countdown by 2 when it uses a move that has the quick move effect tag.
"Quick Move": Sync CD Down 2 5 Has a chance (60%) of reducing the user's sync move countdown by 2 when it uses a move that has the quick move effect tag.
"Quick Move": Sync CD Down 2 6 Has a chance (70%) of reducing the user's sync move countdown by 2 when it uses a move that has the quick move effect tag.
"Quick Move": Sync CD Down 2 7 Has a chance (80%) of reducing the user's sync move countdown by 2 when it uses a move that has the quick move effect tag.
"Quick Move": Sync CD Down 2 8 Has a chance (90%) of reducing the user's sync move countdown by 2 when it uses a move that has the quick move effect tag.
"Quick Move": Sync CD Down 2 9 Reduces the user's sync move countdown by 2 when it uses a move that has the quick move effect tag. Gloria & Cinderace
"Quick Move": Sync CD Down 3 Has a chance (40%) of reducing the user's sync move countdown by 1 when it uses a move that has the quick move effect tag.
"Quick Move": Sync CD Down 4 Has a chance (50%) of reducing the user's sync move countdown by 1 when it uses a move that has the quick move effect tag.
"Quick Move": Sync CD Down 5 Has a chance (60%) of reducing the user's sync move countdown by 1 when it uses a move that has the quick move effect tag.
"Quick Move": Sync CD Down 6 Has a chance (70%) of reducing the user's sync move countdown by 1 when it uses a move that has the quick move effect tag.
"Quick Move": Sync CD Down 7 Has a chance (80%) of reducing the user's sync move countdown by 1 when it uses a move that has the quick move effect tag.
"Quick Move": Sync CD Down 8 Has a chance (90%) of reducing the user's sync move countdown by 1 when it uses a move that has the quick move effect tag.
"Quick Move": Sync CD Down 9 Reduces the user's sync move countdown by 1 when it uses a move that has the quick move effect tag. Malva & Talonflame
Paulo & Lycanroc (Dusk Form)
1st S-Move on Opp: Defense Up & Sp. Def Up 1 Lowers the target's Defense and Sp. Def by 1 stat ranks the first time the user's sync move targeting the opponent is successful each battle. This effect can activate only once per battle.
1st S-Move on Opp: Defense Up & Sp. Def Up 2 Lowers the target's Defense and Sp. Def by 2 stat ranks the first time the user's sync move targeting the opponent is successful each battle. This effect can activate only once per battle. Blue & Zapdos
1st S-Move on Opp: Defense Up & Sp. Def Up 3 Lowers the target's Defense and Sp. Def by 3 stat ranks the first time the user's sync move targeting the opponent is successful each battle. This effect can activate only once per battle.
1st S-Move on Opp: Defense Up & Sp. Def Up 4 Lowers the target's Defense and Sp. Def by 4 stat ranks the first time the user's sync move targeting the opponent is successful each battle. This effect can activate only once per battle.
1st S-Move on Opp: Defense Up & Sp. Def Up 5 Lowers the target's Defense and Sp. Def by 5 stat ranks the first time the user's sync move targeting the opponent is successful each battle. This effect can activate only once per battle.
1st S-Move on Opp: Defense Up & Sp. Def Up 6 Lowers the target's Defense and Sp. Def by 6 stat ranks the first time the user's sync move targeting the opponent is successful each battle. This effect can activate only once per battle.
1st S-Move: Hail Causes a hailstorm the first time the user's sync move is used each battle. Red & Articuno
1st S-Move: Restore “Quick Move” MP 1 Restores 1 MP of the user's moves that have the quick move effect tag the first time its sync move is used each battle. Paulo & Lycanroc (Dusk Form)
1st S-Move: Restore “Quick Move” MP 1 Restores 1 MP of the user's moves that have the quick move effect tag the first time its sync move is used each battle. Paulo & Lycanroc (Dusk Form)
1st S-Move: Restore “Quick Move” MP 1 Restores 1 MP of the user's moves that have the quick move effect tag the first time its sync move is used each battle. Paulo & Lycanroc (Dusk Form)
1st S-Move: Restore “Quick Move” MP 1 Restores 1 MP of the user's moves that have the quick move effect tag the first time its sync move is used each battle. Paulo & Lycanroc (Dusk Form)
1st S-Move: Restore “Quick Move” MP 1 Restores 1 MP of the user's moves that have the quick move effect tag the first time its sync move is used each battle. Paulo & Lycanroc (Dusk Form)
1st S-Move: Restore “Quick Move” MP 1 Restores 1 MP of the user's moves that have the quick move effect tag the first time its sync move is used each battle. Paulo & Lycanroc (Dusk Form)
1st S-Move: Restore B-Move MP 1 Restores 1 MP of the user's buddy move the first time its sync move is used each battle. Nemona & Giovanni & Guzzlord
Gladion & Magearna
Sabrina & Chingling
1st S-Move: Restore B-Move MP 2 Restores 2 MP of the user's buddy move the first time its sync move is used each battle.
1st S-Move: Restore B-Move MP 3 Restores 3 MP of the user's buddy move the first time its sync move is used each battle.
1st S-Move: Restore B-Move MP 4 Restores 4 MP of the user's buddy move the first time its sync move is used each battle.
1st S-Move: Restore B-Move MP 5 Restores 5 MP of the user's buddy move the first time its sync move is used each battle.
1st S-Move: Restore B-Move MP 6 Restores 6 MP of the user's buddy move the first time its sync move is used each battle.
2 P-Moves: Doom Desire Every two times the user's Pokémon uses a move, deals additional damage to the opponent targeted by the second move. (Type: Steel, Category: Special) This additional damage is not affected by some status changes. Tate & Jirachi
Accuracy Ceiling The user's accuracy cannot be raised. Guzma & Buzzwole
Active Healing 1 Has a chance (20%) of restoring the user's HP when it uses a move
Active Healing 2 Has a chance (30%) of restoring the user's HP when it uses a move
Active Healing 3 Has a chance (40%) of restoring the user's HP when it uses a move
Active Healing 4 Has a chance (50%) of restoring the user's HP when it uses a move
Active Healing 5 Has a chance (60%) of restoring the user's HP when it uses a move
Active Healing 6 Has a chance (70%) of restoring the user's HP when it uses a move
Active Healing 7 Has a chance (80%) of restoring the user's HP when it uses a move
Active Healing 8 Has a chance (90%) of restoring the user's HP when it uses a move
Active Healing 9 Restores the user's HP when it uses a move. Allister & Gourgeist (Super Size)
Acuity Accuracy cannot be lowered. Blue & Pidgeot
Blue & Pidgeot (Mega Pidgeot)
Calem & Espurr
Calem & Meowstic
Main Character & Machop
Main Character & Machoke
Main Character & Machamp
Main Character & Machop
Main Character & Machoke
Main Character & Machamp
Main Character & Machop
Main Character & Machoke
Main Character & Machamp
Main Character & Pidgey
Main Character & Pidgeotto
Main Character & Pidgeot
Main Character & Pidgey
Main Character & Pidgeotto
Main Character & Pidgeot
Main Character & Pidgey
Main Character & Pidgeotto
Main Character & Pidgeot
Falkner & Pidgeot
Olivia & Lycanroc (Midnight Form)
Rosa & Shaymin (Sky Forme)
Silver & Sneasel
Winona & Pelipper
Morty & Banette
Morty & Banette (Mega Banette)
Cyrus & Darkrai
Nate & Braviary
May & Latias
May & Latias (Mega Latias)
Raihan & Flygon
Falkner & Noctowl
Chuck & Poliwrath
Shauna & Delcatty
Nemona & Lycanroc
1Star Creamy Lucky Cookie
2Star Creamy Lucky Cookie
3Star Creamy Lucky Cookie
1 Star Deluxe Lucky Cookie
2 Star Deluxe Lucky Cookie
Acumen 1 Has a chance (20%) of raising the user's Sp. Def by one stat rank when its Pokémon uses a move.
Acumen 2 Has a chance (30%) of raising the user's Sp. Def by one stat rank when its Pokémon uses a move.
Acumen 3 Has a chance (40%) of raising the user's Sp. Def by one stat rank when its Pokémon uses a move.
Acumen 4 Has a chance (50%) of raising the user's Sp. Def by one stat rank when its Pokémon uses a move. Lucy & Seviper
Acumen 5 Has a chance (60%) of raising the user's Sp. Def by one stat rank when its Pokémon uses a move.
Acumen 6 Has a chance (70%) of raising the user's Sp. Def by one stat rank when its Pokémon uses a move.
Acumen 7 Has a chance (80%) of raising the user's Sp. Def by one stat rank when its Pokémon uses a move.
Acumen 8 Has a chance (90%) of raising the user's Sp. Def by one stat rank when its Pokémon uses a move.
Acumen 9 Raises the user's Sp. Def by one stat rank when its Pokémon uses a move.
Acumen 9 Raises the user's Sp. Def by one stat rank when its Pokémon uses a move.
Acute Senses 4
Acute Senses 8
Added Insult The more the target's Sp. Atk and Sp. Def are lowered, the more it powers up the user's moves. May & Latias
May & Latias (Mega Latias)
Adrenaline 1 Reduces the sync move countdown by 1 the first time the user's sync move is used each battle. Brock & Kabutops
Lance & Gyarados
Winona & Altaria
Lucas & Dialga
Grusha & Beartic
Acerola & Tapu Bulu
Blue & Blastoise
Blue & Blastoise (Mega Blastoise)
Brendan & Latios
Brendan & Latios (Mega Latios)
Brock & Tyranitar
Bruno & Onix
Calem & Sylveon
Cynthia & Kommo-o
Elesa & Joltik
Hau & Tapu Koko
Hilbert & Glaceon
Hilda & Diancie
Hilda & Diancie (Mega Diancie)
Hilda & Leafeon
Kris & Jolteon
Lillie & Clefairy
Lyra & Celebi
Lyra & Vaporeon
Main Character & Torchic
Mina & Tapu Fini
Nanu & Persian (Alola Form)
Noland & Pinsir
Noland & Pinsir (Mega Pinsir)
Phoebe & Cofagrigus
Professor Sycamore & Xerneas
Red & Charizard
Red & Charizard (Mega Charizard X)
Red & Snorlax
Roxanne & Nosepass
Roxanne & Probopass
Leaf & Eevee
Jasmine & Ampharos
Jasmine & Ampharos (Mega Ampharos)
Dawn & Cresselia
Morty & Ho-Oh (Shiny Ho-Oh)
Gloria & Zacian (Crowned Sword)
Gloria & Urshifu (Rapid Strike)
N & Zekrom
N & Reshiram
N & Zoroark
May & Blaziken
May & Blaziken (Mega Blaziken)
Lysandre & Volcanion
Marnie & Moltres (Galarian Form)
Lana & Tapu Lele
Ingo & Excadrill
Hop & Zamazenta (Crowned Shield)
Hop & Zapdos (Galarian Form)
Falkner & Noctowl
Sidney & Absol
Sidney & Absol (Mega Absol)
Lucas & Flareon
Lucian & Girafarig
Petrel & Weezing
Bede & Articuno (Galarian Form)
Victor & Greedent
Drasna & Dragalge
Emma & Crobat
Iono &
Chase & Pikachu
Jacq &
Rika &
Poppy &
Poppy & Steelix (Shiny Steelix)
Poppy & Steelix (Shiny Mega Steelix)
1 Star Deluxe Lucky Cookie
2 Star Deluxe Lucky Cookie
3 Star Deluxe Lucky Cookie
Guaranteed Lucky Cookie 7
Adrenaline 2 Reduces the sync move countdown by 2 the first time the user's sync move is used each battle. Silver & Sneasel
Leaf & Venusaur (Female)
Leaf & Venusaur (Mega Venusaur)
Alder & Volcarona
Lear & Hoopa
Steven & Stoutland (Shiny Stoutland)
Adrenaline 3 Reduces the sync move countdown by 3 the first time the user's sync move is used each battle.
Adrenaline 4 Reduces the sync move countdown by 4 the first time the user's sync move is used each battle.
Adrenaline 5 Reduces the sync move countdown by 5 the first time the user's sync move is used each battle.
Adrenaline 6 Reduces the sync move countdown by 6 the first time the user's sync move is used each battle.
Adrenaline 7 Reduces the sync move countdown by 7 the first time the user's sync move is used each battle.
Adrenaline 8 Reduces the sync move countdown by 8 the first time the user's sync move is used each battle.
Adrenaline 9 Reduces the sync move countdown by 9 the first time the user's sync move is used each battle.
Aerial Acceleration 1 Quickly charges the move gauge when the zone is Flying Zone.
Aerial Acceleration 2 Quickly charges the move gauge when the zone is Flying Zone. Silver & Crobat
Aerial Acceleration 3 Quickly charges the move gauge when the zone is Flying Zone. Skyla & Tornadus (Therian Forme)
Aerial Acceleration 4 Quickly charges the move gauge when the zone is Flying Zone.
Aerial Acceleration 5 Quickly charges the move gauge when the zone is Flying Zone.
Aerial Acceleration 6 Quickly charges the move gauge when the zone is Flying Zone.
Aerial Acceleration 7 Quickly charges the move gauge when the zone is Flying Zone.
Aerial Acceleration 8 Quickly charges the move gauge when the zone is Flying Zone.
Aerial Acceleration 9 Quickly charges the move gauge when the zone is Flying Zone.
Aerial Power 1 Powers up the user's moves when the zone is a Flying Zone
Aerial Power 2 Powers up the user's moves when the zone is a Flying Zone
Aerial Power 3 Powers up the user's moves when the zone is a Flying Zone
Aerial Power 4 Powers up the user's moves when the zone is a Flying Zone
Aerial Power 5 Powers up the user's moves when the zone is a Flying Zone
Aerial Power 6 Powers up the user's moves when the zone is a Flying Zone
Aerial Power 7 Powers up the user's moves when the zone is a Flying Zone
Aerial Power 8 Powers up the user's moves when the zone is a Flying Zone
Aerial Power 9 Powers up the user's moves when the zone is a Flying Zone
Afflict Dragon TR Down Lowers the target's Dragon Type Rebuff by 1 rank the first time the user's Pokémon uses a status move targeting the opponent each battle. This effect can activate only once per battle. Lance & Dragonair
Afflicter's Fervor 1 Reduces the sync move countdown by 1 the first time the user's Pokémon uses a status move each battle. Tate & Jirachi
Afflicter's Fervor 2 Reduces the sync move countdown by 2 the first time the user's Pokémon uses a status move each battle. Steven & Deoxys (Speed Forme)
Afflicter's Fervor 3 Reduces the sync move countdown by 3 the first time the user's Pokémon uses a status move each battle.
Afflicter's Fervor 4 Reduces the sync move countdown by 4 the first time the user's Pokémon uses a status move each battle.
Afflicter's Fervor 5 Reduces the sync move countdown by 5 the first time the user's Pokémon uses a status move each battle.
Afflicter's Fervor 6 Reduces the sync move countdown by 6 the first time the user's Pokémon uses a status move each battle.
Aggravation 1 Raises the chance of inflicting the flinching, confused, or trapped condition with the additional effects of moves. Calem & Espurr
Calem & Meowstic
Cheren & Purrloin
Crasher Wake & Floatzel
Grant & Amaura
Grant & Aurorus
Main Character & Aerodactyl
Main Character & Goldeen
Main Character & Seaking
Main Character & Kangaskhan
Main Character & Omanyte
Main Character & Omastar
Main Character & Farfetch'd
Main Character & Staryu
Main Character & Starmie
Main Character & Munchlax
Main Character & Snorlax
Main Character & Meowth (Alola Form)
Main Character & Persian (Alola Form)
Main Character & Meowth (Galarian Form)
Main Character & Perrserker
Main Character & Slowpoke
Main Character & Slowbro
Main Character &
Silver & Feraligatr
Thorton & Bronzong
Zinnia & Salamence
Archer & Houndoom
Calem & Espurr
Calem & Meowstic
Crasher Wake & Floatzel
Grimsley & Liepard
Hop & Pincurchin
Proton & Golbat
Anabel & Snorlax
Poppy & Steelix (Shiny Steelix)
Poppy & Steelix (Shiny Mega Steelix)
Bellelba Lucky Cookie 1
Tate Lucky Cookie 1
Aggravation 2 Raises the chance of inflicting the flinching, confused, or trapped condition with the additional effects of moves. Main Character & Squirtle
Main Character & Wartortle
Main Character & Blastoise
Main Character & Abra
Main Character & Kadabra
Main Character & Alakazam
Main Character & Magikarp
Main Character & Gyarados
Main Character &
Main Character & Drowzee
Main Character & Hypno
Main Character & Psyduck
Main Character & Golduck
Steven & Deoxys (Normal Forme)
Irida & Flareon
Irida & Flareon
Aggravation 3 Raises the chance of inflicting the flinching, confused, or trapped condition with the additional effects of moves.
Aggravation 4 Raises the chance of inflicting the flinching, confused, or trapped condition with the additional effects of moves. Sabrina & Chingling
Volkner & Luxray
Aggravation 5 Raises the chance of inflicting the flinching, confused, or trapped condition with the additional effects of moves.
Aggravation 6 Raises the chance of inflicting the flinching, confused, or trapped condition with the additional effects of moves.
Aggravation 7 Raises the chance of inflicting the flinching, confused, or trapped condition with the additional effects of moves.
Aggravation 8 Raises the chance of inflicting the flinching, confused, or trapped condition with the additional effects of moves.
Aggravation 9 Raises the chance of inflicting the flinching, confused, or trapped condition with the additional effects of moves. Will & Slowbro
Agile Entry 1 Raises the user's evasiveness by 1 stat ranks when it enters a battle. Main Character & Bulbasaur
Main Character & Ivysaur
Main Character & Venusaur
Barry & Piplup
Barry & Prinplup
Barry & Empoleon
Bugsy & Scyther
Elesa & Rotom
Janine & Ariados
Misty & Starmie
Misty & Psyduck
Misty & Vaporeon
Guzma & Ariados
Bea & Sirfetch'd
Hop & Pincurchin
Agile Entry 2 Raises the user's evasiveness by 2 stat ranks when it enters a battle. Candice & Froslass
Elesa & Zebstrika
Flint & Infernape
Hau & Raichu (Alola Form)
Professor Oak & Mew
Professor Oak & Mew
Plumeria & Salazzle
Morty & Drifblim
Selene & Umbreon
The Masked Royal Lucky Cookie 1
Plumeria Lucky Cookie 1
Agile Entry 3 Raises the user's evasiveness by 3 stat ranks when it enters a battle. Mela &
Agile Entry 4 Raises the user's evasiveness by 4 stat ranks when it enters a battle.
Agile Entry 5 Raises the user's evasiveness by 5 stat ranks when it enters a battle.
Agile Entry 6 Raises the user's evasiveness by 6 stat ranks when it enters a battle. Olympia & Sigilyph
Akala Ocean Breeze Increases the user's Physical Moves ↑ Next effect and Special Moves ↑ Next effect by 1 rank when an ally activates a weather, terrain, or zone effect. Lana & Tapu Lele
All Ramped Up 1 Raises the Sp. Atk of all allied sync pairs by 1 stat ranks when the user's move is successful. Proton & Golbat Clair & Drampa
Allied Field Effect Accelerate 1 Quickly charges the move gauge when effects that apply only to the allied field of play are in effect.
Allied Field Effect Accelerate 2 Quickly charges the move gauge when effects that apply only to the allied field of play are in effect.
Allied Field Effect Accelerate 3 Quickly charges the move gauge when effects that apply only to the allied field of play are in effect. Anabel & Snorlax
Allied Field Effect Accelerate 4 Quickly charges the move gauge when effects that apply only to the allied field of play are in effect.
Allied Field Effect Accelerate 5 Quickly charges the move gauge when effects that apply only to the allied field of play are in effect.
Allied Field Effect Accelerate 6 Quickly charges the move gauge when effects that apply only to the allied field of play are in effect.
Allied Field Effect Accelerate 7 Quickly charges the move gauge when effects that apply only to the allied field of play are in effect.
Allied Field Effect Accelerate 8 Quickly charges the move gauge when effects that apply only to the allied field of play are in effect.
Allied Field Effect Accelerate 9 Quickly charges the move gauge when effects that apply only to the allied field of play are in effect.
Allied Field Effect Multiplier 1 The user's Attack, Defense, Sp. Atk, Sp. Def, and Speed increase 10% when effects that apply only to the allied field of play are in effect.
Allied Field Effect Multiplier 2 The user's Attack, Defense, Sp. Atk, Sp. Def, and Speed increase 20% when effects that apply only to the allied field of play are in effect. Anabel & Snorlax
Allied Field Effect Multiplier 3 The user's Attack, Defense, Sp. Atk, Sp. Def, and Speed increase 30% when effects that apply only to the allied field of play are in effect.
Allied Field Effect Multiplier 4 The user's Attack, Defense, Sp. Atk, Sp. Def, and Speed increase 40% when effects that apply only to the allied field of play are in effect.
Allied Field Effect Multiplier 5 The user's Attack, Defense, Sp. Atk, Sp. Def, and Speed increase 50% when effects that apply only to the allied field of play are in effect.
Allied Field Effect Multiplier 6 The user's Attack, Defense, Sp. Atk, Sp. Def, and Speed increase 60% when effects that apply only to the allied field of play are in effect.
Allied Field Effect Multiplier 7 The user's Attack, Defense, Sp. Atk, Sp. Def, and Speed increase 70% when effects that apply only to the allied field of play are in effect.
Allied Field Effect Multiplier 8 The user's Attack, Defense, Sp. Atk, Sp. Def, and Speed increase 80% when effects that apply only to the allied field of play are in effect.
Allied Field Effect Multiplier 9 The user's Attack, Defense, Sp. Atk, Sp. Def, and Speed increase 90% when effects that apply only to the allied field of play are in effect.
Ally Poisons: Badly Poisoned Except in certain circumstances, when an ally leaves an opponent poisoned, leaves it badly poisoned instead. Oleana & Garbodor
Alola Flag Bearer Lillie & Lunala
Alola Spirit Powers up the special attack moves of all allied sync pairs by 20%. Reduces special attack move damage taken by all allied sync pairs by 25%. The more allied sync pairs with the Alola theme you have on your team, the higher these percentages are. (Each additional sync pair powers up moves by 15% and reduces damage by 3%. The maximum power-up is 50%, and the maximum damage reduction is 31%.) Gladion & Magearna
Lusamine & Necrozma (Dusk Mane)
Lusamine & Necrozma (Ultra Necrozma)
Amped Up 1 Raises the user's Speed by 1 stat ranks when it lands a critical hit. Bugsy & Beedrill (Mega Beedrill)
Olivia & Lycanroc (Midnight Form)
Acerola & Mimikyu
Acerola & Mimikyu (Busted Form)
Brendan & Treecko
Brendan & Grovyle
Brendan & Sceptile
Brendan & Sceptile (Mega Sceptle)
Giovanni & Persian
Gloria & Thwackey
Riley & Lucario
Volo & Gible
Amped Up 2 Raises the user's Speed by 2 stat ranks when it lands a critical hit. Bede & Inteleon
Amped Up 3 Raises the user's Speed by 3 stat ranks when it lands a critical hit.
Amped Up 4 Raises the user's Speed by 4 stat ranks when it lands a critical hit. Main Character & Mankey
Main Character & Primeape
Amped Up 5 Raises the user's Speed by 5 stat ranks when it lands a critical hit.
Amped Up 6 Raises the user's Speed by 6 stat ranks when it lands a critical hit.
Amped Up 7
Amped Up 8
Amped Up 9
Antifreeze Prevents the user from becoming frozen. Candice & Abomasnow
Ghetsis & Kyurem
Courtney & Camerupt (Female)
Courtney & Camerupt (Mega Camerupt)
Candice & Froslass
N & Kyurem (Black Kyurem)
Bea & Vanilluxe
Bede & Articuno (Galarian Form)
Kali & Azumarill
Dana & Regice
Grusha & Beartic
Kabu & Centiskorch
1Star Crispy Lucky Cookie
2Star Crispy Lucky Cookie
3Star Crispy Lucky Cookie
1 Star Deluxe Lucky Cookie
2 Star Deluxe Lucky Cookie
Antitoxin Prevents the user from getting poisoned or badly poisoned. Caitlin & Reuniclus
Clay & Palpitoad
Clay & Seismitoad
Gladion & Golbat
Hilda & Tepig
Hilda & Pignite
Hilda & Emboar
Main Character & Zubat
Main Character & Golbat
Main Character & Bellsprout
Main Character & Weepinbell
Main Character & Victreebel
Main Character & Nidoran♀
Main Character & Nidorina
Main Character & Nidoqueen
Main Character & Nidoran♀
Main Character & Nidorina
Main Character & Nidoqueen
Main Character & Nidoran♀
Main Character & Nidorina
Main Character & Nidoqueen
Main Character & Weedle
Main Character & Kakuna
Main Character & Beedrill
Main Character & Weedle
Main Character & Kakuna
Main Character & Beedrill
Main Character & Weedle
Main Character & Kakuna
Main Character & Beedrill
Main Character & Bulbasaur
Main Character & Ivysaur
Main Character & Venusaur
Main Character & Bulbasaur
Main Character & Ivysaur
Main Character & Venusaur
Main Character & Bulbasaur
Main Character & Ivysaur
Main Character & Venusaur
Main Character & Abra
Main Character & Kadabra
Main Character & Alakazam
Main Character & Grimer
Main Character & Muk
Main Character & Grimer
Main Character & Muk
Main Character & Grimer
Main Character & Muk
Main Character & Cleffa
Main Character & Clefairy
Main Character & Clefable
Main Character & Koffing
Main Character & Weezing
Main Character & Koffing
Main Character & Weezing
Main Character & Koffing
Main Character & Weezing
Main Character & Meowth (Galarian Form)
Main Character & Perrserker
Main Character & Meowth (Galarian Form)
Main Character & Perrserker
Main Character & Meowth (Galarian Form)
Main Character & Perrserker
Plumeria & Salazzle
Marnie & Toxicroak
Helena & Haunter
Acerola & Tapu Bulu
Agatha & Arbok
Ariana & Arbok
Barry & Roserade
Blue & Alakazam
Cynthia & Lucario
Cynthia & Lucario (Mega Lucario)
Gardenia & Roserade
Giovanni & Nidoking
Giovanni & Nidorino
Janine & Ariados
Janine & Crobat
Korrina & Marshadow
Lillie & Clefairy
Liza & Celesteela
Marlon & Carracosta
Phoebe & Cofagrigus
Professor Oak & Nidorino
Professor Sycamore & Bulbasaur
Ramos & Weepinbell
Ramos & Victreebel
Red & Snorlax
Red & Venusaur
Roxie & Whirlipede
Roxie & Scolipede
Roxie & Toxtricity (Amped Form)
Steven & Metagross
Steven & Metagross (Mega Metagross)
Thorton & Bronzong
Thorton & Magnezone
Leaf & Clefable
Clemont & Magneton
Jasmine & Celesteela
Jasmine & Magnemite
Dawn & Oricorio (Sensu Style)
Serena & Whimsicott
Morty & Gastly
Lucy & Seviper
Piers & Toxtricity (Low-Key Forme)
Lear & Hoopa
Leon & Eternatus
Looker & Croagunk
Naomi & Sandslash
Colress & Klinklang
Drasna & Dragalge
Anabel & Snorlax
Emma & Crobat
Adaman & Ursaluna
Rose & Perrserker
Oleana & Garbodor
Geeta &
Rika &
Kabu & Centiskorch
Greta & Breloom
Giacomo &
Eri &
Atticus &
1Star Crispy Lucky Cookie
2Star Crispy Lucky Cookie
3Star Crispy Lucky Cookie
1 Star Deluxe Lucky Cookie
2 Star Deluxe Lucky Cookie
Archer's Proposal Lowers the Speed of all opposing sync pairs by 1 stat rank when the user's attack move is successful. Lowers the Speed of all opposing sync pairs by 2 stat ranks after using the user's sync move. Archer & Houndoom
Arctic Arrival Turns the field of play's zone into an Ice Zone the first time the user enters a battle each battle. (An Ice Zone powers up Ice-type attacks.) Gladion & Weavile Irida & Glaceon
Ariana's Coercion Lowers the Attack and Sp. Atk of all opposing sync pairs by 2 stat ranks the first time the user enters a battle each battle. Ariana & Arbok
Armor Leech 1 Has a chance (20%) of lowering the target's Defense by one stat rank and raising the user's Defense by the same amount when the user's attack move against the target is successful.
Armor Leech 2 Has a chance (30%) of lowering the target's Defense by one stat rank and raising the user's Defense by the same amount when the user's attack move against the target is successful.
Armor Leech 3 Has a chance (40%) of lowering the target's Defense by one stat rank and raising the user's Defense by the same amount when the user's attack move against the target is successful.
Armor Leech 4 Has a chance (50%) of lowering the target's Defense by one stat rank and raising the user's Defense by the same amount when the user's attack move against the target is successful.
Armor Leech 5 Has a chance (60%) of lowering the target's Defense by one stat rank and raising the user's Defense by the same amount when the user's attack move against the target is successful.
Armor Leech 6 Has a chance (70%) of lowering the target's Defense by one stat rank and raising the user's Defense by the same amount when the user's attack move against the target is successful.
Armor Leech 7 Has a chance (80%) of lowering the target's Defense by one stat rank and raising the user's Defense by the same amount when the user's attack move against the target is successful.
Armor Leech 8 Has a chance (90%) of lowering the target's Defense by one stat rank and raising the user's Defense by the same amount when the user's attack move against the target is successful.
Armor Leech 9 Lowers the target's Defense by one stat rank and raises the user's Defense by the same amount when the user's attack move against the target is successful. Diantha & Keldeo (Resolute Form)
Nemona & Lycanroc
Arresting Glare 1 Has a chance (20%) of lowering the opponent's Speed by one stat rank when the user is hit by a physical attack move. Molayne & Dugtrio (Alola Form)
Arresting Glare 2 Has a chance (30%) of lowering the opponent's Speed by one stat rank when the user is hit by a physical attack move.
Arresting Glare 3 Has a chance (40%) of lowering the opponent's Speed by one stat rank when the user is hit by a physical attack move.
Arresting Glare 4 Has a chance (50%) of lowering the opponent's Speed by one stat rank when the user is hit by a physical attack move.
Arresting Glare 5 Has a chance (60%) of lowering the opponent's Speed by one stat rank when the user is hit by a physical attack move.
Arresting Glare 6 Has a chance (70%) of lowering the opponent's Speed by one stat rank when the user is hit by a physical attack move.
Arresting Glare 7 Has a chance (80%) of lowering the opponent's Speed by one stat rank when the user is hit by a physical attack move.
Arresting Glare 8 Has a chance (90%) of lowering the opponent's Speed by one stat rank when the user is hit by a physical attack move.
Arresting Glare 9 Lowers the opponent's Speed by one stat rank when the user is hit by a physical attack move. Molayne & Dugtrio (Alola Form)
Ash's Passion Powers up the user's moves. Decreases the amount of move gauge slots the user needs to use moves by 1. The user's moves never misses. Ash & Pikachu
Ash's Tenacity When the user enters battle with full HP, applies the Enduring effect to it. When the user's Enduring effect activates for the first time and the user has 1 HP remaining, applies the Enduring effect to the user again. Ash & Pikachu
Atmospheric Acceleration 1 Quickly charges the move gauge when weather conditions are in effect.
Atmospheric Acceleration 2 Quickly charges the move gauge when weather conditions are in effect. Raihan & Flygon
Raihan & Gigalith
Lance & Dragonair
Eusine & Suicune (Shiny Suicune)
Atmospheric Acceleration 3 Quickly charges the move gauge when weather conditions are in effect.
Atmospheric Acceleration 4 Quickly charges the move gauge when weather conditions are in effect.
Atmospheric Acceleration 5 Quickly charges the move gauge when weather conditions are in effect.
Atmospheric Acceleration 6 Quickly charges the move gauge when weather conditions are in effect.
Atmospheric Acceleration 7 Quickly charges the move gauge when weather conditions are in effect.
Atmospheric Acceleration 8 Quickly charges the move gauge when weather conditions are in effect.
Atmospheric Acceleration 9 Quickly charges the move gauge when weather conditions are in effect.
Attack to the MAX 3 Powers up the user's max move when its Attack is raised. Red & Pikachu
Attack Trap 1 Has a chance (20%) of leaving the target trapped when the user's attack move against it is successful.
Attack Trap 2 Has a chance (30%) of leaving the target trapped when the user's attack move against it is successful.
Attack Trap 3 Has a chance (40%) of leaving the target trapped when the user's attack move against it is successful.
Attack Trap 4 Has a chance (50%) of leaving the target trapped when the user's attack move against it is successful. Ariana & Arbok
Barry & Roserade
Cynthia & Garchomp
Cynthia & Garchomp (Mega Garchomp)
Shauna & Klefki
Eusine & Suicune (Shiny Suicune)
Larry &
Attack Trap 5 Has a chance (60%) of leaving the target trapped when the user's attack move against it is successful.
Attack Trap 6 Has a chance (70%) of leaving the target trapped when the user's attack move against it is successful.
Attack Trap 7 Has a chance (80%) of leaving the target trapped when the user's attack move against it is successful.
Attack Trap 8 Has a chance (90%) of leaving the target trapped when the user's attack move against it is successful.
Attack Trap 9 Leaves the target trapped when the user's attack move against it is successful. Irida & Zoroark (Hisuian Form)
Backfire 1 Lowers the Attack and Sp. Atk of all opposing sync pairs by 1 stat ranks just before the user faints. Acerola & Palossand
Backfire 2 Lowers the Attack and Sp. Atk of all opposing sync pairs by 2 stat ranks just before the user faints. Fantina & Mismagius
Gladion & Silvally
Molayne & Dugtrio (Alola Form)
Backfire 3 Lowers the Attack and Sp. Atk of all opposing sync pairs by 3 stat ranks just before the user faints.
Backfire 4 Lowers the Attack and Sp. Atk of all opposing sync pairs by 4 stat ranks just before the user faints.
Bad Break 1 Has a chance (20%) of lowering one of the following stats of all opposing sync pairs by one stat rank at random when the user's Pokémon uses a status move: Attack, Defense, Sp. Atk, Sp. Def, Speed, accuracy, or evasiveness. Cyrus & Darkrai
Bad Break 2 Has a chance (30%) of lowering one of the following stats of all opposing sync pairs by one stat rank at random when the user's Pokémon uses a status move: Attack, Defense, Sp. Atk, Sp. Def, Speed, accuracy, or evasiveness.
Bad Break 3 Has a chance (40%) of lowering one of the following stats of all opposing sync pairs by one stat rank at random when the user's Pokémon uses a status move: Attack, Defense, Sp. Atk, Sp. Def, Speed, accuracy, or evasiveness.
Bad Break 4 Has a chance (50%) of lowering one of the following stats of all opposing sync pairs by one stat rank at random when the user's Pokémon uses a status move: Attack, Defense, Sp. Atk, Sp. Def, Speed, accuracy, or evasiveness.
Bad Break 5 Has a chance (60%) of lowering one of the following stats of all opposing sync pairs by one stat rank at random when the user's Pokémon uses a status move: Attack, Defense, Sp. Atk, Sp. Def, Speed, accuracy, or evasiveness.
Bad Break 6 Has a chance (70%) of lowering one of the following stats of all opposing sync pairs by one stat rank at random when the user's Pokémon uses a status move: Attack, Defense, Sp. Atk, Sp. Def, Speed, accuracy, or evasiveness.
Bad Break 7 Has a chance (80%) of lowering one of the following stats of all opposing sync pairs by one stat rank at random when the user's Pokémon uses a status move: Attack, Defense, Sp. Atk, Sp. Def, Speed, accuracy, or evasiveness.
Bad Break 8 Has a chance (90%) of lowering one of the following stats of all opposing sync pairs by one stat rank at random when the user's Pokémon uses a status move: Attack, Defense, Sp. Atk, Sp. Def, Speed, accuracy, or evasiveness.
Bad Break 9 Lowers one of the following stats of all opposing sync pairs by one stat rank at random when the user's Pokémon uses a status move: Attack, Defense, Sp. Atk, Sp. Def, Speed, accuracy, or evasiveness. Cyrus & Darkrai
Baffle Buff 1 Powers up the user's moves when the target is confused. Powers up the user's sync move when the target is confused.
Baffle Buff 2 Powers up the user's moves when the target is confused. Powers up the user's sync move when the target is confused.
Baffle Buff 3 Powers up the user's moves when the target is confused. Powers up the user's sync move when the target is confused. Calem & Fennekin
Baffle Buff 4 Powers up the user's moves when the target is confused. Powers up the user's sync move when the target is confused.
Baffle Buff 5 Powers up the user's moves when the target is confused. Powers up the user's sync move when the target is confused.
Baffle Buff 6 Powers up the user's moves when the target is confused. Powers up the user's sync move when the target is confused.
Baffle Buff 7 Powers up the user's moves when the target is confused. Powers up the user's sync move when the target is confused.
Baffle Buff 8 Powers up the user's moves when the target is confused. Powers up the user's sync move when the target is confused.
Baffle Buff 9 Powers up the user's moves when the target is confused. Powers up the user's sync move when the target is confused. Bede & Hatterene
Ballonlea Teachings Restores 1 MP of the user's moves after your team's sync pair uses their sync move. Bede & Articuno (Galarian Form)
Bamboozling Retaliation 1 Has a chance (20%) of lowering the Sp. Def of an opponent that attacked the user by 1 stat rank when the user is hit by an attack move.
Bamboozling Retaliation 2 Has a chance (30%) of lowering the Sp. Def of an opponent that attacked the user by 1 stat rank when the user is hit by an attack move.
Bamboozling Retaliation 3 Has a chance (40%) of lowering the Sp. Def of an opponent that attacked the user by 1 stat rank when the user is hit by an attack move.
Bamboozling Retaliation 4 Has a chance (50%) of lowering the Sp. Def of an opponent that attacked the user by 1 stat rank when the user is hit by an attack move.
Bamboozling Retaliation 5 Has a chance (60%) of lowering the Sp. Def of an opponent that attacked the user by 1 stat rank when the user is hit by an attack move.
Bamboozling Retaliation 6 Has a chance (70%) of lowering the Sp. Def of an opponent that attacked the user by 1 stat rank when the user is hit by an attack move.
Bamboozling Retaliation 7 Has a chance (80%) of lowering the Sp. Def of an opponent that attacked the user by 1 stat rank when the user is hit by an attack move.
Bamboozling Retaliation 8 Has a chance (90%) of lowering the Sp. Def of an opponent that attacked the user by 1 stat rank when the user is hit by an attack move.
Bamboozling Retaliation 9 Lowers the Sp. Def of an opponent that attacked the user by 1 stat rank when the user is hit by an attack move. Hilda & Grapploct (Shiny Grapploct)
Barrel Roll 1 Reduces damage when the user is hit by an attack move while the zone is Flying Zone.
Barrel Roll 2 Reduces damage when the user is hit by an attack move while the zone is Flying Zone. Skyla & Tornadus (Therian Forme)
Barrel Roll 3 Reduces damage when the user is hit by an attack move while the zone is Flying Zone.
Barrel Roll 4 Reduces damage when the user is hit by an attack move while the zone is Flying Zone.
Barrel Roll 5 Reduces damage when the user is hit by an attack move while the zone is Flying Zone.
Barrel Roll 6 Reduces damage when the user is hit by an attack move while the zone is Flying Zone.
Barrel Roll 7 Reduces damage when the user is hit by an attack move while the zone is Flying Zone.
Barrel Roll 8 Reduces damage when the user is hit by an attack move while the zone is Flying Zone.
Barrel Roll 9 Reduces damage when the user is hit by an attack move while the zone is Flying Zone.
Barricade 1 Raises the user's Sp. Def by 1 stat ranks when its move is successful.
Barricade 2 Raises the user's Sp. Def by 2 stat ranks when its move is successful.
Barricade 3 Raises the user's Sp. Def by 3 stat ranks when its move is successful.
Barricade Buddies 1 Raises the Sp. Def of all allied sync pairs by 1 stat ranks when the user's move is successful. Rosa Lucky Cookie 1
Bedazzle 1 Lowers the accuracy of all opposing sync pairs by 1 stat ranks when the user enters a battle. Serena & Fennekin
Serena & Braixen
Serena & Delphox
N & Zoroark
Bedazzle 2 Lowers the accuracy of all opposing sync pairs by 2 stat ranks when the user enters a battle.
Bedazzle 3 Lowers the accuracy of all opposing sync pairs by 3 stat ranks when the user enters a battle.
Bedazzle 4 Lowers the accuracy of all opposing sync pairs by 4 stat ranks when the user enters a battle.
Beef Up 1 Has a chance (20%) of raising the user's Attack by one stat rank when it is hit by an attack move.
Beef Up 2 Has a chance (30%) of raising the user's Attack by one stat rank when it is hit by an attack move.
Beef Up 3 Has a chance (40%) of raising the user's Attack by one stat rank when it is hit by an attack move. Iris & Hydreigon
Beef Up 4 Has a chance (50%) of raising the user's Attack by one stat rank when it is hit by an attack move. Brock & Onix
Beef Up 5 Has a chance (60%) of raising the user's Attack by one stat rank when it is hit by an attack move.
Beef Up 6 Has a chance (70%) of raising the user's Attack by one stat rank when it is hit by an attack move.
Beef Up 7 Has a chance (80%) of raising the user's Attack by one stat rank when it is hit by an attack move.
Beef Up 8 Has a chance (90%) of raising the user's Attack by one stat rank when it is hit by an attack move.
Beef Up 9 Raises the user's Attack by one stat rank when it is hit by an attack move.
Befuddle 1 Lowers the Sp. Def of all opposing sync pairs by 1 stat ranks when the user enters a battle. Blue & Alakazam
Burgh & Leavanny
May & Latias
May & Latias (Mega Latias)
Befuddle 2 Lowers the Sp. Def of all opposing sync pairs by 2 stat ranks when the user enters a battle. Gardenia & Dhelmise
Ingo & Chandelure
Befuddle 3 Lowers the Sp. Def of all opposing sync pairs by 3 stat ranks when the user enters a battle.
Befuddle 4 Lowers the Sp. Def of all opposing sync pairs by 4 stat ranks when the user enters a battle.
Benefactor Transfers this sync pair's stat increases to the sync pair that will switch in when this sync pair switches out. Leaf & Eevee
Morty & Drifblim
Berserk Bunch 1 Raises the Attack of all allied sync pairs by 1 stat ranks when the user's move is successful. Clair & Drampa
Berserk Bunch 2 Raises the Attack of all allied sync pairs by 2 stat ranks when the user's move is successful.
Berserk Bunch 3 Raises the Attack of all allied sync pairs by 3 stat ranks when the user's move is successful.
Berserk Bunch 4 Raises the Attack of all allied sync pairs by 4 stat ranks when the user's move is successful.
Berserk Bunch 5 Raises the Attack of all allied sync pairs by 5 stat ranks when the user's move is successful.
Berserk Bunch 6 Raises the Attack of all allied sync pairs by 6 stat ranks when the user's move is successful.
Berserker 1 Raises the user's Attack by 1 stat ranks when its move is successful.
Berserker 2 Raises the user's Attack by 2 stat ranks when its move is successful. Professor Kukui & Lycanroc
Berserker 3 Raises the user's Attack by 3 stat ranks when its move is successful.
Better Prepared 1 Powers up the user's moves when none of the target's stats are raised.
Better Prepared 2 Powers up the user's moves when none of the target's stats are raised.
Better Prepared 3 Powers up the user's moves when none of the target's stats are raised. Korrina & Marshadow
Zinnia & Thievul
Avery & Slowking (Galarian Form)
Better Prepared 4 Powers up the user's moves when none of the target's stats are raised.
Better Prepared 5 Powers up the user's moves when none of the target's stats are raised. Roxanne & Runerigus
Better Prepared 6 Powers up the user's moves when none of the target's stats are raised.
Better Prepared 7 Powers up the user's moves when none of the target's stats are raised.
Better Prepared 8 Powers up the user's moves when none of the target's stats are raised.
Better Prepared 9 Powers up the user's moves when none of the target's stats are raised. Korrina & Marshadow
Blind Spot The more the user's evasiveness is raised, the more it powers up the user's sync move. Irida & Zoroark (Hisuian Form) Bugsy & Beedrill
Bugsy & Beedrill (Mega Beedrill)
Grimsley & Liepard
Koga & Crobat
Misty & Starmie
Misty & Vaporeon
Professor Oak & Mew
Professor Oak & Mew
Morty & Drifblim
Ingo & Accelgor
Sina & Glaceon
Block and Charge 1 Charges the user's move gauge by 1 when it nullifies an opponent's move while in a defensive posture. Roxanne & Nosepass
Roxanne & Probopass
Lana & Araquanid
Block and Charge 1 Charges the user's move gauge by 1 when it nullifies an opponent's move while in a defensive posture. Roxanne & Nosepass
Roxanne & Probopass
Lana & Araquanid
Block and Charge 2 Charges the user's move gauge by 2 when it nullifies an opponent's move while in a defensive posture.
Block and Charge 3 Charges the user's move gauge by 3 when it nullifies an opponent's move while in a defensive posture. Shauna & Chesnaught
Block and Charge 4 Charges the user's move gauge by 4 when it nullifies an opponent's move while in a defensive posture.
Block and Charge 5 Charges the user's move gauge by 5 when it nullifies an opponent's move while in a defensive posture.
Block and Charge 6 Charges the user's move gauge by 6 when it nullifies an opponent's move while in a defensive posture.
Block and Heal 1 Has a chance (20%) of restoring the user's HP by approximately 20% of its maximum HP when the user nullifies an opponent's move while in a defensive posture. Roxanne & Nosepass
Roxanne & Probopass
Piers & Obstagoon
Block and Heal 9 Restores the user's HP by approximately 20% of its maximum HP when the user nullifies an opponent's move while in a defensive posture. Lana & Araquanid
Block and Lunge 1 Has a chance (20%) of reducing the user's sync move countdown by one when the user nullifies an opponent's move while in a defensive posture. Wikstrom & Aegislash
Wikstrom & Aegislash (Blade Forme)
Piers & Obstagoon
Blunting Strike 1 Has a chance (20%) of lowering the target's Attack by 1 stat rank when the user's Pokémon uses a move targeting that opponent. Lowers the target's Attack by 1 stat rank after using the user's sync move targeting that opponent.
Blunting Strike 2 Has a chance (30%) of lowering the target's Attack by 1 stat rank when the user's Pokémon uses a move targeting that opponent. Lowers the target's Attack by 1 stat rank after using the user's sync move targeting that opponent.
Blunting Strike 3 Has a chance (40%) of lowering the target's Attack by 1 stat rank when the user's Pokémon uses a move targeting that opponent. Lowers the target's Attack by 1 stat rank after using the user's sync move targeting that opponent.
Blunting Strike 4 Has a chance (50%) of lowering the target's Attack by 1 stat rank when the user's Pokémon uses a move targeting that opponent. Lowers the target's Attack by 1 stat rank after using the user's sync move targeting that opponent.
Blunting Strike 5 Has a chance (60%) of lowering the target's Attack by 1 stat rank when the user's Pokémon uses a move targeting that opponent. Lowers the target's Attack by 1 stat rank after using the user's sync move targeting that opponent.
Blunting Strike 6 Has a chance (70%) of lowering the target's Attack by 1 stat rank when the user's Pokémon uses a move targeting that opponent. Lowers the target's Attack by 1 stat rank after using the user's sync move targeting that opponent.
Blunting Strike 7 Has a chance (80%) of lowering the target's Attack by 1 stat rank when the user's Pokémon uses a move targeting that opponent. Lowers the target's Attack by 1 stat rank after using the user's sync move targeting that opponent.
Blunting Strike 8 Has a chance (90%) of lowering the target's Attack by 1 stat rank when the user's Pokémon uses a move targeting that opponent. Lowers the target's Attack by 1 stat rank after using the user's sync move targeting that opponent.
Blunting Strike 9 Lowers the target's Attack by 1 stat rank when the user's Pokémon uses a move targeting that opponent. Lowers the target's Attack by 1 stat rank after using the user's sync move targeting that opponent. Lucas & Flareon Hilda & Leafeon
Lyra & Vaporeon
Bob and Weave The more the user's evasiveness is raised, the more it powers up the user's moves. Bugsy & Beedrill
Bugsy & Beedrill (Mega Beedrill)
Candice & Froslass
Koga & Crobat
Misty & Vaporeon
Nanu & Persian (Alola Form)
Ethan & Cyndaquil
Ethan & Quilava
Ethan & Typhlosion
The Masked Royal & Incineroar
Ingo & Accelgor
Eve & Eevee
BOGO 1 Has a chance (20%) of applying the Free Move Next effect to the user when its move is successful.
BOGO 2 Has a chance (30%) of applying the Free Move Next effect to the user when its move is successful.
BOGO 3 Has a chance (40%) of applying the Free Move Next effect to the user when its move is successful.
BOGO 4 Has a chance (50%) of applying the Free Move Next effect to the user when its move is successful.
BOGO 5 Has a chance (60%) of applying the Free Move Next effect to the user when its move is successful.
BOGO 6 Has a chance (70%) of applying the Free Move Next effect to the user when its move is successful.
BOGO 7 Has a chance (80%) of applying the Free Move Next effect to the user when its move is successful.
BOGO 8 Has a chance (90%) of applying the Free Move Next effect to the user when its move is successful.
BOGO 9 Applies the Free Move Next effect to the user when its move is successful.
Boiling Point 1 Raises the user's Attack by 1 stat ranks the first time it is in a pinch each battle.
Boiling Point 2 Raises the user's Attack by 2 stat ranks the first time it is in a pinch each battle. Acerola & Mimikyu
Acerola & Mimikyu (Busted Form)
Boiling Point 3 Raises the user's Attack by 3 stat ranks the first time it is in a pinch each battle.
Boiling Point 4 Raises the user's Attack by 4 stat ranks the first time it is in a pinch each battle.
Boiling Point 5 Raises the user's Attack by 5 stat ranks the first time it is in a pinch each battle.
Boiling Point 6 Raises the user's Attack by 6 stat ranks the first time it is in a pinch each battle. Korrina & Lucario
Korrina & Lucario (Mega Lucario)
Bounce Back 1 Has a chance (20%) of raising the user's Attack by one stat rank when any of its stats are lowered.
Bounce Back 2 Has a chance (30%) of raising the user's Attack by one stat rank when any of its stats are lowered.
Bounce Back 3 Has a chance (40%) of raising the user's Attack by one stat rank when any of its stats are lowered.
Bounce Back 4 Has a chance (50%) of raising the user's Attack by one stat rank when any of its stats are lowered.
Bounce Back 5 Has a chance (60%) of raising the user's Attack by one stat rank when any of its stats are lowered. Grimsley & Liepard
Brain Barrier 8
Brain Brawn 1 Reduces damage when the user is hit by a special attack move.
Brain Brawn 2 Reduces damage when the user is hit by a special attack move. Olivia & Carbink
Trevor & Florges (Orange Flower)
Elaine & Eevee
Iono &
Brain Brawn 3 Reduces damage when the user is hit by a special attack move. Cheren & Stoutland
Brain Brawn 4 Reduces damage when the user is hit by a special attack move.
Brain Brawn 5 Reduces damage when the user is hit by a special attack move.
Brain Brawn 6 Reduces damage when the user is hit by a special attack move.
Brain Brawn 7 Reduces damage when the user is hit by a special attack move.
Brain Brawn 8 Reduces damage when the user is hit by a special attack move.
Brain Brawn 9 Reduces damage when the user is hit by a special attack move.
Brain Sync 1 Powers up the user's sync move when its Sp. Atk is raised.
Brain Sync 2 Powers up the user's sync move when its Sp. Atk is raised. Lucas & Dialga
Brain Sync 3 Powers up the user's sync move when its Sp. Atk is raised. Lillie & Lunala
Naomi & Sandslash
Brain Sync 4 Powers up the user's sync move when its Sp. Atk is raised.
Brain Sync 5 Powers up the user's sync move when its Sp. Atk is raised. Blue & Pidgeot
Blue & Pidgeot (Mega Pidgeot)
Cynthia & Giratina
Lusamine & Necrozma (Dusk Mane)
Lusamine & Necrozma (Ultra Necrozma)
Shauntal & Chandelure
Siebold & Octillery
Valerie & Sylveon
Volo & Togepi
Brain Sync 6 Powers up the user's sync move when its Sp. Atk is raised.
Brain Sync 7 Powers up the user's sync move when its Sp. Atk is raised.
Brain Sync 8 Powers up the user's sync move when its Sp. Atk is raised. Ash & Pikachu
Brain Sync 9 Powers up the user's sync move when its Sp. Atk is raised. Lisia & Altaria
Lisia & Altaria (Mega Altaria)
Brainpower The more the user's Sp. Atk is raised, the more it powers up the user's sync move. Ethan & Lugia Blue & Zapdos
Blue & Charizard
Cheren & Liepard
Cynthia & Kommo-o
Gladion & Magearna
Hilbert & Genesect
Kris & Jolteon
Lance & Dragonair
Lyra & Vaporeon
Red & Articuno
Sabrina & Chingling
Leaf & Blastoise
Wallace & Blacephalon
Serena & Zygarde
Serena & Zygarde (Complete Forme)
Lysandre & Yveltal
Lear &
Lana & Tapu Lele
Lana & Tapu Lele
Ingo & Chandelure
Lucas & Flareon
Irida & Glaceon
Eusine & Suicune (Shiny Suicune)
Penny & Sylveon
Iono &
Avery & Slowking (Galarian Form)
Mela &
Florian &
Brainteaser The more the target's Sp. Def is lowered, the more it powers up the user's moves. Agatha & Gengar
Agatha & Gengar (Mega Gengar)
Blue & Alakazam
Cheren & Purrloin
Gardenia & Dhelmise
Giovanni & Mewtwo
Giovanni & Mewtwo (Mega Mewtwo Y)
Hilbert & Genesect
Iris & Naganadel
Lyra & Vaporeon
Main Character & Solgaleo
Roxie & Toxtricity (Amped Form)
Silver & Crobat
Steven & Cradily
Tate & Jirachi
Will & Slowbro
Bianca & Musharna
N & Sigilyph
May & Latias
May & Latias (Mega Latias)
Elio & Espeon
Hop & Zapdos (Galarian Form)
Helena & Haunter
Shauna & Sylveon
Iono &
Rika & Whiscash
Dexio & Espeon
Brainy Rush 1 Raises the user's Sp. Atk by 1 stat ranks after using its sync move.
Brainy Rush 2 Raises the user's Sp. Atk by 2 stat ranks after using its sync move. Allister & Gengar
Brainy Rush 3 Raises the user's Sp. Atk by 3 stat ranks after using its sync move.
Brainy Rush 4 Raises the user's Sp. Atk by 4 stat ranks after using its sync move.
Brainy Rush 5 Raises the user's Sp. Atk by 5 stat ranks after using its sync move.
Brainy Rush 6 Raises the user's Sp. Atk by 6 stat ranks after using its sync move. Brendan & Treecko
Brendan & Grovyle
Brendan & Sceptile
Brendan & Sceptile (Mega Sceptle)
Brawling Acceleration 1 Quickly charges the move gauge when the zone is a Fighting Zone.
Brawling Acceleration 2 Quickly charges the move gauge when the zone is a Fighting Zone. Cynthia & Lucario
Cynthia & Lucario (Mega Lucario)
Marshal & Conkeldurr
Hop & Zapdos (Galarian Form)
Rei & Decidueye (Hisuian Form)
Brawling Acceleration 3 Quickly charges the move gauge when the zone is a Fighting Zone.
Brawling Acceleration 4 Quickly charges the move gauge when the zone is a Fighting Zone.
Brawling Acceleration 5 Quickly charges the move gauge when the zone is a Fighting Zone.
Brawling Healing 1 Restores the user's HP whenever its Pokémon takes an action when the zone is a Fighting Zone. Hop & Zapdos (Galarian Form)
Rei & Decidueye (Hisuian Form)
Brawling Healing 2 Restores the user's HP whenever its Pokémon takes an action when the zone is a Fighting Zone.
Brawling Healing 3 Restores the user's HP whenever its Pokémon takes an action when the zone is a Fighting Zone.
Brawling Healing 4 Restores the user's HP whenever its Pokémon takes an action when the zone is a Fighting Zone.
Brawling Healing 5 Restores the user's HP whenever its Pokémon takes an action when the zone is a Fighting Zone.
Brawling Healing 6 Restores the user's HP whenever its Pokémon takes an action when the zone is a Fighting Zone.
Brawling Healing 7 Restores the user's HP whenever its Pokémon takes an action when the zone is a Fighting Zone.
Brawling Healing 8 Restores the user's HP whenever its Pokémon takes an action when the zone is a Fighting Zone.
Brawling Healing 9 Restores the user's HP whenever its Pokémon takes an action when the zone is a Fighting Zone.
Brawling Opening Sync Turns the field of play's zone into a Fighting Zone the first time the user's sync move is used each battle. (A Fighting Zone powers up Fighting-type attacks.) Hop & Zapdos (Galarian Form)
Brawn Barrier 8
Brawn Gain 1 Has a chance (20%) of increasing the user's Attack by 1 stat ranks when its move is successful.
Brawn Gain 2 Has a chance (30%) of increasing the user's Attack by 1 stat ranks when its move is successful.
Brawn Gain 3 Has a chance (40%) of increasing the user's Attack by 1 stat ranks when its move is successful.
Brawn Gain 4 Has a chance (50%) of increasing the user's Attack by 1 stat ranks when its move is successful.
Brawn Gain 5 Has a chance (60%) of increasing the user's Attack by 1 stat ranks when its move is successful.
Brawn Gain 6 Has a chance (70%) of increasing the user's Attack by 1 stat ranks when its move is successful.
Brawn Gain 7 Has a chance (80%) of increasing the user's Attack by 1 stat ranks when its move is successful.
Brawn Gain 8 Has a chance (90%) of increasing the user's Attack by 1 stat ranks when its move is successful.
Brawn Gain 9 Increases the user's Attack by 1 stat ranks when its move is successful.
Brawn Sync 1 Powers up the user's sync move when Attack is raised.
Brawn Sync 2 Powers up the user's sync move when Attack is raised. Emmet & Escavalier
Brawn Sync 3 Powers up the user's sync move when Attack is raised. Skyla & Unfezant (Female)
Valerie & Mawile
Lisia & Rapidash (Galarian Form)
Poppy & Steelix (Shiny Steelix)
Poppy & Steelix (Shiny Mega Steelix)
Brawn Sync 4 Powers up the user's sync move when Attack is raised.
Brawn Sync 5 Powers up the user's sync move when Attack is raised. Gloria & Cinderace Elesa & Zebstrika
Leon & Dragapult
Paulo & Lycanroc (Dusk Form)
Rei & Decidueye (Hisuian Form)
Riley & Lucario
Brawn Sync 6 Powers up the user's sync move when Attack is raised.
Brawn Sync 7 Powers up the user's sync move when Attack is raised.
Brawn Sync 8 Powers up the user's sync move when Attack is raised.
Brawn Sync 9 Powers up the user's sync move when Attack is raised.
Brisk Bulwark 1 Has a chance (20%) of reducing the user's sync move countdown by 1 when the user nullifies an opponent's move while in a defensive posture. This effect can activate only once per battle.
Brisk Bulwark 2 Has a chance (30%) of reducing the user's sync move countdown by 1 when the user nullifies an opponent's move while in a defensive posture. This effect can activate only once per battle.
Brisk Bulwark 3 Has a chance (40%) of reducing the user's sync move countdown by 1 when the user nullifies an opponent's move while in a defensive posture. This effect can activate only once per battle.
Brisk Bulwark 4 Has a chance (50%) of reducing the user's sync move countdown by 1 when the user nullifies an opponent's move while in a defensive posture. This effect can activate only once per battle.
Brisk Bulwark 5 Has a chance (60%) of reducing the user's sync move countdown by 1 when the user nullifies an opponent's move while in a defensive posture. This effect can activate only once per battle.
Brisk Bulwark 6 Has a chance (70%) of reducing the user's sync move countdown by 1 when the user nullifies an opponent's move while in a defensive posture. This effect can activate only once per battle.
Brisk Bulwark 7 Has a chance (80%) of reducing the user's sync move countdown by 1 when the user nullifies an opponent's move while in a defensive posture. This effect can activate only once per battle.
Brisk Bulwark 8 Has a chance (90%) of reducing the user's sync move countdown by 1 when the user nullifies an opponent's move while in a defensive posture. This effect can activate only once per battle.
Brisk Bulwark 9 Reduces the user's sync move countdown by 1 when the user nullifies an opponent's move while in a defensive posture. This effect can activate only once per battle. Shauna & Chesnaught
Brutal Clarity The more the user's accuracy is raised, the more it powers up the user's moves. Blue & Pidgeot
Blue & Pidgeot (Mega Pidgeot)
Hapu & Mudsdale
Lillie & Clefairy
Brute Wits The more the user's Sp. Def is raised, the more it powers up the user's sync move. Clay & Palpitoad
Clay & Seismitoad
Diantha & Keldeo (Resolute Form)
Steven & Cradily
Olympia & Sigilyph
Buff Block Extension 1 Extends the duration of the No Stat Increases effect when the No Stat Increases effect applies to the opponents' field of play.
Buff Block Extension 2 Extends the duration of the No Stat Increases effect when the No Stat Increases effect applies to the opponents' field of play.
Buff Block Extension 3 Extends the duration of the No Stat Increases effect when the No Stat Increases effect applies to the opponents' field of play. Zinnia & Thievul
Buff Block Extension 4 Extends the duration of the No Stat Increases effect when the No Stat Increases effect applies to the opponents' field of play.
Buff Block Extension 5 Extends the duration of the No Stat Increases effect when the No Stat Increases effect applies to the opponents' field of play.
Buff Block Extension 6 Extends the duration of the No Stat Increases effect when the No Stat Increases effect applies to the opponents' field of play.
Bug Daunt 1 Has a chance (20%) of lowering the target's Sp. Atk by 1 stat rank when the user's Bug-type move against the target is successful.
Bug Daunt 2 Has a chance (30%) of lowering the target's Sp. Atk by 1 stat rank when the user's Bug-type move against the target is successful.
Bug Daunt 3 Has a chance (40%) of lowering the target's Sp. Atk by 1 stat rank when the user's Bug-type move against the target is successful.
Bug Daunt 4 Has a chance (50%) of lowering the target's Sp. Atk by 1 stat rank when the user's Bug-type move against the target is successful.
Bug Daunt 5 Has a chance (60%) of lowering the target's Sp. Atk by 1 stat rank when the user's Bug-type move against the target is successful.
Bug Daunt 6 Has a chance (70%) of lowering the target's Sp. Atk by 1 stat rank when the user's Bug-type move against the target is successful.
Bug Daunt 7 Has a chance (80%) of lowering the target's Sp. Atk by 1 stat rank when the user's Bug-type move against the target is successful.
Bug Daunt 8 Has a chance (90%) of lowering the target's Sp. Atk by 1 stat rank when the user's Bug-type move against the target is successful.
Bug Daunt 9 Lowers the target's Sp. Atk by 1 stat rank when the user's Bug-type move against the target is successful. Hilbert & Genesect
Bug Enigma 1 Has a chance (20%) of lowering the target's Sp. Def by 1 stat rank when the user's Bug-type move against the target is successful.
Bug Enigma 2 Has a chance (30%) of lowering the target's Sp. Def by 1 stat rank when the user's Bug-type move against the target is successful.
Bug Enigma 3 Has a chance (40%) of lowering the target's Sp. Def by 1 stat rank when the user's Bug-type move against the target is successful.
Bug Enigma 4 Has a chance (50%) of lowering the target's Sp. Def by 1 stat rank when the user's Bug-type move against the target is successful.
Bug Enigma 5 Has a chance (60%) of lowering the target's Sp. Def by 1 stat rank when the user's Bug-type move against the target is successful.
Bug Enigma 6 Has a chance (70%) of lowering the target's Sp. Def by 1 stat rank when the user's Bug-type move against the target is successful.
Bug Enigma 7 Has a chance (80%) of lowering the target's Sp. Def by 1 stat rank when the user's Bug-type move against the target is successful.
Bug Enigma 8 Has a chance (90%) of lowering the target's Sp. Def by 1 stat rank when the user's Bug-type move against the target is successful.
Bug Enigma 9 Lowers the target's Sp. Def by 1 stat rank when the user's Bug-type move against the target is successful. Hilbert & Genesect
Bug Guard Reduces damage when the user is attacked by Bug-type moves. Chewy Lucky Cookie
Bug Shift Normal-type moves become Bug-type moves. Hilbert & Genesect
Main Character & Scyther
Main Character & Caterpie
Main Character & Metapod
Main Character & Butterfree
Main Character & Caterpie
Main Character & Metapod
Main Character & Butterfree
Main Character & Caterpie
Main Character & Metapod
Main Character & Butterfree
Alder & Volcarona
Ingo & Accelgor
Build Up Applies the Critical Hit Next effect to the user after using its sync move. Cynthia & Garchomp
Cynthia & Garchomp (Mega Garchomp)
Kris & Totodile
Kris & Croconaw
Kris & Feraligatr
Lance & Dragonite
Lusamine & Pheromosa
Plumeria & Salazzle
Bulk Buster 1 The larger the target's percentage of remaining HP, the more it powers up the user's moves.
Bulk Buster 2 The larger the target's percentage of remaining HP, the more it powers up the user's moves.
Bulk Buster 3 The larger the target's percentage of remaining HP, the more it powers up the user's moves.
Bulk Buster 4 The larger the target's percentage of remaining HP, the more it powers up the user's moves. Fantina & Mismagius
Bulk Buster 5 The larger the target's percentage of remaining HP, the more it powers up the user's moves.
Burn Boost (Special) 1 Has a chance (20%) of increasing the user's Special Moves ↑ Next effect by 1 rank when its attack move is successful while the target is burned.
Burn Boost (Special) 2 Has a chance (30%) of increasing the user's Special Moves ↑ Next effect by 1 rank when its attack move is successful while the target is burned. Lysandre & Volcanion
Burn Boost (Special) 3 Has a chance (40%) of increasing the user's Special Moves ↑ Next effect by 1 rank when its attack move is successful while the target is burned.
Burn Boost (Special) 4 Has a chance (50%) of increasing the user's Special Moves ↑ Next effect by 1 rank when its attack move is successful while the target is burned.
Burn Boost (Special) 5 Has a chance (60%) of increasing the user's Special Moves ↑ Next effect by 1 rank when its attack move is successful while the target is burned.
Burn Boost (Special) 6 Has a chance (70%) of increasing the user's Special Moves ↑ Next effect by 1 rank when its attack move is successful while the target is burned.
Burn Boost (Special) 7 Has a chance (80%) of increasing the user's Special Moves ↑ Next effect by 1 rank when its attack move is successful while the target is burned.
Burn Boost (Special) 8 Has a chance (90%) of increasing the user's Special Moves ↑ Next effect by 1 rank when its attack move is successful while the target is burned.
Burn Boost (Special) 9 Increases the user's Special Moves ↑ Next effect by 1 rank when its attack move is successful while the target is burned.
Burn Synergy 1 Powers up the user's moves when the target is burned. Hilda & Victini
Gloria & Cinderace
Gloria & Cinderace
Gloria & Cinderace
Lysandre & Volcanion
Leon & Dragapult
Burn Synergy 2 Powers up the user's moves when the target is burned. Main Character & Magby
Main Character & Magmar
May & Blaziken
May & Blaziken (Mega Blaziken)
Burn Synergy 3 Powers up the user's moves when the target is burned. Blaine & Ponyta
Blaine & Rapidash
Calem & Fennekin
Leon & Charizard
Leon & Dragapult
Gordie & Coalossal
Irida & Flareon
Burn Synergy 4 Powers up the user's moves when the target is burned.
Burn Synergy 5 Powers up the user's moves when the target is burned. Morty & Banette
Morty & Banette (Mega Banette)
Flannery & Torkoal
Flannery & Torkoal
Kahili & Toucannon
Lucas & Flareon
Burned Down (Attack ?, Sp. Def ?) 1 Has a chance (20%) of lowering the target's Attack and Sp. Def by 1 stat rank when the user's attack move is successful against a burned opponent.
Burned Down (Attack ?, Sp. Def ?) 2 Has a chance (30%) of lowering the target's Attack and Sp. Def by 1 stat rank when the user's attack move is successful against a burned opponent.
Burned Down (Attack ?, Sp. Def ?) 3 Has a chance (40%) of lowering the target's Attack and Sp. Def by 1 stat rank when the user's attack move is successful against a burned opponent.
Burned Down (Attack ?, Sp. Def ?) 4 Has a chance (50%) of lowering the target's Attack and Sp. Def by 1 stat rank when the user's attack move is successful against a burned opponent.
Burned Down (Attack ?, Sp. Def ?) 5 Has a chance (60%) of lowering the target's Attack and Sp. Def by 1 stat rank when the user's attack move is successful against a burned opponent.
Burned Down (Attack ?, Sp. Def ?) 6 Has a chance (70%) of lowering the target's Attack and Sp. Def by 1 stat rank when the user's attack move is successful against a burned opponent.
Burned Down (Attack ?, Sp. Def ?) 7 Has a chance (80%) of lowering the target's Attack and Sp. Def by 1 stat rank when the user's attack move is successful against a burned opponent.
Burned Down (Attack ?, Sp. Def ?) 8 Has a chance (90%) of lowering the target's Attack and Sp. Def by 1 stat rank when the user's attack move is successful against a burned opponent.
Burned Down (Attack ?, Sp. Def ?) 9 Lowers the target's Attack and Sp. Def by 1 stat rank when the user's attack move is successful against a burned opponent. Lysandre & Volcanion
Burst In Applies the Critical Hit Next effect to the user when it enters a battle. Cynthia & Garchomp
Cynthia & Garchomp (Mega Garchomp)
Elesa & Zebstrika
Gladion & Silvally
Lance & Dragonite
Nanu & Persian (Alola Form)
Siebold & Octillery
Silver & Sneasel
Plumeria & Salazzle
Guzma & Golisopod
Gloria & Zacian (Crowned Sword)
Leon & Charizard
Marnie & Grimmsnarl
Raihan & Duraludon
Ingo & Accelgor
Lucian & Girafarig
Cakewalk The more the target's Speed is lowered, the more it powers up the user's sync move. Archer & Houndoom
Barry & Piplup
Barry & Prinplup
Barry & Empoleon
Brock & Tyranitar
Cheren & Tornadus
Diantha & Diancie (Shiny Diancie)
Diantha & Diancie (Shiny Mega Diancie)
Hau & Tapu Koko
Hilbert & Genesect
Professor Kukui & Lycanroc
Red & Pikachu
Silver & Sneasel
Sophocles & Togedemaru
Tate & Solrock
Wally & Gallade
Wally & Gallade (Mega Gallade)
Clemont & Heliolisk
Serena & Fletchling
May & Blaziken
May & Blaziken (Mega Blaziken)
Raihan & Duraludon
Nessa & Drednaw
Victor & Rillaboom
Gordie & Coalossal
Malva & Talonflame
Eve & Eevee
Greta & Breloom
Calm Fighter Water Transformation Replaces some of the user's passive skills and sync move with different passive skills and a sync move just before using its Water-type moves. Calem & Greninja (Shiny Greninja)
Carry On 1 Raises the user's Attack by 1 stat ranks when another Pokémon on the field of play faints. Hilbert & Mightyena Lance & Gyarados
Carry On 2 Raises the user's Attack by 2 stat ranks when another Pokémon on the field of play faints.
Carry On 3 Raises the user's Attack by 3 stat ranks when another Pokémon on the field of play faints.
Carry On 4 Raises the user's Attack by 4 stat ranks when another Pokémon on the field of play faints.
Carry On 5 Raises the user's Attack by 5 stat ranks when another Pokémon on the field of play faints.
Carry On 6 Raises the user's Attack by 6 stat ranks when another Pokémon on the field of play faints.
Catalyst Applies the Move Gauge Acceleration effect to the allied field of play the first time the user's sync move is used each battle. Burgh & Togepi
Shauna & Sylveon
Acerola & Banette
Archer & Houndoom
Barry & Roserade
Calem & Fennekin
Cheren & Purrloin
Cheren & Liepard
Giovanni & Persian
Giovanni & Nidorino
Gladion & Golbat
Janine & Crobat
Lance & Dragonite
Lillie & Solgaleo
Main Character & Alcremie (Ruby Cream - Berry Sweet)
Main Character & Alcremie (Matcha Cream - Clover Sweet)
Main Character & Alcremie (Mint Cream - Star Sweet)
Main Character & Alcremie (Lemon Cream - Flower Sweet)
Main Character & Alcremie (Salted Cream - Ribbon Sweet)
Main Character & Alcremie (Caramel Swirl - Love Sweet)
Noland & Ninjask
Palmer & Regigigas
Red & Articuno
Roxie & Whirlipede
Roxie & Scolipede
Thorton & Bronzong
Valerie & Sylveon
Jasmine & Celesteela
Jasmine & Ampharos
Jasmine & Ampharos (Mega Ampharos)
Jasmine & Magnemite
Volkner & Raichu
N & Zoroark
N & Sigilyph
Mallow & Shiinotic
May & Latias
May & Latias (Mega Latias)
Lear & Krookodile
Rachel & (Roaming Form)
Leon & Dragapult
Lana & Lanturn
Raihan & Gigalith
Allister & Gourgeist (Super Size)
Looker & Croagunk
Aaron & Vespiquen
Lucian & Girafarig
Helena & Haunter
Colress & Klinklang
Shauna & Delcatty
Paulo & Lycanroc (Dusk Form)
Tina & Flareon
Rei & Decidueye (Hisuian Form)
Clavell &
Dexio & Espeon
Catalytic Acceleration Applies the Move Gauge Acceleration effect to the allied field of play after using the user's sync move. Main Character & Registeel
Wally & Delcatty
Leaf & Moltres
Zinnia & Thievul
Anabel & Snorlax
Adaman & Vaporeon
Bellelba & Swoobat
Catalytic Cure 1 Has a chance (20%) of restoring the user's HP by approximately 20% of its maximum HP when its move is successful. Lana & Araquanid
Catalytic Cure 2 Has a chance (30%) of restoring the user's HP by approximately 20% of its maximum HP when its move is successful. Caitlin & Reuniclus
Catalytic Cure 3 Has a chance (40%) of restoring the user's HP by approximately 20% of its maximum HP when its move is successful.
Catalytic Cure 4 Has a chance (50%) of restoring the user's HP by approximately 20% of its maximum HP when its move is successful.
Catalytic Cure 5 Has a chance (60%) of restoring the user's HP by approximately 20% of its maximum HP when its move is successful.
Catalytic Cure 9 Restores the user's HP by approximately 20% of its maximum HP when its move is successful.
Catalytic Infliction Applies the Move Gauge Acceleration to the allied field of play the first time the user's Pokémon uses a status move each battle. Hilda & Grapploct (Shiny Grapploct)
Steven & Deoxys (Speed Forme)
Steven & Cradily
Tina & Flareon
Katherine & Slurpuff
Ariana & Arbok
Gardenia & Dhelmise
Rose & Perrserker
Greta & Breloom
Arven &
Catalytic Kick 1 Has a chance (20%) of applying the Move Gauge Acceleration effect to the allied field of play when the user's move is successful.
Catalytic Kick 2 Has a chance (30%) of applying the Move Gauge Acceleration effect to the allied field of play when the user's move is successful.
Catalytic Kick 3 Has a chance (40%) of applying the Move Gauge Acceleration effect to the allied field of play when the user's move is successful.
Catalytic Kick 4 Has a chance (50%) of applying the Move Gauge Acceleration effect to the allied field of play when the user's move is successful.
Catalytic Kick 5 Has a chance (60%) of applying the Move Gauge Acceleration effect to the allied field of play when the user's move is successful.
Catalytic Kick 6 Has a chance (70%) of applying the Move Gauge Acceleration effect to the allied field of play when the user's move is successful.
Catalytic Kick 7 Has a chance (80%) of applying the Move Gauge Acceleration effect to the allied field of play when the user's move is successful.
Catalytic Kick 8 Has a chance (90%) of applying the Move Gauge Acceleration effect to the allied field of play when the user's move is successful.
Catalytic Kick 9 Applies the Move Gauge Acceleration effect to the allied field of play when the user's move is successful.
Catalyzing Infliction Applies the Move Gauge Acceleration effect to the allied field of play when the user's Pokémon uses a status move.
Catalyzing Recovery Applies the Move Gauge Acceleration effect to the allied field of play when the user uses a move that has the heal effect tag. Sonia & Yamper Morgan & Virizion
Charged Immunity Status conditions cannot be inflicted on the user when the terrain is Electric Terrain. Red & Pikachu
Charging Confusion 1 Has a chance (20%) of charging the user's move gauge by 2 when its attack move is successful against a confused opponent.
Charging Confusion 2 Has a chance (30%) of charging the user's move gauge by 2 when its attack move is successful against a confused opponent.
Charging Confusion 3 Has a chance (40%) of charging the user's move gauge by 2 when its attack move is successful against a confused opponent.
Charging Confusion 4 Has a chance (50%) of charging the user's move gauge by 2 when its attack move is successful against a confused opponent. Calem & Fennekin
Charging Confusion 5 Has a chance (60%) of charging the user's move gauge by 2 when its attack move is successful against a confused opponent.
Charging Confusion 6 Has a chance (70%) of charging the user's move gauge by 2 when its attack move is successful against a confused opponent.
Charging Confusion 7 Has a chance (80%) of charging the user's move gauge by 2 when its attack move is successful against a confused opponent.
Charging Confusion 8 Has a chance (90%) of charging the user's move gauge by 2 when its attack move is successful against a confused opponent.
Charging Confusion 9 Charges the user's move gauge by 2 when its attack move is successful against a confused opponent.
Charging Infliction 1 Charges the user's move gauge by 1 when its Pokémon uses a status move. Leaf & Clefable
N & Sigilyph
Shauna & Delcatty
Shauna & Sylveon
Hilda & Grapploct (Shiny Grapploct)
Emmet & Escavalier
Milo & Eldegoss
Ingo Lucky Cookie 1
Charging Infliction 2 Charges the user's move gauge by 2 when its Pokémon uses a status move. Rosa & Meloetta (Aria Form)
Rosa & Meloetta (Pirouette Forme)
Anabel & Snorlax
Poppy &
Charging Infliction 3 Charges the user's move gauge by 3 when its Pokémon uses a status move.
Charging Infliction 4 Charges the user's move gauge by 4 when its Pokémon uses a status move. Misty & Vaporeon Dawn & Oricorio (Sensu Style)
Charging Infliction 5 Charges the user's move gauge by 5 when its Pokémon uses a status move.
Charging Infliction 6 Charges the user's move gauge by 6 when its Pokémon uses a status move.
Charging Sun 1 Powers up the user's moves when the weather is sunny.
Charging Sun 2 Powers up the user's moves when the weather is sunny. Ethan & Cyndaquil
Ethan & Quilava
Ethan & Typhlosion
Charging Sun 3 Powers up the user's moves when the weather is sunny. Blue & Charizard
Wallace & Blacephalon
Mallow & Tsareena
Sonia & Tsareena (Shiny Tsareena)
Gordie & Coalossal
Iono &
Charging Sun 4 Powers up the user's moves when the weather is sunny.
Charging Sun 5 Powers up the user's moves when the weather is sunny. Erika & Leafeon
Lusamine & Lilligant
Clemont & Heliolisk
Brendan & Treecko
Brendan & Grovyle
Brendan & Sceptile
Brendan & Sceptile (Mega Sceptle)
Burgh & Leavanny
Lucas & Flareon
Nemona &
Juliana &
Charging Sun 6 Powers up the user's moves when the weather is sunny. Silver & Ho-Oh
Charging Sun 7 Powers up the user's moves when the weather is sunny.
Charging Sun 8 Powers up the user's moves when the weather is sunny.
Charging Sun 9 Powers up the user's moves when the weather is sunny.
Chase Down 1 Powers up the user's moves when the target's Speed is lowered. Palmer & Regigigas
Chase Down 2 Powers up the user's moves when the target's Speed is lowered. Courtney & Camerupt (Female)
Chase Down 3 Powers up the user's moves when the target's Speed is lowered. Victor & Rillaboom Hop & Zapdos (Galarian Form)
Hop & Rillaboom
Chase Down 4 Powers up the user's moves when the target's Speed is lowered.
Chase Down 5 Powers up the user's moves when the target's Speed is lowered. Courtney & Camerupt (Mega Camerupt) Archer & Houndoom
Gladion & Weavile
Chase Down 6 Powers up the user's moves when the target's Speed is lowered.
Chase Down 7 Powers up the user's moves when the target's Speed is lowered.
Chase Down 8 Powers up the user's moves when the target's Speed is lowered.
Chase Down 9 Powers up the user's moves when the target's Speed is lowered.
Chronic Slowdown 2
Clean Slate Removes all status conditions from the user after using its sync move. Removes the confused and trapped conditions from the user after using its sync move. Returns the user's lowered stats to normal after using its sync move.
Clear Advantage 5
Clear as Day Prevents the user from flinching, becoming confused, or becoming trapped when weather conditions are not in effect. Steven & Rayquaza (Shiny Rayquaza)
Steven & Rayquaza (Shiny Mega Rayquaza)
Clear Power-Up 1 Powers up the user's moves when weather conditions are not in effect. Steven & Rayquaza (Shiny Rayquaza)
Steven & Rayquaza (Shiny Mega Rayquaza)
Clear Power-Up 2 Powers up the user's moves when weather conditions are not in effect.
Clear Power-Up 3 Powers up the user's moves when weather conditions are not in effect.
Clear Power-Up 4 Powers up the user's moves when weather conditions are not in effect.
Clear Power-Up 5 Powers up the user's moves when weather conditions are not in effect.
Clear Power-Up 6 Powers up the user's moves when weather conditions are not in effect.
Clear Power-Up 7 Powers up the user's moves when weather conditions are not in effect.
Clear Power-Up 8 Powers up the user's moves when weather conditions are not in effect.
Clear Power-Up 9 Powers up the user's moves when weather conditions are not in effect.
Clear Sync-Up 1 Powers up the user's sync move when weather conditions are not in effect.
Clear Sync-Up 2 Powers up the user's sync move when weather conditions are not in effect.
Clear Sync-Up 3 Powers up the user's sync move when weather conditions are not in effect.
Clear Sync-Up 4 Powers up the user's sync move when weather conditions are not in effect.
Clear Sync-Up 5 Powers up the user's sync move when weather conditions are not in effect. Steven & Rayquaza (Shiny Rayquaza)
Steven & Rayquaza (Shiny Mega Rayquaza)
Clear Sync-Up 6 Powers up the user's sync move when weather conditions are not in effect.
Clear Sync-Up 7 Powers up the user's sync move when weather conditions are not in effect.
Clear Sync-Up 8 Powers up the user's sync move when weather conditions are not in effect.
Clear Sync-Up 9 Powers up the user's sync move when weather conditions are not in effect. Steven & Rayquaza (Shiny Rayquaza)
Steven & Rayquaza (Shiny Mega Rayquaza)
Clear View 1 Lowers the evasiveness of the currently targeted opponent by 1 stat ranks when Defog is successful.
Clearheaded Prevents the user from becoming confused. Hapu & Mudsdale
Main Character & Venonat
Main Character & Venomoth
Main Character & Venonat
Main Character & Venomoth
Main Character & Venonat
Main Character & Venomoth
Main Character & Lickitung
Main Character & Lickitung
Main Character & Lickitung
Main Character & Dratini
Main Character & Dragonair
Main Character & Dragonite
Main Character & Staryu
Main Character & Starmie
Main Character & Staryu
Main Character & Starmie
Main Character & Slowpoke
Main Character & Slowbro
Main Character & Slowpoke
Main Character & Slowbro
Main Character & Slowpoke
Main Character & Slowbro
Wulfric & Avalugg
Acerola & Mimikyu
Acerola & Mimikyu (Busted Form)
Acerola & Banette
Blue & Exeggutor
Crasher Wake & Floatzel
Erika & Tangela
Hilda & Victini
Liza & Lunatone
Lusamine & Lilligant
Marshal & Conkeldurr
Thorton & Bronzong
Will & Slowbro
Zinnia & Rayquaza
Zinnia & Rayquaza (Mega Rayquaza)
Dawn & Oricorio (Sensu Style)
Burgh & Togepi
Lisia & Rapidash (Galarian Form)
N & Zekrom
Leon & Dragapult
Elio & Espeon
Allister & Gourgeist (Super Size)
Bede & Hatterene
Penny & Sylveon
Petey & Pikachu (Female)
Dahlia & Ludicolo
Klara & Slowbro (Galarian Form)
Avery & Slowking (Galarian Form)
Blossom & Kirlia
1Star Crispy Lucky Cookie
2Star Crispy Lucky Cookie
3Star Crispy Lucky Cookie
1 Star Deluxe Lucky Cookie
2 Star Deluxe Lucky Cookie
Clever Friend 1 When the user's move targeting an allied sync pair (excluding field effects) is successful, Has a chance (20%) of increasing the Special Moves ↑ Next effect of the allied sync pair affected by the move by 1 rank.
Clever Friend 2 When the user's move targeting an allied sync pair (excluding field effects) is successful, Has a chance (30%) of increasing the Special Moves ↑ Next effect of the allied sync pair affected by the move by 1 rank.
Clever Friend 3 When the user's move targeting an allied sync pair (excluding field effects) is successful, Has a chance (40%) of increasing the Special Moves ↑ Next effect of the allied sync pair affected by the move by 1 rank.
Clever Friend 4 When the user's move targeting an allied sync pair (excluding field effects) is successful, Has a chance (50%) of increasing the Special Moves ↑ Next effect of the allied sync pair affected by the move by 1 rank.
Clever Friend 5 When the user's move targeting an allied sync pair (excluding field effects) is successful, Has a chance (60%) of increasing the Special Moves ↑ Next effect of the allied sync pair affected by the move by 1 rank.
Clever Friend 6 When the user's move targeting an allied sync pair (excluding field effects) is successful, Has a chance (70%) of increasing the Special Moves ↑ Next effect of the allied sync pair affected by the move by 1 rank.
Clever Friend 7 When the user's move targeting an allied sync pair (excluding field effects) is successful, Has a chance (80%) of increasing the Special Moves ↑ Next effect of the allied sync pair affected by the move by 1 rank.
Clever Friend 8 When the user's move targeting an allied sync pair (excluding field effects) is successful, Has a chance (90%) of increasing the Special Moves ↑ Next effect of the allied sync pair affected by the move by 1 rank.
Clever Friend 9 When the user's move targeting an allied sync pair (excluding field effects) is successful, increases the Special Moves ↑ Next effect of the allied sync pair affected by the move by 1 rank.
Clock Out Puts the target to sleep when a sync move targeting an opponent is successful. Lyra & Jigglypuff
Clutch Critical Except in certain circumstances, successful hits with the user's following attacks become critical hits: Pokémon's moves, sync move, or max moves. Red & Pikachu
Adaman & Leafeon
Cold Front Causes a hailstorm the first time the user enters the battle each battle. Bea & Vanilluxe Rosa & Delibird
Cold Snap 1 Has a chance (20%) of leaving the target frozen when the user's move targeting that opponent is successful. Leon & Calyrex (Ice Rider)
Cold Snap 2 Has a chance (30%) of leaving the target frozen when the user's move targeting that opponent is successful. Leon & Calyrex (Ice Rider)
Cold Snap 3 Has a chance (40%) of leaving the target frozen when the user's move targeting that opponent is successful.
Cold Snap 4 Has a chance (50%) of leaving the target frozen when the user's move targeting that opponent is successful.
Cold Snap 5 Has a chance (60%) of leaving the target frozen when the user's move targeting that opponent is successful.
Cold Snap 6 Has a chance (70%) of leaving the target frozen when the user's move targeting that opponent is successful.
Cold Snap 7 Has a chance (80%) of leaving the target frozen when the user's move targeting that opponent is successful.
Cold Snap 8 Has a chance (90%) of leaving the target frozen when the user's move targeting that opponent is successful.
Cold Snap 9 Leaves the target frozen when the user's move targeting that opponent is successful.
Combo Freebie 1 Has a chance (20%) of applying the Free Move Next effect to the user when its attack move is successful.
Combo Freebie 2 Has a chance (30%) of applying the Free Move Next effect to the user when its attack move is successful. Blue & Aerodactyl
Blue & Aerodactyl (Mega Aerodactyl)
Palmer & Regigigas
Combo Freebie 3 Has a chance (40%) of applying the Free Move Next effect to the user when its attack move is successful. Candice & Darmanitan (Galarian Form)
Candice & Darmanitan (Galarian Form Zen Mode)
Combo Freebie 4 Has a chance (50%) of applying the Free Move Next effect to the user when its attack move is successful. Rachel & (Roaming Form)
Sawyer &
Combo Freebie 5 Has a chance (60%) of applying the Free Move Next effect to the user when its attack move is successful.
Combo Freebie 6 Has a chance (70%) of applying the Free Move Next effect to the user when its attack move is successful.
Combo Freebie 7 Has a chance (80%) of applying the Free Move Next effect to the user when its attack move is successful.
Combo Freebie 8 Has a chance (90%) of applying the Free Move Next effect to the user when its attack move is successful.
Combo Freebie 9 Applies the Free Move Next effect to the user when its attack move is successful.
Comforting Hail The user's stats cannot be lowered during a hailstorm. N & Kyurem (Black Kyurem)
Commanded Freebie 1 Has a chance (20%) of applying the Free Move Next effect to the user when its Trainer uses a move.
Commanded Freebie 2 Has a chance (30%) of applying the Free Move Next effect to the user when its Trainer uses a move.
Commanded Freebie 3 Has a chance (40%) of applying the Free Move Next effect to the user when its Trainer uses a move.
Commanded Freebie 4 Has a chance (50%) of applying the Free Move Next effect to the user when its Trainer uses a move.
Commanded Freebie 5 Has a chance (60%) of applying the Free Move Next effect to the user when its Trainer uses a move.
Commanded Freebie 6 Has a chance (70%) of applying the Free Move Next effect to the user when its Trainer uses a move.
Commanded Freebie 7 Has a chance (80%) of applying the Free Move Next effect to the user when its Trainer uses a move.
Commanded Freebie 8 Has a chance (90%) of applying the Free Move Next effect to the user when its Trainer uses a move.
Commanded Freebie 9 Applies the Free Move Next effect to the user when its Trainer uses a move. Lucas & Dialga Eri &
Conductive Sync Turns the field of play's terrain into Electric Terrain the first time the user's sync move is used each battle. Volkner & Electivire Piers & Toxtricity (Low-Key Forme)
Confusion Boon 1 Powers up the user's moves when it is confused.
Confusion Boon 2 Powers up the user's moves when it is confused.
Confusion Boon 3 Powers up the user's moves when it is confused.
Confusion Boon 4 Powers up the user's moves when it is confused.
Confusion Boon 5 Powers up the user's moves when it is confused.
Confusion Synergy 1 Powers up the user's moves when the target is confused. Leon & Dragapult
Confusion Synergy 2 Powers up the user's moves when the target is confused. Acerola & Mimikyu
Acerola & Mimikyu (Busted Form)
Hilda & Victini
Confusion Synergy 3 Powers up the user's moves when the target is confused. Acerola & Mimikyu
Acerola & Mimikyu (Busted Form)
Lusamine & Lilligant
Lyra & Celebi
Chuck & Poliwrath
Confusion Synergy 4 Powers up the user's moves when the target is confused.
Confusion Synergy 5 Powers up the user's moves when the target is confused. Will & Slowbro
Mallow & Tsareena
Calem & Espurr
Calem & Meowstic
Confusion Synergy 6 Powers up the user's moves when the target is confused.
Confusion Synergy 7 Powers up the user's moves when the target is confused.
Confusion Synergy 8 Powers up the user's moves when the target is confused.
Confusion Synergy 9 Powers up the user's moves when the target is confused. Bede & Hatterene
Conniving Wings Reduces the user's sync move countdown by 1 the first time it enters a battle each battle. Raises the Speed of all allied sync pairs by 2 stat ranks the first time the user enters a battle each battle. Bede & Articuno (Galarian Form)
Consolation Prize 1 Charges the user's move gauge by 1 when its attack move misses.
Consolation Prize 2 Charges the user's move gauge by 2 when its attack move misses.
Consolation Prize 3 Charges the user's move gauge by 3 when its attack move misses.
Consolation Prize 4 Charges the user's move gauge by 4 when its attack move misses.
Consolation Prize 5 Charges the user's move gauge by 5 when its attack move misses.
Consolation Prize 6 Charges the user's move gauge by 6 when its attack move misses.
Crisis Countdown 1 Once per battle, has a chance (20%) of reducing the user's sync move countdown by one when its HP drops to half or below.
Crisis Countdown 2 Once per battle, has a chance (30%) of reducing the user's sync move countdown by one when its HP drops to half or below.
Crisis Countdown 3 Once per battle, has a chance (40%) of reducing the user's sync move countdown by one when its HP drops to half or below.
Crisis Countdown 4 Once per battle, has a chance (50%) of reducing the user's sync move countdown by one when its HP drops to half or below.
Crisis Countdown 5 Once per battle, has a chance (60%) of reducing the user's sync move countdown by one when its HP drops to half or below.
Crisis Countdown 6 Once per battle, has a chance (70%) of reducing the user's sync move countdown by one when its HP drops to half or below.
Crisis Countdown 7 Once per battle, has a chance (80%) of reducing the user's sync move countdown by one when its HP drops to half or below.
Crisis Countdown 8 Once per battle, has a chance (90%) of reducing the user's sync move countdown by one when its HP drops to half or below.
Crisis Countdown 9 Once per battle, reduces the user's sync move countdown by one when its HP drops to half or below. Dawn & Cresselia
Dawn & Cresselia
Critastrophe 1 Powers up the user's sync move when it becomes a critical hit.
Critastrophe 2 Powers up the user's sync move when it becomes a critical hit. Karen & Umbreon
Zinnia & Salamence
Guzma & Golisopod
Cyrus & Palkia
Cyrus & Palkia
Gloria & Inteleon
Selene & Rowlet
Selene & Dartrix
Selene & Decidueye
Critastrophe 3 Powers up the user's sync move when it becomes a critical hit.
Critastrophe 4 Powers up the user's sync move when it becomes a critical hit.
Critastrophe 5 Powers up the user's sync move when it becomes a critical hit. Nanu & Persian (Alola Form)
Sidney & Absol
Sidney & Absol (Mega Absol)
Critastrophe 6 Powers up the user's sync move when it becomes a critical hit.
Critastrophe 7 Powers up the user's sync move when it becomes a critical hit.
Critastrophe 8 Powers up the user's sync move when it becomes a critical hit.
Critastrophe 9 Powers up the user's sync move when it becomes a critical hit.
Critical Affliction 1 Has a chance (20%) of raising the user's critical hit-rate by 1 stat ranks when the user's Pokémon or Trainer uses a status move.
Critical Affliction 2 Has a chance (30%) of raising the user's critical hit-rate by 1 stat ranks when the user's Pokémon or Trainer uses a status move.
Critical Affliction 3 Has a chance (40%) of raising the user's critical hit-rate by 1 stat ranks when the user's Pokémon or Trainer uses a status move.
Critical Affliction 4 Has a chance (50%) of raising the user's critical hit-rate by 1 stat ranks when the user's Pokémon or Trainer uses a status move.
Critical Affliction 5 Has a chance (60%) of raising the user's critical hit-rate by 1 stat ranks when the user's Pokémon or Trainer uses a status move.
Critical Affliction 6 Has a chance (70%) of raising the user's critical hit-rate by 1 stat ranks when the user's Pokémon or Trainer uses a status move.
Critical Affliction 7 Has a chance (80%) of raising the user's critical hit-rate by 1 stat ranks when the user's Pokémon or Trainer uses a status move.
Critical Affliction 8 Has a chance (90%) of raising the user's critical hit-rate by 1 stat ranks when the user's Pokémon or Trainer uses a status move.
Critical Affliction 9 Raises the user's critical hit-rate by 1 stat ranks when the user's Pokémon or Trainer uses a status move. Emmet & Escavalier
Critical Charge 1 Has a chance (20%) of charging the user's move gauge by one when the user lands a critical hit.
Critical Charge 2 Has a chance (30%) of charging the user's move gauge by one when the user lands a critical hit.
Critical Charge 3 Has a chance (40%) of charging the user's move gauge by one when the user lands a critical hit.
Critical Charge 4 Has a chance (50%) of charging the user's move gauge by one when the user lands a critical hit.
Critical Charge 5 Has a chance (60%) of charging the user's move gauge by one when the user lands a critical hit.
Critical Charge 6 Has a chance (70%) of charging the user's move gauge by one when the user lands a critical hit.
Critical Charge 7 Has a chance (80%) of charging the user's move gauge by one when the user lands a critical hit.
Critical Charge 8 Has a chance (90%) of charging the user's move gauge by one when the user lands a critical hit.
Critical Charge 9 Charges the user's move gauge by one when it lands a critical hit. Sidney & Absol
Sidney & Absol (Mega Absol)
Critical Clock 1 Has a chance (20%) of reducing the user's sync move countdown by one when the user lands a critical hit.
Critical Countdown 1 Has a chance (20%) of reducing the sync move countdown by one when the user's move is a critical hit. Sabrina & Alakazam
Sabrina & Alakazam (Mega Alakazam)
Critical Countdown 2 Has a chance (30%) of reducing the sync move countdown by one when the user's move is a critical hit.
Critical Countdown 3 Has a chance (40%) of reducing the sync move countdown by one when the user's move is a critical hit.
Critical Countdown 4 Has a chance (50%) of reducing the sync move countdown by one when the user's move is a critical hit.
Critical Crit 1 Has a chance (20%) of applying the Critical Hit Next effect to the user when it lands a critical hit.
Critical Crit 2 Has a chance (30%) of applying the Critical Hit Next effect to the user when it lands a critical hit.
Critical Crit 3 Has a chance (40%) of applying the Critical Hit Next effect to the user when it lands a critical hit.
Critical Crit 4 Has a chance (50%) of applying the Critical Hit Next effect to the user when it lands a critical hit.
Critical Crit 5 Has a chance (60%) of applying the Critical Hit Next effect to the user when it lands a critical hit.
Critical Crit 6 Has a chance (70%) of applying the Critical Hit Next effect to the user when it lands a critical hit.
Critical Crit 7 Has a chance (80%) of applying the Critical Hit Next effect to the user when it lands a critical hit.
Critical Crit 8 Has a chance (90%) of applying the Critical Hit Next effect to the user when it lands a critical hit.
Critical Crit 9 Applies the Critical Hit Next effect to the user when it lands a critical hit. Giovanni & Nidoking
Giovanni & Rhydon
Critical Eye 1 Raises the user's critical-hit rate by 1 stat ranks when its move is successful. Chuck & Poliwrath Elesa & Zebstrika
Hilda & Tepig
Hilda & Pignite
Hilda & Emboar
Noland & Ninjask
Plumeria & Salazzle
Critical Ferocity 1 Has a chance (20%) of raising the user's Attack by one stat rank when its move is a critical hit.
Critical Ferocity 2 Has a chance (30%) of raising the user's Attack by one stat rank when its move is a critical hit. Gloria & Zacian (Crowned Sword)
Bea & Sirfetch'd
Critical Ferocity 3 Has a chance (40%) of raising the user's Attack by one stat rank when its move is a critical hit.
Critical Ferocity 4 Has a chance (50%) of raising the user's Attack by one stat rank when its move is a critical hit.
Critical Ferocity 5 Has a chance (60%) of raising the user's Attack by one stat rank when its move is a critical hit.
Critical Ferocity 6 Has a chance (70%) of raising the user's Attack by one stat rank when its move is a critical hit.
Critical Ferocity 7 Has a chance (80%) of raising the user's Attack by one stat rank when its move is a critical hit.
Critical Ferocity 8 Has a chance (90%) of raising the user's Attack by one stat rank when its move is a critical hit.
Critical Ferocity 9 Raises the user's Attack by 1 stat ranks when its move is a critical hit.
Critical Focus 1 Raises the user's critical-hit rate by 1 stat ranks when it lands a critical hit. Siebold & Clawitzer Kris & Totodile
Kris & Croconaw
Kris & Feraligatr
Nanu & Persian (Alola Form)
Volkner & Luxray
Critical Focus 2 Raises the user's critical-hit rate by 2 stat ranks when it lands a critical hit. Cyrus & Palkia
Critical Focus 3 Raises the user's critical-hit rate by 3 stat ranks when it lands a critical hit.
Critical Focus 4
Critical Focus 5
Critical Focus 6
Critical Focus 7
Critical Focus 8
Critical Focus 9
Critical Fortification 6 Has a chance (70%) of raising the user's Defense by one stat rank when its move is a critical hit.
Critical Freebie 4 Has a chance (50%) of applying the Free Move Next effect to the user when it lands a critical hit. Gloria & Inteleon
Critical Healing 1 Has a chance (20%) of restoring the user's HP when its move is a critical hit. Kiawe & Marowak (Alola Form)
Critical Healing 2 Has a chance (30%) of restoring the user's HP when its move is a critical hit. Grimsley & Bisharp
Critical Healing 3 Has a chance (40%) of restoring the user's HP when its move is a critical hit.
Critical Healing 4 Has a chance (50%) of restoring the user's HP when its move is a critical hit. Selene & Rowlet
Selene & Dartrix
Selene & Decidueye
Critical Healing 5 Has a chance (60%) of restoring the user's HP when its move is a critical hit.
Critical Healing 6 Has a chance (70%) of restoring the user's HP when its move is a critical hit.
Critical Healing 7 Has a chance (80%) of restoring the user's HP when its move is a critical hit.
Critical Healing 8 Has a chance (90%) of restoring the user's HP when its move is a critical hit.
Critical Healing 9 Restores the user's HP when its move is a critical hit.
Critical Infliction 9 Raises the user's critical-hit rate by one stat rank when its Pokémon uses a status move. Marnie & Grimmsnarl Professor Kukui & Lycanroc
Critical Intellect 1 Raises the user's Sp. Atk by 1 stat ranks when it lands a critical hit.
Critical Might 1 Raises the user's Attack by 1 stat ranks when it lands a critical hit. Bugsy & Beedrill
Bugsy & Beedrill (Mega Beedrill)
Critical Odds+ 1 Has a chance (20%) of raising the user's critical-hit rate by 2 stat ranks when its Trainer uses a move.
Critical Odds+ 2 Has a chance (30%) of raising the user's critical-hit rate by 2 stat ranks when its Trainer uses a move.
Critical Odds+ 3 Has a chance (40%) of raising the user's critical-hit rate by 2 stat ranks when its Trainer uses a move.
Critical Odds+ 4 Has a chance (50%) of raising the user's critical-hit rate by 2 stat ranks when its Trainer uses a move.
Critical Odds+ 5 Has a chance (60%) of raising the user's critical-hit rate by 2 stat ranks when its Trainer uses a move.
Critical Odds+ 6 Has a chance (70%) of raising the user's critical-hit rate by 2 stat ranks when its Trainer uses a move.
Critical Odds+ 7 Has a chance (80%) of raising the user's critical-hit rate by 2 stat ranks when its Trainer uses a move.
Critical Odds+ 8 Has a chance (90%) of raising the user's critical-hit rate by 2 stat ranks when its Trainer uses a move.
Critical Odds+ 9 Raises the user's critical-hit rate by 2 stat ranks when its Trainer uses a move. Steven & Deoxys (Normal Forme)
Steven & Deoxys (Normal Forme)
Steven & Deoxys (Attack Forme)
Steven & Deoxys (Defense Forme)
Steven & Deoxys (Speed Forme)
Critical Propulsion 3 Has a chance (40%) of charging the user's move gauge by one when its move is a critical hit.
Critical Refresh 9 Restores one MP for the user when it lands a critical hit. Gloria & Inteleon
Critical Speed 4 Has a chance (50%) of raising the user's Speed by one stat rank when its move is a critical hit. Gloria & Inteleon
Critical Speed 5 Has a chance (60%) of raising the user's Speed by one stat rank when its move is a critical hit. Selene & Rowlet
Selene & Dartrix
Selene & Decidueye
Critical Squad 1 Raises the critical-hit rate of all allied sync pairs by 1 stat ranks when the user's move is successful. Rika &
Critical Squad 2 Raises the critical-hit rate of all allied sync pairs by 2 stat ranks when the user's move is successful.
Critical Squad 3 Raises the critical-hit rate of all allied sync pairs by 3 stat ranks when the user's move is successful.
Critical Sting 1 When critical hits land, raises the chance of making the target flinch, become confused, or become trapped with the additional effect of the attack. Nanu & Persian (Alola Form)
Critical Sting 2 When critical hits land, raises the chance of making the target flinch, become confused, or become trapped with the additional effect of the attack.
Critical Sting 3 When critical hits land, raises the chance of making the target flinch, become confused, or become trapped with the additional effect of the attack.
Critical Sting 4 When critical hits land, raises the chance of making the target flinch, become confused, or become trapped with the additional effect of the attack.
Critical Sting 5 When critical hits land, raises the chance of making the target flinch, become confused, or become trapped with the additional effect of the attack.
Critical Sting 6 When critical hits land, raises the chance of making the target flinch, become confused, or become trapped with the additional effect of the attack.
Critical Sting 7 When critical hits land, raises the chance of making the target flinch, become confused, or become trapped with the additional effect of the attack.
Critical Sting 8 When critical hits land, raises the chance of making the target flinch, become confused, or become trapped with the additional effect of the attack.
Critical Sting 9 When critical hits land, raises the chance of making the target flinch, become confused, or become trapped with the additional effect of the attack.
Critical Strike 1 Powers up the user's attacks when they become critical hits. Main Character & Meowth
Main Character & Persian
Main Character & Nidoran♀
Main Character & Nidorina
Main Character & Nidoqueen
Main Character & Aerodactyl
Main Character & Bulbasaur
Main Character & Ivysaur
Main Character & Venusaur
Main Character & Mankey
Main Character & Primeape
Main Character & Magby
Main Character & Magmar
Main Character & Spearow
Main Character & Fearow
Main Character & Dratini
Main Character & Dragonair
Main Character & Dragonite
Main Character & Horsea
Main Character & Seadra
Main Character & Shellder
Main Character & Cloyster
Main Character & Tyrogue
Main Character & Hitmonlee
Main Character & Oddish
Main Character & Gloom
Main Character & Vileplume
Main Character & Meowth (Alola Form)
Main Character & Persian (Alola Form)
Main Character & Pidgey
Main Character & Pidgeotto
Main Character & Pidgeot
Main Character & Slowpoke
Main Character & Slowbro
Main Character & Diglett
Main Character & Dugtrio
Main Character & Drowzee
Main Character & Hypno
Blue & Aerodactyl
Blue & Aerodactyl (Mega Aerodactyl)
Elesa & Togetic
Flint & Infernape
Janine & Ariados
Koga & Crobat
Lusamine & Necrozma (Dusk Mane)
Lusamine & Necrozma (Ultra Necrozma)
Wally & Gallade
Wally & Gallade (Mega Gallade)
Wally & Gallade
Wally & Gallade (Mega Gallade)
Burgh & Togepi
Mallow & Tsareena
Piers & Obstagoon
Lana & Araquanid
Bede & Inteleon
1Star Crunchy Lucky Cookie
2Star Crunchy Lucky Cookie
Critical Strike 2 Powers up the user's attacks when they become critical hits. Bruno & Machamp
Bugsy & Beedrill
Bugsy & Beedrill (Mega Beedrill)
Main Character & Porygon
Main Character & Sandshrew
Main Character & Sandslash
Main Character & Spearow
Main Character & Fearow
Main Character & Ekans
Main Character & Arbok
Main Character & Psyduck
Main Character & Golduck
Akari & Samurott (Hisuian Form)
Fantina & Mismagius
Karen & Umbreon
Sabrina & Alakazam
Sabrina & Alakazam (Mega Alakazam)
Wikstrom & Aegislash
Wikstrom & Aegislash (Blade Forme)
Zinnia & Salamence
Gloria & Zacian (Crowned Sword)
Adaman & Leafeon
Rika & Whiscash
1Star Crunchy Lucky Cookie
2Star Crunchy Lucky Cookie
3Star Crunchy Lucky Cookie
1 Star Deluxe Lucky Cookie
2 Star Deluxe Lucky Cookie
3 Star Deluxe Lucky Cookie
Critical Strike 3 Powers up the user's attacks when they become critical hits. Main Character & Scyther
Gloria & Inteleon
Bea & Sirfetch'd
Sidney & Absol
Giovanni & Mewtwo
Giovanni & Mewtwo (Mega Mewtwo Y)
Lysandre & Yveltal
Kiawe & Marowak (Alola Form)
Critical Strike 4 Powers up the user's attacks when they become critical hits.
Critical Strike 5 Powers up the user's attacks when they become critical hits. Sidney & Absol (Mega Absol) Flannery & Torkoal
Critical Strike 6 Powers up the user's attacks when they become critical hits.
Critical Strike 7 Powers up the user's attacks when they become critical hits.
Critical Strike 8 Powers up the user's attacks when they become critical hits.
Critical Strike 9 Powers up the user's attacks when they become critical hits. Cyrus & Palkia
Critical Sync Except in certain circumstances, the user's sync move lands as a critical hit. Gloria & Urshifu (Rapid Strike)
Emma & Crobat
Lana & Tapu Lele
Ingo & Chandelure
Critical Will 6 Has a chance (70%) of raising the user's Sp. Def by one stat rank when its move is a critical hit. Fantina & Mismagius
Criticonfuse 9 Leaves the target confused when the user's move is a critical hit. Acerola & Mimikyu
Acerola & Mimikyu (Busted Form)
Sidney & Absol
Sidney & Absol (Mega Absol)
Adaman & Leafeon
Curative Confusion 1 Restores the user's HP when its attack move is successful against a confused opponent. Sawyer & Noland & Ninjask
Rosa & Meloetta (Aria Form)
Rosa & Meloetta (Pirouette Forme)
Plumeria & Gengar
Ingo & Chandelure
Proton & Golbat
Bede & Articuno (Galarian Form)
Curative Confusion 2 Restores the user's HP when its attack move is successful against a confused opponent.
Curative Confusion 3 Restores the user's HP when its attack move is successful against a confused opponent.
Curative Confusion 4 Restores the user's HP when its attack move is successful against a confused opponent.
Curative Confusion 5 Restores the user's HP when its attack move is successful against a confused opponent.
Curative Confusion 6 Restores the user's HP when its attack move is successful against a confused opponent.
Curative Confusion 7 Restores the user's HP when its attack move is successful against a confused opponent.
Curative Confusion 8 Restores the user's HP when its attack move is successful against a confused opponent.
Curative Confusion 9 Restores the user's HP when its attack move is successful against a confused opponent.
Cynthia's Aura Turns the field of play's zone into a Fighting Zone the first time the user enters a battle each battle. Turns the field of play's zone into a Fighting Zone after using the user's sync move. (A Fighting Zone powers up Fighting-type attacks.) Cynthia & Lucario
Cynthia & Lucario (Mega Lucario)
Danger Damage Guard Applies the Damage Guard Next effect to the user the first time its HP drops to half or below each battle. Lillie & Lunala
Red & Snorlax
Dawn & Cresselia
Adaman & Ursaluna
Eusine & Suicune (Shiny Suicune)
Clavell &
Mela &
Danger Dodge 1 Raises the user's evasiveness by 1 stat ranks the first time its HP drops to half or below each battle.
Danger Dodge 2 Raises the user's evasiveness by 2 stat ranks the first time its HP drops to half or below each battle. Guzma & Golisopod Lance & Kingdra
Victor & Greedent
Kabu & Torkoal
Arven Lucky Cookie 1
Danger Dodge 3 Raises the user's evasiveness by 3 stat ranks the first time its HP drops to half or below each battle.
Danger Dodge 4 Raises the user's evasiveness by 4 stat ranks the first time its HP drops to half or below each battle.
Danger Dodge 5 Raises the user's evasiveness by 5 stat ranks the first time its HP drops to half or below each battle.
Danger Dodge 6 Raises the user's evasiveness by 6 stat ranks the first time its HP drops to half or below each battle.
Dangerous Mind 1 Has a chance (20%) of raising the user's Special Defense by 1 stat rank the first time its HP drops to half or below each battle.
Dangerous Mind 2 Has a chance (30%) of raising the user's Special Defense by 1 stat rank the first time its HP drops to half or below each battle.
Dangerous Mind 3 Has a chance (40%) of raising the user's Special Defense by 1 stat rank the first time its HP drops to half or below each battle.
Dangerous Mind 4 Has a chance (50%) of raising the user's Special Defense by 1 stat rank the first time its HP drops to half or below each battle.
Dangerous Mind 5 Has a chance (60%) of raising the user's Special Defense by 1 stat rank the first time its HP drops to half or below each battle.
Dangerous Mind 6 Has a chance (70%) of raising the user's Special Defense by 1 stat rank the first time its HP drops to half or below each battle.
Dangerous Mind 7 Has a chance (80%) of raising the user's Special Defense by 1 stat rank the first time its HP drops to half or below each battle.
Dangerous Mind 8 Has a chance (90%) of raising the user's Special Defense by 1 stat rank the first time its HP drops to half or below each battle.
Dangerous Mind 9 Raises the user's Special Defense by 1 stat rank the first time its HP drops to half or below each battle.
Dark Guard Reduces damage when the user is attacked by Dark-type moves. Chewy Lucky Cookie
Dark Power 5 Powers up the user's Dark-type moves. Lysandre & Yveltal
Dark Shift Normal-type moves become Dark-type moves. Hilbert & Mightyena
Karen & Umbreon
Dashing Dark Transformation Replaces some of the user's passive skills and sync move with different passive skills and a sync move just before using its Dark-type moves. Serena & Greninja
Dashing Team 1 Has a chance (20%) of raising the Speed of all allied sync pairs by one stat rank when the user's attack move is successful.
Dashing Team 2 Has a chance (30%) of raising the Speed of all allied sync pairs by one stat rank when the user's attack move is successful.
Dashing Team 3 Has a chance (40%) of raising the Speed of all allied sync pairs by one stat rank when the user's attack move is successful.
Dashing Team 4 Has a chance (50%) of raising the Speed of all allied sync pairs by one stat rank when the user's attack move is successful.
Dashing Team 5 Has a chance (60%) of raising the Speed of all allied sync pairs by one stat rank when the user's attack move is successful. Kiawe & Marowak (Alola Form) Professor Sycamore & Gogoat
Victor & Greedent
Dashing Team 6 Has a chance (70%) of raising the Speed of all allied sync pairs by one stat rank when the user's attack move is successful.
Dashing Team 7 Has a chance (80%) of raising the Speed of all allied sync pairs by one stat rank when the user's attack move is successful.
Dashing Team 8 Has a chance (90%) of raising the Speed of all allied sync pairs by one stat rank when the user's attack move is successful.
Dashing Team 9 Raises the Speed of all allied sync pairs by one stat rank when the user's attack move is successful. Main Character & Registeel
Riley & Lucario
Gloria & Cinderace
Gloria & Cinderace
Gloria & Cinderace
Marnie & Morpeko
Marnie & Morpeko (Hangry Mode)
Dauntless Sp. Atk cannot be lowered. Liza & Lunatone
Lusamine & Lilligant
Main Character & Venonat
Main Character & Venomoth
Main Character & Squirtle
Main Character & Wartortle
Main Character & Blastoise
Main Character & Squirtle
Main Character & Wartortle
Main Character & Blastoise
Main Character & Squirtle
Main Character & Wartortle
Main Character & Blastoise
Main Character & Igglybuff
Main Character & Jigglypuff
Main Character & Wigglytuff
Main Character & Porygon
Main Character & Porygon
Main Character & Porygon
Main Character & Koffing
Main Character & Weezing
Main Character & Smoochum
Main Character & Jynx
Main Character & Smoochum
Main Character & Jynx
Main Character & Smoochum
Main Character & Jynx
Main Character & Oddish
Main Character & Gloom
Main Character & Vileplume
Main Character & Slowpoke
Main Character & Slowbro
Main Character &
Main Character &
Main Character &
Main Character & Eevee
Main Character & Vaporeon
Main Character & Eevee
Main Character & Espeon
Main Character & Eevee
Main Character & Glaceon
Main Character & Scorbunny
Main Character & Sobble
Main Character & Sobble
Main Character & Psyduck
Main Character & Golduck
Main Character & Tentacool
Main Character & Tentacruel
Sabrina & Alakazam
Sabrina & Alakazam (Mega Alakazam)
Ryuki & Turtonator
Rika & Whiscash
Calem & Fennekin
Candice & Froslass
Cheren & Purrloin
Cheren & Tornadus
Cheren & Liepard
Cynthia & Kommo-o
Diantha & Gardevoir
Diantha & Gardevoir (Mega Gardevoir)
Elesa & Togetic
Hilbert & Genesect
Hugh & Unfezant
Lillie & Lunala
Lillie & Comfey
Lt. Surge & Voltorb
Lt. Surge & Electrode
Red & Articuno
Rosa & Shaymin (Sky Forme)
Shauntal & Chandelure
Siebold & Octillery
Wally & Gardevoir (Shiny Gardevoir)
Wally & Gardevoir (Shiny Mega Gardevoir)
Will & Slowbro
Leaf & Moltres
Plumeria & Gengar
Wallace & Blacephalon
Dawn & Alcremie
Serena & Whimsicott
N & Zoroark
N & Sigilyph
May & Latias
May & Latias (Mega Latias)
May & Wailmer
Piers & Toxtricity (Low-Key Forme)
Lear & Hoopa
Leon & Charizard
Marnie & Toxicroak
Marnie & Moltres (Galarian Form)
Selene & Nihilego
Lana & Tapu Lele
Ingo & Chandelure
Lucas & Dialga
Lucian & Girafarig
Bede & Inteleon
Ash & Pikachu
Naomi & Sandslash
Helena & Haunter
Shauna & Sylveon
Olympia & Sigilyph
Katherine & Slurpuff
Petey & Pikachu (Female)
Dexio & Espeon
Sina & Glaceon
Blossom & Kirlia
Mela &
Florian &
1Star Creamy Lucky Cookie
2Star Creamy Lucky Cookie
3Star Creamy Lucky Cookie
1 Star Deluxe Lucky Cookie
2 Star Deluxe Lucky Cookie
Debut Damage Reduction (Physical) Applies the Physical Damage Reduction effect to the allied field of play the first time the user enters a battle each battle. Leaf & Eevee
Victor & Spectrier
Anabel & Snorlax
Nemona & Lycanroc
Debut Regen Applies the Gradual Healing effect to the user the first time the user enters a battle each battle. Jasmine & Ampharos (Mega Ampharos) Acerola & Jellicent
Plumeria & Gengar
Shauna & Klefki
Debut: Ghost Zone Turns the field of play's zone into a Ghost Zone the first time the user enters a battle each battle. (A Ghost Zone powers up Ghost-type attacks.) Victor & Spectrier
Defense Crush 1 Has a chance (20%) of lowering the target's Defense by one stat rank when the user's attack move against it is successful. 1Star Crunchy Lucky Cookie
Defense Crush 2 Has a chance (30%) of lowering the target's Defense by one stat rank when the user's attack move against it is successful. Ramos & Weepinbell
Ramos & Victreebel
Courtney & Camerupt (Female)
Noland & Pinsir
Noland & Pinsir (Mega Pinsir)
1Star Crunchy Lucky Cookie
2Star Crunchy Lucky Cookie
1 Star Deluxe Lucky Cookie
Defense Crush 3 Has a chance (40%) of lowering the target's Defense by one stat rank when the user's attack move against it is successful.
Defense Crush 4 Has a chance (50%) of lowering the target's Defense by one stat rank when the user's attack move against it is successful. Lyra & Celebi
Whitney & Miltank
Lear & Krookodile
N Summer Lucky Cookie 1
Defense Crush 5 Has a chance (60%) of lowering the target's Defense by one stat rank when the user's attack move against it is successful.
Defense Crush 6 Has a chance (70%) of lowering the target's Defense by one stat rank when the user's attack move against it is successful.
Defense Crush 7 Has a chance (80%) of lowering the target's Defense by one stat rank when the user's attack move against it is successful.
Defense Crush 8 Has a chance (90%) of lowering the target's Defense by one stat rank when the user's attack move against it is successful.
Defense Crush 9 Lowers the target's Defense by one stat rank when the user's attack move against it is successful. May & Blaziken
Lear & Krookodile
Ingo & Accelgor
Sonia & Yamper
Courtney & Camerupt (Mega Camerupt)
Candice & Darmanitan (Galarian Form)
Candice & Darmanitan (Galarian Form Zen Mode)
Cynthia & Garchomp
Cynthia & Garchomp (Mega Garchomp)
Gloria & Zacian (Crowned Sword)
Gloria & Cinderace
Gloria & Cinderace
Gloria & Cinderace
Selene & Scizor (Female)
Emmet & Archeops
Sonia & Tsareena (Shiny Tsareena)
Rose & Copperajah
Argenta & Skarmory
Grusha &
Poppy &
Eri &
Defense Destroyer 1 Has a chance (20%) of lowering the target's Defense by 2 stat ranks when the user's attack move against the target is successful.
Defense Destroyer 2 Has a chance (30%) of lowering the target's Defense by 2 stat ranks when the user's attack move against the target is successful.
Defense Destroyer 3 Has a chance (40%) of lowering the target's Defense by 2 stat ranks when the user's attack move against the target is successful.
Defense Destroyer 4 Has a chance (50%) of lowering the target's Defense by 2 stat ranks when the user's attack move against the target is successful.
Defense Destroyer 5 Has a chance (60%) of lowering the target's Defense by 2 stat ranks when the user's attack move against the target is successful.
Defense Destroyer 6 Has a chance (70%) of lowering the target's Defense by 2 stat ranks when the user's attack move against the target is successful.
Defense Destroyer 7 Has a chance (80%) of lowering the target's Defense by 2 stat ranks when the user's attack move against the target is successful.
Defense Destroyer 8 Has a chance (90%) of lowering the target's Defense by 2 stat ranks when the user's attack move against the target is successful.
Defense Destroyer 9 Lowers the target's Defense by 2 stat ranks when the user's attack move against the target is successful. May & Blaziken (Mega Blaziken) Giacomo &
Defense Rush 1 Raises the user's Defense by 1 stat ranks after using its sync move.
Demobilize 1 Lowers the evasiveness of all opposing sync pairs by 1 stat ranks after using the user's sync move. Darach & Staraptor
Demobilize 2 Lowers the evasiveness of all opposing sync pairs by 2 stat ranks after using the user's sync move.
Demobilize 3 Lowers the evasiveness of all opposing sync pairs by 3 stat ranks after using the user's sync move.
Demobilize 4 Lowers the evasiveness of all opposing sync pairs by 4 stat ranks after using the user's sync move.
Demobilize 5 Lowers the evasiveness of all opposing sync pairs by 5 stat ranks after using the user's sync move.
Demobilize 6 Lowers the evasiveness of all opposing sync pairs by 6 stat ranks after using the user's sync move.
Demoralize 1 Lowers the Attack of all opposing sync pairs by 1 stat ranks after using the user's sync move. Morty & Drifblim
Demoralize 2 Lowers the Attack of all opposing sync pairs by 2 stat ranks after using the user's sync move. The Masked Royal & Incineroar
Demoralize 3 Lowers the Attack of all opposing sync pairs by 3 stat ranks after using the user's sync move.
Demoralize 4 Lowers the Attack of all opposing sync pairs by 4 stat ranks after using the user's sync move.
Demoralizing Sync 1 Powers up the user's sync move when the target's Sp. Atk is lowered.
Demoralizing Sync 2 Powers up the user's sync move when the target's Sp. Atk is lowered.
Demoralizing Sync 3 Powers up the user's sync move when the target's Sp. Atk is lowered.
Demoralizing Sync 4 Powers up the user's sync move when the target's Sp. Atk is lowered.
Demoralizing Sync 5 Powers up the user's sync move when the target's Sp. Atk is lowered.
Demoralizing Sync 6 Powers up the user's sync move when the target's Sp. Atk is lowered. N & Kyurem (Black Kyurem)
Demoralizing Sync 7 Powers up the user's sync move when the target's Sp. Atk is lowered.
Demoralizing Sync 8 Powers up the user's sync move when the target's Sp. Atk is lowered.
Demoralizing Sync 9 Powers up the user's sync move when the target's Sp. Atk is lowered.
Desperate Measures 1 Raises the user's critical-hit rate by 1 stat ranks the first time it is in a pinch each battle.
Desperate Measures 2 Raises the user's critical-hit rate by 2 stat ranks the first time it is in a pinch each battle.
Desperate Measures 3 Raises the user's critical-hit rate by 3 stat ranks the first time it is in a pinch each battle. Hilda & Tepig
Hilda & Pignite
Hilda & Emboar
Desperate Team Freebie 1 Once per battle, has a chance (20%) of applying the Free Move Next effect to all allied sync pairs when the user's HP drops to half or below.
Desperate Team Freebie 2 Once per battle, has a chance (30%) of applying the Free Move Next effect to all allied sync pairs when the user's HP drops to half or below.
Desperate Team Freebie 3 Once per battle, has a chance (40%) of applying the Free Move Next effect to all allied sync pairs when the user's HP drops to half or below.
Desperate Team Freebie 4 Once per battle, has a chance (50%) of applying the Free Move Next effect to all allied sync pairs when the user's HP drops to half or below.
Desperate Team Freebie 5 Once per battle, has a chance (60%) of applying the Free Move Next effect to all allied sync pairs when the user's HP drops to half or below.
Desperate Team Freebie 6 Once per battle, has a chance (70%) of applying the Free Move Next effect to all allied sync pairs when the user's HP drops to half or below.
Desperate Team Freebie 7 Once per battle, has a chance (80%) of applying the Free Move Next effect to all allied sync pairs when the user's HP drops to half or below.
Desperate Team Freebie 8 Once per battle, has a chance (90%) of applying the Free Move Next effect to all allied sync pairs when the user's HP drops to half or below.
Desperate Team Freebie 9 Once per battle, applies the Free Move Next effect to all allied sync pairs when the user's HP drops to half or below. Dawn & Cresselia
Destructive Touch 1 Has a chance (20%) of leaving an opponent that attacked the user poisoned, paralyzed, or asleep when the user is hit by an attack move.
Destructive Touch 2 Has a chance (30%) of leaving an opponent that attacked the user poisoned, paralyzed, or asleep when the user is hit by an attack move.
Destructive Touch 3 Has a chance (40%) of leaving an opponent that attacked the user poisoned, paralyzed, or asleep when the user is hit by an attack move.
Destructive Touch 4 Has a chance (50%) of leaving an opponent that attacked the user poisoned, paralyzed, or asleep when the user is hit by an attack move.
Destructive Touch 5 Has a chance (60%) of leaving an opponent that attacked the user poisoned, paralyzed, or asleep when the user is hit by an attack move.
Destructive Touch 6 Has a chance (70%) of leaving an opponent that attacked the user poisoned, paralyzed, or asleep when the user is hit by an attack move.
Destructive Touch 7 Has a chance (80%) of leaving an opponent that attacked the user poisoned, paralyzed, or asleep when the user is hit by an attack move.
Destructive Touch 8 Has a chance (90%) of leaving an opponent that attacked the user poisoned, paralyzed, or asleep when the user is hit by an attack move.
Destructive Touch 9 Leaves an opponent that attacked the user poisoned, paralyzed, or asleep when the user is hit by an attack move. Ball Guy & Amoonguss
Devastation The more the target's Sp. Atk is lowered, the more it powers up the user's sync move. Diantha & Gardevoir
Diantha & Gardevoir (Mega Gardevoir)
Hilbert & Glaceon
Iris & Hydreigon
Karen & Houndoom
Karen & Houndoom (Mega Houndoom)
Lt. Surge & Voltorb
Lt. Surge & Electrode
Rosa & Shaymin (Sky Forme)
Wally & Gardevoir (Shiny Gardevoir)
Wally & Gardevoir (Shiny Mega Gardevoir)
Alder & Volcarona
N & Reshiram
N & Zoroark
May & Latias
May & Latias (Mega Latias)
Marnie & Grimmsnarl
Dire Hail 1 Critical hits land more easily when the user's attack move is used during a hailstorm.
Dire Hail 2 Critical hits land more easily when the user's attack move is used during a hailstorm.
Dire Hail 3 Critical hits land more easily when the user's attack move is used during a hailstorm.
Dire Rain 1 Critical hits land more easily when the user's attack move is used while the weather is rainy. May & Mudkip
May & Marshtomp
May & Swampert
May & Swampert (Mega Swampert)
Dire Rain 2 Critical hits land more easily when the user's attack move is used while the weather is rainy.
Dire Rain 3 Critical hits land more easily when the user's attack move is used while the weather is rainy.
Dire Straits 1 Critical hits land more easily when the user attacks with a move while its remaining HP is at half or below.
Dire Straits 2 Critical hits land more easily when the user attacks with a move while its remaining HP is at half or below.
Dirty Fighting 1 Powers up the user's moves against targets that are affected by a status condition. Main Character & Tauros
Main Character & Nidoran♀
Main Character & Nidorina
Main Character & Nidoqueen
Main Character & Venonat
Main Character & Venomoth
Main Character & Weedle
Main Character & Kakuna
Main Character & Beedrill
Main Character & Growlithe
Main Character & Arcanine
Main Character & Grimer
Main Character & Muk
Main Character & Voltorb
Main Character & Electrode
Main Character & Ponyta
Main Character & Rapidash
Main Character & Ekans
Main Character & Arbok
Main Character & Gastly
Main Character & Haunter
Main Character & Gengar
Main Character & Tentacool
Main Character & Tentacruel
Dirty Fighting 2 Powers up the user's moves against targets that are affected by a status condition. Main Character & Pinsir
Main Character & Porygon
Silver & Feraligatr
Evelyn & Entei
Dirty Fighting 3 Powers up the user's moves against targets that are affected by a status condition. Professor Oak & Mew
Professor Oak & Mew
Red & Venusaur
Skyla & Togekiss
Whitney & Miltank
Dirty Fighting 4 Powers up the user's moves against targets that are affected by a status condition.
Dirty Fighting 5 Powers up the user's moves against targets that are affected by a status condition. Karen & Houndoom
Karen & Houndoom (Mega Houndoom)
Dirty Sync 1 Powers up the user's sync move against targets that are affected by a status condition.
Dirty Sync 2 Powers up the user's sync move against targets that are affected by a status condition.
Dirty Sync 3 Powers up the user's sync move against targets that are affected by a status condition.
Dirty Sync 4 Powers up the user's sync move against targets that are affected by a status condition.
Dirty Sync 5 Powers up the user's sync move against targets that are affected by a status condition.
Dirty Sync 6 Powers up the user's sync move against targets that are affected by a status condition. N & Kyurem (Black Kyurem)
Piers & Toxtricity (Low-Key Forme)
Dirty Sync 7 Powers up the user's sync move against targets that are affected by a status condition.
Dirty Sync 8 Powers up the user's sync move against targets that are affected by a status condition.
Dirty Sync 9 Powers up the user's sync move against targets that are affected by a status condition.
Disarm 1 Has a chance (20%) of lowering the target's Attack and Sp. Atk by one stat rank when the user's attack move is successful against a flinching, confused, or trapped opponent.
Disarm 2 Has a chance (30%) of lowering the target's Attack and Sp. Atk by one stat rank when the user's attack move is successful against a flinching, confused, or trapped opponent.
Disarm 3 Has a chance (40%) of lowering the target's Attack and Sp. Atk by one stat rank when the user's attack move is successful against a flinching, confused, or trapped opponent.
Disarm 4 Has a chance (50%) of lowering the target's Attack and Sp. Atk by one stat rank when the user's attack move is successful against a flinching, confused, or trapped opponent.
Disarm 5 Has a chance (60%) of lowering the target's Attack and Sp. Atk by one stat rank when the user's attack move is successful against a flinching, confused, or trapped opponent.
Disarm 6 Has a chance (70%) of lowering the target's Attack and Sp. Atk by one stat rank when the user's attack move is successful against a flinching, confused, or trapped opponent.
Disarm 7 Has a chance (80%) of lowering the target's Attack and Sp. Atk by one stat rank when the user's attack move is successful against a flinching, confused, or trapped opponent.
Disarm 8 Has a chance (90%) of lowering the target's Attack and Sp. Atk by one stat rank when the user's attack move is successful against a flinching, confused, or trapped opponent.
Disarm 9 Lowers the target's Attack and Sp. Atk by one stat rank when the user's attack move is successful against a flinching, confused, or trapped opponent. Steven & Deoxys (Normal Forme)
Steven & Deoxys (Normal Forme)
Steven & Deoxys (Attack Forme)
Steven & Deoxys (Defense Forme)
Steven & Deoxys (Speed Forme)
Raihan & Flygon
Eusine & Suicune (Shiny Suicune)
Disarmoring Retaliation 1 Has a chance (20%) of lowering the Defense of an opponent that attacked the user by 1 stat ranks when the user is hit by an attack move.
Disarmoring Retaliation 2 Has a chance (30%) of lowering the Defense of an opponent that attacked the user by 1 stat ranks when the user is hit by an attack move.
Disarmoring Retaliation 3 Has a chance (40%) of lowering the Defense of an opponent that attacked the user by 1 stat ranks when the user is hit by an attack move.
Disarmoring Retaliation 4 Has a chance (50%) of lowering the Defense of an opponent that attacked the user by 1 stat ranks when the user is hit by an attack move.
Disarmoring Retaliation 5 Has a chance (60%) of lowering the Defense of an opponent that attacked the user by 1 stat ranks when the user is hit by an attack move.
Disarmoring Retaliation 6 Has a chance (70%) of lowering the Defense of an opponent that attacked the user by 1 stat ranks when the user is hit by an attack move.
Disarmoring Retaliation 7 Has a chance (80%) of lowering the Defense of an opponent that attacked the user by 1 stat ranks when the user is hit by an attack move.
Disarmoring Retaliation 8 Has a chance (90%) of lowering the Defense of an opponent that attacked the user by 1 stat ranks when the user is hit by an attack move.
Disarmoring Retaliation 9 Lowers the Defense of an opponent that attacked the user by 1 stat ranks when the user is hit by an attack move. Hilda & Grapploct (Shiny Grapploct)
Discombobulate 3 Has a chance (40%) of lowering the target's accuracy by one stat rank when the user's attack move against it is successful. Hapu & Mudsdale Selene Lucky Cookie 1
Discombobulate 4 Has a chance (50%) of lowering the target's accuracy by one stat rank when the user's attack move against it is successful. Cheren & Tornadus
Lusamine & Necrozma (Dusk Mane)
Lusamine & Necrozma (Ultra Necrozma)
Red & Articuno
Victor & Greedent
Brycen-man Lucky Cookie 1
Discombobulate 9 Lowers the target's accuracy by one stat rank when the user's attack move against it is successful. Serena & Greninja Wally & Gardevoir (Shiny Gardevoir)
Wally & Gardevoir (Shiny Mega Gardevoir)
Dahlia & Ludicolo
Klara & Slowbro (Galarian Form)
Discourage 1 Lowers the Sp. Atk of all opposing sync pairs by 1 stat ranks when the user enters a battle. Ariana & Arbok
Leaf & Venusaur (Female)
Leaf & Venusaur (Mega Venusaur)
Discourage 2 Lowers the Sp. Atk of all opposing sync pairs by 2 stat ranks when the user enters a battle. Gladion & Magearna
Wally & Gardevoir (Shiny Gardevoir)
Wally & Gardevoir (Shiny Mega Gardevoir)
Discourage 3 Lowers the Sp. Atk of all opposing sync pairs by 3 stat ranks when the user enters a battle.
Discourage 4 Lowers the Sp. Atk of all opposing sync pairs by 4 stat ranks when the user enters a battle.
Disenchanting Strike 1 Has a chance (20%) of lowering the target's Sp. Atk by 1 stat rank when the user's Pokémon uses a move targeting that opponent. Lowers the target's Sp. Atk by 1 stat rank after using the user's sync move targeting that opponent.
Disenchanting Strike 2 Has a chance (30%) of lowering the target's Sp. Atk by 1 stat rank when the user's Pokémon uses a move targeting that opponent. Lowers the target's Sp. Atk by 1 stat rank after using the user's sync move targeting that opponent.
Disenchanting Strike 3 Has a chance (40%) of lowering the target's Sp. Atk by 1 stat rank when the user's Pokémon uses a move targeting that opponent. Lowers the target's Sp. Atk by 1 stat rank after using the user's sync move targeting that opponent.
Disenchanting Strike 4 Has a chance (50%) of lowering the target's Sp. Atk by 1 stat rank when the user's Pokémon uses a move targeting that opponent. Lowers the target's Sp. Atk by 1 stat rank after using the user's sync move targeting that opponent.
Disenchanting Strike 5 Has a chance (60%) of lowering the target's Sp. Atk by 1 stat rank when the user's Pokémon uses a move targeting that opponent. Lowers the target's Sp. Atk by 1 stat rank after using the user's sync move targeting that opponent.
Disenchanting Strike 6 Has a chance (70%) of lowering the target's Sp. Atk by 1 stat rank when the user's Pokémon uses a move targeting that opponent. Lowers the target's Sp. Atk by 1 stat rank after using the user's sync move targeting that opponent.
Disenchanting Strike 7 Has a chance (80%) of lowering the target's Sp. Atk by 1 stat rank when the user's Pokémon uses a move targeting that opponent. Lowers the target's Sp. Atk by 1 stat rank after using the user's sync move targeting that opponent.
Disenchanting Strike 8 Has a chance (90%) of lowering the target's Sp. Atk by 1 stat rank when the user's Pokémon uses a move targeting that opponent. Lowers the target's Sp. Atk by 1 stat rank after using the user's sync move targeting that opponent.
Disenchanting Strike 9 Lowers the target's Sp. Atk by 1 stat rank when the user's Pokémon uses a move targeting that opponent. Lowers the target's Sp. Atk by 1 stat rank after using the user's sync move targeting that opponent. Hilbert & Glaceon Calem & Sylveon
Kris & Jolteon
Disguise Protects the user from damage from a single attack move. After this passive skill takes effect, its Pokémon shifts from Disguised Form to Busted Form. Acerola & Mimikyu
Acerola & Mimikyu (Busted Form)
Dishearten 9 Lowers the target's Attack or Defense, or both, by one stat rank when the user's move targeting that opponent is successful. The Masked Royal & Incineroar
Disheartening Shock 1 Has a chance (20%) of lowering the target's Attack and Defense by 1 stat rank when the user's attack move is successful against a paralyzed opponent.
Disheartening Shock 2 Has a chance (30%) of lowering the target's Attack and Defense by 1 stat rank when the user's attack move is successful against a paralyzed opponent.
Disheartening Shock 3 Has a chance (40%) of lowering the target's Attack and Defense by 1 stat rank when the user's attack move is successful against a paralyzed opponent.
Disheartening Shock 4 Has a chance (50%) of lowering the target's Attack and Defense by 1 stat rank when the user's attack move is successful against a paralyzed opponent.
Disheartening Shock 5 Has a chance (60%) of lowering the target's Attack and Defense by 1 stat rank when the user's attack move is successful against a paralyzed opponent.
Disheartening Shock 6 Has a chance (70%) of lowering the target's Attack and Defense by 1 stat rank when the user's attack move is successful against a paralyzed opponent.
Disheartening Shock 7 Has a chance (80%) of lowering the target's Attack and Defense by 1 stat rank when the user's attack move is successful against a paralyzed opponent.
Disheartening Shock 8 Has a chance (90%) of lowering the target's Attack and Defense by 1 stat rank when the user's attack move is successful against a paralyzed opponent.
Disheartening Shock 9 Lowers the target's Attack and Defense by 1 stat rank when the user's attack move is successful against a paralyzed opponent. Hop & Pincurchin Marnie & Morpeko
Marnie & Morpeko (Hangry Mode)
Dismay 1 Lowers the Sp. Atk of all opposing sync pairs by 1 stat ranks the first time the user enters a battle each battle.
Dismay 2 Lowers the Sp. Atk of all opposing sync pairs by 2 stat ranks the first time the user enters a battle each battle. May & Latias
May & Latias (Mega Latias)
Dismay 3 Lowers the Sp. Atk of all opposing sync pairs by 3 stat ranks the first time the user enters a battle each battle.
Dismay 4 Lowers the Sp. Atk of all opposing sync pairs by 4 stat ranks the first time the user enters a battle each battle.
Dismay 5 Lowers the Sp. Atk of all opposing sync pairs by 5 stat ranks the first time the user enters a battle each battle.
Dismay 6 Lowers the Sp. Atk of all opposing sync pairs by 6 stat ranks the first time the user enters a battle each battle.
Dizzying Power The more the target's accuracy is lowered, the more it powers up the user's moves. May & Mudkip
May & Marshtomp
May & Swampert
May & Swampert (Mega Swampert)
Rika & Whiscash
Hapu & Mudsdale
Clemont & Heliolisk
Falkner & Pidgeot
Colress & Klinklang
Dominating Sync 1 Powers up the user's sync move when the target's Attack is lowered.
Dominating Sync 2 Powers up the user's sync move when the target's Attack is lowered. Serena & Fletchling
Lucian & Girafarig
Dominating Sync 3 Powers up the user's sync move when the target's Attack is lowered.
Dominating Sync 4 Powers up the user's sync move when the target's Attack is lowered.
Dominating Sync 5 Powers up the user's sync move when the target's Attack is lowered. The Masked Royal & Incineroar Blossom & Kirlia
Double Buffer When an ally's stat is raised by a status move used by the user's Pokémon, it is raised by double the stat ranks. Cheren & Liepard
Marnie & Grimmsnarl
Double Down 1 Powers up sync moves that are super effective.
Double Down 2 Powers up sync moves that are super effective. Main Character & Magikarp
Main Character & Gyarados
Main Character &
Main Character &
Diantha & Gardevoir
Diantha & Gardevoir (Mega Gardevoir)
Karen & Umbreon
Lillie & Lunala
Zinnia & Salamence
Lisia & Altaria
Lisia & Altaria (Mega Altaria)
Gloria & Urshifu (Rapid Strike)
Eusine & Suicune (Shiny Suicune)
Rose & Copperajah
Double Down 3 Powers up sync moves that are super effective. Candice & Froslass
Candice & Darmanitan (Galarian Form)
Candice & Darmanitan (Galarian Form Zen Mode)
Giovanni & Nidoking
Gladion & Silvally
Lillie & Comfey
Lusamine & Lilligant
Professor Sycamore & Bulbasaur
Ramos & Weepinbell
Ramos & Victreebel
Rosa & Dewott
Silver & Feraligatr
Sophocles & Golem (Alola Form)
Steven & Sandslash (Alola Form)
Will & Slowbro
Volkner & Electivire
Volkner & Raichu
N & Sigilyph
Marnie & Toxicroak
Falkner & Pidgeot
Irida & Flareon
Katherine & Slurpuff
Double Down 4 Powers up sync moves that are super effective.
Double Down 5 Powers up sync moves that are super effective. Grimsley & Sharpedo
Grimsley & Sharpedo (Mega Sharpedo)
Elesa & Togetic
Gardenia & Roserade
Hilda & Diancie
Hilda & Diancie (Mega Diancie)
Nanu & Persian (Alola Form)
Roark & Cranidos
Roark & Rampardos
Siebold & Octillery
Skyla & Unfezant (Female)
Wikstrom & Aegislash
Wikstrom & Aegislash (Blade Forme)
Wulfric & Avalugg
Valerie & Mawile
Volkner & Raichu
Gloria & Thwackey
May & Wailmer
Looker & Croagunk
Naomi & Sandslash
Rose & Perrserker
Olympia & Sigilyph
Double Down 6 Powers up sync moves that are super effective.
Double Down 7 Powers up sync moves that are super effective.
Double Down 8 Powers up sync moves that are super effective.
Double Down 9 Powers up sync moves that are super effective. Lusamine & Necrozma (Dusk Mane)
Lusamine & Necrozma (Ultra Necrozma)
Ryuki & Turtonator
Double Drop When an opponent's stat is lowered, it is lowered by double the stat ranks. Iris & Hydreigon
Dawn & Oricorio (Sensu Style)
Double Trouble 2
Down for a Freebie 1 Has a chance (20%) of applying the Free Move Next effect to the user when any of its stats are lowered.
Down for a Freebie 2 Has a chance (30%) of applying the Free Move Next effect to the user when any of its stats are lowered.
Down for a Freebie 3 Has a chance (40%) of applying the Free Move Next effect to the user when any of its stats are lowered.
Down for a Freebie 4 Has a chance (50%) of applying the Free Move Next effect to the user when any of its stats are lowered.
Down for a Freebie 5 Has a chance (60%) of applying the Free Move Next effect to the user when any of its stats are lowered.
Down for a Freebie 6 Has a chance (70%) of applying the Free Move Next effect to the user when any of its stats are lowered.
Down for a Freebie 7 Has a chance (80%) of applying the Free Move Next effect to the user when any of its stats are lowered.
Down for a Freebie 8 Has a chance (90%) of applying the Free Move Next effect to the user when any of its stats are lowered.
Down for a Freebie 9 Applies the Free Move Next effect to the user when any of its stats are lowered. Hop & Zapdos (Galarian Form)
Down to Earth Turns the field of play's zone into a Ground Zone the first time the user enters a battle each battle. (A Ground powers up Ground-type attacks.)
Downpour Makes the weather rainy the first time the user enters a battle each battle. Archie & Kyogre
Downside Up When the user's stats would be lowered, raises the user's stats by the same amount instead. Hilda & Victini
Steven & Rayquaza (Shiny Rayquaza)
Steven & Rayquaza (Shiny Mega Rayquaza)
Steven & Deoxys (Normal Forme)
Steven & Deoxys (Normal Forme)
Steven & Deoxys (Attack Forme)
Steven & Deoxys (Defense Forme)
Steven & Deoxys (Speed Forme)
Lysandre & Yveltal
Draconic Acceleration 1 Quickly charges the move gauge when the zone is Dragon Zone.
Draconic Acceleration 2 Quickly charges the move gauge when the zone is Dragon Zone. Lucas & Dialga
Draconic Acceleration 3 Quickly charges the move gauge when the zone is Dragon Zone.
Draconic Acceleration 4 Quickly charges the move gauge when the zone is Dragon Zone.
Draconic Acceleration 5 Quickly charges the move gauge when the zone is Dragon Zone.
Draconic Acceleration 6 Quickly charges the move gauge when the zone is Dragon Zone.
Draconic Acceleration 7 Quickly charges the move gauge when the zone is Dragon Zone.
Draconic Acceleration 8 Quickly charges the move gauge when the zone is Dragon Zone.
Draconic Acceleration 9 Quickly charges the move gauge when the zone is Dragon Zone.
Draconic Power 1 Powers up the user's moves when the zone is Dragon Zone.
Draconic Power 2 Powers up the user's moves when the zone is Dragon Zone. Lucas & Dialga
Draconic Power 3 Powers up the user's moves when the zone is Dragon Zone.
Draconic Power 4 Powers up the user's moves when the zone is Dragon Zone.
Draconic Power 5 Powers up the user's moves when the zone is Dragon Zone.
Draconic Power 6 Powers up the user's moves when the zone is Dragon Zone.
Draconic Power 7 Powers up the user's moves when the zone is Dragon Zone.
Draconic Power 8 Powers up the user's moves when the zone is Dragon Zone.
Draconic Power 9 Powers up the user's moves when the zone is Dragon Zone.
Draconic Sync 1 Powers up the user's sync move when the zone is Dragon Zone.
Draconic Sync 2 Powers up the user's sync move when the zone is Dragon Zone.
Draconic Sync 3 Powers up the user's sync move when the zone is Dragon Zone.
Draconic Sync 4 Powers up the user's sync move when the zone is Dragon Zone. Lucas & Dialga
Draconic Sync 5 Powers up the user's sync move when the zone is Dragon Zone.
Draconic Sync 6 Powers up the user's sync move when the zone is Dragon Zone.
Draconic Sync 7 Powers up the user's sync move when the zone is Dragon Zone.
Draconic Sync 8 Powers up the user's sync move when the zone is Dragon Zone.
Draconic Sync 9 Powers up the user's sync move when the zone is Dragon Zone.
Dragon Drop Zone Turns the field of play's zone into a Dragon Zone the first time the user enters a battle each battle. (A Dragon Zone powers up Dragon-type moves)
Dragon Guard Reduces damage when the user is attacked by Dragon-type moves. Main Character & Alcremie (Ruby Cream - Berry Sweet)
Main Character & Alcremie (Matcha Cream - Clover Sweet)
Main Character & Alcremie (Mint Cream - Star Sweet)
Main Character & Alcremie (Lemon Cream - Flower Sweet)
Main Character & Alcremie (Salted Cream - Ribbon Sweet)
Main Character & Alcremie (Caramel Swirl - Love Sweet)
Mina & Granbull
Mina & Tapu Fini
Olivia & Carbink
Leaf & Clefable
Lisia & Rapidash (Galarian Form)
Trevor & Florges (Orange Flower)
Katherine & Slurpuff
Blossom & Kirlia
Chewy Lucky Cookie
Dragon Shift Normal-type moves become Dragon-type moves. Lance & Dragonite
Lance & Dragonair
Lance & Kingdra
Drought Alert 1 Extends the duration of sunny weather when the weather turns sunny while the user is on the field.
Drought Alert 2 Extends the duration of sunny weather when the weather turns sunny while the user is on the field.
Drought Alert 3 Extends the duration of sunny weather when the weather turns sunny while the user is on the field. Leaf & Moltres
Raihan & Flygon
Drought Alert 4 Extends the duration of sunny weather when the weather turns sunny while the user is on the field.
Drought Alert 5 Extends the duration of sunny weather when the weather turns sunny while the user is on the field. Maxie & Groudon Adaman & Leafeon
Drought Alert 5 Extends the duration of sunny weather when the weather turns sunny while the user is on the field. Maxie & Groudon Adaman & Leafeon
Drought Alert 6 Extends the duration of sunny weather when the weather turns sunny while the user is on the field.
Durable 1 Has a chance (20%) of applying the Enduring effect to the user when its move is successful.
Durable 2 Has a chance (30%) of applying the Enduring effect to the user when its move is successful.
Durable 3 Has a chance (40%) of applying the Enduring effect to the user when its move is successful.
Durable 4 Has a chance (50%) of applying the Enduring effect to the user when its move is successful.
Durable 5 Has a chance (60%) of applying the Enduring effect to the user when its move is successful.
Durable 6 Has a chance (70%) of applying the Enduring effect to the user when its move is successful.
Durable 7 Has a chance (80%) of applying the Enduring effect to the user when its move is successful.
Durable 8 Has a chance (90%) of applying the Enduring effect to the user when its move is successful.
Durable 9 Applies the Enduring effect to the user when its move is successful.
Dust Kicker Causes a sandstorm after using the user's sync move. Cynthia & Garchomp
Cynthia & Garchomp (Mega Garchomp)
Cynthia & Garchomp
Cynthia & Garchomp (Mega Garchomp)
Dynamic Entry Applies the Sure Hit Next effect to the user when it enters a battle. Kris & Totodile
Kris & Croconaw
Kris & Feraligatr
Guzma & Buzzwole
Serena & Fennekin
Serena & Braixen
Serena & Delphox
Eagle Eye 1 Has a chance (20%) of raising the user's critical-hit rate by one stat rank when its Pokémon uses a move.
Eagle Eye 2 Has a chance (30%) of raising the user's critical-hit rate by one stat rank when its Pokémon uses a move. Brawly & Makuhita
Brawly & Hariyama
Eagle Eye 3 Has a chance (40%) of raising the user's critical-hit rate by one stat rank when its Pokémon uses a move.
Eagle Eye 4 Has a chance (50%) of raising the user's critical-hit rate by one stat rank when its Pokémon uses a move. Kahili & Toucannon
Eagle Eye 5 Has a chance (60%) of raising the user's critical-hit rate by one stat rank when its Pokémon uses a move.
Eagle Eye 6 Has a chance (70%) of raising the user's critical-hit rate by one stat rank when its Pokémon uses a move.
Eagle Eye 7 Has a chance (80%) of raising the user's critical-hit rate by one stat rank when its Pokémon uses a move.
Eagle Eye 8 Has a chance (90%) of raising the user's critical-hit rate by one stat rank when its Pokémon uses a move.
Eagle Eye 9 Raises the user's critical-hit rate by one stat rank when its Pokémon uses a move. Hilbert & Glaceon
Earthen Opening Sync Turns the field of play's zone into a Ground Zone the first time the user's sync move is used each battle. (A Ground Zone powers up Ground-type attacks.) Courtney & Camerupt (Female)
Courtney & Camerupt (Mega Camerupt)
Easy Pickings 1 Has a chance (20%) of lowering one of the target's following stats by one stat rank at random when the user's attack move is successful against a confused opponent: Attack, Defense, Sp. Atk, Sp. Def, Speed, accuracy, or evasiveness.
Easy Pickings 2 Has a chance (30%) of lowering one of the target's following stats by one stat rank at random when the user's attack move is successful against a confused opponent: Attack, Defense, Sp. Atk, Sp. Def, Speed, accuracy, or evasiveness.
Easy Pickings 3 Has a chance (40%) of lowering one of the target's following stats by one stat rank at random when the user's attack move is successful against a confused opponent: Attack, Defense, Sp. Atk, Sp. Def, Speed, accuracy, or evasiveness.
Easy Pickings 4 Has a chance (50%) of lowering one of the target's following stats by one stat rank at random when the user's attack move is successful against a confused opponent: Attack, Defense, Sp. Atk, Sp. Def, Speed, accuracy, or evasiveness. Will & Slowbro
Easy Pickings 5 Has a chance (60%) of lowering one of the target's following stats by one stat rank at random when the user's attack move is successful against a confused opponent: Attack, Defense, Sp. Atk, Sp. Def, Speed, accuracy, or evasiveness.
Easy Pickings 6 Has a chance (70%) of lowering one of the target's following stats by one stat rank at random when the user's attack move is successful against a confused opponent: Attack, Defense, Sp. Atk, Sp. Def, Speed, accuracy, or evasiveness.
Easy Pickings 7 Has a chance (80%) of lowering one of the target's following stats by one stat rank at random when the user's attack move is successful against a confused opponent: Attack, Defense, Sp. Atk, Sp. Def, Speed, accuracy, or evasiveness.
Easy Pickings 8 Has a chance (90%) of lowering one of the target's following stats by one stat rank at random when the user's attack move is successful against a confused opponent: Attack, Defense, Sp. Atk, Sp. Def, Speed, accuracy, or evasiveness.
Easy Pickings 9 Lowers one of the target's following stats by one stat rank at random when the user's attack move is successful against a confused opponent: Attack, Defense, Sp. Atk, Sp. Def, Speed, accuracy, or evasiveness. Rosa & Meloetta (Aria Form)
Rosa & Meloetta (Pirouette Forme)
Plumeria & Gengar
Sawyer &
Lana & Lanturn
Dahlia & Ludicolo
Easy Target The more the target's evasiveness is lowered, the more it powers up the user's sync move. Rosa & Shaymin (Sky Forme)
Darach & Staraptor
Easy Target Charge 1 Has a chance (20%) of charging the user's move gauge by 1 when its attack move is successful against an opponent with the No Evasion effect applied.
Easy Target Charge 2 Has a chance (30%) of charging the user's move gauge by 1 when its attack move is successful against an opponent with the No Evasion effect applied.
Easy Target Charge 3 Has a chance (40%) of charging the user's move gauge by 1 when its attack move is successful against an opponent with the No Evasion effect applied.
Easy Target Charge 4 Has a chance (50%) of charging the user's move gauge by 1 when its attack move is successful against an opponent with the No Evasion effect applied.
Easy Target Charge 5 Has a chance (60%) of charging the user's move gauge by 1 when its attack move is successful against an opponent with the No Evasion effect applied.
Easy Target Charge 6 Has a chance (70%) of charging the user's move gauge by 1 when its attack move is successful against an opponent with the No Evasion effect applied.
Easy Target Charge 7 Has a chance (80%) of charging the user's move gauge by 1 when its attack move is successful against an opponent with the No Evasion effect applied.
Easy Target Charge 8 Has a chance (90%) of charging the user's move gauge by 1 when its attack move is successful against an opponent with the No Evasion effect applied.
Easy Target Charge 9 Charges the user's move gauge by 1 when its attack move is successful against an opponent with the No Evasion effect applied. Steven & Stoutland (Shiny Stoutland)
Easy Target Staggering Hit 1 Has a chance (20%) of making the target flinch when the user's attack move is successful against an opponent with the No Evasion effect applied.
Easy Target Staggering Hit 2 Has a chance (30%) of making the target flinch when the user's attack move is successful against an opponent with the No Evasion effect applied.
Easy Target Staggering Hit 3 Has a chance (40%) of making the target flinch when the user's attack move is successful against an opponent with the No Evasion effect applied.
Easy Target Staggering Hit 4 Has a chance (50%) of making the target flinch when the user's attack move is successful against an opponent with the No Evasion effect applied. Steven & Stoutland (Shiny Stoutland)
Easy Target Staggering Hit 5 Has a chance (60%) of making the target flinch when the user's attack move is successful against an opponent with the No Evasion effect applied.
Easy Target Staggering Hit 6 Has a chance (70%) of making the target flinch when the user's attack move is successful against an opponent with the No Evasion effect applied.
Easy Target Staggering Hit 7 Has a chance (80%) of making the target flinch when the user's attack move is successful against an opponent with the No Evasion effect applied.
Easy Target Staggering Hit 8 Has a chance (90%) of making the target flinch when the user's attack move is successful against an opponent with the No Evasion effect applied.
Easy Target Staggering Hit 9 Makes the target flinch when the user's attack move is successful against an opponent with the No Evasion effect applied.
Electric Guard Reduces damage when the user is attacked by Electric-type moves. Iono & Bruno & Onix
Hop & Pincurchin
Chase & Pikachu
Chewy Lucky Cookie
Electric Terrain Debut & Extension 1 Turns the field of play's terrain into Electric Terrain the first time the user enters a battle each battle. Extends the duration of Electric Terrain when the terrain turns into Electric Terrain while the user is on the field.
Electric Terrain Debut & Extension 2 Turns the field of play's terrain into Electric Terrain the first time the user enters a battle each battle. Extends the duration of Electric Terrain when the terrain turns into Electric Terrain while the user is on the field.
Electric Terrain Debut & Extension 3 Turns the field of play's terrain into Electric Terrain the first time the user enters a battle each battle. Extends the duration of Electric Terrain when the terrain turns into Electric Terrain while the user is on the field.
Electric Terrain Debut & Extension 4 Turns the field of play's terrain into Electric Terrain the first time the user enters a battle each battle. Extends the duration of Electric Terrain when the terrain turns into Electric Terrain while the user is on the field.
Electric Terrain Debut & Extension 5 Turns the field of play's terrain into Electric Terrain the first time the user enters a battle each battle. Extends the duration of Electric Terrain when the terrain turns into Electric Terrain while the user is on the field. Hau & Tapu Koko
Electric Terrain Debut & Extension 6 Turns the field of play's terrain into Electric Terrain the first time the user enters a battle each battle. Extends the duration of Electric Terrain when the terrain turns into Electric Terrain while the user is on the field.
Electric Terrain Debut & Extension 7 Turns the field of play's terrain into Electric Terrain the first time the user enters a battle each battle. Extends the duration of Electric Terrain when the terrain turns into Electric Terrain while the user is on the field.
Electric Terrain Debut & Extension 8 Turns the field of play's terrain into Electric Terrain the first time the user enters a battle each battle. Extends the duration of Electric Terrain when the terrain turns into Electric Terrain while the user is on the field.
Electric Terrain Debut & Extension 9 Turns the field of play's terrain into Electric Terrain the first time the user enters a battle each battle. Extends the duration of Electric Terrain when the terrain turns into Electric Terrain while the user is on the field.
Electrorepulsion 3 Reduces damage when the user is hit by an attack move while the terrain is Electric Terrain. Blue & Zapdos
Clemont & Magneton
Volkner & Luxray
Piers & Toxtricity (Low-Key Forme)
Emergency Barrier Applies the Physical Damage Reduction effect to the allied field of play the first time the user is in a pinch each battle. Lorelei & Cloyster
Main Character & Torchic
Emergency Huddle 1 Raises the Defense of all allied sync pairs by 1 stat ranks the first time the user is in a pinch each battle. Calem & Espurr
Calem & Meowstic
Hop & Zamazenta (Crowned Shield)
Emergency Huddle 2 Raises the Defense of all allied sync pairs by 2 stat ranks the first time the user is in a pinch each battle. Hilbert & Oshawott
Hilbert & Dewott
Hilbert & Samurott
Emergency Huddle 3 Raises the Defense of all allied sync pairs by 3 stat ranks the first time the user is in a pinch each battle.
Emergency Huddle 4 Raises the Defense of all allied sync pairs by 4 stat ranks the first time the user is in a pinch each battle.
Emergency Huddle 5 Raises the Defense of all allied sync pairs by 5 stat ranks the first time the user is in a pinch each battle.
Emergency Huddle 6 Raises the Defense of all allied sync pairs by 6 stat ranks the first time the user is in a pinch each battle.
Empowering Command 1 Has a chance (20%) of increasing the user's Physical Moves Up Next effect and Special Moves ↑ Next effect by 1 rank when its Trainer uses a move.
Empowering Command 2 Has a chance (30%) of increasing the user's Physical Moves Up Next effect and Special Moves ↑ Next effect by 1 rank when its Trainer uses a move.
Empowering Command 3 Has a chance (40%) of increasing the user's Physical Moves Up Next effect and Special Moves ↑ Next effect by 1 rank when its Trainer uses a move.
Empowering Command 4 Has a chance (50%) of increasing the user's Physical Moves Up Next effect and Special Moves ↑ Next effect by 1 rank when its Trainer uses a move.
Empowering Command 5 Has a chance (60%) of increasing the user's Physical Moves Up Next effect and Special Moves ↑ Next effect by 1 rank when its Trainer uses a move.
Empowering Command 6 Has a chance (70%) of increasing the user's Physical Moves Up Next effect and Special Moves ↑ Next effect by 1 rank when its Trainer uses a move.
Empowering Command 7 Has a chance (80%) of increasing the user's Physical Moves Up Next effect and Special Moves ↑ Next effect by 1 rank when its Trainer uses a move.
Empowering Command 8 Has a chance (90%) of increasing the user's Physical Moves Up Next effect and Special Moves ↑ Next effect by 1 rank when its Trainer uses a move.
Empowering Command 9 Increases the user's Physical Moves Up Next effect and Special Moves ↑ Next effect by 1 rank when its Trainer uses a move.
Empowering Overgrowth 1 Powers up the user's moves when the terrain is Grassy Terrain.
Empowering Overgrowth 2 Powers up the user's moves when the terrain is Grassy Terrain.
Empowering Overgrowth 3 Powers up the user's moves when the terrain is Grassy Terrain. Whitney & Sawsbuck (Winter Form)
Empowering Overgrowth 4 Powers up the user's moves when the terrain is Grassy Terrain.
Empowering Overgrowth 5 Powers up the user's moves when the terrain is Grassy Terrain. Hilda & Leafeon
Dahlia & Ludicolo
Empowering Overgrowth 6 Powers up the user's moves when the terrain is Grassy Terrain.
Empowering Overgrowth 7 Powers up the user's moves when the terrain is Grassy Terrain.
Empowering Overgrowth 8 Powers up the user's moves when the terrain is Grassy Terrain.
Empowering Overgrowth 9 Powers up the user's moves when the terrain is Grassy Terrain.
Endurance When the user enters battle with full HP, applies the Enduring effect to it. Blue & Aerodactyl
Bruno & Onix
Kris & Totodile
Kris & Croconaw
Kris & Feraligatr
Lusamine & Pheromosa
Main Character & Pikachu
Main Character & Regirock
Main Character & Scyther
Main Character & Lickitung
Main Character & Tangela
Main Character & Farfetch'd
Main Character & Ekans
Main Character & Arbok
Main Character & Magikarp
Main Character & Gyarados
Main Character & Pidgey
Main Character & Pidgeotto
Main Character & Pidgeot
Main Character & Grookey
Main Character & Scorbunny
Main Character & Sobble
Olivia & Carbink
Sophocles & Togedemaru
Clemont & Magneton
Jasmine & Steelix
Jasmine & Steelix (Mega Steelix)
Jasmine & Ampharos
Jasmine & Magnemite
Raihan & Gigalith
Adaman & Vaporeon
Tina & Flareon
Grusha & Beartic
Blue & Blastoise
Blue & Blastoise (Mega Blastoise)
Brendan & Latios
Brendan & Latios (Mega Latios)
Caitlin & Sableye
Caitlin & Sableye (Mega Sableye)
Cheren & Stoutland
Elesa & Joltik
Flint & Infernape
Giovanni & Mewtwo
Giovanni & Mewtwo (Mega Mewtwo Y)
Giovanni & Guzzlord
Hilbert & Oshawott
Hilbert & Dewott
Hilbert & Samurott
Kris & Suicune
Lance & Kingdra
Lillie & Clefairy
Lillie & Ribombee
Lorelei & Lapras
Lt. Surge & Raichu
Main Character & Solgaleo
Main Character & Cobalion
Phoebe & Cofagrigus
Professor Sycamore & Gogoat
Red & Articuno
Rosa & Dewott
Roxanne & Nosepass
Roxanne & Probopass
Sabrina & Alakazam
Sabrina & Alakazam (Mega Alakazam)
Shauntal & Chandelure
Silver & Sneasel
Thorton & Bronzong
Wally & Gallade
Wally & Gallade (Mega Gallade)
Wulfric & Avalugg
Leaf & Eevee
Leaf & Moltres
Plumeria & Salazzle
Dawn & Cresselia
Morty & Ho-Oh (Shiny Ho-Oh)
Gloria & Urshifu (Rapid Strike)
Mallow & Shiinotic
May & Lopunny
May & Lopunny (Mega Lopunny)
Sawyer & Honchkrow
Sawyer &
Leon & Eternatus
Leon & Charizard
Marnie & Mawile
Marnie & Mawile (Mega Mawile)
Kiawe & Marowak (Alola Form)
Lana & Araquanid
Ghetsis & Kyurem
Maxie & Groudon
Ingo & Excadrill
Evelyn & Entei
Falkner & Noctowl
Allister & Gourgeist (Super Size)
Sonia & Yamper
Bertha & Hippowdon
Colress & Klinklang
Shauna & Chesnaught
Shauna & Klefki
Adaman & Ursaluna
Chase & Pikachu
Rika &
Poppy &
Larry &
Greta & Breloom
Klara & Slowbro (Galarian Form)
Arven &
Mela &
Juliana &
Poppy New Years 2025 Lucky Cookie 1
Endure Again Except in certain circumstances, when the user's Enduring effect activates for the first time and the user has 1 HP remaining, applies the Enduring effect to the user again each battle. Sabrina & Alakazam
Sabrina & Alakazam (Mega Alakazam)
Steven & Metagross
Steven & Metagross (Mega Metagross)
Marnie & Moltres (Galarian Form)
Iono &
Enfeeble 1 Lowers the Defense of all opposing sync pairs by 1 stat ranks when the user enters a battle. Silver & Feraligatr
Wally & Delcatty
Marnie & Mawile
Marnie & Mawile (Mega Mawile)
Enfeeble 2 Lowers the Defense of all opposing sync pairs by 2 stat ranks when the user enters a battle. Marnie & Mawile
Marnie & Mawile (Mega Mawile)
Adaman & Leafeon
Nemona &
Larry &
Clavell &
Enfeeble 3 Lowers the Defense of all opposing sync pairs by 3 stat ranks when the user enters a battle.
Enfeeble 4 Lowers the Defense of all opposing sync pairs by 4 stat ranks when the user enters a battle.
Enfeeble 5 Lowers the Defense of all opposing sync pairs by 5 stat ranks when the user enters a battle.
Enfeeble 6 Lowers the Defense of all opposing sync pairs by 6 stat ranks when the user enters a battle.
Enlightenment 1 When any stat is lowered, mitigates the reduction of that stat. 1Star Creamy Lucky Cookie
Enlightenment 2 When any stat is lowered, mitigates the reduction of that stat. 1Star Creamy Lucky Cookie
Enlightenment 3 When any stat is lowered, mitigates the reduction of that stat. 1Star Creamy Lucky Cookie
Enlightenment 4 When any stat is lowered, mitigates the reduction of that stat. 1Star Creamy Lucky Cookie
Enlightenment 5 When any stat is lowered, mitigates the reduction of that stat. 1Star Creamy Lucky Cookie
Enlightenment 6 When any stat is lowered, mitigates the reduction of that stat. 1Star Creamy Lucky Cookie
2Star Creamy Lucky Cookie
Enlightenment 7 When any stat is lowered, mitigates the reduction of that stat. 1Star Creamy Lucky Cookie
2Star Creamy Lucky Cookie
Enlightenment 8 When any stat is lowered, mitigates the reduction of that stat. 1Star Creamy Lucky Cookie
2Star Creamy Lucky Cookie
Enlightenment 9 When any stat is lowered, mitigates the reduction of that stat. 1Star Creamy Lucky Cookie
2Star Creamy Lucky Cookie
3Star Creamy Lucky Cookie
Entry Freebie Applies the Free Move Next effect to the user when it enters a battle. Elesa & Emolga
Lusamine & Necrozma (Dusk Mane)
Main Character & Mesprit
Steven & Deoxys (Normal Forme)
N & Zekrom
Barry & Heracross
Barry & Heracross (Mega Heracross)
Candice & Darmanitan (Galarian Form)
Candice & Darmanitan (Galarian Form Zen Mode)
Sabrina & Alakazam
Sabrina & Alakazam (Mega Alakazam)
Raihan & Duraludon
Bede & Articuno (Galarian Form)
Eusine & Suicune (Shiny Suicune)
Akari & Samurott (Hisuian Form)
Dexio Lucky Cookie 1
Escape Artist Prevents the user from becoming trapped. Caitlin & Reuniclus
Main Character & Cleffa
Main Character & Clefairy
Main Character & Clefable
Main Character & Cleffa
Main Character & Clefairy
Main Character & Clefable
Main Character & Cleffa
Main Character & Clefairy
Main Character & Clefable
Main Character & Omanyte
Main Character & Omastar
Main Character & Omanyte
Main Character & Omastar
Main Character & Omanyte
Main Character & Omastar
Leaf & Clefable
Agatha & Arbok
Ariana & Arbok
Barry & Roserade
Blue & Alakazam
Brock & Kabutops
Hilbert & Genesect
Hilda & Leafeon
Hugh & Bouffalant
Lillie & Clefairy
Main Character & Torchic
Main Character & Registeel
Marshal & Conkeldurr
Wally & Delcatty
Zinnia & Thievul
Dawn & Wormadam (Plant Cloak)
Molayne & Dugtrio (Alola Form)
Kiawe & Arcanine
Bertha & Hippowdon
Shauna & Chesnaught
Irida & Zoroark (Hisuian Form)
Elaine & Eevee
Iono &
Riley & Lucario
Brycen-man & Zoroark
Kabu & Centiskorch
Larry &
Morgan & Virizion
Eri &
Milo & Eldegoss
1Star Crispy Lucky Cookie
2Star Crispy Lucky Cookie
3Star Crispy Lucky Cookie
1 Star Deluxe Lucky Cookie
2 Star Deluxe Lucky Cookie
Ethereal Entrance Turns the field of play's zone into a Fairy Zone the first time the user enters a battle each battle. (A Fairy Zone powers up Fairy-type moves)
Ethereal Entrance Turns the field of play's zone into a Ghost Zone the first time the user enters a battle each battle. (A Ghost Zone powers up Ghost-type moves)
Evasive Rush 3 Raises the user's evasiveness by 3 stat ranks after using its sync move. Dawn & Wormadam (Plant Cloak)
Nate & Braviary
Evasive Strike 1 Has a chance (20%) of raising the user's evasiveness by 1 stat rank when its attack move hits. If the move has the multistrike effect tag, raises the user's evasiveness by 1 stat rank for each hit.
Evasive Strike 2 Has a chance (30%) of raising the user's evasiveness by 1 stat rank when its attack move hits. If the move has the multistrike effect tag, raises the user's evasiveness by 1 stat rank for each hit. Clavell &
Evasive Strike 3 Has a chance (40%) of raising the user's evasiveness by 1 stat rank when its attack move hits. If the move has the multistrike effect tag, raises the user's evasiveness by 1 stat rank for each hit.
Evasive Strike 4 Has a chance (50%) of raising the user's evasiveness by 1 stat rank when its attack move hits. If the move has the multistrike effect tag, raises the user's evasiveness by 1 stat rank for each hit.
Evasive Strike 5 Has a chance (60%) of raising the user's evasiveness by 1 stat rank when its attack move hits. If the move has the multistrike effect tag, raises the user's evasiveness by 1 stat rank for each hit.
Evasive Strike 6 Has a chance (70%) of raising the user's evasiveness by 1 stat rank when its attack move hits. If the move has the multistrike effect tag, raises the user's evasiveness by 1 stat rank for each hit.
Evasive Strike 7 Has a chance (80%) of raising the user's evasiveness by 1 stat rank when its attack move hits. If the move has the multistrike effect tag, raises the user's evasiveness by 1 stat rank for each hit.
Evasive Strike 8 Has a chance (90%) of raising the user's evasiveness by 1 stat rank when its attack move hits. If the move has the multistrike effect tag, raises the user's evasiveness by 1 stat rank for each hit.
Evasive Strike 9 Raises the user's evasiveness by 1 stat rank when its attack move hits. If the move has the multistrike effect tag, raises the user's evasiveness by 1 stat rank for each hit. Silver & Sneasel
Evasive Sync-Up 1 Powers up the user's sync move when its evasiveness is raised.
Evasive Sync-Up 2 Powers up the user's sync move when its evasiveness is raised.
Evasive Sync-Up 3 Powers up the user's sync move when its evasiveness is raised. Marnie & Moltres (Galarian Form)
Evasive Sync-Up 4 Powers up the user's sync move when its evasiveness is raised.
Evasive Sync-Up 5 Powers up the user's sync move when its evasiveness is raised.
Evasive Sync-Up 6 Powers up the user's sync move when its evasiveness is raised.
Evasive Sync-Up 7 Powers up the user's sync move when its evasiveness is raised.
Evasive Sync-Up 8 Powers up the user's sync move when its evasiveness is raised.
Evasive Sync-Up 9 Powers up the user's sync move when its evasiveness is raised.
Expand Reach After using the user's sync move, when a move used by its Pokémon that targets itself or an ally is successful, the target becomes all allied sync pairs. After using the user's sync move, when a move used by its Pokémon that targets an opponent is successful, the target becomes all opposing sync pairs. The power and chance of applying additional effects of moves affected by this passive skill are not lowered even if there are multiple targets. Lusamine & Necrozma (Dusk Mane)
Lusamine & Necrozma (Ultra Necrozma)
Expanded Sync When the user's sync move attacks an opponent, the target becomes all opposing sync pairs. The power of sync moves affected by this passive skill is not lowered even if there are multiple targets. Steven & Deoxys (Attack Forme)
Extend Range When a move used by the user's Pokémon that targets itself or an ally is successful, the target becomes all allied sync pairs. When a move used by the user's Pokémon that targets an opponent is successful, the target becomes all opposing sync pairs. The power and chance of applying additional effects of moves affected by this passive skill are not lowered even if there are multiple targets. Ethan & Lugia
N & Reshiram
Kiawe & Arcanine
Extra Special Ghost Damage Deals additional damage to the target when the user's Pokémon uses a move targeting that opponent. (Type: Ghost, Category: Special) This additional damage is not affected by some status changes. Dawn & Oricorio (Sensu Style)
Fail Forward 1 Charges the user's move gauge by 1 when an opponent's attack move targeting the user misses. Acerola & Banette
Falkner & Swellow
Lillie & Ribombee
Lt. Surge & Voltorb
Lt. Surge & Electrode
Nanu & Persian (Alola Form)
Noland & Ninjask
Phoebe & Cofagrigus
Viola & Vivillon (Icy Snow Pattern)
Dawn & Wormadam (Plant Cloak)
Morty & Gastly
Ingo & Excadrill
Nita & Landorus
Eve & Eevee
Chase & Pikachu
Brycen-man & Zoroark
Fainting Cleanse Removes all status conditions from all allied sync pairs other than the user just before the user faints. Lillie & Clefairy
Faint: Ally HP Recovery (M) 1 Restores the HP of all allied sync pairs other than the user by approximately 20% of their maximum HP just before the user faints. Caitlin & Sableye
Caitlin & Sableye (Mega Sableye)
Gladion & Weavile
Lillie & Clefairy
Hop & Pincurchin
Fairy Guard Reduces damage when the user is attacked by Fairy-type moves. Chewy Lucky Cookie
Fairy Kingdom Turns the field of play's zone into a Fairy Zone after using the user's sync move. (A Fairy Zone powers up Fairy-type attacks.) Calem & Sylveon Mina & Tapu Fini
Fairy Power 5 Powers up the user's Fairy-type moves. Diantha & Gardevoir (Mega Gardevoir)
Professor Sycamore & Xerneas
Fairy Shift Normal-type moves become Fairy-type moves. Main Character & Igglybuff
Main Character & Jigglypuff
Main Character & Wigglytuff
Main Character & Igglybuff
Main Character & Jigglypuff
Main Character & Wigglytuff
Lisia & Rapidash (Galarian Form)
Fairy Zone Debut & Extension 1 Turns the field of play's zone into a Fairy Zone the first time the user enters a battle each battle. (A Fairy Zone powers up Fairy-type attacks.) Extends the duration of the Fairy Zone when the zone turns into a Fairy Zone while the user is on the field.
Fairy Zone Debut & Extension 2 Turns the field of play's zone into a Fairy Zone the first time the user enters a battle each battle. (A Fairy Zone powers up Fairy-type attacks.) Extends the duration of the Fairy Zone when the zone turns into a Fairy Zone while the user is on the field.
Fairy Zone Debut & Extension 3 Turns the field of play's zone into a Fairy Zone the first time the user enters a battle each battle. (A Fairy Zone powers up Fairy-type attacks.) Extends the duration of the Fairy Zone when the zone turns into a Fairy Zone while the user is on the field.
Fairy Zone Debut & Extension 4 Turns the field of play's zone into a Fairy Zone the first time the user enters a battle each battle. (A Fairy Zone powers up Fairy-type attacks.) Extends the duration of the Fairy Zone when the zone turns into a Fairy Zone while the user is on the field.
Fairy Zone Debut & Extension 5 Turns the field of play's zone into a Fairy Zone the first time the user enters a battle each battle. (A Fairy Zone powers up Fairy-type attacks.) Extends the duration of the Fairy Zone when the zone turns into a Fairy Zone while the user is on the field. Mina & Tapu Fini
Fairy Zone Debut & Extension 6 Turns the field of play's zone into a Fairy Zone the first time the user enters a battle each battle. (A Fairy Zone powers up Fairy-type attacks.) Extends the duration of the Fairy Zone when the zone turns into a Fairy Zone while the user is on the field.
Fairy Zone Debut & Extension 7 Turns the field of play's zone into a Fairy Zone the first time the user enters a battle each battle. (A Fairy Zone powers up Fairy-type attacks.) Extends the duration of the Fairy Zone when the zone turns into a Fairy Zone while the user is on the field.
Fairy Zone Debut & Extension 8 Turns the field of play's zone into a Fairy Zone the first time the user enters a battle each battle. (A Fairy Zone powers up Fairy-type attacks.) Extends the duration of the Fairy Zone when the zone turns into a Fairy Zone while the user is on the field.
Fairy Zone Debut & Extension 9 Turns the field of play's zone into a Fairy Zone the first time the user enters a battle each battle. (A Fairy Zone powers up Fairy-type attacks.) Extends the duration of the Fairy Zone when the zone turns into a Fairy Zone while the user is on the field.
Fairy Zone Extension 1 Extends the duration of the Fairy Zone when the zone turns into a Fairy Zone while the user is on the field.
Fairy Zone Extension 2 Extends the duration of the Fairy Zone when the zone turns into a Fairy Zone while the user is on the field.
Fairy Zone Extension 3 Extends the duration of the Fairy Zone when the zone turns into a Fairy Zone while the user is on the field. Wally & Gardevoir (Shiny Gardevoir)
Wally & Gardevoir (Shiny Mega Gardevoir)
Fairy Zone Extension 4 Extends the duration of the Fairy Zone when the zone turns into a Fairy Zone while the user is on the field.
Fairy Zone Extension 5 Extends the duration of the Fairy Zone when the zone turns into a Fairy Zone while the user is on the field.
Fairy Zone Extension 6 Extends the duration of the Fairy Zone when the zone turns into a Fairy Zone while the user is on the field.
Fanfare 1 Raises the Attack of all allied sync pairs by 1 stat ranks after using the user's sync move. Professor Kukui & Lycanroc
Fanfare 2 Raises the Attack of all allied sync pairs by 2 stat ranks after using the user's sync move. Skyla & Swanna
Fanfare 3 Raises the Attack of all allied sync pairs by 3 stat ranks after using the user's sync move.
Fanfare 4 Raises the Attack of all allied sync pairs by 4 stat ranks after using the user's sync move.
Fanfare 5 Raises the Attack of all allied sync pairs by 5 stat ranks after using the user's sync move.
Fanfare 6 Raises the Attack of all allied sync pairs by 6 stat ranks after using the user's sync move.
Fast Runner Evasiveness cannot be lowered. Elesa & Rotom
Main Character & Spearow
Main Character & Fearow
Bugsy & Beedrill
Bugsy & Beedrill (Mega Beedrill)
Janine & Crobat
Lillie & Ribombee
Misty & Psyduck
Misty & Vaporeon
Nanu & Persian (Alola Form)
Wally & Delcatty
Plumeria & Gengar
Dawn & Oricorio (Sensu Style)
Morty & Gastly
Volkner & Raichu
Ingo & Accelgor
Eve & Eevee
Sina & Glaceon
Fast-Track 1 Has a chance (20%) of raising the user's Speed by one stat rank after its Pokémon uses a move.
Fast-Track 2 Has a chance (30%) of raising the user's Speed by one stat rank after its Pokémon uses a move. Cynthia & Garchomp
Cynthia & Garchomp (Mega Garchomp)
Elesa & Zebstrika
Grimsley & Sharpedo
Grimsley & Sharpedo (Mega Sharpedo)
Roxie & Whirlipede
Roxie & Scolipede
Wally & Gallade (Mega Gallade)
Acerola & Mimikyu
Acerola & Mimikyu (Busted Form)
Bugsy & Scyther
Elesa & Zebstrika
Lyra & Jigglypuff
Nanu & Persian (Alola Form)
Noland & Pinsir
Noland & Pinsir (Mega Pinsir)
Lear & Hoopa
Leon & Charizard
1 Star Deluxe Lucky Cookie
Fast-Track 3 Has a chance (40%) of raising the user's Speed by one stat rank after its Pokémon uses a move. Silver & Ho-Oh
Fast-Track 4 Has a chance (50%) of raising the user's Speed by one stat rank after its Pokémon uses a move. Janine & Crobat Skyla & Unfezant (Female)
Looker & Croagunk
Fast-Track 5 Has a chance (60%) of raising the user's Speed by one stat rank after its Pokémon uses a move.
Fast-Track 6 Has a chance (70%) of raising the user's Speed by one stat rank after its Pokémon uses a move. Professor Sycamore & Bulbasaur
Fast-Track 7 Has a chance (80%) of raising the user's Speed by one stat rank after its Pokémon uses a move.
Fast-Track 8 Has a chance (90%) of raising the user's Speed by one stat rank after its Pokémon uses a move.
Fast-Track 9 Raises the user's Speed by one stat rank after its Pokémon uses a move. Brendan & Latios
Brendan & Latios (Mega Latios)
Cheren & Liepard
Hilda & Diancie
Hilda & Diancie (Mega Diancie)
Main Character & Torchic
Roxie & Whirlipede
Roxie & Scolipede
Volkner & Electivire
May & Blaziken
May & Blaziken (Mega Blaziken)
Lear &
Lear & Krookodile
Falkner & Noctowl
Gordie & Coalossal
Katherine & Slurpuff
Iono &
Iono &
Poppy &
Dexio & Espeon
Ferocious Affliction 2 Raises the Attack and Sp. Atk of all allied sync pairs by 2 stat ranks the first time a status move used by the user's Pokémon is successful each battle. Ingo & Excadrill
Ferocious Entry 1 Raises the user's Attack and Sp. Atk by 1 stat ranks when it enters a battle. Wally & Altaria
Ferocious Entry 2 Raises the user's Attack and Sp. Atk by 2 stat ranks when it enters a battle.
Ferocious Entry 3 Raises the user's Attack and Sp. Atk by 3 stat ranks when it enters a battle.
Ferocious Entry 4 Raises the user's Attack and Sp. Atk by 4 stat ranks when it enters a battle. Red & Venusaur
Raihan & Duraludon
Lusamine & Pheromosa
Ferocious Entry 5 Raises the user's Attack and Sp. Atk by 5 stat ranks when it enters a battle.
Ferocious Entry 6 Raises the user's Attack and Sp. Atk by 6 stat ranks when it enters a battle. Giovanni & Rhydon
Ferocious Moves 1 Has a chance (20%) of raising the user's Attack and Sp. Atk by 1 stat rank when its move is successful.
Ferocious Moves 2 Has a chance (30%) of raising the user's Attack and Sp. Atk by 1 stat rank when its move is successful.
Ferocious Moves 3 Has a chance (40%) of raising the user's Attack and Sp. Atk by 1 stat rank when its move is successful.
Ferocious Moves 4 Has a chance (50%) of raising the user's Attack and Sp. Atk by 1 stat rank when its move is successful.
Ferocious Moves 5 Has a chance (60%) of raising the user's Attack and Sp. Atk by 1 stat rank when its move is successful.
Ferocious Moves 6 Has a chance (70%) of raising the user's Attack and Sp. Atk by 1 stat rank when its move is successful.
Ferocious Moves 7 Has a chance (80%) of raising the user's Attack and Sp. Atk by 1 stat rank when its move is successful.
Ferocious Moves 8 Has a chance (90%) of raising the user's Attack and Sp. Atk by 1 stat rank when its move is successful.
Ferocious Moves 9 Raises the user's Attack and Sp. Atk by 1 stat rank when its move is successful.
Fierce Entry 1 Raises the user's Attack by 1 stat ranks when it enters a battle. Brock & Tyranitar
Bugsy & Beedrill
Bugsy & Beedrill (Mega Beedrill)
Cynthia & Garchomp
Cynthia & Garchomp (Mega Garchomp)
Elesa & Zebstrika
Korrina & Lucario
Korrina & Lucario (Mega Lucario)
Korrina & Marshadow
Mina & Granbull
Steven & Rayquaza (Shiny Rayquaza)
Steven & Rayquaza (Shiny Mega Rayquaza)
Wally & Gallade
Wally & Gallade (Mega Gallade)
Whitney & Miltank
Dawn & Turtwig
Dawn & Grotle
Dawn & Torterra
Selene & Scizor (Female)
Courtney & Camerupt (Female)
Courtney & Camerupt (Mega Camerupt)
1 Star Deluxe Lucky Cookie
Fierce Entry 2 Raises the user's Attack by 2 stat ranks when it enters a battle. Gloria & Zacian (Crowned Sword) Barry & Floatzel
Candice & Darmanitan (Galarian Form)
Candice & Darmanitan (Galarian Form Zen Mode)
Hilda & Leafeon
Lyra & Celebi
Roxanne & Runerigus
Valerie & Mawile
May & Blaziken
May & Blaziken (Mega Blaziken)
Lear & Krookodile
Marnie & Mawile
Marnie & Mawile (Mega Mawile)
Raihan & Duraludon
Lucas & Torterra
Shauna & Delcatty
Paulo & Lycanroc (Dusk Form)
Akari & Samurott (Hisuian Form)
Greta & Breloom
Klara & Slowbro (Galarian Form)
Clavell &
Clavell &
1 Star Deluxe Lucky Cookie
2 Star Deluxe Lucky Cookie
Whitney Lucky Cookie 1
Fierce Entry 3 Raises the user's Attack by 3 stat ranks when it enters a battle.
Fierce Entry 4 Raises the user's Attack by 4 stat ranks when it enters a battle.
Fierce Entry 5 Raises the user's Attack by 5 stat ranks when it enters a battle.
Fierce Entry 6 Raises the user's Attack by 6 stat ranks when it enters a battle. Hilda & Victini
Fighting Guard Reduces damage when the user is attacked by Fighting-type moves. Lear &
Rachel & (Roaming Form)
Ingo & Chandelure
Irida & Zoroark (Hisuian Form)
Eri &
Chewy Lucky Cookie
Fighting Teamwork Powers up the moves of all allied sync pairs by 10%. Reduces attack move damage taken by all allied sync pairs by 10%. The more allied sync pairs with the Fighting theme you have on your team, the higher these percentages are. (Each additional sync pair powers up moves by 5% and reduces damage by 2%. The maximum power-up is 20%, and the maximum damage reduction is 14%.) Main Character & Cobalion
Fighting Zone Triage Tank 1 Has a chance (20%) of restoring the user's HP when it is hit by an attack move while the zone is a Fighting Zone.
Fighting Zone Triage Tank 2 Has a chance (30%) of restoring the user's HP when it is hit by an attack move while the zone is a Fighting Zone.
Fighting Zone Triage Tank 3 Has a chance (40%) of restoring the user's HP when it is hit by an attack move while the zone is a Fighting Zone.
Fighting Zone Triage Tank 4 Has a chance (50%) of restoring the user's HP when it is hit by an attack move while the zone is a Fighting Zone. Cynthia & Lucario
Cynthia & Lucario (Mega Lucario)
Fighting Zone Triage Tank 5 Has a chance (60%) of restoring the user's HP when it is hit by an attack move while the zone is a Fighting Zone.
Fighting Zone Triage Tank 6 Has a chance (70%) of restoring the user's HP when it is hit by an attack move while the zone is a Fighting Zone.
Fighting Zone Triage Tank 7 Has a chance (80%) of restoring the user's HP when it is hit by an attack move while the zone is a Fighting Zone.
Fighting Zone Triage Tank 8 Has a chance (90%) of restoring the user's HP when it is hit by an attack move while the zone is a Fighting Zone.
Fighting Zone Triage Tank 9 Restores the user's HP when it is hit by an attack move while the zone is a Fighting Zone.
Fire DF Immunity Protects the user from damage from Fire-type moves
Fire DF Resistance 1 Reduces damage the user takes from Fire-type moves
Fire DF Resistance 2 Reduces damage the user takes from Fire-type moves
Fire DF Resistance 3 Reduces damage the user takes from Fire-type moves
Fire DF Resistance 4 Reduces damage the user takes from Fire-type moves
Fire DF Resistance 5 Reduces damage the user takes from Fire-type moves
Fire DF Resistance 6 Reduces damage the user takes from Fire-type moves
Fire DF Resistance 7 Reduces damage the user takes from Fire-type moves
Fire DF Resistance 8 Reduces damage the user takes from Fire-type moves
Fire DF Resistance 9 Reduces damage the user takes from Fire-type moves
Fire Guard Reduces damage when the user is attacked by Fire-type moves. Kali & Azumarill Brawly & Makuhita
Brawly & Hariyama
Red & Snorlax
Shauntal & Chandelure
Whitney & Miltank
Ingo & Chandelure
Anabel & Snorlax
Tina & Flareon
Grusha &
Chewy Lucky Cookie
Fire Shift Normal-type moves become Fire-type moves. Blue & Arcanine
Fire Teamwork Powers up the moves of all allied sync pairs by 10%. Reduces attack damage taken by all allied sync pairs by 10%. The more allied sync pairs with the Fire theme you have on your team, the higher the percentages are. (Each additional sync pair powers up moves by 5% and reduces damage by 2%. The maximum power-up is 20%, and the maximum damage reduction is 14%.) Evelyn & Entei
First Aid 1 Restores the user's HP by approximately 20% of its maximum HP the first time it is in a pinch each battle.
First Aid 2 Restores the user's HP by approximately 30% of its maximum HP the first time it is in a pinch each battle. Main Character & Scyther
Main Character & Pinsir
Main Character & Tauros
Main Character & Meowth
Main Character & Persian
Main Character & Zubat
Main Character & Golbat
Main Character & Nidoran♀
Main Character & Nidorina
Main Character & Nidoqueen
Main Character & Weedle
Main Character & Kakuna
Main Character & Beedrill
Main Character & Kabuto
Main Character & Kabutops
Main Character & Aerodactyl
Main Character & Charmander
Main Character & Charmeleon
Main Character & Charizard
Main Character & Squirtle
Main Character & Wartortle
Main Character & Blastoise
Main Character & Growlithe
Main Character & Arcanine
Main Character & Goldeen
Main Character & Seaking
Main Character & Kangaskhan
Main Character & Seel
Main Character & Dewgong
Main Character & Mankey
Main Character & Primeape
Main Character & Machop
Main Character & Machoke
Main Character & Machamp
Main Character & Grimer
Main Character & Muk
Main Character & Lickitung
Main Character & Lickitung
Main Character & Pichu
Main Character & Pikachu
Main Character & Raichu
Main Character & Elekid
Main Character & Electabuzz
Main Character & Magnemite
Main Character & Magneton
Main Character & Voltorb
Main Character & Electrode
Main Character & Igglybuff
Main Character & Jigglypuff
Main Character & Wigglytuff
Main Character & Porygon
Main Character & Magby
Main Character & Magmar
Main Character & Vulpix
Main Character & Ninetales
Main Character & Ponyta
Main Character & Rapidash
Main Character & Tangela
Main Character & Tangela
Main Character & Omanyte
Main Character & Omastar
Main Character & Cubone
Main Character & Marowak
Main Character & Cubone
Main Character & Marowak
Main Character & Sandshrew
Main Character & Sandslash
Main Character & Farfetch'd
Main Character & Spearow
Main Character & Fearow
Main Character & Dratini
Main Character & Dragonair
Main Character & Dragonite
Main Character & Koffing
Main Character & Weezing
Main Character & Paras
Main Character & Parasect
Main Character & Horsea
Main Character & Seadra
Main Character & Shellder
Main Character & Cloyster
Main Character & Munchlax
Main Character & Snorlax
Main Character & Happiny
Main Character & Chansey
Main Character & Magikarp
Main Character & Gyarados
Main Character & Tyrogue
Main Character & Hitmonchan
Main Character & Smoochum
Main Character & Jynx
Main Character & Oddish
Main Character & Gloom
Main Character & Vileplume
Main Character & Meowth (Alola Form)
Main Character & Persian (Alola Form)
Main Character & Meowth (Galarian Form)
Main Character & Perrserker
Main Character & Pidgey
Main Character & Pidgeotto
Main Character & Pidgeot
Main Character & Nidoran♂
Main Character & Nidorino
Main Character & Nidoking
Main Character & Slowpoke
Main Character & Slowbro
Main Character &
Main Character &
Main Character &
Main Character & Diglett
Main Character & Dugtrio
Main Character & Grookey
Main Character & Scorbunny
Main Character & Sobble
Main Character & Drowzee
Main Character & Hypno
Main Character & Psyduck
Main Character & Golduck
Main Character & Caterpie
Main Character & Metapod
Main Character & Butterfree
Grimsley & Sharpedo
Grimsley & Sharpedo (Mega Sharpedo)
Main Character & Alcremie (Ruby Cream - Berry Sweet)
Main Character & Alcremie (Matcha Cream - Clover Sweet)
Main Character & Alcremie (Mint Cream - Star Sweet)
Main Character & Alcremie (Lemon Cream - Flower Sweet)
Main Character & Alcremie (Salted Cream - Ribbon Sweet)
Main Character & Alcremie (Caramel Swirl - Love Sweet)
Ramos & Weepinbell
Ramos & Victreebel
Sabrina & Chingling
Valerie & Sylveon
Jasmine & Magnemite
Naomi & Sandslash
Kali & Azumarill
Adaman & Vaporeon
Irida & Glaceon
Rose & Perrserker
Petey & Pikachu (Female)
Blossom & Kirlia
First Aid 3 Restores the user's HP by approximately 40% of its maximum HP the first time it is in a pinch each battle.
First Aid 4 Restores the user's HP by approximately 50% of its maximum HP the first time it is in a pinch each battle. Blue & Exeggutor
Cheryl & Wailord
Gladion & Golbat
Hau & Raichu (Alola Form)
Hilda & Emboar
Kris & Suicune
Main Character & Cobalion
Main Character & Rhyhorn
Main Character & Rhydon
Main Character & Tentacool
Main Character & Tentacruel
Misty & Psyduck
Winona & Altaria
Morty & Gastly
Gloria & Thwackey
Rachel & (Roaming Form)
Elio & Popplio
Elio & Brionne
Elio & Primarina
Allister & Gourgeist (Super Size)
Iono &
Acerola & Tapu Bulu
Agatha & Gengar
Agatha & Gengar (Mega Gengar)
Agatha & Arbok
Blue & Aerodactyl
Blue & Aerodactyl (Mega Aerodactyl)
Bugsy & Scyther
Caitlin & Sableye
Caitlin & Sableye (Mega Sableye)
Calem & Greninja (Shiny Greninja)
Calem & Greninja (Shiny Greninja)
Clair & Drampa
Cynthia & Gastrodon
Elesa & Zebstrika
Elesa & Joltik
Giovanni & Persian
Giovanni & Nidorino
Hilbert & Mightyena
Hilda & Grapploct (Shiny Grapploct)
Janine & Crobat
Kahili & Toucannon
Karen & Umbreon
Kris & Totodile
Kris & Croconaw
Kris & Feraligatr
Lance & Dragonair
Lorelei & Cloyster
Lt. Surge & Raichu
Lyra & Phanpy
Main Character & Regirock
Marlon & Carracosta
Olivia & Carbink
Phoebe & Dusclops
Phoebe & Dusknoir
Professor Oak & Mew
Professor Oak & Mew
Roark & Cranidos
Roark & Rampardos
Sophocles & Golem (Alola Form)
Viola & Surskit
Viola & Masquerain
Glacia & Glalie
Glacia & Glalie (Mega Glalie)
Ethan & Cyndaquil
Ethan & Quilava
Ethan & Typhlosion
Zinnia & Salamence
Guzma & Golisopod
Clemont & Magneton
Jasmine & Steelix
Jasmine & Steelix (Mega Steelix)
Wallace & Milotic
Dawn & Alcremie
Morty & Mismagius
Cyrus & Palkia
Volkner & Luxray
Rachel & Umbreon
Marnie & Grimmsnarl
Elio & Stakataka
Raihan & Sandaconda
Emmet & Archeops
Evelyn & Entei
Hop & Zamazenta (Crowned Shield)
Sidney & Absol
Sidney & Absol (Mega Absol)
Darach & Staraptor
Irida & Flareon
Nemona & Lycanroc
Dana & Regice
Tina & Flareon
Argenta & Skarmory
Rika &
Bellelba & Swoobat
Kabu & Centiskorch
Sina & Glaceon
Milo & Eldegoss
First Aid 5 Restores the user's HP by approximately 60% of its maximum HP the first time it is in a pinch each battle.
First Aid 6 Restores the user's HP by approximately 70% of its maximum HP the first time it is in a pinch each battle. Hala & Crabominable
First Aid 7 Restores the user's HP by approximately 80% of its maximum HP the first time it is in a pinch each battle.
First Aid 8 Restores the user's HP by approximately 90% of its maximum HP the first time it is in a pinch each battle.
First Aid 9 Restores the user's HP by approximately 100% of its maximum HP the first time it is in a pinch each battle. Ryuki & Turtonator
First Pinch Prep 1 Raises the user's Attack and Sp. Atk by 1 stat rank the first time its HP drops to half or below each battle.
First Pinch Prep 2 Raises the user's Attack and Sp. Atk by 2 stat rank the first time its HP drops to half or below each battle.
First Pinch Prep 3 Raises the user's Attack and Sp. Atk by 3 stat rank the first time its HP drops to half or below each battle.
First Pinch Prep 4 Raises the user's Attack and Sp. Atk by 4 stat rank the first time its HP drops to half or below each battle.
First Pinch Prep 5 Raises the user's Attack and Sp. Atk by 5 stat rank the first time its HP drops to half or below each battle.
First Pinch Prep 6 Raises the user's Attack and Sp. Atk by 6 stat rank the first time its HP drops to half or below each battle.
First Sync Defense Down All 1 Lowers the Defense of all opposing sync pairs by 1 stat ranks the first time the user's sync move is used each battle.
First Sync Defense Down All 2 Lowers the Defense of all opposing sync pairs by 2 stat ranks the first time the user's sync move is used each battle. Cynthia & Garchomp
Cynthia & Garchomp (Mega Garchomp)
First Sync Defense Down All 3 Lowers the Defense of all opposing sync pairs by 3 stat ranks the first time the user's sync move is used each battle.
First Sync Defense Down All 4 Lowers the Defense of all opposing sync pairs by 4 stat ranks the first time the user's sync move is used each battle.
First Sync Defense Down All 5 Lowers the Defense of all opposing sync pairs by 5 stat ranks the first time the user's sync move is used each battle.
First Sync Defense Down All 6 Lowers the Defense of all opposing sync pairs by 6 stat ranks the first time the user's sync move is used each battle.
Flabbergast 1 Has a chance (20%) of leaving the target confused when a move targeting that opponent is successful.
Flabbergast 2 Has a chance (30%) of leaving the target confused when a move targeting that opponent is successful.
Flabbergast 3 Has a chance (40%) of leaving the target confused when a move targeting that opponent is successful.
Flabbergast 4 Has a chance (50%) of leaving the target confused when a move targeting that opponent is successful. Whitney & Sawsbuck (Winter Form)
Morty & Gastly
Penny & Sylveon
Flabbergast 5 Has a chance (60%) of leaving the target confused when a move targeting that opponent is successful.
Flabbergast 6 Has a chance (70%) of leaving the target confused when a move targeting that opponent is successful.
Flabbergast 7 Has a chance (80%) of leaving the target confused when a move targeting that opponent is successful.
Flabbergast 8 Has a chance (90%) of leaving the target confused when a move targeting that opponent is successful.
Flabbergast 9 Leaves the target confused when the user's move targeting that opponent is successful.
Flag Bearer 1 Has a chance (20%) of raising the Attack of all allied sync pairs by one stat rank when the user's Pokémon uses a move. Sawyer & Honchkrow
Flag Bearer 2 Has a chance (30%) of raising the Attack of all allied sync pairs by one stat rank when the user's Pokémon uses a move.
Flag Bearer 3 Has a chance (40%) of raising the Attack of all allied sync pairs by one stat rank when the user's Pokémon uses a move. Red & Snorlax
Flag Bearer 4 Has a chance (50%) of raising the Attack of all allied sync pairs by one stat rank when the user's Pokémon uses a move.
Flag Bearer 5 Has a chance (60%) of raising the Attack of all allied sync pairs by one stat rank when the user's Pokémon uses a move.
Flag Bearer 6 Has a chance (70%) of raising the Attack of all allied sync pairs by one stat rank when the user's Pokémon uses a move.
Flag Bearer 7 Has a chance (80%) of raising the Attack of all allied sync pairs by one stat rank when the user's Pokémon uses a move.
Flag Bearer 8 Has a chance (90%) of raising the Attack of all allied sync pairs by one stat rank when the user's Pokémon uses a move.
Flag Bearer 9 Raises the Attack of all allied sync pairs by one stat rank when the user's Pokémon uses a move. Hilda & Grapploct (Shiny Grapploct)
Professor Oak & Nidorino
Kabu & Centiskorch
Flameproof Prevents the user from getting burned. Caitlin & Reuniclus
Cheryl & Wailord
Karen & Houndoom
Karen & Houndoom (Mega Houndoom)
Main Character & Rattata
Main Character & Raticate
Main Character & Machop
Main Character & Machoke
Main Character & Machamp
Main Character & Abra
Main Character & Kadabra
Main Character & Alakazam
Main Character & Cleffa
Main Character & Clefairy
Main Character & Clefable
Main Character & Vulpix
Main Character & Ninetales
Main Character & Vulpix
Main Character & Ninetales
Main Character & Vulpix
Main Character & Ninetales
Main Character & Ponyta
Main Character & Rapidash
Main Character & Ponyta
Main Character & Rapidash
Main Character & Ponyta
Main Character & Rapidash
Plumeria & Salazzle
May & Wailmer
Kali & Azumarill
Barry & Floatzel
Blaine & Ponyta
Blaine & Rapidash
Brawly & Makuhita
Brawly & Hariyama
Crasher Wake & Floatzel
Diantha & Diancie (Shiny Diancie)
Diantha & Diancie (Shiny Mega Diancie)
Giovanni & Guzzlord
Hilda & Victini
Kahili & Toucannon
Kris & Suicune
Lance & Kingdra
Marlon & Carracosta
Mina & Tapu Fini
Misty & Vaporeon
Rosa & Shaymin (Sky Forme)
Sophocles & Golem (Alola Form)
Leaf & Clefable
Leaf & Moltres
Dawn & Cresselia
Serena & Fletchling
Morty & Ho-Oh (Shiny Ho-Oh)
Alder & Volcarona
May & Blaziken
May & Blaziken (Mega Blaziken)
Lysandre & Volcanion
Leon & Eternatus
Leon & Charizard
Marnie & Cinderace
Kiawe & Arcanine
Ryuki & Turtonator
Raihan & Flygon
Hop & Zapdos (Galarian Form)
Lucas & Flareon
Courtney & Camerupt (Female)
Courtney & Camerupt (Mega Camerupt)
Nita & Landorus
Victor & Spectrier
Tierno & Crawdaunt
Malva & Talonflame
Irida & Flareon
Tina & Flareon
Kabu & Centiskorch
Kabu & Torkoal
Clavell &
Mela &
1Star Crispy Lucky Cookie
2Star Crispy Lucky Cookie
3Star Crispy Lucky Cookie
1 Star Deluxe Lucky Cookie
2 Star Deluxe Lucky Cookie
Fleet Feet 1 Raises the user's Speed by 1 stat ranks when its move is successful.
Fleet Feet 2 Raises the user's Speed by 2 stat ranks when its move is successful.
Fleet Feet 3 Raises the user's Speed by 3 stat ranks when its move is successful.
Fleet Feet 4 Raises the user's Speed by 4 stat ranks when its move is successful.
Fleet Feet 5 Raises the user's Speed by 5 stat ranks when its move is successful.
Fleet Feet 6 Raises the user's Speed by 6 stat ranks when its move is successful.
Flinch Hitter 5 Powers up the user's sync move when the target is flinching. Skyla & Togekiss
Steven & Sandslash (Alola Form)
Molayne & Dugtrio (Alola Form)
Flood Alert 5 Extends the duration of rainy weather when the weather turns rainy while the user is on the field. Archie & Kyogre Dahlia & Ludicolo
Fluid Fortification
Flying Guard Reduces damage when the user is attacked by Flying-type moves. Chewy Lucky Cookie
Flying Shift Normal-type moves become Flying-type moves. Lance & Gyarados
Liza & Celesteela
Skyla & Togekiss
Focus Group 1 Has a chance (20%) of raising the critical-hit rate of all allied sync pairs by one stat rank when the user's Pokémon uses a move.
Focus Group 2 Has a chance (30%) of raising the critical-hit rate of all allied sync pairs by one stat rank when the user's Pokémon uses a move. Kiawe & Marowak (Alola Form)
Focus Group 3 Has a chance (40%) of raising the critical-hit rate of all allied sync pairs by one stat rank when the user's Pokémon uses a move.
Focus Group 4 Has a chance (50%) of raising the critical-hit rate of all allied sync pairs by one stat rank when the user's Pokémon uses a move.
Focus Group 5 Has a chance (60%) of raising the critical-hit rate of all allied sync pairs by one stat rank when the user's Pokémon uses a move.
Focus Group 6 Has a chance (70%) of raising the critical-hit rate of all allied sync pairs by one stat rank when the user's Pokémon uses a move.
Focus Group 7 Has a chance (80%) of raising the critical-hit rate of all allied sync pairs by one stat rank when the user's Pokémon uses a move.
Focus Group 8 Has a chance (90%) of raising the critical-hit rate of all allied sync pairs by one stat rank when the user's Pokémon uses a move.
Focus Group 9 Raises the critical-hit rate of all allied sync pairs by one stat rank when the user's Pokémon uses a move. Bugsy & Kricketune
Lillie & Polteageist (Antique Form)
Morgan & Virizion
Lyra & Phanpy
Atticus &
Focus Rush 1 Raises the user's critical-hit rate by 1 stat ranks after using its sync move. Main Character & Solgaleo
Ethan & Cyndaquil
Ethan & Quilava
Ethan & Typhlosion
Raihan & Duraludon
Focus Rush 2 Raises the user's critical-hit rate by 2 stat ranks after using its sync move.
Focus Rush 3 Raises the user's critical-hit rate by 3 stat ranks after using its sync move. N & Zekrom
Follow-Through 9 Applies the Critical Hit Next effect to the user when its move is successful.
Force Field 1 Has a chance (20%) of raising the Sp. Def of all allied sync pairs by one stat rank when the user's Pokémon uses a move. Professor Sycamore & Xerneas
Steven & Metagross
Steven & Metagross (Mega Metagross)
Force Field 2 Has a chance (30%) of raising the Sp. Def of all allied sync pairs by one stat rank when the user's Pokémon uses a move.
Force Field 3 Has a chance (40%) of raising the Sp. Def of all allied sync pairs by one stat rank when the user's Pokémon uses a move.
Force Field 4 Has a chance (50%) of raising the Sp. Def of all allied sync pairs by one stat rank when the user's Pokémon uses a move. Blue & Blastoise
Blue & Blastoise (Mega Blastoise)
Force Field 5 Has a chance (60%) of raising the Sp. Def of all allied sync pairs by one stat rank when the user's Pokémon uses a move.
Force Field 6 Has a chance (70%) of raising the Sp. Def of all allied sync pairs by one stat rank when the user's Pokémon uses a move.
Force Field 7 Has a chance (80%) of raising the Sp. Def of all allied sync pairs by one stat rank when the user's Pokémon uses a move.
Force Field 8 Has a chance (90%) of raising the Sp. Def of all allied sync pairs by one stat rank when the user's Pokémon uses a move.
Force Field 9 Raises the Sp. Def of all allied sync pairs by one stat rank when the user's Pokémon uses a move. Rosa & Meloetta (Aria Form)
Rosa & Meloetta (Pirouette Forme)
Fortify 1 The user's Defense and Sp. Def increase 10% when its remaining HP is at half or below.
Fortify 2 The user's Defense and Sp. Def increase 20% when its remaining HP is at half or below.
Fortify 3 The user's Defense and Sp. Def increase 30% when its remaining HP is at half or below. Dawn & Cresselia
Fortify 4 The user's Defense and Sp. Def increase 40% when its remaining HP is at half or below.
Fortify 5 The user's Defense and Sp. Def increase 50% when its remaining HP is at half or below.
Fortify 6 The user's Defense and Sp. Def increase 60% when its remaining HP is at half or below.
Fortify 7 The user's Defense and Sp. Def increase 70% when its remaining HP is at half or below.
Fortify 8 The user's Defense and Sp. Def increase 80% when its remaining HP is at half or below.
Fortify 9 The user's Defense and Sp. Def increase 90% when its remaining HP is at half or below.
Fortuitous 1 Has a chance (20%) of raising one of the user's following stats by one stat rank at random when its attack move is successful: Attack, Defense, Sp. Atk, Sp. Def, Speed, accuracy, or evasiveness. Burgh & Leavanny
Fortuitous 2 Has a chance (30%) of raising one of the user's following stats by one stat rank at random when its attack move is successful: Attack, Defense, Sp. Atk, Sp. Def, Speed, accuracy, or evasiveness.
Fortuitous 3 Has a chance (40%) of raising one of the user's following stats by one stat rank at random when its attack move is successful: Attack, Defense, Sp. Atk, Sp. Def, Speed, accuracy, or evasiveness.
Fortuitous 4 Has a chance (50%) of raising one of the user's following stats by one stat rank at random when its attack move is successful: Attack, Defense, Sp. Atk, Sp. Def, Speed, accuracy, or evasiveness. Siebold & Octillery
Glacia & Glalie (Mega Glalie)
Flannery & Torkoal
Will & Xatu
Fortuitous 5 Has a chance (60%) of raising one of the user's following stats by one stat rank at random when its attack move is successful: Attack, Defense, Sp. Atk, Sp. Def, Speed, accuracy, or evasiveness.
Fortuitous 6 Has a chance (70%) of raising one of the user's following stats by one stat rank at random when its attack move is successful: Attack, Defense, Sp. Atk, Sp. Def, Speed, accuracy, or evasiveness.
Fortuitous 7 Has a chance (80%) of raising one of the user's following stats by one stat rank at random when its attack move is successful: Attack, Defense, Sp. Atk, Sp. Def, Speed, accuracy, or evasiveness.
Fortuitous 8 Has a chance (90%) of raising one of the user's following stats by one stat rank at random when its attack move is successful: Attack, Defense, Sp. Atk, Sp. Def, Speed, accuracy, or evasiveness.
Fortuitous 9 Raises one of the user's following stats by one stat rank at random when its attack move is successful: Attack, Defense, Sp. Atk, Sp. Def, Speed, accuracy, or evasiveness. Korrina & Marshadow
Lear & Krookodile
Korrina & Marshadow
Korrina & Marshadow
Foul Fighting 1 Powers up the user's moves against targets that are flinching, confused, or trapped. Main Character & Charmander
Main Character & Charmeleon
Main Character & Charizard
Main Character & Goldeen
Main Character & Seaking
Main Character & Kangaskhan
Main Character & Abra
Main Character & Kadabra
Main Character & Alakazam
Main Character & Omanyte
Main Character & Omastar
Main Character & Farfetch'd
Main Character & Dratini
Main Character & Dragonair
Main Character & Dragonite
Main Character & Staryu
Main Character & Starmie
Main Character & Meowth (Alola Form)
Main Character & Persian (Alola Form)
Main Character & Pidgey
Main Character & Pidgeotto
Main Character & Pidgeot
Main Character & Slowpoke
Main Character & Slowbro
Foul Fighting 2 Powers up the user's moves against targets that are flinching, confused, or trapped. Brock & Tyranitar
Ethan & Lugia
Gloria & Inteleon
Foul Fighting 3 Powers up the user's moves against targets that are flinching, confused, or trapped. Crasher Wake & Floatzel
Winona & Pelipper
Plumeria & Gengar
Marnie & Grimmsnarl
Foul Fighting 4 Powers up the user's moves against targets that are flinching, confused, or trapped.
Foul Fighting 5 Powers up the user's moves against targets that are flinching, confused, or trapped. Skyla & Togekiss Karen & Houndoom
Karen & Houndoom (Mega Houndoom)
Ingo & Chandelure
Foul Fighting 6 Powers up the user's moves against targets that are flinching, confused, or trapped.
Foul Fighting 7 Powers up the user's moves against targets that are flinching, confused, or trapped.
Foul Fighting 8 Powers up the user's moves against targets that are flinching, confused, or trapped.
Foul Fighting 9 Powers up the user's moves against targets that are flinching, confused, or trapped. Tate & Solrock
Freevenge 1 Has a chance (20%) of applying the Free Move Next effect to the user when it is hit by an attack move.
Freevenge 2 Has a chance (30%) of applying the Free Move Next effect to the user when it is hit by an attack move. Lyra & Phanpy
Freevenge 3 Has a chance (40%) of applying the Free Move Next effect to the user when it is hit by an attack move.
Freevenge 4 Has a chance (50%) of applying the Free Move Next effect to the user when it is hit by an attack move. Brendan & Latios
Hop & Zamazenta (Crowned Shield)
Professor Sycamore & Xerneas
Freevenge 5 Has a chance (60%) of applying the Free Move Next effect to the user when it is hit by an attack move.
Freevenge 6 Has a chance (70%) of applying the Free Move Next effect to the user when it is hit by an attack move.
Freevenge 7 Has a chance (80%) of applying the Free Move Next effect to the user when it is hit by an attack move.
Freevenge 8 Has a chance (90%) of applying the Free Move Next effect to the user when it is hit by an attack move.
Freevenge 9 Applies the Free Move Next effect to the user when it is hit by an attack move. Brendan & Latios (Mega Latios)
Lance & Kingdra
Main Character & Mesprit
Freeze Synergy 1 Powers up the user's moves when the target is frozen.
Freeze Synergy 2 Powers up the user's moves when the target is frozen. Skyla & Togekiss
Leon & Calyrex (Ice Rider)
Freeze Synergy 3 Powers up the user's moves when the target is frozen. Lorelei & Lapras
Freeze Synergy 4 Powers up the user's moves when the target is frozen.
Freeze Synergy 5 Powers up the user's moves when the target is frozen.
Freeze Synergy 6 Powers up the user's moves when the target is frozen.
Freeze Synergy 7 Powers up the user's moves when the target is frozen.
Freeze Synergy 8 Powers up the user's moves when the target is frozen. Pryce & Seel
Pryce & Dewgong
Pryce & Seel
Pryce & Dewgong
Freeze Synergy 9 Powers up the user's moves when the target is frozen.
Freezer Burn 2 Powers up the user's sync move when the target is frozen. Leon & Calyrex (Ice Rider)
Freezer Burn 5 Powers up the user's sync move when the target is frozen. Brycen & Cryogonal
Steven & Sandslash (Alola Form)
Leon & Calyrex (Ice Rider)
Fresh Start Returns the user's lowered stats to normal when it enters a battle. Zinnia & Rayquaza (Mega Rayquaza)
Friend Care 1 When the user's move targeting an allied sync pair (excluding field effects) is successful, has a chance (20%) of removing the flinching, confused, and trapped conditions from the allied sync pair affected by the move.
Friend Care 2 When the user's move targeting an allied sync pair (excluding field effects) is successful, has a chance (30%) of removing the flinching, confused, and trapped conditions from the allied sync pair affected by the move.
Friend Care 3 When the user's move targeting an allied sync pair (excluding field effects) is successful, has a chance (40%) of removing the flinching, confused, and trapped conditions from the allied sync pair affected by the move.
Friend Care 4 When the user's move targeting an allied sync pair (excluding field effects) is successful, has a chance (50%) of removing the flinching, confused, and trapped conditions from the allied sync pair affected by the move.
Friend Care 5 When the user's move targeting an allied sync pair (excluding field effects) is successful, has a chance (60%) of removing the flinching, confused, and trapped conditions from the allied sync pair affected by the move.
Friend Care 6 When the user's move targeting an allied sync pair (excluding field effects) is successful, has a chance (70%) of removing the flinching, confused, and trapped conditions from the allied sync pair affected by the move.
Friend Care 7 When the user's move targeting an allied sync pair (excluding field effects) is successful, has a chance (80%) of removing the flinching, confused, and trapped conditions from the allied sync pair affected by the move.
Friend Care 8 When the user's move targeting an allied sync pair (excluding field effects) is successful, has a chance (90%) of removing the flinching, confused, and trapped conditions from the allied sync pair affected by the move.
Friend Care 9 When the user's move targeting an allied sync pair (excluding field effects) is successful, removes the flinching, confused, and trapped conditions from the allied sync pair affected by the move.
Friend Mend 9 When a move targeting an allied sync pair (excluding field effects) is successful, removes all status conditions from the allied sync pair affected by the move.
Move on Ally: HP Recovery (M) 1 When the user's move targeting an allied sync pair (excluding field effects) is successful, restores the HP of the allied sync pair affected by the move by approximately 20% of its maximum HP.
Move on Ally: HP Recovery (M) 2 When the user's move targeting an allied sync pair (excluding field effects) is successful, restores the HP of the allied sync pair affected by the move by approximately 40% of its maximum HP.
Move on Ally: HP Recovery (M) 3 When the user's move targeting an allied sync pair (excluding field effects) is successful, restores the HP of the allied sync pair affected by the move by approximately 60% of its maximum HP.
Move on Ally: HP Recovery (M) 4 When the user's move targeting an allied sync pair (excluding field effects) is successful, restores the HP of the allied sync pair affected by the move by approximately 80% of its maximum HP.
Move on Ally: HP Recovery (M) 5 When the user's move targeting an allied sync pair (excluding field effects) is successful, restores the HP of the allied sync pair affected by the move by 100% of its maximum HP.
Friendly Shield 1 When the user's move targeting an allied sync pair (excluding field effects) is successful, raises the Defense of the allied sync pair affected by the move by 1 stat ranks.
Friendly Shield 2 When the user's move targeting an allied sync pair (excluding field effects) is successful, raises the Defense of the allied sync pair affected by the move by 2 stat ranks.
Friendly Shield 3 When the user's move targeting an allied sync pair (excluding field effects) is successful, raises the Defense of the allied sync pair affected by the move by 3 stat ranks.
Friendly Shield 4 When the user's move targeting an allied sync pair (excluding field effects) is successful, raises the Defense of the allied sync pair affected by the move by 4 stat ranks.
Friendly Shield 5 When the user's move targeting an allied sync pair (excluding field effects) is successful, raises the Defense of the allied sync pair affected by the move by 5 stat ranks.
Friendly Shield 6 When the user's move targeting an allied sync pair (excluding field effects) is successful, raises the Defense of the allied sync pair affected by the move by 6 stat ranks.
Fuel Economy 1 Decreases the amount of move gauge slots the user's Pokémon needs to use moves by 1. Hilda & Diancie (Mega Diancie)
Silver & Tyranitar (Shiny Tyranitar)
Silver & Tyranitar (Shiny Mega Tyranitar)
Steven & Deoxys (Normal Forme)
May & Blaziken (Mega Blaziken)
Fuel Economy 2 Decreases the amount of move gauge slots the user's Pokémon needs to use moves by 2. Gloria & Cinderace
Florian &
Fuel Economy 3 Decreases the amount of move gauge slots the user's Pokémon needs to use moves by 3.
Fuel Economy 4 Decreases the amount of move gauge slots the user's Pokémon needs to use moves by 4.
Fuel Economy 5 Decreases the amount of move gauge slots the user's Pokémon needs to use moves by 5.
Fuel Economy 6 Decreases the amount of move gauge slots the user's Pokémon needs to use moves by 6.
Full First Aid Fully restores the user's HP the first time it is in a pinch each battle. Grimsley & Bisharp
Full-Bracing Command 1 Has a chance (20%) of raising the user's Defense and Sp. Def by 1 stat rank when its Trainer uses a move.
Full-Bracing Command 2 Has a chance (30%) of raising the user's Defense and Sp. Def by 1 stat rank when its Trainer uses a move. Steven & Stoutland (Shiny Stoutland)
Full-Bracing Command 3 Has a chance (40%) of raising the user's Defense and Sp. Def by 1 stat rank when its Trainer uses a move.
Full-Bracing Command 4 Has a chance (50%) of raising the user's Defense and Sp. Def by 1 stat rank when its Trainer uses a move.
Full-Bracing Command 5 Has a chance (60%) of raising the user's Defense and Sp. Def by 1 stat rank when its Trainer uses a move. Lear & Krookodile
Full-Bracing Command 6 Has a chance (70%) of raising the user's Defense and Sp. Def by 1 stat rank when its Trainer uses a move.
Full-Bracing Command 7 Has a chance (80%) of raising the user's Defense and Sp. Def by 1 stat rank when its Trainer uses a move.
Full-Bracing Command 8 Has a chance (90%) of raising the user's Defense and Sp. Def by 1 stat rank when its Trainer uses a move.
Full-Bracing Command 9 Raises the user's Defense and Sp. Def by 1 stat rank when its Trainer uses a move. Jasmine & Ampharos
Shauna & Klefki
Chase & Pikachu
Full-Bracing Command+ 1 Has a chance (20%) of raising the user's Defense and Sp. Def by 2 stat rankS when its Trainer uses a move.
Full-Bracing Command+ 2 Has a chance (30%) of raising the user's Defense and Sp. Def by 2 stat rankS when its Trainer uses a move.
Full-Bracing Command+ 3 Has a chance (40%) of raising the user's Defense and Sp. Def by 2 stat rankS when its Trainer uses a move.
Full-Bracing Command+ 4 Has a chance (50%) of raising the user's Defense and Sp. Def by 2 stat rankS when its Trainer uses a move.
Full-Bracing Command+ 5 Has a chance (60%) of raising the user's Defense and Sp. Def by 2 stat rankS when its Trainer uses a move.
Full-Bracing Command+ 6 Has a chance (70%) of raising the user's Defense and Sp. Def by 2 stat rankS when its Trainer uses a move.
Full-Bracing Command+ 7 Has a chance (80%) of raising the user's Defense and Sp. Def by 2 stat rankS when its Trainer uses a move.
Full-Bracing Command+ 8 Has a chance (90%) of raising the user's Defense and Sp. Def by 2 stat rankS when its Trainer uses a move.
Full-Bracing Command+ 9 Raises the user's Defense and Sp. Def by 2 stat rankS when its Trainer uses a move. Jasmine & Ampharos (Mega Ampharos)
Full-Bracing P-Move 1 Has a chance (20%) of raising the user's Defense and Sp. Def by 1 stat rank when its Pokémon uses a move.
Full-Bracing P-Move 2 Has a chance (30%) of raising the user's Defense and Sp. Def by 1 stat rank when its Pokémon uses a move.
Full-Bracing P-Move 3 Has a chance (40%) of raising the user's Defense and Sp. Def by 1 stat rank when its Pokémon uses a move.
Full-Bracing P-Move 4 Has a chance (50%) of raising the user's Defense and Sp. Def by 1 stat rank when its Pokémon uses a move.
Full-Bracing P-Move 5 Has a chance (60%) of raising the user's Defense and Sp. Def by 1 stat rank when its Pokémon uses a move.
Full-Bracing P-Move 6 Has a chance (70%) of raising the user's Defense and Sp. Def by 1 stat rank when its Pokémon uses a move.
Full-Bracing P-Move 7 Has a chance (80%) of raising the user's Defense and Sp. Def by 1 stat rank when its Pokémon uses a move.
Full-Bracing P-Move 8 Has a chance (90%) of raising the user's Defense and Sp. Def by 1 stat rank when its Pokémon uses a move.
Full-Bracing P-Move 9 Raises the user's Defense and Sp. Def by 1 stat rank when its Pokémon uses a move. Agatha & Arbok Guzma & Ariados
Furious Brain The more the user's Sp. Atk is raised, the more it powers up the user's moves. Blue & Zapdos
Caitlin & Reuniclus
Cynthia & Kommo-o
Erika & Tangela
Liza & Lunatone
Lorelei & Lapras
Main Character & Solgaleo
Marley & Shaymin
Red & Articuno
Steven & Deoxys (Normal Forme)
Steven & Deoxys (Normal Forme)
Steven & Deoxys (Attack Forme)
Steven & Deoxys (Defense Forme)
Steven & Deoxys (Speed Forme)
Burgh & Leavanny
Serena & Greninja
Serena & Greninja
N & Zoroark
May & Wailmer
Lysandre & Volcanion
Lear &
Petrel & Weezing
Bede & Inteleon
Mela &
Furious Brawn The more the user's Attack is raised, the more it powers up the user's moves. Candice & Darmanitan (Galarian Form)
Candice & Darmanitan (Galarian Form Zen Mode)
Grimsley & Sharpedo
Grimsley & Sharpedo (Mega Sharpedo)
Hugh & Bouffalant
Korrina & Marshadow
Noland & Pinsir
Noland & Pinsir (Mega Pinsir)
Norman & Slaking
Palmer & Regigigas
Skyla & Unfezant (Female)
Steven & Metagross
Steven & Metagross (Mega Metagross)
Valerie & Mawile
Molayne & Dugtrio (Alola Form)
Gloria & Thwackey
Marnie & Cinderace
Sonia & Tsareena (Shiny Tsareena)
Looker & Croagunk
Rose & Copperajah
Volo & Gible
Clavell &
Giacomo &
Fuzzy Strike 1 Powers up the user's sync move when the target is confused.
Fuzzy Strike 2 Powers up the user's sync move when the target is confused. Sidney & Absol
Sidney & Absol (Mega Absol)
Fuzzy Strike 3 Powers up the user's sync move when the target is confused. Ingo & Chandelure
Fuzzy Strike 4 Powers up the user's sync move when the target is confused.
Fuzzy Strike 5 Powers up the user's sync move when the target is confused. Lusamine & Lilligant Acerola & Mimikyu
Acerola & Mimikyu (Busted Form)
Calem & Espurr
Calem & Meowstic
Will & Slowbro
Guzma & Buzzwole
Bede & Hatterene
Galar Flag Bearer Powers up the moves of all allied sync pairs by 10%.Reduces attack damage taken by all allied sync pairs by 20%.These percentages increase according to the number of allied sync pairs with the Galar theme on your team. (Each additional sync pair powers up moves by 10% and reduces damage by 3%. The maximum power-up is 30%, and the maximum damage reduction is 26%.) Leon & Charizard
Bede & Articuno (Galarian Form)
Galar Pride Powers up the physical attack moves of all allied sync pairs by 20%. Reduces physical attack move damage taken by all allied sync pairs by 25%. The more allied sync pairs with the Galar theme you have on your team, the higher these percentages are. (Each additional sync pair powers up moves by 15% and reduces damage by 3%. The maximum power-up is 50%, and the maximum damage reduction is 31%.) Hop & Zapdos (Galarian Form)
Galar Spirit Powers up the special attack moves of all allied sync pairs by 20%. Reduces special attack move damage taken by all allied sync pairs by 25%. The more allied sync pairs with the Galar theme you have on your team, the higher these percentages are. (Each additional sync pair powers up moves by 15% and reduces damage by 3%. The maximum power-up is 50%, and the maximum damage reduction is 31%.) Marnie & Moltres (Galarian Form)
Ghost Guard Reduces damage when the user is attacked by Ghost-type moves. Arven & Falkner & Noctowl
Victor & Greedent
Jacq &
Larry &
Chewy Lucky Cookie
Ghost Shift Normal-type moves become Ghost-type moves.
Giovanni's Cunning Normal-type moves become Ground-type moves. Moves never miss. Giovanni & Nidoking
Giovanni's Experience Powers up the user's moves during a sandstorm. Extends the duration of a sandstorm when a sandstorm is caused while the user is on the field. Protects all allied sync pairs from damage from a sandstorm. Giovanni & Rhydon
Gloating Boost 1 Has a chance (20%) of increasing the user's Physical Moves Up Next effect and Special Moves ↑ Next effect by 1 rank when an opponent's attack move targeting the user misses.
Gloating Boost 2 Has a chance (30%) of increasing the user's Physical Moves Up Next effect and Special Moves ↑ Next effect by 1 rank when an opponent's attack move targeting the user misses.
Gloating Boost 3 Has a chance (40%) of increasing the user's Physical Moves Up Next effect and Special Moves ↑ Next effect by 1 rank when an opponent's attack move targeting the user misses.
Gloating Boost 4 Has a chance (50%) of increasing the user's Physical Moves Up Next effect and Special Moves ↑ Next effect by 1 rank when an opponent's attack move targeting the user misses.
Gloating Boost 5 Has a chance (60%) of increasing the user's Physical Moves Up Next effect and Special Moves ↑ Next effect by 1 rank when an opponent's attack move targeting the user misses.
Gloating Boost 6 Has a chance (70%) of increasing the user's Physical Moves Up Next effect and Special Moves ↑ Next effect by 1 rank when an opponent's attack move targeting the user misses.
Gloating Boost 7 Has a chance (80%) of increasing the user's Physical Moves Up Next effect and Special Moves ↑ Next effect by 1 rank when an opponent's attack move targeting the user misses.
Gloating Boost 8 Has a chance (90%) of increasing the user's Physical Moves Up Next effect and Special Moves ↑ Next effect by 1 rank when an opponent's attack move targeting the user misses.
Gloating Boost 9 Increases the user's Physical Moves Up Next effect and Special Moves ↑ Next effect by 1 rank when an opponent's attack move targeting the user misses. Elesa & Togetic
Go Viral 1 When the user's status move is used and inflicted a status condition on an opponent, has a chance (20%) of inflicting the same status condition on all opposing sync pairs.
Go Viral 2 When the user's status move is used and inflicted a status condition on an opponent, has a chance (30%) of inflicting the same status condition on all opposing sync pairs.
Go Viral 3 When the user's status move is used and inflicted a status condition on an opponent, has a chance (40%) of inflicting the same status condition on all opposing sync pairs.
Go Viral 4 When the user's status move is used and inflicted a status condition on an opponent, has a chance (50%) of inflicting the same status condition on all opposing sync pairs.
Go Viral 5 When the user's status move is used and inflicted a status condition on an opponent, has a chance (60%) of inflicting the same status condition on all opposing sync pairs.
Go Viral 6 When the user's status move is used and inflicted a status condition on an opponent, has a chance (70%) of inflicting the same status condition on all opposing sync pairs.
Go Viral 7 When the user's status move is used and inflicted a status condition on an opponent, has a chance (80%) of inflicting the same status condition on all opposing sync pairs.
Go Viral 8 When the user's status move is used and inflicted a status condition on an opponent, has a chance (90%) of inflicting the same status condition on all opposing sync pairs.
Go Viral 9 When the user's status move is used and inflicted a status condition on an opponent, inflicts the same status condition on all opposing sync pairs. Serena & Fennekin
Serena & Braixen
Serena & Delphox
Serena & Whimsicott
Morty & Banette
Morty & Banette (Mega Banette)
Rosa & Meloetta (Aria Form)
Rosa & Meloetta (Pirouette Forme)
Ingo & Chandelure
Colress & Klinklang
Gobsmack 1 Has a chance (20%) of leaving the target confused when the user's attack move against it is successful.
Gobsmack 2 Has a chance (30%) of leaving the target confused when the user's attack move against it is successful. Skyla & Tornadus (Therian Forme) Wally & Gardevoir (Shiny Gardevoir)
Wally & Gardevoir (Shiny Mega Gardevoir)
Gobsmack 3 Has a chance (40%) of leaving the target confused when the user's attack move against it is successful.
Gobsmack 4 Has a chance (50%) of leaving the target confused when the user's attack move against it is successful. Wally & Gardevoir (Shiny Gardevoir)
Wally & Gardevoir (Shiny Mega Gardevoir)
Archer & Houndoom
Cheren & Tornadus
Wallace & Blacephalon
Lucas & Torterra
Bede & Hatterene
Victor & Spectrier
Victor & Greedent
Akari & Samurott (Hisuian Form)
Eve & Eevee
Iono &
Volo & Togepi
Brycen-man & Zoroark
Klara & Slowbro (Galarian Form)
Giacomo &
Gobsmack 5 Has a chance (60%) of leaving the target confused when the user's attack move against it is successful.
Gobsmack 6 Has a chance (70%) of leaving the target confused when the user's attack move against it is successful.
Gobsmack 7 Has a chance (80%) of leaving the target confused when the user's attack move against it is successful.
Gobsmack 8 Has a chance (90%) of leaving the target confused when the user's attack move against it is successful.
Gobsmack 9 Leaves the target confused when the user's attack move against it is successful.
Good Form The more the user's stats are raised, the more it powers up the user's moves. Korrina & Marshadow
Steven & Rayquaza (Shiny Rayquaza)
Steven & Rayquaza (Shiny Mega Rayquaza)
Good Night-mare 1 Powers up the user's moves when the target is asleep.
Good Night-mare 2 Powers up the user's moves when the target is asleep. Serena & Fennekin
Serena & Braixen
Serena & Delphox
Serena & Fennekin
Serena & Braixen
Serena & Delphox
Good Night-mare 3 Powers up the user's moves when the target is asleep. Ramos & Weepinbell
Ramos & Victreebel
Elio & Popplio
Elio & Brionne
Elio & Primarina
Greta & Breloom
Good Night-mare 4 Powers up the user's moves when the target is asleep.
Good Night-mare 5 Powers up the user's moves when the target is asleep. Serena & Fennekin
Serena & Braixen
Serena & Delphox
Lyra & Jigglypuff
Cyrus & Darkrai
Grab Bag 1 Has a chance (20%) of lowering one of the target's following stats by 1 stat rank at random when the user's Pokémon uses a move targeting that opponent: Attack, Defense, Sp. Atk, Sp. Def, Speed, accuracy, or evasiveness.
Grab Bag 2 Has a chance (30%) of lowering one of the target's following stats by 1 stat rank at random when the user's Pokémon uses a move targeting that opponent: Attack, Defense, Sp. Atk, Sp. Def, Speed, accuracy, or evasiveness.
Grab Bag 3 Has a chance (40%) of lowering one of the target's following stats by 1 stat rank at random when the user's Pokémon uses a move targeting that opponent: Attack, Defense, Sp. Atk, Sp. Def, Speed, accuracy, or evasiveness.
Grab Bag 4 Has a chance (50%) of lowering one of the target's following stats by 1 stat rank at random when the user's Pokémon uses a move targeting that opponent: Attack, Defense, Sp. Atk, Sp. Def, Speed, accuracy, or evasiveness.
Grab Bag 5 Has a chance (60%) of lowering one of the target's following stats by 1 stat rank at random when the user's Pokémon uses a move targeting that opponent: Attack, Defense, Sp. Atk, Sp. Def, Speed, accuracy, or evasiveness.
Grab Bag 6 Has a chance (70%) of lowering one of the target's following stats by 1 stat rank at random when the user's Pokémon uses a move targeting that opponent: Attack, Defense, Sp. Atk, Sp. Def, Speed, accuracy, or evasiveness.
Grab Bag 7 Has a chance (80%) of lowering one of the target's following stats by 1 stat rank at random when the user's Pokémon uses a move targeting that opponent: Attack, Defense, Sp. Atk, Sp. Def, Speed, accuracy, or evasiveness.
Grab Bag 8 Has a chance (90%) of lowering one of the target's following stats by 1 stat rank at random when the user's Pokémon uses a move targeting that opponent: Attack, Defense, Sp. Atk, Sp. Def, Speed, accuracy, or evasiveness.
Grab Bag 9 Lowers one of the target's following stats by 1 stat rank at random when the user's Pokémon uses a move targeting that opponent: Attack, Defense, Sp. Atk, Sp. Def, Speed, accuracy, or evasiveness. Dawn & Oricorio (Sensu Style)
Grand Entry 1 Raises the user's Sp. Atk by 1 stat ranks when it enters a battle. Agatha & Gengar
Agatha & Gengar (Mega Gengar)
Calem & Espurr
Calem & Meowstic
Diantha & Keldeo (Resolute Form)
Misty & Vaporeon
Sabrina & Alakazam
Sabrina & Alakazam (Mega Alakazam)
Wally & Gallade
Wally & Gallade (Mega Gallade)
Wallace & Milotic
Burgh & Leavanny
Gloria & Inteleon
1 Star Deluxe Lucky Cookie
Grand Entry 2 Raises the user's Sp. Atk by 2 stat ranks when it enters a battle. Brycen & Cryogonal
Cheren & Tornadus
Gardenia & Roserade
Lusamine & Lilligant
Lyra & Celebi
Marley & Shaymin
Thorton & Magnezone
Viola & Vivillon (Icy Snow Pattern)
Ethan & Lugia
Zinnia & Rayquaza
Zinnia & Rayquaza (Mega Rayquaza)
Clemont & Heliolisk
Cyrus & Darkrai
Lysandre & Yveltal
Raihan & Duraludon
Petrel & Weezing
Brycen-man & Zoroark
Dexio & Espeon
Sina & Glaceon
1 Star Deluxe Lucky Cookie
2 Star Deluxe Lucky Cookie
Mela Lucky Cookie 1
Grand Entry 3 Raises the user's Sp. Atk by 3 stat ranks when it enters a battle.
Grand Entry 4 Raises the user's Sp. Atk by 4 stat ranks when it enters a battle. Plumeria & Gengar
Lysandre & Volcanion
Lucas & Dialga
Grand Entry 5 Raises the user's Sp. Atk by 5 stat ranks when it enters a battle.
Grand Entry 6 Raises the user's Sp. Atk by 6 stat ranks when it enters a battle.
Grappling Sync Applies the Restrain effect to the target when a sync move targeting that opponent is successful. Allister & Gengar
Grass Guard Reduces damage when the user is attacked by Grass-type moves. Clair & Drampa
Hugh & Bouffalant
Professor Sycamore & Gogoat
Whitney & Miltank
Kali & Azumarill
Jacq &
Chewy Lucky Cookie
Grass Shift Normal-type moves become Grass-type moves.
Grassy Cushion 1 Reduces damage when the user is hit by an attack move while the terrain is Grassy Terrain.
Grassy Cushion 2 Reduces damage when the user is hit by an attack move while the terrain is Grassy Terrain. Professor Sycamore & Gogoat
Rosa & Shaymin (Sky Forme)
Hop & Rillaboom
Dahlia & Ludicolo
Greta & Breloom
Grassy Cushion 3 Reduces damage when the user is hit by an attack move while the terrain is Grassy Terrain.
Grassy Cushion 4 Reduces damage when the user is hit by an attack move while the terrain is Grassy Terrain.
Grassy Cushion 5 Reduces damage when the user is hit by an attack move while the terrain is Grassy Terrain.
Grassy Tenacity Prevents the user from flinching, becoming confused, or becoming trapped when the terrain is Grassy Terrain. Acerola & Tapu Bulu
Red & Venusaur
Grassy Terrain Debut & Extension 1 Turns the field of play's terrain into Grassy Terrain the first time the user enters a battle each battle. Extends the duration of Grassy Terrain when the terrain turns into Grassy Terrain while the user is on the field.
Grassy Terrain Debut & Extension 2 Turns the field of play's terrain into Grassy Terrain the first time the user enters a battle each battle. Extends the duration of Grassy Terrain when the terrain turns into Grassy Terrain while the user is on the field.
Grassy Terrain Debut & Extension 3 Turns the field of play's terrain into Grassy Terrain the first time the user enters a battle each battle. Extends the duration of Grassy Terrain when the terrain turns into Grassy Terrain while the user is on the field.
Grassy Terrain Debut & Extension 4 Turns the field of play's terrain into Grassy Terrain the first time the user enters a battle each battle. Extends the duration of Grassy Terrain when the terrain turns into Grassy Terrain while the user is on the field.
Grassy Terrain Debut & Extension 5 Turns the field of play's terrain into Grassy Terrain the first time the user enters a battle each battle. Extends the duration of Grassy Terrain when the terrain turns into Grassy Terrain while the user is on the field. Acerola & Tapu Bulu
Grassy Terrain Debut & Extension 6 Turns the field of play's terrain into Grassy Terrain the first time the user enters a battle each battle. Extends the duration of Grassy Terrain when the terrain turns into Grassy Terrain while the user is on the field.
Grassy Terrain Debut & Extension 7 Turns the field of play's terrain into Grassy Terrain the first time the user enters a battle each battle. Extends the duration of Grassy Terrain when the terrain turns into Grassy Terrain while the user is on the field.
Grassy Terrain Debut & Extension 8 Turns the field of play's terrain into Grassy Terrain the first time the user enters a battle each battle. Extends the duration of Grassy Terrain when the terrain turns into Grassy Terrain while the user is on the field.
Grassy Terrain Debut & Extension 9 Turns the field of play's terrain into Grassy Terrain the first time the user enters a battle each battle. Extends the duration of Grassy Terrain when the terrain turns into Grassy Terrain while the user is on the field.
Green Thumb Turns the field of play's terrain into Grassy Terrain after using the user's sync move. Hilda & Leafeon Acerola & Tapu Bulu
Grimsley's Gambit Makes opponents target the user for a short time when it uses Metal Burst. Grants all of the following effects when the user's attack move, which was conducted after leaving the counter attacking posture by being hit by an attack move, is successful: Grimsley & Bisharp
Gritty 1 Powers up the user's moves when it is affected by a status condition. 1Star Crunchy Lucky Cookie
Gritty 2 Powers up the user's moves when it is affected by a status condition. 1Star Crunchy Lucky Cookie
2Star Crunchy Lucky Cookie
Gritty 3 Powers up the user's moves when it is affected by a status condition. Adaman & Ursaluna 1Star Crunchy Lucky Cookie
2Star Crunchy Lucky Cookie
3Star Crunchy Lucky Cookie
Gritty 4 Powers up the user's moves when it is affected by a status condition.
Gritty 5 Powers up the user's moves when it is affected by a status condition. Marshal & Conkeldurr Hilbert & Mightyena
Shauntal & Chandelure
Morty & Drifblim
Piers & Obstagoon
Gritty 6 Powers up the user's moves when it is affected by a status condition.
Gritty 7 Powers up the user's moves when it is affected by a status condition.
Gritty 8 Powers up the user's moves when it is affected by a status condition.
Gritty 9 Powers up the user's moves when it is affected by a status condition.
Gritty Guardian 1 Has a chance (20%) of raising the user's Defense and Sp. Def by one stat rank when its Pokémon uses a move during a sandstorm. Ingo & Excadrill
Gritty Guardian 3 Has a chance (40%) of raising the user's Defense and Sp. Def by one stat rank when its Pokémon uses a move during a sandstorm. Bertha & Hippowdon
Ground Guard Reduces damage when the user is attacked by Ground-type moves. Gladion & Golbat
Iris & Hydreigon
Janine & Crobat
Liza & Lunatone
Tate & Solrock
Emmet & Eelektross
Petrel & Weezing
Helena & Haunter
Malva & Talonflame
Chewy Lucky Cookie
Ground Shift Normal-type moves become Ground-type moves.
Ground Teamwork Powers up the moves of all allied sync pairs by 10%. Reduces attack move damage taken by all allied sync pairs by 10%. The more allied sync pairs with the Ground theme you have on your team, the higher these percentages are. (Each additional sync pair powers up moves by 5% and reduces damage by 2%. The maximum power-up is 20%, and the maximum damage reduction is 14%.) Nita & Landorus
Grounding Wire Prevents the user from flinching, becoming confused, or becoming trapped when the terrain is Electric Terrain. Hau & Tapu Koko
Red & Pikachu
Roxie & Toxtricity (Amped Form)
Nemona &
Florian &
Group Afflicter's Advantage 1 Raises the Attack, Defense, Sp. Atk, Sp. Def, and Speed of all allied sync pairs by 1 stat ranks the first time the user's Pokémon uses a status move each battle. Morty & Ho-Oh (Shiny Ho-Oh)
Group Afflicter's Advantage 2 Raises the Attack, Defense, Sp. Atk, Sp. Def, and Speed of all allied sync pairs by 2 stat ranks the first time the user's Pokémon uses a status move each battle.
Group Afflicter's Advantage 3 Raises the Attack, Defense, Sp. Atk, Sp. Def, and Speed of all allied sync pairs by 3 stat ranks the first time the user's Pokémon uses a status move each battle.
Group Afflicter's Advantage 4 Raises the Attack, Defense, Sp. Atk, Sp. Def, and Speed of all allied sync pairs by 4 stat ranks the first time the user's Pokémon uses a status move each battle.
Group Afflicter's Advantage 5 Raises the Attack, Defense, Sp. Atk, Sp. Def, and Speed of all allied sync pairs by 5 stat ranks the first time the user's Pokémon uses a status move each battle.
Group Afflicter's Advantage 6 Raises the Attack, Defense, Sp. Atk, Sp. Def, and Speed of all allied sync pairs by 6 stat ranks the first time the user's Pokémon uses a status move each battle.
Group Dragon Guard Reduces the damage all allied sync pairs take when attacked by Dragon-type moves. Lillie & Clefairy Penny & Sylveon
Group Fire Guard Reduces the damage all allied sync pairs take when attacked by Fire-type moves. Lana & Araquanid Marley & Arcanine Kabu Lucky Cookie 1
Group Fortification 1 Has a chance (20%) of raising the Defense, Sp. Def—or both—of all allied sync pairs by 1 stat rank when an opponent's attack move targeting the user misses.
Group Fortification 2 Has a chance (30%) of raising the Defense, Sp. Def—or both—of all allied sync pairs by 1 stat rank when an opponent's attack move targeting the user misses.
Group Fortification 3 Has a chance (40%) of raising the Defense, Sp. Def—or both—of all allied sync pairs by 1 stat rank when an opponent's attack move targeting the user misses.
Group Fortification 4 Has a chance (50%) of raising the Defense, Sp. Def—or both—of all allied sync pairs by 1 stat rank when an opponent's attack move targeting the user misses.
Group Fortification 5 Has a chance (60%) of raising the Defense, Sp. Def—or both—of all allied sync pairs by 1 stat rank when an opponent's attack move targeting the user misses.
Group Fortification 6 Has a chance (70%) of raising the Defense, Sp. Def—or both—of all allied sync pairs by 1 stat rank when an opponent's attack move targeting the user misses.
Group Fortification 7 Has a chance (80%) of raising the Defense, Sp. Def—or both—of all allied sync pairs by 1 stat rank when an opponent's attack move targeting the user misses.
Group Fortification 8 Has a chance (90%) of raising the Defense, Sp. Def—or both—of all allied sync pairs by 1 stat rank when an opponent's attack move targeting the user misses.
Group Fortification 9 Raises the Defense, Sp. Def—or both—of all allied sync pairs by 1 stat rank when an opponent's attack move targeting the user misses. Calem & Greninja (Shiny Greninja)
Calem & Greninja (Shiny Greninja)
Raihan & Sandaconda
Group Gloat 1 Has a chance (20%) of raising the Attack, Sp. Atk, or both, of all allied sync pairs by one stat rank when an opponent's attack move targeting the user misses.
Group Gloat 2 Has a chance (30%) of raising the Attack, Sp. Atk, or both, of all allied sync pairs by one stat rank when an opponent's attack move targeting the user misses.
Group Gloat 3 Has a chance (40%) of raising the Attack, Sp. Atk, or both, of all allied sync pairs by one stat rank when an opponent's attack move targeting the user misses.
Group Gloat 4 Has a chance (50%) of raising the Attack, Sp. Atk, or both, of all allied sync pairs by one stat rank when an opponent's attack move targeting the user misses.
Group Gloat 5 Has a chance (60%) of raising the Attack, Sp. Atk, or both, of all allied sync pairs by one stat rank when an opponent's attack move targeting the user misses.
Group Gloat 6 Has a chance (70%) of raising the Attack, Sp. Atk, or both, of all allied sync pairs by one stat rank when an opponent's attack move targeting the user misses.
Group Gloat 7 Has a chance (80%) of raising the Attack, Sp. Atk, or both, of all allied sync pairs by one stat rank when an opponent's attack move targeting the user misses.
Group Gloat 8 Has a chance (90%) of raising the Attack, Sp. Atk, or both, of all allied sync pairs by one stat rank when an opponent's attack move targeting the user misses.
Group Gloat 9 Raises the Attack, Sp. Atk, or both, of all allied sync pairs by one stat rank when an opponent's attack move targeting the user misses. Phoebe & Cofagrigus
Falkner & Swellow
Group Moral Support 1 Has a chance (20%) of raising the Sp. Def of all allied sync pairs by one stat rank when the user's Trainer uses a move.
Group Moral Support 2 Has a chance (30%) of raising the Sp. Def of all allied sync pairs by one stat rank when the user's Trainer uses a move.
Group Moral Support 3 Has a chance (40%) of raising the Sp. Def of all allied sync pairs by one stat rank when the user's Trainer uses a move.
Group Moral Support 4 Has a chance (50%) of raising the Sp. Def of all allied sync pairs by one stat rank when the user's Trainer uses a move. Red & Snorlax
Group Moral Support 5 Has a chance (60%) of raising the Sp. Def of all allied sync pairs by one stat rank when the user's Trainer uses a move.
Group Moral Support 6 Has a chance (70%) of raising the Sp. Def of all allied sync pairs by one stat rank when the user's Trainer uses a move.
Group Moral Support 7 Has a chance (80%) of raising the Sp. Def of all allied sync pairs by one stat rank when the user's Trainer uses a move.
Group Moral Support 8 Has a chance (90%) of raising the Sp. Def of all allied sync pairs by one stat rank when the user's Trainer uses a move.
Group Moral Support 9 Raises the Sp. Def of all allied sync pairs by one stat rank when the user's Trainer uses a move.
Group Morale Boost 1 Has a chance (20%) of raising the Sp. Atk of all allied sync pairs by one stat rank when the user's Trainer uses a move.
Group Morale Boost 2 Has a chance (30%) of raising the Sp. Atk of all allied sync pairs by one stat rank when the user's Trainer uses a move.
Group Morale Boost 3 Has a chance (40%) of raising the Sp. Atk of all allied sync pairs by one stat rank when the user's Trainer uses a move.
Group Morale Boost 4 Has a chance (50%) of raising the Sp. Atk of all allied sync pairs by one stat rank when the user's Trainer uses a move.
Group Morale Boost 5 Has a chance (60%) of raising the Sp. Atk of all allied sync pairs by one stat rank when the user's Trainer uses a move.
Group Morale Boost 6 Has a chance (70%) of raising the Sp. Atk of all allied sync pairs by one stat rank when the user's Trainer uses a move.
Group Morale Boost 7 Has a chance (80%) of raising the Sp. Atk of all allied sync pairs by one stat rank when the user's Trainer uses a move.
Group Morale Boost 8 Has a chance (90%) of raising the Sp. Atk of all allied sync pairs by one stat rank when the user's Trainer uses a move.
Group Morale Boost 9 Raises the Sp. Atk of all allied sync pairs by one stat rank when the user's Trainer uses a move. Jasmine & Celesteela
Rachel & (Roaming Form)
Group Pep Talk 1 Has a chance (20%) of raising the Attack of all allied sync pairs by one stat rank when the user's Trainer uses a move.
Group Pep Talk 2 Has a chance (30%) of raising the Attack of all allied sync pairs by one stat rank when the user's Trainer uses a move.
Group Pep Talk 3 Has a chance (40%) of raising the Attack of all allied sync pairs by one stat rank when the user's Trainer uses a move.
Group Pep Talk 4 Has a chance (50%) of raising the Attack of all allied sync pairs by one stat rank when the user's Trainer uses a move.
Group Pep Talk 5 Has a chance (60%) of raising the Attack of all allied sync pairs by one stat rank when the user's Trainer uses a move.
Group Pep Talk 6 Has a chance (70%) of raising the Attack of all allied sync pairs by one stat rank when the user's Trainer uses a move.
Group Pep Talk 7 Has a chance (80%) of raising the Attack of all allied sync pairs by one stat rank when the user's Trainer uses a move.
Group Pep Talk 8 Has a chance (90%) of raising the Attack of all allied sync pairs by one stat rank when the user's Trainer uses a move.
Group Pep Talk 9 Raises the Attack of all allied sync pairs by one stat rank when the user's Trainer uses a move.
“Heals” Move: Team HP Recovery (M) 1 Restores the HP of all allied sync pairs by approximately 20% of their maximum HP when the user uses a move that has the heal effect tag. Aaron & Vespiquen
“Heals” Move: Team HP Recovery (M) 2 Restores the HP of all allied sync pairs by approximately 40% of their maximum HP when the user uses a move that has the heal effect tag.
“Heals” Move: Team HP Recovery (M) 3 Restores the HP of all allied sync pairs by approximately 60% of their maximum HP when the user uses a move that has the heal effect tag.
“Heals” Move: Team HP Recovery (M) 4 Restores the HP of all allied sync pairs by approximately 80% of their maximum HP when the user uses a move that has the heal effect tag.
“Heals” Move: Team HP Recovery (M) 5 Fully restores HP of all allied sync pairs when the user uses a move that has the heal effect tag.
Group Slapdash 1 Has a chance (20%) of raising the Speed of all allied sync pairs by one stat rank when an opponent's attack move targeting the user misses.
Group Slapdash 2 Has a chance (30%) of raising the Speed of all allied sync pairs by one stat rank when an opponent's attack move targeting the user misses.
Group Slapdash 3 Has a chance (40%) of raising the Speed of all allied sync pairs by one stat rank when an opponent's attack move targeting the user misses.
Group Slapdash 4 Has a chance (50%) of raising the Speed of all allied sync pairs by one stat rank when an opponent's attack move targeting the user misses.
Group Slapdash 5 Has a chance (60%) of raising the Speed of all allied sync pairs by one stat rank when an opponent's attack move targeting the user misses.
Group Slapdash 6 Has a chance (70%) of raising the Speed of all allied sync pairs by one stat rank when an opponent's attack move targeting the user misses.
Group Slapdash 7 Has a chance (80%) of raising the Speed of all allied sync pairs by one stat rank when an opponent's attack move targeting the user misses.
Group Slapdash 8 Has a chance (90%) of raising the Speed of all allied sync pairs by one stat rank when an opponent's attack move targeting the user misses.
Group Slapdash 9 Raises the Speed of all allied sync pairs by one stat rank when an opponent's attack move targeting the user misses. Acerola & Banette
Morty & Gastly
Falkner & Swellow
Eve & Eevee
Wally & Delcatty
Irida & Zoroark (Hisuian Form)
Rika &
Group Spectacle 1 Has a chance (20%) of raising the accuracy of all allied sync pairs by one stat rank when an opponent's attack move targeting the user misses.
Group Spectacle 2 Has a chance (30%) of raising the accuracy of all allied sync pairs by one stat rank when an opponent's attack move targeting the user misses.
Group Spectacle 3 Has a chance (40%) of raising the accuracy of all allied sync pairs by one stat rank when an opponent's attack move targeting the user misses.
Group Spectacle 4 Has a chance (50%) of raising the accuracy of all allied sync pairs by one stat rank when an opponent's attack move targeting the user misses.
Group Spectacle 5 Has a chance (60%) of raising the accuracy of all allied sync pairs by one stat rank when an opponent's attack move targeting the user misses.
Group Spectacle 6 Has a chance (70%) of raising the accuracy of all allied sync pairs by one stat rank when an opponent's attack move targeting the user misses.
Group Spectacle 7 Has a chance (80%) of raising the accuracy of all allied sync pairs by one stat rank when an opponent's attack move targeting the user misses.
Group Spectacle 8 Has a chance (90%) of raising the accuracy of all allied sync pairs by one stat rank when an opponent's attack move targeting the user misses.
Group Spectacle 9 Raises the accuracy of all allied sync pairs by one stat rank when an opponent's attack move targeting the user misses. Falkner & Swellow
Group Therapy Removes all status conditions from all allied sync pairs when a move is successful.
Group Water Guard Reduces the damage all allied sync pairs take when attacked by Water-type moves. Cynthia & Gastrodon
Lana & Araquanid
Acerola Lucky Cookie 1
Guaranteed Triple Increases the number of times the user hits with a move that has the multistrike effect tag to three or more when that move is successful. Barry & Heracross Greta & Breloom
Clavell &
Guarded Entry 1 Raises the user's Defense and Sp. Def by 1 stat ranks when it enters a battle. Thorton & Bronzong
Ingo & Excadrill
Giacomo &
Eri Lucky Cookie 1
Guilt Trip 2 Lowers the Sp. Def of all opposing sync pairs by 2 stat ranks just before the user faints. Fantina & Mismagius
Hail Alert 1 Extends the duration of a hailstorm when a hailstorm is caused while the user is on the field.
Hail Alert 2 Extends the duration of a hailstorm when a hailstorm is caused while the user is on the field.
Hail Alert 3 Extends the duration of a hailstorm when a hailstorm is caused while the user is on the field. Irida & Glaceon
Hail Alert 4 Extends the duration of a hailstorm when a hailstorm is caused while the user is on the field.
Hail Alert 5 Extends the duration of a hailstorm when a hailstorm is caused while the user is on the field. Sabrina & Chingling
Avery & Slowking (Galarian Form)
Hail Alert 6 Extends the duration of a hailstorm when a hailstorm is caused while the user is on the field.
Hail Alert 7 Extends the duration of a hailstorm when a hailstorm is caused while the user is on the field.
Hail Alert 8 Extends the duration of a hailstorm when a hailstorm is caused while the user is on the field.
Hail Alert 9 Extends the duration of a hailstorm when a hailstorm is caused while the user is on the field.
Hail and Hearty The user's Defense and Sp. Def increase 30% during a hailstorm. Bea & Vanilluxe
Hail Bringer Causes a hailstorm after using the user's sync move. Steven & Sandslash (Alola Form) Bea & Vanilluxe
Hail Immunity Status conditions cannot be inflicted on the user during a hailstorm. Sabrina & Chingling
Irida & Glaceon
Hail Rally 1 Has a chance (20%) of raising the critical-hit rate of all allied sync pairs by one stat rank when the user's Pokémon uses a move during a hailstorm. Rosa & Delibird
Hail: P-Moves Up & S-Moves Up 1 Powers up the user's moves and sync move during a hailstorm.
Hail: P-Moves Up & S-Moves Up 2 Powers up the user's moves and sync move during a hailstorm.
Hail: P-Moves Up & S-Moves Up 3 Powers up the user's moves and sync move during a hailstorm.
Hail: P-Moves Up & S-Moves Up 4 Powers up the user's moves and sync move during a hailstorm.
Hail: P-Moves Up & S-Moves Up 5 Powers up the user's moves and sync move during a hailstorm. Red & Articuno
Hail: P-Moves Up & S-Moves Up 6 Powers up the user's moves and sync move during a hailstorm.
Hail: P-Moves Up & S-Moves Up 7 Powers up the user's moves and sync move during a hailstorm.
Hail: P-Moves Up & S-Moves Up 8 Powers up the user's moves and sync move during a hailstorm.
Hail: P-Moves Up & S-Moves Up 9 Powers up the user's moves and sync move during a hailstorm.
Hard Knocks 1 Has a chance (20%) of lowering one of the target's following stats by 1 stat ranks at random when a move, sync move, or max move used by the user's Pokémon targeting that opponent is successful: Attack, Defense, Sp. Atk, Sp. Def, Speed, accuracy, or evasiveness.
Hard Knocks 2 Has a chance (30%) of lowering one of the target's following stats by 1 stat ranks at random when a move, sync move, or max move used by the user's Pokémon targeting that opponent is successful: Attack, Defense, Sp. Atk, Sp. Def, Speed, accuracy, or evasiveness.
Hard Knocks 3 Has a chance (40%) of lowering one of the target's following stats by 1 stat ranks at random when a move, sync move, or max move used by the user's Pokémon targeting that opponent is successful: Attack, Defense, Sp. Atk, Sp. Def, Speed, accuracy, or evasiveness.
Hard Knocks 4 Has a chance (50%) of lowering one of the target's following stats by 1 stat ranks at random when a move, sync move, or max move used by the user's Pokémon targeting that opponent is successful: Attack, Defense, Sp. Atk, Sp. Def, Speed, accuracy, or evasiveness.
Hard Knocks 5 Has a chance (60%) of lowering one of the target's following stats by 1 stat ranks at random when a move, sync move, or max move used by the user's Pokémon targeting that opponent is successful: Attack, Defense, Sp. Atk, Sp. Def, Speed, accuracy, or evasiveness.
Hard Knocks 6 Has a chance (70%) of lowering one of the target's following stats by 1 stat ranks at random when a move, sync move, or max move used by the user's Pokémon targeting that opponent is successful: Attack, Defense, Sp. Atk, Sp. Def, Speed, accuracy, or evasiveness.
Hard Knocks 7 Has a chance (80%) of lowering one of the target's following stats by 1 stat ranks at random when a move, sync move, or max move used by the user's Pokémon targeting that opponent is successful: Attack, Defense, Sp. Atk, Sp. Def, Speed, accuracy, or evasiveness.
Hard Knocks 8 Has a chance (90%) of lowering one of the target's following stats by 1 stat ranks at random when a move, sync move, or max move used by the user's Pokémon targeting that opponent is successful: Attack, Defense, Sp. Atk, Sp. Def, Speed, accuracy, or evasiveness.
Hard Knocks 9 Lowers one of the target's following stats by 1 stat ranks at random when a move, sync move, or max move used by the user's Pokémon targeting that opponent is successful: Attack, Defense, Sp. Atk, Sp. Def, Speed, accuracy, or evasiveness. Bede & Hatterene
Harry 1 Powers up the user's moves against targets that are flinching.
Harry 2 Powers up the user's moves against targets that are flinching. Lysandre & Yveltal
Harry 3 Powers up the user's moves against targets that are flinching. Grimsley & Bisharp
Zinnia & Salamence
Plumeria & Salazzle
Volkner & Luxray
Lisia & Altaria
Lisia & Altaria (Mega Altaria)
Harry 4 Powers up the user's moves against targets that are flinching.
Harry 5 Powers up the user's moves against targets that are flinching. Acerola & Palossand
Blue & Pidgeot
Blue & Pidgeot (Mega Pidgeot)
Hassling Hit 1 Has a chance (20%) of leaving the target flinching, confused, and trapped when the user's attack move against it is successful.
Hassling Hit 2 Has a chance (30%) of leaving the target flinching, confused, and trapped when the user's attack move against it is successful.
Hassling Hit 3 Has a chance (40%) of leaving the target flinching, confused, and trapped when the user's attack move against it is successful.
Hassling Hit 4 Has a chance (50%) of leaving the target flinching, confused, and trapped when the user's attack move against it is successful.
Hassling Hit 5 Has a chance (60%) of leaving the target flinching, confused, and trapped when the user's attack move against it is successful.
Hassling Hit 6 Has a chance (70%) of leaving the target flinching, confused, and trapped when the user's attack move against it is successful.
Hassling Hit 7 Has a chance (80%) of leaving the target flinching, confused, and trapped when the user's attack move against it is successful.
Hassling Hit 8 Has a chance (90%) of leaving the target flinching, confused, and trapped when the user's attack move against it is successful.
Hassling Hit 9 Leaves the target flinching, confused, and trapped when the user's attack move against it is successful. Lyra & Celebi
Haste Speed cannot be lowered. Blue & Pidgeot
Blue & Pidgeot (Mega Pidgeot)
Brendan & Treecko
Brendan & Grovyle
Brendan & Sceptile
Brendan & Sceptile (Mega Sceptle)
Koga & Crobat
Main Character & Torchic
Main Character & Scyther
Main Character & Scyther
Main Character & Scyther
Main Character & Meowth
Main Character & Persian
Main Character & Sandshrew
Main Character & Sandslash
Main Character & Sandshrew
Main Character & Sandslash
Main Character & Sandshrew
Main Character & Sandslash
Main Character & Farfetch'd
Main Character & Horsea
Main Character & Seadra
Main Character & Horsea
Main Character & Seadra
Main Character & Horsea
Main Character & Seadra
Main Character & Meowth (Alola Form)
Main Character & Persian (Alola Form)
Main Character & Meowth (Alola Form)
Main Character & Persian (Alola Form)
Main Character & Meowth (Alola Form)
Main Character & Persian (Alola Form)
Main Character &
Main Character &
Main Character &
Main Character & Eevee
Main Character & Jolteon
Main Character & Grookey
Main Character & Scorbunny
Main Character & Scorbunny
Main Character & Sobble
Main Character & Psyduck
Main Character & Golduck
Main Character & Psyduck
Main Character & Golduck
Main Character & Tentacool
Main Character & Tentacruel
Marley & Arcanine
Noland & Ninjask
Skyla & Swanna
Barry & Piplup
Barry & Prinplup
Barry & Empoleon
Barry & Floatzel
Blaine & Ponyta
Blaine & Rapidash
Cheren & Purrloin
Clay & Palpitoad
Clay & Seismitoad
Crasher Wake & Floatzel
Cynthia & Lucario
Cynthia & Lucario (Mega Lucario)
Elesa & Zebstrika
Hau & Tapu Koko
Hilbert & Mightyena
Hilda & Tepig
Hilda & Pignite
Hilda & Emboar
Hugh & Unfezant
Janine & Crobat
Lt. Surge & Voltorb
Lt. Surge & Electrode
Nanu & Persian (Alola Form)
Silver & Sneasel
Skyla & Tornadus (Therian Forme)
Viola & Vivillon (Icy Snow Pattern)
Wally & Altaria
Winona & Altaria
Plumeria & Gengar
Dawn & Wormadam (Plant Cloak)
Serena & Whimsicott
Molayne & Dugtrio (Alola Form)
Gloria & Cinderace
Gloria & Cinderace
Gloria & Cinderace
N & Sigilyph
Marnie & Morpeko
Marnie & Morpeko (Hangry Mode)
Elio & Popplio
Elio & Brionne
Elio & Primarina
Selene & Rowlet
Selene & Dartrix
Selene & Decidueye
Falkner & Swellow
Darach & Staraptor
Lucian & Girafarig
Ash & Pikachu
Nita & Landorus
Shauna & Sylveon
Malva & Talonflame
Nemona &
Rei & Decidueye (Hisuian Form)
Eve & Eevee
Juliana &
Florian &
1Star Creamy Lucky Cookie
2Star Creamy Lucky Cookie
3Star Creamy Lucky Cookie
1 Star Deluxe Lucky Cookie
2 Star Deluxe Lucky Cookie
Hasty Hail 1 Quickly charges the move gauge during a hailstorm.
Hasty Hail 2 Quickly charges the move gauge during a hailstorm. Candice & Froslass Brycen & Cryogonal
Candice & Abomasnow
Candice & Darmanitan (Galarian Form)
Candice & Darmanitan (Galarian Form Zen Mode)
Lorelei & Lapras
Lorelei & Cloyster
Red & Articuno
Rosa & Delibird
Sabrina & Chingling
Steven & Sandslash (Alola Form)
Glacia & Glalie
Glacia & Glalie (Mega Glalie)
Hala & Crabominable
Melony & Lapras
Dana & Regice
Hasty Hail 3 Quickly charges the move gauge during a hailstorm. Nessa & Eiscue
Nessa & Eiscue (Noice Face)
N & Kyurem (Black Kyurem)
Bea & Vanilluxe
Hasty Hail 4 Quickly charges the move gauge during a hailstorm.
Hasty Hail 5 Quickly charges the move gauge during a hailstorm.
Hasty Hail 6 Quickly charges the move gauge during a hailstorm.
Hasty Hail 7 Quickly charges the move gauge during a hailstorm.
Hasty Hail 8 Quickly charges the move gauge during a hailstorm.
Hasty Hail 9 Quickly charges the move gauge during a hailstorm.
Haunted Acceleration 1 Quickly charges the move gauge when the zone is Ghost Zone.
Haunted Acceleration 2 Quickly charges the move gauge when the zone is Ghost Zone.
Haunted Acceleration 3 Quickly charges the move gauge when the zone is Ghost Zone. Victor & Spectrier Gardenia & Dhelmise
Haunted Acceleration 4 Quickly charges the move gauge when the zone is Ghost Zone.
Haunted Acceleration 5 Quickly charges the move gauge when the zone is Ghost Zone.
Haunted Acceleration 6 Quickly charges the move gauge when the zone is Ghost Zone.
Haunted Acceleration 7 Quickly charges the move gauge when the zone is Ghost Zone.
Haunted Acceleration 8 Quickly charges the move gauge when the zone is Ghost Zone.
Haunted Acceleration 9 Quickly charges the move gauge when the zone is Ghost Zone.
Haunted Healing 1 Restores the user's HP whenever its Pokémon takes an action when the zone is Ghost Zone. Cynthia & Giratina
Victor & Spectrier
Haunted Healing 2 Restores the user's HP whenever its Pokémon takes an action when the zone is Ghost Zone.
Haunted Healing 3 Restores the user's HP whenever its Pokémon takes an action when the zone is Ghost Zone.
Haunted Healing 4 Restores the user's HP whenever its Pokémon takes an action when the zone is Ghost Zone.
Haunted Healing 5 Restores the user's HP whenever its Pokémon takes an action when the zone is Ghost Zone.
Haunted Healing 6 Restores the user's HP whenever its Pokémon takes an action when the zone is Ghost Zone.
Haunted Healing 7 Restores the user's HP whenever its Pokémon takes an action when the zone is Ghost Zone.
Haunted Healing 8 Restores the user's HP whenever its Pokémon takes an action when the zone is Ghost Zone.
Haunted Healing 9 Restores the user's HP whenever its Pokémon takes an action when the zone is Ghost Zone.
Haunted Power 1 Powers up the user's moves when the zone is Ghost Zone.
Haunted Power 2 Powers up the user's moves when the zone is Ghost Zone. Victor & Spectrier
Haunted Power 3 Powers up the user's moves when the zone is Ghost Zone.
Haunted Power 4 Powers up the user's moves when the zone is Ghost Zone.
Haunted Power 5 Powers up the user's moves when the zone is Ghost Zone.
Haunted Power 6 Powers up the user's moves when the zone is Ghost Zone.
Haunted Power 7 Powers up the user's moves when the zone is Ghost Zone.
Haunted Power 8 Powers up the user's moves when the zone is Ghost Zone.
Haunted Power 9 Powers up the user's moves when the zone is Ghost Zone.
Haymaker The more the user's Attack is raised, the more it powers up the user's sync move. Skyla & Unfezant (Female) Barry & Heracross
Barry & Heracross (Mega Heracross)
Blue & Aerodactyl
Blue & Aerodactyl (Mega Aerodactyl)
Brock & Onix
Candice & Darmanitan (Galarian Form)
Candice & Darmanitan (Galarian Form Zen Mode)
Cynthia & Garchomp
Cynthia & Garchomp (Mega Garchomp)
Cynthia & Garchomp
Cynthia & Garchomp (Mega Garchomp)
Giovanni & Nidoking
Giovanni & Rhydon
Grimsley & Sharpedo
Grimsley & Sharpedo (Mega Sharpedo)
Grimsley & Bisharp
Hilbert & Mightyena
Hugh & Bouffalant
Kahili & Toucannon
Kris & Totodile
Kris & Croconaw
Kris & Feraligatr
Lorelei & Lapras
Main Character & Solgaleo
Palmer & Regigigas
Red & Charizard
Red & Charizard (Mega Charizard X)
Red & Pikachu
Roark & Cranidos
Roark & Rampardos
Steven & Metagross
Steven & Metagross (Mega Metagross)
Steven & Metagross
Steven & Metagross (Mega Metagross)
Guzma & Buzzwole
Morty & Drifblim
Nate & Haxorus (Shiny Haxorus)
Gloria & Zacian (Crowned Sword)
Gloria & Cinderace
Gloria & Cinderace
Gloria & Cinderace
Selene & Scizor (Female)
Lana & Tapu Lele
Hala & Crabominable
Emmet & Eelektross
Sonia & Tsareena (Shiny Tsareena)
Shauna & Delcatty
Adaman & Leafeon
Adaman & Ursaluna
Rose & Copperajah
Nemona &
Nemona &
Akari & Samurott (Hisuian Form)
Geeta &
Poppy &
Kabu & Centiskorch
Klara & Slowbro (Galarian Form)
Giacomo &
Head Start 1 Reduces the user's sync move countdown by 1 the first time it enters a battle each battle. Archer & Houndoom
Barry & Floatzel
Blue & Alakazam
Cheren & Liepard
Cynthia & Kommo-o
Hilda & Diancie
Hugh & Unfezant
Wally & Gardevoir (Shiny Gardevoir)
Wally & Altaria
Serena & Zygarde
Raihan & Duraludon
Shauna & Sylveon
Acerola & Jellicent
Barry & Heracross
Barry & Heracross (Mega Heracross)
Blue & Pidgeot
Blue & Pidgeot (Mega Pidgeot)
Blue & Aerodactyl
Blue & Aerodactyl (Mega Aerodactyl)
Brendan & Latios
Brendan & Latios (Mega Latios)
Cheren & Tornadus
Cynthia & Lucario
Cynthia & Lucario (Mega Lucario)
Diantha & Gardevoir
Diantha & Gardevoir (Mega Gardevoir)
Grimsley & Sharpedo
Grimsley & Sharpedo (Mega Sharpedo)
Steven & Rayquaza (Shiny Rayquaza)
Steven & Rayquaza (Shiny Mega Rayquaza)
Steven & Deoxys (Normal Forme)
Steven & Deoxys (Normal Forme)
Steven & Deoxys (Attack Forme)
Steven & Deoxys (Defense Forme)
Steven & Deoxys (Speed Forme)
Steven & Metagross
Steven & Metagross (Mega Metagross)
Viola & Vivillon (Icy Snow Pattern)
Wally & Gardevoir (Shiny Gardevoir)
Wally & Gardevoir (Shiny Mega Gardevoir)
Morty & Banette
Morty & Banette (Mega Banette)
Gloria & Zacian (Crowned Sword)
Gloria & Urshifu (Rapid Strike)
N & Kyurem (Black Kyurem)
Piers & Toxtricity (Low-Key Forme)
Marnie & Mawile
Marnie & Mawile (Mega Mawile)
Selene & Scizor (Female)
Selene & Nihilego
Emmet & Archeops
Emmet & Eelektross
Lucas & Torterra
Gordie & Coalossal
Paulo & Lycanroc (Dusk Form)
Rei & Decidueye (Hisuian Form)
Volo & Togepi
Larry &
Klara & Slowbro (Galarian Form)
Giacomo &
Dexio & Espeon
1 Star Deluxe Lucky Cookie
2 Star Deluxe Lucky Cookie
3 Star Deluxe Lucky Cookie
Guaranteed Lucky Cookie 1
Guaranteed Lucky Cookie 11
Head Start 2 Reduces the user's sync move countdown by 2 the first time it enters a battle each battle. Wally & Gardevoir (Shiny Mega Gardevoir)
May & Blaziken
Lear & Hoopa
Emma & Crobat
Clavell &
Head Start 3 Reduces the user's sync move countdown by 3 the first time it enters a battle each battle.
Head Start 4 Reduces the user's sync move countdown by 4 the first time it enters a battle each battle.
Head Start 5 Reduces the user's sync move countdown by 5 the first time it enters a battle each battle.
Head Start 6 Reduces the user's sync move countdown by 6 the first time it enters a battle each battle.
Head Start 7 Reduces the user's sync move countdown by 7 the first time it enters a battle each battle.
Head Start 8 Reduces the user's sync move countdown by 8 the first time it enters a battle each battle.
Head Start 9 Reduces the user's sync move countdown by 9 the first time it enters a battle each battle.
Headstrong Attack cannot be lowered. Main Character & Pinsir
Main Character & Pinsir
Main Character & Pinsir
Main Character & Tauros
Main Character & Rattata
Main Character & Raticate
Main Character & Rattata
Main Character & Raticate
Main Character & Rattata
Main Character & Raticate
Main Character & Weedle
Main Character & Kakuna
Main Character & Beedrill
Main Character & Aerodactyl
Main Character & Aerodactyl
Main Character & Growlithe
Main Character & Arcanine
Main Character & Growlithe
Main Character & Arcanine
Main Character & Growlithe
Main Character & Arcanine
Main Character & Magnemite
Main Character & Magneton
Main Character & Igglybuff
Main Character & Jigglypuff
Main Character & Wigglytuff
Main Character & Igglybuff
Main Character & Jigglypuff
Main Character & Wigglytuff
Main Character & Cubone
Main Character & Marowak
Main Character & Cubone
Main Character & Marowak
Main Character & Cubone
Main Character & Marowak
Main Character & Sandshrew
Main Character & Sandslash
Main Character & Farfetch'd
Main Character & Spearow
Main Character & Fearow
Main Character & Nidoran♂
Main Character & Nidorino
Main Character & Nidoking
Main Character & Nidoran♂
Main Character & Nidorino
Main Character & Nidoking
Main Character & Nidoran♂
Main Character & Nidorino
Main Character & Nidoking
Main Character & Eevee
Main Character & Flareon
Main Character & Grookey
Main Character & Grookey
Noland & Pinsir
Roark & Cranidos
Roark & Rampardos
Tate & Solrock
Valerie & Mawile
Hala & Crabominable
Acerola & Mimikyu
Acerola & Mimikyu (Busted Form)
Candice & Abomasnow
Candice & Darmanitan (Galarian Form)
Candice & Darmanitan (Galarian Form Zen Mode)
Elesa & Togetic
Erika & Leafeon
Giovanni & Nidoking
Giovanni & Rhydon
Gladion & Silvally
Gladion & Weavile
Hilda & Tepig
Hilda & Pignite
Hilda & Emboar
Hugh & Bouffalant
Kahili & Toucannon
Lillie & Comfey
Marshal & Conkeldurr
Noland & Ninjask
Red & Pikachu
Rosa & Dewott
Roxie & Whirlipede
Roxie & Scolipede
Silver & Feraligatr
Silver & Tyranitar (Shiny Tyranitar)
Silver & Tyranitar (Shiny Mega Tyranitar)
Skyla & Unfezant (Female)
Sophocles & Golem (Alola Form)
Wikstrom & Aegislash
Wikstrom & Aegislash (Blade Forme)
Wulfric & Avalugg
Leaf & Moltres
Zinnia & Thievul
Guzma & Buzzwole
Lisia & Rapidash (Galarian Form)
Gloria & Zacian (Crowned Sword)
Gloria & Thwackey
N & Kyurem (Black Kyurem)
Lear & Krookodile
Leon & Calyrex (Ice Rider)
Lana & Tapu Lele
Emmet & Escavalier
Emmet & Eelektross
Shauna & Delcatty
Adaman & Leafeon
Irida & Flareon
Nemona &
Paulo & Lycanroc (Dusk Form)
Akari & Samurott (Hisuian Form)
Volo & Gible
Clavell &
Juliana &
1Star Creamy Lucky Cookie
2Star Creamy Lucky Cookie
3Star Creamy Lucky Cookie
1 Star Deluxe Lucky Cookie
2 Star Deluxe Lucky Cookie
Healing Hail 1 Restores the user's HP whenever its Pokémon takes an action during a hailstorm. Brycen & Cryogonal
Main Character & Lapras
Main Character & Smoochum
Main Character & Jynx
Rosa & Delibird
Candice & Abomasnow
Candice & Froslass
Candice & Darmanitan (Galarian Form)
Candice & Darmanitan (Galarian Form Zen Mode)
Lorelei & Lapras
Pryce & Seel
Pryce & Dewgong
Red & Articuno
Sabrina & Chingling
Steven & Sandslash (Alola Form)
Wulfric & Avalugg
Glacia & Glalie
Glacia & Glalie (Mega Glalie)
N & Kyurem (Black Kyurem)
Nessa & Eiscue
Nessa & Eiscue (Noice Face)
Hala & Crabominable
Melony & Lapras
Dana & Regice
Healing Hail 2 Restores the user's HP whenever its Pokémon takes an action during a hailstorm. Bea & Vanilluxe
Healing Hail 3 Restores the user's HP whenever its Pokémon takes an action during a hailstorm.
Healing Hail 4 Restores the user's HP whenever its Pokémon takes an action during a hailstorm.
Healing Hail 5 Restores the user's HP whenever its Pokémon takes an action during a hailstorm.
Healing Hail 6 Restores the user's HP whenever its Pokémon takes an action during a hailstorm.
Healing Hail 7 Restores the user's HP whenever its Pokémon takes an action during a hailstorm.
Healing Hail 8 Restores the user's HP whenever its Pokémon takes an action during a hailstorm.
Healing Hail 9 Restores the user's HP whenever its Pokémon takes an action during a hailstorm.
Healing Hand 1 Has a chance (20%) of removing all status conditions from all allied sync pairs after the user's Pokémon uses a move.
Healing Hand 2 Has a chance (30%) of removing all status conditions from all allied sync pairs after the user's Pokémon uses a move. Cheryl & Blissey
Erika & Comfey
Misty & Starmie
Erika & Comfey
Professor Sycamore & Xerneas
Healing Hand 3 Has a chance (40%) of removing all status conditions from all allied sync pairs after the user's Pokémon uses a move.
Healing Hand 4 Has a chance (50%) of removing all status conditions from all allied sync pairs after the user's Pokémon uses a move. Trevor & Florges (Orange Flower) Ariana & Arbok
Allister & Gourgeist (Super Size)
Healing Hand 5 Has a chance (60%) of removing all status conditions from all allied sync pairs after the user's Pokémon uses a move.
Healing Hand 6 Has a chance (70%) of removing all status conditions from all allied sync pairs after the user's Pokémon uses a move.
Healing Hand 7 Has a chance (80%) of removing all status conditions from all allied sync pairs after the user's Pokémon uses a move.
Healing Hand 8 Has a chance (90%) of removing all status conditions from all allied sync pairs after the user's Pokémon uses a move.
Healing Hand 9 Removes all status conditions from all allied sync pairs after the user's Pokémon uses a move.
Healing Sun 1 Restores the user's HP whenever its Pokémon takes an action while the weather is sunny. Main Character & Vulpix
Main Character & Ninetales
Blaine & Ponyta
Blaine & Rapidash
Blue & Exeggutor
Brendan & Treecko
Brendan & Grovyle
Brendan & Sceptile
Brendan & Sceptile (Mega Sceptle)
Erika & Leafeon
Flannery & Torkoal
Lusamine & Lilligant
Marley & Arcanine
Ramos & Weepinbell
Ramos & Victreebel
Ethan & Cyndaquil
Ethan & Quilava
Ethan & Typhlosion
Leaf & Venusaur (Female)
Leaf & Venusaur (Mega Venusaur)
Wallace & Blacephalon
Burgh & Leavanny
Serena & Whimsicott
Marnie & Cinderace
Maxie & Groudon
Lucas & Flareon
Bede & Hatterene
Courtney & Camerupt (Female)
Courtney & Camerupt (Mega Camerupt)
Nemona &
Tina & Flareon
Iono &
Kabu & Centiskorch
Juliana &
Healing Sun 2 Restores the user's HP whenever its Pokémon takes an action while the weather is sunny. Main Character & Tangela
Healing Sun 3 Restores the user's HP whenever its Pokémon takes an action while the weather is sunny.
Healing Sun 4 Restores the user's HP whenever its Pokémon takes an action while the weather is sunny.
Healing Sun 5 Restores the user's HP whenever its Pokémon takes an action while the weather is sunny.
Healing Superhit 9 Restores the user's HP by approximately 20% of its maximum HP when its move is super effective. Burgh & Togepi
Healthy Advantage 4
Healthy Advantage 8
Healthy Benefits 5 Reduces damage when the user is hit by an attack move or sync move when its HP is full. Lillie & Lunala
Hop & Zamazenta (Crowned Shield)
Ethan & Lugia
Gloria & Cinderace
Gloria & Cinderace
Gloria & Cinderace
Healthy Buffer 5 Reduces damage when the user is hit by an attack move when its HP is full. Wally & Delcatty Cheryl & Blissey
Glacia & Glalie
Glacia & Glalie (Mega Glalie)
Lysandre & Yveltal
Aaron & Vespiquen
Arven &
Healthy Healing Applies the Gradual Healing effect to the user when its HP is full when it enters a battle. Cynthia & Gastrodon
Main Character & Mankey
Main Character & Primeape
Main Character & Dratini
Main Character & Dragonair
Main Character & Dragonite
Main Character & Happiny
Main Character & Chansey
Main Character & Tyrogue
Main Character & Hitmonchan
Main Character &
Main Character &
Main Character &
Main Character & Drowzee
Main Character & Hypno
Misty & Vaporeon
Leaf & Clefable
Dawn & Wormadam (Plant Cloak)
May & Wailmer
Lysandre & Yveltal
Shauna & Delcatty
Agatha & Gengar
Agatha & Gengar (Mega Gengar)
Barry & Floatzel
Caitlin & Reuniclus
Caitlin & Sableye
Caitlin & Sableye (Mega Sableye)
Elesa & Joltik
Gardenia & Roserade
Giovanni & Nidorino
Gladion & Golbat
Hapu & Mudsdale
Hugh & Bouffalant
Lance & Dragonite
Lillie & Lunala
Liza & Lunatone
Lorelei & Cloyster
Main Character & Cobalion
Main Character & Alcremie (Ruby Cream - Berry Sweet)
Main Character & Alcremie (Matcha Cream - Clover Sweet)
Main Character & Alcremie (Mint Cream - Star Sweet)
Main Character & Alcremie (Lemon Cream - Flower Sweet)
Main Character & Alcremie (Salted Cream - Ribbon Sweet)
Main Character & Alcremie (Caramel Swirl - Love Sweet)
Viola & Vivillon (Icy Snow Pattern)
Wally & Altaria
Ethan & Cyndaquil
Ethan & Quilava
Ethan & Typhlosion
Valerie & Sylveon
Jasmine & Steelix
Jasmine & Steelix (Mega Steelix)
Wallace & Milotic
Dawn & Turtwig
Dawn & Grotle
Dawn & Torterra
Dawn & Alcremie
Burgh & Leavanny
Morty & Mismagius
Morty & Gastly
Cyrus & Palkia
Sawyer & Honchkrow
Marnie & Toxicroak
Hop & Zamazenta (Crowned Shield)
Allister & Gourgeist (Super Size)
Courtney & Camerupt (Female)
Courtney & Camerupt (Mega Camerupt)
Nita & Landorus
Anabel & Snorlax
Iono &
Petey & Pikachu (Female)
Volo & Gible
Rika & Whiscash
Blossom & Kirlia
1 Star Deluxe Lucky Cookie
2 Star Deluxe Lucky Cookie
3 Star Deluxe Lucky Cookie
Guaranteed Lucky Cookie 5
Healthy Power-Up 1 Powers up moves when the user's HP is full. Erika & Leafeon
Lillie & Lunala
Archie & Kyogre
Emmet & Archeops
Healthy Strength 5 The user's Attack increases 50% when the user's remaining HP is at half or more. Emmet & Archeops
Healthy Superhit Applies the Supereffective ↑ Next effect to the user if its HP is full when it enters a battle. Calem & Fennekin
Lusamine & Necrozma (Dusk Mane)
N & Zoroark
N & Reshiram
Leon & Charizard
Lucian & Girafarig
Heavy Hail 1 Powers up the user's sync move during a hailstorm.
Heavy Hail 2 Powers up the user's sync move during a hailstorm. Candice & Abomasnow
Leon & Calyrex (Ice Rider)
Avery & Slowking (Galarian Form)
Heavy Hail 3 Powers up the user's sync move during a hailstorm.
Heavy Hail 4 Powers up the user's sync move during a hailstorm. Shauntal Lucky Cookie 1
Heavy Hail 5 Powers up the user's sync move during a hailstorm. Brycen & Cryogonal
Candice & Froslass
Lorelei & Lapras
Silver & Sneasel
Leon & Calyrex (Ice Rider)
Hem In 2 Has a chance (30%) of lowering the target's evasiveness by one stat rank when the user's attack move against it is successful. Elesa & Joltik
Leaf & Venusaur (Female)
Leaf & Venusaur (Mega Venusaur)
Hemmed In 9
Hide and Sync The more the target's accuracy is lowered, the more it powers up the user's sync move. Hapu & Mudsdale
Lusamine & Necrozma (Dusk Mane)
Lusamine & Necrozma (Ultra Necrozma)
May & Mudkip
May & Marshtomp
May & Swampert
May & Swampert (Mega Swampert)
High Five 1 Raises the user's Attack, Defense, Sp. Atk, Sp. Def, and Speed by 1 stat ranks after using its sync move. Cynthia & Kommo-o Cynthia & Kommo-o
Hilbert's Aim When the target's weakness type is either Fire, Water, Electric, Ice, or Bug, lowers the target's Type Rebuff of that type by 1 rank the first time the user's attack move against that target is successful each battle. Hilbert & Genesect Hilbert & Genesect
Hilbert's Plan Changes the type of the user's attack move to that of the target's weakness when the target's weakness type is either Fire, Water, Electric, or Ice and only for that attack. Hilbert & Genesect
Hit and Heal 9 Applies the Gradual Healing effect to the user when its move is successful.
Hit Burned Opp: Attack Up 1 Has a chance (20%) of lowering the target's Attack by 1 stat rank when the user's attack move is successful against a burned opponent.
Hit Burned Opp: Attack Up 2 Has a chance (30%) of lowering the target's Attack by 1 stat rank when the user's attack move is successful against a burned opponent.
Hit Burned Opp: Attack Up 3 Has a chance (40%) of lowering the target's Attack by 1 stat rank when the user's attack move is successful against a burned opponent.
Hit Burned Opp: Attack Up 4 Has a chance (50%) of lowering the target's Attack by 1 stat rank when the user's attack move is successful against a burned opponent.
Hit Burned Opp: Attack Up 5 Has a chance (60%) of lowering the target's Attack by 1 stat rank when the user's attack move is successful against a burned opponent.
Hit Burned Opp: Attack Up 6 Has a chance (70%) of lowering the target's Attack by 1 stat rank when the user's attack move is successful against a burned opponent.
Hit Burned Opp: Attack Up 7 Has a chance (80%) of lowering the target's Attack by 1 stat rank when the user's attack move is successful against a burned opponent.
Hit Burned Opp: Attack Up 8 Has a chance (90%) of lowering the target's Attack by 1 stat rank when the user's attack move is successful against a burned opponent.
Hit Burned Opp: Attack Up 9 Lowers the target's Attack by 1 stat rank when the user's attack move is successful against a burned opponent. Kiawe & Arcanine
Hit Burned Opp: Sp. Atk Down 1 Has a chance (20%) of lowering the target's Sp. Atk by 1 stat rank when the user's attack move is successful against a burned opponent.
Hit Burned Opp: Sp. Atk Down 2 Has a chance (30%) of lowering the target's Sp. Atk by 1 stat rank when the user's attack move is successful against a burned opponent.
Hit Burned Opp: Sp. Atk Down 3 Has a chance (40%) of lowering the target's Sp. Atk by 1 stat rank when the user's attack move is successful against a burned opponent.
Hit Burned Opp: Sp. Atk Down 4 Has a chance (50%) of lowering the target's Sp. Atk by 1 stat rank when the user's attack move is successful against a burned opponent.
Hit Burned Opp: Sp. Atk Down 5 Has a chance (60%) of lowering the target's Sp. Atk by 1 stat rank when the user's attack move is successful against a burned opponent.
Hit Burned Opp: Sp. Atk Down 6 Has a chance (70%) of lowering the target's Sp. Atk by 1 stat rank when the user's attack move is successful against a burned opponent.
Hit Burned Opp: Sp. Atk Down 7 Has a chance (80%) of lowering the target's Sp. Atk by 1 stat rank when the user's attack move is successful against a burned opponent.
Hit Burned Opp: Sp. Atk Down 8 Has a chance (90%) of lowering the target's Sp. Atk by 1 stat rank when the user's attack move is successful against a burned opponent.
Hit Burned Opp: Sp. Atk Down 9 Lowers the target's Sp. Atk by 1 stat rank when the user's attack move is successful against a burned opponent. Kiawe & Arcanine
Hit Burned Opp: Stat ? 1 Has a chance (20%) of lowering one of the target's following stats by 1 stat rank at random when the user's attack move is successful against a burned opponent: Attack, Defense, Sp. Atk, Sp. Def, Speed, accuracy, or evasiveness.
Hit Burned Opp: Stat ? 2 Has a chance (30%) of lowering one of the target's following stats by 1 stat rank at random when the user's attack move is successful against a burned opponent: Attack, Defense, Sp. Atk, Sp. Def, Speed, accuracy, or evasiveness.
Hit Burned Opp: Stat ? 3 Has a chance (40%) of lowering one of the target's following stats by 1 stat rank at random when the user's attack move is successful against a burned opponent: Attack, Defense, Sp. Atk, Sp. Def, Speed, accuracy, or evasiveness.
Hit Burned Opp: Stat ? 4 Has a chance (50%) of lowering one of the target's following stats by 1 stat rank at random when the user's attack move is successful against a burned opponent: Attack, Defense, Sp. Atk, Sp. Def, Speed, accuracy, or evasiveness.
Hit Burned Opp: Stat ? 5 Has a chance (60%) of lowering one of the target's following stats by 1 stat rank at random when the user's attack move is successful against a burned opponent: Attack, Defense, Sp. Atk, Sp. Def, Speed, accuracy, or evasiveness.
Hit Burned Opp: Stat ? 6 Has a chance (70%) of lowering one of the target's following stats by 1 stat rank at random when the user's attack move is successful against a burned opponent: Attack, Defense, Sp. Atk, Sp. Def, Speed, accuracy, or evasiveness.
Hit Burned Opp: Stat ? 7 Has a chance (80%) of lowering one of the target's following stats by 1 stat rank at random when the user's attack move is successful against a burned opponent: Attack, Defense, Sp. Atk, Sp. Def, Speed, accuracy, or evasiveness.
Hit Burned Opp: Stat ? 8 Has a chance (90%) of lowering one of the target's following stats by 1 stat rank at random when the user's attack move is successful against a burned opponent: Attack, Defense, Sp. Atk, Sp. Def, Speed, accuracy, or evasiveness.
Hit Burned Opp: Stat ? 9 Lowers one of the target's following stats by 1 stat rank at random when the user's attack move is successful against a burned opponent: Attack, Defense, Sp. Atk, Sp. Def, Speed, accuracy, or evasiveness.
Hit Burned Opp: Supereffective ↑ Next 1 Has a chance (20%) of applying the Supereffective ↑ Next effect to the user when its attack move is successful against a burned opponent.
Hit Burned Opp: Supereffective ↑ Next 2 Has a chance (30%) of applying the Supereffective ↑ Next effect to the user when its attack move is successful against a burned opponent.
Hit Burned Opp: Supereffective ↑ Next 3 Has a chance (40%) of applying the Supereffective ↑ Next effect to the user when its attack move is successful against a burned opponent.
Hit Burned Opp: Supereffective ↑ Next 4 Has a chance (50%) of applying the Supereffective ↑ Next effect to the user when its attack move is successful against a burned opponent.
Hit Burned Opp: Supereffective ↑ Next 5 Has a chance (60%) of applying the Supereffective ↑ Next effect to the user when its attack move is successful against a burned opponent.
Hit Burned Opp: Supereffective ↑ Next 6 Has a chance (70%) of applying the Supereffective ↑ Next effect to the user when its attack move is successful against a burned opponent.
Hit Burned Opp: Supereffective ↑ Next 7 Has a chance (80%) of applying the Supereffective ↑ Next effect to the user when its attack move is successful against a burned opponent.
Hit Burned Opp: Supereffective ↑ Next 8 Has a chance (90%) of applying the Supereffective ↑ Next effect to the user when its attack move is successful against a burned opponent.
Hit Burned Opp: Supereffective ↑ Next 9 Applies the Supereffective ↑ Next effect to the user when its attack move is successful against a burned opponent.
Hit Frozen Opp: Special Boost ?1 1 Has a chance (20%) of increasing the user's Special Moves ↑ Next effect by 1 rank when its attack move is successful while the target is frozen.
Hit Frozen Opp: Special Boost ?1 2 Has a chance (30%) of increasing the user's Special Moves ↑ Next effect by 1 rank when its attack move is successful while the target is frozen.
Hit Frozen Opp: Special Boost ?1 3 Has a chance (40%) of increasing the user's Special Moves ↑ Next effect by 1 rank when its attack move is successful while the target is frozen.
Hit Frozen Opp: Special Boost ?1 4 Has a chance (50%) of increasing the user's Special Moves ↑ Next effect by 1 rank when its attack move is successful while the target is frozen.
Hit Frozen Opp: Special Boost ?1 5 Has a chance (60%) of increasing the user's Special Moves ↑ Next effect by 1 rank when its attack move is successful while the target is frozen.
Hit Frozen Opp: Special Boost ?1 6 Has a chance (70%) of increasing the user's Special Moves ↑ Next effect by 1 rank when its attack move is successful while the target is frozen.
Hit Frozen Opp: Special Boost ?1 7 Has a chance (80%) of increasing the user's Special Moves ↑ Next effect by 1 rank when its attack move is successful while the target is frozen.
Hit Frozen Opp: Special Boost ?1 8 Has a chance (90%) of increasing the user's Special Moves ↑ Next effect by 1 rank when its attack move is successful while the target is frozen.
Hit Frozen Opp: Special Boost ?1 9 Increases the user's Special Moves ↑ Next effect by 1 rank when its attack move is successful while the target is frozen. Red & Articuno
Hit Paralyzed Opp: Defense ↓ & Sp. Def ↓ 1 Has a chance (20%) of lowering the target's Defense and Sp. Def by 1 stat rank when the user's attack move is successful against a paralyzed opponent.
Hit Paralyzed Opp: Defense ↓ & Sp. Def ↓ 2 Has a chance (30%) of lowering the target's Defense and Sp. Def by 1 stat rank when the user's attack move is successful against a paralyzed opponent.
Hit Paralyzed Opp: Defense ↓ & Sp. Def ↓ 3 Has a chance (40%) of lowering the target's Defense and Sp. Def by 1 stat rank when the user's attack move is successful against a paralyzed opponent.
Hit Paralyzed Opp: Defense ↓ & Sp. Def ↓ 4 Has a chance (50%) of lowering the target's Defense and Sp. Def by 1 stat rank when the user's attack move is successful against a paralyzed opponent.
Hit Paralyzed Opp: Defense ↓ & Sp. Def ↓ 5 Has a chance (60%) of lowering the target's Defense and Sp. Def by 1 stat rank when the user's attack move is successful against a paralyzed opponent.
Hit Paralyzed Opp: Defense ↓ & Sp. Def ↓ 6 Has a chance (70%) of lowering the target's Defense and Sp. Def by 1 stat rank when the user's attack move is successful against a paralyzed opponent.
Hit Paralyzed Opp: Defense ↓ & Sp. Def ↓ 7 Has a chance (80%) of lowering the target's Defense and Sp. Def by 1 stat rank when the user's attack move is successful against a paralyzed opponent.
Hit Paralyzed Opp: Defense ↓ & Sp. Def ↓ 8 Has a chance (90%) of lowering the target's Defense and Sp. Def by 1 stat rank when the user's attack move is successful against a paralyzed opponent.
Hit Paralyzed Opp: Defense ↓ & Sp. Def ↓ 9 Lowers the target's Defense and Sp. Def by 1 stat rank when the user's attack move is successful against a paralyzed opponent. Wally & Altaria
Hit Paralyzed Opp: Recover HP 1 Has a chance (20%) of restoring the user's HP when its attack move is successful against a paralyzed opponent.
Hit Paralyzed Opp: Recover HP 2 Has a chance (30%) of restoring the user's HP when its attack move is successful against a paralyzed opponent.
Hit Paralyzed Opp: Recover HP 3 Has a chance (40%) of restoring the user's HP when its attack move is successful against a paralyzed opponent.
Hit Paralyzed Opp: Recover HP 4 Has a chance (50%) of restoring the user's HP when its attack move is successful against a paralyzed opponent. Mallow & Shiinotic
Hit Paralyzed Opp: Recover HP 5 Has a chance (60%) of restoring the user's HP when its attack move is successful against a paralyzed opponent.
Hit Paralyzed Opp: Recover HP 6 Has a chance (70%) of restoring the user's HP when its attack move is successful against a paralyzed opponent.
Hit Paralyzed Opp: Recover HP 7 Has a chance (80%) of restoring the user's HP when its attack move is successful against a paralyzed opponent.
Hit Paralyzed Opp: Recover HP 8 Has a chance (90%) of restoring the user's HP when its attack move is successful against a paralyzed opponent.
Hit Paralyzed Opp: Recover HP 9 Restores the user's HP when its attack move is successful against a paralyzed opponent. Mallow & Shiinotic Barry & Roserade
Hit Poisoned Opp: Stat ? 1 Has a chance (20%) of lowering one of the target's following stats by 1 stat rank at random when the user's attack move is successful against a poisoned or badly poisoned opponent: Attack, Defense, Sp. Atk, Sp. Def, Speed, accuracy, or evasiveness.
Hit Poisoned Opp: Stat ? 2 Has a chance (30%) of lowering one of the target's following stats by 1 stat rank at random when the user's attack move is successful against a poisoned or badly poisoned opponent: Attack, Defense, Sp. Atk, Sp. Def, Speed, accuracy, or evasiveness.
Hit Poisoned Opp: Stat ? 3 Has a chance (40%) of lowering one of the target's following stats by 1 stat rank at random when the user's attack move is successful against a poisoned or badly poisoned opponent: Attack, Defense, Sp. Atk, Sp. Def, Speed, accuracy, or evasiveness.
Hit Poisoned Opp: Stat ? 4 Has a chance (50%) of lowering one of the target's following stats by 1 stat rank at random when the user's attack move is successful against a poisoned or badly poisoned opponent: Attack, Defense, Sp. Atk, Sp. Def, Speed, accuracy, or evasiveness.
Hit Poisoned Opp: Stat ? 5 Has a chance (60%) of lowering one of the target's following stats by 1 stat rank at random when the user's attack move is successful against a poisoned or badly poisoned opponent: Attack, Defense, Sp. Atk, Sp. Def, Speed, accuracy, or evasiveness.
Hit Poisoned Opp: Stat ? 6 Has a chance (70%) of lowering one of the target's following stats by 1 stat rank at random when the user's attack move is successful against a poisoned or badly poisoned opponent: Attack, Defense, Sp. Atk, Sp. Def, Speed, accuracy, or evasiveness.
Hit Poisoned Opp: Stat ? 7 Has a chance (80%) of lowering one of the target's following stats by 1 stat rank at random when the user's attack move is successful against a poisoned or badly poisoned opponent: Attack, Defense, Sp. Atk, Sp. Def, Speed, accuracy, or evasiveness.
Hit Poisoned Opp: Stat ? 8 Has a chance (90%) of lowering one of the target's following stats by 1 stat rank at random when the user's attack move is successful against a poisoned or badly poisoned opponent: Attack, Defense, Sp. Atk, Sp. Def, Speed, accuracy, or evasiveness.
Hit Poisoned Opp: Stat ? 9 Lowers one of the target's following stats by 1 stat rank at random when the user's attack move is successful against a poisoned or badly poisoned opponent: Attack, Defense, Sp. Atk, Sp. Def, Speed, accuracy, or evasiveness. Drasna & Dragalge
Hit Reload 1 Has a chance (20%) of restoring one MP for the user's Pokémon when the user's move is successful.
Hit Reload 2 Has a chance (30%) of restoring one MP for the user's Pokémon when the user's move is successful.
Hit Reload 3 Has a chance (40%) of restoring one MP for the user's Pokémon when the user's move is successful.
Hit Reload 4 Has a chance (50%) of restoring one MP for the user's Pokémon when the user's move is successful.
Hit Reload 5 Has a chance (60%) of restoring one MP for the user's Pokémon when the user's move is successful.
Hit Reload 6 Has a chance (70%) of restoring one MP for the user's Pokémon when the user's move is successful.
Hit Reload 7 Has a chance (80%) of restoring one MP for the user's Pokémon when the user's move is successful.
Hit Reload 8 Has a chance (90%) of restoring one MP for the user's Pokémon when the user's move is successful.
Hit Reload 9 Restores one MP for the user's Pokémon when the user's move is successful.
Hit the Gas 5 Increases the amount of move gauge slots needed to use attack moves by one and powers up moves. Candice & Darmanitan (Galarian Form)
Candice & Darmanitan (Galarian Form Zen Mode)
Diantha & Gardevoir
Diantha & Gardevoir (Mega Gardevoir)
Giovanni & Nidoking
Giovanni & Rhydon
Emmet & Archeops
Sonia & Tsareena (Shiny Tsareena)
Rose & Copperajah
Iono &
Hit Trapped Opp: Sp. Def Down 1 Has a chance (20%) of lowering the target's Sp. Def by 1 stat rank when the user's attack move is successful against targets that are trapped.
Hit Trapped Opp: Sp. Def Down 2 Has a chance (30%) of lowering the target's Sp. Def by 1 stat rank when the user's attack move is successful against targets that are trapped.
Hit Trapped Opp: Sp. Def Down 3 Has a chance (40%) of lowering the target's Sp. Def by 1 stat rank when the user's attack move is successful against targets that are trapped.
Hit Trapped Opp: Sp. Def Down 4 Has a chance (50%) of lowering the target's Sp. Def by 1 stat rank when the user's attack move is successful against targets that are trapped.
Hit Trapped Opp: Sp. Def Down 5 Has a chance (60%) of lowering the target's Sp. Def by 1 stat rank when the user's attack move is successful against targets that are trapped.
Hit Trapped Opp: Sp. Def Down 6 Has a chance (70%) of lowering the target's Sp. Def by 1 stat rank when the user's attack move is successful against targets that are trapped.
Hit Trapped Opp: Sp. Def Down 7 Has a chance (80%) of lowering the target's Sp. Def by 1 stat rank when the user's attack move is successful against targets that are trapped.
Hit Trapped Opp: Sp. Def Down 8 Has a chance (90%) of lowering the target's Sp. Def by 1 stat rank when the user's attack move is successful against targets that are trapped.
Hit Trapped Opp: Sp. Def Down 9 Lowers the target's Sp. Def by 1 stat rank when the user's attack move is successful against targets that are trapped. Kiawe & Arcanine
Hit Trapped Opp: Speed Up 1 Has a chance (20%) of lowering the target's Speed by 1 stat rank when the user's attack move is successful against targets that are trapped.
Hit Trapped Opp: Speed Up 2 Has a chance (30%) of lowering the target's Speed by 1 stat rank when the user's attack move is successful against targets that are trapped.
Hit Trapped Opp: Speed Up 3 Has a chance (40%) of lowering the target's Speed by 1 stat rank when the user's attack move is successful against targets that are trapped.
Hit Trapped Opp: Speed Up 4 Has a chance (50%) of lowering the target's Speed by 1 stat rank when the user's attack move is successful against targets that are trapped.
Hit Trapped Opp: Speed Up 5 Has a chance (60%) of lowering the target's Speed by 1 stat rank when the user's attack move is successful against targets that are trapped.
Hit Trapped Opp: Speed Up 6 Has a chance (70%) of lowering the target's Speed by 1 stat rank when the user's attack move is successful against targets that are trapped.
Hit Trapped Opp: Speed Up 7 Has a chance (80%) of lowering the target's Speed by 1 stat rank when the user's attack move is successful against targets that are trapped.
Hit Trapped Opp: Speed Up 8 Has a chance (90%) of lowering the target's Speed by 1 stat rank when the user's attack move is successful against targets that are trapped.
Hit Trapped Opp: Speed Up 9 Lowers the target's Speed by 1 stat rank when the user's attack move is successful against targets that are trapped. Kiawe & Arcanine
Hit: HP Recovery (M) 1 Has a chance (20%) of restoring the user's HP when its attack move is successful.
Hit: HP Recovery (M) 2 Has a chance (30%) of restoring the user's HP when its attack move is successful.
Hit: HP Recovery (M) 3 Has a chance (40%) of restoring the user's HP when its attack move is successful.
Hit: HP Recovery (M) 4 Has a chance (50%) of restoring the user's HP when its attack move is successful.
Hit: HP Recovery (M) 5 Has a chance (60%) of restoring the user's HP when its attack move is successful.
Hit: HP Recovery (M) 6 Has a chance (70%) of restoring the user's HP when its attack move is successful.
Hit: HP Recovery (M) 7 Has a chance (80%) of restoring the user's HP when its attack move is successful.
Hit: HP Recovery (M) 8 Has a chance (90%) of restoring the user's HP when its attack move is successful.
Hit: HP Recovery (M) 9 Restores the user's HP when its attack move is successful. Gloria & Cinderace
Hoenn Flag Bearer Powers up the moves of all allied sync pairs by 10%.Reduces attack damage taken by all allied sync pairs by 20%.These percentages increase according to the number of allied sync pairs with the Hoenn theme on your team. (Each additional sync pair powers up moves by 10% and reduces damage by 3%. The maximum power-up is 30%, and the maximum damage reduction is 26%.) Steven & Rayquaza (Shiny Rayquaza)
Steven & Rayquaza (Shiny Mega Rayquaza)
Hoenn Pride Powers up the physical attack moves of all allied sync pairs by 20%. Reduces physical attack move damage taken by all allied sync pairs by 25%. The more allied sync pairs with the Hoenn theme you have on your team, the higher these percentages are. (Each additional sync pair powers up moves by 15% and reduces damage by 3%. The maximum power-up is 50%, and the maximum damage reduction is 31%.) Maxie & Groudon
Hoenn Spirit Powers up the special attack moves of all allied sync pairs by 20%. Reduces special attack move damage taken by all allied sync pairs by 25%. The more allied sync pairs with the Hoenn theme you have on your team, the higher these percentages are. (Each additional sync pair powers up moves by 15% and reduces damage by 3%. The maximum power-up is 50%, and the maximum damage reduction is 31%.) Archie & Kyogre
Hold and Hit 5 Has a chance (60%) of charging the user's move gauge by one when its attack move is successful against a restrained opponent. Selene & Rowlet
Selene & Dartrix
Selene & Decidueye
Hold Fast 1 Has a chance (20%) of raising the user's Sp. Def by 1 stat ranks when it nullifies an opponent's move while in a defensive posture.
Hold Fast 2 Has a chance (30%) of raising the user's Sp. Def by 1 stat ranks when it nullifies an opponent's move while in a defensive posture.
Hold Fast 3 Has a chance (40%) of raising the user's Sp. Def by 1 stat ranks when it nullifies an opponent's move while in a defensive posture.
Hold Fast 4 Has a chance (50%) of raising the user's Sp. Def by 1 stat ranks when it nullifies an opponent's move while in a defensive posture.
Hold Fast 5 Has a chance (60%) of raising the user's Sp. Def by 1 stat ranks when it nullifies an opponent's move while in a defensive posture.
Hold Fast 6 Has a chance (70%) of raising the user's Sp. Def by 1 stat ranks when it nullifies an opponent's move while in a defensive posture.
Hold Fast 7 Has a chance (80%) of raising the user's Sp. Def by 1 stat ranks when it nullifies an opponent's move while in a defensive posture.
Hold Fast 8 Has a chance (90%) of raising the user's Sp. Def by 1 stat ranks when it nullifies an opponent's move while in a defensive posture.
Hold Fast 9 Raises the user's Sp. Def by one stat rank when it nullifies an opponent's move while in a defensive posture. Piers & Obstagoon
Hold Hostage 1 Powers up the user's moves when the target is restrained. Serena & Zygarde
Serena & Zygarde (Complete Forme)
Hold Hostage 2 Powers up the user's moves when the target is restrained. Selene & Rowlet
Selene & Dartrix
Selene & Decidueye
Nessa & Drednaw
Hold Hostage 3 Powers up the user's moves when the target is restrained. Allister & Gengar
Hold Hostage 4 Powers up the user's moves when the target is restrained.
Hold Hostage 5 Powers up the user's moves when the target is restrained. Selene & Rowlet
Selene & Dartrix
Selene & Decidueye
Honing Hit 1 Has a chance (20%) of granting all of the following effects when the user's move is successful: Raises the user's Attack by 2 stat ranks. Raises the user's critical-hit rate by 1 stat rank.
Honing Hit 2 Has a chance (30%) of granting all of the following effects when the user's move is successful: Raises the user's Attack by 2 stat ranks. Raises the user's critical-hit rate by 1 stat rank.
Honing Hit 3 Has a chance (40%) of granting all of the following effects when the user's move is successful: Raises the user's Attack by 2 stat ranks. Raises the user's critical-hit rate by 1 stat rank.
Honing Hit 4 Has a chance (50%) of granting all of the following effects when the user's move is successful: Raises the user's Attack by 2 stat ranks. Raises the user's critical-hit rate by 1 stat rank.
Honing Hit 5 Has a chance (60%) of granting all of the following effects when the user's move is successful: Raises the user's Attack by 2 stat ranks. Raises the user's critical-hit rate by 1 stat rank.
Honing Hit 6 Has a chance (70%) of granting all of the following effects when the user's move is successful: Raises the user's Attack by 2 stat ranks. Raises the user's critical-hit rate by 1 stat rank.
Honing Hit 7 Has a chance (80%) of granting all of the following effects when the user's move is successful: Raises the user's Attack by 2 stat ranks. Raises the user's critical-hit rate by 1 stat rank.
Honing Hit 8 Has a chance (90%) of granting all of the following effects when the user's move is successful: Raises the user's Attack by 2 stat ranks. Raises the user's critical-hit rate by 1 stat rank.
Honing Hit 9 Grants all of the following effects when the user's move is successful: Raises the user's Attack by 2 stat ranks. Raises the user's critical-hit rate by 1 stat rank. Diantha & Diancie (Shiny Diancie)
Diantha & Diancie (Shiny Mega Diancie)
Emmet & Eelektross
Nemona &
Hostile Environment 1 Raises the chance of inflicting status conditions with the additional effects of moves. Agatha & Arbok
Blaine & Ponyta
Blaine & Rapidash
Janine & Ariados
Lorelei & Lapras
Main Character & Pinsir
Main Character & Tauros
Main Character & Nidoran♀
Main Character & Nidorina
Main Character & Nidoqueen
Main Character & Weedle
Main Character & Kakuna
Main Character & Beedrill
Main Character & Growlithe
Main Character & Arcanine
Main Character & Seel
Main Character & Dewgong
Main Character & Grimer
Main Character & Muk
Main Character & Voltorb
Main Character & Electrode
Main Character & Ponyta
Main Character & Rapidash
Main Character & Ekans
Main Character & Arbok
Main Character & Gastly
Main Character & Haunter
Main Character & Gengar
Main Character & Koffing
Main Character & Weezing
Main Character & Munchlax
Main Character & Snorlax
Main Character & Chansey
Main Character & Nidoran♂
Main Character & Nidorino
Main Character & Nidoking
Siebold & Octillery
N & Kyurem (Black Kyurem)
Helena & Haunter
Petey & Pikachu (Female)
Ariana & Arbok
Drake & Salamence
Lorelei & Lapras
Professor Oak & Mew
Professor Oak & Mew
Pryce & Seel
Pryce & Dewgong
Pryce & Seel
Pryce & Dewgong
Silver & Feraligatr
Plumeria & Salazzle
Lucy & Seviper
Volkner & Raichu
Looker & Croagunk
Petrel & Weezing
Helena & Haunter
Grusha & Beartic
Hostile Environment 10
Hostile Environment 2 Raises the chance of inflicting status conditions with the additional effects of moves. Main Character &
Main Character & Scorbunny
Silver & Feraligatr
Irida & Flareon
Blue & Zapdos
Norman & Slaking
Thorton & Magnezone
N & Kyurem (Black Kyurem)
Piers & Toxtricity (Low-Key Forme)
Bede & Articuno (Galarian Form)
Irida & Flareon
Hostile Environment 3 Raises the chance of inflicting status conditions with the additional effects of moves. Professor Oak & Nidorino
Wally & Altaria
Guzma & Ariados
Lysandre & Volcanion
Allister & Gengar
Hilda & Victini
Janine & Ariados
Hostile Environment 4 Raises the chance of inflicting status conditions with the additional effects of moves. Volkner & Luxray
Marnie & Toxicroak
Lt. Surge & Voltorb
Lt. Surge & Electrode
Marley & Arcanine
Leaf & Moltres
Jasmine & Magnemite
N & Zekrom
Marnie & Cinderace
Kabu & Torkoal
Hostile Environment 5 Raises the chance of inflicting status conditions with the additional effects of moves. Marnie & Morpeko
Marnie & Morpeko (Hangry Mode)
Janine & Ariados
Hostile Environment 6 Raises the chance of inflicting status conditions with the additional effects of moves.
Hostile Environment 7 Raises the chance of inflicting status conditions with the additional effects of moves.
Hostile Environment 8 Raises the chance of inflicting status conditions with the additional effects of moves.
Hostile Environment 9 Raises the chance of inflicting status conditions with the additional effects of moves. May & Blaziken
May & Blaziken (Mega Blaziken)
Hot to the Touch 1 Has a chance (20%) of leaving an opponent that attacked the user burned when the user is hit by an attack move.
Hot to the Touch 2 Has a chance (30%) of leaving an opponent that attacked the user burned when the user is hit by an attack move. Shauntal & Chandelure
Hot to the Touch 3 Has a chance (40%) of leaving an opponent that attacked the user burned when the user is hit by an attack move.
Hot to the Touch 4 Has a chance (50%) of leaving an opponent that attacked the user burned when the user is hit by an attack move. Gordie & Coalossal
Hot to the Touch 5 Has a chance (60%) of leaving an opponent that attacked the user burned when the user is hit by an attack move.
Hot to the Touch 6 Has a chance (70%) of leaving an opponent that attacked the user burned when the user is hit by an attack move.
Hot to the Touch 7 Has a chance (80%) of leaving an opponent that attacked the user burned when the user is hit by an attack move.
Hot to the Touch 8 Has a chance (90%) of leaving an opponent that attacked the user burned when the user is hit by an attack move.
Hot to the Touch 9 Leaves an opponent that attacked the user burned when the user is hit by an attack move. Kabu & Centiskorch
HP Advantage 1 The larger the user's percentage of remaining HP, the more it powers up the user's moves.
HP Advantage 2 The larger the user's percentage of remaining HP, the more it powers up the user's moves.
HP Advantage 3 The larger the user's percentage of remaining HP, the more it powers up the user's moves.
HP Advantage 4 The larger the user's percentage of remaining HP, the more it powers up the user's moves. Valerie & Sylveon
Clemont & Heliolisk
Liza & Celesteela
Valerie & Sylveon
HP Advantage 5 The larger the user's percentage of remaining HP, the more it powers up the user's moves.
HP Trade-Off 4 The smaller the user's percentage of remaining HP, the more it powers up the user's moves.
HP Trade-Off 5 The smaller the user's percentage of remaining HP, the more it powers up the user's moves. Lisia & Altaria
Lisia & Altaria (Mega Altaria)
Agatha & Gengar
Agatha & Gengar (Mega Gengar)
Hugh's Determination Except in certain circumstances, fully restores the user's HP just before the user faints the first time each battle. Hugh & Bouffalant
Hunger Switch After the user's Pokémon uses a move, it switches between Full Belly Mode and Hangry Mode. Marnie & Morpeko
Marnie & Morpeko (Hangry Mode)
Hunker Down 1 Has a chance (20%) of raising the user's Defense by 1 stat ranks when it nullifies an opponent's move while in a defensive posture.
Hunker Down 2 Has a chance (30%) of raising the user's Defense by 1 stat ranks when it nullifies an opponent's move while in a defensive posture.
Hunker Down 3 Has a chance (40%) of raising the user's Defense by 1 stat ranks when it nullifies an opponent's move while in a defensive posture.
Hunker Down 4 Has a chance (50%) of raising the user's Defense by 1 stat ranks when it nullifies an opponent's move while in a defensive posture.
Hunker Down 5 Has a chance (60%) of raising the user's Defense by 1 stat ranks when it nullifies an opponent's move while in a defensive posture.
Hunker Down 6 Has a chance (70%) of raising the user's Defense by 1 stat ranks when it nullifies an opponent's move while in a defensive posture.
Hunker Down 7 Has a chance (80%) of raising the user's Defense by 1 stat ranks when it nullifies an opponent's move while in a defensive posture.
Hunker Down 8 Has a chance (90%) of raising the user's Defense by 1 stat ranks when it nullifies an opponent's move while in a defensive posture.
Hunker Down 9 Raises the user's Defense by one stat rank when it nullifies an opponent's move while in a defensive posture. Piers & Obstagoon
Hunter's Instinct The more the target's Speed is lowered, the more it powers up the user's moves. Archer & Houndoom
Main Character & Pichu
Main Character & Pikachu
Main Character & Raichu
Serena & Whimsicott
Ghetsis & Kyurem
Gordie & Coalossal
Volo & Gible
Barry & Piplup
Barry & Prinplup
Barry & Empoleon
Brock & Onix
Clay & Palpitoad
Clay & Seismitoad
Hau & Tapu Koko
Marlon & Carracosta
Professor Kukui & Lycanroc
Silver & Sneasel
Molayne & Dugtrio (Alola Form)
Gloria & Urshifu (Rapid Strike)
May & Blaziken
May & Blaziken (Mega Blaziken)
Leon & Eternatus
Nessa & Drednaw
Courtney & Camerupt (Female)
Courtney & Camerupt (Mega Camerupt)
Victor & Rillaboom
Irida & Glaceon
Hype Up 1 Has a chance (20%) of raising the Sp. Atk of all allied sync pairs by one stat rank when the user's Pokémon uses a move. Sawyer & Honchkrow
Hype Up 2 Has a chance (30%) of raising the Sp. Atk of all allied sync pairs by one stat rank when the user's Pokémon uses a move.
Hype Up 3 Has a chance (40%) of raising the Sp. Atk of all allied sync pairs by one stat rank when the user's Pokémon uses a move.
Hype Up 4 Has a chance (50%) of raising the Sp. Atk of all allied sync pairs by one stat rank when the user's Pokémon uses a move.
Hype Up 5 Has a chance (60%) of raising the Sp. Atk of all allied sync pairs by one stat rank when the user's Pokémon uses a move.
Hype Up 6 Has a chance (70%) of raising the Sp. Atk of all allied sync pairs by one stat rank when the user's Pokémon uses a move.
Hype Up 7 Has a chance (80%) of raising the Sp. Atk of all allied sync pairs by one stat rank when the user's Pokémon uses a move.
Hype Up 8 Has a chance (90%) of raising the Sp. Atk of all allied sync pairs by one stat rank when the user's Pokémon uses a move.
Hype Up 9 Raises the Sp. Atk of all allied sync pairs by one stat rank when the user's Pokémon uses a move. Cheryl & Wailord Mallow & Appletun
Ice Face Protects the user with Ice Face from damage from a single physical attack move. After this passive skill takes effect, its Pokémon shifts from Ice Face to Noice Face. Shifts the user with Noice Face to Ice Face when it uses Hail. Nessa & Eiscue
Nessa & Eiscue (Noice Face)
Ice Guard Reduces damage when the user is attacked by Ice-type moves. Brawly & Makuhita
Brawly & Hariyama
Red & Snorlax
Whitney & Miltank
Kali & Azumarill
Anabel & Snorlax
Grusha &
Chewy Lucky Cookie
Ice Plow 1 Powers up the moves of the user with the Ice Face that are super effective.
Ice Plow 2 Powers up the moves of the user with the Ice Face that are super effective.
Ice Plow 3 Powers up the moves of the user with the Ice Face that are super effective. Nessa & Eiscue
Nessa & Eiscue (Noice Face)
Ice Plow 4 Powers up the moves of the user with the Ice Face that are super effective.
Ice Plow 5 Powers up the moves of the user with the Ice Face that are super effective.
Ice Plow 6 Powers up the moves of the user with the Ice Face that are super effective.
Ice Plow 7 Powers up the moves of the user with the Ice Face that are super effective.
Ice Plow 8 Powers up the moves of the user with the Ice Face that are super effective.
Ice Plow 9 Powers up the moves of the user with the Ice Face that are super effective.
Ice Shell The user's Defense increases 50% during a hailstorm. Rosa & Delibird
Glacia & Glalie
Glacia & Glalie (Mega Glalie)
Ice Teamwork Powers up the moves of all allied sync pairs by 10%. Reduces attack move damage taken by all allied sync pairs by 10%. The more allied sync pairs with the Ice theme you have on your team, the higher these percentages are. (Each additional sync pair powers up moves by 5% and reduces damage by 2%. The maximum power-up is 20%, and the maximum damage reduction is 14%.) Dana & Regice
Ice Zone Extension 1 Extends the duration of the Ice Zone when the zone turns into a Ice Zone while the user is on the field.
Ice Zone Extension 2 Extends the duration of the Ice Zone when the zone turns into a Ice Zone while the user is on the field.
Ice Zone Extension 3 Extends the duration of the Ice Zone when the zone turns into a Ice Zone while the user is on the field. Irida & Glaceon
Ice Zone Extension 4 Extends the duration of the Ice Zone when the zone turns into a Ice Zone while the user is on the field.
Ice Zone Extension 5 Extends the duration of the Ice Zone when the zone turns into a Ice Zone while the user is on the field.
Ice Zone Extension 6 Extends the duration of the Ice Zone when the zone turns into a Ice Zone while the user is on the field.
Ice Zone Extension 7 Extends the duration of the Ice Zone when the zone turns into a Ice Zone while the user is on the field.
Ice Zone Extension 8 Extends the duration of the Ice Zone when the zone turns into a Ice Zone while the user is on the field.
Ice Zone Extension 9 Extends the duration of the Ice Zone when the zone turns into a Ice Zone while the user is on the field.
Icy Touch 1 Has a chance (20%) of leaving the target frozen when the user's Ice-type attack move against it is successful.
Icy Touch 2 Has a chance (30%) of leaving the target frozen when the user's Ice-type attack move against it is successful. Hilbert & Genesect
Icy Touch 3 Has a chance (40%) of leaving the target frozen when the user's Ice-type attack move against it is successful.
Icy Touch 4 Has a chance (50%) of leaving the target frozen when the user's Ice-type attack move against it is successful.
Icy Touch 5 Has a chance (60%) of leaving the target frozen when the user's Ice-type attack move against it is successful.
Icy Touch 6 Has a chance (70%) of leaving the target frozen when the user's Ice-type attack move against it is successful.
Icy Touch 7 Has a chance (80%) of leaving the target frozen when the user's Ice-type attack move against it is successful.
Icy Touch 8 Has a chance (90%) of leaving the target frozen when the user's Ice-type attack move against it is successful.
Icy Touch 9 Leaves the target frozen when the user's Ice-type attack move against it is successful.
Impatient 1 Has a chance (20%) of reducing the user's sync move countdown by one when it is hit by an attack move. Erika & Comfey
Jasmine & Steelix
Jasmine & Steelix (Mega Steelix)
May & Lopunny
May & Lopunny (Mega Lopunny)
Elio & Popplio
Elio & Brionne
Elio & Primarina
Impatient 2 Has a chance (30%) of reducing the user's sync move countdown by one when it is hit by an attack move.
Impatient 3 Has a chance (40%) of reducing the user's sync move countdown by one when it is hit by an attack move.
Impatient 4 Has a chance (50%) of reducing the user's sync move countdown by one when it is hit by an attack move.
Impatient 5 Has a chance (60%) of reducing the user's sync move countdown by one when it is hit by an attack move.
Impatient 6 Has a chance (70%) of reducing the user's sync move countdown by one when it is hit by an attack move.
Impatient 7 Has a chance (80%) of reducing the user's sync move countdown by one when it is hit by an attack move.
Impatient 8 Has a chance (90%) of reducing the user's sync move countdown by one when it is hit by an attack move.
Impatient 9 Reduces the user's sync move countdown by one when it is hit by an attack move.
Impeding Strike 1 Has a chance (20%) the target's Speed by 1 stat rank when the user's Pokémon uses a move targeting that opponent. Lowers the target's Speed by 1 stat rank after using the user's sync move targeting that
Impeding Strike 2 Has a chance (30%) the target's Speed by 1 stat rank when the user's Pokémon uses a move targeting that opponent. Lowers the target's Speed by 1 stat rank after using the user's sync move targeting that
Impeding Strike 3 Has a chance (40%) the target's Speed by 1 stat rank when the user's Pokémon uses a move targeting that opponent. Lowers the target's Speed by 1 stat rank after using the user's sync move targeting that
Impeding Strike 4 Has a chance (50%) the target's Speed by 1 stat rank when the user's Pokémon uses a move targeting that opponent. Lowers the target's Speed by 1 stat rank after using the user's sync move targeting that
Impeding Strike 5 Has a chance (60%) the target's Speed by 1 stat rank when the user's Pokémon uses a move targeting that opponent. Lowers the target's Speed by 1 stat rank after using the user's sync move targeting that
Impeding Strike 6 Has a chance (70%) the target's Speed by 1 stat rank when the user's Pokémon uses a move targeting that opponent. Lowers the target's Speed by 1 stat rank after using the user's sync move targeting that
Impeding Strike 7 Has a chance (80%) the target's Speed by 1 stat rank when the user's Pokémon uses a move targeting that opponent. Lowers the target's Speed by 1 stat rank after using the user's sync move targeting that
Impeding Strike 8 Has a chance (90%) the target's Speed by 1 stat rank when the user's Pokémon uses a move targeting that opponent. Lowers the target's Speed by 1 stat rank after using the user's sync move targeting that
Impeding Strike 9 Lowers the target's Speed by 1 stat rank when the user's Pokémon uses a move targeting that opponent. Lowers the target's Speed by 1 stat rank after using the user's sync move targeting that opponent. Lyra & Vaporeon
Impervious Stats cannot be lowered. Calem & Greninja (Shiny Greninja)
Flannery & Torkoal
Hilbert & Oshawott
Hilbert & Dewott
Hilbert & Samurott
Lillie & Solgaleo
Main Character & Solgaleo
Main Character & Regirock
Mina & Granbull
Noland & Pinsir (Mega Pinsir)
Professor Sycamore & Bulbasaur
Steven & Metagross
Steven & Metagross (Mega Metagross)
Will & Xatu
Leaf & Eevee
Serena & Zygarde (Complete Forme)
Leon & Dragapult
Elio & Stakataka
Grusha &
Poppy &
Acerola & Jellicent
Barry & Heracross
Barry & Heracross (Mega Heracross)
Blue & Blastoise
Blue & Blastoise (Mega Blastoise)
Blue & Exeggutor
Blue & Zapdos
Brendan & Latios
Brendan & Latios (Mega Latios)
Bugsy & Kricketune
Cynthia & Lucario
Cynthia & Lucario (Mega Lucario)
Hilda & Diancie
Hilda & Diancie (Mega Diancie)
Hilda & Grapploct (Shiny Grapploct)
Korrina & Marshadow
Main Character & Registeel
Palmer & Regigigas
Professor Sycamore & Xerneas
Skyla & Togekiss
Skyla & Tornadus (Therian Forme)
Guzma & Ariados
Dawn & Cresselia
Serena & Fennekin
Serena & Braixen
Serena & Delphox
Nate & Haxorus (Shiny Haxorus)
Bianca & Musharna
Gloria & Urshifu (Rapid Strike)
Mallow & Appletun
Rachel & Umbreon
Marnie & Grimmsnarl
Lana & Tapu Lele
Ball Guy & Amoonguss
Rose & Copperajah
Geeta &
Kabu & Centiskorch
Avery & Slowking (Galarian Form)
Arven &
Atticus &
N Lucky Cookie 1
Sina Lucky Cookie 1
Impose 1 Lowers the evasiveness of all opposing sync pairs by 1 stat ranks when the user enters a battle. Dawn & Alcremie
Inclement Intellect 6 Has a chance (70%) of raising the user's Sp. Atk by one stat rank when its attack move is successful while the weather is rainy. May & Mudkip
May & Marshtomp
May & Swampert
May & Swampert (Mega Swampert)
Indomitable 1 Has a chance (20%) of raising the user's Sp. Atk by one stat rank when any of its stats are lowered. Wallace & Milotic
Indomitable 2 Has a chance (30%) of raising the user's Sp. Atk by one stat rank when any of its stats are lowered.
Indomitable 3 Has a chance (40%) of raising the user's Sp. Atk by one stat rank when any of its stats are lowered.
Indomitable 4 Has a chance (50%) of raising the user's Sp. Atk by one stat rank when any of its stats are lowered.
Indomitable 5 Has a chance (60%) of raising the user's Sp. Atk by one stat rank when any of its stats are lowered. Grimsley & Liepard
Inertia The more user's Speed is raised, the more it powers up the user's sync move. Silver & Sneasel Barry & Piplup
Barry & Prinplup
Barry & Empoleon
Brendan & Treecko
Brendan & Grovyle
Brendan & Sceptile
Brendan & Sceptile (Mega Sceptle)
Candice & Abomasnow
Diantha & Keldeo (Resolute Form)
Elesa & Zebstrika
Erika & Leafeon
Grimsley & Sharpedo
Grimsley & Sharpedo (Mega Sharpedo)
Hau & Raichu (Alola Form)
Hilda & Tepig
Hilda & Pignite
Hilda & Emboar
Kris & Totodile
Kris & Croconaw
Kris & Feraligatr
Noland & Pinsir
Noland & Pinsir (Mega Pinsir)
Olivia & Lycanroc (Midnight Form)
Professor Oak & Mew
Professor Oak & Mew
Roxie & Whirlipede
Roxie & Scolipede
Silver & Ho-Oh
Skyla & Tornadus (Therian Forme)
Whitney & Miltank
Plumeria & Salazzle
Plumeria & Gengar
Serena & Whimsicott
Molayne & Dugtrio (Alola Form)
Nate & Braviary
Lisia & Rapidash (Galarian Form)
May & Blaziken
May & Blaziken (Mega Blaziken)
Leon & Eternatus
Marnie & Morpeko
Marnie & Morpeko (Hangry Mode)
Selene & Rowlet
Selene & Dartrix
Selene & Decidueye
Bea & Sirfetch'd
Hop & Zapdos (Galarian Form)
Falkner & Swellow
Lucas & Dialga
Gordie & Coalossal
Emma & Crobat
Larry &
Juliana &
Infliction Freebie 1 Has a chance (20%) of applying the Free Move Next effect to the user when its Pokémon uses a status move.
Infliction Freebie 2 Has a chance (30%) of applying the Free Move Next effect to the user when its Pokémon uses a status move.
Infliction Freebie 3 Has a chance (40%) of applying the Free Move Next effect to the user when its Pokémon uses a status move.
Infliction Freebie 4 Has a chance (50%) of applying the Free Move Next effect to the user when its Pokémon uses a status move.
Infliction Freebie 5 Has a chance (60%) of applying the Free Move Next effect to the user when its Pokémon uses a status move.
Infliction Freebie 6 Has a chance (70%) of applying the Free Move Next effect to the user when its Pokémon uses a status move.
Infliction Freebie 7 Has a chance (80%) of applying the Free Move Next effect to the user when its Pokémon uses a status move.
Infliction Freebie 8 Has a chance (90%) of applying the Free Move Next effect to the user when its Pokémon uses a status move.
Infliction Freebie 9 Applies the Free Move Next effect to the user when its Pokémon uses a status move. Liza & Celesteela
Rose & Perrserker
Giovanni & Guzzlord
Colress & Klinklang
Nemona &
Initial Guard Applies the Damage Guard Next effect to the user when it enters a battle. Cynthia & Lucario
Cynthia & Lucario (Mega Lucario)
Acerola & Jellicent
Blue & Zapdos
Selene & Scizor (Female)
Lana & Tapu Lele
Arc Suit Lance Lucky Cookie 1
Initial Injured Damage Guard Applies the Damage Guard Next effect to the user the first time its HP drops to 60% or below each battle. Lorelei & Lapras
Initial Injured Ferocity Raises the user's Attack and Sp. Atk by 6 stat ranks the first time its HP drops to 60% or below each battle. Lorelei & Lapras
Initial Injured Recovery Restores the user's HP by approximately 40% of its maximum HP the first time its HP drops to 60% or below each battle. Lorelei & Lapras
Initial Pinch Physical Boost 1 Increases the user's Physical Moves Up Next effect by 1 rank the first time it is in a pinch each battle.
Initial Pinch Physical Boost 2 Increases the user's Physical Moves Up Next effect by 2 ranks the first time it is in a pinch each battle.
Initial Pinch Physical Boost 3 Increases the user's Physical Moves Up Next effect by 3 ranks the first time it is in a pinch each battle. Adaman & Ursaluna
Initial Pinch Physical Boost 4 Increases the user's Physical Moves Up Next effect by 4 ranks the first time it is in a pinch each battle.
Initial Pinch Physical Boost 5 Increases the user's Physical Moves Up Next effect by 5 ranks the first time it is in a pinch each battle. Hugh & Bouffalant
Initial Pinch Physical Boost 6 Increases the user's Physical Moves Up Next effect by 6 ranks the first time it is in a pinch each battle.
Initial Pinch Physical Boost 7 Increases the user's Physical Moves Up Next effect by 7 ranks the first time it is in a pinch each battle.
Initial Pinch Physical Boost 8 Increases the user's Physical Moves Up Next effect by 8 ranks the first time it is in a pinch each battle.
Initial Pinch Physical Boost 9 Increases the user's Physical Moves Up Next effect by 9 ranks the first time it is in a pinch each battle.
Initial Pinch Special Boost 1 Increases the user's Special Moves ↑ Next effect by 1 ranks the first time it is in a pinch each battle.
Initial Pinch Special Boost 2 Increases the user's Special Moves ↑ Next effect by 2 ranks the first time it is in a pinch each battle. Ash & Pikachu Red & Venusaur
Initial Pinch Special Boost 3 Increases the user's Special Moves ↑ Next effect by 3 ranks the first time it is in a pinch each battle.
Initial Pinch Special Boost 4 Increases the user's Special Moves ↑ Next effect by 4 ranks the first time it is in a pinch each battle.
Initial Pinch Special Boost 5 Increases the user's Special Moves ↑ Next effect by 5 ranks the first time it is in a pinch each battle.
Initial Pinch Special Boost 6 Increases the user's Special Moves ↑ Next effect by 6 ranks the first time it is in a pinch each battle.
Initial Propulsion 1 Reduces the sync move countdown by 1 the first time the user's move is successful each battle.
Initial Propulsion 2 Reduces the sync move countdown by 2 the first time the user's move is successful each battle.
Initial Propulsion 3 Reduces the sync move countdown by 3 the first time the user's move is successful each battle.
Initial Propulsion 4 Reduces the sync move countdown by 4 the first time the user's move is successful each battle.
Initial Propulsion 5 Reduces the sync move countdown by 5 the first time the user's move is successful each battle.
Initial Propulsion 6 Reduces the sync move countdown by 6 the first time the user's move is successful each battle.
Initial Propulsion 7 Reduces the sync move countdown by 7 the first time the user's move is successful each battle.
Initial Propulsion 8 Reduces the sync move countdown by 8 the first time the user's move is successful each battle.
Initial Propulsion 9 Reduces the sync move countdown by 9 the first time the user's move is successful each battle.
Initial S-Move: Team HP Recovery (M) 1 Restores the HP of all allied sync pairs by approximately 20% of their maximum HP the first time the user's sync move is used each battle.
Injured Propulsion Reduces the user's sync move countdown by 1 when its HP drops to 60% or below. This effect can activate only once per battle. Lorelei & Lapras
Insect Acceleration 1 Quickly charges the move gauge when the zone is Bug Zone.
Insect Acceleration 2 Quickly charges the move gauge when the zone is Bug Zone. Hilbert & Genesect
Viola & Vivillon (Icy Snow Pattern)
Dawn & Wormadam (Plant Cloak)
Ingo & Accelgor
Aaron & Vespiquen
Insect Acceleration 3 Quickly charges the move gauge when the zone is Bug Zone.
Insect Acceleration 4 Quickly charges the move gauge when the zone is Bug Zone.
Insect Acceleration 5 Quickly charges the move gauge when the zone is Bug Zone.
Insect Acceleration 6 Quickly charges the move gauge when the zone is Bug Zone.
Insect Acceleration 7 Quickly charges the move gauge when the zone is Bug Zone.
Insect Acceleration 8 Quickly charges the move gauge when the zone is Bug Zone.
Insect Acceleration 9 Quickly charges the move gauge when the zone is Bug Zone.
Insect Healing 1 Restores the user's HP whenever its Pokémon takes an action when the zone is a Bug Zone. Viola & Vivillon (Icy Snow Pattern)
Dawn & Wormadam (Plant Cloak)
Aaron & Vespiquen
Insect Healing 2 Restores the user's HP whenever its Pokémon takes an action when the zone is a Bug Zone.
Insect Healing 3 Restores the user's HP whenever its Pokémon takes an action when the zone is a Bug Zone.
Insect Healing 4 Restores the user's HP whenever its Pokémon takes an action when the zone is a Bug Zone.
Insect Healing 5 Restores the user's HP whenever its Pokémon takes an action when the zone is a Bug Zone.
Insect Healing 6 Restores the user's HP whenever its Pokémon takes an action when the zone is a Bug Zone.
Insect Healing 7 Restores the user's HP whenever its Pokémon takes an action when the zone is a Bug Zone.
Insect Healing 8 Restores the user's HP whenever its Pokémon takes an action when the zone is a Bug Zone.
Insect Healing 9 Restores the user's HP whenever its Pokémon takes an action when the zone is a Bug Zone.
Insect Power 1 Powers up the user's moves when the zone is a Bug Zone. Hilbert & Genesect
Viola & Vivillon (Icy Snow Pattern)
Insect Power 2 Powers up the user's moves when the zone is a Bug Zone.
Insect Power 3 Powers up the user's moves when the zone is a Bug Zone.
Insect Power 4 Powers up the user's moves when the zone is a Bug Zone.
Insect Power 5 Powers up the user's moves when the zone is a Bug Zone.
Insect Power 6 Powers up the user's moves when the zone is a Bug Zone.
Insect Power 7 Powers up the user's moves when the zone is a Bug Zone.
Insect Power 8 Powers up the user's moves when the zone is a Bug Zone.
Insect Power 9 Powers up the user's moves when the zone is a Bug Zone.
Inspire Ire Makes opponents target the user for a short time when a move is successful.
Insult to Injury The more the target's Defense is lowered, the more it powers up the user's moves. Brawly & Makuhita
Brawly & Hariyama
Grimsley & Bisharp
Hilbert & Mightyena
Lance & Dragonite
Rosa & Dewott
Leaf & Moltres
Zinnia & Thievul
Gloria & Urshifu (Rapid Strike)
May & Blaziken
May & Blaziken (Mega Blaziken)
Lear & Krookodile
Selene & Umbreon
Kiawe & Marowak (Alola Form)
The Masked Royal & Incineroar
Sonia & Yamper
Sonia & Tsareena (Shiny Tsareena)
Shauna & Delcatty
Adaman & Leafeon
Rose & Perrserker
Rei & Decidueye (Hisuian Form)
Interference Immunity Prevents the user from flinching, becoming confused, or becoming trapped. Lillie & Ribombee
Lillie & Polteageist (Antique Form)
Skyla & Tornadus (Therian Forme)
Jasmine & Magnemite
Gloria & Urshifu (Rapid Strike)
Lana & Lanturn
Emmet & Eelektross
Ball Guy & Amoonguss
Rose & Copperajah
Kabu & Torkoal
1 Star Deluxe Lucky Cookie
2 Star Deluxe Lucky Cookie
3 Star Deluxe Lucky Cookie
Interference Sync 1 Powers up the user's sync move against targets that are flinching, confused, or trapped.
Interference Sync 2 Powers up the user's sync move against targets that are flinching, confused, or trapped.
Interference Sync 3 Powers up the user's sync move against targets that are flinching, confused, or trapped.
Interference Sync 4 Powers up the user's sync move against targets that are flinching, confused, or trapped.
Interference Sync 5 Powers up the user's sync move against targets that are flinching, confused, or trapped. Ariana & Arbok
Blaine & Ponyta
Blaine & Rapidash
Crasher Wake & Floatzel
Silver & Feraligatr
Skyla & Tornadus (Therian Forme)
Tate & Solrock
Wally & Gardevoir (Shiny Gardevoir)
Wally & Gardevoir (Shiny Mega Gardevoir)
Whitney & Miltank
Will & Xatu
Winona & Pelipper
Ethan & Lugia
Wallace & Milotic
Dawn & Oricorio (Sensu Style)
Lucy & Seviper
Kiawe & Arcanine
Raihan & Flygon
Interference Sync 6 Powers up the user's sync move against targets that are flinching, confused, or trapped.
Interference Sync 7 Powers up the user's sync move against targets that are flinching, confused, or trapped.
Interference Sync 8 Powers up the user's sync move against targets that are flinching, confused, or trapped.
Interference Sync 9 Powers up the user's sync move against targets that are flinching, confused, or trapped. Whitney & Sawsbuck (Winter Form)
Chuck & Poliwrath
Dahlia & Ludicolo
Invigorating Hail 1 Powers up the user's moves during a hailstorm. Lorelei & Lapras
Leon & Calyrex (Ice Rider)
Invigorating Hail 2 Powers up the user's moves during a hailstorm. Hala & Crabominable
Invigorating Hail 3 Powers up the user's moves during a hailstorm. Brycen & Cryogonal
Pryce & Seel
Pryce & Dewgong
Pryce & Seel
Pryce & Dewgong
Wulfric & Avalugg
Nessa & Eiscue
Nessa & Eiscue (Noice Face)
Invigorating Hail 4 Powers up the user's moves during a hailstorm.
Invigorating Hail 5 Powers up the user's moves during a hailstorm. Candice & Froslass
Steven & Sandslash (Alola Form)
Silver & Sneasel
Glacia & Glalie
Glacia & Glalie (Mega Glalie)
Irida & Glaceon
Invigorating Shadow 1 Charges the user's move gauge by 1 when it takes on a shadow presence. Cynthia & Giratina
Invigorating Shadow 2 Charges the user's move gauge by 2 when it takes on a shadow presence. Cynthia & Giratina
Invigorating Shadow 3 Charges the user's move gauge by 3 when it takes on a shadow presence.
Invigorating Shadow 4 Charges the user's move gauge by 4 when it takes on a shadow presence.
Invigorating Shadow 5 Charges the user's move gauge by 5 when it takes on a shadow presence.
Invigorating Shadow 6 Charges the user's move gauge by 6 when it takes on a shadow presence.
Iron Wall
Johto Flag Bearer Powers up the moves of all allied sync pairs by 10%. Reduces attack move damage taken by all allied sync pairs by 20%. The more allied sync pairs with the Johto theme you have on your team, the higher these percentages are. (Each additional sync pair powers up moves by 10% and reduces damage by 3%. The maximum power-up is 30%, and the maximum damage reduction is 26%.) Giovanni & Guzzlord
Kris & Suicune
Johto Pride Powers up the physical attack moves of all allied sync pairs by 20%. Reduces physical attack move damage taken by all allied sync pairs by 25%. The more allied sync pairs with the Johto theme you have on your team, the higher these percentages are. (Each additional sync pair powers up moves by 15% and reduces damage by 3%. The maximum power-up is 50%, and the maximum damage reduction is 31%.) Lyra & Celebi
Silver & Tyranitar (Shiny Tyranitar)
Silver & Tyranitar (Shiny Mega Tyranitar)
Johto Spirit Powers up the special attack moves of all allied sync pairs by 20%. Reduces special attack move damage taken by all allied sync pairs by 25%. The more allied sync pairs with the Johto theme you have on your team, the higher these percentages are. (Each additional sync pair powers up moves by 15% and reduces damage by 3%. The maximum power-up is 50%, and the maximum damage reduction is 31%.) Ethan & Lugia
Journey from Pallet The user's moves never miss. Increases the user's Special Moves ↑ Next effect by 1 rank when its attack move hits. The more the user's Special Moves ↑ Next effect is increased, the more it powers up the user's sync move. Red & Articuno
Kalos Flag Bearer Powers up the moves of all allied sync pairs by 10%. Reduces attack move damage taken by all allied sync pairs by 20%. The more allied sync pairs with the Kalos theme you have on your team, the higher these percentages are. (Each additional sync pair powers up moves by 10% and reduces damage by 3%. The maximum power-up is 30%, and the maximum damage reduction is 26%.) Serena & Zygarde
Serena & Zygarde (Complete Forme)
Kalos Pride Powers up the physical attack moves of all allied sync pairs by 20%. Reduces physical attack move damage taken by all allied sync pairs by 25%. The more allied sync pairs with the Kalos theme you have on your team, the higher these percentages are. (Each additional sync pair powers up moves by 15% and reduces damage by 3%. The maximum power-up is 50%, and the maximum damage reduction is 31%.) Calem & Greninja (Shiny Greninja)
Calem & Greninja (Shiny Greninja)
Kalos Spirit Powers up the special attack moves of all allied sync pairs by 20%. Reduces special attack move damage taken by all allied sync pairs by 25%. The more allied sync pairs with the Kalos theme you have on your team, the higher these percentages are. (Each additional sync pair powers up moves by 15% and reduces damage by 3%. The maximum power-up is 50%, and the maximum damage reduction is 31%.) Serena & Greninja
Serena & Greninja
Kanto Flag Bearer Powers up the moves of all allied sync pairs by 10%. Reduces attack move damage taken by all allied sync pairs by 20%. The more allied sync pairs with the Kanto theme you have on your team, the higher these percentages are. (Each additional sync pair powers up moves by 10% and reduces damage by 3%. The maximum power-up is 30%, and the maximum damage reduction is 26%.) Blue & Zapdos
Red & Pikachu
Kanto Pride Powers up the physical attack moves of all allied sync pairs by 20%. Reduces physical attack move damage taken by all allied sync pairs by 25%. The more allied sync pairs with the Kanto theme you have on your team, the higher these percentages are. (Each additional sync pair powers up moves by 15% and reduces damage by 3%. The maximum power-up is 50%, and the maximum damage reduction is 31%.) Leaf & Moltres
Kanto Spirit Powers up the special attack moves of all allied sync pairs by 20%. Reduces special attack move damage taken by all allied sync pairs by 25%. The more allied sync pairs with the Kanto theme you have on your team, the higher these percentages are. (Each additional sync pair powers up moves by 15% and reduces damage by 3%. The maximum power-up is 50%, and the maximum damage reduction is 31%.) Red & Articuno
Ash & Pikachu
KO Opp: Allied Field MG Up 1 Has a chance (20%) of applying the Move Gauge Acceleration effect to the allied field of play when the user knocks out an opponent with a move.
KO Opp: Allied Field MG Up 2 Has a chance (30%) of applying the Move Gauge Acceleration effect to the allied field of play when the user knocks out an opponent with a move.
KO Opp: Allied Field MG Up 3 Has a chance (40%) of applying the Move Gauge Acceleration effect to the allied field of play when the user knocks out an opponent with a move.
KO Opp: Allied Field MG Up 4 Has a chance (50%) of applying the Move Gauge Acceleration effect to the allied field of play when the user knocks out an opponent with a move.
KO Opp: Allied Field MG Up 5 Has a chance (60%) of applying the Move Gauge Acceleration effect to the allied field of play when the user knocks out an opponent with a move.
KO Opp: Allied Field MG Up 6 Has a chance (70%) of applying the Move Gauge Acceleration effect to the allied field of play when the user knocks out an opponent with a move.
KO Opp: Allied Field MG Up 7 Has a chance (80%) of applying the Move Gauge Acceleration effect to the allied field of play when the user knocks out an opponent with a move.
KO Opp: Allied Field MG Up 8 Has a chance (90%) of applying the Move Gauge Acceleration effect to the allied field of play when the user knocks out an opponent with a move.
KO Opp: Allied Field MG Up 9 Applies the Move Gauge Acceleration effect to the allied field of play when the user knocks out an opponent with a move. Eusine & Suicune (Shiny Suicune)
Landing Pad Turns the field of play's zone into a Flying Zone the first time the user enters a battle each battle. (A Flying Zone powers up Flying-type attacks.) Silver & Crobat
Last Dash 1 Raises the user's Speed by 1 stat ranks the first time it is in a pinch each battle.
Last Dash 2 Raises the user's Speed by 2 stat ranks the first time it is in a pinch each battle.
Last Dash 3 Raises the user's Speed by 3 stat ranks the first time it is in a pinch each battle.
Last Dash 4 Raises the user's Speed by 4 stat ranks the first time it is in a pinch each battle. Cynthia & Kommo-o
Last Dash 5 Raises the user's Speed by 5 stat ranks the first time it is in a pinch each battle.
Last Dash 6 Raises the user's Speed by 6 stat ranks the first time it is in a pinch each battle. Hau & Raichu (Alola Form)
Last Word The user uses Explosion immediately before fainting. Lt. Surge & Voltorb
Lt. Surge & Electrode
Main Character & Regirock
Main Character & Registeel
Sophocles & Golem (Alola Form)
Jasmine & Steelix (Mega Steelix)
Morty & Drifblim
James & Weezing
Petrel & Weezing
Dana & Regice
Leg Up 1 Once per battle, has a chance (20%) of reducing the user's sync move countdown by one when it enters a battle. Misty & Vaporeon
Archie & Kyogre
Leg Up 2 Once per battle, has a chance (30%) of reducing the user's sync move countdown by one when it enters a battle. Elesa & Rotom
Alder & Volcarona
Leg Up 3 Once per battle, has a chance (40%) of reducing the user's sync move countdown by one when it enters a battle.
Leg Up 4 Once per battle, has a chance (50%) of reducing the user's sync move countdown by one when it enters a battle.
Lessen Affliction 1
Lessen Affliction 2
Lessen Burn 1 Reduces damage from being burned. Mitigates the reduction of Attack due to being burned. 1Star Crispy Lucky Cookie
Lessen Burn 10 Reduces damage from being burned. Mitigates the reduction of Attack due to being burned.
Lessen Burn 2 Reduces damage from being burned. Mitigates the reduction of Attack due to being burned. 1Star Crispy Lucky Cookie
Lessen Burn 3 Reduces damage from being burned. Mitigates the reduction of Attack due to being burned. 1Star Crispy Lucky Cookie
Lessen Burn 4 Reduces damage from being burned. Mitigates the reduction of Attack due to being burned. 1Star Crispy Lucky Cookie
Lessen Burn 5 Reduces damage from being burned. Mitigates the reduction of Attack due to being burned. 1Star Crispy Lucky Cookie
Lessen Burn 6 Reduces damage from being burned. Mitigates the reduction of Attack due to being burned. 1Star Crispy Lucky Cookie
2Star Crispy Lucky Cookie
Lessen Burn 7 Reduces damage from being burned. Mitigates the reduction of Attack due to being burned. 1Star Crispy Lucky Cookie
2Star Crispy Lucky Cookie
Lessen Burn 8 Reduces damage from being burned. Mitigates the reduction of Attack due to being burned. 1Star Crispy Lucky Cookie
2Star Crispy Lucky Cookie
Lessen Burn 9 Reduces damage from being burned. Mitigates the reduction of Attack due to being burned. Shauntal & Chandelure
Adaman & Ursaluna
1Star Crispy Lucky Cookie
2Star Crispy Lucky Cookie
Lessen Confusion 1 Reduces the chance of attacking oneself due to confusion. 1Star Crispy Lucky Cookie
Lessen Confusion 2 Reduces the chance of attacking oneself due to confusion. 1Star Crispy Lucky Cookie
Lessen Confusion 3 Reduces the chance of attacking oneself due to confusion. 1Star Crispy Lucky Cookie
Lessen Confusion 4 Reduces the chance of attacking oneself due to confusion. 1Star Crispy Lucky Cookie
Lessen Confusion 5 Reduces the chance of attacking oneself due to confusion. 1Star Crispy Lucky Cookie
Lessen Confusion 6 Reduces the chance of attacking oneself due to confusion. 1Star Crispy Lucky Cookie
2Star Crispy Lucky Cookie
Lessen Confusion 7 Reduces the chance of attacking oneself due to confusion. 1Star Crispy Lucky Cookie
2Star Crispy Lucky Cookie
Lessen Confusion 8 Reduces the chance of attacking oneself due to confusion. 1Star Crispy Lucky Cookie
2Star Crispy Lucky Cookie
Lessen Confusion 9 Reduces the chance of attacking oneself due to confusion. 1Star Crispy Lucky Cookie
2Star Crispy Lucky Cookie
Lessen Flinch 1 Shortens time spent flinching. 1Star Crispy Lucky Cookie
Lessen Flinch 2 Shortens time spent flinching. 1Star Crispy Lucky Cookie
Lessen Flinch 3 Shortens time spent flinching. 1Star Crispy Lucky Cookie
Lessen Flinch 4 Shortens time spent flinching. 1Star Crispy Lucky Cookie
Lessen Flinch 5 Shortens time spent flinching. 1Star Crispy Lucky Cookie
Lessen Flinch 6 Shortens time spent flinching. 1Star Crispy Lucky Cookie
2Star Crispy Lucky Cookie
Lessen Flinch 7 Shortens time spent flinching. 1Star Crispy Lucky Cookie
2Star Crispy Lucky Cookie
Lessen Flinch 8 Shortens time spent flinching. 1Star Crispy Lucky Cookie
2Star Crispy Lucky Cookie
Lessen Flinch 9 Shortens time spent flinching. 1Star Crispy Lucky Cookie
2Star Crispy Lucky Cookie
Lessen Freeze 1 Shortens time spent frozen. 1Star Crispy Lucky Cookie
Lessen Freeze 2 Shortens time spent frozen. 1Star Crispy Lucky Cookie
Lessen Freeze 3 Shortens time spent frozen. 1Star Crispy Lucky Cookie
Lessen Freeze 4 Shortens time spent frozen. 1Star Crispy Lucky Cookie
Lessen Freeze 5 Shortens time spent frozen. 1Star Crispy Lucky Cookie
Lessen Freeze 6 Shortens time spent frozen. 1Star Crispy Lucky Cookie
2Star Crispy Lucky Cookie
Lessen Freeze 7 Shortens time spent frozen. 1Star Crispy Lucky Cookie
2Star Crispy Lucky Cookie
Lessen Freeze 8 Shortens time spent frozen. 1Star Crispy Lucky Cookie
2Star Crispy Lucky Cookie
Lessen Freeze 9 Shortens time spent frozen. 1Star Crispy Lucky Cookie
2Star Crispy Lucky Cookie
Lessen Interference 3
Lessen Paralysis 1 Reduces the chance of actions failing due to paralysis. Mitigates the reduction of Speed due to paralysis. 1Star Crispy Lucky Cookie
Lessen Paralysis 2 Reduces the chance of actions failing due to paralysis. Mitigates the reduction of Speed due to paralysis. 1Star Crispy Lucky Cookie
Lessen Paralysis 3 Reduces the chance of actions failing due to paralysis. Mitigates the reduction of Speed due to paralysis. 1Star Crispy Lucky Cookie
Lessen Paralysis 4 Reduces the chance of actions failing due to paralysis. Mitigates the reduction of Speed due to paralysis. 1Star Crispy Lucky Cookie
Lessen Paralysis 5 Reduces the chance of actions failing due to paralysis. Mitigates the reduction of Speed due to paralysis. 1Star Crispy Lucky Cookie
Lessen Paralysis 6 Reduces the chance of actions failing due to paralysis. Mitigates the reduction of Speed due to paralysis. 1Star Crispy Lucky Cookie
2Star Crispy Lucky Cookie
Lessen Paralysis 7 Reduces the chance of actions failing due to paralysis. Mitigates the reduction of Speed due to paralysis. 1Star Crispy Lucky Cookie
2Star Crispy Lucky Cookie
Lessen Paralysis 8 Reduces the chance of actions failing due to paralysis. Mitigates the reduction of Speed due to paralysis. 1Star Crispy Lucky Cookie
2Star Crispy Lucky Cookie
Lessen Paralysis 9 Reduces the chance of actions failing due to paralysis. Mitigates the reduction of Speed due to paralysis. 1Star Crispy Lucky Cookie
2Star Crispy Lucky Cookie
Lessen Poison 1 Reduces damage from being poisoned or badly poisoned. 1Star Crispy Lucky Cookie
Lessen Poison 10
Lessen Poison 2 Reduces damage from being poisoned or badly poisoned. 1Star Crispy Lucky Cookie
Lessen Poison 3 Reduces damage from being poisoned or badly poisoned. 1Star Crispy Lucky Cookie
Lessen Poison 4 Reduces damage from being poisoned or badly poisoned. 1Star Crispy Lucky Cookie
Lessen Poison 5 Reduces damage from being poisoned or badly poisoned. 1Star Crispy Lucky Cookie
Lessen Poison 6 Reduces damage from being poisoned or badly poisoned. 1Star Crispy Lucky Cookie
2Star Crispy Lucky Cookie
Lessen Poison 7 Reduces damage from being poisoned or badly poisoned. 1Star Crispy Lucky Cookie
2Star Crispy Lucky Cookie
Lessen Poison 8 Reduces damage from being poisoned or badly poisoned. 1Star Crispy Lucky Cookie
2Star Crispy Lucky Cookie
Lessen Poison 9 Reduces damage from being poisoned or badly poisoned. 1Star Crispy Lucky Cookie
2Star Crispy Lucky Cookie
Lessen Sleep 1 Shortens time spent asleep. 1Star Crispy Lucky Cookie
Lessen Sleep 2 Shortens time spent asleep. 1Star Crispy Lucky Cookie
Lessen Sleep 3 Shortens time spent asleep. 1Star Crispy Lucky Cookie
Lessen Sleep 4 Shortens time spent asleep. 1Star Crispy Lucky Cookie
Lessen Sleep 5 Shortens time spent asleep. 1Star Crispy Lucky Cookie
Lessen Sleep 6 Shortens time spent asleep. 1Star Crispy Lucky Cookie
2Star Crispy Lucky Cookie
Lessen Sleep 7 Shortens time spent asleep. 1Star Crispy Lucky Cookie
2Star Crispy Lucky Cookie
Lessen Sleep 8 Shortens time spent asleep. 1Star Crispy Lucky Cookie
2Star Crispy Lucky Cookie
Lessen Sleep 9 Shortens time spent asleep. 1Star Crispy Lucky Cookie
2Star Crispy Lucky Cookie
Lessen Trap 1 Reduces damage from being trapped. 1Star Crispy Lucky Cookie
Lessen Trap 10 Reduces damage from being trapped.
Lessen Trap 2 Reduces damage from being trapped. 1Star Crispy Lucky Cookie
Lessen Trap 3 Reduces damage from being trapped. 1Star Crispy Lucky Cookie
Lessen Trap 4 Reduces damage from being trapped. 1Star Crispy Lucky Cookie
Lessen Trap 5 Reduces damage from being trapped. 1Star Crispy Lucky Cookie
Lessen Trap 6 Reduces damage from being trapped. 1Star Crispy Lucky Cookie
2Star Crispy Lucky Cookie
Lessen Trap 7 Reduces damage from being trapped. 1Star Crispy Lucky Cookie
2Star Crispy Lucky Cookie
Lessen Trap 8 Reduces damage from being trapped. 1Star Crispy Lucky Cookie
2Star Crispy Lucky Cookie
Lessen Trap 9 Reduces damage from being trapped. 1Star Crispy Lucky Cookie
2Star Crispy Lucky Cookie
Lightning Legs Reduces the user's sync move countdown by 1 the first time it enters a battle each battle. Raises the user's Attack by 6 stat ranks the first time it enters a battle each battle. Hop & Zapdos (Galarian Form)
Lithe Prevents the user from getting paralyzed. Brendan & Treecko
Brendan & Grovyle
Brendan & Sceptile
Brendan & Sceptile (Mega Sceptle)
Cheren & Purrloin
Elesa & Zebstrika
Grimsley & Liepard
Lance & Dragonite
Lt. Surge & Raichu
Main Character & Meowth
Main Character & Persian
Main Character & Meowth
Main Character & Persian
Main Character & Meowth
Main Character & Persian
Main Character & Goldeen
Main Character & Seaking
Main Character & Goldeen
Main Character & Seaking
Main Character & Goldeen
Main Character & Seaking
Main Character & Exeggcute
Main Character & Exeggutor
Main Character & Exeggcute
Main Character & Exeggutor
Main Character & Exeggcute
Main Character & Exeggutor
Main Character & Pichu
Main Character & Pikachu
Main Character & Raichu
Main Character & Pichu
Main Character & Pikachu
Main Character & Raichu
Main Character & Pichu
Main Character & Pikachu
Main Character & Raichu
Main Character & Voltorb
Main Character & Electrode
Main Character & Voltorb
Main Character & Electrode
Main Character & Voltorb
Main Character & Electrode
Main Character & Tangela
Main Character & Tangela
Main Character & Tangela
Main Character & Ekans
Main Character & Arbok
Main Character & Paras
Main Character & Parasect
Main Character & Paras
Main Character & Parasect
Main Character & Paras
Main Character & Parasect
Main Character & Diglett
Main Character & Dugtrio
Main Character & Diglett
Main Character & Dugtrio
Main Character & Diglett
Main Character & Dugtrio
Main Character & Rhyhorn
Main Character & Rhydon
Main Character & Rhyhorn
Main Character & Rhydon
Main Character & Rhyhorn
Main Character & Rhydon
Sophocles & Golem (Alola Form)
Clemont & Magneton
Jasmine & Magnemite
Volkner & Raichu
Petey & Pikachu (Female)
Blue & Zapdos
Brendan & Latios
Brendan & Latios (Mega Latios)
Bruno & Onix
Bugsy & Scyther
Bugsy & Kricketune
Cheren & Liepard
Cynthia & Garchomp
Cynthia & Garchomp (Mega Garchomp)
Drake & Salamence
Elesa & Emolga
Hau & Tapu Koko
Hilbert & Genesect
Kris & Jolteon
Lance & Dragonair
Lance & Dragonite
Lillie & Polteageist (Antique Form)
Lt. Surge & Voltorb
Lt. Surge & Electrode
Lusamine & Lilligant
Professor Sycamore & Gogoat
Red & Pikachu
Red & Venusaur
Roxie & Toxtricity (Amped Form)
Skyla & Tornadus (Therian Forme)
Sophocles & Togedemaru
Winona & Altaria
Jasmine & Ampharos
Jasmine & Ampharos (Mega Ampharos)
Dawn & Cresselia
Serena & Whimsicott
Volkner & Luxray
Volkner & Electivire
N & Zekrom
May & Lopunny
May & Lopunny (Mega Lopunny)
Piers & Toxtricity (Low-Key Forme)
Marnie & Morpeko
Marnie & Morpeko (Hangry Mode)
Lana & Lanturn
Raihan & Gigalith
Raihan & Sandaconda
Hop & Pincurchin
Darach & Staraptor
Lucas & Torterra
Aaron & Vespiquen
Ash & Pikachu
Helena & Haunter
Adaman & Ursaluna
Nemona &
Nemona &
Rei & Decidueye (Hisuian Form)
Iono &
Iono &
Chase & Pikachu
Arven &
1Star Crispy Lucky Cookie
2Star Crispy Lucky Cookie
3Star Crispy Lucky Cookie
1 Star Deluxe Lucky Cookie
2 Star Deluxe Lucky Cookie
Lithic Acceleration 1 Quickly charges the move gauge when the zone is a Rock Zone.
Lithic Acceleration 2 Quickly charges the move gauge when the zone is a Rock Zone.
Lithic Acceleration 3 Quickly charges the move gauge when the zone is a Rock Zone. Nemona & Lycanroc Diantha & Diancie (Shiny Diancie)
Diantha & Diancie (Shiny Mega Diancie)
Lithic Acceleration 4 Quickly charges the move gauge when the zone is a Rock Zone.
Lithic Acceleration 5 Quickly charges the move gauge when the zone is a Rock Zone.
Lithic Acceleration 6 Quickly charges the move gauge when the zone is a Rock Zone.
Lithic Acceleration 7 Quickly charges the move gauge when the zone is a Rock Zone.
Lithic Acceleration 8 Quickly charges the move gauge when the zone is a Rock Zone.
Lithic Acceleration 9 Quickly charges the move gauge when the zone is a Rock Zone.
Lithic Healing 1 Restores the user's HP whenever its Pokémon takes an action when the zone is a Rock Zone. Brock & Kabutops
Diantha & Diancie (Shiny Diancie)
Diantha & Diancie (Shiny Mega Diancie)
Elio & Stakataka
Nemona & Lycanroc
Lithic Healing 1 Restores the user's HP whenever its Pokémon takes an action when the zone is a Rock Zone. Brock & Kabutops
Diantha & Diancie (Shiny Diancie)
Diantha & Diancie (Shiny Mega Diancie)
Elio & Stakataka
Nemona & Lycanroc
Lithic Healing 1 Restores the user's HP whenever its Pokémon takes an action when the zone is a Rock Zone. Brock & Kabutops
Diantha & Diancie (Shiny Diancie)
Diantha & Diancie (Shiny Mega Diancie)
Elio & Stakataka
Nemona & Lycanroc
Lithic Healing 1 Restores the user's HP whenever its Pokémon takes an action when the zone is a Rock Zone. Brock & Kabutops
Diantha & Diancie (Shiny Diancie)
Diantha & Diancie (Shiny Mega Diancie)
Elio & Stakataka
Nemona & Lycanroc
Lithic Healing 1 Restores the user's HP whenever its Pokémon takes an action when the zone is a Rock Zone. Brock & Kabutops
Diantha & Diancie (Shiny Diancie)
Diantha & Diancie (Shiny Mega Diancie)
Elio & Stakataka
Nemona & Lycanroc
Lithic Healing 1 Restores the user's HP whenever its Pokémon takes an action when the zone is a Rock Zone. Brock & Kabutops
Diantha & Diancie (Shiny Diancie)
Diantha & Diancie (Shiny Mega Diancie)
Elio & Stakataka
Nemona & Lycanroc
Lithic Healing 1 Restores the user's HP whenever its Pokémon takes an action when the zone is a Rock Zone. Brock & Kabutops
Diantha & Diancie (Shiny Diancie)
Diantha & Diancie (Shiny Mega Diancie)
Elio & Stakataka
Nemona & Lycanroc
Lithic Healing 1 Restores the user's HP whenever its Pokémon takes an action when the zone is a Rock Zone. Brock & Kabutops
Diantha & Diancie (Shiny Diancie)
Diantha & Diancie (Shiny Mega Diancie)
Elio & Stakataka
Nemona & Lycanroc
Lithic Healing 1 Restores the user's HP whenever its Pokémon takes an action when the zone is a Rock Zone. Brock & Kabutops
Diantha & Diancie (Shiny Diancie)
Diantha & Diancie (Shiny Mega Diancie)
Elio & Stakataka
Nemona & Lycanroc
Locked-On Sync 1 Powers up the user's sync move when accuracy is raised.
Locked-On Sync 2 Powers up the user's sync move when accuracy is raised.
Locked-On Sync 3 Powers up the user's sync move when accuracy is raised. Hapu & Mudsdale
Sonia & Tsareena (Shiny Tsareena)
Locked-On Sync 4 Powers up the user's sync move when accuracy is raised.
Locked-On Sync 5 Powers up the user's sync move when accuracy is raised.
Locked-On Sync 6 Powers up the user's sync move when accuracy is raised.
Locked-On Sync 7 Powers up the user's sync move when accuracy is raised.
Locked-On Sync 8 Powers up the user's sync move when accuracy is raised.
Locked-On Sync 9 Powers up the user's sync move when accuracy is raised.
Lockstep 1 Has a chance (20%) of charging the user's move gauge by one for each allied sync pair on the field when the user's move is successful. When used in a co-op battle, has a chance (20%) of charging the move gauges of all allied players by one instead when the user's move is successful.
Lockstep 2 Has a chance (30%) of charging the user's move gauge by one for each allied sync pair on the field when the user's move is successful. When used in a co-op battle, has a chance (30%) of charging the move gauges of all allied players by one instead when the user's move is successful.
Lockstep 3 Has a chance (40%) of charging the user's move gauge by one for each allied sync pair on the field when the user's move is successful. When used in a co-op battle, has a chance (40%) of charging the move gauges of all allied players by one instead when the user's move is successful.
Lockstep 4 Has a chance (50%) of charging the user's move gauge by one for each allied sync pair on the field when the user's move is successful. When used in a co-op battle, has a chance (50%) of charging the move gauges of all allied players by one instead when the user's move is successful.
Lockstep 5 Has a chance (60%) of charging the user's move gauge by one for each allied sync pair on the field when the user's move is successful. When used in a co-op battle, has a chance (60%) of charging the move gauges of all allied players by one instead when the user's move is successful.
Lockstep 6 Has a chance (70%) of charging the user's move gauge by one for each allied sync pair on the field when the user's move is successful. When used in a co-op battle, has a chance (70%) of charging the move gauges of all allied players by one instead when the user's move is successful.
Lockstep 7 Has a chance (80%) of charging the user's move gauge by one for each allied sync pair on the field when the user's move is successful. When used in a co-op battle, has a chance (80%) of charging the move gauges of all allied players by one instead when the user's move is successful.
Lockstep 8 Has a chance (90%) of charging the user's move gauge by one for each allied sync pair on the field when the user's move is successful. When used in a co-op battle, has a chance (90%) of charging the move gauges of all allied players by one instead when the user's move is successful.
Lockstep 9 Charges the user's move gauge by one for each allied sync pair on the field when the user's move is successful. When used in a co-op battle, charges the move gauges of all allied players by one instead when the user's move is successful.
Look Alive 1 Has a chance (20%) of raising the user's evasiveness by one stat rank when it is hit by an attack move. Misty & Psyduck
Look Alive 2 Has a chance (30%) of raising the user's evasiveness by one stat rank when it is hit by an attack move. Blue & Pidgeot
Blue & Pidgeot (Mega Pidgeot)
Ethan & Cyndaquil
Ethan & Quilava
Ethan & Typhlosion
Look Alive 3 Has a chance (40%) of raising the user's evasiveness by one stat rank when it is hit by an attack move.
Look Alive 4 Has a chance (50%) of raising the user's evasiveness by one stat rank when it is hit by an attack move. Wally & Delcatty
Look Alive 5 Has a chance (60%) of raising the user's evasiveness by one stat rank when it is hit by an attack move.
Look Alive 6 Has a chance (70%) of raising the user's evasiveness by one stat rank when it is hit by an attack move.
Look Alive 7 Has a chance (80%) of raising the user's evasiveness by one stat rank when it is hit by an attack move.
Look Alive 8 Has a chance (90%) of raising the user's evasiveness by one stat rank when it is hit by an attack move.
Look Alive 9 Raises the user's evasiveness by one stat rank when it is hit by an attack move. Elesa & Rotom
Love of Pallet Lowers the target's Attack, Sp. Atk, and Sp. Def by 1 stat rank when the user's Pokémon uses a status move targeting that opponent. Leaf & Moltres
Lucky Entry 2 Raises one of the user's following stats by 2 stat ranks at random when it enters a battle: Attack, Defense, Sp. Atk, Sp. Def, Speed, accuracy, or evasiveness. Bianca & Musharna
Marnie & Morpeko
Marnie & Morpeko (Hangry Mode)
Lucky Seven 1 Has a chance (20%) of lowering the target's Attack, Defense, Sp. Atk, Sp. Def, Speed, accuracy, and evasiveness by one stat rank when the user's attack move against it is successful.
Lucky Seven 2 Has a chance (30%) of lowering the target's Attack, Defense, Sp. Atk, Sp. Def, Speed, accuracy, and evasiveness by one stat rank when the user's attack move against it is successful.
Lucky Seven 3 Has a chance (40%) of lowering the target's Attack, Defense, Sp. Atk, Sp. Def, Speed, accuracy, and evasiveness by one stat rank when the user's attack move against it is successful.
Lucky Seven 4 Has a chance (50%) of lowering the target's Attack, Defense, Sp. Atk, Sp. Def, Speed, accuracy, and evasiveness by one stat rank when the user's attack move against it is successful. Leon & Eternatus
Lucky Seven 5 Has a chance (60%) of lowering the target's Attack, Defense, Sp. Atk, Sp. Def, Speed, accuracy, and evasiveness by one stat rank when the user's attack move against it is successful.
Lucky Seven 6 Has a chance (70%) of lowering the target's Attack, Defense, Sp. Atk, Sp. Def, Speed, accuracy, and evasiveness by one stat rank when the user's attack move against it is successful.
Lucky Seven 7 Has a chance (80%) of lowering the target's Attack, Defense, Sp. Atk, Sp. Def, Speed, accuracy, and evasiveness by one stat rank when the user's attack move against it is successful.
Lucky Seven 8 Has a chance (90%) of lowering the target's Attack, Defense, Sp. Atk, Sp. Def, Speed, accuracy, and evasiveness by one stat rank when the user's attack move against it is successful.
Lucky Seven 9 Lowers the target's Attack, Defense, Sp. Atk, Sp. Def, Speed, accuracy, and evasiveness by one stat rank when the user's attack move against it is successful.
Mad Strength 1 Has a chance (20%) of raising the user's Attack by one stat rank when its attack move is successful. 1Star Crunchy Lucky Cookie
Mad Strength 2 Has a chance (30%) of raising the user's Attack by one stat rank when its attack move is successful. Lyra & Jigglypuff
Whitney & Miltank
Morty & Drifblim 1Star Crunchy Lucky Cookie
2Star Crunchy Lucky Cookie
1 Star Deluxe Lucky Cookie
Mad Strength 3 Has a chance (40%) of raising the user's Attack by one stat rank when its attack move is successful.
Mad Strength 4 Has a chance (50%) of raising the user's Attack by one stat rank when its attack move is successful. Blue & Charizard
Erika & Comfey
Whitney & Miltank
Mad Strength 5 Has a chance (60%) of raising the user's Attack by one stat rank when its attack move is successful.
Mad Strength 6 Has a chance (70%) of raising the user's Attack by one stat rank when its attack move is successful.
Mad Strength 7 Has a chance (80%) of raising the user's Attack by one stat rank when its attack move is successful.
Mad Strength 8 Has a chance (90%) of raising the user's Attack by one stat rank when its attack move is successful.
Mad Strength 9 Raises the user's Attack by one stat rank when its attack move is successful. Zinnia & Salamence Whitney & Sawsbuck (Winter Form)
Ingo & Accelgor
Chuck & Poliwrath
Larry &
Master Healer 1 Increases the amount of HP restored by the user's healing moves. Main Character & Bulbasaur
Main Character & Ivysaur
Main Character & Venusaur
Morty & Mismagius
Skyla & Swanna
Skyla & Swanna
Kiawe & Marowak (Alola Form)
Kiawe & Marowak (Alola Form)
Emma & Crobat
Master Healer 2 Increases the amount of HP restored by the user's healing moves.
Master Healer 3 Increases the amount of HP restored by the user's healing moves.
Master Healer 4 Increases the amount of HP restored by the user's healing moves.
Master Healer 6 Increases the amount of HP restored by the user's healing moves.
MAX Barricade 1 Raises the user's Sp. Def by 1 stat ranks after using its max move.
MAX Barricade 2 Raises the user's Sp. Def by 2 stat ranks after using its max move.
MAX Barricade 3 Raises the user's Sp. Def by 3 stat ranks after using its max move.
MAX Barricade 4 Raises the user's Sp. Def by 4 stat ranks after using its max move.
MAX Barricade 5 Raises the user's Sp. Def by 5 stat ranks after using its max move.
MAX Barricade 6 Raises the user's Sp. Def by 6 stat ranks after using its max move.
MAX Barricade Buddies 1 Raises the Sp. Def of all allied sync pairs by 1 stat ranks after using the user's max move.
MAX Barricade Buddies 2 Raises the Sp. Def of all allied sync pairs by 2 stat ranks after using the user's max move. Red & Snorlax
Argenta & Skarmory
MAX Barricade Buddies 3 Raises the Sp. Def of all allied sync pairs by 3 stat ranks after using the user's max move.
MAX Barricade Buddies 4 Raises the Sp. Def of all allied sync pairs by 4 stat ranks after using the user's max move.
MAX Barricade Buddies 5 Raises the Sp. Def of all allied sync pairs by 5 stat ranks after using the user's max move.
MAX Barricade Buddies 6 Raises the Sp. Def of all allied sync pairs by 6 stat ranks after using the user's max move.
MAX Conductivity Turns the field of play's terrain into Electric Terrain after using the user's max move. Red & Pikachu
MAX Countdown 1 Reduces the user's sync move countdown by 1 after using its max move. Leon & Eternatus
Leon & Dragapult
Victor & Rillaboom
Rose & Copperajah
MAX Countdown 2 Reduces the user's sync move countdown by 2 after using its max move. Wallace & Blacephalon Blue & Charizard
Palmer & Regigigas
Red & Venusaur
Leaf & Blastoise
Leon & Eternatus
Marnie & Cinderace
Raihan & Flygon
Raihan & Sandaconda
Hop & Rillaboom
Bede & Hatterene
Bede & Inteleon
Dahlia & Ludicolo
Kabu & Centiskorch
Klara & Slowbro (Galarian Form)
Avery & Slowking (Galarian Form)
MAX Countdown 3 Reduces the user's sync move countdown by 3 after using its max move. Red & Pikachu
Riley & Lucario
MAX Countdown 4 Reduces the user's sync move countdown by 4 after using its max move.
MAX Countdown 5 Reduces the user's sync move countdown by 5 after using its max move.
MAX Countdown 6 Reduces the user's sync move countdown by 6 after using its max move.
MAX Countdown 7 Reduces the user's sync move countdown by 7 after using its max move.
MAX Countdown 8 Reduces the user's sync move countdown by 8 after using its max move.
MAX Countdown 9 Reduces the user's sync move countdown by 9 after using its max move.
MAX Damage Guard Applies the Damage Guard Next effect to the user after using its max move. (If hit by an attack while this effect is applied, the attack will inflict no damage on the user, while the damage of some attacks such as sync moves will be halved. The effect is removed after it is activated.) Leon & Eternatus Leon & Dragapult
Bede & Hatterene
Victor & Rillaboom
Victor & Spectrier
Klara & Slowbro (Galarian Form)
Milo & Eldegoss
MAX Defense Crush 1 Lowers the opponent's Defense by 1 stat ranks after the user uses its max move.
MAX Defense Crush 2 Lowers the opponent's Defense by 2 stat ranks after the user uses its max move.
MAX Defense Crush 3 Lowers the opponent's Defense by 3 stat ranks after the user uses its max move.
MAX Defense Crush 4 Lowers the opponent's Defense by 4 stat ranks after the user uses its max move.
MAX Defense Crush 5 Lowers the opponent's Defense by 5 stat ranks after the user uses its max move.
MAX Defense Crush 6 Lowers the opponent's Defense by 6 stat ranks after the user uses its max move.
MAX Double Down 1 Powers up the user's max moves that are super effective.
MAX Double Down 2 Powers up the user's max moves that are super effective.
MAX Double Down 3 Powers up the user's max moves that are super effective. Blue & Charizard
Red & Venusaur
Leaf & Blastoise
Gloria & Urshifu (Rapid Strike)
Kabu & Centiskorch
Leon Lucky Cookie 1
MAX Double Down 4 Powers up the user's max moves that are super effective.
MAX Double Down 5 Powers up the user's max moves that are super effective. Giovanni & Nidoking Gloria & Cinderace
Gloria & Cinderace
Gloria & Cinderace
MAX Double Down 6 Powers up the user's max moves that are super effective.
MAX Double Down 7 Powers up the user's max moves that are super effective.
MAX Double Down 8 Powers up the user's max moves that are super effective.
MAX Double Down 9 Powers up the user's max moves that are super effective.
MAX Group Therapy 1 Has a chance (20%) of removing all status conditions from all allied sync pairs after using the user's max move.
MAX Group Therapy 2 Has a chance (30%) of removing all status conditions from all allied sync pairs after using the user's max move.
MAX Group Therapy 3 Has a chance (40%) of removing all status conditions from all allied sync pairs after using the user's max move.
MAX Group Therapy 4 Has a chance (50%) of removing all status conditions from all allied sync pairs after using the user's max move.
MAX Group Therapy 5 Has a chance (60%) of removing all status conditions from all allied sync pairs after using the user's max move.
MAX Group Therapy 6 Has a chance (70%) of removing all status conditions from all allied sync pairs after using the user's max move.
MAX Group Therapy 7 Has a chance (80%) of removing all status conditions from all allied sync pairs after using the user's max move.
MAX Group Therapy 8 Has a chance (90%) of removing all status conditions from all allied sync pairs after using the user's max move.
MAX Group Therapy 9 Removes all status conditions from all allied sync pairs after using the user's max move. Red & Snorlax
MAX Healer 1 Restores the user's HP by approximately 10% of its maximum HP after using its max move.
MAX Healer 2 Restores the user's HP by approximately 20% of its maximum HP after using its max move. Leon & Charizard
MAX Healer 3 Restores the user's HP by approximately 30% of its maximum HP after using its max move.
MAX Healer 4 Restores the user's HP by approximately 40% of its maximum HP after using its max move.
MAX Healer 5 Restores the user's HP by approximately 50% of its maximum HP after using its max move. Anabel & Snorlax
MAX Healer 6 Restores the user's HP by approximately 60% of its maximum HP after using its max move.
MAX Healer 7 Restores the user's HP by approximately 70% of its maximum HP after using its max move.
MAX Healer 8 Restores the user's HP by approximately 80% of its maximum HP after using its max move.
MAX Healer 9 Restores the user's HP by approximately 90% of its maximum HP after using its max move.
Max Move Hit: Team Poison Rebuff Down 1 Lowers the Poison Type Rebuff of all opposing sync pairs by 1 rank when the user's max move targeting an opponent is successful. Oleana & Garbodor
Max Move Hit: Team Poison Rebuff Down 2 Lowers the Poison Type Rebuff of all opposing sync pairs by 2 ranks when the user's max move targeting an opponent is successful.
Max Move Hit: Team Poison Rebuff Down 3 Lowers the Poison Type Rebuff of all opposing sync pairs by 3 ranks when the user's max move targeting an opponent is successful.
Max Move Hit: Team Poison Rebuff Down 4 Lowers the Poison Type Rebuff of all opposing sync pairs by 4 ranks when the user's max move targeting an opponent is successful.
Max Move Hit: Team Poison Rebuff Down 5 Lowers the Poison Type Rebuff of all opposing sync pairs by 5 ranks when the user's max move targeting an opponent is successful.
Max Move Hit: Team Poison Rebuff Down 6 Lowers the Poison Type Rebuff of all opposing sync pairs by 6 ranks when the user's max move targeting an opponent is successful.
Max Move: Attack Up 1 Raises the user's Attack by 1 stat ranks after using its max move.
Max Move: Attack Up 2 Raises the user's Attack by 2 stat ranks after using its max move. Gloria & Cinderace
Gloria & Cinderace
Gloria & Cinderace
Max Move: Attack Up 3 Raises the user's Attack by 3 stat ranks after using its max move.
Max Move: Attack Up 4 Raises the user's Attack by 4 stat ranks after using its max move.
Max Move: Attack Up 5 Raises the user's Attack by 5 stat ranks after using its max move.
Max Move: Attack Up 6 Raises the user's Attack by 6 stat ranks after using its max move.
Max Move: Free Move Next Applies the Free Move Next effect to the user after using its max move. Palmer & Regigigas
Max Move: Team Defense Up 1 Lowers the Defense of all opposing sync pairs by 1 stat ranks after using the user's max move.
Max Move: Team Defense Up 2 Lowers the Defense of all opposing sync pairs by 2 stat ranks after using the user's max move. Oleana & Garbodor
Max Move: Team Defense Up 3 Lowers the Defense of all opposing sync pairs by 3 stat ranks after using the user's max move.
Max Move: Team Defense Up 4 Lowers the Defense of all opposing sync pairs by 4 stat ranks after using the user's max move.
Max Move: Team Defense Up 5 Lowers the Defense of all opposing sync pairs by 5 stat ranks after using the user's max move.
Max Move: Team Defense Up 6 Lowers the Defense of all opposing sync pairs by 6 stat ranks after using the user's max move.
Max Move: Team Free Move Next Applies the Free Move Next effect to all allied sync pairs after using the user's max move. Greta & Breloom Paulo & Lycanroc (Dusk Form)
MAX Regen Applies the Gradual Healing effect to the user after using its max move. Red & Snorlax
Victor & Spectrier
Gloria & Cinderace
Gloria & Cinderace
Gloria & Cinderace
Leon & Dragapult
MAX Shielding Strikes 1 Raises the user's Defense by 1 stat ranks after using its max move.
MAX Shielding Strikes 2 Raises the user's Defense by 2 stat ranks after using its max move. Elesa & Emolga
Red & Snorlax
MAX Shielding Strikes 3 Raises the user's Defense by 3 stat ranks after using its max move.
MAX Shielding Strikes 4 Raises the user's Defense by 4 stat ranks after using its max move.
MAX Shielding Strikes 5 Raises the user's Defense by 5 stat ranks after using its max move.
MAX Shielding Strikes 6 Raises the user's Defense by 6 stat ranks after using its max move.
MAX Slip Up 1 Lowers the Speed of all opposing sync pairs by 1 stat ranks after using the user's max move. Leon & Eternatus
MAX Slip Up 2 Lowers the Speed of all opposing sync pairs by 2 stat ranks after using the user's max move. Palmer & Regigigas
Victor & Rillaboom
MAX Slip Up 3 Lowers the Speed of all opposing sync pairs by 3 stat ranks after using the user's max move.
MAX Slip Up 4 Lowers the Speed of all opposing sync pairs by 4 stat ranks after using the user's max move.
MAX Slip Up 5 Lowers the Speed of all opposing sync pairs by 5 stat ranks after using the user's max move.
MAX Slip Up 6 Lowers the Speed of all opposing sync pairs by 6 stat ranks after using the user's max move.
MAX Static Shock 1 Powers up the user's max move when the target is paralyzed.
MAX Static Shock 2 Powers up the user's max move when the target is paralyzed.
MAX Static Shock 3 Powers up the user's max move when the target is paralyzed. Elesa & Emolga
MAX Static Shock 4 Powers up the user's max move when the target is paralyzed.
MAX Static Shock 5 Powers up the user's max move when the target is paralyzed.
MAX Static Shock 6 Powers up the user's max move when the target is paralyzed.
MAX Static Shock 7 Powers up the user's max move when the target is paralyzed.
MAX Static Shock 8 Powers up the user's max move when the target is paralyzed.
MAX Static Shock 9 Powers up the user's max move when the target is paralyzed.
MAX Super Preparation Applies the Supereffective ↑ Next effect to the user after using its max move. Giovanni & Nidoking
Gloria & Cinderace
Gloria & Cinderace
Gloria & Cinderace
Ingo & Chandelure
Allister & Gengar
Rose & Copperajah
MAX Team Smarts 1 Has a chance (20%) of increasing the Special Moves ↑ Next effect of all allied sync pairs by one rank after using the user's max move.
MAX Team Smarts 2 Has a chance (30%) of increasing the Special Moves ↑ Next effect of all allied sync pairs by one rank after using the user's max move.
MAX Team Smarts 3 Has a chance (40%) of increasing the Special Moves ↑ Next effect of all allied sync pairs by one rank after using the user's max move.
MAX Team Smarts 4 Has a chance (50%) of increasing the Special Moves ↑ Next effect of all allied sync pairs by one rank after using the user's max move.
MAX Team Smarts 5 Has a chance (60%) of increasing the Special Moves ↑ Next effect of all allied sync pairs by one rank after using the user's max move.
MAX Team Smarts 6 Has a chance (70%) of increasing the Special Moves ↑ Next effect of all allied sync pairs by one rank after using the user's max move.
MAX Team Smarts 7 Has a chance (80%) of increasing the Special Moves ↑ Next effect of all allied sync pairs by one rank after using the user's max move.
MAX Team Smarts 8 Has a chance (90%) of increasing the Special Moves ↑ Next effect of all allied sync pairs by one rank after using the user's max move.
MAX Team Smarts 9 Increases the Special Moves ↑ Next effect of all allied sync pairs by one rank after using the user's max move. Blue & Charizard
Raihan & Flygon
MAX Tough Skin 5
Maximum Super Powered 1 Powers up the user's moves that are super effective. Powers up the user's sync move that is super effective. Powers up the user's max moves that are super effective. Bede & Hatterene
Maximum Super Powered 2 Powers up the user's moves that are super effective. Powers up the user's sync move that is super effective. Powers up the user's max moves that are super effective.
Maximum Super Powered 3 Powers up the user's moves that are super effective. Powers up the user's sync move that is super effective. Powers up the user's max moves that are super effective.
Maximum Super Powered 4 Powers up the user's moves that are super effective. Powers up the user's sync move that is super effective. Powers up the user's max moves that are super effective.
Maximum Super Powered 5 Powers up the user's moves that are super effective. Powers up the user's sync move that is super effective. Powers up the user's max moves that are super effective. Bede & Hatterene
Maximum Super Powered 6 Powers up the user's moves that are super effective. Powers up the user's sync move that is super effective. Powers up the user's max moves that are super effective.
Maximum Super Powered 7 Powers up the user's moves that are super effective. Powers up the user's sync move that is super effective. Powers up the user's max moves that are super effective.
Maximum Super Powered 8 Powers up the user's moves that are super effective. Powers up the user's sync move that is super effective. Powers up the user's max moves that are super effective.
Maximum Super Powered 9 Powers up the user's moves that are super effective. Powers up the user's sync move that is super effective. Powers up the user's max moves that are super effective.
Melemele Ocean Breeze Increases the Special Moves ↑ Next effect of all allied sync pairs by 1 rank when an ally activates a weather, terrain, or zone effect. Hau & Tapu Koko
Mental Fortitude 8
Metallic Acceleration 1 Quickly charges the move gauge when the zone is Steel Zone.
Metallic Acceleration 2 Quickly charges the move gauge when the zone is Steel Zone. Selene & Scizor (Female) Lillie & Solgaleo
Thorton & Magnezone
Jasmine & Magnemite
Marnie & Mawile
Marnie & Mawile (Mega Mawile)
Poppy & Steelix (Shiny Steelix)
Poppy & Steelix (Shiny Mega Steelix)
Metallic Acceleration 3 Quickly charges the move gauge when the zone is Steel Zone.
Metallic Acceleration 4 Quickly charges the move gauge when the zone is Steel Zone.
Metallic Acceleration 5 Quickly charges the move gauge when the zone is Steel Zone.
Metallic Acceleration 6 Quickly charges the move gauge when the zone is Steel Zone.
Metallic Acceleration 7 Quickly charges the move gauge when the zone is Steel Zone.
Metallic Acceleration 8 Quickly charges the move gauge when the zone is Steel Zone.
Metallic Acceleration 9 Quickly charges the move gauge when the zone is Steel Zone.
Metallic Healing 1 Restores the user's HP whenever its Pokémon takes an action when the zone is a Steel Zone. Thorton & Magnezone
Jasmine & Magnemite
Selene & Scizor (Female)
Colress & Klinklang
Poppy & Steelix (Shiny Steelix)
Poppy & Steelix (Shiny Mega Steelix)
Metallic Healing 2 Restores the user's HP whenever its Pokémon takes an action when the zone is a Steel Zone.
Metallic Healing 3 Restores the user's HP whenever its Pokémon takes an action when the zone is a Steel Zone.
Metallic Healing 4 Restores the user's HP whenever its Pokémon takes an action when the zone is a Steel Zone.
Metallic Healing 5 Restores the user's HP whenever its Pokémon takes an action when the zone is a Steel Zone.
Metallic Healing 6 Restores the user's HP whenever its Pokémon takes an action when the zone is a Steel Zone.
Metallic Healing 7 Restores the user's HP whenever its Pokémon takes an action when the zone is a Steel Zone.
Metallic Healing 8 Restores the user's HP whenever its Pokémon takes an action when the zone is a Steel Zone.
Metallic Healing 9 Restores the user's HP whenever its Pokémon takes an action when the zone is a Steel Zone.
Metallic Power 1 Powers up the user's moves when the zone is a Steel Zone
Metallic Power 2 Powers up the user's moves when the zone is a Steel Zone Selene & Scizor (Female)
Metallic Power 3 Powers up the user's moves when the zone is a Steel Zone Gardenia & Dhelmise
Metallic Power 4 Powers up the user's moves when the zone is a Steel Zone
Metallic Power 5 Powers up the user's moves when the zone is a Steel Zone
Metallic Power 6 Powers up the user's moves when the zone is a Steel Zone
Metallic Power 7 Powers up the user's moves when the zone is a Steel Zone
Metallic Power 8 Powers up the user's moves when the zone is a Steel Zone
Metallic Power 9 Powers up the user's moves when the zone is a Steel Zone
Metallic Surge 1 Powers up the user's sync move when the zone is Steel Zone.
Metallic Surge 2 Powers up the user's sync move when the zone is Steel Zone.
Metallic Surge 3 Powers up the user's sync move when the zone is Steel Zone.
Metallic Surge 4 Powers up the user's sync move when the zone is Steel Zone.
Metallic Surge 5 Powers up the user's sync move when the zone is Steel Zone. Lillie & Solgaleo
Marnie & Mawile
Marnie & Mawile (Mega Mawile)
Metallic Surge 6 Powers up the user's sync move when the zone is Steel Zone.
Metallic Surge 7 Powers up the user's sync move when the zone is Steel Zone.
Metallic Surge 8 Powers up the user's sync move when the zone is Steel Zone.
Metallic Surge 9 Powers up the user's sync move when the zone is Steel Zone. Selene & Scizor (Female)
Poppy & Steelix (Shiny Steelix)
Poppy & Steelix (Shiny Mega Steelix)
Midpoint Mend 1 Restores the user's HP by approximately 10% of its maximum HP the first time its HP drops to half or below each battle.
Midpoint Mend 2 Restores the user's HP by approximately 20% of its maximum HP the first time its HP drops to half or below each battle.
Midpoint Mend 3 Restores the user's HP by approximately 30% of its maximum HP the first time its HP drops to half or below each battle.
Midpoint Mend 4 Restores the user's HP by approximately 40% of its maximum HP the first time its HP drops to half or below each battle. Lance & Kingdra Dawn & Cresselia
Midpoint Mend 5 Restores the user's HP by approximately 50% of its maximum HP the first time its HP drops to half or below each battle. Mallow & Appletun
Midpoint Mend 6 Restores the user's HP by approximately 60% of its maximum HP the first time its HP drops to half or below each battle.
Midpoint Mend 7 Restores the user's HP by approximately 70% of its maximum HP the first time its HP drops to half or below each battle.
Midpoint Mend 8 Restores the user's HP by approximately 80% of its maximum HP the first time its HP drops to half or below each battle.
Midpoint Mend 9 Restores the user's HP by approximately 90% of its maximum HP the first time its HP drops to half or below each battle.
Might Afflicter 1 Has a chance (20%) of lowering the Attack of all opposing sync pairs by one stat rank when a status move used by the user's Pokémon is successful.
Might Afflicter 2 Has a chance (30%) of lowering the Attack of all opposing sync pairs by one stat rank when a status move used by the user's Pokémon is successful.
Might Afflicter 3 Has a chance (40%) of lowering the Attack of all opposing sync pairs by one stat rank when a status move used by the user's Pokémon is successful.
Might Afflicter 4 Has a chance (50%) of lowering the Attack of all opposing sync pairs by one stat rank when a status move used by the user's Pokémon is successful.
Might Afflicter 5 Has a chance (60%) of lowering the Attack of all opposing sync pairs by one stat rank when a status move used by the user's Pokémon is successful.
Might Afflicter 6 Has a chance (70%) of lowering the Attack of all opposing sync pairs by one stat rank when a status move used by the user's Pokémon is successful.
Might Afflicter 7 Has a chance (80%) of lowering the Attack of all opposing sync pairs by one stat rank when a status move used by the user's Pokémon is successful.
Might Afflicter 8 Has a chance (90%) of lowering the Attack of all opposing sync pairs by one stat rank when a status move used by the user's Pokémon is successful.
Might Afflicter 9 Lowers the Attack of all opposing sync pairs by one stat rank when a status move used by the user's Pokémon is successful.
Mighty Affliction 1 Has a chance (20%) of raising the user's Physical Moves Up Next by 1 ranks when the user's Pokémon uses a status move.
Mighty Affliction 2 Has a chance (30%) of raising the user's Physical Moves Up Next by 1 ranks when the user's Pokémon uses a status move. Emmet & Escavalier Leaf & Moltres
Mighty Affliction 3 Has a chance (40%) of raising the user's Physical Moves Up Next by 1 ranks when the user's Pokémon uses a status move.
Mighty Affliction 4 Has a chance (50%) of raising the user's Physical Moves Up Next by 1 ranks when the user's Pokémon uses a status move. Rose & Perrserker
Mighty Affliction 5 Has a chance (60%) of raising the user's Physical Moves Up Next by 1 ranks when the user's Pokémon uses a status move.
Mighty Affliction 6 Has a chance (70%) of raising the user's Physical Moves Up Next by 1 ranks when the user's Pokémon uses a status move.
Mighty Affliction 7 Has a chance (80%) of raising the user's Physical Moves Up Next by 1 ranks when the user's Pokémon uses a status move.
Mighty Affliction 8 Has a chance (90%) of raising the user's Physical Moves Up Next by 1 ranks when the user's Pokémon uses a status move.
Mighty Affliction 9 Raises the user's Physical Moves Up Next by 1 ranks when the user's Pokémon uses a status move.
Mighty Command 1 Has a chance (20%) of increasing the user's Physical Moves Up Next effect by one rank when its Trainer uses a move.
Mighty Command 2 Has a chance (30%) of increasing the user's Physical Moves Up Next effect by one rank when its Trainer uses a move.
Mighty Command 3 Has a chance (40%) of increasing the user's Physical Moves Up Next effect by one rank when its Trainer uses a move.
Mighty Command 4 Has a chance (50%) of increasing the user's Physical Moves Up Next effect by one rank when its Trainer uses a move.
Mighty Command 5 Has a chance (60%) of increasing the user's Physical Moves Up Next effect by one rank when its Trainer uses a move.
Mighty Command 6 Has a chance (70%) of increasing the user's Physical Moves Up Next effect by one rank when its Trainer uses a move.
Mighty Command 7 Has a chance (80%) of increasing the user's Physical Moves Up Next effect by one rank when its Trainer uses a move.
Mighty Command 8 Has a chance (90%) of increasing the user's Physical Moves Up Next effect by one rank when its Trainer uses a move.
Mighty Command 9 Increases the user's Physical Moves Up Next effect by one rank when its Trainer uses a move. Diantha & Tyrantrum
Leon & Calyrex (Ice Rider)
Palmer & Regigigas
Roxanne & Runerigus
Rei & Decidueye (Hisuian Form)
Larry &
Mighty Friend 1 When the user's move targeting an allied sync pair (excluding field effects) is successful, has a chance (20%) of increasing the Physical Moves Up Next effect of the allied sync pair affected by the move by one rank.
Mighty Friend 2 When the user's move targeting an allied sync pair (excluding field effects) is successful, has a chance (30%) of increasing the Physical Moves Up Next effect of the allied sync pair affected by the move by one rank.
Mighty Friend 3 When the user's move targeting an allied sync pair (excluding field effects) is successful, has a chance (40%) of increasing the Physical Moves Up Next effect of the allied sync pair affected by the move by one rank.
Mighty Friend 4 When the user's move targeting an allied sync pair (excluding field effects) is successful, has a chance (50%) of increasing the Physical Moves Up Next effect of the allied sync pair affected by the move by one rank.
Mighty Friend 5 When the user's move targeting an allied sync pair (excluding field effects) is successful, has a chance (60%) of increasing the Physical Moves Up Next effect of the allied sync pair affected by the move by one rank.
Mighty Friend 6 When the user's move targeting an allied sync pair (excluding field effects) is successful, has a chance (70%) of increasing the Physical Moves Up Next effect of the allied sync pair affected by the move by one rank.
Mighty Friend 7 When the user's move targeting an allied sync pair (excluding field effects) is successful, has a chance (80%) of increasing the Physical Moves Up Next effect of the allied sync pair affected by the move by one rank.
Mighty Friend 8 When the user's move targeting an allied sync pair (excluding field effects) is successful, has a chance (90%) of increasing the Physical Moves Up Next effect of the allied sync pair affected by the move by one rank.
Mighty Friend 9 When the user's move targeting an allied sync pair (excluding field effects) is successful, increases the Physical Moves Up Next effect of the allied sync pair affected by the move by one rank.
Mighty Physical Boost 1 Has a chance (20%) of increasing the user's Physical Moves Up Next effect by 2 ranks when its move is successful.
Mighty Physical Boost 2 Has a chance (30%) of increasing the user's Physical Moves Up Next effect by 2 ranks when its move is successful.
Mighty Physical Boost 3 Has a chance (40%) of increasing the user's Physical Moves Up Next effect by 2 ranks when its move is successful.
Mighty Physical Boost 4 Has a chance (50%) of increasing the user's Physical Moves Up Next effect by 2 ranks when its move is successful.
Mighty Physical Boost 5 Has a chance (60%) of increasing the user's Physical Moves Up Next effect by 2 ranks when its move is successful.
Mighty Physical Boost 6 Has a chance (70%) of increasing the user's Physical Moves Up Next effect by 2 ranks when its move is successful.
Mighty Physical Boost 7 Has a chance (80%) of increasing the user's Physical Moves Up Next effect by 2 ranks when its move is successful.
Mighty Physical Boost 8 Has a chance (90%) of increasing the user's Physical Moves Up Next effect by 2 ranks when its move is successful.
Mighty Physical Boost 9 Increases the user's Physical Moves Up Next effect by 2 ranks when its move is successful.
Mighty Rush 1 Has a chance (20%) of increasing the user's Physical Moves Up Next effect by one rank after using its sync move.
Mighty Rush 2 Has a chance (30%) of increasing the user's Physical Moves Up Next effect by one rank after using its sync move.
Mighty Rush 3 Has a chance (40%) of increasing the user's Physical Moves Up Next effect by one rank after using its sync move.
Mighty Rush 4 Has a chance (50%) of increasing the user's Physical Moves Up Next effect by one rank after using its sync move.
Mighty Rush 5 Has a chance (60%) of increasing the user's Physical Moves Up Next effect by one rank after using its sync move.
Mighty Rush 6 Has a chance (70%) of increasing the user's Physical Moves Up Next effect by one rank after using its sync move.
Mighty Rush 7 Has a chance (80%) of increasing the user's Physical Moves Up Next effect by one rank after using its sync move.
Mighty Rush 8 Has a chance (90%) of increasing the user's Physical Moves Up Next effect by one rank after using its sync move.
Mighty Rush 9 Increases the user's Physical Moves Up Next effect by one rank after using its sync move. Silver & Sneasel
Leon & Calyrex (Ice Rider)
Victor & Rillaboom
Akari & Samurott (Hisuian Form)
Mind Afflicter 1 Has a chance (20%) of lowering the Sp. Atk of all opposing sync pairs by one stat rank when a status move used by the user's Pokémon is successful.
Mind Afflicter 2 Has a chance (30%) of lowering the Sp. Atk of all opposing sync pairs by one stat rank when a status move used by the user's Pokémon is successful.
Mind Afflicter 3 Has a chance (40%) of lowering the Sp. Atk of all opposing sync pairs by one stat rank when a status move used by the user's Pokémon is successful.
Mind Afflicter 4 Has a chance (50%) of lowering the Sp. Atk of all opposing sync pairs by one stat rank when a status move used by the user's Pokémon is successful.
Mind Afflicter 5 Has a chance (60%) of lowering the Sp. Atk of all opposing sync pairs by one stat rank when a status move used by the user's Pokémon is successful.
Mind Afflicter 6 Has a chance (70%) of lowering the Sp. Atk of all opposing sync pairs by one stat rank when a status move used by the user's Pokémon is successful.
Mind Afflicter 7 Has a chance (80%) of lowering the Sp. Atk of all opposing sync pairs by one stat rank when a status move used by the user's Pokémon is successful.
Mind Afflicter 8 Has a chance (90%) of lowering the Sp. Atk of all opposing sync pairs by one stat rank when a status move used by the user's Pokémon is successful.
Mind Afflicter 9 Lowers the Sp. Atk of all opposing sync pairs by one stat rank when a status move used by the user's Pokémon is successful.
Mind Boggler 1 Has a chance (20%) of lowering the target's Sp. Def by one stat rank when the user's attack move is successful against a flinching, confused, or trapped opponent.
Mind Boggler 2 Has a chance (30%) of lowering the target's Sp. Def by one stat rank when the user's attack move is successful against a flinching, confused, or trapped opponent.
Mind Boggler 3 Has a chance (40%) of lowering the target's Sp. Def by one stat rank when the user's attack move is successful against a flinching, confused, or trapped opponent.
Mind Boggler 4 Has a chance (50%) of lowering the target's Sp. Def by one stat rank when the user's attack move is successful against a flinching, confused, or trapped opponent.
Mind Boggler 5 Has a chance (60%) of lowering the target's Sp. Def by one stat rank when the user's attack move is successful against a flinching, confused, or trapped opponent.
Mind Boggler 6 Has a chance (70%) of lowering the target's Sp. Def by one stat rank when the user's attack move is successful against a flinching, confused, or trapped opponent.
Mind Boggler 7 Has a chance (80%) of lowering the target's Sp. Def by one stat rank when the user's attack move is successful against a flinching, confused, or trapped opponent.
Mind Boggler 8 Has a chance (90%) of lowering the target's Sp. Def by one stat rank when the user's attack move is successful against a flinching, confused, or trapped opponent.
Mind Boggler 9 Lowers the target's Sp. Def by one stat rank when the user's attack move is successful against a flinching, confused, or trapped opponent. Wally & Gardevoir (Shiny Gardevoir)
Wally & Gardevoir (Shiny Mega Gardevoir)
Whitney & Sawsbuck (Winter Form)
Raihan & Flygon
Proton & Golbat
Irida & Zoroark (Hisuian Form)
Brycen-man & Zoroark
Mind Brace 4 Has a chance (50%) of raising the user's Sp. Def by one stat rank when its attack move is successful. Barry & Roserade
Mind Games 1 Has a chance (20%) of lowering the target's Sp. Def by one stat rank when the user's attack move against it is successful.
Mind Games 2 Has a chance (30%) of lowering the target's Sp. Def by one stat rank when the user's attack move against it is successful. 1 Star Deluxe Lucky Cookie
Mind Games 3 Has a chance (40%) of lowering the target's Sp. Def by one stat rank when the user's attack move against it is successful.
Mind Games 4 Has a chance (50%) of lowering the target's Sp. Def by one stat rank when the user's attack move against it is successful. Fantina & Mismagius
Lyra & Celebi
Mind Games 5 Has a chance (60%) of lowering the target's Sp. Def by one stat rank when the user's attack move against it is successful.
Mind Games 6 Has a chance (70%) of lowering the target's Sp. Def by one stat rank when the user's attack move against it is successful.
Mind Games 7 Has a chance (80%) of lowering the target's Sp. Def by one stat rank when the user's attack move against it is successful.
Mind Games 8 Has a chance (90%) of lowering the target's Sp. Def by one stat rank when the user's attack move against it is successful.
Mind Games 9 Lowers the target's Sp. Def by one stat rank when the user's attack move against it is successful. Silver & Crobat
Leaf & Blastoise
N & Reshiram
Penny & Sylveon
Blue & Charizard
Hau & Tapu Koko
Steven & Deoxys (Normal Forme)
Steven & Deoxys (Normal Forme)
Steven & Deoxys (Attack Forme)
Steven & Deoxys (Defense Forme)
Steven & Deoxys (Speed Forme)
Leaf & Blastoise
Irida & Glaceon
Chase & Pikachu
Dexio & Espeon
Blossom & Kirlia
Mind Leech 1 Has a chance (20%) of lowering the target's Sp. Def by one stat rank and raising the user's Sp. Def by the same amount when the user's attack move against the target is successful.
Mind Leech 2 Has a chance (30%) of lowering the target's Sp. Def by one stat rank and raising the user's Sp. Def by the same amount when the user's attack move against the target is successful.
Mind Leech 3 Has a chance (40%) of lowering the target's Sp. Def by one stat rank and raising the user's Sp. Def by the same amount when the user's attack move against the target is successful.
Mind Leech 4 Has a chance (50%) of lowering the target's Sp. Def by one stat rank and raising the user's Sp. Def by the same amount when the user's attack move against the target is successful.
Mind Leech 5 Has a chance (60%) of lowering the target's Sp. Def by one stat rank and raising the user's Sp. Def by the same amount when the user's attack move against the target is successful.
Mind Leech 6 Has a chance (70%) of lowering the target's Sp. Def by one stat rank and raising the user's Sp. Def by the same amount when the user's attack move against the target is successful.
Mind Leech 7 Has a chance (80%) of lowering the target's Sp. Def by one stat rank and raising the user's Sp. Def by the same amount when the user's attack move against the target is successful.
Mind Leech 8 Has a chance (90%) of lowering the target's Sp. Def by one stat rank and raising the user's Sp. Def by the same amount when the user's attack move against the target is successful.
Mind Leech 9 Lowers the target's Sp. Def by one stat rank and raises the user's Sp. Def by the same amount when the user's attack move against the target is successful. Diantha & Keldeo (Resolute Form)
Mind over Matter 1 The user's Sp. Atk increases 10% when its HP is reduced.
Mind over Matter 2 The user's Sp. Atk increases 20% when its HP is reduced.
Mind over Matter 3 The user's Sp. Atk increases 30% when its HP is reduced.
Mind over Matter 4 The user's Sp. Atk increases 40% when its HP is reduced. Marnie & Moltres (Galarian Form)
Mind over Matter 5 The user's Sp. Atk increases 50% when its HP is reduced.
Mind over Matter 6 The user's Sp. Atk increases 60% when its HP is reduced.
Mind over Matter 7 The user's Sp. Atk increases 70% when its HP is reduced.
Mind over Matter 8 The user's Sp. Atk increases 80% when its HP is reduced.
Mind over Matter 9 The user's Sp. Atk increases 90% when its HP is reduced.
Mind Swell 1 Has a chance (20%) of raising the user's Sp. Atk by one stat rank when its Pokémon uses a move.
Mind Swell 2 Has a chance (30%) of raising the user's Sp. Atk by one stat rank when its Pokémon uses a move. Lyra & Jigglypuff Blue & Pidgeot
Blue & Pidgeot (Mega Pidgeot)
Rosa & Shaymin (Sky Forme)
Mind Swell 3 Has a chance (40%) of raising the user's Sp. Atk by one stat rank when its Pokémon uses a move.
Mind Swell 4 Has a chance (50%) of raising the user's Sp. Atk by one stat rank when its Pokémon uses a move.
Mind Swell 5 Has a chance (60%) of raising the user's Sp. Atk by one stat rank when its Pokémon uses a move.
Mind's Eye 1 When the user's accuracy is lowered, mitigates the reduction of accuracy. 1Star Creamy Lucky Cookie
Mind's Eye 2 When the user's accuracy is lowered, mitigates the reduction of accuracy. 1Star Creamy Lucky Cookie
Mind's Eye 3 When the user's accuracy is lowered, mitigates the reduction of accuracy. 1Star Creamy Lucky Cookie
Mind's Eye 4 When the user's accuracy is lowered, mitigates the reduction of accuracy. 1Star Creamy Lucky Cookie
Mind's Eye 5 When the user's accuracy is lowered, mitigates the reduction of accuracy. 1Star Creamy Lucky Cookie
Mind's Eye 6 When the user's accuracy is lowered, mitigates the reduction of accuracy. 1Star Creamy Lucky Cookie
2Star Creamy Lucky Cookie
Mind's Eye 7 When the user's accuracy is lowered, mitigates the reduction of accuracy. 1Star Creamy Lucky Cookie
2Star Creamy Lucky Cookie
Mind's Eye 8 When the user's accuracy is lowered, mitigates the reduction of accuracy. 1Star Creamy Lucky Cookie
2Star Creamy Lucky Cookie
Mind's Eye 9 When the user's accuracy is lowered, mitigates the reduction of accuracy. 1Star Creamy Lucky Cookie
2Star Creamy Lucky Cookie
Mind-Bracing Infliction+ 1 Has a chance (20%) of raising the user's Sp. Defense by 2 stat ranks when its Pokémon uses a status move.
Mind-Bracing Infliction+ 2 Has a chance (30%) of raising the user's Sp. Defense by 2 stat ranks when its Pokémon uses a status move.
Mind-Bracing Infliction+ 3 Has a chance (40%) of raising the user's Sp. Defense by 2 stat ranks when its Pokémon uses a status move.
Mind-Bracing Infliction+ 4 Has a chance (50%) of raising the user's Sp. Defense by 2 stat ranks when its Pokémon uses a status move.
Mind-Bracing Infliction+ 5 Has a chance (60%) of raising the user's Sp. Defense by 2 stat ranks when its Pokémon uses a status move.
Mind-Bracing Infliction+ 6 Has a chance (70%) of raising the user's Sp. Defense by 2 stat ranks when its Pokémon uses a status move.
Mind-Bracing Infliction+ 7 Has a chance (80%) of raising the user's Sp. Defense by 2 stat ranks when its Pokémon uses a status move.
Mind-Bracing Infliction+ 8 Has a chance (90%) of raising the user's Sp. Defense by 2 stat ranks when its Pokémon uses a status move.
Mind-Bracing Infliction+ 9 Raises the user's Sp. Defense by 2 stat ranks when its Pokémon uses a status move.
Mode Swing When the user is in Full Belly Mode, powers up its Electric-type moves. When the user is in Hangry Mode, powers up its Dark-type moves. Marnie & Morpeko
Marnie & Morpeko (Hangry Mode)
Momentum 1 After using the user's sync move, reduces the upper value of the user's sync move countdown by 1.
Momentum 2 After using the user's sync move, reduces the upper value of the user's sync move countdown by 2.
Momentum 3 After using the user's sync move, reduces the upper value of the user's sync move countdown by 3.
Momentum 4 After using the user's sync move, reduces the upper value of the user's sync move countdown by 4.
Momentum 5 After using the user's sync move, reduces the upper value of the user's sync move countdown by 5.
Momentum 6 After using the user's sync move, reduces the upper value of the user's sync move countdown by 6.
Momentum 7 After using the user's sync move, reduces the upper value of the user's sync move countdown by 7.
Momentum 8 After using the user's sync move, reduces the upper value of the user's sync move countdown by 8.
Momentum 9 After using the user's sync move, reduces the upper value of the user's sync move countdown by 9.
Moral Support 1 Has a chance (20%) of raising the user's Sp. Def by one stat rank when its Trainer uses a move.
Moral Support 2 Has a chance (30%) of raising the user's Sp. Def by one stat rank when its Trainer uses a move.
Moral Support 3 Has a chance (40%) of raising the user's Sp. Def by one stat rank when its Trainer uses a move.
Moral Support 4 Has a chance (50%) of raising the user's Sp. Def by one stat rank when its Trainer uses a move. May & Latias
May & Latias (Mega Latias)
Kabu & Torkoal
Moral Support 5 Has a chance (60%) of raising the user's Sp. Def by one stat rank when its Trainer uses a move.
Moral Support 6 Has a chance (70%) of raising the user's Sp. Def by one stat rank when its Trainer uses a move.
Moral Support 7 Has a chance (80%) of raising the user's Sp. Def by one stat rank when its Trainer uses a move.
Moral Support 8 Has a chance (90%) of raising the user's Sp. Def by one stat rank when its Trainer uses a move.
Moral Support 9 Raises the user's Sp. Def by one stat rank when its Trainer uses a move.
Morale Boost 1 Has a chance (20%) of raising the user's Sp. Atk by one stat rank when its Trainer uses a move.
Morale Boost 2 Has a chance (30%) of raising the user's Sp. Atk by one stat rank when its Trainer uses a move.
Morale Boost 3 Has a chance (40%) of raising the user's Sp. Atk by one stat rank when its Trainer uses a move.
Morale Boost 4 Has a chance (50%) of raising the user's Sp. Atk by one stat rank when its Trainer uses a move. May & Latias
May & Latias (Mega Latias)
Morale Boost 5 Has a chance (60%) of raising the user's Sp. Atk by one stat rank when its Trainer uses a move.
Morale Boost 6 Has a chance (70%) of raising the user's Sp. Atk by one stat rank when its Trainer uses a move.
Morale Boost 7 Has a chance (80%) of raising the user's Sp. Atk by one stat rank when its Trainer uses a move.
Morale Boost 8 Has a chance (90%) of raising the user's Sp. Atk by one stat rank when its Trainer uses a move.
Morale Boost 9 Raises the user's Sp. Atk by one stat rank when its Trainer uses a move. Hau & Tapu Koko
Iono &
Morale Boost+ 1 Has a chance (20%) of raising the user's Sp. Atk by 2 stat ranks when its Trainer uses a move.
Morale Boost+ 2 Has a chance (30%) of raising the user's Sp. Atk by 2 stat ranks when its Trainer uses a move.
Morale Boost+ 3 Has a chance (40%) of raising the user's Sp. Atk by 2 stat ranks when its Trainer uses a move.
Morale Boost+ 4 Has a chance (50%) of raising the user's Sp. Atk by 2 stat ranks when its Trainer uses a move.
Morale Boost+ 5 Has a chance (60%) of raising the user's Sp. Atk by 2 stat ranks when its Trainer uses a move.
Morale Boost+ 6 Has a chance (70%) of raising the user's Sp. Atk by 2 stat ranks when its Trainer uses a move.
Morale Boost+ 7 Has a chance (80%) of raising the user's Sp. Atk by 2 stat ranks when its Trainer uses a move.
Morale Boost+ 8 Has a chance (90%) of raising the user's Sp. Atk by 2 stat ranks when its Trainer uses a move.
Morale Boost+ 9 Raises the user's Sp. Atk by 2 stat ranks when its Trainer uses a move. Steven & Deoxys (Normal Forme)
Steven & Deoxys (Normal Forme)
Steven & Deoxys (Attack Forme)
Steven & Deoxys (Defense Forme)
Steven & Deoxys (Speed Forme)
Move Gauge Refresh 1 Has a chance (20%) of charging the user's move gauge by one when a move is successful.
Move Gauge Refresh 2 Has a chance (30%) of charging the user's move gauge by one when a move is successful. Cheren & Purrloin
Cynthia & Gastrodon
Main Character & Magikarp
Main Character & Gyarados
Main Character & Oddish
Main Character & Gloom
Main Character & Vileplume
Main Character & Meowth (Galarian Form)
Main Character & Perrserker
Main Character & Nidoran♂
Main Character & Nidorino
Main Character & Nidoking
Main Character &
Main Character &
Main Character & Diglett
Main Character & Dugtrio
Main Character & Eevee
Main Character & Vaporeon
Main Character & Eevee
Main Character & Jolteon
Main Character & Eevee
Main Character & Flareon
Main Character & Eevee
Main Character & Espeon
Main Character & Eevee
Main Character & Umbreon
Main Character & Eevee
Main Character & Leafeon
Main Character & Eevee
Main Character & Glaceon
Main Character & Eevee
Main Character & Sylveon
Main Character & Grookey
Main Character & Sobble
Zinnia & Rayquaza (Mega Rayquaza)
Steven & Deoxys (Normal Forme)
Steven & Deoxys (Normal Forme)
Steven & Deoxys (Attack Forme)
Steven & Deoxys (Defense Forme)
Steven & Deoxys (Speed Forme)
1 Star Deluxe Lucky Cookie
2 Star Deluxe Lucky Cookie
3 Star Deluxe Lucky Cookie
Guaranteed Lucky Cookie 10
Move Gauge Refresh 3 Has a chance (40%) of charging the user's move gauge by one when a move is successful. Eve & Eevee Gardenia Lucky Cookie 1
Move Gauge Refresh 4 Has a chance (50%) of charging the user's move gauge by one when a move is successful. Lusamine & Pheromosa
Lusamine & Necrozma (Ultra Necrozma)
Red & Charizard
Red & Charizard (Mega Charizard X)
Steven & Rayquaza (Shiny Rayquaza)
Steven & Rayquaza (Shiny Mega Rayquaza)
Dawn & Wormadam (Plant Cloak)
Gloria & Zacian (Crowned Sword)
Aaron & Vespiquen
Arc Suit Leon Lucky Cookie 1
Move Gauge Refresh 5 Has a chance (60%) of charging the user's move gauge by one when a move is successful.
Move Gauge Refresh 6 Has a chance (70%) of charging the user's move gauge by one when a move is successful.
Move Gauge Refresh 7 Has a chance (80%) of charging the user's move gauge by one when a move is successful.
Move Gauge Refresh 8 Has a chance (90%) of charging the user's move gauge by one when a move is successful.
Move Gauge Refresh 9 Charges the user's move gauge by one when its move is successful. Kiawe & Arcanine
Move: Physical Boost ?3 1 Has a chance (20%) of increasing the user's Physical Moves Up Next effect by 3 ranks when its move is successful.
Move: Physical Boost ?3 2 Has a chance (30%) of increasing the user's Physical Moves Up Next effect by 3 ranks when its move is successful.
Move: Physical Boost ?3 3 Has a chance (40%) of increasing the user's Physical Moves Up Next effect by 3 ranks when its move is successful.
Move: Physical Boost ?3 4 Has a chance (50%) of increasing the user's Physical Moves Up Next effect by 3 ranks when its move is successful.
Move: Physical Boost ?3 5 Has a chance (60%) of increasing the user's Physical Moves Up Next effect by 3 ranks when its move is successful.
Move: Physical Boost ?3 6 Has a chance (70%) of increasing the user's Physical Moves Up Next effect by 3 ranks when its move is successful.
Move: Physical Boost ?3 7 Has a chance (80%) of increasing the user's Physical Moves Up Next effect by 3 ranks when its move is successful.
Move: Physical Boost ?3 8 Has a chance (90%) of increasing the user's Physical Moves Up Next effect by 3 ranks when its move is successful.
Move: Physical Boost ?3 9 Increases the user's Physical Moves Up Next effect by 3 ranks when its move is successful.
Move: Special Boost ?2 1 Has a chance (20%) of increasing the user's Special Moves ↑ Next effect by 2 ranks when its move is successful.
Move: Special Boost ?2 2 Has a chance (30%) of increasing the user's Special Moves ↑ Next effect by 2 ranks when its move is successful.
Move: Special Boost ?2 3 Has a chance (40%) of increasing the user's Special Moves ↑ Next effect by 2 ranks when its move is successful.
Move: Special Boost ?2 4 Has a chance (50%) of increasing the user's Special Moves ↑ Next effect by 2 ranks when its move is successful.
Move: Special Boost ?2 5 Has a chance (60%) of increasing the user's Special Moves ↑ Next effect by 2 ranks when its move is successful.
Move: Special Boost ?2 6 Has a chance (70%) of increasing the user's Special Moves ↑ Next effect by 2 ranks when its move is successful.
Move: Special Boost ?2 7 Has a chance (80%) of increasing the user's Special Moves ↑ Next effect by 2 ranks when its move is successful.
Move: Special Boost ?2 8 Has a chance (90%) of increasing the user's Special Moves ↑ Next effect by 2 ranks when its move is successful.
Move: Special Boost ?2 9 Increases the user's Special Moves ↑ Next effect by 2 ranks when its move is successful.
MP Refresh 1 Has a chance (20%) of restoring one MP of the user's move when that move is successful.
MP Refresh 2 Has a chance (30%) of restoring one MP of the user's move when that move is successful.
MP Refresh 3 Has a chance (40%) of restoring one MP of the user's move when that move is successful.
MP Refresh 4 Has a chance (50%) of restoring one MP of the user's move when that move is successful.
MP Refresh 5 Has a chance (60%) of restoring one MP of the user's move when that move is successful.
MP Regain 1 Has a chance (20%) of restoring one MP for the user when its Pokémon uses a move. Has a chance (20%) of restoring one MP for the user after using its sync move.
MP Regain 2 Has a chance (30%) of restoring one MP for the user when its Pokémon uses a move. Has a chance (30%) of restoring one MP for the user after using its sync move.
MP Regain 3 Has a chance (40%) of restoring one MP for the user when its Pokémon uses a move. Has a chance (40%) of restoring one MP for the user after using its sync move.
MP Regain 4 Has a chance (50%) of restoring one MP for the user when its Pokémon uses a move. Has a chance (50%) of restoring one MP for the user after using its sync move.
MP Regain 5 Has a chance (60%) of restoring one MP for the user when its Pokémon uses a move. Has a chance (60%) of restoring one MP for the user after using its sync move.
MP Regain 6 Has a chance (70%) of restoring one MP for the user when its Pokémon uses a move. Has a chance (70%) of restoring one MP for the user after using its sync move.
MP Regain 7 Has a chance (80%) of restoring one MP for the user when its Pokémon uses a move. Has a chance (80%) of restoring one MP for the user after using its sync move.
MP Regain 8 Has a chance (90%) of restoring one MP for the user when its Pokémon uses a move. Has a chance (90%) of restoring one MP for the user after using its sync move.
MP Regain 9 Restores one MP for the user when its Pokémon uses a move. Restores one MP for the user after using its sync move. Ethan & Lugia
MP Rekindle 1 Has a chance (20%) of restoring one MP for the user when its Pokémon uses a move.
MP Rekindle 2 Has a chance (30%) of restoring one MP for the user when its Pokémon uses a move. Leon & Charizard Marnie & Morpeko
Marnie & Morpeko (Hangry Mode)
Mutually Assured Whenever the user becomes poisoned, badly poisoned, paralyzed, or burned from an opponent's move, the same status condition is also applied to that opponent. Diantha & Gardevoir
Rachel & Umbreon
Blossom & Kirlia
Will & Xatu
Bianca & Musharna
Natural Remedy Removes all status conditions from the user the first time it is inflicted by any status condition each battle. Barry & Roserade
Giovanni & Persian
Giovanni & Nidorino
Hilda & Grapploct (Shiny Grapploct)
Lillie & Comfey
Main Character & Rattata
Main Character & Raticate
Main Character & Bellsprout
Main Character & Weepinbell
Main Character & Victreebel
Main Character & Venonat
Main Character & Venomoth
Main Character & Onix
Main Character & Bulbasaur
Main Character & Ivysaur
Main Character & Venusaur
Main Character & Lapras
Main Character & Exeggcute
Main Character & Exeggutor
Main Character & Lickitung
Main Character & Sandshrew
Main Character & Sandslash
Main Character & Staryu
Main Character & Starmie
Main Character & Ekans
Main Character & Arbok
Main Character & Smoochum
Main Character & Jynx
Main Character & Pidgey
Main Character & Pidgeotto
Main Character & Pidgeot
Main Character & Slowpoke
Main Character & Slowbro
Main Character & Scorbunny
Main Character & Caterpie
Main Character & Metapod
Main Character & Butterfree
Main Character & Rhyhorn
Main Character & Rhydon
Main Character & Tentacool
Main Character & Tentacruel
Wally & Delcatty
Dawn & Wormadam (Plant Cloak)
Allister & Gourgeist (Super Size)
Nita & Landorus
Acerola & Tapu Bulu
Archer & Houndoom
Barry & Floatzel
Blue & Blastoise
Blue & Blastoise (Mega Blastoise)
Brock & Kabutops
Bruno & Onix
Bugsy & Kricketune
Caitlin & Reuniclus
Calem & Fennekin
Candice & Darmanitan (Galarian Form)
Candice & Darmanitan (Galarian Form Zen Mode)
Cheren & Liepard
Elesa & Joltik
Giovanni & Guzzlord
Gladion & Weavile
Hugh & Bouffalant
Hugh & Unfezant
Kris & Suicune
Lance & Dragonite
Lance & Dragonair
Lance & Kingdra
Lance & Dragonite
Liza & Lunatone
Lorelei & Lapras
Lorelei & Cloyster
Lyra & Phanpy
Main Character & Alcremie (Ruby Cream - Berry Sweet)
Main Character & Alcremie (Matcha Cream - Clover Sweet)
Main Character & Alcremie (Mint Cream - Star Sweet)
Main Character & Alcremie (Lemon Cream - Flower Sweet)
Main Character & Alcremie (Salted Cream - Ribbon Sweet)
Main Character & Alcremie (Caramel Swirl - Love Sweet)
Maylene & Meditite
Maylene & Medicham
Noland & Ninjask
Olivia & Carbink
Phoebe & Dusclops
Phoebe & Dusknoir
Professor Oak & Mew
Professor Oak & Mew
Professor Oak & Nidorino
Rosa & Meloetta (Aria Form)
Rosa & Meloetta (Pirouette Forme)
Roxanne & Runerigus
Silver & Sneasel
Skyla & Tornadus (Therian Forme)
Steven & Metagross
Steven & Metagross (Mega Metagross)
Steven & Deoxys (Normal Forme)
Steven & Deoxys (Normal Forme)
Steven & Deoxys (Attack Forme)
Steven & Deoxys (Defense Forme)
Steven & Deoxys (Speed Forme)
Steven & Stoutland (Shiny Stoutland)
Tate & Jirachi
Thorton & Magnezone
Wally & Gallade
Wally & Gallade (Mega Gallade)
Wally & Altaria
Will & Slowbro
Winona & Altaria
Zinnia & Thievul
Plumeria & Gengar
Guzma & Ariados
Clemont & Magneton
Jasmine & Steelix
Jasmine & Steelix (Mega Steelix)
Jasmine & Magnemite
Cyrus & Darkrai
Nate & Haxorus (Shiny Haxorus)
Lisia & Altaria
Lisia & Altaria (Mega Altaria)
N & Reshiram
N & Zoroark
N & Kyurem (Black Kyurem)
Lysandre & Yveltal
Lear & Krookodile
Sawyer &
Marnie & Scrafty
Elio & Stakataka
Selene & Scizor (Female)
Raihan & Sandaconda
Ingo & Chandelure
Hop & Zamazenta (Crowned Shield)
Hop & Rillaboom
Falkner & Noctowl
Allister & Gengar
Lucas & Dialga
Aaron & Vespiquen
Proton & Golbat
Bede & Articuno (Galarian Form)
Chuck & Poliwrath
Victor & Rillaboom
Shauna & Chesnaught
Shauna & Sylveon
Tierno & Crawdaunt
Malva & Talonflame
Eusine & Suicune (Shiny Suicune)
Rose & Perrserker
Oleana & Garbodor
Olympia & Sigilyph
Nemona &
Nemona & Lycanroc
Paulo & Lycanroc (Dusk Form)
Argenta & Skarmory
Akari & Samurott (Hisuian Form)
Rei & Decidueye (Hisuian Form)
Penny & Sylveon
Eve & Eevee
Katherine & Slurpuff
Iono &
Iono &
Iono &
Grusha & Beartic
Chase & Pikachu
Petey & Pikachu (Female)
Volo & Togepi
Jacq &
Rika &
Brycen-man & Zoroark
Poppy &
Poppy & Steelix (Shiny Steelix)
Poppy & Steelix (Shiny Mega Steelix)
Kabu & Torkoal
Greta & Breloom
Klara & Slowbro (Galarian Form)
Avery & Slowking (Galarian Form)
Morgan & Virizion
Clavell &
Giacomo &
Dexio & Espeon
Sina & Glaceon
Mela &
Atticus &
Nerves of Steel 1 Reduces damage when the user is hit by an attack move while the zone is a Steel Zone.
Nerves of Steel 2 Reduces damage when the user is hit by an attack move while the zone is a Steel Zone. Lillie & Solgaleo
Colress & Klinklang
Nerves of Steel 3 Reduces damage when the user is hit by an attack move while the zone is a Steel Zone.
Nerves of Steel 4 Reduces damage when the user is hit by an attack move while the zone is a Steel Zone.
Nerves of Steel 5 Reduces damage when the user is hit by an attack move while the zone is a Steel Zone.
Nerves of Steel 6 Reduces damage when the user is hit by an attack move while the zone is a Steel Zone.
Nerves of Steel 7 Reduces damage when the user is hit by an attack move while the zone is a Steel Zone.
Nerves of Steel 8 Reduces damage when the user is hit by an attack move while the zone is a Steel Zone.
Nerves of Steel 9 Reduces damage when the user is hit by an attack move while the zone is a Steel Zone.
Nervous Energy 1 Raises the user's Speed by 1 stat ranks when it is confused, flinching, or trapped. Bea & Sirfetch'd
Nimble Footed 1 When the user's evasiveness is lowered, mitigates the reduction of evasiveness.
Nimble Footed 2 When the user's evasiveness is lowered, mitigates the reduction of evasiveness.
Nimble Footed 3 When the user's evasiveness is lowered, mitigates the reduction of evasiveness.
Nimble Footed 4 When the user's evasiveness is lowered, mitigates the reduction of evasiveness.
Nimble Footed 5 When the user's evasiveness is lowered, mitigates the reduction of evasiveness.
Nimble Footed 6 When the user's evasiveness is lowered, mitigates the reduction of evasiveness.
Nimble Footed 7 When the user's evasiveness is lowered, mitigates the reduction of evasiveness.
Nimble Footed 8 When the user's evasiveness is lowered, mitigates the reduction of evasiveness.
Nimble Footed 9 When the user's evasiveness is lowered, mitigates the reduction of evasiveness.
No Field Effect: Defense Ă—2 Sp. Def Ă—2
No Quarter Maximizes the number of times the user hits with a move that has the multistrike effect tag when that move is successful. Barry & Heracross (Mega Heracross)
Lorelei & Cloyster
Serena & Greninja
Steven & Sandslash (Alola Form)
Guzma & Golisopod
Normal Guard Reduces damage when the user is attacked by Normal-type moves. Sawyer &
Ingo & Chandelure
Chewy Lucky Cookie
Normal Zone: HP Recovery 1 Restores the user's HP whenever its Pokémon takes an action when the zone is a Normal Zone. Palmer & Regigigas
Normal Zone: HP Recovery 2 Restores the user's HP whenever its Pokémon takes an action when the zone is a Normal Zone.
Normal Zone: HP Recovery 3 Restores the user's HP whenever its Pokémon takes an action when the zone is a Normal Zone.
Normal Zone: HP Recovery 4 Restores the user's HP whenever its Pokémon takes an action when the zone is a Normal Zone.
Normal Zone: HP Recovery 5 Restores the user's HP whenever its Pokémon takes an action when the zone is a Normal Zone.
Normal Zone: HP Recovery 6 Restores the user's HP whenever its Pokémon takes an action when the zone is a Normal Zone.
Normal Zone: HP Recovery 7 Restores the user's HP whenever its Pokémon takes an action when the zone is a Normal Zone.
Normal Zone: HP Recovery 8 Restores the user's HP whenever its Pokémon takes an action when the zone is a Normal Zone.
Normal Zone: HP Recovery 9 Restores the user's HP whenever its Pokémon takes an action when the zone is a Normal Zone.
Normal Zone: MG Up 1 Quickly charges the move gauge when the zone is a Normal Zone.
Normal Zone: MG Up 2 Quickly charges the move gauge when the zone is a Normal Zone. Palmer & Regigigas
Normal Zone: MG Up 3 Quickly charges the move gauge when the zone is a Normal Zone.
Normal Zone: MG Up 4 Quickly charges the move gauge when the zone is a Normal Zone.
Normal Zone: MG Up 5 Quickly charges the move gauge when the zone is a Normal Zone.
Normal Zone: MG Up 6 Quickly charges the move gauge when the zone is a Normal Zone.
Normal Zone: MG Up 7 Quickly charges the move gauge when the zone is a Normal Zone.
Normal Zone: MG Up 8 Quickly charges the move gauge when the zone is a Normal Zone.
Normal Zone: MG Up 9 Quickly charges the move gauge when the zone is a Normal Zone.
Noxious Hit 1 Has a chance (20%) of lowering the target's Attack and Sp. Atk by 1 stat rank when the user's attack move is successful against a poisoned or badly poisoned opponent.
Noxious Hit 2 Has a chance (30%) of lowering the target's Attack and Sp. Atk by 1 stat rank when the user's attack move is successful against a poisoned or badly poisoned opponent.
Noxious Hit 3 Has a chance (40%) of lowering the target's Attack and Sp. Atk by 1 stat rank when the user's attack move is successful against a poisoned or badly poisoned opponent.
Noxious Hit 4 Has a chance (50%) of lowering the target's Attack and Sp. Atk by 1 stat rank when the user's attack move is successful against a poisoned or badly poisoned opponent.
Noxious Hit 5 Has a chance (60%) of lowering the target's Attack and Sp. Atk by 1 stat rank when the user's attack move is successful against a poisoned or badly poisoned opponent.
Noxious Hit 6 Has a chance (70%) of lowering the target's Attack and Sp. Atk by 1 stat rank when the user's attack move is successful against a poisoned or badly poisoned opponent.
Noxious Hit 7 Has a chance (80%) of lowering the target's Attack and Sp. Atk by 1 stat rank when the user's attack move is successful against a poisoned or badly poisoned opponent.
Noxious Hit 8 Has a chance (90%) of lowering the target's Attack and Sp. Atk by 1 stat rank when the user's attack move is successful against a poisoned or badly poisoned opponent.
Noxious Hit 9 Lowers the target's Attack and Sp. Atk by 1 stat rank when the user's attack move is successful against a poisoned or badly poisoned opponent. Hilbert & Glaceon
Leaf & Venusaur (Female)
Leaf & Venusaur (Mega Venusaur)
Rika &
Atticus &
Numbing Blow 1 Has a chance (20%) of leaving the target paralyzed when the user's attack move against it is successful.
Numbing Blow 2 Has a chance (30%) of leaving the target paralyzed when the user's attack move against it is successful.
Numbing Blow 3 Has a chance (40%) of leaving the target paralyzed when the user's attack move against it is successful.
Numbing Blow 4 Has a chance (50%) of leaving the target paralyzed when the user's attack move against it is successful. Marnie & Morpeko
Marnie & Morpeko (Hangry Mode)
Larry &
Numbing Blow 5 Has a chance (60%) of leaving the target paralyzed when the user's attack move against it is successful.
Numbing Blow 6 Has a chance (70%) of leaving the target paralyzed when the user's attack move against it is successful.
Numbing Blow 7 Has a chance (80%) of leaving the target paralyzed when the user's attack move against it is successful.
Numbing Blow 8 Has a chance (90%) of leaving the target paralyzed when the user's attack move against it is successful.
Numbing Blow 9 Leaves the target paralyzed when the user's attack move against it is successful. Allister & Gourgeist (Super Size)
Oak's Research Replaces some of the user's moves with different moves after using its sync move. Professor Oak & Mew
Professor Oak & Mew
Obscuring Power 1 Powers up the user's moves when the target's accuracy is lowered.
Obscuring Power 2 Powers up the user's moves when the target's accuracy is lowered.
Obscuring Power 3 Powers up the user's moves when the target's accuracy is lowered. Marnie & Toxicroak Clemont & Heliolisk
N & Zoroark
Obscuring Power 4 Powers up the user's moves when the target's accuracy is lowered.
Obscuring Power 5 Powers up the user's moves when the target's accuracy is lowered.
Obscuring Power 6 Powers up the user's moves when the target's accuracy is lowered.
Obscuring Power 7 Powers up the user's moves when the target's accuracy is lowered.
Obscuring Power 8 Powers up the user's moves when the target's accuracy is lowered.
Obscuring Power 9 Powers up the user's moves when the target's accuracy is lowered.
Obscuring Sync 1 Powers up the user's sync move when the target's accuracy is lowered.
Obscuring Sync 2 Powers up the user's sync move when the target's accuracy is lowered.
Obscuring Sync 3 Powers up the user's sync move when the target's accuracy is lowered.
Obscuring Sync 4 Powers up the user's sync move when the target's accuracy is lowered.
Obscuring Sync 5 Powers up the user's sync move when the target's accuracy is lowered. N & Zoroark
Falkner & Pidgeot
Rika & Whiscash
Brycen-man & Zoroark
Obscuring Sync 6 Powers up the user's sync move when the target's accuracy is lowered.
Obscuring Sync 7 Powers up the user's sync move when the target's accuracy is lowered.
Obscuring Sync 8 Powers up the user's sync move when the target's accuracy is lowered.
Obscuring Sync 9 Powers up the user's sync move when the target's accuracy is lowered.
Offensive Defense 1 Has a chance (20%) of raising the user's Defense by one stat rank when its attack move is successful.
Offensive Defense 2 Has a chance (30%) of raising the user's Defense by one stat rank when its attack move is successful. Janine & Crobat
Offensive Defense 4 Has a chance (50%) of raising the user's Defense by one stat rank when its attack move is successful.
On a Roll 1 Raises the chance of lowering stat values with the additional effects of moves. Main Character & Cobalion
Main Character & Mankey
Main Character & Primeape
Main Character & Cleffa
Main Character & Clefairy
Main Character & Clefable
Main Character & Gastly
Main Character & Haunter
Main Character & Gengar
Main Character & Tyrogue
Main Character & Hitmontop
Rosa & Dewott
Rosa & Shaymin (Sky Forme)
Burgh & Leavanny
May & Latias
Colress & Klinklang
Agatha & Gengar
Agatha & Gengar (Mega Gengar)
Diantha & Gardevoir
Diantha & Gardevoir (Mega Gardevoir)
Marshal & Conkeldurr
Silver & Feraligatr
Burgh & Leavanny
Burgh & Leavanny
May & Mudkip
May & Marshtomp
May & Swampert
May & Swampert (Mega Swampert)
Helena & Haunter
Rei & Decidueye (Hisuian Form)
On a Roll 2 Raises the chance of lowering stat values with the additional effects of moves. Marley & Shaymin
Brycen-man & Zoroark
Agatha & Gengar
Agatha & Gengar (Mega Gengar)
On a Roll 3 Raises the chance of lowering stat values with the additional effects of moves. Silver & Feraligatr
On a Roll 4 Raises the chance of lowering stat values with the additional effects of moves. Steven & Cradily
Bianca & Musharna
N & Sigilyph
Kiawe & Marowak (Alola Form)
Rika & Whiscash
Rika & Whiscash
On a Roll 5 Raises the chance of lowering stat values with the additional effects of moves.
On a Roll 6 Raises the chance of lowering stat values with the additional effects of moves.
On a Roll 7 Raises the chance of lowering stat values with the additional effects of moves.
On a Roll 8 Raises the chance of lowering stat values with the additional effects of moves.
On a Roll 9 Raises the chance of lowering stat values with the additional effects of moves. Ariana & Arbok
Blue & Alakazam
Will & Slowbro
Marnie & Scrafty
On the Ropes 1 Reduces damage when the user is hit by a physical attack move while in a pinch.
On the Ropes 2 Reduces damage when the user is hit by a physical attack move while in a pinch. Wally & Delcatty
Morty & Banette
Morty & Banette (Mega Banette)
Sonia & Yamper
Victor & Greedent
On the Ropes 3 Reduces damage when the user is hit by a physical attack move while in a pinch. Maylene & Meditite
Maylene & Medicham
Elesa & Joltik
Phoebe & Dusclops
Phoebe & Dusknoir
Sabrina & Alakazam
Sabrina & Alakazam (Mega Alakazam)
Lisia & Altaria
Lisia & Altaria (Mega Altaria)
Piers & Obstagoon
On the Ropes 4 Reduces damage when the user is hit by a physical attack move while in a pinch.
On the Ropes 5 Reduces damage when the user is hit by a physical attack move while in a pinch. Brock & Tyranitar
Cynthia & Kommo-o
On the Ropes 6 Reduces damage when the user is hit by a physical attack move while in a pinch.
On the Ropes 7 Reduces damage when the user is hit by a physical attack move while in a pinch.
On the Ropes 8 Reduces damage when the user is hit by a physical attack move while in a pinch.
On the Ropes 9 Reduces damage when the user is hit by a physical attack move while in a pinch.
On the Run 1 Raises the user's evasiveness by 1 stat ranks the first time it is in a pinch each battle. Misty & Psyduck
Lear & Krookodile
Jacq &
On the Run 2 Raises the user's evasiveness by 2 stat ranks the first time it is in a pinch each battle. Bugsy & Scyther Giovanni & Persian
Guzma & Golisopod
Serena & Fennekin
Serena & Braixen
Serena & Delphox
Adaman & Vaporeon
Atticus &
On the Run 3 Raises the user's evasiveness by 3 stat ranks the first time it is in a pinch each battle. Lusamine & Pheromosa
Zinnia & Thievul
Bea & Sirfetch'd
Ash & Pikachu
On the Run 4 Raises the user's evasiveness by 4 stat ranks the first time it is in a pinch each battle.
On the Run 5 Raises the user's evasiveness by 5 stat ranks the first time it is in a pinch each battle.
On the Run 6 Raises the user's evasiveness by 6 stat ranks the first time it is in a pinch each battle. Grimsley & Liepard
One with the Sun Prevents the user from flinching, becoming confused, or becoming trapped when the weather is sunny. Blue & Charizard
Wallace & Blacephalon
Maxie & Groudon
Nemona &
One-Hit KO Nullification Nullifies moves with the One-Hit KO effect tag.
Opening Blockade Applies the Physical Damage Reduction effect and the Special Damage Reduction effect to the allied field of play the first time the user enters a battle each battle. Caitlin & Sableye (Mega Sableye) Professor Sycamore & Gogoat
Opening Shake-Up
Opening Shake-Up
Opening Shake-Up
Opening Shake-Up
Opp Fail: Physical Boost ?2 1 Has a chance (20%) of increasing the user's Physical Moves Up Next effect by 2 ranks when an opponent's attack move targeting the user misses.
Opp Fail: Physical Boost ?2 2 Has a chance (30%) of increasing the user's Physical Moves Up Next effect by 2 ranks when an opponent's attack move targeting the user misses.
Opp Fail: Physical Boost ?2 3 Has a chance (40%) of increasing the user's Physical Moves Up Next effect by 2 ranks when an opponent's attack move targeting the user misses.
Opp Fail: Physical Boost ?2 4 Has a chance (50%) of increasing the user's Physical Moves Up Next effect by 2 ranks when an opponent's attack move targeting the user misses.
Opp Fail: Physical Boost ?2 5 Has a chance (60%) of increasing the user's Physical Moves Up Next effect by 2 ranks when an opponent's attack move targeting the user misses.
Opp Fail: Physical Boost ?2 6 Has a chance (70%) of increasing the user's Physical Moves Up Next effect by 2 ranks when an opponent's attack move targeting the user misses.
Opp Fail: Physical Boost ?2 7 Has a chance (80%) of increasing the user's Physical Moves Up Next effect by 2 ranks when an opponent's attack move targeting the user misses.
Opp Fail: Physical Boost ?2 8 Has a chance (90%) of increasing the user's Physical Moves Up Next effect by 2 ranks when an opponent's attack move targeting the user misses.
Opp Fail: Physical Boost ?2 9 Increases the user's Physical Moves Up Next effect by 2 ranks when an opponent's attack move targeting the user misses. Gloria & Cinderace
Gloria & Cinderace
Gloria & Cinderace
Opp Rebuff ?: S-Moves Up 1 Powers up the user's sync move when the target's Type Rebuff is lowered.
Opp Rebuff ?: S-Moves Up 2 Powers up the user's sync move when the target's Type Rebuff is lowered.
Opp Rebuff ?: S-Moves Up 3 Powers up the user's sync move when the target's Type Rebuff is lowered.
Opp Rebuff ?: S-Moves Up 4 Powers up the user's sync move when the target's Type Rebuff is lowered.
Opp Rebuff ?: S-Moves Up 5 Powers up the user's sync move when the target's Type Rebuff is lowered.
Opp Rebuff ?: S-Moves Up 6 Powers up the user's sync move when the target's Type Rebuff is lowered.
Opp Rebuff ?: S-Moves Up 7 Powers up the user's sync move when the target's Type Rebuff is lowered.
Opp Rebuff ?: S-Moves Up 8 Powers up the user's sync move when the target's Type Rebuff is lowered.
Opp Rebuff ?: S-Moves Up 9 Powers up the user's sync move when the target's Type Rebuff is lowered. Red & Articuno
Opportunistic 9 Lowers the target's Defense by one stat rank when the user's attack move is successful against a confused opponent. Acerola & Mimikyu
Acerola & Mimikyu (Busted Form)
Outmuscle 1 Has a chance (20%) of raising the user's Attack by one stat rank when an opponent's attack move targeting the user misses.
Outmuscle 2 Has a chance (30%) of raising the user's Attack by one stat rank when an opponent's attack move targeting the user misses.
Outmuscle 3 Has a chance (40%) of raising the user's Attack by one stat rank when an opponent's attack move targeting the user misses.
Outmuscle 4 Has a chance (50%) of raising the user's Attack by one stat rank when an opponent's attack move targeting the user misses. Koga & Crobat
Outmuscle 5 Has a chance (60%) of raising the user's Attack by one stat rank when an opponent's attack move targeting the user misses.
Outmuscle 6 Has a chance (70%) of raising the user's Attack by one stat rank when an opponent's attack move targeting the user misses.
Outmuscle 7 Has a chance (80%) of raising the user's Attack by one stat rank when an opponent's attack move targeting the user misses.
Outmuscle 8 Has a chance (90%) of raising the user's Attack by one stat rank when an opponent's attack move targeting the user misses.
Outmuscle 9 Raises the user's Attack by one stat rank when an opponent's attack move targeting the user misses.
Outrun 1 Quickly charges the move gauge when the user is affected by a status condition. Mina & Granbull
Outrun 2 Quickly charges the move gauge when the user is affected by a status condition. Marshal & Conkeldurr
Outrun 3 Quickly charges the move gauge when the user is affected by a status condition. Adaman & Ursaluna Piers & Obstagoon
Outrun 4 Quickly charges the move gauge when the user is affected by a status condition. Cheren & Stoutland
Outrun 5 Quickly charges the move gauge when the user is affected by a status condition.
Outrun 6 Quickly charges the move gauge when the user is affected by a status condition.
Outrun 7 Quickly charges the move gauge when the user is affected by a status condition.
Outrun 8 Quickly charges the move gauge when the user is affected by a status condition.
Outrun 9 Quickly charges the move gauge when the user is affected by a status condition.
Outsmart 1 Has a chance (20%) of raising the user's Sp. Atk by one stat rank when an opponent's attack move targeting the user misses.
Outsmart 2 Has a chance (30%) of raising the user's Sp. Atk by one stat rank when an opponent's attack move targeting the user misses.
Outsmart 3 Has a chance (40%) of raising the user's Sp. Atk by one stat rank when an opponent's attack move targeting the user misses.
Outsmart 4 Has a chance (50%) of raising the user's Sp. Atk by one stat rank when an opponent's attack move targeting the user misses. Koga & Crobat
Outsmart 5 Has a chance (60%) of raising the user's Sp. Atk by one stat rank when an opponent's attack move targeting the user misses.
Outsmart 6 Has a chance (70%) of raising the user's Sp. Atk by one stat rank when an opponent's attack move targeting the user misses.
Outsmart 7 Has a chance (80%) of raising the user's Sp. Atk by one stat rank when an opponent's attack move targeting the user misses.
Outsmart 8 Has a chance (90%) of raising the user's Sp. Atk by one stat rank when an opponent's attack move targeting the user misses.
Outsmart 9 Raises the user's Sp. Atk by one stat rank when an opponent's attack move targeting the user misses.
Overexposure 1
Overpower The more the target's Sp. Atk is lowered, the more it powers up the user's moves. Gladion & Magearna
Hilbert & Glaceon
Lillie & Solgaleo
Lt. Surge & Voltorb
Lt. Surge & Electrode
Wally & Gardevoir (Shiny Gardevoir)
Wally & Gardevoir (Shiny Mega Gardevoir)
Serena & Whimsicott
Alder & Volcarona
May & Latias
May & Latias (Mega Latias)
Marnie & Grimmsnarl
Ghetsis & Kyurem
Brycen-man & Zoroark
Overwhelm 2 Has a chance (30%) of lowering the target's Attack by one stat rank when the user's attack move against it is successful.
Overwhelm 9 Lowers the target's Attack by one stat rank when the user's attack move against it is successful. Cheren & Liepard
Lillie & Comfey
Noland & Ninjask
Guzma & Ariados
Serena & Fletchling
Ariana & Arbok
Falkner & Pidgeot
Victor & Rillaboom
Nemona & Lycanroc
Argenta & Skarmory
Elaine & Eevee
Volo & Togepi
Kabu & Centiskorch
Arven &
Panic Button Applies the Move Gauge Acceleration effect to the allied field of play the first time the user is in a pinch each battle. Giovanni & Persian Bruno & Onix
Clair & Drampa
Kali & Azumarill
Kabu & Torkoal
Paralysis Synergy 1 Powers up the user's moves when the target is paralyzed. Lance & Dragonair
Red & Pikachu
Paralysis Synergy 2 Powers up the user's moves when the target is paralyzed. Cynthia & Kommo-o
Volkner & Luxray
Paralysis Synergy 3 Powers up the user's moves when the target is paralyzed. Main Character & Elekid
Main Character & Electabuzz
Helena & Haunter
Blue & Alakazam
Elesa & Zebstrika
Lance & Dragonair
Lance & Kingdra
Sophocles & Togedemaru
Ghetsis & Kyurem
Helena & Haunter
Petey & Pikachu (Female)
Paralysis Synergy 4 Powers up the user's moves when the target is paralyzed.
Paralysis Synergy 5 Powers up the user's moves when the target is paralyzed. Calem & Espurr
Calem & Meowstic
Elesa & Rotom
Kris & Jolteon
Main Character & Pikachu
Norman & Slaking
Viola & Vivillon (Icy Snow Pattern)
Wally & Altaria
Serena & Whimsicott
Hop & Pincurchin
Paralysis Synergy 6 Powers up the user's moves when the target is paralyzed.
Paralysis Synergy 7 Powers up the user's moves when the target is paralyzed.
Paralysis Synergy 8 Powers up the user's moves when the target is paralyzed.
Paralysis Synergy 9 Powers up the user's moves when the target is paralyzed.
Party Crashers Applies the Critical Hit Next effect to all allied sync pairs the first time the user enters a battle each battle. Blue & Blastoise
Blue & Blastoise (Mega Blastoise)
Pasio's Ace Lowers the opponent's Type Rebuff by 2 ranks after the user uses its max move. The Type Rebuff lowered is the same type as the max move used. Replaces some of the user's passive skills and sync move with different passive skills and a sync move after using its Max Airstream. Replaces some of the user's passive skills and sync move with different passive skills and a sync move after using its Max Knuckle. Gloria & Cinderace
Gloria & Cinderace
Gloria & Cinderace
Pass It On Transfers half the amount of this sync pair's raised stats to the sync pair that will switch in when this sync pair faints. Phoebe & Dusclops
Phoebe & Dusknoir
Flannery & Torkoal
Paulo's Resolve Reduces the user's sync move countdown by 1 after using its max move. Extends the duration of a sandstorm when a sandstorm is caused while the user is on the field. Protects all allied sync pairs from damage from a sandstorm. Paulo & Lycanroc (Dusk Form)
Peak Readiness 1 Has a chance (20%) of increasing the user's Physical Moves Up Next effect by 1 rank when the user takes up a counter attacking posture or gets ready to attack.
Peak Readiness 2 Has a chance (30%) of increasing the user's Physical Moves Up Next effect by 1 rank when the user takes up a counter attacking posture or gets ready to attack.
Peak Readiness 3 Has a chance (40%) of increasing the user's Physical Moves Up Next effect by 1 rank when the user takes up a counter attacking posture or gets ready to attack.
Peak Readiness 4 Has a chance (50%) of increasing the user's Physical Moves Up Next effect by 1 rank when the user takes up a counter attacking posture or gets ready to attack.
Peak Readiness 5 Has a chance (60%) of increasing the user's Physical Moves Up Next effect by 1 rank when the user takes up a counter attacking posture or gets ready to attack.
Peak Readiness 6 Has a chance (70%) of increasing the user's Physical Moves Up Next effect by 1 rank when the user takes up a counter attacking posture or gets ready to attack.
Peak Readiness 7 Has a chance (80%) of increasing the user's Physical Moves Up Next effect by 1 rank when the user takes up a counter attacking posture or gets ready to attack.
Peak Readiness 8 Has a chance (90%) of increasing the user's Physical Moves Up Next effect by 1 rank when the user takes up a counter attacking posture or gets ready to attack.
Peak Readiness 9 Increases the user's Physical Moves Up Next effect by 1 rank when the user takes up a counter attacking posture or gets ready to attack. N & Kyurem (Black Kyurem)
Pecking Order The more the target's Attack is lowered, the more it powers up the user's sync move. Lucian & Girafarig
Katherine & Slurpuff
Calem & Sylveon
Hugh & Unfezant
Iris & Hydreigon
Mina & Granbull
Noland & Ninjask
Dawn & Turtwig
Dawn & Grotle
Dawn & Torterra
Morty & Banette
Morty & Banette (Mega Banette)
N & Reshiram
Mallow & Tsareena
Marnie & Mawile
Marnie & Mawile (Mega Mawile)
Ghetsis & Kyurem
The Masked Royal & Incineroar
Darach & Staraptor
Irida & Zoroark (Hisuian Form)
Pep Rally 1 Raises the Speed of all allied sync pairs by 1 stat ranks when the user's move is successful.
Pep Rally 2 Raises the Speed of all allied sync pairs by 2 stat ranks when the user's move is successful. Lillie & Primarina ()
Pep Rally 3 Raises the Speed of all allied sync pairs by 3 stat ranks when the user's move is successful.
Pep Rally 4 Raises the Speed of all allied sync pairs by 4 stat ranks when the user's move is successful.
Pep Rally 5 Raises the Speed of all allied sync pairs by 5 stat ranks when the user's move is successful.
Pep Rally 6 Raises the Speed of all allied sync pairs by 6 stat ranks when the user's move is successful.
Perfect Debut Smarts 1
Perfect Debut Smarts 2
Perfect Debut Smarts 3
Perfect Debut Smarts 4
Perfect Debut Smarts 5
Perfect Debut Smarts 6
Perfect Debut Strength 1
Perfect Debut Strength 2
Perfect Debut Strength 3
Perfect Debut Strength 4
Perfect Debut Strength 5
Perfect Debut Strength 6
Persisting Barrier 1 Extends the duration of the Special Damage Reduction effect when the Special Damage Reduction effect applies to the allied field of play.
Persisting Barrier 2 Extends the duration of the Special Damage Reduction effect when the Special Damage Reduction effect applies to the allied field of play.
Persisting Barrier 3 Extends the duration of the Special Damage Reduction effect when the Special Damage Reduction effect applies to the allied field of play. Professor Oak & Nidorino
Persisting Barrier 4 Extends the duration of the Special Damage Reduction effect when the Special Damage Reduction effect applies to the allied field of play.
Persisting Barrier 5 Extends the duration of the Special Damage Reduction effect when the Special Damage Reduction effect applies to the allied field of play. Melony & Lapras Bellelba & Swoobat
Persisting Barrier 6 Extends the duration of the Special Damage Reduction effect when the Special Damage Reduction effect applies to the allied field of play.
Persisting Barrier 7 Extends the duration of the Special Damage Reduction effect when the Special Damage Reduction effect applies to the allied field of play.
Persisting Barrier 8 Extends the duration of the Special Damage Reduction effect when the Special Damage Reduction effect applies to the allied field of play.
Persisting Barrier 9 Extends the duration of the Special Damage Reduction effect when the Special Damage Reduction effect applies to the allied field of play.
Persisting Immunity 1 Extends the duration of the Status Condition Defense effect when the Status Condition Defense effect applies to the allied field of play.
Persisting Immunity 2 Extends the duration of the Status Condition Defense effect when the Status Condition Defense effect applies to the allied field of play.
Persisting Immunity 3 Extends the duration of the Status Condition Defense effect when the Status Condition Defense effect applies to the allied field of play.
Persisting Immunity 4 Extends the duration of the Status Condition Defense effect when the Status Condition Defense effect applies to the allied field of play.
Persisting Immunity 5 Extends the duration of the Status Condition Defense effect when the Status Condition Defense effect applies to the allied field of play. Melony & Lapras
Persisting Immunity 6 Extends the duration of the Status Condition Defense effect when the Status Condition Defense effect applies to the allied field of play.
Persisting Immunity 7 Extends the duration of the Status Condition Defense effect when the Status Condition Defense effect applies to the allied field of play.
Persisting Immunity 8 Extends the duration of the Status Condition Defense effect when the Status Condition Defense effect applies to the allied field of play.
Persisting Immunity 9 Extends the duration of the Status Condition Defense effect when the Status Condition Defense effect applies to the allied field of play.
Persisting Shield 1 Extends the duration of the Physical Damage Reduction effect when the Physical Damage Reduction effect applies to the allied field of play.
Persisting Shield 2 Extends the duration of the Physical Damage Reduction effect when the Physical Damage Reduction effect applies to the allied field of play.
Persisting Shield 3 Extends the duration of the Physical Damage Reduction effect when the Physical Damage Reduction effect applies to the allied field of play.
Persisting Shield 4 Extends the duration of the Physical Damage Reduction effect when the Physical Damage Reduction effect applies to the allied field of play.
Persisting Shield 5 Extends the duration of the Physical Damage Reduction effect when the Physical Damage Reduction effect applies to the allied field of play. Melony & Lapras Bellelba & Swoobat
Persisting Shield 6 Extends the duration of the Physical Damage Reduction effect when the Physical Damage Reduction effect applies to the allied field of play.
Persisting Shield 7 Extends the duration of the Physical Damage Reduction effect when the Physical Damage Reduction effect applies to the allied field of play.
Persisting Shield 8 Extends the duration of the Physical Damage Reduction effect when the Physical Damage Reduction effect applies to the allied field of play.
Persisting Shield 9 Extends the duration of the Physical Damage Reduction effect when the Physical Damage Reduction effect applies to the allied field of play.
Petrel's Ploy Has a chance (30%) of lowering the target's Sp. Def by 1 stat rank when the user's attack move against the target is successful. Has a chance (30%) of making the target flinch when the user's attack move against it is successful. Petrel & Weezing
Physical Damage Reducer 1 Has a chance (20%) of applying the Physical Damage Reduction effect to the allied field of play when the user's move is successful.
Physical Damage Reducer 2 Has a chance (30%) of applying the Physical Damage Reduction effect to the allied field of play when the user's move is successful.
Physical Damage Reducer 3 Has a chance (40%) of applying the Physical Damage Reduction effect to the allied field of play when the user's move is successful.
Physical Damage Reducer 4 Has a chance (50%) of applying the Physical Damage Reduction effect to the allied field of play when the user's move is successful.
Physical Damage Reducer 5 Has a chance (60%) of applying the Physical Damage Reduction effect to the allied field of play when the user's move is successful.
Physical Damage Reducer 6 Has a chance (70%) of applying the Physical Damage Reduction effect to the allied field of play when the user's move is successful.
Physical Damage Reducer 7 Has a chance (80%) of applying the Physical Damage Reduction effect to the allied field of play when the user's move is successful.
Physical Damage Reducer 8 Has a chance (90%) of applying the Physical Damage Reduction effect to the allied field of play when the user's move is successful.
Physical Damage Reducer 9 Applies the Physical Damage Reduction effect to the allied field of play when the user's move is successful.
Physical Fortitude 8
Piercing Blows Grants all of the following effects when the user is attacking with a move or sync move: Ignores the target's passive skills that would reduce the damage of attacks. Ignores the target's passive skills that would protect the target against a critical hit. Ignores the target's Enduring effect. Erika & Lurantis
Bianca & Virizion
Gloria & Cinderace
N & Zekrom
N & Reshiram
N & Kyurem (Black Kyurem)
Piers & Toxtricity (Low-Key Forme)
Leon & Dragapult
Petrel & Weezing
Victor & Rillaboom
Piercing Gaze Moves never miss. Barry & Heracross
Barry & Heracross (Mega Heracross)
Erika & Vileplume
Iris & Hydreigon
Kahili & Toucannon
Main Character & Charmander
Main Character & Charmeleon
Main Character & Charizard
Main Character & Squirtle
Main Character & Wartortle
Main Character & Blastoise
Main Character & Kangaskhan
Main Character & Pichu
Main Character & Pikachu
Main Character & Raichu
Main Character &
Red & Charizard
Red & Charizard (Mega Charizard X)
Siebold & Octillery
Plumeria & Gengar
Clemont & Heliolisk
Serena & Zygarde (Complete Forme)
Gloria & Cinderace
Leon & Charizard
Eusine & Suicune (Shiny Suicune)
Blue & Exeggutor
Liza & Celesteela
Red & Pikachu
Silver & Tyranitar (Shiny Tyranitar)
Silver & Tyranitar (Shiny Mega Tyranitar)
Steven & Deoxys (Normal Forme)
Steven & Deoxys (Normal Forme)
Steven & Deoxys (Attack Forme)
Steven & Deoxys (Defense Forme)
Steven & Deoxys (Speed Forme)
Ethan & Lugia
N & Reshiram
N & Kyurem (Black Kyurem)
Lysandre & Volcanion
Emmet & Archeops
Lucas & Dialga
Dahlia & Ludicolo
Poppy & Steelix (Shiny Steelix)
Poppy & Steelix (Shiny Mega Steelix)
Mela &
Pinch Hitter 1 Raises the user's Attack by 1 stat ranks the first time its HP drops to half or below each battle.
Pinch Hitter 2 Raises the user's Attack by 2 stat ranks the first time its HP drops to half or below each battle.
Pinch Hitter 3 Raises the user's Attack by 3 stat ranks the first time its HP drops to half or below each battle. Darach & Staraptor
Pinch Hitter 4 Raises the user's Attack by 4 stat ranks the first time its HP drops to half or below each battle.
Pinch Hitter 5 Raises the user's Attack by 5 stat ranks the first time its HP drops to half or below each battle.
Pinch Hitter 6 Raises the user's Attack by 6 stat ranks the first time its HP drops to half or below each battle.
Pinch Push 1 Reduces the sync move countdown by 1 the first time the user is in a pinch each battle.
Pinch Push 2 Reduces the sync move countdown by 2 the first time the user is in a pinch each battle.
Pinch Push 3 Reduces the sync move countdown by 3 the first time the user is in a pinch each battle. Ash & Pikachu
Adaman & Ursaluna
Pinch Push 4 Reduces the sync move countdown by 4 the first time the user is in a pinch each battle.
Pinch Push 5 Reduces the sync move countdown by 5 the first time the user is in a pinch each battle.
Pinch Push 6 Reduces the sync move countdown by 6 the first time the user is in a pinch each battle.
Pinch Push 7 Reduces the sync move countdown by 7 the first time the user is in a pinch each battle.
Pinch Push 8 Reduces the sync move countdown by 8 the first time the user is in a pinch each battle.
Pinch Push 9 Reduces the sync move countdown by 9 the first time the user is in a pinch each battle.
Pinpoint Entry 1 Raises the user's accuracy by 1 stat ranks when it enters a battle. Main Character & Sandshrew
Main Character & Sandslash
Main Character & Paras
Main Character & Parasect
Main Character & Horsea
Main Character & Seadra
Main Character & Happiny
Main Character & Chansey
Main Character & Magikarp
Main Character & Gyarados
Main Character & Smoochum
Main Character & Jynx
Main Character & Oddish
Main Character & Gloom
Main Character & Vileplume
Main Character &
Main Character &
Main Character & Grookey
Main Character & Scorbunny
Main Character & Sobble
Main Character & Sobble
Main Character & Psyduck
Main Character & Golduck
Main Character & Psyduck
Main Character & Golduck
Main Character & Caterpie
Main Character & Metapod
Main Character & Butterfree
Main Character & Tentacool
Main Character & Tentacruel
Steven & Deoxys (Normal Forme)
Falkner & Pidgeot
Agatha & Gengar
Agatha & Gengar (Mega Gengar)
Blaine & Ponyta
Blaine & Rapidash
Blue & Pidgeot
Blue & Pidgeot (Mega Pidgeot)
Ramos & Weepinbell
Ramos & Victreebel
Roark & Cranidos
Roark & Rampardos
Tate & Solrock
Leaf & Venusaur (Female)
Leaf & Venusaur (Mega Venusaur)
Cyrus & Darkrai
Volkner & Electivire
Nate & Braviary
Alder & Volcarona
Gloria & Cinderace
Gloria & Cinderace
Gloria & Cinderace
N & Sigilyph
N & Kyurem (Black Kyurem)
Marnie & Scrafty
Ryuki & Turtonator
Raihan & Duraludon
Colress & Klinklang
Riley & Lucario
Poppy &
Pinpoint Entry 2 Raises the user's accuracy by 2 stat ranks when it enters a battle. Hapu & Mudsdale
Kris & Totodile
Kris & Croconaw
Kris & Feraligatr
Silver & Sneasel
1 Star Deluxe Lucky Cookie
2 Star Deluxe Lucky Cookie
Jacq Lucky Cookie 1
Pinpoint Entry 3 Raises the user's accuracy by 3 stat ranks when it enters a battle.
Pinpoint Entry 4 Raises the user's accuracy by 4 stat ranks when it enters a battle.
Pinpoint Entry 5 Raises the user's accuracy by 5 stat ranks when it enters a battle.
Pinpoint Entry 6 Raises the user's accuracy by 6 stat ranks when it enters a battle.
P-Move on Opp: Attack Up 1 Has a chance (20%) of lowering the target's Attack by 1 stat rank when the user's Pokémon uses a move targeting that opponent.
P-Move on Opp: Attack Up 2 Has a chance (30%) of lowering the target's Attack by 1 stat rank when the user's Pokémon uses a move targeting that opponent.
P-Move on Opp: Attack Up 3 Has a chance (40%) of lowering the target's Attack by 1 stat rank when the user's Pokémon uses a move targeting that opponent.
P-Move on Opp: Attack Up 4 Has a chance (50%) of lowering the target's Attack by 1 stat rank when the user's Pokémon uses a move targeting that opponent.
P-Move on Opp: Attack Up 5 Has a chance (60%) of lowering the target's Attack by 1 stat rank when the user's Pokémon uses a move targeting that opponent.
P-Move on Opp: Attack Up 6 Has a chance (70%) of lowering the target's Attack by 1 stat rank when the user's Pokémon uses a move targeting that opponent.
P-Move on Opp: Attack Up 7 Has a chance (80%) of lowering the target's Attack by 1 stat rank when the user's Pokémon uses a move targeting that opponent.
P-Move on Opp: Attack Up 8 Has a chance (90%) of lowering the target's Attack by 1 stat rank when the user's Pokémon uses a move targeting that opponent.
P-Move on Opp: Attack Up 9 Lowers the target's Attack by 1 stat rank when the user's Pokémon uses a move targeting that opponent. Tate & Jirachi
P-Move on Opp: Defense Up 1 Has a chance (20%) of lowering the target's Defense by 1 stat rank when the user's Pokémon uses a move targeting that opponent.
P-Move on Opp: Defense Up 2 Has a chance (30%) of lowering the target's Defense by 1 stat rank when the user's Pokémon uses a move targeting that opponent.
P-Move on Opp: Defense Up 3 Has a chance (40%) of lowering the target's Defense by 1 stat rank when the user's Pokémon uses a move targeting that opponent.
P-Move on Opp: Defense Up 4 Has a chance (50%) of lowering the target's Defense by 1 stat rank when the user's Pokémon uses a move targeting that opponent.
P-Move on Opp: Defense Up 5 Has a chance (60%) of lowering the target's Defense by 1 stat rank when the user's Pokémon uses a move targeting that opponent.
P-Move on Opp: Defense Up 6 Has a chance (70%) of lowering the target's Defense by 1 stat rank when the user's Pokémon uses a move targeting that opponent.
P-Move on Opp: Defense Up 7 Has a chance (80%) of lowering the target's Defense by 1 stat rank when the user's Pokémon uses a move targeting that opponent.
P-Move on Opp: Defense Up 8 Has a chance (90%) of lowering the target's Defense by 1 stat rank when the user's Pokémon uses a move targeting that opponent.
P-Move on Opp: Defense Up 9 Lowers the target's Defense by 1 stat rank when the user's Pokémon uses a move targeting that opponent.
P-Move on Opp: Sp. Def Down 2 1 Has a chance (20%) of lowering the target's Sp. Def by 2 stat ranks when the user's Pokémon uses a move targeting that opponent.
P-Move on Opp: Sp. Def Down 2 2 Has a chance (30%) of lowering the target's Sp. Def by 2 stat ranks when the user's Pokémon uses a move targeting that opponent.
P-Move on Opp: Sp. Def Down 2 3 Has a chance (40%) of lowering the target's Sp. Def by 2 stat ranks when the user's Pokémon uses a move targeting that opponent.
P-Move on Opp: Sp. Def Down 2 4 Has a chance (50%) of lowering the target's Sp. Def by 2 stat ranks when the user's Pokémon uses a move targeting that opponent.
P-Move on Opp: Sp. Def Down 2 5 Has a chance (60%) of lowering the target's Sp. Def by 2 stat ranks when the user's Pokémon uses a move targeting that opponent.
P-Move on Opp: Sp. Def Down 2 6 Has a chance (70%) of lowering the target's Sp. Def by 2 stat ranks when the user's Pokémon uses a move targeting that opponent.
P-Move on Opp: Sp. Def Down 2 7 Has a chance (80%) of lowering the target's Sp. Def by 2 stat ranks when the user's Pokémon uses a move targeting that opponent.
P-Move on Opp: Sp. Def Down 2 8 Has a chance (90%) of lowering the target's Sp. Def by 2 stat ranks when the user's Pokémon uses a move targeting that opponent.
P-Move on Opp: Sp. Def Down 2 9 Lowers the target's Sp. Def by 2 stat ranks when the user's Pokémon uses a move targeting that opponent. Tate & Jirachi
P-Move Stat Raises x2 When an ally's stat is raised by a move used by the user's Pokémon, it is raised by double the stat ranks. Olympia & Sigilyph
P-Move: Speed Up 2 1 Has a chance (20%) of raising the user's Speed by 2 stat ranks when its Pokémon uses a move
P-Move: Speed Up 2 2 Has a chance (30%) of raising the user's Speed by 2 stat ranks when its Pokémon uses a move
P-Move: Speed Up 2 3 Has a chance (40%) of raising the user's Speed by 2 stat ranks when its Pokémon uses a move
P-Move: Speed Up 2 4 Has a chance (50%) of raising the user's Speed by 2 stat ranks when its Pokémon uses a move
P-Move: Speed Up 2 5 Has a chance (60%) of raising the user's Speed by 2 stat ranks when its Pokémon uses a move
P-Move: Speed Up 2 6 Has a chance (70%) of raising the user's Speed by 2 stat ranks when its Pokémon uses a move
P-Move: Speed Up 2 7 Has a chance (80%) of raising the user's Speed by 2 stat ranks when its Pokémon uses a move
P-Move: Speed Up 2 8 Has a chance (90%) of raising the user's Speed by 2 stat ranks when its Pokémon uses a move
P-Move: Speed Up 2 9 Raises the user's Speed by 2 stat ranks when its Pokémon uses a move
P-Moves & Max Moves Expansion When a move used by the user's Pokémon that targets itself or an ally is successful, the target becomes all allied sync pairs. When a move used by the user's Pokémon that targets an opponent is successful, the target becomes all opposing sync pairs. When the user's max move attacks an opponent, the target becomes all opposing sync pairs. The power and chance of applying additional effects of moves and max moves affected by this passive skill are not lowered even if there are multiple targets. Rose & Copperajah
P-Moves & S-Moves Crit Except in certain circumstances, successful hits with the user's following attacks become critical hits: Pokémon's moves or sync move. Red & Articuno
Nate & Haxorus (Shiny Haxorus)
Poppy &
Giacomo &
Lance & Dragonite
Dexio & Espeon
Pocket Sand 4 Has a chance (50%) of lowering the target's accuracy by one stat rank when the user's attack move against it is successful during a sandstorm. Raihan & Gigalith
Ingo & Excadrill
Volo & Gible
Poison Guard Reduces damage when the user is attacked by Poison-type moves. Rose & Perrserker
Geeta &
Rika &
Chewy Lucky Cookie
Poison Shift Normal-type moves become Poison-type moves. Iris & Naganadel
Poisonous Acceleration 1 Quickly charges the move gauge when the zone is a Poison Zone.
Poisonous Acceleration 2 Quickly charges the move gauge when the zone is a Poison Zone. Iris & Naganadel
Emma & Crobat
Geeta &
Poisonous Acceleration 3 Quickly charges the move gauge when the zone is a Poison Zone. Piers & Toxtricity (Low-Key Forme)
Poisonous Acceleration 4 Quickly charges the move gauge when the zone is a Poison Zone.
Poisonous Acceleration 5 Quickly charges the move gauge when the zone is a Poison Zone.
Poisonous Acceleration 6 Quickly charges the move gauge when the zone is a Poison Zone.
Poisonous Acceleration 7 Quickly charges the move gauge when the zone is a Poison Zone.
Poisonous Acceleration 8 Quickly charges the move gauge when the zone is a Poison Zone.
Poisonous Acceleration 9 Quickly charges the move gauge when the zone is a Poison Zone.
Pokey Trap 1 Increases the amount of damage an opponent takes from being trapped. Erika & Tangela
Main Character & Lickitung
Wallace & Milotic
Pokey Trap 2 Increases the amount of damage an opponent takes from being trapped. Agatha & Arbok
Blaine & Ponyta
Blaine & Rapidash
Lillie & Comfey
Roxanne & Runerigus
Viola & Surskit
Viola & Masquerain
Lucy & Seviper
Ingo & Accelgor
Irida & Zoroark (Hisuian Form)
Kabu & Centiskorch
Pokey Trap 3 Increases the amount of damage an opponent takes from being trapped. Serena & Fennekin
Serena & Braixen
Serena & Delphox
Raihan & Flygon
Pokey Trap 4 Increases the amount of damage an opponent takes from being trapped.
Pokey Trap 5 Increases the amount of damage an opponent takes from being trapped. Wallace & Milotic
Bertha & Hippowdon
Kiawe & Arcanine
Poni Ocean Breeze Raises the Defense and Sp. Def of all allied sync pairs by 1 stat rank when an ally activates a weather, terrain, or zone effect. Mina & Tapu Fini
Positive Reinforcement 3 Raises the user's Attack and Sp. Atk by 3 stat ranks when it knocks out an opponent with a move. Lusamine & Pheromosa
Posthaste 1 Has a chance (20%) of raising the user's Speed by two stat ranks when it is hit by an attack move.
Posthaste 2 Has a chance (30%) of raising the user's Speed by two stat ranks when it is hit by an attack move.
Posthaste 3 Has a chance (40%) of raising the user's Speed by two stat ranks when it is hit by an attack move. Bugsy & Scyther Bede & Articuno (Galarian Form)
Posthaste 4 Has a chance (50%) of raising the user's Speed by two stat ranks when it is hit by an attack move. Blue & Exeggutor
Lt. Surge & Raichu
Lillie & Polteageist (Antique Form)
Posthaste 5 Has a chance (60%) of raising the user's Speed by two stat ranks when it is hit by an attack move.
Posthaste 6 Has a chance (70%) of raising the user's Speed by two stat ranks when it is hit by an attack move.
Posthaste 7 Has a chance (80%) of raising the user's Speed by two stat ranks when it is hit by an attack move.
Posthaste 8 Has a chance (90%) of raising the user's Speed by two stat ranks when it is hit by an attack move.
Posthaste 9 Raises the user's Speed by two stat ranks when it is hit by an attack move. Wally & Gallade
Wally & Gallade (Mega Gallade)
Gordie & Coalossal
Oleana & Garbodor
Postwick Perseverance When an opponent's Defense is lowered by the additional effects of the user's moves, lowers the opponent's Sp. Def by the same amount. Hop & Zapdos (Galarian Form)
Potent Toxin 2 Increases the amount of damage an opponent takes from being poisoned or badly poisoned. Leaf & Venusaur (Mega Venusaur) Agatha & Arbok
Hilbert & Glaceon
Professor Oak & Nidorino
Leaf & Venusaur (Female)
Leaf & Venusaur (Mega Venusaur)
Guzma & Ariados
Selene & Nihilego
Oleana & Garbodor
Geeta &
Rika &
Atticus &
Power Chain 3 Powers up the user's moves when a unity bonus is in effect. Liza & Lunatone
Steven & Metagross
Steven & Metagross (Mega Metagross)
Tate & Solrock
Power Combo 1 Has a chance (20%) of increasing the user's Physical Moves ↑ Next effect and Special Moves ↑ Next effect by 1 rank when its move is successful.
Power Combo 2 Has a chance (30%) of increasing the user's Physical Moves ↑ Next effect and Special Moves ↑ Next effect by 1 rank when its move is successful. Steven & Deoxys (Attack Forme)
Power Combo 3 Has a chance (40%) of increasing the user's Physical Moves ↑ Next effect and Special Moves ↑ Next effect by 1 rank when its move is successful.
Power Combo 4 Has a chance (50%) of increasing the user's Physical Moves ↑ Next effect and Special Moves ↑ Next effect by 1 rank when its move is successful.
Power Combo 5 Has a chance (60%) of increasing the user's Physical Moves ↑ Next effect and Special Moves ↑ Next effect by 1 rank when its move is successful.
Power Combo 6 Has a chance (70%) of increasing the user's Physical Moves ↑ Next effect and Special Moves ↑ Next effect by 1 rank when its move is successful.
Power Combo 7 Has a chance (80%) of increasing the user's Physical Moves ↑ Next effect and Special Moves ↑ Next effect by 1 rank when its move is successful.
Power Combo 8 Has a chance (90%) of increasing the user's Physical Moves ↑ Next effect and Special Moves ↑ Next effect by 1 rank when its move is successful.
Power Combo 9 Increases the user's Physical Moves ↑ Next effect and Special Moves ↑ Next effect by 1 rank when its move is successful.
Power Flux 1 The fuller the move gauge when moves are selected, the more this powers up moves. 1Star Crunchy Lucky Cookie
Power Flux 2 The fuller the move gauge when moves are selected, the more this powers up moves. Nate & Braviary 1Star Crunchy Lucky Cookie
2Star Crunchy Lucky Cookie
Power Flux 3 The fuller the move gauge when moves are selected, the more this powers up moves. Nate & Braviary Lusamine & Pheromosa
Professor Kukui & Lycanroc
Rosa & Delibird
Morty & Drifblim
Leon & Eternatus
Darach & Staraptor
1Star Crunchy Lucky Cookie
2Star Crunchy Lucky Cookie
3Star Crunchy Lucky Cookie
1 Star Deluxe Lucky Cookie
2 Star Deluxe Lucky Cookie
Power Flux 4 The fuller the move gauge when moves are selected, the more this powers up moves.
Power Flux 5 The fuller the move gauge when moves are selected, the more this powers up moves. Barry & Piplup
Barry & Prinplup
Barry & Empoleon
Grimsley & Sharpedo
Grimsley & Sharpedo (Mega Sharpedo)
Lance & Gyarados
Acerola & Mimikyu
Acerola & Mimikyu (Busted Form)
Fantina & Mismagius
Leaf & Eevee
Power Flux 6 The fuller the move gauge when moves are selected, the more this powers up moves.
Power Flux 7 The fuller the move gauge when moves are selected, the more this powers up moves.
Power Flux 8 The fuller the move gauge when moves are selected, the more this powers up moves.
Power Flux 9 The fuller the move gauge when moves are selected, the more this powers up moves. Sonia & Tsareena (Shiny Tsareena)
Power Hold 1 Powers up the user's moves when the target is restrained. Powers up the user's sync move when the target is restrained.
Power Hold 2 Powers up the user's moves when the target is restrained. Powers up the user's sync move when the target is restrained.
Power Hold 3 Powers up the user's moves when the target is restrained. Powers up the user's sync move when the target is restrained.
Power Hold 4 Powers up the user's moves when the target is restrained. Powers up the user's sync move when the target is restrained.
Power Hold 5 Powers up the user's moves when the target is restrained. Powers up the user's sync move when the target is restrained. Serena & Zygarde (Complete Forme) Thorton & Magnezone
Power Hold 6 Powers up the user's moves when the target is restrained. Powers up the user's sync move when the target is restrained.
Power Hold 7 Powers up the user's moves when the target is restrained. Powers up the user's sync move when the target is restrained.
Power Hold 8 Powers up the user's moves when the target is restrained. Powers up the user's sync move when the target is restrained.
Power Hold 9 Powers up the user's moves when the target is restrained. Powers up the user's sync move when the target is restrained.
Power Induction 1 Powers up moves when the field is Electric Terrain. Hau & Tapu Koko
Roxie & Toxtricity (Amped Form)
Nemona &
Power Induction 2 Powers up moves when the field is Electric Terrain.
Power Induction 3 Powers up moves when the field is Electric Terrain. Lt. Surge & Voltorb
Lt. Surge & Electrode
Volkner & Luxray
Florian &
Power Induction 4 Powers up moves when the field is Electric Terrain.
Power Induction 5 Powers up moves when the field is Electric Terrain. Kris & Jolteon
Lana & Tapu Lele
Emmet & Eelektross
Power Induction 6 Powers up moves when the field is Electric Terrain.
Power Induction 7 Powers up moves when the field is Electric Terrain.
Power Induction 8 Powers up moves when the field is Electric Terrain.
Power Induction 9 Powers up moves when the field is Electric Terrain.
Power Loving The more the target's stats are lowered, the more it powers up the user's moves. Iris & Hydreigon
Rosa & Shaymin (Sky Forme)
Dawn & Alcremie
Power Plant Turns the field of play's terrain into Electric Terrain after using the user's sync move. Kris & Jolteon Hau & Tapu Koko
Power Play The more the target's stats are lowered, the more it powers up the user's sync move. Barry & Floatzel
Lyra & Celebi
Viola & Vivillon (Icy Snow Pattern)
Leaf & Venusaur (Female)
Leaf & Venusaur (Mega Venusaur)
Leaf & Moltres
Serena & Greninja
Serena & Greninja
Cyrus & Darkrai
Kiawe & Arcanine
Oleana & Garbodor
Power Posture The more the target's Attack is lowered, the more it powers up the user's moves. Mallow & Tsareena
Darach & Staraptor
Hugh & Unfezant
Lillie & Comfey
Mina & Granbull
Zinnia & Salamence
Dawn & Alcremie
Dawn & Oricorio (Sensu Style)
Morty & Banette
Morty & Banette (Mega Banette)
Marnie & Mawile
Marnie & Mawile (Mega Mawile)
The Masked Royal & Incineroar
Blossom & Kirlia
Power Reserves 1 Powers up the user's moves when in a pinch. 1Star Crunchy Lucky Cookie
2Star Crunchy Lucky Cookie
Power Reserves 2 Powers up the user's moves when in a pinch. Brawly & Makuhita
Brawly & Hariyama
Flint & Infernape
Giovanni & Mewtwo
Giovanni & Mewtwo (Mega Mewtwo Y)
Iris & Haxorus
Main Character & Bulbasaur
Main Character & Ivysaur
Main Character & Venusaur
Main Character & Charmander
Main Character & Charmeleon
Main Character & Charizard
Main Character & Squirtle
Main Character & Wartortle
Main Character & Blastoise
Main Character & Scyther
Main Character & Pinsir
Main Character & Tauros
Main Character & Meowth
Main Character & Persian
Main Character & Zubat
Main Character & Golbat
Main Character & Rattata
Main Character & Raticate
Main Character & Bellsprout
Main Character & Weepinbell
Main Character & Victreebel
Main Character & Nidoran♀
Main Character & Nidorina
Main Character & Nidoqueen
Main Character & Venonat
Main Character & Venomoth
Main Character & Weedle
Main Character & Kakuna
Main Character & Beedrill
Main Character & Geodude
Main Character & Graveler
Main Character & Golem
Main Character & Onix
Main Character & Kabuto
Main Character & Kabutops
Main Character & Aerodactyl
Main Character & Charmander
Main Character & Charmeleon
Main Character & Charizard
Main Character & Squirtle
Main Character & Wartortle
Main Character & Blastoise
Main Character & Growlithe
Main Character & Arcanine
Main Character & Goldeen
Main Character & Seaking
Main Character & Kangaskhan
Main Character & Lapras
Main Character & Seel
Main Character & Dewgong
Main Character & Machop
Main Character & Machoke
Main Character & Machamp
Main Character & Abra
Main Character & Kadabra
Main Character & Alakazam
Main Character & Exeggcute
Main Character & Exeggutor
Main Character & Grimer
Main Character & Muk
Main Character & Pichu
Main Character & Pikachu
Main Character & Raichu
Main Character & Elekid
Main Character & Electabuzz
Main Character & Magnemite
Main Character & Magneton
Main Character & Voltorb
Main Character & Electrode
Main Character & Cleffa
Main Character & Clefairy
Main Character & Clefable
Main Character & Vulpix
Main Character & Ninetales
Main Character & Ponyta
Main Character & Rapidash
Main Character & Omanyte
Main Character & Omastar
Main Character & Farfetch'd
Main Character & Spearow
Main Character & Fearow
Main Character & Staryu
Main Character & Starmie
Main Character & Gastly
Main Character & Haunter
Main Character & Gengar
Main Character & Horsea
Main Character & Seadra
Main Character & Shellder
Main Character & Cloyster
Main Character & Munchlax
Main Character & Snorlax
Main Character & Happiny
Main Character & Chansey
Main Character & Tyrogue
Main Character & Hitmonlee
Main Character & Smoochum
Main Character & Jynx
Main Character & Meowth (Galarian Form)
Main Character & Perrserker
Main Character & Nidoran♂
Main Character & Nidorino
Main Character & Nidoking
Main Character & Diglett
Main Character & Dugtrio
Main Character & Grookey
Main Character & Scorbunny
Main Character & Sobble
Main Character & Caterpie
Main Character & Metapod
Main Character & Butterfree
Main Character & Rhyhorn
Main Character & Rhydon
Main Character & Tentacool
Main Character & Tentacruel
Norman & Slaking
Shauntal & Chandelure
Flint & Infernape
Grimsley & Sharpedo
Grimsley & Sharpedo (Mega Sharpedo)
Karen & Umbreon
Kris & Totodile
Kris & Croconaw
Kris & Feraligatr
Red & Charizard
Red & Charizard (Mega Charizard X)
Silver & Feraligatr
Alder & Volcarona
1Star Crunchy Lucky Cookie
2Star Crunchy Lucky Cookie
3Star Crunchy Lucky Cookie
1 Star Deluxe Lucky Cookie
2 Star Deluxe Lucky Cookie
Power Reserves 3 Powers up the user's moves when in a pinch. Calem & Fennekin
Phoebe & Dusclops
Phoebe & Dusknoir
Morty & Banette
Morty & Banette (Mega Banette)
Gloria & Cinderace
Gloria & Cinderace
Gloria & Cinderace
Piers & Obstagoon
Marnie & Moltres (Galarian Form)
Selene & Rowlet
Selene & Dartrix
Selene & Decidueye
Ghetsis & Kyurem
Power Reserves 4 Powers up the user's moves when in a pinch. Rosa & Dewott Silver & Ho-Oh
May & Mudkip
May & Marshtomp
May & Swampert
May & Swampert (Mega Swampert)
Elio & Popplio
Elio & Brionne
Elio & Primarina
Power Reserves 5 Powers up the user's moves when in a pinch. Brawly & Makuhita
Brawly & Hariyama
Korrina & Lucario
Korrina & Lucario (Mega Lucario)
Lusamine & Pheromosa
Main Character & Pikachu
Main Character & Solgaleo
Main Character & Regirock
Roark & Cranidos
Roark & Rampardos
Dawn & Turtwig
Dawn & Grotle
Dawn & Torterra
The Masked Royal & Incineroar
Shauna & Chesnaught
Power Reserves 6 Powers up the user's moves when in a pinch.
Power Reserves 7 Powers up the user's moves when in a pinch.
Power Reserves 8 Powers up the user's moves when in a pinch.
Power Reserves 9 Powers up the user's moves when in a pinch. Main Character & Pikachu
Power Siphon 1 Has a chance (20%) of lowering the opponent's Attack by one stat rank and raising the user's Attack by the same amount when the user is hit by an attack move.
Power Siphon 2 Has a chance (30%) of lowering the opponent's Attack by one stat rank and raising the user's Attack by the same amount when the user is hit by an attack move.
Power Siphon 3 Has a chance (40%) of lowering the opponent's Attack by one stat rank and raising the user's Attack by the same amount when the user is hit by an attack move.
Power Siphon 4 Has a chance (50%) of lowering the opponent's Attack by one stat rank and raising the user's Attack by the same amount when the user is hit by an attack move.
Power Siphon 5 Has a chance (60%) of lowering the opponent's Attack by one stat rank and raising the user's Attack by the same amount when the user is hit by an attack move.
Power Siphon 6 Has a chance (70%) of lowering the opponent's Attack by one stat rank and raising the user's Attack by the same amount when the user is hit by an attack move.
Power Siphon 7 Has a chance (80%) of lowering the opponent's Attack by one stat rank and raising the user's Attack by the same amount when the user is hit by an attack move.
Power Siphon 8 Has a chance (90%) of lowering the opponent's Attack by one stat rank and raising the user's Attack by the same amount when the user is hit by an attack move.
Power Siphon 9 Lowers the opponent's Attack by one stat rank and raises the user's Attack by the same amount when the user is hit by an attack move. Dawn & Turtwig
Dawn & Grotle
Dawn & Torterra
Precision 1 Raises the user's accuracy by 1 stat rank when its move is successful.
Precision 2 Raises the user's accuracy by 2 stat rank when its move is successful.
Precision 3 Raises the user's accuracy by 3 stat rank when its move is successful.
Precision 4 Raises the user's accuracy by 4 stat rank when its move is successful.
Precision 5 Raises the user's accuracy by 5 stat rank when its move is successful.
Precision 6 Raises the user's accuracy by 6 stat rank when its move is successful.
Precision Pals 1 Raises the accuracy of all allied sync pairs by 1 stat ranks when the user's move is successful.
Precision Pals 2 Raises the accuracy of all allied sync pairs by 2 stat ranks when the user's move is successful.
Precision Pals 3 Raises the accuracy of all allied sync pairs by 3 stat ranks when the user's move is successful.
Precision Rush 1 Raises the user's accuracy by 1 stat ranks after using its sync move.
Precognition 1 Quickly charges the user's move gauge when the terrain is Psychic Terrain. Main Character & Mesprit
Precognition 2 Quickly charges the user's move gauge when the terrain is Psychic Terrain. Main Character & Eevee
Main Character & Espeon
Brendan & Latios
Brendan & Latios (Mega Latios)
Whitney & Sawsbuck (Winter Form)
Will & Xatu
Bianca & Musharna
Lisia & Rapidash (Galarian Form)
N & Sigilyph
Elio & Espeon
Lana & Tapu Lele
Lucian & Girafarig
Bede & Hatterene
Avery & Slowking (Galarian Form)
Precognition 3 Quickly charges the user's move gauge when the terrain is Psychic Terrain. Lusamine & Necrozma (Dusk Mane)
Lusamine & Necrozma (Ultra Necrozma)
Precognition 4 Quickly charges the user's move gauge when the terrain is Psychic Terrain.
Precognition 5 Quickly charges the user's move gauge when the terrain is Psychic Terrain.
Precognition 6 Quickly charges the user's move gauge when the terrain is Psychic Terrain.
Precognition 7 Quickly charges the user's move gauge when the terrain is Psychic Terrain.
Precognition 8 Quickly charges the user's move gauge when the terrain is Psychic Terrain.
Precognition 9 Quickly charges the user's move gauge when the terrain is Psychic Terrain.
Premonition 1 Reduces damage when the user is hit by an attack move while the terrain is Psychic Terrain.
Premonition 2 Reduces damage when the user is hit by an attack move while the terrain is Psychic Terrain. Bellelba & Swoobat
Premonition 3 Reduces damage when the user is hit by an attack move while the terrain is Psychic Terrain.
Premonition 4 Reduces damage when the user is hit by an attack move while the terrain is Psychic Terrain.
Premonition 5 Reduces damage when the user is hit by an attack move while the terrain is Psychic Terrain.
Premonition 6 Reduces damage when the user is hit by an attack move while the terrain is Psychic Terrain.
Premonition 7 Reduces damage when the user is hit by an attack move while the terrain is Psychic Terrain.
Premonition 8 Reduces damage when the user is hit by an attack move while the terrain is Psychic Terrain.
Premonition 9 Reduces damage when the user is hit by an attack move while the terrain is Psychic Terrain.
Pressure Cooker 1 Once per battle, has a chance (20%) of reducing the user's sync move countdown by one when in a pinch. Lisia & Altaria
Lisia & Altaria (Mega Altaria)
Pressure Cooker 2 Once per battle, has a chance (30%) of reducing the user's sync move countdown by one when in a pinch. Elesa & Zebstrika
Pressure Cooker 3 Once per battle, has a chance (40%) of reducing the user's sync move countdown by one when in a pinch.
Pressure Cooker 4 Once per battle, has a chance (50%) of reducing the user's sync move countdown by one when in a pinch. Grimsley & Sharpedo
Grimsley & Sharpedo (Mega Sharpedo)
Hilbert & Oshawott
Hilbert & Dewott
Hilbert & Samurott
Lyra & Jigglypuff
Pressure Cooker 5 Once per battle, has a chance (60%) of reducing the user's sync move countdown by one when in a pinch.
Pressure Cooker 6 Once per battle, has a chance (70%) of reducing the user's sync move countdown by one when in a pinch.
Pressure Cooker 7 Once per battle, has a chance (80%) of reducing the user's sync move countdown by one when in a pinch.
Pressure Cooker 8 Once per battle, has a chance (90%) of reducing the user's sync move countdown by one when in a pinch.
Pressure Cooker 9 Once per battle, reduces the user's sync move countdown by one when in a pinch. Lance & Gyarados
Morty & Drifblim
Pride of Pallet Raises the Defense and Sp. Def of all allied sync pairs by 1 stat rank when the user's attack move is successful. Applies the Free Move Next effect to the user when its attack move is successful. Has a chance (30%) of making the target flinch when the user's attack move against it is successful. Blue & Zapdos
Propeller 1 Has a chance (20%) of reducing the user's sync move countdown by one when its Pokémon uses a move. May & Lopunny
May & Lopunny (Mega Lopunny)
Propelling Move 5 Has a chance (60%) of charging the user's move gauge by one when its Pokémon uses a move. Erika & Tangela
Elio & Popplio
Elio & Brionne
Elio & Primarina
Propelling Strike 5 Has a chance (60%) of charging the user's move gauge by one when its attack move is successful. May & Lopunny (Mega Lopunny)
Propelling Strike 9 Charges the user's move gauge by one when its attack move is successful. Lana & Araquanid Bugsy & Kricketune
Propulsion 1 Has a chance (20%) of reducing the user's sync move countdown by one when the user's move is successful. Diantha & Gardevoir
Diantha & Gardevoir (Mega Gardevoir)
Red & Charizard
Red & Charizard (Mega Charizard X)
May & Blaziken (Mega Blaziken)
Lear & Hoopa
Lillie & Lunala
Propulsion 2 Has a chance (30%) of reducing the user's sync move countdown by one when the user's move is successful.
Propulsion 3 Has a chance (40%) of reducing the user's sync move countdown by one when the user's move is successful.
Propulsion 4 Has a chance (50%) of reducing the user's sync move countdown by one when the user's move is successful.
Propulsion 5 Has a chance (60%) of reducing the user's sync move countdown by one when the user's move is successful.
Propulsion 6 Has a chance (70%) of reducing the user's sync move countdown by one when the user's move is successful.
Propulsion 7 Has a chance (80%) of reducing the user's sync move countdown by one when the user's move is successful.
Propulsion 8 Has a chance (90%) of reducing the user's sync move countdown by one when the user's move is successful.
Propulsion 9 Reduces the user's sync move countdown by one when its move is successful.
Proton's Plan Charges the user's move gauge by 1 when its move is successful. Charges the user's move gauge by 1 when it is hit by an attack move. Proton & Golbat
Psychic Freebie 1 Has a chance (20%) of applying the Free Move Next effect to the user when its attack move is successful while the terrain is Psychic Terrain.
Psychic Freebie 2 Has a chance (30%) of applying the Free Move Next effect to the user when its attack move is successful while the terrain is Psychic Terrain.
Psychic Freebie 3 Has a chance (40%) of applying the Free Move Next effect to the user when its attack move is successful while the terrain is Psychic Terrain.
Psychic Freebie 4 Has a chance (50%) of applying the Free Move Next effect to the user when its attack move is successful while the terrain is Psychic Terrain.
Psychic Freebie 5 Has a chance (60%) of applying the Free Move Next effect to the user when its attack move is successful while the terrain is Psychic Terrain.
Psychic Freebie 6 Has a chance (70%) of applying the Free Move Next effect to the user when its attack move is successful while the terrain is Psychic Terrain.
Psychic Freebie 7 Has a chance (80%) of applying the Free Move Next effect to the user when its attack move is successful while the terrain is Psychic Terrain.
Psychic Freebie 8 Has a chance (90%) of applying the Free Move Next effect to the user when its attack move is successful while the terrain is Psychic Terrain.
Psychic Freebie 9 Applies the Free Move Next effect to the user when its attack move is successful while the terrain is Psychic Terrain. May & Latias
May & Latias (Mega Latias)
Psychic Guard Reduces damage when the user is attacked by Psychic-type moves. Tierno & Crawdaunt Chewy Lucky Cookie
Psychic Power 1 Powers up the user's Psychic-type moves.
Psychic Power 2 Powers up the user's Psychic-type moves.
Psychic Power 3 Powers up the user's Psychic-type moves.
Psychic Power 4 Powers up the user's Psychic-type moves.
Psychic Power 5 Powers up the user's Psychic-type moves.
Psychic Power 6 Powers up the user's Psychic-type moves.
Psychic Power 7 Powers up the user's Psychic-type moves.
Psychic Power 8 Powers up the user's Psychic-type moves.
Psychic Power 9 Powers up the user's Psychic-type moves.
Psychic Stasis Stats cannot be lowered when the terrain is Psychic Terrain.
Psychic Teamwork Powers up the moves of all allied sync pairs by 10%. Reduces attack move damage taken by all allied sync pairs by 10%. The more allied sync pairs with the Psychic theme you have on your team, the higher these percentages are. (Each additional sync pair powers up moves by 5% and reduces damage by 2%. The maximum power-up is 20%, and the maximum damage reduction is 14%.) Main Character & Mesprit
Psychic Terrain Debut & Extension 1 Turns the field of play's terrain into Psychic Terrain the first time the user enters a battle each battle. Extends the duration of Psychic Terrain when the terrain turns into Psychic Terrain while the user is on the field.
Psychic Terrain Debut & Extension 2 Turns the field of play's terrain into Psychic Terrain the first time the user enters a battle each battle. Extends the duration of Psychic Terrain when the terrain turns into Psychic Terrain while the user is on the field.
Psychic Terrain Debut & Extension 3 Turns the field of play's terrain into Psychic Terrain the first time the user enters a battle each battle. Extends the duration of Psychic Terrain when the terrain turns into Psychic Terrain while the user is on the field.
Psychic Terrain Debut & Extension 4 Turns the field of play's terrain into Psychic Terrain the first time the user enters a battle each battle. Extends the duration of Psychic Terrain when the terrain turns into Psychic Terrain while the user is on the field.
Psychic Terrain Debut & Extension 5 Turns the field of play's terrain into Psychic Terrain the first time the user enters a battle each battle. Extends the duration of Psychic Terrain when the terrain turns into Psychic Terrain while the user is on the field. Lana & Tapu Lele
Psychic Terrain Debut & Extension 6 Turns the field of play's terrain into Psychic Terrain the first time the user enters a battle each battle. Extends the duration of Psychic Terrain when the terrain turns into Psychic Terrain while the user is on the field.
Psychic Terrain Debut & Extension 7 Turns the field of play's terrain into Psychic Terrain the first time the user enters a battle each battle. Extends the duration of Psychic Terrain when the terrain turns into Psychic Terrain while the user is on the field.
Psychic Terrain Debut & Extension 8 Turns the field of play's terrain into Psychic Terrain the first time the user enters a battle each battle. Extends the duration of Psychic Terrain when the terrain turns into Psychic Terrain while the user is on the field.
Psychic Terrain Debut & Extension 9 Turns the field of play's terrain into Psychic Terrain the first time the user enters a battle each battle. Extends the duration of Psychic Terrain when the terrain turns into Psychic Terrain while the user is on the field.
Pump Up 1 Charges the user's move gauge by 1 for each allied sync pair on the field after using the user's sync move. When used in a co-op battle, charges the move gauges of all allied players by 1 instead after using the user's sync move.
Pump Up 2 Charges the user's move gauge by 2 for each allied sync pair on the field after using the user's sync move. When used in a co-op battle, charges the move gauges of all allied players by 2 instead after using the user's sync move. Calem & Espurr
Calem & Meowstic
Dawn & Turtwig
Dawn & Grotle
Dawn & Torterra
Pump Up 3 Charges the user's move gauge by 3 for each allied sync pair on the field after using the user's sync move. When used in a co-op battle, charges the move gauges of all allied players by 3 instead after using the user's sync move.
Pump Up 4 Charges the user's move gauge by 4 for each allied sync pair on the field after using the user's sync move. When used in a co-op battle, charges the move gauges of all allied players by 4 instead after using the user's sync move.
Pump Up 5 Charges the user's move gauge by 5 for each allied sync pair on the field after using the user's sync move. When used in a co-op battle, charges the move gauges of all allied players by 5 instead after using the user's sync move.
Pump Up 6 Charges the user's move gauge by 6 for each allied sync pair on the field after using the user's sync move. When used in a co-op battle, charges the move gauges of all allied players by 6 instead after using the user's sync move.
Punishing Strike 1 Has a chance (20%) of lowering the target's Defense by 1 stat ranks when the user's attack move against it hits. If the move has the multistrike effect tag, has a chance (20%) of lowering the target's Defense by 1 stat ranks for each hit. Lorelei & Cloyster
Punishing Strike 2 Has a chance (30%) of lowering the target's Defense by 1 stat ranks when the user's attack move against it hits. If the move has the multistrike effect tag, has a chance (30%) of lowering the target's Defense by 1 stat ranks for each hit. Barry & Heracross
Barry & Heracross (Mega Heracross)
Nate & Haxorus (Shiny Haxorus)
Greta & Breloom
Clavell &
Punishing Strike 3 Has a chance (40%) of lowering the target's Defense by 1 stat ranks when the user's attack move against it hits. If the move has the multistrike effect tag, has a chance (40%) of lowering the target's Defense by 1 stat ranks for each hit.
Punishing Strike 4 Has a chance (50%) of lowering the target's Defense by 1 stat ranks when the user's attack move against it hits. If the move has the multistrike effect tag, has a chance (50%) of lowering the target's Defense by 1 stat ranks for each hit.
Punishing Strike 5 Has a chance (60%) of lowering the target's Defense by 1 stat ranks when the user's attack move against it hits. If the move has the multistrike effect tag, has a chance (60%) of lowering the target's Defense by 1 stat ranks for each hit.
Punishing Strike 6 Has a chance (70%) of lowering the target's Defense by 1 stat ranks when the user's attack move against it hits. If the move has the multistrike effect tag, has a chance (70%) of lowering the target's Defense by 1 stat ranks for each hit.
Punishing Strike 7 Has a chance (80%) of lowering the target's Defense by 1 stat ranks when the user's attack move against it hits. If the move has the multistrike effect tag, has a chance (80%) of lowering the target's Defense by 1 stat ranks for each hit.
Punishing Strike 8 Has a chance (90%) of lowering the target's Defense by 1 stat ranks when the user's attack move against it hits. If the move has the multistrike effect tag, has a chance (90%) of lowering the target's Defense by 1 stat ranks for each hit.
Punishing Strike 9 Lowers the target's Defense by 1 stat ranks when the user's attack move against it hits. If the move has the multistrike effect tag, lowers the target's Defense by 1 stat ranks for each hit. Gloria & Urshifu (Rapid Strike)
Queue Cutter 1 Has a chance (20%) of reducing the user's sync move countdown by one when an opponent's attack move targeting the user misses. Lillie & Ribombee Acerola & Banette
Helena & Haunter
Queue Cutter 2 Has a chance (30%) of reducing the user's sync move countdown by one when an opponent's attack move targeting the user misses. Calem & Greninja (Shiny Greninja)
Calem & Greninja (Shiny Greninja)
N & Zoroark
Olympia & Sigilyph
Queue Cutter 3 Has a chance (40%) of reducing the user's sync move countdown by one when an opponent's attack move targeting the user misses.
Queue Cutter 4 Has a chance (50%) of reducing the user's sync move countdown by one when an opponent's attack move targeting the user misses.
Queue Cutter 5 Has a chance (60%) of reducing the user's sync move countdown by one when an opponent's attack move targeting the user misses.
Queue Cutter 6 Has a chance (70%) of reducing the user's sync move countdown by one when an opponent's attack move targeting the user misses.
Queue Cutter 7 Has a chance (80%) of reducing the user's sync move countdown by one when an opponent's attack move targeting the user misses.
Queue Cutter 8 Has a chance (90%) of reducing the user's sync move countdown by one when an opponent's attack move targeting the user misses.
Queue Cutter 9 Reduces the user's sync move countdown by one when an opponent's attack move targeting the user misses.
Quick Combo 3 Has a chance (40%) of restoring one MP for the user's moves with a quick move effect tag when its attack move is successful. Nate & Braviary
Nita & Landorus
Rosa & Dewott
Quick Cure Removes the confused, flinching, and trapped conditions from the user the first time they are inflicted each battle. Erika & Comfey
Gladion & Golbat
Main Character & Rattata
Main Character & Raticate
Main Character & Bellsprout
Main Character & Weepinbell
Main Character & Victreebel
Main Character & Venonat
Main Character & Venomoth
Main Character & Onix
Main Character & Lapras
Main Character & Exeggcute
Main Character & Exeggutor
Main Character & Magnemite
Main Character & Magneton
Main Character & Sandshrew
Main Character & Sandslash
Main Character & Psyduck
Main Character & Golduck
Main Character & Rhyhorn
Main Character & Rhydon
Professor Oak & Nidorino
Evelyn & Entei
Petey & Pikachu (Female)
Acerola & Banette
Acerola & Jellicent
Agatha & Arbok
Barry & Roserade
Barry & Floatzel
Blue & Blastoise
Blue & Blastoise (Mega Blastoise)
Blue & Exeggutor
Blue & Zapdos
Brendan & Latios
Brendan & Latios (Mega Latios)
Brock & Kabutops
Bruno & Onix
Bugsy & Scyther
Cheren & Purrloin
Cheryl & Wailord
Clair & Drampa
Cynthia & Gastrodon
Cynthia & Garchomp
Cynthia & Garchomp (Mega Garchomp)
Diantha & Gardevoir
Diantha & Gardevoir (Mega Gardevoir)
Diantha & Diancie (Shiny Diancie)
Diantha & Diancie (Shiny Mega Diancie)
Erika & Tangela
Giovanni & Persian
Giovanni & Guzzlord
Gladion & Weavile
Hugh & Unfezant
Janine & Ariados
Janine & Crobat
Lance & Dragonair
Lance & Dragonite
Lillie & Comfey
Liza & Lunatone
Lorelei & Lapras
Lt. Surge & Raichu
Lusamine & Pheromosa
Lyra & Celebi
Main Character & Torchic
Main Character & Cobalion
Main Character & Regirock
Maylene & Meditite
Maylene & Medicham
Mina & Tapu Fini
Norman & Slaking
Olivia & Carbink
Phoebe & Cofagrigus
Professor Sycamore & Xerneas
Professor Sycamore & Gogoat
Red & Snorlax
Rosa & Meloetta (Aria Form)
Rosa & Meloetta (Pirouette Forme)
Silver & Tyranitar (Shiny Tyranitar)
Silver & Tyranitar (Shiny Mega Tyranitar)
Silver & Crobat
Steven & Deoxys (Normal Forme)
Steven & Deoxys (Normal Forme)
Steven & Deoxys (Attack Forme)
Steven & Deoxys (Defense Forme)
Steven & Deoxys (Speed Forme)
Tate & Jirachi
Thorton & Magnezone
Wally & Gallade
Wally & Gallade (Mega Gallade)
Wally & Delcatty
Wally & Altaria
Winona & Altaria
Leaf & Moltres
Guzma & Ariados
Clemont & Magneton
Jasmine & Celesteela
Jasmine & Ampharos
Jasmine & Ampharos (Mega Ampharos)
Dawn & Turtwig
Dawn & Grotle
Dawn & Torterra
Dawn & Oricorio (Sensu Style)
Morty & Mismagius
Morty & Banette
Morty & Banette (Mega Banette)
Morty & Ho-Oh (Shiny Ho-Oh)
Morty & Gastly
Gloria & Urshifu (Rapid Strike)
Gloria & Cinderace
Gloria & Cinderace
Gloria & Cinderace
N & Reshiram
N & Kyurem (Black Kyurem)
Mallow & Appletun
Mallow & Shiinotic
Lear & Krookodile
Rachel & Umbreon
Rachel & (Roaming Form)
Sawyer & Honchkrow
Leon & Dragapult
Leon & Charizard
Marnie & Scrafty
Marnie & Cinderace
Elio & Popplio
Elio & Brionne
Elio & Primarina
Elio & Stakataka
Selene & Nihilego
Lana & Tapu Lele
Raihan & Gigalith
Raihan & Sandaconda
Ingo & Excadrill
Ingo & Chandelure
Hop & Zamazenta (Crowned Shield)
Hop & Pincurchin
Falkner & Swellow
Falkner & Noctowl
Lucas & Torterra
Aaron & Vespiquen
Bede & Articuno (Galarian Form)
Chuck & Poliwrath
Ash & Pikachu
Victor & Rillaboom
Victor & Spectrier
Victor & Greedent
Shauna & Sylveon
Trevor & Florges (Orange Flower)
Tierno & Crawdaunt
Malva & Talonflame
Kali & Azumarill
Drasna & Dragalge
Anabel & Snorlax
Rose & Perrserker
Nemona & Lycanroc
Dana & Regice
Tina & Flareon
Argenta & Skarmory
Rei & Decidueye (Hisuian Form)
Lenora & Watchog
Penny & Sylveon
Eve & Eevee
Katherine & Slurpuff
Iono &
Iono &
Grusha &
Grusha & Beartic
Chase & Pikachu
Riley & Lucario
Volo & Togepi
Jacq &
Brycen-man & Zoroark
Poppy &
Greta & Breloom
Klara & Slowbro (Galarian Form)
Avery & Slowking (Galarian Form)
Arven &
Arven &
Morgan & Virizion
Clavell &
Giacomo &
Dexio & Espeon
Sina & Glaceon
Blossom & Kirlia
Mela &
Atticus &
Quick Tempo Applies the Move Gauge Acceleration effect to the allied field of play the first time the user enters a battle each battle. Caitlin & Sableye
Main Character & Alcremie (Ruby Cream - Berry Sweet)
Main Character & Alcremie (Matcha Cream - Clover Sweet)
Main Character & Alcremie (Mint Cream - Star Sweet)
Main Character & Alcremie (Lemon Cream - Flower Sweet)
Main Character & Alcremie (Salted Cream - Ribbon Sweet)
Main Character & Alcremie (Caramel Swirl - Love Sweet)
Kiawe & Marowak (Alola Form)
Kali & Azumarill
Akari & Samurott (Hisuian Form)
Blossom & Kirlia
Blaine & Ponyta
Blaine & Rapidash
Drake & Salamence
Elesa & Togetic
Gladion & Weavile
Hau & Tapu Koko
Janine & Ariados
Korrina & Marshadow
Lance & Dragonair
Lillie & Clefairy
Lillie & Lunala
Lt. Surge & Voltorb
Lt. Surge & Electrode
Main Character & Torchic
Steven & Stoutland (Shiny Stoutland)
Wally & Gardevoir (Shiny Gardevoir)
Wally & Gardevoir (Shiny Mega Gardevoir)
Dawn & Oricorio (Sensu Style)
Serena & Fletchling
Marnie & Grimmsnarl
Evelyn & Entei
Hop & Pincurchin
Falkner & Swellow
Shauna & Sylveon
Irida & Glaceon
Argenta & Skarmory
Anabel Lucky Cookie 1
Akari Lucky Cookie 1
Lillie Lucky Cookie 1
Iono Lucky Cookie 1
Atticus Lucky Cookie 1
Giovanni Sygna Suit Alt Lucky Cookie 1
Racing Rain 1 Quickly charges the move gauge when the weather is rainy. Main Character &
Misty & Psyduck
Crasher Wake & Floatzel
Kris & Suicune
Siebold & Octillery
Looker & Croagunk
Racing Rain 2 Quickly charges the move gauge when the weather is rainy. Clair & Kingdra
Crasher Wake & Floatzel
Main Character & Squirtle
Main Character & Wartortle
Main Character & Blastoise
Main Character & Eevee
Main Character & Vaporeon
Winona & Pelipper
May & Mudkip
May & Marshtomp
May & Swampert
Blue & Blastoise
Blue & Blastoise (Mega Blastoise)
Calem & Greninja (Shiny Greninja)
Calem & Greninja (Shiny Greninja)
Clay & Palpitoad
Clay & Seismitoad
Lance & Kingdra
Marlon & Carracosta
Mina & Tapu Fini
Ethan & Lugia
Leaf & Blastoise
Gloria & Urshifu (Rapid Strike)
Mallow & Shiinotic
May & Wailmer
Lysandre & Volcanion
Lana & Araquanid
Bede & Inteleon
Melony & Lapras
Dahlia & Ludicolo
Clavell &
Racing Rain 3 Quickly charges the move gauge when the weather is rainy. Lance & Gyarados
Lyra & Vaporeon
Nessa & Drednaw
Adaman & Vaporeon
Racing Rain 4 Quickly charges the move gauge when the weather is rainy. May & Swampert (Mega Swampert)
Racing Rain 5 Quickly charges the move gauge when the weather is rainy.
Racing Rain 6 Quickly charges the move gauge when the weather is rainy.
Racing Rain 7 Quickly charges the move gauge when the weather is rainy.
Racing Rain 8 Quickly charges the move gauge when the weather is rainy.
Racing Rain 9 Quickly charges the move gauge when the weather is rainy.
Raging Rain 1 Powers up the user's moves when the weather is rainy.
Raging Rain 2 Powers up the user's moves when the weather is rainy. Lance & Gyarados
Siebold & Octillery
Lysandre & Volcanion
Clavell &
Raging Rain 3 Powers up the user's moves when the weather is rainy. May & Mudkip
May & Marshtomp
May & Swampert
Blue & Blastoise
Blue & Blastoise (Mega Blastoise)
Crasher Wake & Floatzel
Leaf & Blastoise
Nessa & Drednaw
Raging Rain 4 Powers up the user's moves when the weather is rainy.
Raging Rain 5 Powers up the user's moves when the weather is rainy. May & Swampert (Mega Swampert) Lyra & Vaporeon
Viola & Surskit
Viola & Masquerain
Clemont & Heliolisk
Dahlia & Ludicolo
Rain Caller Makes the weather rainy after using the user's sync move. Lyra & Vaporeon
Rain Gear 1 Reduces damage when the user is hit by an attack move while the weather is rainy. Lance & Kingdra
Mina & Tapu Fini
Lana & Araquanid
Looker & Croagunk
Rain Gear 2 Reduces damage when the user is hit by an attack move while the weather is rainy. Adaman & Vaporeon Calem & Greninja (Shiny Greninja)
Calem & Greninja (Shiny Greninja)
Cynthia & Gastrodon
Marlon & Carracosta
Leaf & Blastoise
Archie & Kyogre
Crasher Wake Lucky Cookie 1
Rain Gear 3 Reduces damage when the user is hit by an attack move while the weather is rainy. Lyra & Vaporeon
Rain Gear 4 Reduces damage when the user is hit by an attack move while the weather is rainy.
Rain Gear 5 Reduces damage when the user is hit by an attack move while the weather is rainy.
Rainy Immunity Status conditions cannot be inflicted on the user when the weather is rainy. Leaf & Blastoise
Serena & Greninja
Serena & Greninja
Bede & Inteleon
Adaman & Vaporeon
Dahlia & Ludicolo
Rika & Whiscash
Rainy Mind-Blowing Strike 1 Has a chance (20%) of lowering the target's Sp. Def by 1 stat rank when the user's attack move against it hits while the weather is rainy. If the move has the multistrike effect tag and the weather is rainy, has a chance (30%) of lowering the target's Sp. Def by 1 stat rank for each hit.
Rainy Mind-Blowing Strike 2 Has a chance (30%) of lowering the target's Sp. Def by 1 stat rank when the user's attack move against it hits while the weather is rainy. If the move has the multistrike effect tag and the weather is rainy, has a chance (30%) of lowering the target's Sp. Def by 1 stat rank for each hit.
Rainy Mind-Blowing Strike 3 Has a chance (40%) of lowering the target's Sp. Def by 1 stat rank when the user's attack move against it hits while the weather is rainy. If the move has the multistrike effect tag and the weather is rainy, has a chance (30%) of lowering the target's Sp. Def by 1 stat rank for each hit.
Rainy Mind-Blowing Strike 4 Has a chance (50%) of lowering the target's Sp. Def by 1 stat rank when the user's attack move against it hits while the weather is rainy. If the move has the multistrike effect tag and the weather is rainy, has a chance (30%) of lowering the target's Sp. Def by 1 stat rank for each hit.
Rainy Mind-Blowing Strike 5 Has a chance (60%) of lowering the target's Sp. Def by 1 stat rank when the user's attack move against it hits while the weather is rainy. If the move has the multistrike effect tag and the weather is rainy, has a chance (30%) of lowering the target's Sp. Def by 1 stat rank for each hit.
Rainy Mind-Blowing Strike 6 Has a chance (70%) of lowering the target's Sp. Def by 1 stat rank when the user's attack move against it hits while the weather is rainy. If the move has the multistrike effect tag and the weather is rainy, has a chance (30%) of lowering the target's Sp. Def by 1 stat rank for each hit.
Rainy Mind-Blowing Strike 7 Has a chance (80%) of lowering the target's Sp. Def by 1 stat rank when the user's attack move against it hits while the weather is rainy. If the move has the multistrike effect tag and the weather is rainy, has a chance (30%) of lowering the target's Sp. Def by 1 stat rank for each hit.
Rainy Mind-Blowing Strike 8 Has a chance (90%) of lowering the target's Sp. Def by 1 stat rank when the user's attack move against it hits while the weather is rainy. If the move has the multistrike effect tag and the weather is rainy, has a chance (30%) of lowering the target's Sp. Def by 1 stat rank for each hit.
Rainy Mind-Blowing Strike 9 Lowers the target's Sp. Def by 1 stat rank when the user's attack move against it hits while the weather is rainy. If the move has the multistrike effect tag and the weather is rainy, has a chance (30%) of lowering the target's Sp. Def by 1 stat rank for each hit.
Rainy Propulsion 1 Has a chance (20%) of reducing the user's sync move countdown by one when its move is successful while the weather is rainy. Archie & Kyogre
Ramming Speed The more the user's Speed is raised, the more it powers up the user's moves. Professor Sycamore & Bulbasaur
Serena & Whimsicott
N & Sigilyph
Leon & Eternatus
Agatha & Gengar
Agatha & Gengar (Mega Gengar)
Barry & Piplup
Barry & Prinplup
Barry & Empoleon
Barry & Heracross
Barry & Heracross (Mega Heracross)
Barry & Floatzel
Brendan & Treecko
Brendan & Grovyle
Brendan & Sceptile
Brendan & Sceptile (Mega Sceptle)
Candice & Abomasnow
Clay & Palpitoad
Clay & Seismitoad
Cynthia & Garchomp
Cynthia & Garchomp (Mega Garchomp)
Elesa & Zebstrika
Erika & Leafeon
Giovanni & Persian
Hilbert & Mightyena
Hilda & Tepig
Hilda & Pignite
Hilda & Emboar
Janine & Crobat
Nanu & Persian (Alola Form)
Noland & Ninjask
Roxie & Whirlipede
Roxie & Scolipede
Shauntal & Chandelure
Silver & Ho-Oh
Silver & Feraligatr
Skyla & Swanna
Skyla & Togekiss
Wally & Gallade
Wally & Gallade (Mega Gallade)
Whitney & Miltank
Winona & Pelipper
Volkner & Electivire
Lisia & Rapidash (Galarian Form)
Gloria & Inteleon
May & Lopunny
May & Lopunny (Mega Lopunny)
Selene & Rowlet
Selene & Dartrix
Selene & Decidueye
Selene & Nihilego
Nessa & Eiscue
Nessa & Eiscue (Noice Face)
The Masked Royal & Incineroar
Naomi & Sandslash
Gordie & Coalossal
Shauna & Sylveon
Emma & Crobat
Oleana & Garbodor
Riley & Lucario
Larry &
Dexio & Espeon
Ramp Up 1 Raises the user's Sp. Atk by 1 stat ranks when its move is successful.
Ramp Up 2 Raises the user's Sp. Atk by 2 stat ranks when its move is successful.
Ramp Up 3 Raises the user's Sp. Atk by 3 stat ranks when its move is successful.
Ramp Up 4 Raises the user's Sp. Atk by 4 stat ranks when its move is successful.
Ramp Up 5 Raises the user's Sp. Atk by 5 stat ranks when its move is successful.
Ramp Up 6 Raises the user's Sp. Atk by 6 stat ranks when its move is successful.
Randomizer's Raise 1 Has achance (20%) of raising one of the following stats by 1 stat rank at random when the user's move is successful: Attack, Defense, Sp. Atk, Sp. Def, or Speed.
Randomizer's Raise 2 Has achance (30%) of raising one of the following stats by 1 stat rank at random when the user's move is successful: Attack, Defense, Sp. Atk, Sp. Def, or Speed.
Randomizer's Raise 3 Has achance (40%) of raising one of the following stats by 1 stat rank at random when the user's move is successful: Attack, Defense, Sp. Atk, Sp. Def, or Speed.
Randomizer's Raise 4 Has achance (50%) of raising one of the following stats by 1 stat rank at random when the user's move is successful: Attack, Defense, Sp. Atk, Sp. Def, or Speed.
Randomizer's Raise 5 Has achance (60%) of raising one of the following stats by 1 stat rank at random when the user's move is successful: Attack, Defense, Sp. Atk, Sp. Def, or Speed.
Randomizer's Raise 6 Has achance (70%) of raising one of the following stats by 1 stat rank at random when the user's move is successful: Attack, Defense, Sp. Atk, Sp. Def, or Speed.
Randomizer's Raise 7 Has achance (80%) of raising one of the following stats by 1 stat rank at random when the user's move is successful: Attack, Defense, Sp. Atk, Sp. Def, or Speed.
Randomizer's Raise 8 Has achance (90%) of raising one of the following stats by 1 stat rank at random when the user's move is successful: Attack, Defense, Sp. Atk, Sp. Def, or Speed.
Randomizer's Raise 9 Raises one of the following stats by 1 stat rank at random when the user's move is successful: Attack, Defense, Sp. Atk, Sp. Def, or Speed.
Ready for a Brawl 1 Reduces damage when the user is hit by an attack move while the zone is a Fighting Zone.
Ready for a Brawl 2 Reduces damage when the user is hit by an attack move while the zone is a Fighting Zone. Hop & Zapdos (Galarian Form)
Ready for a Brawl 3 Reduces damage when the user is hit by an attack move while the zone is a Fighting Zone.
Ready for a Brawl 4 Reduces damage when the user is hit by an attack move while the zone is a Fighting Zone.
Ready for a Brawl 5 Reduces damage when the user is hit by an attack move while the zone is a Fighting Zone.
Ready for a Brawl 6 Reduces damage when the user is hit by an attack move while the zone is a Fighting Zone.
Ready for a Brawl 7 Reduces damage when the user is hit by an attack move while the zone is a Fighting Zone.
Ready for a Brawl 8 Reduces damage when the user is hit by an attack move while the zone is a Fighting Zone.
Ready for a Brawl 9 Reduces damage when the user is hit by an attack move while the zone is a Fighting Zone.
Ready for Anything 1 Reduces damage when the user is hit by an attack move or sync move while it is in a counter attacking posture or ready to attack.
Ready for Anything 2 Reduces damage when the user is hit by an attack move or sync move while it is in a counter attacking posture or ready to attack.
Ready for Anything 3 Reduces damage when the user is hit by an attack move or sync move while it is in a counter attacking posture or ready to attack.
Ready for Anything 4 Reduces damage when the user is hit by an attack move or sync move while it is in a counter attacking posture or ready to attack.
Ready for Anything 5 Reduces damage when the user is hit by an attack move or sync move while it is in a counter attacking posture or ready to attack. N & Kyurem (Black Kyurem)
Selene & Nihilego
Ready for Anything 6 Reduces damage when the user is hit by an attack move or sync move while it is in a counter attacking posture or ready to attack.
Ready for Anything 7 Reduces damage when the user is hit by an attack move or sync move while it is in a counter attacking posture or ready to attack.
Ready for Anything 8 Reduces damage when the user is hit by an attack move or sync move while it is in a counter attacking posture or ready to attack.
Ready for Anything 9 Reduces damage when the user is hit by an attack move or sync move while it is in a counter attacking posture or ready to attack.
Really Prepared 1 Has a chance (20%) of reducing the user's sync move countdown by 1 when an attack move, which was conducted after leaving the counter attacking posture or after getting ready to attack, is successful.
Really Prepared 2 Has a chance (30%) of reducing the user's sync move countdown by 1 when an attack move, which was conducted after leaving the counter attacking posture or after getting ready to attack, is successful.
Really Prepared 3 Has a chance (40%) of reducing the user's sync move countdown by 1 when an attack move, which was conducted after leaving the counter attacking posture or after getting ready to attack, is successful.
Really Prepared 4 Has a chance (50%) of reducing the user's sync move countdown by 1 when an attack move, which was conducted after leaving the counter attacking posture or after getting ready to attack, is successful.
Really Prepared 5 Has a chance (60%) of reducing the user's sync move countdown by 1 when an attack move, which was conducted after leaving the counter attacking posture or after getting ready to attack, is successful.
Really Prepared 6 Has a chance (70%) of reducing the user's sync move countdown by 1 when an attack move, which was conducted after leaving the counter attacking posture or after getting ready to attack, is successful.
Really Prepared 7 Has a chance (80%) of reducing the user's sync move countdown by 1 when an attack move, which was conducted after leaving the counter attacking posture or after getting ready to attack, is successful.
Really Prepared 8 Has a chance (90%) of reducing the user's sync move countdown by 1 when an attack move, which was conducted after leaving the counter attacking posture or after getting ready to attack, is successful.
Really Prepared 9 Reduces the user's sync move countdown by 1 when an attack move, which was conducted after leaving the counter attacking posture or after getting ready to attack, is successful.
Rebuff Reducing Hit (Ground) Lowers the target's Ground Type Rebuff by 1 rank the first time the user's attack move is successful each battle. Lyra & Phanpy
Rebuff Reducing Hit (Steel) Lowers the target's Steel Type Rebuff by 1 rank the first time the user's attack move is successful each battle. Gloria & Zacian (Crowned Sword)
Rebuff Reducing Hit (Weakness) Lowers the target's Type Rebuff of its weakness type by 1 rank the first time the user's attack move is successful each battle. Steven & Stoutland (Shiny Stoutland)
Larry &
Recharging Strike 1 Has a chance (20%) of charging the user's move gauge by one when its attack move hits. If the move has the multistrike effect tag, has a chance (20%) of charging the user's move gauge by one for each hit. Barry Lucky Cookie 1
Recharging Strike 2 Has a chance (30%) of charging the user's move gauge by one when its attack move hits. If the move has the multistrike effect tag, has a chance (30%) of charging the user's move gauge by one for each hit.
Recharging Strike 3 Has a chance (40%) of charging the user's move gauge by one when its attack move hits. If the move has the multistrike effect tag, has a chance (40%) of charging the user's move gauge by one for each hit. Morgan & Virizion
Recharging Strike 4 Has a chance (50%) of charging the user's move gauge by one when its attack move hits. If the move has the multistrike effect tag, has a chance (50%) of charging the user's move gauge by one for each hit. Lorelei & Cloyster
Gloria & Urshifu (Rapid Strike)
Clavell &
Greta & Breloom
Recharging Strike 5 Has a chance (60%) of charging the user's move gauge by one when its attack move hits. If the move has the multistrike effect tag, has a chance (60%) of charging the user's move gauge by one for each hit.
Recharging Strike 6 Has a chance (70%) of charging the user's move gauge by one when its attack move hits. If the move has the multistrike effect tag, has a chance (70%) of charging the user's move gauge by one for each hit.
Recharging Strike 7 Has a chance (80%) of charging the user's move gauge by one when its attack move hits. If the move has the multistrike effect tag, has a chance (80%) of charging the user's move gauge by one for each hit.
Recharging Strike 8 Has a chance (90%) of charging the user's move gauge by one when its attack move hits. If the move has the multistrike effect tag, has a chance (90%) of charging the user's move gauge by one for each hit.
Recharging Strike 9 Charges the user's move gauge by one when its attack move hits. If the move has the multistrike effect tag, charges the user's move gauge by one for each hit. Calem & Greninja (Shiny Greninja)
Hilda & Victini
Eusine & Suicune (Shiny Suicune)
Diantha & Gardevoir
Diantha & Gardevoir (Mega Gardevoir)
Red & Articuno
Reckless Boost 1 Has a chance (20%) of powering up the user's moves that have the recoil effect tag.
Reckless Boost 2 Has a chance (30%) of powering up the user's moves that have the recoil effect tag.
Reckless Boost 3 Has a chance (40%) of powering up the user's moves that have the recoil effect tag.
Reckless Boost 4 Has a chance (50%) of powering up the user's moves that have the recoil effect tag.
Reckless Boost 5 Has a chance (60%) of powering up the user's moves that have the recoil effect tag.
Reckless Boost 6 Has a chance (70%) of powering up the user's moves that have the recoil effect tag.
Reckless Boost 7 Has a chance (80%) of powering up the user's moves that have the recoil effect tag.
Reckless Boost 8 Has a chance (90%) of powering up the user's moves that have the recoil effect tag.
Reckless Boost 9 Powers up the user's moves that have the recoil effect tag. Hugh & Bouffalant
Recoil Removal 1 Has a chance (20%) of negating recoil damage when using moves that have recoil in the effect tag.
Recoil Removal 2 Has a chance (30%) of negating recoil damage when using moves that have recoil in the effect tag.
Recoil Removal 3 Has a chance (40%) of negating recoil damage when using moves that have recoil in the effect tag.
Recoil Removal 4 Has a chance (50%) of negating recoil damage when using moves that have recoil in the effect tag. Hugh & Bouffalant
Recoil Removal 5 Has a chance (60%) of negating recoil damage when using moves that have recoil in the effect tag.
Recoil Removal 6 Has a chance (70%) of negating recoil damage when using moves that have recoil in the effect tag.
Recoil Removal 7 Has a chance (80%) of negating recoil damage when using moves that have recoil in the effect tag.
Recoil Removal 8 Has a chance (90%) of negating recoil damage when using moves that have recoil in the effect tag.
Recoil Removal 9 Negates recoil damage when using moves that have recoil in the effect tag. Blue & Aerodactyl (Mega Aerodactyl)
Blue & Charizard
Diantha & Tyrantrum
Skyla & Unfezant (Female)
S-Move: HP Recovery (M) 1 Restores the user's HP by approximately 20% of its maximum HP after using its sync move. Elesa & Joltik
Janine & Crobat
Main Character & Tangela
Jasmine & Magnemite
Lysandre & Yveltal
Acerola & Banette
Marlon & Carracosta
Professor Sycamore & Xerneas
Sabrina & Alakazam
Sabrina & Alakazam (Mega Alakazam)
Leaf & Eevee
May & Wailmer
Lana & Tapu Lele
Melony & Lapras
Adaman & Vaporeon
S-Move: HP Recovery (M) 2 Restores the user's HP by approximately 40% of its maximum HP after using its sync move. Wallace & Milotic Hugh & Bouffalant
Lance & Dragonite
Steven & Metagross
Steven & Metagross (Mega Metagross)
Jasmine & Steelix
Jasmine & Steelix (Mega Steelix)
Dawn & Oricorio (Sensu Style)
Bede & Hatterene
Bede & Articuno (Galarian Form)
Argenta & Skarmory
Rika &
Larry &
Giacomo &
Red's Fighting Spirit Extends the duration of Electric Terrain when the terrain turns into Electric Terrain while the user is on the field. Quickly charges the move gauge when the terrain is Electric Terrain. Restores the user's HP whenever its Pokémon takes an action when the terrain is Electric Terrain. Red & Pikachu
Refreshing Rain 1 Restores the user's HP whenever its Pokémon takes an action while the weather is rainy. Blue & Blastoise
Blue & Blastoise (Mega Blastoise)
Clay & Palpitoad
Clay & Seismitoad
Cynthia & Gastrodon
Kris & Suicune
Lance & Gyarados
Lance & Kingdra
Lyra & Vaporeon
Mina & Tapu Fini
Skyla & Swanna
Viola & Surskit
Viola & Masquerain
Winona & Pelipper
Ethan & Lugia
Clemont & Heliolisk
Serena & Greninja
Serena & Greninja
Cyrus & Palkia
Mallow & Shiinotic
May & Mudkip
May & Marshtomp
May & Swampert
May & Swampert (Mega Swampert)
Lana & Araquanid
Melony & Lapras
Dahlia & Ludicolo
Clavell &
Refreshing Rain 2 Restores the user's HP whenever its Pokémon takes an action while the weather is rainy.
Refreshing Rain 3 Restores the user's HP whenever its Pokémon takes an action while the weather is rainy.
Refreshing Rain 4 Restores the user's HP whenever its Pokémon takes an action while the weather is rainy.
Refreshing Rain 5 Restores the user's HP whenever its Pokémon takes an action while the weather is rainy.
Refreshing Water Guard Reduces damage when the user is attacked by Water-type moves. Restores the user's HP whenever its Pokémon takes an action while the weather is rainy. Looker & Croagunk Marnie & Toxicroak
Rejuvenate 6 Charges the user's move gauge by 6 after using a sync move. Lillie & Lunala
Alder & Volcarona
Giovanni & Nidoking
Hugh & Unfezant
Kris & Jolteon
Lance & Dragonite
Lusamine & Pheromosa
Lyra & Vaporeon
Red & Charizard
Red & Charizard (Mega Charizard X)
Wally & Altaria
Jasmine & Steelix
Jasmine & Steelix (Mega Steelix)
Serena & Zygarde
Serena & Zygarde (Complete Forme)
Gloria & Thwackey
Lysandre & Yveltal
Lear & Hoopa
Leon & Charizard
Lucas & Flareon
Chuck & Poliwrath
Ash & Pikachu
Victor & Rillaboom
Shauna & Chesnaught
Emma & Crobat
Lenora & Watchog
Relentless The more the target's Defense is lowered, the more it powers up the user's sync move. Ariana & Arbok
Brawly & Makuhita
Brawly & Hariyama
Hilda & Leafeon
Lance & Dragonite
Marshal & Conkeldurr
Nanu & Persian (Alola Form)
Thorton & Bronzong
Wally & Altaria
Leaf & Venusaur (Female)
Leaf & Venusaur (Mega Venusaur)
Gloria & Urshifu (Rapid Strike)
Selene & Umbreon
Nessa & Drednaw
Ingo & Accelgor
Resilience Applies the Condition Nullification effect to the user when status conditions are removed from it. Applies the Condition Nullification effect to the user when flinching, confused and trapped conditions are removed from it.
Resilient 1
Restoring Strike 1 Has a chance (20%) of restoring the user's HP when its attack move hits. If the move has the multistrike effect tag, has a chance (20%) of restoring the user's HP for each hit.
Restoring Strike 2 Has a chance (30%) of restoring the user's HP when its attack move hits. If the move has the multistrike effect tag, has a chance (30%) of restoring the user's HP for each hit. Calem & Greninja (Shiny Greninja)
Lorelei & Cloyster
Morgan & Virizion
Clavell &
Restoring Strike 3 Has a chance (40%) of restoring the user's HP when its attack move hits. If the move has the multistrike effect tag, has a chance (40%) of restoring the user's HP for each hit.
Restoring Strike 4 Has a chance (50%) of restoring the user's HP when its attack move hits. If the move has the multistrike effect tag, has a chance (50%) of restoring the user's HP for each hit. Gloria & Urshifu (Rapid Strike)
Restoring Strike 5 Has a chance (60%) of restoring the user's HP when its attack move hits. If the move has the multistrike effect tag, has a chance (60%) of restoring the user's HP for each hit.
Restoring Strike 6 Has a chance (70%) of restoring the user's HP when its attack move hits. If the move has the multistrike effect tag, has a chance (70%) of restoring the user's HP for each hit.
Restoring Strike 7 Has a chance (80%) of restoring the user's HP when its attack move hits. If the move has the multistrike effect tag, has a chance (80%) of restoring the user's HP for each hit.
Restoring Strike 8 Has a chance (90%) of restoring the user's HP when its attack move hits. If the move has the multistrike effect tag, has a chance (90%) of restoring the user's HP for each hit.
Restoring Strike 9 Restores the user's HP when its attack move hits. If the move has the multistrike effect tag, restores the user's HP for each hit.
Restrained Freebie 3 Has a chance (40%) of applying the Free Move Next effect to the user when its attack move is successful while it is restrained. Nessa & Drednaw
Restrained Power-Up 5 Powers up the user's moves when it is restrained. Nessa & Drednaw
Restrained Recovery 1 Restores the user's HP whenever its Pokémon takes an action while it is restrained. Nessa & Drednaw
Restrained Scope 1 Has a chance (20%) of lowering the target's accuracy by 1 stat rank when the user's attack move is successful against a restrained opponent.
Restrained Scope 2 Has a chance (30%) of lowering the target's accuracy by 1 stat rank when the user's attack move is successful against a restrained opponent.
Restrained Scope 3 Has a chance (40%) of lowering the target's accuracy by 1 stat rank when the user's attack move is successful against a restrained opponent.
Restrained Scope 4 Has a chance (50%) of lowering the target's accuracy by 1 stat rank when the user's attack move is successful against a restrained opponent.
Restrained Scope 5 Has a chance (60%) of lowering the target's accuracy by 1 stat rank when the user's attack move is successful against a restrained opponent. Arven &
Restrained Scope 6 Has a chance (70%) of lowering the target's accuracy by 1 stat rank when the user's attack move is successful against a restrained opponent.
Restrained Scope 7 Has a chance (80%) of lowering the target's accuracy by 1 stat rank when the user's attack move is successful against a restrained opponent.
Restrained Scope 8 Has a chance (90%) of lowering the target's accuracy by 1 stat rank when the user's attack move is successful against a restrained opponent.
Restrained Scope 9 Lowers the target's accuracy by 1 stat rank when the user's attack move is successful against a restrained opponent. Steven & Stoutland (Shiny Stoutland)
Restraining Countdown 1 Has a chance (20%) of reducing the user's sync move countdown by one when the user's attack move is successful against a restrained opponent. Selene & Rowlet
Selene & Dartrix
Selene & Decidueye
Restraining Sync-Up 1 Powers up sync moves when the target is restrained.
Restraining Sync-Up 2 Powers up sync moves when the target is restrained.
Restraining Sync-Up 3 Powers up sync moves when the target is restrained.
Restraining Sync-Up 4 Powers up sync moves when the target is restrained.
Restraining Sync-Up 5 Powers up the user's sync move when the target is restrained. Serena & Zygarde Selene & Rowlet
Selene & Dartrix
Selene & Decidueye
Restraining Sync-Up 5 Powers up sync moves when the target is restrained. Serena & Zygarde Selene & Rowlet
Selene & Dartrix
Selene & Decidueye
Restraining Sync-Up 6 Powers up sync moves when the target is restrained.
Restraining Sync-Up 7 Powers up sync moves when the target is restrained.
Restraining Sync-Up 8 Powers up sync moves when the target is restrained.
Restraining Sync-Up 9 Powers up sync moves when the target is restrained. Steven & Stoutland (Shiny Stoutland)
Retaliatory Stat Steal 1 Has a chance (20%) of lowering one of the following stats of an opponent that attacked the user by 1 stat rank at random when the user is hit by an attack move: Attack, Defense, Sp. Atk, Sp. Def, or Speed. Raises the user's stat by the same amount.
Retaliatory Stat Steal 2 Has a chance (30%) of lowering one of the following stats of an opponent that attacked the user by 1 stat rank at random when the user is hit by an attack move: Attack, Defense, Sp. Atk, Sp. Def, or Speed. Raises the user's stat by the same amount.
Retaliatory Stat Steal 3 Has a chance (40%) of lowering one of the following stats of an opponent that attacked the user by 1 stat rank at random when the user is hit by an attack move: Attack, Defense, Sp. Atk, Sp. Def, or Speed. Raises the user's stat by the same amount.
Retaliatory Stat Steal 4 Has a chance (50%) of lowering one of the following stats of an opponent that attacked the user by 1 stat rank at random when the user is hit by an attack move: Attack, Defense, Sp. Atk, Sp. Def, or Speed. Raises the user's stat by the same amount.
Retaliatory Stat Steal 5 Has a chance (60%) of lowering one of the following stats of an opponent that attacked the user by 1 stat rank at random when the user is hit by an attack move: Attack, Defense, Sp. Atk, Sp. Def, or Speed. Raises the user's stat by the same amount.
Retaliatory Stat Steal 6 Has a chance (70%) of lowering one of the following stats of an opponent that attacked the user by 1 stat rank at random when the user is hit by an attack move: Attack, Defense, Sp. Atk, Sp. Def, or Speed. Raises the user's stat by the same amount.
Retaliatory Stat Steal 7 Has a chance (80%) of lowering one of the following stats of an opponent that attacked the user by 1 stat rank at random when the user is hit by an attack move: Attack, Defense, Sp. Atk, Sp. Def, or Speed. Raises the user's stat by the same amount.
Retaliatory Stat Steal 8 Has a chance (90%) of lowering one of the following stats of an opponent that attacked the user by 1 stat rank at random when the user is hit by an attack move: Attack, Defense, Sp. Atk, Sp. Def, or Speed. Raises the user's stat by the same amount.
Retaliatory Stat Steal 9 Lowers one of the following stats of an opponent that attacked the user by 1 stat rank at random when the user is hit by an attack move: Attack, Defense, Sp. Atk, Sp. Def, or Speed. Raises the user's stat by the same amount. Shauna & Klefki Shauna & Klefki
Revenge Boost 1 Has a chance (20%) of charging the user's move gauge by one when the user is hit by an attack move. Main Character & Pinsir
Main Character & Tauros
Main Character & Meowth
Main Character & Persian
Main Character & Zubat
Main Character & Golbat
Main Character & Nidoran♀
Main Character & Nidorina
Main Character & Nidoqueen
Main Character & Weedle
Main Character & Kakuna
Main Character & Beedrill
Main Character & Geodude
Main Character & Graveler
Main Character & Golem
Main Character & Kabuto
Main Character & Kabutops
Main Character & Aerodactyl
Main Character & Squirtle
Main Character & Wartortle
Main Character & Blastoise
Main Character & Growlithe
Main Character & Arcanine
Main Character & Goldeen
Main Character & Seaking
Main Character & Kangaskhan
Main Character & Seel
Main Character & Dewgong
Main Character & Machop
Main Character & Machoke
Main Character & Machamp
Main Character & Elekid
Main Character & Electabuzz
Main Character & Voltorb
Main Character & Electrode
Main Character & Igglybuff
Main Character & Jigglypuff
Main Character & Wigglytuff
Main Character & Porygon
Main Character & Magby
Main Character & Magmar
Main Character & Vulpix
Main Character & Ninetales
Main Character & Ponyta
Main Character & Rapidash
Main Character & Omanyte
Main Character & Omastar
Main Character & Cubone
Main Character & Marowak
Main Character & Koffing
Main Character & Weezing
Main Character & Paras
Main Character & Parasect
Main Character & Horsea
Main Character & Seadra
Main Character & Munchlax
Main Character & Snorlax
Main Character & Oddish
Main Character & Gloom
Main Character & Vileplume
Main Character & Meowth (Alola Form)
Main Character & Persian (Alola Form)
Main Character & Nidoran♂
Main Character & Nidorino
Main Character & Nidoking
Main Character & Diglett
Main Character & Dugtrio
Revenge Boost 2 Has a chance (30%) of charging the user's move gauge by one when the user is hit by an attack move. Adaman & Vaporeon Lorelei & Cloyster
Misty & Starmie
Wally & Delcatty
Allister & Gourgeist (Super Size)
Revenge Boost 3 Has a chance (40%) of charging the user's move gauge by one when the user is hit by an attack move. Caitlin & Sableye
Caitlin & Sableye (Mega Sableye)
Lance & Dragonite
Dawn & Alcremie
Revenge Boost 4 Has a chance (50%) of charging the user's move gauge by one when the user is hit by an attack move. Giovanni & Nidorino
Rachel & Umbreon
Bugsy & Kricketune
Caitlin & Reuniclus
Clair & Drampa
Hilda & Tepig
Hilda & Pignite
Hilda & Emboar
Main Character & Registeel
Professor Sycamore & Xerneas
Rosa & Delibird
Steven & Metagross
Steven & Metagross (Mega Metagross)
Wallace & Milotic
Falkner & Noctowl
Penny & Sylveon
Penny & Sylveon
1 Star Deluxe Lucky Cookie
2 Star Deluxe Lucky Cookie
3 Star Deluxe Lucky Cookie
Guaranteed Lucky Cookie 4
Revenge Boost 5 Has a chance (60%) of charging the user's move gauge by one when the user is hit by an attack move. May & Lopunny
Revenge Boost 6 Has a chance (70%) of charging the user's move gauge by one when the user is hit by an attack move.
Revenge Boost 7 Has a chance (80%) of charging the user's move gauge by one when the user is hit by an attack move.
Revenge Boost 8 Has a chance (90%) of charging the user's move gauge by one when the user is hit by an attack move.
Revenge Boost 9 Charges the user's move gauge by one when it is hit by an attack move. Lisia & Altaria
Lisia & Altaria (Mega Altaria)
Evelyn & Entei
Allister & Gourgeist (Super Size)
Lillie & Polteageist (Antique Form)
Professor Sycamore & Gogoat
Mallow & Appletun
Mallow & Shiinotic
Ingo & Excadrill
Victor & Greedent
Grusha &
Ridicure 1 Has a chance (20%) of restoring the user's HP by approximately 20% of its maximum HP when an opponent's attack move targeting the user misses. Nita & Landorus Lillie & Ribombee
Wally & Delcatty
Morty & Gastly
The Masked Royal & Incineroar
Irida & Zoroark (Hisuian Form)
Ridicure 2 Has a chance (30%) of restoring the user's HP by approximately 20% of its maximum HP when an opponent's attack move targeting the user misses. Elesa & Rotom
Grimsley & Liepard
Misty & Starmie
Olympia & Sigilyph
Eve & Eevee
Ridicure 3 Has a chance (40%) of restoring the user's HP by approximately 20% of its maximum HP when an opponent's attack move targeting the user misses. Cheren & Liepard
Chase & Pikachu
Ridicure 4 Has a chance (50%) of restoring the user's HP by approximately 20% of its maximum HP when an opponent's attack move targeting the user misses. Falkner & Swellow Phoebe & Cofagrigus
Morty & Drifblim
Ridicure 5 Has a chance (60%) of restoring the user's HP by approximately 20% of its maximum HP when an opponent's attack move targeting the user misses.
Ridicure 6 Has a chance (70%) of restoring the user's HP by approximately 20% of its maximum HP when an opponent's attack move targeting the user misses.
Ridicure 7 Has a chance (80%) of restoring the user's HP by approximately 20% of its maximum HP when an opponent's attack move targeting the user misses.
Ridicure 8 Has a chance (90%) of restoring the user's HP by approximately 20% of its maximum HP when an opponent's attack move targeting the user misses.
Ridicure 9 Restores the user's HP by approximately 20% of its maximum HP when an opponent's attack move targeting the user misses.
Ripple Effect 2 When a move used by the user's Pokémon lowers an opponent's stat, has a chance (30%) of lowering the same stat for all opposing sync pairs instead.
Ripple Effect 4 When a move used by the user's Pokémon lowers an opponent's stat, has a chance (50%) of lowering the same stat for all opposing sync pairs instead. Dawn & Alcremie
Ripple Effect 9 When a move used by the user's Pokémon lowers an opponent's stat, lowers the same stat for all opposing sync pairs instead. Nessa & Drednaw
Darach & Staraptor
Colress & Klinklang
Rising Tide The more the user's stats are raised, the more it powers up the user's sync move. Emmet & Escavalier Hilda & Victini
Korrina & Marshadow
Skyla & Togekiss
Tate & Jirachi
Zinnia & Thievul
Lear & Hoopa
Jacq &
Risky Counter 1 Has a chance (20%) of reducing the user's sync move countdown by one when its attack move, which was conducted after leaving the counter attacking posture by being hit by an attack move, is successful.
Risky Counter 2 Has a chance (30%) of reducing the user's sync move countdown by one when its attack move, which was conducted after leaving the counter attacking posture by being hit by an attack move, is successful.
Risky Counter 3 Has a chance (40%) of reducing the user's sync move countdown by one when its attack move, which was conducted after leaving the counter attacking posture by being hit by an attack move, is successful.
Risky Counter 4 Has a chance (50%) of reducing the user's sync move countdown by one when its attack move, which was conducted after leaving the counter attacking posture by being hit by an attack move, is successful.
Risky Counter 5 Has a chance (60%) of reducing the user's sync move countdown by one when its attack move, which was conducted after leaving the counter attacking posture by being hit by an attack move, is successful.
Risky Counter 6 Has a chance (70%) of reducing the user's sync move countdown by one when its attack move, which was conducted after leaving the counter attacking posture by being hit by an attack move, is successful.
Risky Counter 7 Has a chance (80%) of reducing the user's sync move countdown by one when its attack move, which was conducted after leaving the counter attacking posture by being hit by an attack move, is successful.
Risky Counter 8 Has a chance (90%) of reducing the user's sync move countdown by one when its attack move, which was conducted after leaving the counter attacking posture by being hit by an attack move, is successful.
Risky Counter 9 Reduces the user's sync move countdown by one when its attack move, which was conducted after leaving the counter attacking posture by being hit by an attack move, is successful. Grimsley & Bisharp
Roaring White Lightning Lowers the target's Electric Type Rebuff by 1 rank the first time the user's attack move is successful each battle. Lowers the target's Electric Type Rebuff by 1 rank the first time the user's sync move targeting the opponent is successful each battle. This effect can activate only once per battle. Blue & Zapdos
Robust Physique
Rock DF Immunity Protects the user from damage from the Rock-type Moves.
Rock DF Power-Up 1 Powers up the user's moves when the Rock Damage Field is applied to the opponent's field of play.
Rock DF Power-Up 2 Powers up the user's moves when the Rock Damage Field is applied to the opponent's field of play.
Rock DF Power-Up 3 Powers up the user's moves when the Rock Damage Field is applied to the opponent's field of play. Steven & Cradily
Gordie & Coalossal
Nemona & Lycanroc
Rock DF Power-Up 4 Powers up the user's moves when the Rock Damage Field is applied to the opponent's field of play.
Rock DF Power-Up 5 Powers up the user's moves when the Rock Damage Field is applied to the opponent's field of play.
Rock DF Power-Up 6 Powers up the user's moves when the Rock Damage Field is applied to the opponent's field of play.
Rock DF Power-Up 7 Powers up the user's moves when the Rock Damage Field is applied to the opponent's field of play.
Rock DF Power-Up 8 Powers up the user's moves when the Rock Damage Field is applied to the opponent's field of play.
Rock DF Power-Up 9 Powers up the user's moves when the Rock Damage Field is applied to the opponent's field of play.
Rock DF Resistance 1 Reduces damage the user takes from the Rock-type Moves.
Rock DF Resistance 2 Reduces damage the user takes from the Rock-type Moves.
Rock DF Resistance 3 Reduces damage the user takes from the Rock-type Moves.
Rock DF Resistance 4 Reduces damage the user takes from the Rock-type Moves.
Rock DF Resistance 5 Reduces damage the user takes from the Rock-type Moves.
Rock DF Resistance 6 Reduces damage the user takes from the Rock-type Moves.
Rock DF Resistance 7 Reduces damage the user takes from the Rock-type Moves.
Rock DF Resistance 8 Reduces damage the user takes from the Rock-type Moves.
Rock DF Resistance 9 Reduces damage the user takes from the Rock-type Moves.
Rock Guard Reduces damage when the user is attacked by Rock-type moves. Chewy Lucky Cookie
Rock Shift Normal-type moves become Rock-type moves. Blue & Aerodactyl
Blue & Aerodactyl (Mega Aerodactyl)
Rock Teamwork Powers up the moves of all allied sync pairs by 10%. Reduces attack move damage taken by all allied sync pairs by 10%. The more allied sync pairs with the Rock theme you have on your team, the higher these percentages are. (Each additional sync pair powers up moves by 5% and reduces damage by 2%. The maximum power-up is 20%, and the maximum damage reduction is 14%.) Main Character & Regirock
Rock Zone Extension 1 Extends the duration of the Rock Zone when the zone turns into a Rock Zone while the user is on the field.
Rock Zone Extension 2 Extends the duration of the Rock Zone when the zone turns into a Rock Zone while the user is on the field.
Rock Zone Extension 3 Extends the duration of the Rock Zone when the zone turns into a Rock Zone while the user is on the field. Diantha & Diancie (Shiny Diancie)
Diantha & Diancie (Shiny Mega Diancie)
Elio & Stakataka
Rock Zone Extension 4 Extends the duration of the Rock Zone when the zone turns into a Rock Zone while the user is on the field.
Rock Zone Extension 5 Extends the duration of the Rock Zone when the zone turns into a Rock Zone while the user is on the field.
Rock Zone Extension 6 Extends the duration of the Rock Zone when the zone turns into a Rock Zone while the user is on the field.
Rock Zone Extension 7 Extends the duration of the Rock Zone when the zone turns into a Rock Zone while the user is on the field.
Rock Zone Extension 8 Extends the duration of the Rock Zone when the zone turns into a Rock Zone while the user is on the field.
Rock Zone Extension 9 Extends the duration of the Rock Zone when the zone turns into a Rock Zone while the user is on the field.
Rock Zone Status Immunity Status conditions cannot be inflicted on the user when the zone is a Rock Zone. Diantha & Diancie (Shiny Diancie)
Diantha & Diancie (Shiny Mega Diancie)
Rose's Results Powers up the user's Steel-type moves. The user's moves never miss Rose & Copperajah
Rude Awakening 1 Powers up the user's sync move when the target is asleep.
Rude Awakening 2 Powers up the user's sync move when the target is asleep.
Rude Awakening 3 Powers up the user's sync move when the target is asleep. Ramos & Weepinbell
Ramos & Victreebel
Rude Awakening 4 Powers up the user's sync move when the target is asleep.
Rude Awakening 5 Powers up the user's sync move when the target is asleep. Agatha & Gengar
Agatha & Gengar (Mega Gengar)
Lyra & Jigglypuff
Serena & Fennekin
Serena & Braixen
Serena & Delphox
N & Sigilyph
Ruthless 1 Has a chance (20%) of lowering one of the target's following stats by two stat ranks at random when the user's attack move is successful against a flinching, confused, or trapped opponent: Attack, Defense, Sp. Atk, Sp. Def, Speed, accuracy, or evasiveness.
Ruthless 2 Has a chance (30%) of lowering one of the target's following stats by two stat ranks at random when the user's attack move is successful against a flinching, confused, or trapped opponent: Attack, Defense, Sp. Atk, Sp. Def, Speed, accuracy, or evasiveness.
Ruthless 3 Has a chance (40%) of lowering one of the target's following stats by two stat ranks at random when the user's attack move is successful against a flinching, confused, or trapped opponent: Attack, Defense, Sp. Atk, Sp. Def, Speed, accuracy, or evasiveness.
Ruthless 4 Has a chance (50%) of lowering one of the target's following stats by two stat ranks at random when the user's attack move is successful against a flinching, confused, or trapped opponent: Attack, Defense, Sp. Atk, Sp. Def, Speed, accuracy, or evasiveness.
Ruthless 5 Has a chance (60%) of lowering one of the target's following stats by two stat ranks at random when the user's attack move is successful against a flinching, confused, or trapped opponent: Attack, Defense, Sp. Atk, Sp. Def, Speed, accuracy, or evasiveness.
Ruthless 6 Has a chance (70%) of lowering one of the target's following stats by two stat ranks at random when the user's attack move is successful against a flinching, confused, or trapped opponent: Attack, Defense, Sp. Atk, Sp. Def, Speed, accuracy, or evasiveness.
Ruthless 7 Has a chance (80%) of lowering one of the target's following stats by two stat ranks at random when the user's attack move is successful against a flinching, confused, or trapped opponent: Attack, Defense, Sp. Atk, Sp. Def, Speed, accuracy, or evasiveness.
Ruthless 8 Has a chance (90%) of lowering one of the target's following stats by two stat ranks at random when the user's attack move is successful against a flinching, confused, or trapped opponent: Attack, Defense, Sp. Atk, Sp. Def, Speed, accuracy, or evasiveness.
Ruthless 9 Lowers one of the target's following stats by two stat ranks at random when the user's attack move is successful against a flinching, confused, or trapped opponent: Attack, Defense, Sp. Atk, Sp. Def, Speed, accuracy, or evasiveness. Lyra & Celebi Ingo & Chandelure
Ruthless Toxin 1 Has a chance (20%) of lowering one of the target's following stats by 2 stat ranks at random when the user's attack move is successful against a poisoned or badly poisoned opponent: Attack, Defense, Sp. Atk, Sp. Def, Speed, accuracy, or evasiveness.
Ruthless Toxin 2 Has a chance (30%) of lowering one of the target's following stats by 2 stat ranks at random when the user's attack move is successful against a poisoned or badly poisoned opponent: Attack, Defense, Sp. Atk, Sp. Def, Speed, accuracy, or evasiveness.
Ruthless Toxin 3 Has a chance (40%) of lowering one of the target's following stats by 2 stat ranks at random when the user's attack move is successful against a poisoned or badly poisoned opponent: Attack, Defense, Sp. Atk, Sp. Def, Speed, accuracy, or evasiveness.
Ruthless Toxin 4 Has a chance (50%) of lowering one of the target's following stats by 2 stat ranks at random when the user's attack move is successful against a poisoned or badly poisoned opponent: Attack, Defense, Sp. Atk, Sp. Def, Speed, accuracy, or evasiveness.
Ruthless Toxin 5 Has a chance (60%) of lowering one of the target's following stats by 2 stat ranks at random when the user's attack move is successful against a poisoned or badly poisoned opponent: Attack, Defense, Sp. Atk, Sp. Def, Speed, accuracy, or evasiveness.
Ruthless Toxin 6 Has a chance (70%) of lowering one of the target's following stats by 2 stat ranks at random when the user's attack move is successful against a poisoned or badly poisoned opponent: Attack, Defense, Sp. Atk, Sp. Def, Speed, accuracy, or evasiveness.
Ruthless Toxin 7 Has a chance (80%) of lowering one of the target's following stats by 2 stat ranks at random when the user's attack move is successful against a poisoned or badly poisoned opponent: Attack, Defense, Sp. Atk, Sp. Def, Speed, accuracy, or evasiveness.
Ruthless Toxin 8 Has a chance (90%) of lowering one of the target's following stats by 2 stat ranks at random when the user's attack move is successful against a poisoned or badly poisoned opponent: Attack, Defense, Sp. Atk, Sp. Def, Speed, accuracy, or evasiveness.
Ruthless Toxin 9 Lowers one of the target's following stats by 2 stat ranks at random when the user's attack move is successful against a poisoned or badly poisoned opponent: Attack, Defense, Sp. Atk, Sp. Def, Speed, accuracy, or evasiveness. Petrel & Weezing
Emma & Crobat
Geeta &
Safeguarded Entry Applies the Status Condition Defense effect to the allied field of play when the user enters a battle.
Safety Net Applies the Enduring effect to all allied sync pairs the first time the user's sync move is used each battle. Blue & Blastoise
Blue & Blastoise (Mega Blastoise)
Jasmine & Celesteela
Red & Snorlax
Elaine & Eevee
Arven &
Safety Tether Applies the Enduring effect to the user the first time its sync move is used each battle. Acerola & Tapu Bulu
Archer & Houndoom
Brawly & Makuhita
Brawly & Hariyama
Bugsy & Scyther
Cynthia & Gastrodon
Erika & Comfey
Erika & Leafeon
Giovanni & Persian
Gladion & Golbat
Hilbert & Genesect
Hilda & Grapploct (Shiny Grapploct)
Janine & Ariados
Marshal & Conkeldurr
Maylene & Meditite
Maylene & Medicham
Misty & Psyduck
Silver & Feraligatr
Steven & Stoutland (Shiny Stoutland)
Tate & Solrock
Dawn & Oricorio (Sensu Style)
Elio & Espeon
Selene & Umbreon
Proton & Golbat
Nita & Landorus
Tierno & Crawdaunt
Lenora & Watchog
Kabu & Torkoal
Sand Alert 1 Extends the duration of a sandstorm when a sandstorm is caused while the user is on the field.
Sand Alert 2 Extends the duration of a sandstorm when a sandstorm is caused while the user is on the field.
Sand Alert 3 Extends the duration of a sandstorm when a sandstorm is caused while the user is on the field.
Sand Alert 4 Extends the duration of a sandstorm when a sandstorm is caused while the user is on the field.
Sand Alert 5 Extends the duration of a sandstorm when a sandstorm is caused while the user is on the field. Cynthia & Garchomp
Cynthia & Garchomp (Mega Garchomp)
Raihan & Flygon
Sand Alert 6 Extends the duration of a sandstorm when a sandstorm is caused while the user is on the field.
Sand Alert 7 Extends the duration of a sandstorm when a sandstorm is caused while the user is on the field.
Sand Alert 8 Extends the duration of a sandstorm when a sandstorm is caused while the user is on the field.
Sand Alert 9 Extends the duration of a sandstorm when a sandstorm is caused while the user is on the field.
Sand Blaster 5 Powers up the user's sync move during a sandstorm. Naomi & Sandslash
Volo & Gible
Cynthia & Garchomp
Cynthia & Garchomp (Mega Garchomp)
Olivia & Lycanroc (Midnight Form)
Professor Kukui & Lycanroc
Raihan & Duraludon
Emmet & Archeops
Sand Blaster 9 Powers up the user's sync move during a sandstorm. Giovanni & Rhydon
Silver & Tyranitar (Shiny Tyranitar)
Silver & Tyranitar (Shiny Mega Tyranitar)
Bertha & Hippowdon
Paulo & Lycanroc (Dusk Form)
Sand Castle 1 Reduces damage when the user is hit by an attack move during a sandstorm.
Sand Castle 2 Reduces damage when the user is hit by an attack move during a sandstorm. Giovanni & Rhydon
Silver & Tyranitar (Shiny Tyranitar)
Silver & Tyranitar (Shiny Mega Tyranitar)
Raihan & Gigalith
Bertha & Hippowdon
Sand Castle 3 Reduces damage when the user is hit by an attack move during a sandstorm.
Sand Castle 4 Reduces damage when the user is hit by an attack move during a sandstorm.
Sand Castle 5 Reduces damage when the user is hit by an attack move during a sandstorm.
Sand Castle 6 Reduces damage when the user is hit by an attack move during a sandstorm.
Sand Castle 7 Reduces damage when the user is hit by an attack move during a sandstorm.
Sand Castle 8 Reduces damage when the user is hit by an attack move during a sandstorm.
Sand Castle 9 Reduces damage when the user is hit by an attack move during a sandstorm.
Sand Fortress Stats cannot be lowered during a sandstorm. Acerola & Palossand
Brock & Tyranitar
Cynthia & Garchomp
Cynthia & Garchomp (Mega Garchomp)
Diantha & Diancie (Shiny Diancie)
Diantha & Diancie (Shiny Mega Diancie)
Giovanni & Rhydon
Hapu & Mudsdale
Emmet & Archeops
Sand Kicker Causes a sandstorm the first time the user enters a battle each battle.
Sand Screen The user's Sp. Def increases 50% during a sandstorm. Cynthia & Garchomp
Cynthia & Garchomp (Mega Garchomp)
Sand Shelter Protects the user from damage from a sandstorm. Grant & Amaura
Grant & Aurorus
Main Character & Kabuto
Main Character & Kabutops
Main Character & Kabuto
Main Character & Kabutops
Main Character & Kabuto
Main Character & Kabutops
Naomi & Sandslash
Rose & Perrserker
Volo & Gible
Acerola & Palossand
Blue & Aerodactyl
Blue & Aerodactyl (Mega Aerodactyl)
Brock & Tyranitar
Brock & Kabutops
Bruno & Onix
Caitlin & Reuniclus
Cheren & Stoutland
Clay & Palpitoad
Clay & Seismitoad
Cynthia & Garchomp
Cynthia & Garchomp (Mega Garchomp)
Cynthia & Kommo-o
Cynthia & Gastrodon
Cynthia & Lucario
Cynthia & Lucario (Mega Lucario)
Diantha & Diancie (Shiny Diancie)
Diantha & Diancie (Shiny Mega Diancie)
Giovanni & Nidoking
Gladion & Magearna
Hapu & Mudsdale
Hilda & Diancie
Hilda & Diancie (Mega Diancie)
Lillie & Clefairy
Liza & Lunatone
Liza & Celesteela
Lyra & Phanpy
Main Character & Regirock
Main Character & Registeel
Olivia & Lycanroc (Midnight Form)
Olivia & Carbink
Professor Kukui & Lycanroc
Roxanne & Nosepass
Roxanne & Probopass
Roxanne & Runerigus
Sophocles & Togedemaru
Sophocles & Golem (Alola Form)
Steven & Stoutland (Shiny Stoutland)
Tate & Solrock
Tate & Jirachi
Thorton & Bronzong
Thorton & Magnezone
Wikstrom & Aegislash
Wikstrom & Aegislash (Blade Forme)
Valerie & Mawile
Clemont & Magneton
Jasmine & Steelix
Jasmine & Steelix (Mega Steelix)
Jasmine & Celesteela
Serena & Zygarde
Serena & Zygarde (Complete Forme)
Molayne & Dugtrio (Alola Form)
Lisia & Altaria
Lisia & Altaria (Mega Altaria)
May & Mudkip
May & Marshtomp
May & Swampert
May & Swampert (Mega Swampert)
Marnie & Mawile
Marnie & Mawile (Mega Mawile)
Elio & Stakataka
Selene & Nihilego
Raihan & Duraludon
Raihan & Flygon
Emmet & Escavalier
Lucas & Dialga
Nita & Landorus
Colress & Klinklang
Shauna & Klefki
Rose & Copperajah
Argenta & Skarmory
Riley & Lucario
Geeta &
Rika &
Rika & Whiscash
Poppy &
Poppy & Steelix (Shiny Steelix)
Poppy & Steelix (Shiny Mega Steelix)
Arven &
Giacomo &
Atticus &
1Star Crispy Lucky Cookie
2Star Crispy Lucky Cookie
3Star Crispy Lucky Cookie
Sand Slinger 1 Has a chance (20%) of lowering the target's Attack by one stat rank when the user's attack move against it is successful during a sandstorm.
Sand Slinger 2 Has a chance (30%) of lowering the target's Attack by one stat rank when the user's attack move against it is successful during a sandstorm.
Sand Slinger 3 Has a chance (40%) of lowering the target's Attack by one stat rank when the user's attack move against it is successful during a sandstorm.
Sand Slinger 4 Has a chance (50%) of lowering the target's Attack by one stat rank when the user's attack move against it is successful during a sandstorm.
Sand Slinger 5 Has a chance (60%) of lowering the target's Attack by one stat rank when the user's attack move against it is successful during a sandstorm.
Sand Slinger 6 Has a chance (70%) of lowering the target's Attack by one stat rank when the user's attack move against it is successful during a sandstorm.
Sand Slinger 7 Has a chance (80%) of lowering the target's Attack by one stat rank when the user's attack move against it is successful during a sandstorm.
Sand Slinger 8 Has a chance (90%) of lowering the target's Attack by one stat rank when the user's attack move against it is successful during a sandstorm.
Sand Slinger 9 Lowers the target's Attack by one stat rank when the user's attack move against it is successful during a sandstorm. Bertha & Hippowdon Ingo & Excadrill
Sand Summoner Causes a sandstorm the first time the user enters a battle each battle. Protects the user from damage from a sandstorm. Raihan & Gigalith
Bertha & Hippowdon
Sand Superiority 3 Powers up the user's moves during a sandstorm. Protects the user from damage from a sandstorm. Emmet & Archeops
Sand Sync Causes a sandstorm the first time the user's sync move is used each battle. Raihan & Duraludon
Emmet & Archeops
Sands of Time 1 Quickly charges the move gauge during a sandstorm. Main Character & Kabuto
Main Character & Kabutops
Roxanne & Nosepass
Roxanne & Probopass
Naomi & Sandslash
Sands of Time 2 Quickly charges the move gauge during a sandstorm. Blue & Aerodactyl
Blue & Aerodactyl (Mega Aerodactyl)
Brock & Tyranitar
Cheren & Stoutland
Cynthia & Garchomp
Cynthia & Garchomp (Mega Garchomp)
Cynthia & Garchomp
Cynthia & Garchomp (Mega Garchomp)
Diantha & Diancie (Shiny Diancie)
Diantha & Diancie (Shiny Mega Diancie)
Giovanni & Nidoking
Lyra & Phanpy
Professor Kukui & Lycanroc
Roxanne & Runerigus
Steven & Stoutland (Shiny Stoutland)
Clemont & Heliolisk
Dawn & Turtwig
Dawn & Grotle
Dawn & Torterra
Serena & Zygarde
Serena & Zygarde (Complete Forme)
Molayne & Dugtrio (Alola Form)
Raihan & Sandaconda
Emmet & Archeops
Bertha & Hippowdon
Rose & Copperajah
Paulo & Lycanroc (Dusk Form)
Volo & Gible
Sands of Time 3 Quickly charges the move gauge during a sandstorm. Giovanni & Rhydon
Olivia & Lycanroc (Midnight Form)
Raihan & Duraludon
Sands of Time 4 Quickly charges the move gauge during a sandstorm.
Sands of Time 5 Quickly charges the move gauge during a sandstorm.
Sands of Time 6 Quickly charges the move gauge during a sandstorm.
Sands of Time 7 Quickly charges the move gauge during a sandstorm.
Sands of Time 8 Quickly charges the move gauge during a sandstorm.
Sands of Time 9 Quickly charges the move gauge during a sandstorm.
Sandy Pep Rally 9 Raises the Speed of all allied sync pairs by 2 stat ranks when the user's Pokémon uses a move during a sandstorm. Ingo & Excadrill
Satisfied Snarl 1 Has a chance (20%) of lowering the target's Sp. Atk by one stat rank when a move targeting that opponent is successful.
Satisfied Snarl 2 Has a chance (30%) of lowering the target's Sp. Atk by one stat rank when a move targeting that opponent is successful.
Satisfied Snarl 3 Has a chance (40%) of lowering the target's Sp. Atk by one stat rank when a move targeting that opponent is successful.
Satisfied Snarl 4 Has a chance (50%) of lowering the target's Sp. Atk by one stat rank when a move targeting that opponent is successful. Lillie & Comfey
Satisfied Snarl 5 Has a chance (60%) of lowering the target's Sp. Atk by one stat rank when a move targeting that opponent is successful.
Satisfied Snarl 6 Has a chance (70%) of lowering the target's Sp. Atk by one stat rank when a move targeting that opponent is successful.
Satisfied Snarl 7 Has a chance (80%) of lowering the target's Sp. Atk by one stat rank when a move targeting that opponent is successful.
Satisfied Snarl 8 Has a chance (90%) of lowering the target's Sp. Atk by one stat rank when a move targeting that opponent is successful.
Satisfied Snarl 9 Lowers the target's Sp. Atk by one stat rank when a move targeting that opponent is successful. Karen & Houndoom
Karen & Houndoom (Mega Houndoom)
Thorton & Magnezone
Irida & Glaceon
Satisfied Snicker 1 Has a chance (20%) of lowering the target's Sp. Atk by 1 stat rank when the user's attack move against the target is successful.
Satisfied Snicker 2 Has a chance (30%) of lowering the target's Sp. Atk by 1 stat rank when the user's attack move against the target is successful.
Satisfied Snicker 3 Has a chance (40%) of lowering the target's Sp. Atk by 1 stat rank when the user's attack move against the target is successful.
Satisfied Snicker 4 Has a chance (50%) of lowering the target's Sp. Atk by 1 stat rank when the user's attack move against the target is successful.
Satisfied Snicker 5 Has a chance (60%) of lowering the target's Sp. Atk by 1 stat rank when the user's attack move against the target is successful.
Satisfied Snicker 6 Has a chance (70%) of lowering the target's Sp. Atk by 1 stat rank when the user's attack move against the target is successful.
Satisfied Snicker 7 Has a chance (80%) of lowering the target's Sp. Atk by 1 stat rank when the user's attack move against the target is successful.
Satisfied Snicker 8 Has a chance (90%) of lowering the target's Sp. Atk by 1 stat rank when the user's attack move against the target is successful.
Satisfied Snicker 9 Lowers the target's Sp. Atk by 1 stat rank when the user's attack move against the target is successful. Lillie & Solgaleo
Trevor & Florges (Orange Flower)
Blue & Alakazam
Brendan & Latios
Brendan & Latios (Mega Latios)
Diantha & Gardevoir
Diantha & Gardevoir (Mega Gardevoir)
Professor Oak & Nidorino
Lucas & Torterra
Penny & Sylveon
Elaine & Eevee
Volo & Togepi
Brycen-man & Zoroark
Scholar's Sync (Sp. Def) 1 Powers up the user's sync move when its Sp. Def is raised.
Scholar's Sync (Sp. Def) 2 Powers up the user's sync move when its Sp. Def is raised.
Scholar's Sync (Sp. Def) 3 Powers up the user's sync move when its Sp. Def is raised.
Scholar's Sync (Sp. Def) 4 Powers up the user's sync move when its Sp. Def is raised. Valerie Lucky Cookie 1
Scholar's Sync (Sp. Def) 5 Powers up the user's sync move when its Sp. Def is raised. Diantha & Diancie (Shiny Diancie)
Diantha & Diancie (Shiny Mega Diancie)
Scholar's Sync (Sp. Def) 6 Powers up the user's sync move when its Sp. Def is raised.
Scorcher 2 Increases the amount of damage an opponent takes from being burned. Marley & Arcanine
Skyla & Togekiss
Kiawe & Arcanine
Malva & Talonflame
Kabu & Centiskorch
Scorching Sync 1 Powers up the user's sync move when the target is burned.
Scorching Sync 2 Powers up the user's sync move when the target is burned. Lysandre & Volcanion
Scorching Sync 3 Powers up the user's sync move when the target is burned. Gordie & Coalossal
Scorching Sync 4 Powers up the user's sync move when the target is burned.
Scorching Sync 5 Powers up the user's sync move when the target is burned. Calem & Fennekin
Hilda & Victini
Morty & Banette
Morty & Banette (Mega Banette)
Leon & Charizard
Leon & Dragapult
Lucas & Flareon
Malva & Talonflame
Irida & Flareon
Scorching Sync 5 Powers up the user's sync move when the target is burned. Calem & Fennekin
Hilda & Victini
Morty & Banette
Morty & Banette (Mega Banette)
Leon & Charizard
Leon & Dragapult
Lucas & Flareon
Malva & Talonflame
Irida & Flareon
Scorching Sync 6 Powers up the user's sync move when the target is burned.
Scorching Sync 7 Powers up the user's sync move when the target is burned.
Scorching Sync 8 Powers up the user's sync move when the target is burned.
Scorching Sync 9 Powers up the user's sync move when the target is burned. Lysandre & Volcanion
Leon & Charizard
Scorching Touch 1 Has a chance (20%) of leaving the target burned when the user's attack move against it is successful.
Scorching Touch 2 Has a chance (30%) of leaving the target burned when the user's attack move against it is successful.
Scorching Touch 3 Has a chance (40%) of leaving the target burned when the user's attack move against it is successful.
Scorching Touch 4 Has a chance (50%) of leaving the target burned when the user's attack move against it is successful. Malva & Talonflame Serena & Fletchling
Scorching Touch 5 Has a chance (60%) of leaving the target burned when the user's attack move against it is successful.
Scorching Touch 6 Has a chance (70%) of leaving the target burned when the user's attack move against it is successful.
Scorching Touch 7 Has a chance (80%) of leaving the target burned when the user's attack move against it is successful.
Scorching Touch 8 Has a chance (90%) of leaving the target burned when the user's attack move against it is successful.
Scorching Touch 9 Leaves the target burned when the user's attack move against it is successful.
Searing Quick Combo 1 Has a chance (20%) of restoring one MP for the user's moves with a quick move effect tag when its attack move is successful while the target is burned.
Searing Quick Combo 2 Has a chance (30%) of restoring one MP for the user's moves with a quick move effect tag when its attack move is successful while the target is burned.
Searing Quick Combo 3 Has a chance (40%) of restoring one MP for the user's moves with a quick move effect tag when its attack move is successful while the target is burned.
Searing Quick Combo 4 Has a chance (50%) of restoring one MP for the user's moves with a quick move effect tag when its attack move is successful while the target is burned.
Searing Quick Combo 5 Has a chance (60%) of restoring one MP for the user's moves with a quick move effect tag when its attack move is successful while the target is burned.
Searing Quick Combo 6 Has a chance (70%) of restoring one MP for the user's moves with a quick move effect tag when its attack move is successful while the target is burned.
Searing Quick Combo 7 Has a chance (80%) of restoring one MP for the user's moves with a quick move effect tag when its attack move is successful while the target is burned.
Searing Quick Combo 8 Has a chance (90%) of restoring one MP for the user's moves with a quick move effect tag when its attack move is successful while the target is burned.
Searing Quick Combo 9 Restores one MP for the user's moves with a quick move effect tag when its attack move is successful while the target is burned. Morty & Banette (Mega Banette)
Searing Surge 1 Powers up the user's moves and sync move when the target is burned.
Searing Surge 2 Powers up the user's moves and sync move when the target is burned.
Searing Surge 3 Powers up the user's moves and sync move when the target is burned.
Searing Surge 4 Powers up the user's moves and sync move when the target is burned.
Searing Surge 5 Powers up the user's moves and sync move when the target is burned. Lysandre & Volcanion
Searing Surge 6 Powers up the user's moves and sync move when the target is burned.
Searing Surge 7 Powers up the user's moves and sync move when the target is burned.
Searing Surge 8 Powers up the user's moves and sync move when the target is burned.
Searing Surge 9 Powers up the user's moves and sync move when the target is burned.
Sedimentary Protects the user from damage from a sandstorm. The user's Defense and Sp. Def increase 30% during a sandstorm. Ingo & Excadrill
Seeing Double 2
Self-Cleanse 1 Has a chance (20%) of removing all status conditions from the user when its Pokémon uses a move.
Self-Cleanse 2 Has a chance (30%) of removing all status conditions from the user when its Pokémon uses a move.
Selfless Makes opponents target the user for a short time when the user's move is successful while in a pinch.
Sentry Entry 1 Raises the user's Defense by 1 stat ranks when it enters a battle. Wulfric & Avalugg
Elio & Popplio
Elio & Brionne
Elio & Primarina
Nita & Landorus
Morgan & Virizion
1 Star Deluxe Lucky Cookie
Sentry Entry 2 Raises the user's Defense by 2 stat ranks when it enters a battle. Hop & Zamazenta (Crowned Shield) Lillie & Clefairy
Tate & Solrock
1 Star Deluxe Lucky Cookie
2 Star Deluxe Lucky Cookie
Sentry Entry 3 Raises the user's Defense by 3 stat ranks when it enters a battle.
Sentry Entry 4 Raises the user's Defense by 4 stat ranks when it enters a battle.
Sentry Entry 5 Raises the user's Defense by 5 stat ranks when it enters a battle.
Sentry Entry 6 Raises the user's Defense by 6 stat ranks when it enters a battle.
Sentry Entry x2
Sentry Entry x3
Shared Fortune 2 Raises one of the following stats of all allied sync pairs by 2 stat ranks at random when the user's move is successful: Attack, Defense, Sp. Atk, Sp. Def, Speed, accuracy, or evasiveness.
Shared Nightmare Deals additional damage to all opposing sync pairs that are asleep when the user's Pokémon uses a move (Type: Dark, Category: Special). This additional damage is not affected by some status changes. Cyrus & Darkrai
Sharp Entry 1 Raises the user's critical-hit rate by 1 stat ranks when it enters a battle. Archer & Houndoom
Blue & Aerodactyl
Blue & Aerodactyl (Mega Aerodactyl)
Brock & Tyranitar
Calem & Sylveon
Crasher Wake & Floatzel
Cynthia & Garchomp
Cynthia & Garchomp (Mega Garchomp)
Elesa & Togetic
Fantina & Mismagius
Flint & Infernape
Hapu & Mudsdale
Hau & Tapu Koko
Hugh & Bouffalant
Hugh & Unfezant
Iris & Naganadel
Lillie & Solgaleo
Lorelei & Lapras
Lorelei & Lapras
Lt. Surge & Voltorb
Lt. Surge & Electrode
Main Character & Solgaleo
Marley & Shaymin
Marshal & Conkeldurr
Mina & Granbull
Ramos & Weepinbell
Ramos & Victreebel
Red & Charizard
Red & Charizard (Mega Charizard X)
Roark & Cranidos
Roark & Rampardos
Roxie & Whirlipede
Roxie & Scolipede
Silver & Crobat
Skyla & Togekiss
Steven & Cradily
Tate & Solrock
Wally & Gardevoir (Shiny Gardevoir)
Wally & Gardevoir (Shiny Mega Gardevoir)
Whitney & Sawsbuck (Winter Form)
Wikstrom & Aegislash
Wikstrom & Aegislash (Blade Forme)
Winona & Pelipper
Wulfric & Avalugg
Valerie & Sylveon
Lucy & Seviper
Cyrus & Palkia
Gloria & Zacian (Crowned Sword)
N & Reshiram
May & Wailmer
Lysandre & Yveltal
Piers & Toxtricity (Low-Key Forme)
Leon & Eternatus
Marnie & Scrafty
Ryuki & Turtonator
Raihan & Flygon
Ghetsis & Kyurem
Nessa & Eiscue
Nessa & Eiscue (Noice Face)
Bea & Sirfetch'd
Emmet & Escavalier
Hop & Zamazenta (Crowned Shield)
Hop & Zapdos (Galarian Form)
Allister & Gengar
Courtney & Camerupt (Female)
Courtney & Camerupt (Mega Camerupt)
Victor & Spectrier
Helena & Haunter
Drasna & Dragalge
Nemona & Lycanroc
Paulo & Lycanroc (Dusk Form)
Eve & Eevee
Katherine & Slurpuff
Petey & Pikachu (Female)
Riley & Lucario
Dahlia & Ludicolo
Volo & Gible
Blossom & Kirlia
1 Star Deluxe Lucky Cookie
2 Star Deluxe Lucky Cookie
Sharp Entry 2 Raises the user's critical-hit rate by 2 stat ranks when it enters a battle. Bea & Sirfetch'd Cynthia & Kommo-o
Wallace & Milotic
Lisia & Altaria
Lisia & Altaria (Mega Altaria)
Sharp Entry 3 Raises the user's critical-hit rate by 3 stat ranks when it enters a battle.
Sharp Teamwork 1 Has a chance (20%) of raising the critical-hit rate of all allied sync pairs by one stat rank when the user's attack move is successful.
Sharp Teamwork 2 Has a chance (30%) of raising the critical-hit rate of all allied sync pairs by one stat rank when the user's attack move is successful. Sabrina & Chingling
Sharp Teamwork 3 Has a chance (40%) of raising the critical-hit rate of all allied sync pairs by one stat rank when the user's attack move is successful.
Sharp Teamwork 4 Has a chance (50%) of raising the critical-hit rate of all allied sync pairs by one stat rank when the user's attack move is successful.
Sharp Teamwork 5 Has a chance (60%) of raising the critical-hit rate of all allied sync pairs by one stat rank when the user's attack move is successful.
Sharp Teamwork 6 Has a chance (70%) of raising the critical-hit rate of all allied sync pairs by one stat rank when the user's attack move is successful.
Sharp Teamwork 7 Has a chance (80%) of raising the critical-hit rate of all allied sync pairs by one stat rank when the user's attack move is successful.
Sharp Teamwork 8 Has a chance (90%) of raising the critical-hit rate of all allied sync pairs by one stat rank when the user's attack move is successful.
Sharp Teamwork 9 Raises the critical-hit rate of all allied sync pairs by one stat rank when the user's attack move is successful.
Sharpened Body 1 Powers up the user's moves when its Attack is raised.
Sharpened Body 2 Powers up the user's moves when its Attack is raised.
Sharpened Body 3 Powers up the user's moves when its Attack is raised.
Sharpened Body 4 Powers up the user's moves when its Attack is raised.
Sharpened Body 5 Powers up the user's moves when its Attack is raised. Poppy & Steelix (Shiny Steelix)
Poppy & Steelix (Shiny Mega Steelix)
Sharpened Body 6 Powers up the user's moves when its Attack is raised.
Sharpened Body 7 Powers up the user's moves when its Attack is raised.
Sharpened Body 8 Powers up the user's moves when its Attack is raised.
Sharpened Body 9 Powers up the user's moves when its Attack is raised.
Sharpened Mind 1 Powers up the user's moves when its Sp. Atk is raised. Lucas & Dialga
Sharpened Mind 2 Powers up the user's moves when its Sp. Atk is raised.
Sharpened Mind 3 Powers up the user's moves when its Sp. Atk is raised.
Sharpened Mind 4 Powers up the user's moves when its Sp. Atk is raised.
Sharpened Mind 5 Powers up the user's moves when its Sp. Atk is raised.
Sharpened Mind 6 Powers up the user's moves when its Sp. Atk is raised.
Sharpened Mind 7 Powers up the user's moves when its Sp. Atk is raised.
Sharpened Mind 8 Powers up the user's moves when its Sp. Atk is raised.
Sharpened Mind 9 Powers up the user's moves when its Sp. Atk is raised.
Shielded 1 Raises the Defense of all allied sync pairs by 1 stat ranks when the user's move is successful.
Shielded 2 Raises the Defense of all allied sync pairs by 2 stat ranks when the user's move is successful.
Shielded 3 Raises the Defense of all allied sync pairs by 3 stat ranks when the user's move is successful.
Shielded 4 Raises the Defense of all allied sync pairs by 4 stat ranks when the user's move is successful.
Shielded 5 Raises the Defense of all allied sync pairs by 5 stat ranks when the user's move is successful.
Shielded 6 Raises the Defense of all allied sync pairs by 6 stat ranks when the user's move is successful.
Shielding Infliction+ 1 Has a chance (20%) of raising the user's Defense by 2 stat ranks when its Pokémon uses a status move.
Shielding Infliction+ 2 Has a chance (30%) of raising the user's Defense by 2 stat ranks when its Pokémon uses a status move.
Shielding Infliction+ 3 Has a chance (40%) of raising the user's Defense by 2 stat ranks when its Pokémon uses a status move.
Shielding Infliction+ 4 Has a chance (50%) of raising the user's Defense by 2 stat ranks when its Pokémon uses a status move.
Shielding Infliction+ 5 Has a chance (60%) of raising the user's Defense by 2 stat ranks when its Pokémon uses a status move.
Shielding Infliction+ 6 Has a chance (70%) of raising the user's Defense by 2 stat ranks when its Pokémon uses a status move.
Shielding Infliction+ 7 Has a chance (80%) of raising the user's Defense by 2 stat ranks when its Pokémon uses a status move.
Shielding Infliction+ 8 Has a chance (90%) of raising the user's Defense by 2 stat ranks when its Pokémon uses a status move.
Shielding Infliction+ 9 Raises the user's Defense by 2 stat ranks when its Pokémon uses a status move. Liza & Celesteela
Shielding Strikes 1 Raises the user's Defense by 1 stat ranks when its move is successful.
Shielding Strikes 2 Raises the user's Defense by 2 stat ranks when its move is successful.
Shielding Strikes 3 Raises the user's Defense by 3 stat ranks when its move is successful.
Shielding Strikes 4 Raises the user's Defense by 4 stat ranks when its move is successful.
Shielding Strikes 5 Raises the user's Defense by 5 stat ranks when its move is successful.
Shielding Strikes 6 Raises the user's Defense by 6 stat ranks when its move is successful.
Shifting Sand Raises the user's evasiveness by 1 stat ranks during a sandstorm. Lyra & Phanpy
Professor Kukui & Lycanroc
Bertha & Hippowdon
Naomi & Sandslash
Volo & Gible
Rika & Whiscash
Shifty Squad 1 Has a chance (20%) of raising the evasiveness of all allied sync pairs by one stat rank when the user's Pokémon uses a move.
Shifty Squad 2 Has a chance (30%) of raising the evasiveness of all allied sync pairs by one stat rank when the user's Pokémon uses a move. Janine & Crobat
Shifty Squad 3 Has a chance (40%) of raising the evasiveness of all allied sync pairs by one stat rank when the user's Pokémon uses a move.
Shifty Squad 4 Has a chance (50%) of raising the evasiveness of all allied sync pairs by one stat rank when the user's Pokémon uses a move. Skyla & Tornadus (Therian Forme)
Shifty Squad 5 Has a chance (60%) of raising the evasiveness of all allied sync pairs by one stat rank when the user's Pokémon uses a move.
Shifty Squad 6 Has a chance (70%) of raising the evasiveness of all allied sync pairs by one stat rank when the user's Pokémon uses a move.
Shifty Squad 7 Has a chance (80%) of raising the evasiveness of all allied sync pairs by one stat rank when the user's Pokémon uses a move.
Shifty Squad 8 Has a chance (90%) of raising the evasiveness of all allied sync pairs by one stat rank when the user's Pokémon uses a move.
Shifty Squad 9 Raises the evasiveness of all allied sync pairs by one stat rank when the user's Pokémon uses a move.
Shifty Striker 1 Has a chance (20%) of raising the user's evasiveness by one stat rank when its Pokémon uses a move. Morty & Drifblim
The Masked Royal & Incineroar
Shifty Striker 2 Has a chance (30%) of raising the user's evasiveness by one stat rank when its Pokémon uses a move. Main Character & Aerodactyl
Main Character & Spearow
Main Character & Fearow
Professor Oak & Mew
Professor Oak & Mew
Shifty Striker 3 Has a chance (40%) of raising the user's evasiveness by one stat rank when its Pokémon uses a move. Silver & Crobat
Shifty Striker 4 Has a chance (50%) of raising the user's evasiveness by one stat rank when its Pokémon uses a move. Misty & Vaporeon
Shifty Striker 5 Has a chance (60%) of raising the user's evasiveness by one stat rank when its Pokémon uses a move.
Shifty Striker 6 Has a chance (70%) of raising the user's evasiveness by one stat rank when its Pokémon uses a move.
Shifty Striker 7 Has a chance (80%) of raising the user's evasiveness by one stat rank when its Pokémon uses a move.
Shifty Striker 8 Has a chance (90%) of raising the user's evasiveness by one stat rank when its Pokémon uses a move.
Shifty Striker 9 Raises the user's evasiveness by one stat rank when its Pokémon uses a move. Korrina & Marshadow
Shimmering White Snow Lowers the target's Ice Type Rebuff by 1 rank the first time the user's attack move is successful each battle. Lowers the target's Ice Type Rebuff by 1 rank the first time the user's sync move targeting the opponent is successful each battle. This effect can activate only once per battle. Red & Articuno
Shock Factor 1 Has a chance (20%) of lowering the target's Attack, Defense, Sp. Atk, Sp. Def, and Speed by one stat rank when the user's attack move is successful against a paralyzed opponent. Elesa & Emolga
Shock Factor 2 Has a chance (30%) of lowering the target's Attack, Defense, Sp. Atk, Sp. Def, and Speed by one stat rank when the user's attack move is successful against a paralyzed opponent.
Shock Factor 3 Has a chance (40%) of lowering the target's Attack, Defense, Sp. Atk, Sp. Def, and Speed by one stat rank when the user's attack move is successful against a paralyzed opponent.
Shock Factor 4 Has a chance (50%) of lowering the target's Attack, Defense, Sp. Atk, Sp. Def, and Speed by one stat rank when the user's attack move is successful against a paralyzed opponent.
Shock Factor 5 Has a chance (60%) of lowering the target's Attack, Defense, Sp. Atk, Sp. Def, and Speed by one stat rank when the user's attack move is successful against a paralyzed opponent.
Shock Factor 6 Has a chance (70%) of lowering the target's Attack, Defense, Sp. Atk, Sp. Def, and Speed by one stat rank when the user's attack move is successful against a paralyzed opponent.
Shock Factor 7 Has a chance (80%) of lowering the target's Attack, Defense, Sp. Atk, Sp. Def, and Speed by one stat rank when the user's attack move is successful against a paralyzed opponent.
Shock Factor 8 Has a chance (90%) of lowering the target's Attack, Defense, Sp. Atk, Sp. Def, and Speed by one stat rank when the user's attack move is successful against a paralyzed opponent.
Shock Factor 9 Lowers the target's Attack, Defense, Sp. Atk, Sp. Def, and Speed by one stat rank when the user's attack move is successful against a paralyzed opponent. Elesa & Emolga
Shock Recovery 1 Restores the user's HP whenever its Pokémon takes an action when the terrain is Electric Terrain. Hau & Tapu Koko
Kris & Jolteon
Lt. Surge & Voltorb
Lt. Surge & Electrode
Red & Pikachu
Whitney & Sawsbuck (Winter Form)
Clemont & Magneton
Jasmine & Ampharos
Jasmine & Ampharos (Mega Ampharos)
Volkner & Luxray
Volkner & Electivire
Emmet & Eelektross
Hop & Pincurchin
Ash & Pikachu
Florian &
Shocked Hit Freebie 1 Has a chance (20%) of applying the Free Move Next effect to the user when its attack move is successful against a paralyzed opponent.
Shocked Hit Freebie 2 Has a chance (30%) of applying the Free Move Next effect to the user when its attack move is successful against a paralyzed opponent.
Shocked Hit Freebie 3 Has a chance (40%) of applying the Free Move Next effect to the user when its attack move is successful against a paralyzed opponent.
Shocked Hit Freebie 4 Has a chance (50%) of applying the Free Move Next effect to the user when its attack move is successful against a paralyzed opponent. Lance & Dragonair Blue & Alakazam
Roxie & Toxtricity (Amped Form)
Shocked Hit Freebie 5 Has a chance (60%) of applying the Free Move Next effect to the user when its attack move is successful against a paralyzed opponent.
Shocked Hit Freebie 6 Has a chance (70%) of applying the Free Move Next effect to the user when its attack move is successful against a paralyzed opponent.
Shocked Hit Freebie 7 Has a chance (80%) of applying the Free Move Next effect to the user when its attack move is successful against a paralyzed opponent.
Shocked Hit Freebie 8 Has a chance (90%) of applying the Free Move Next effect to the user when its attack move is successful against a paralyzed opponent.
Shocked Hit Freebie 9 Applies the Free Move Next effect to the user when its attack move is successful against a paralyzed opponent. Cynthia & Kommo-o
Shocking Slowdown 1 Has a chance (20%) of lowering the opponent's Speed by 1 stat rank when the user's attack move is successful against a paralyzed opponent.
Shocking Slowdown 2 Has a chance (30%) of lowering the opponent's Speed by 1 stat rank when the user's attack move is successful against a paralyzed opponent.
Shocking Slowdown 3 Has a chance (40%) of lowering the opponent's Speed by 1 stat rank when the user's attack move is successful against a paralyzed opponent.
Shocking Slowdown 4 Has a chance (50%) of lowering the opponent's Speed by 1 stat rank when the user's attack move is successful against a paralyzed opponent.
Shocking Slowdown 5 Has a chance (60%) of lowering the opponent's Speed by 1 stat rank when the user's attack move is successful against a paralyzed opponent.
Shocking Slowdown 6 Has a chance (70%) of lowering the opponent's Speed by 1 stat rank when the user's attack move is successful against a paralyzed opponent.
Shocking Slowdown 7 Has a chance (80%) of lowering the opponent's Speed by 1 stat rank when the user's attack move is successful against a paralyzed opponent.
Shocking Slowdown 8 Has a chance (90%) of lowering the opponent's Speed by 1 stat rank when the user's attack move is successful against a paralyzed opponent.
Shocking Slowdown 9 Lowers the target's Speed by 1 stat rank when the user's attack move is successful against a paralyzed opponent. Barry & Roserade
Red & Pikachu
Viola & Vivillon (Icy Snow Pattern)
Jasmine & Magnemite
Shook 1 Raises the user's Speed by 1 stat ranks the first time its HP drops to half or below each battle.
Shook 2 Raises the user's Speed by 2 stat ranks the first time its HP drops to half or below each battle. Morty & Drifblim
Shook 3 Raises the user's Speed by 3 stat ranks the first time its HP drops to half or below each battle.
Shook 4 Raises the user's Speed by 4 stat ranks the first time its HP drops to half or below each battle.
Shook 5 Raises the user's Speed by 5 stat ranks the first time its HP drops to half or below each battle.
Shook 6 Raises the user's Speed by 6 stat ranks the first time its HP drops to half or below each battle.
Shower Power 1 Powers up the user's sync move when the weather is rainy.
Shower Power 2 Powers up the user's sync move when the weather is rainy.
Shower Power 3 Powers up the user's sync move when the weather is rainy. Ethan & Lugia
May & Wailmer
Archie & Kyogre
Shower Power 4 Powers up the user's sync move when the weather is rainy. Clavell Lucky Cookie 1
Shower Power 5 Powers up the user's sync move when the weather is rainy. Crasher Wake & Floatzel
Lance & Gyarados
Misty & Psyduck
Viola & Surskit
Viola & Masquerain
Winona & Pelipper
Leaf & Blastoise
Nessa & Drednaw
Shower Power 6 Powers up the user's sync move when the weather is rainy.
Shower Power 7 Powers up the user's sync move when the weather is rainy.
Shower Power 8 Powers up the user's sync move when the weather is rainy.
Shower Power 9 Powers up the user's sync move when the weather is rainy. Bede & Inteleon
Shower Surge 3 Quickly charges the move gauge when the weather is rainy. Powers up the user's moves when the weather is rainy. Archie & Kyogre
Shower Sync Makes the weather rainy the first time the user's sync move is used each battle. Winona & Pelipper
Archie & Kyogre
Shrug Off
Shuddering Snarl 1 Has a chance (20%) of lowering the opponent's Sp. Atk by 2 stat ranks when the user's Pokémon uses a move targeting that opponent.
Shuddering Snarl 2 Has a chance (30%) of lowering the opponent's Sp. Atk by 2 stat ranks when the user's Pokémon uses a move targeting that opponent.
Shuddering Snarl 3 Has a chance (40%) of lowering the opponent's Sp. Atk by 2 stat ranks when the user's Pokémon uses a move targeting that opponent.
Shuddering Snarl 4 Has a chance (50%) of lowering the opponent's Sp. Atk by 2 stat ranks when the user's Pokémon uses a move targeting that opponent.
Shuddering Snarl 5 Has a chance (60%) of lowering the opponent's Sp. Atk by 2 stat ranks when the user's Pokémon uses a move targeting that opponent.
Shuddering Snarl 6 Has a chance (70%) of lowering the opponent's Sp. Atk by 2 stat ranks when the user's Pokémon uses a move targeting that opponent.
Shuddering Snarl 7 Has a chance (80%) of lowering the opponent's Sp. Atk by 2 stat ranks when the user's Pokémon uses a move targeting that opponent.
Shuddering Snarl 8 Has a chance (90%) of lowering the opponent's Sp. Atk by 2 stat ranks when the user's Pokémon uses a move targeting that opponent.
Shuddering Snarl 9 Lowers the target's Sp. Atk by 2 stat ranks when the user's Pokémon uses a move targeting that opponent. Rosa & Shaymin (Sky Forme)
Single Sync Reload 1 Once per battle, has a chance (20%) of restoring one MP for the user's Pokémon after using the user's sync move.
Single Sync Reload 2 Once per battle, has a chance (30%) of restoring one MP for the user's Pokémon after using the user's sync move.
Single Sync Reload 3 Once per battle, has a chance (40%) of restoring one MP for the user's Pokémon after using the user's sync move.
Single Sync Reload 4 Once per battle, has a chance (50%) of restoring one MP for the user's Pokémon after using the user's sync move.
Single Sync Reload 5 Once per battle, has a chance (60%) of restoring one MP for the user's Pokémon after using the user's sync move.
Single Sync Reload 6 Once per battle, has a chance (70%) of restoring one MP for the user's Pokémon after using the user's sync move.
Single Sync Reload 7 Once per battle, has a chance (80%) of restoring one MP for the user's Pokémon after using the user's sync move.
Single Sync Reload 8 Once per battle, has a chance (90%) of restoring one MP for the user's Pokémon after using the user's sync move.
Single Sync Reload 9 Once per battle, restores one MP for the user's Pokémon after using the user's sync move. Hilda & Grapploct (Shiny Grapploct)
Sinister Aura Reduces the user's sync move countdown by 1 the first time it enters a battle each battle. Raises the user's critical-hit rate by 3 stat ranks the first time it enters a battle each battle. Marnie & Moltres (Galarian Form)
Sinnoh Flag Bearer Powers up the moves of all allied sync pairs by 10%. Reduces attack move damage taken by all allied sync pairs by 20%. The more allied sync pairs with the Sinnoh theme you have on your team, the higher these percentages are. (Each additional sync pair powers up moves by 10% and reduces damage by 3%. The maximum power-up is 30%, and the maximum damage reduction is 26%.) Cynthia & Giratina
Cynthia & Lucario
Cynthia & Lucario (Mega Lucario)
Sinnoh Pride Powers up the physical attack moves of all allied sync pairs by 20%. Reduces physical attack move damage taken by all allied sync pairs by 25%. The more allied sync pairs with the Sinnoh theme you have on your team, the higher these percentages are. (Each additional sync pair powers up moves by 15% and reduces damage by 3%. The maximum power-up is 50%, and the maximum damage reduction is 31%.) Adaman & Leafeon
Sinnoh Spirit Powers up the special attack moves of all allied sync pairs by 20%. Reduces special attack move damage taken by all allied sync pairs by 25%. The more allied sync pairs with the Sinnoh theme you have on your team, the higher these percentages are. (Each additional sync pair powers up moves by 15% and reduces damage by 3%. The maximum power-up is 50%, and the maximum damage reduction is 31%.) Irida & Glaceon
Sky-Illuminating White Blaze Lowers the target's Fire Type Rebuff by 1 rank the first time the user's Pokémon uses a status move targeting the opponent each battle. This effect can activate only once per battle. Lowers the target's Fire Type Rebuff by 1 rank the first time the user's sync move targeting the opponent is successful each battle. This effect can activate only once per battle. Leaf & Moltres
Slippery 1 Raises the user's evasiveness by 1 stat ranks when its move is successful. Volkner & Raichu
Slippery 2 Raises the user's evasiveness by 2 stat ranks when its move is successful.
Slippery 3 Raises the user's evasiveness by 3 stat ranks when its move is successful.
Slippery 4 Raises the user's evasiveness by 4 stat ranks when its move is successful.
Slippery 5 Raises the user's evasiveness by 5 stat ranks when its move is successful.
Slippery 6 Raises the user's evasiveness by 6 stat ranks when its move is successful.
Slippery Sidekicks 1 Raises the evasiveness of all allied sync pairs by 1 stat ranks when the user's move is successful.
Slippery Sidekicks 2 Raises the evasiveness of all allied sync pairs by 2 stat ranks when the user's move is successful.
Slippery Sidekicks 3 Raises the evasiveness of all allied sync pairs by 3 stat ranks when the user's move is successful.
Slippery Sidekicks 4 Raises the evasiveness of all allied sync pairs by 4 stat ranks when the user's move is successful.
Slippery Sidekicks 5 Raises the evasiveness of all allied sync pairs by 5 stat ranks when the user's move is successful.
Slippery Sidekicks 6 Raises the evasiveness of all allied sync pairs by 6 stat ranks when the user's move is successful.
Slippery Slope 9 Raises the user's evasiveness by one stat rank when an opponent's attack move targeting the user misses. Cheren & Tornadus
Elesa & Togetic
Lillie & Ribombee
Gloria & Cinderace
Gloria & Cinderace
Gloria & Cinderace
The Masked Royal & Incineroar
Nita & Landorus
Slo-mo 1 Has a chance (20%) of lowering the Speed of all opposing sync pairs by one stat rank when the user's move targeting an opponent is successful.
Slo-mo 2 Has a chance (30%) of lowering the Speed of all opposing sync pairs by one stat rank when the user's move targeting an opponent is successful.
Slo-mo 3 Has a chance (40%) of lowering the Speed of all opposing sync pairs by one stat rank when the user's move targeting an opponent is successful.
Slo-mo 4 Has a chance (50%) of lowering the Speed of all opposing sync pairs by one stat rank when the user's move targeting an opponent is successful.
Slo-mo 5 Has a chance (60%) of lowering the Speed of all opposing sync pairs by one stat rank when the user's move targeting an opponent is successful.
Slo-mo 6 Has a chance (70%) of lowering the Speed of all opposing sync pairs by one stat rank when the user's move targeting an opponent is successful.
Slo-mo 7 Has a chance (80%) of lowering the Speed of all opposing sync pairs by one stat rank when the user's move targeting an opponent is successful.
Slo-mo 8 Has a chance (90%) of lowering the Speed of all opposing sync pairs by one stat rank when the user's move targeting an opponent is successful.
Slo-mo 9 Lowers the Speed of all opposing sync pairs by one stat rank when user's move targeting an opponent is successful.
Slo-pponent Sync 1 Powers up the user's sync move when the target's Speed is lowered.
Slo-pponent Sync 2 Powers up the user's sync move when the target's Speed is lowered. Palmer & Regigigas
Slo-pponent Sync 3 Powers up the user's sync move when the target's Speed is lowered. Volo & Gible
Slo-pponent Sync 4 Powers up the user's sync move when the target's Speed is lowered.
Slo-pponent Sync 5 Powers up the user's sync move when the target's Speed is lowered. Gladion & Weavile
Noland & Ninjask
Roxanne & Runerigus
Marnie & Scrafty
Hop & Zapdos (Galarian Form)
Slo-pponent Sync 6 Powers up the user's sync move when the target's Speed is lowered.
Slo-pponent Sync 7 Powers up the user's sync move when the target's Speed is lowered.
Slo-pponent Sync 8 Powers up the user's sync move when the target's Speed is lowered.
Slo-pponent Sync 9 Powers up the user's sync move when the target's Speed is lowered.
Slow Windup 1 Powers up the user's moves when its Speed is lowered. Hala & Crabominable
Smart Cookie The more the user's Sp. Def is raised, the more it powers up the user's moves. Blue & Blastoise
Blue & Blastoise (Mega Blastoise)
Misty & Starmie
Professor Sycamore & Bulbasaur
Valerie & Sylveon
Dawn & Wormadam (Plant Cloak)
N & Sigilyph
Kali & Azumarill
Olympia & Sigilyph
Smarty-Pants The more the target's Sp. Def is lowered, the more it powers up the user's sync move. Blue & Alakazam
Cynthia & Giratina
Erika & Tangela
Fantina & Mismagius
Gardenia & Dhelmise
Giovanni & Mewtwo
Giovanni & Mewtwo (Mega Mewtwo Y)
Iris & Naganadel
Lyra & Vaporeon
Marley & Shaymin
Red & Venusaur
Burgh & Leavanny
May & Latias
May & Latias (Mega Latias)
Elio & Espeon
Hop & Zapdos (Galarian Form)
Bede & Inteleon
Helena & Haunter
Shauna & Sylveon
Dexio & Espeon
S-Move: Physical Boost ↑2 1 Has a chance (20%) of increasing the user's Physical Moves ↑ Next effect by 2 ranks after using its sync move.
S-Move: Physical Boost ↑2 2 Has a chance (30%) of increasing the user's Physical Moves ↑ Next effect by 2 ranks after using its sync move.
S-Move: Physical Boost ↑2 3 Has a chance (40%) of increasing the user's Physical Moves ↑ Next effect by 2 ranks after using its sync move.
S-Move: Physical Boost ↑2 4 Has a chance (50%) of increasing the user's Physical Moves ↑ Next effect by 2 ranks after using its sync move.
S-Move: Physical Boost ↑2 5 Has a chance (60%) of increasing the user's Physical Moves ↑ Next effect by 2 ranks after using its sync move.
S-Move: Physical Boost ↑2 6 Has a chance (70%) of increasing the user's Physical Moves ↑ Next effect by 2 ranks after using its sync move.
S-Move: Physical Boost ↑2 7 Has a chance (80%) of increasing the user's Physical Moves ↑ Next effect by 2 ranks after using its sync move.
S-Move: Physical Boost ↑2 8 Has a chance (90%) of increasing the user's Physical Moves ↑ Next effect by 2 ranks after using its sync move.
S-Move: Physical Boost ↑2 9 Increases the user's Physical Moves ↑ Next effect by 2 ranks after using its sync move. Skyla & Unfezant (Female) Cynthia & Garchomp
Cynthia & Garchomp (Mega Garchomp)
Poppy &
Klara & Slowbro (Galarian Form)
Giacomo &
Snaring Strike 1 Has a chance (20%) of lowering the target's evasiveness by 1 stat rank when the user's Pokémon uses a move targeting that opponent. Lowers the target's evasiveness by 1 stat rank after using the user's sync move targeting that opponent.
Snaring Strike 2 Has a chance (30%) of lowering the target's evasiveness by 1 stat rank when the user's Pokémon uses a move targeting that opponent. Lowers the target's evasiveness by 1 stat rank after using the user's sync move targeting that opponent.
Snaring Strike 3 Has a chance (40%) of lowering the target's evasiveness by 1 stat rank when the user's Pokémon uses a move targeting that opponent. Lowers the target's evasiveness by 1 stat rank after using the user's sync move targeting that opponent.
Snaring Strike 4 Has a chance (50%) of lowering the target's evasiveness by 1 stat rank when the user's Pokémon uses a move targeting that opponent. Lowers the target's evasiveness by 1 stat rank after using the user's sync move targeting that opponent.
Snaring Strike 5 Has a chance (60%) of lowering the target's evasiveness by 1 stat rank when the user's Pokémon uses a move targeting that opponent. Lowers the target's evasiveness by 1 stat rank after using the user's sync move targeting that opponent.
Snaring Strike 6 Has a chance (70%) of lowering the target's evasiveness by 1 stat rank when the user's Pokémon uses a move targeting that opponent. Lowers the target's evasiveness by 1 stat rank after using the user's sync move targeting that opponent.
Snaring Strike 7 Has a chance (80%) of lowering the target's evasiveness by 1 stat rank when the user's Pokémon uses a move targeting that opponent. Lowers the target's evasiveness by 1 stat rank after using the user's sync move targeting that opponent.
Snaring Strike 8 Has a chance (90%) of lowering the target's evasiveness by 1 stat rank when the user's Pokémon uses a move targeting that opponent. Lowers the target's evasiveness by 1 stat rank after using the user's sync move targeting that opponent.
Snaring Strike 9 Lowers the target's evasiveness by 1 stat rank when the user's Pokémon uses a move targeting that opponent. Lowers the target's evasiveness by 1 stat rank after using the user's sync move targeting that opponent. Kris & Jolteon
Snow Sentinel 1 Has a chance (20%) of raising the user's Defense and Sp. Def by one stat rank when its Pokémon uses a move during a hailstorm.
Snow Sentinel 2 Has a chance (30%) of raising the user's Defense and Sp. Def by one stat rank when its Pokémon uses a move during a hailstorm.
Snow Sentinel 3 Has a chance (40%) of raising the user's Defense and Sp. Def by one stat rank when its Pokémon uses a move during a hailstorm.
Snow Sentinel 4 Has a chance (50%) of raising the user's Defense and Sp. Def by one stat rank when its Pokémon uses a move during a hailstorm.
Snow Sentinel 5 Has a chance (60%) of raising the user's Defense and Sp. Def by one stat rank when its Pokémon uses a move during a hailstorm.
Snow Sentinel 6 Has a chance (70%) of raising the user's Defense and Sp. Def by one stat rank when its Pokémon uses a move during a hailstorm.
Snow Sentinel 7 Has a chance (80%) of raising the user's Defense and Sp. Def by one stat rank when its Pokémon uses a move during a hailstorm.
Snow Sentinel 8 Has a chance (90%) of raising the user's Defense and Sp. Def by one stat rank when its Pokémon uses a move during a hailstorm.
Snow Sentinel 9 Raises the user's Defense and Sp. Def by one stat rank when its Pokémon uses a move during a hailstorm. Bea & Vanilluxe
Snow Shelter Protects the user from damage from a hailstorm. Brycen & Cryogonal
Candice & Abomasnow
Candice & Froslass
Grant & Amaura
Grant & Aurorus
Main Character & Lapras
Main Character & Lapras
Main Character & Lapras
Main Character & Seel
Main Character & Dewgong
Main Character & Seel
Main Character & Dewgong
Main Character & Seel
Main Character & Dewgong
Main Character & Smoochum
Main Character & Jynx
Rosa & Delibird
Steven & Sandslash (Alola Form)
Glacia & Glalie
Glacia & Glalie (Mega Glalie)
Nessa & Eiscue
Nessa & Eiscue (Noice Face)
Bea & Vanilluxe
Caitlin & Reuniclus
Candice & Darmanitan (Galarian Form)
Candice & Darmanitan (Galarian Form Zen Mode)
Cynthia & Kommo-o
Hilbert & Glaceon
Lillie & Clefairy
Lorelei & Lapras
Lorelei & Cloyster
Pryce & Seel
Pryce & Dewgong
Red & Articuno
Silver & Sneasel
Wulfric & Avalugg
Lisia & Altaria
Lisia & Altaria (Mega Altaria)
N & Kyurem (Black Kyurem)
Leon & Calyrex (Ice Rider)
Hala & Crabominable
Emmet & Escavalier
Melony & Lapras
Dana & Regice
Grusha &
Grusha & Beartic
Sina & Glaceon
1Star Crispy Lucky Cookie
2Star Crispy Lucky Cookie
3Star Crispy Lucky Cookie
Soaring Countdown 1
Soften Up 1 Critical hits land more easily when the user attacks with a sync move. Candice & Darmanitan (Galarian Form)
Candice & Darmanitan (Galarian Form Zen Mode)
Gladion & Magearna
Selene & Nihilego
Nemona &
Rei & Decidueye (Hisuian Form)
Blue & Aerodactyl
Blue & Aerodactyl (Mega Aerodactyl)
Cynthia & Kommo-o
Diantha & Diancie (Shiny Diancie)
Diantha & Diancie (Shiny Mega Diancie)
Elesa & Togetic
Iris & Hydreigon
Lillie & Lunala
Palmer & Regigigas
Red & Charizard
Red & Charizard (Mega Charizard X)
Silver & Sneasel
Skyla & Tornadus (Therian Forme)
Steven & Deoxys (Normal Forme)
Steven & Deoxys (Normal Forme)
Steven & Deoxys (Attack Forme)
Steven & Deoxys (Defense Forme)
Steven & Deoxys (Speed Forme)
Viola & Vivillon (Icy Snow Pattern)
Wallace & Blacephalon
Serena & Zygarde
Serena & Zygarde (Complete Forme)
Serena & Greninja
Serena & Greninja
Cyrus & Darkrai
Volkner & Electivire
Gloria & Cinderace
Gloria & Cinderace
Gloria & Cinderace
N & Kyurem (Black Kyurem)
Lear & Hoopa
Leon & Dragapult
Marnie & Moltres (Galarian Form)
Nessa & Eiscue
Nessa & Eiscue (Noice Face)
Bea & Sirfetch'd
Emmet & Archeops
Lucas & Dialga
Lucas & Torterra
Bede & Inteleon
Irida & Zoroark (Hisuian Form)
Eusine & Suicune (Shiny Suicune)
Oleana & Garbodor
Akari & Samurott (Hisuian Form)
Volo & Togepi
Jacq &
Greta & Breloom
Klara & Slowbro (Galarian Form)
Sina & Glaceon
Mela &
Juliana &
Florian &
Solar Flare 1 Powers up the user's sync move when the weather is sunny.
Solar Flare 2 Powers up the user's sync move when the weather is sunny. Red & Charizard
Red & Charizard (Mega Charizard X)
Solar Flare 3 Powers up the user's sync move when the weather is sunny. Gardenia & Roserade
Solar Flare 4 Powers up the user's sync move when the weather is sunny. Nemona Lucky Cookie 1
Solar Flare 5 Powers up the user's sync move when the weather is sunny. Blaine & Ponyta
Blaine & Rapidash
Blue & Charizard
Erika & Leafeon
Lusamine & Lilligant
Red & Charizard
Red & Charizard (Mega Charizard X)
Silver & Ho-Oh
Burgh & Leavanny
Mallow & Tsareena
Maxie & Groudon
Sonia & Tsareena (Shiny Tsareena)
Lucas & Flareon
Adaman & Leafeon
Juliana &
Solar Flare 6 Powers up the user's sync move when the weather is sunny.
Solar Flare 7 Powers up the user's sync move when the weather is sunny.
Solar Flare 8 Powers up the user's sync move when the weather is sunny.
Solar Flare 9 Powers up the user's sync move when the weather is sunny. Silver & Ho-Oh
Marnie & Cinderace
Solar Propulsion 1 Has a chance (20%) of reducing the user's sync move countdown by one when the user's move is successful while the weather is sunny. Maxie & Groudon
Solar Propulsion 2 Has a chance (30%) of reducing the user's sync move countdown by one when the user's move is successful while the weather is sunny. Erika & Leafeon
Solar Propulsion 3 Has a chance (40%) of reducing the user's sync move countdown by one when the user's move is successful while the weather is sunny.
Solar Propulsion 4 Has a chance (50%) of reducing the user's sync move countdown by one when the user's move is successful while the weather is sunny.
Solar Propulsion 5 Has a chance (60%) of reducing the user's sync move countdown by one when the user's move is successful while the weather is sunny.
Solar Propulsion 6 Has a chance (70%) of reducing the user's sync move countdown by one when the user's move is successful while the weather is sunny.
Solar Propulsion 7 Has a chance (80%) of reducing the user's sync move countdown by one when the user's move is successful while the weather is sunny.
Solar Propulsion 8 Has a chance (90%) of reducing the user's sync move countdown by one when the user's move is successful while the weather is sunny.
Solar Propulsion 9 Reduces the user's sync move countdown by one when the user's move is successful while the weather is sunny.
Solar Shield Status conditions cannot be inflicted on the user when the weather is sunny. Lyra & Chikorita
Lyra & Bayleef
Lyra & Meganium
Mallow & Tsareena
Brendan & Treecko
Brendan & Grovyle
Brendan & Sceptile
Brendan & Sceptile (Mega Sceptle)
Erika & Tangela
Erika & Leafeon
Flannery & Torkoal
Lusamine & Lilligant
Burgh & Leavanny
Serena & Whimsicott
Evelyn & Entei
Adaman & Leafeon
Solar Surge 3 Quickly charges the move gauge when the weather is sunny. Powers up the user's moves when the weather is sunny. Maxie & Groudon
Solar Sync Makes the weather sunny the first time the user's sync move is used each battle. Blaine & Ponyta
Blaine & Rapidash
Leaf & Moltres
Raihan & Flygon
Maxie & Groudon
Juliana &
Solarize Makes the weather sunny after using the user's sync move. Silver & Ho-Oh
Lucas & Flareon
Solo Fanfare 6 Raises the user's Attack by 6 stat ranks the first time its sync move is used each battle. May & Lopunny
May & Lopunny (Mega Lopunny)
Soothing Sand 1 Restores the user's HP whenever its Pokémon takes an action during a sandstorm. Acerola & Palossand
Cheren & Stoutland
Cynthia & Garchomp
Cynthia & Garchomp (Mega Garchomp)
Cynthia & Garchomp
Cynthia & Garchomp (Mega Garchomp)
Diantha & Diancie (Shiny Diancie)
Diantha & Diancie (Shiny Mega Diancie)
Giovanni & Rhydon
Professor Kukui & Lycanroc
Roxanne & Nosepass
Roxanne & Probopass
Silver & Tyranitar (Shiny Tyranitar)
Silver & Tyranitar (Shiny Mega Tyranitar)
Jasmine & Steelix
Jasmine & Steelix (Mega Steelix)
Molayne & Dugtrio (Alola Form)
Raihan & Gigalith
Raihan & Sandaconda
Ingo & Excadrill
Bertha & Hippowdon
Nita & Landorus
Naomi & Sandslash
Paulo & Lycanroc (Dusk Form)
Volo & Gible
Soothing Sand 2 Restores the user's HP whenever its Pokémon takes an action during a sandstorm.
Soothing Sand 3 Restores the user's HP whenever its Pokémon takes an action during a sandstorm.
Soothing Sand 4 Restores the user's HP whenever its Pokémon takes an action during a sandstorm.
Soothing Sand 5 Restores the user's HP whenever its Pokémon takes an action during a sandstorm.
Soup Up 2 Has a chance (30%) of raising the user's Sp. Atk by one stat rank when it is hit by an attack move. Skyla & Togekiss
Soup Up 4 Has a chance (50%) of raising the user's Sp. Atk by one stat rank when it is hit by an attack move. Burgh & Togepi
Space Spreads over Hisui Protects all allied sync pairs from damage from a hailstorm. Powers up the moves of all allied sync pairs during a hailstorm. Quickly charges the move gauge during a hailstorm. Irida & Glaceon
Special Reserves 1 Raises the user's Sp. Atk by 1 stat ranks the first time it is in a pinch each battle.
Special Reserves 2 Raises the user's Sp. Atk by 2 stat ranks the first time it is in a pinch each battle. Professor Oak & Mew
Professor Oak & Mew
Morty & Drifblim
Special Reserves 3 Raises the user's Sp. Atk by 3 stat ranks the first time it is in a pinch each battle. Lance & Dragonite
Special Reserves 4 Raises the user's Sp. Atk by 4 stat ranks the first time it is in a pinch each battle. Zinnia & Rayquaza
Zinnia & Rayquaza (Mega Rayquaza)
Special Reserves 5 Raises the user's Sp. Atk by 5 stat ranks the first time it is in a pinch each battle.
Special Reserves 6 Raises the user's Sp. Atk by 6 stat ranks the first time it is in a pinch each battle.
Speed Leech 1 Has a chance (20%) of lowering the target's Speed by one stat rank and raising the user's Speed by the same amount when the user's attack move against the target is successful.
Speed Leech 2 Has a chance (30%) of lowering the target's Speed by one stat rank and raising the user's Speed by the same amount when the user's attack move against the target is successful.
Speed Leech 3 Has a chance (40%) of lowering the target's Speed by one stat rank and raising the user's Speed by the same amount when the user's attack move against the target is successful.
Speed Leech 4 Has a chance (50%) of lowering the target's Speed by one stat rank and raising the user's Speed by the same amount when the user's attack move against the target is successful.
Speed Leech 5 Has a chance (60%) of lowering the target's Speed by one stat rank and raising the user's Speed by the same amount when the user's attack move against the target is successful.
Speed Leech 6 Has a chance (70%) of lowering the target's Speed by one stat rank and raising the user's Speed by the same amount when the user's attack move against the target is successful.
Speed Leech 7 Has a chance (80%) of lowering the target's Speed by one stat rank and raising the user's Speed by the same amount when the user's attack move against the target is successful.
Speed Leech 8 Has a chance (90%) of lowering the target's Speed by one stat rank and raising the user's Speed by the same amount when the user's attack move against the target is successful.
Speed Leech 9 Lowers the target's Speed by one stat rank and raises the user's Speed by the same amount when the user's attack move against the target is successful. Diantha & Keldeo (Resolute Form)
Hugh & Unfezant
Speed Skating 1 Has a chance (20%) of raising the Speed of the user with Ice Face by one stat rank when its attack move is successful.
Speed Skating 2 Has a chance (30%) of raising the Speed of the user with Ice Face by one stat rank when its attack move is successful.
Speed Skating 3 Has a chance (40%) of raising the Speed of the user with Ice Face by one stat rank when its attack move is successful.
Speed Skating 4 Has a chance (50%) of raising the Speed of the user with Ice Face by one stat rank when its attack move is successful. Nessa & Eiscue
Nessa & Eiscue (Noice Face)
Speed Skating 5 Has a chance (60%) of raising the Speed of the user with Ice Face by one stat rank when its attack move is successful.
Speed Skating 6 Has a chance (70%) of raising the Speed of the user with Ice Face by one stat rank when its attack move is successful.
Speed Skating 7 Has a chance (80%) of raising the Speed of the user with Ice Face by one stat rank when its attack move is successful.
Speed Skating 8 Has a chance (90%) of raising the Speed of the user with Ice Face by one stat rank when its attack move is successful.
Speed Skating 9 Raises the Speed of the user with Ice Face by one stat rank when its attack move is successful.
Speed Up: Power Up 1 Powers up the user's moves when Speed is raised.
Speed Up: Power Up 2 Powers up the user's moves when Speed is raised.
Speed Up: Power Up 3 Powers up the user's moves when Speed is raised.
Speed Up: Power Up 4 Powers up the user's moves when Speed is raised.
Speed Up: Power Up 5 Powers up the user's moves when Speed is raised.
Speed Up: Power Up 6 Powers up the user's moves when Speed is raised.
Speed Up: Power Up 7 Powers up the user's moves when Speed is raised.
Speed Up: Power Up 8 Powers up the user's moves when Speed is raised.
Speed Up: Power Up 9 Powers up the user's moves when Speed is raised.
Speeding Sun 1 Quickly charges the move gauge when the weather is sunny. Main Character & Oddish
Main Character & Gloom
Main Character & Vileplume
Main Character & Oddish
Main Character & Gloom
Main Character & Vileplume
Main Character & Oddish
Main Character & Gloom
Main Character & Vileplume
Main Character &
Gardenia & Roserade
Marley & Arcanine
Speeding Sun 2 Quickly charges the move gauge when the weather is sunny. Blue & Exeggutor
Erika & Tangela
Gardenia & Roserade
Main Character & Eevee
Main Character & Flareon
Silver & Ho-Oh
Ethan & Cyndaquil
Ethan & Quilava
Ethan & Typhlosion
Burgh & Leavanny
Acerola & Tapu Bulu
Barry & Roserade
Blaine & Ponyta
Blaine & Rapidash
Blue & Charizard
Karen & Houndoom
Karen & Houndoom (Mega Houndoom)
Lusamine & Lilligant
Ramos & Weepinbell
Ramos & Victreebel
Red & Charizard
Red & Charizard (Mega Charizard X)
Red & Venusaur
Leaf & Venusaur (Female)
Leaf & Venusaur (Mega Venusaur)
Wallace & Blacephalon
Morty & Ho-Oh (Shiny Ho-Oh)
May & Blaziken
May & Blaziken (Mega Blaziken)
Leon & Charizard
Marnie & Cinderace
Bede & Hatterene
Courtney & Camerupt (Female)
Courtney & Camerupt (Mega Camerupt)
Gordie & Coalossal
Adaman & Leafeon
Nemona &
Tina & Flareon
Iono &
Kabu & Torkoal
Juliana &
Speeding Sun 3 Quickly charges the move gauge when the weather is sunny. Erika & Leafeon Brendan & Treecko
Brendan & Grovyle
Brendan & Sceptile
Brendan & Sceptile (Mega Sceptle)
Serena & Whimsicott
Mallow & Tsareena
Sonia & Tsareena (Shiny Tsareena)
Lucas & Flareon
Speeding Sun 4 Quickly charges the move gauge when the weather is sunny.
Speeding Sun 5 Quickly charges the move gauge when the weather is sunny.
Speeding Sun 6 Quickly charges the move gauge when the weather is sunny.
Speeding Sun 7 Quickly charges the move gauge when the weather is sunny.
Speeding Sun 8 Quickly charges the move gauge when the weather is sunny.
Speeding Sun 9 Quickly charges the move gauge when the weather is sunny.
Speedster's Sync 1 Powers up the user's sync move when its Speed is raised.
Speedster's Sync 2 Powers up the user's sync move when its Speed is raised.
Speedster's Sync 3 Powers up the user's sync move when its Speed is raised. Gladion & Magearna
Rika & Whiscash
Speedster's Sync 4 Powers up the user's sync move when its Speed is raised. Lillie Holiday 2024 Lucky Cookie 1
Speedster's Sync 5 Powers up the user's sync move when its Speed is raised. Archer & Houndoom
Cheren & Purrloin
Wally & Gallade
Wally & Gallade (Mega Gallade)
Clemont & Heliolisk
Nate & Haxorus (Shiny Haxorus)
Speedster's Sync 6 Powers up the user's sync move when its Speed is raised.
Speedster's Sync 7 Powers up the user's sync move when its Speed is raised.
Speedster's Sync 8 Powers up the user's sync move when its Speed is raised.
Speedster's Sync 9 Powers up the user's sync move when its Speed is raised. Barry & Heracross
Barry & Heracross (Mega Heracross)
Speedy Entry 1 Raises the user's Speed by 1 stat ranks when it enters a battle. Sabrina & Alakazam
Sabrina & Alakazam (Mega Alakazam)
Diantha & Gardevoir
Diantha & Gardevoir (Mega Gardevoir)
Erika & Leafeon
Hau & Raichu (Alola Form)
Hilbert & Mightyena
Janine & Crobat
Lusamine & Pheromosa
Skyla & Togekiss
Tate & Solrock
Serena & Whimsicott
Marnie & Morpeko
Marnie & Morpeko (Hangry Mode)
Selene & Rowlet
Selene & Dartrix
Selene & Decidueye
1 Star Deluxe Lucky Cookie
Speedy Entry 2 Raises the user's Speed by 2 stat ranks when it enters a battle. Giovanni & Persian
Main Character & Pichu
Main Character & Pikachu
Main Character & Raichu
Flint & Infernape
Grimsley & Sharpedo
Grimsley & Sharpedo (Mega Sharpedo)
Hilda & Tepig
Hilda & Pignite
Hilda & Emboar
Marnie & Moltres (Galarian Form)
Atticus &
1 Star Deluxe Lucky Cookie
2 Star Deluxe Lucky Cookie
Speedy Entry 3 Raises the user's Speed by 3 stat ranks when it enters a battle.
Speedy Entry 4 Raises the user's Speed by 4 stat ranks when it enters a battle.
Speedy Entry 5 Raises the user's Speed by 5 stat ranks when it enters a battle.
Speedy Entry 6 Raises the user's Speed by 6 stat ranks when it enters a battle.
Spikemuth Grit Restores the user's HP by approximately 40% of its maximum HP the first time its HP drops to half or below each battle. Increases the user's Special Moves ↑ Next effect by 3 ranks the first time its HP drops to half or below each battle. Marnie & Moltres (Galarian Form)
Spur On 1 Charges the user's move gauge by 1 each time another Pokémon on the field of play faints.
Spur On 4 Charges the user's move gauge by 4 each time another Pokémon on the field of play faints. Hilbert & Mightyena
Stacking Strike 1 Has a chance (20%) of raising the user's critical-hit rate by 1 stat ranks when its attack move hits. If the move has the multistrike effect tag, has a chance (20%) of raising the user's critical-hit rate by 1 stat ranks for each hit.
Stacking Strike 2 Has a chance (30%) of raising the user's critical-hit rate by 1 stat ranks when its attack move hits. If the move has the multistrike effect tag, has a chance (30%) of raising the user's critical-hit rate by 1 stat ranks for each hit.
Stacking Strike 3 Has a chance (40%) of raising the user's critical-hit rate by 1 stat ranks when its attack move hits. If the move has the multistrike effect tag, has a chance (40%) of raising the user's critical-hit rate by 1 stat ranks for each hit.
Stacking Strike 4 Has a chance (50%) of raising the user's critical-hit rate by 1 stat ranks when its attack move hits. If the move has the multistrike effect tag, has a chance (50%) of raising the user's critical-hit rate by 1 stat ranks for each hit.
Stacking Strike 5 Has a chance (60%) of raising the user's critical-hit rate by 1 stat ranks when its attack move hits. If the move has the multistrike effect tag, has a chance (60%) of raising the user's critical-hit rate by 1 stat ranks for each hit.
Stacking Strike 6 Has a chance (70%) of raising the user's critical-hit rate by 1 stat ranks when its attack move hits. If the move has the multistrike effect tag, has a chance (70%) of raising the user's critical-hit rate by 1 stat ranks for each hit.
Stacking Strike 7 Has a chance (80%) of raising the user's critical-hit rate by 1 stat ranks when its attack move hits. If the move has the multistrike effect tag, has a chance (80%) of raising the user's critical-hit rate by 1 stat ranks for each hit.
Stacking Strike 8 Has a chance (90%) of raising the user's critical-hit rate by 1 stat ranks when its attack move hits. If the move has the multistrike effect tag, has a chance (90%) of raising the user's critical-hit rate by 1 stat ranks for each hit.
Stacking Strike 9 Raises the user's critical-hit rate by 1 stat ranks when its attack move hits. If the move has the multistrike effect tag, raises the user's critical-hit rate by 1 stat ranks for each hit. Gloria & Urshifu (Rapid Strike)
Jacq &
Staggering 1 Has a chance (20%) of making the target flinch when the user's attack move against it is successful. Noland & Pinsir
Noland & Pinsir (Mega Pinsir)
Rosa & Dewott
Staggering 2 Has a chance (30%) of making the target flinch when the user's attack move against it is successful. Skyla & Tornadus (Therian Forme)
Serena & Greninja
Serena & Fletchling
Kris & Suicune
Marshal & Conkeldurr
Steven & Cradily
May & Blaziken
May & Blaziken (Mega Blaziken)
Malva & Talonflame
Staggering 3 Has a chance (40%) of making the target flinch when the user's attack move against it is successful. Phoebe & Cofagrigus
Nemona &
Staggering 4 Has a chance (50%) of making the target flinch when the user's attack move against it is successful. Ingo & Chandelure
Chase & Pikachu
Staggering 5 Has a chance (60%) of making the target flinch when the user's attack move against it is successful.
Staggering 6 Has a chance (70%) of making the target flinch when the user's attack move against it is successful.
Staggering 7 Has a chance (80%) of making the target flinch when the user's attack move against it is successful.
Staggering 8 Has a chance (90%) of making the target flinch when the user's attack move against it is successful.
Staggering 9 Makes the target flinch when the user's attack move against it is successful.
Stalwart Sp. Def cannot be lowered. Liza & Lunatone
Main Character & Geodude
Main Character & Graveler
Main Character & Golem
Main Character & Geodude
Main Character & Graveler
Main Character & Golem
Main Character & Staryu
Main Character & Starmie
Main Character & Happiny
Main Character & Chansey
Main Character & Chansey
Main Character & Happiny
Main Character & Chansey
Main Character & Eevee
Main Character & Umbreon
Main Character & Eevee
Main Character & Sylveon
Main Character & Tentacool
Main Character & Tentacruel
Rosa & Snivy
Rosa & Servine
Rosa & Serperior
Barry & Roserade
Brock & Kabutops
Caitlin & Sableye
Caitlin & Sableye (Mega Sableye)
Cheryl & Blissey
Cheryl & Wailord
Cynthia & Gastrodon
Diantha & Keldeo (Resolute Form)
Drake & Salamence
Gladion & Golbat
Iris & Hydreigon
Lillie & Polteageist (Antique Form)
Lt. Surge & Raichu
Lyra & Vaporeon
Main Character & Cobalion
Main Character & Mesprit
Main Character & Alcremie (Ruby Cream - Berry Sweet)
Main Character & Alcremie (Matcha Cream - Clover Sweet)
Main Character & Alcremie (Mint Cream - Star Sweet)
Main Character & Alcremie (Lemon Cream - Flower Sweet)
Main Character & Alcremie (Salted Cream - Ribbon Sweet)
Main Character & Alcremie (Caramel Swirl - Love Sweet)
Marlon & Carracosta
Mina & Tapu Fini
Olivia & Carbink
Professor Oak & Nidorino
Rosa & Meloetta (Aria Form)
Rosa & Meloetta (Pirouette Forme)
Roxanne & Nosepass
Roxanne & Probopass
Winona & Altaria
Clemont & Magneton
Jasmine & Celesteela
Jasmine & Ampharos
Jasmine & Ampharos (Mega Ampharos)
Dawn & Wormadam (Plant Cloak)
Burgh & Togepi
Morty & Mismagius
Morty & Gastly
Mallow & Shiinotic
May & Latias
May & Latias (Mega Latias)
Piers & Obstagoon
Leon & Eternatus
Elio & Espeon
Lana & Araquanid
Raihan & Duraludon
Bea & Vanilluxe
Ingo & Excadrill
Evelyn & Entei
Falkner & Noctowl
Aaron & Vespiquen
Victor & Spectrier
Melony & Lapras
Trevor & Florges (Orange Flower)
Kali & Azumarill
Anabel & Snorlax
Adaman & Vaporeon
Dana & Regice
Argenta & Skarmory
Lenora & Watchog
Penny & Sylveon
Elaine & Eevee
Iono &
Grusha & Beartic
Chase & Pikachu
Riley & Lucario
Rika &
Bellelba & Swoobat
Arven &
Eri &
Milo & Eldegoss
1Star Creamy Lucky Cookie
2Star Creamy Lucky Cookie
3Star Creamy Lucky Cookie
1 Star Deluxe Lucky Cookie
2 Star Deluxe Lucky Cookie
Stamina Reserves 1 Charges the user's move gauge by 1 the first time it is in a pinch each battle.
Stamina Reserves 2 Charges the user's move gauge by 2 the first time it is in a pinch each battle. Main Character & Scyther
Main Character & Meowth
Main Character & Persian
Main Character & Zubat
Main Character & Golbat
Main Character & Rattata
Main Character & Raticate
Main Character & Bellsprout
Main Character & Weepinbell
Main Character & Victreebel
Main Character & Geodude
Main Character & Graveler
Main Character & Golem
Main Character & Onix
Main Character & Kabuto
Main Character & Kabutops
Main Character & Aerodactyl
Main Character & Bulbasaur
Main Character & Ivysaur
Main Character & Venusaur
Main Character & Lapras
Main Character & Seel
Main Character & Dewgong
Main Character & Mankey
Main Character & Primeape
Main Character & Machop
Main Character & Machoke
Main Character & Machamp
Main Character & Exeggcute
Main Character & Exeggutor
Main Character & Pichu
Main Character & Pikachu
Main Character & Raichu
Main Character & Elekid
Main Character & Electabuzz
Main Character & Magnemite
Main Character & Magneton
Main Character & Igglybuff
Main Character & Jigglypuff
Main Character & Wigglytuff
Main Character & Cleffa
Main Character & Clefairy
Main Character & Clefable
Main Character & Porygon
Main Character & Vulpix
Main Character & Ninetales
Main Character & Cubone
Main Character & Marowak
Main Character & Spearow
Main Character & Fearow
Main Character & Koffing
Main Character & Weezing
Main Character & Paras
Main Character & Parasect
Main Character & Horsea
Main Character & Seadra
Main Character & Shellder
Main Character & Cloyster
Main Character & Chansey
Main Character & Meowth (Alola Form)
Main Character & Persian (Alola Form)
Main Character &
Main Character & Diglett
Main Character & Dugtrio
Main Character & Caterpie
Main Character & Metapod
Main Character & Butterfree
Main Character & Rhyhorn
Main Character & Rhydon
Giovanni & Persian
Stamina Reserves 3 Charges the user's move gauge by 3 the first time it is in a pinch each battle. Barry & Piplup
Barry & Prinplup
Barry & Empoleon
Gladion & Silvally
Grimsley & Sharpedo
Grimsley & Sharpedo (Mega Sharpedo)
Stamina Reserves 4 Charges the user's move gauge by 4 the first time it is in a pinch each battle. Marshal & Conkeldurr
Stamina Reserves 5 Charges the user's move gauge by 5 the first time it is in a pinch each battle.
Stamina Reserves 6 Charges the user's move gauge by 6 the first time it is in a pinch each battle. Cynthia & Kommo-o
Erika & Comfey
Hau & Raichu (Alola Form)
Korrina & Lucario
Korrina & Lucario (Mega Lucario)
Roxie & Whirlipede
Roxie & Scolipede
Burgh & Togepi
Leon & Calyrex (Ice Rider)
Lana & Araquanid
Ghetsis & Kyurem
Stance Change Changes to Blade Forme when the user's Pokémon attacks. Changes to Shield Forme when the user's Pokémon uses King's Shield or switches out. Wikstrom & Aegislash
Wikstrom & Aegislash (Blade Forme)
Standfast 1 Reduces recoil damage received from using moves that have recoil in the effect tag.
Standfast 2 Reduces recoil damage received from using moves that have recoil in the effect tag. Main Character & Munchlax
Main Character & Snorlax
Standfast 3 Reduces recoil damage received from using moves that have recoil in the effect tag. Main Character & Lickitung
Main Character & Elekid
Main Character & Electabuzz
Main Character & Igglybuff
Main Character & Jigglypuff
Main Character & Wigglytuff
Main Character & Farfetch'd
Phoebe & Dusclops
Phoebe & Dusknoir
Phoebe & Dusclops
Phoebe & Dusknoir
Sophocles & Golem (Alola Form)
Standfast 4 Reduces recoil damage received from using moves that have recoil in the effect tag.
Standfast 5 Reduces recoil damage received from using moves that have recoil in the effect tag. Karen & Umbreon
Main Character & Tauros
Main Character & Rattata
Main Character & Raticate
Main Character & Growlithe
Main Character & Arcanine
Elesa & Zebstrika
Elesa & Zebstrika
Hilbert & Mightyena
Hilbert & Mightyena
Hilda & Tepig
Hilda & Pignite
Hilda & Emboar
Hilda & Tepig
Hilda & Pignite
Hilda & Emboar
Hilda & Tepig
Hilda & Pignite
Hilda & Emboar
Red & Charizard
Red & Charizard (Mega Charizard X)
Red & Charizard
Red & Charizard (Mega Charizard X)
Volkner & Luxray
Gloria & Thwackey
Darach & Staraptor
Irida & Flareon
Standfast 6 Reduces recoil damage received from using moves that have recoil in the effect tag.
Standfast 7 Reduces recoil damage received from using moves that have recoil in the effect tag. Darach & Staraptor
Standfast 8 Reduces recoil damage received from using moves that have recoil in the effect tag.
Standfast 9 Reduces recoil damage received from using moves that have recoil in the effect tag. Main Character & Meowth (Galarian Form)
Main Character & Perrserker
Sophocles & Golem (Alola Form)
Gloria & Thwackey
Raihan & Duraludon
Irida & Flareon
Elesa & Zebstrika
Hilda & Tepig
Hilda & Pignite
Hilda & Emboar
Red & Charizard
Red & Charizard (Mega Charizard X)
Stat Leech 1 Has a chance (20%) of lowering one of the target's following stats by one stat rank at random when the user's attack move against it is successful: Attack, Defense, Sp. Atk, Sp. Def, Speed, accuracy, or evasiveness. Raises the user's stat by the same amount.
Stat Leech 2 Has a chance (30%) of lowering one of the target's following stats by one stat rank at random when the user's attack move against it is successful: Attack, Defense, Sp. Atk, Sp. Def, Speed, accuracy, or evasiveness. Raises the user's stat by the same amount.
Stat Leech 3 Has a chance (40%) of lowering one of the target's following stats by one stat rank at random when the user's attack move against it is successful: Attack, Defense, Sp. Atk, Sp. Def, Speed, accuracy, or evasiveness. Raises the user's stat by the same amount. Kali & Azumarill
Stat Leech 4 Has a chance (50%) of lowering one of the target's following stats by one stat rank at random when the user's attack move against it is successful: Attack, Defense, Sp. Atk, Sp. Def, Speed, accuracy, or evasiveness. Raises the user's stat by the same amount. Serena & Fennekin
Serena & Braixen
Serena & Delphox
Stat Leech 5 Has a chance (60%) of lowering one of the target's following stats by one stat rank at random when the user's attack move against it is successful: Attack, Defense, Sp. Atk, Sp. Def, Speed, accuracy, or evasiveness. Raises the user's stat by the same amount.
Stat Leech 6 Has a chance (70%) of lowering one of the target's following stats by one stat rank at random when the user's attack move against it is successful: Attack, Defense, Sp. Atk, Sp. Def, Speed, accuracy, or evasiveness. Raises the user's stat by the same amount.
Stat Leech 7 Has a chance (80%) of lowering one of the target's following stats by one stat rank at random when the user's attack move against it is successful: Attack, Defense, Sp. Atk, Sp. Def, Speed, accuracy, or evasiveness. Raises the user's stat by the same amount.
Stat Leech 8 Has a chance (90%) of lowering one of the target's following stats by one stat rank at random when the user's attack move against it is successful: Attack, Defense, Sp. Atk, Sp. Def, Speed, accuracy, or evasiveness. Raises the user's stat by the same amount.
Stat Leech 9 Lowers one of the target's following stats by one stat rank at random when the user's attack move against it is successful: Attack, Defense, Sp. Atk, Sp. Def, Speed, accuracy, or evasiveness. Raises the user's stat by the same amount.
Stat Reboot 4 Once per battle, has a chance (50%) of returning the user's lowered stats to normal when in a pinch. Lysandre & Yveltal
Stat Reboot 9 Once per battle, returns the user's lowered stats to normal when in a pinch. Leon & Charizard
Stat Share 1 When a status move used by the user's Pokémon raises its stats only, has a chance (20%) of raising the same stats by the same amount for all allied sync pairs instead.
Stat Share 2 When a status move used by the user's Pokémon raises its stats only, has a chance (30%) of raising the same stats by the same amount for all allied sync pairs instead.
Stat Share 3 When a status move used by the user's Pokémon raises its stats only, has a chance (40%) of raising the same stats by the same amount for all allied sync pairs instead.
Stat Share 4 When a status move used by the user's Pokémon raises its stats only, has a chance (50%) of raising the same stats by the same amount for all allied sync pairs instead.
Stat Share 5 When a status move used by the user's Pokémon raises its stats only, has a chance (60%) of raising the same stats by the same amount for all allied sync pairs instead.
Stat Share 6 When a status move used by the user's Pokémon raises its stats only, has a chance (70%) of raising the same stats by the same amount for all allied sync pairs instead.
Stat Share 7 When a status move used by the user's Pokémon raises its stats only, has a chance (80%) of raising the same stats by the same amount for all allied sync pairs instead.
Stat Share 8 When a status move used by the user's Pokémon raises its stats only, has a chance (90%) of raising the same stats by the same amount for all allied sync pairs instead.
Stat Share 9 When a status move used by the user's Pokémon raises its stats only, raises the same stats by the same amount for all allied sync pairs instead. Steven & Deoxys (Defense Forme)
Aaron & Vespiquen
Argenta & Skarmory
Arven &
Stat Up x2 When the user's stat is raised, it is raised by double the stat ranks.
Stat's Quo 1 Has a chance (20%) of returning the user's lowered stats to normal when its move is successful.
Stat's Quo 2 Has a chance (30%) of returning the user's lowered stats to normal when its move is successful. Olivia & Carbink
Stat's Quo 3 Has a chance (40%) of returning the user's lowered stats to normal when its move is successful.
Stat's Quo 4 Has a chance (50%) of returning the user's lowered stats to normal when its move is successful.
Stat's Quo 5 Has a chance (60%) of returning the user's lowered stats to normal when its move is successful.
Static Boost 1 Powers up the user's moves and sync move when the target is paralyzed.
Static Boost 2 Powers up the user's moves and sync move when the target is paralyzed.
Static Boost 3 Powers up the user's moves and sync move when the target is paralyzed. N & Zekrom
Static Boost 4 Powers up the user's moves and sync move when the target is paralyzed.
Static Boost 5 Powers up the user's moves and sync move when the target is paralyzed.
Static Boost 6 Powers up the user's moves and sync move when the target is paralyzed.
Static Boost 7 Powers up the user's moves and sync move when the target is paralyzed.
Static Boost 8 Powers up the user's moves and sync move when the target is paralyzed.
Static Boost 9 Powers up the user's moves and sync move when the target is paralyzed.
Static Brush 1 Has a chance (20%) of leaving the target paralyzed when the user's Electric-type attack move against it is successful.
Static Brush 2 Has a chance (30%) of leaving the target paralyzed when the user's Electric-type attack move against it is successful.
Static Brush 3 Has a chance (40%) of leaving the target paralyzed when the user's Electric-type attack move against it is successful.
Static Brush 4 Has a chance (50%) of leaving the target paralyzed when the user's Electric-type attack move against it is successful.
Static Brush 5 Has a chance (60%) of leaving the target paralyzed when the user's Electric-type attack move against it is successful.
Static Brush 6 Has a chance (70%) of leaving the target paralyzed when the user's Electric-type attack move against it is successful.
Static Brush 7 Has a chance (80%) of leaving the target paralyzed when the user's Electric-type attack move against it is successful.
Static Brush 8 Has a chance (90%) of leaving the target paralyzed when the user's Electric-type attack move against it is successful.
Static Brush 9 Leaves the target paralyzed when the user's Electric-type attack move against it is successful. Hilbert & Genesect
Static Cling 1 Has a chance (20%) of leaving an opponent that attacked the user paralyzed when the user is hit by an attack move.
Static Cling 2 Has a chance (30%) of leaving an opponent that attacked the user paralyzed when the user is hit by an attack move. Acerola & Banette
Lillie & Polteageist (Antique Form)
Lt. Surge & Voltorb
Lt. Surge & Electrode
Volkner & Raichu
Milo & Eldegoss
Static Cling 3 Has a chance (40%) of leaving an opponent that attacked the user paralyzed when the user is hit by an attack move.
Static Cling 4 Has a chance (50%) of leaving an opponent that attacked the user paralyzed when the user is hit by an attack move.
Static Cling 5 Has a chance (60%) of leaving an opponent that attacked the user paralyzed when the user is hit by an attack move.
Static Cling 6 Has a chance (70%) of leaving an opponent that attacked the user paralyzed when the user is hit by an attack move.
Static Cling 7 Has a chance (80%) of leaving an opponent that attacked the user paralyzed when the user is hit by an attack move.
Static Cling 8 Has a chance (90%) of leaving an opponent that attacked the user paralyzed when the user is hit by an attack move.
Static Cling 9 Leaves an opponent that attacked the user paralyzed when the user is hit by an attack move. Jasmine & Ampharos
Jasmine & Ampharos (Mega Ampharos)
Static Shock 1 Powers up the user's sync move when the target is paralyzed.
Static Shock 2 Powers up the user's sync move when the target is paralyzed.
Static Shock 3 Powers up the user's sync move when the target is paralyzed. Lt. Surge & Voltorb
Lt. Surge & Electrode
Red & Pikachu
Volkner & Electivire
N & Zekrom
Marnie & Morpeko
Marnie & Morpeko (Hangry Mode)
Static Shock 4 Powers up the user's sync move when the target is paralyzed.
Static Shock 5 Powers up the user's sync move when the target is paralyzed. Cynthia & Kommo-o
Kris & Jolteon
Lance & Dragonair
Norman & Slaking
Sophocles & Togedemaru
Tate & Jirachi
Thorton & Magnezone
Viola & Vivillon (Icy Snow Pattern)
Volkner & Electivire
Nemona &
Petey & Pikachu (Female)
Stationary Target 1 Powers up the user's moves when the target is trapped.
Stationary Target 2 Powers up the user's moves when the target is trapped.
Stationary Target 3 Powers up the user's moves when the target is trapped. Lucy & Seviper Lillie & Comfey
Lyra & Celebi
Wallace & Milotic
Kiawe & Arcanine
Ingo & Accelgor
Irida & Zoroark (Hisuian Form)
Eusine & Suicune (Shiny Suicune)
Stationary Target 4 Powers up the user's moves when the target is trapped.
Stationary Target 5 Powers up the user's moves when the target is trapped. Wallace & Milotic Viola & Surskit
Viola & Masquerain
Viola & Surskit
Viola & Masquerain
Serena & Fennekin
Serena & Braixen
Serena & Delphox
Status Immunity Status conditions cannot be inflicted on the user. Calem & Greninja (Shiny Greninja)
Main Character & Registeel
Mallow & Shiinotic
Arven &
Acerola & Jellicent
Agatha & Arbok
Phoebe & Cofagrigus
Red & Snorlax
Steven & Metagross
Steven & Metagross (Mega Metagross)
Wally & Gardevoir (Shiny Gardevoir)
Wally & Gardevoir (Shiny Mega Gardevoir)
Serena & Zygarde
Serena & Zygarde (Complete Forme)
Leon & Dragapult
Lucas & Dialga
Victor & Greedent
Elaine & Eevee
Milo & Eldegoss
1 Star Deluxe Lucky Cookie
2 Star Deluxe Lucky Cookie
3 Star Deluxe Lucky Cookie
Larry Lucky Cookie 1
Selene Alt Lucky Cookie 1
Status P-Move on Poisoned Opp: Stat Down x10 When a poisoned or badly poisoned opponent's stat is lowered by a status move used by the user's Pokémon, it is lowered by ten times the stat ranks.
Status P-Move on Poisoned Opp: Stat Down x2 When a poisoned or badly poisoned opponent's stat is lowered by a status move used by the user's Pokémon, it is lowered by two times the stat ranks.
Status P-Move on Poisoned Opp: Stat Down x3 When a poisoned or badly poisoned opponent's stat is lowered by a status move used by the user's Pokémon, it is lowered by three times the stat ranks. Oleana & Garbodor
Status P-Move on Poisoned Opp: Stat Down x4 When a poisoned or badly poisoned opponent's stat is lowered by a status move used by the user's Pokémon, it is lowered by four times the stat ranks.
Status P-Move on Poisoned Opp: Stat Down x5 When a poisoned or badly poisoned opponent's stat is lowered by a status move used by the user's Pokémon, it is lowered by five times the stat ranks.
Status P-Move on Poisoned Opp: Stat Down x6 When a poisoned or badly poisoned opponent's stat is lowered by a status move used by the user's Pokémon, it is lowered by six times the stat ranks.
Status P-Move on Poisoned Opp: Stat Down x7 When a poisoned or badly poisoned opponent's stat is lowered by a status move used by the user's Pokémon, it is lowered by seven times the stat ranks.
Status P-Move on Poisoned Opp: Stat Down x8 When a poisoned or badly poisoned opponent's stat is lowered by a status move used by the user's Pokémon, it is lowered by eight times the stat ranks.
Status P-Move on Poisoned Opp: Stat Down x9 When a poisoned or badly poisoned opponent's stat is lowered by a status move used by the user's Pokémon, it is lowered by nine times the stat ranks.
Status P-Move: Physical Boost ?2 1 Has a chance (20%) of increasing the user's Physical Moves Up Next effect by 2 ranks when its Pokémon uses a status move.
Status P-Move: Physical Boost ?2 2 Has a chance (30%) of increasing the user's Physical Moves Up Next effect by 2 ranks when its Pokémon uses a status move.
Status P-Move: Physical Boost ?2 3 Has a chance (40%) of increasing the user's Physical Moves Up Next effect by 2 ranks when its Pokémon uses a status move.
Status P-Move: Physical Boost ?2 4 Has a chance (50%) of increasing the user's Physical Moves Up Next effect by 2 ranks when its Pokémon uses a status move.
Status P-Move: Physical Boost ?2 5 Has a chance (60%) of increasing the user's Physical Moves Up Next effect by 2 ranks when its Pokémon uses a status move.
Status P-Move: Physical Boost ?2 6 Has a chance (70%) of increasing the user's Physical Moves Up Next effect by 2 ranks when its Pokémon uses a status move.
Status P-Move: Physical Boost ?2 7 Has a chance (80%) of increasing the user's Physical Moves Up Next effect by 2 ranks when its Pokémon uses a status move.
Status P-Move: Physical Boost ?2 8 Has a chance (90%) of increasing the user's Physical Moves Up Next effect by 2 ranks when its Pokémon uses a status move.
Status P-Move: Physical Boost ?2 9 Increases the user's Physical Moves Up Next effect by 2 ranks when its Pokémon uses a status move. Liza & Celesteela
Status P-Move: Stat Up 1 Has a chance (20%) of raising one of the user's following stats by 1 stat rank at random when its Pokémon uses a status move: Attack, Defense, Sp. Atk, Sp. Def, Speed, accuracy, or evasiveness.
Status P-Move: Stat Up 2 Has a chance (30%) of raising one of the user's following stats by 1 stat rank at random when its Pokémon uses a status move: Attack, Defense, Sp. Atk, Sp. Def, Speed, accuracy, or evasiveness.
Status P-Move: Stat Up 3 Has a chance (40%) of raising one of the user's following stats by 1 stat rank at random when its Pokémon uses a status move: Attack, Defense, Sp. Atk, Sp. Def, Speed, accuracy, or evasiveness.
Status P-Move: Stat Up 4 Has a chance (50%) of raising one of the user's following stats by 1 stat rank at random when its Pokémon uses a status move: Attack, Defense, Sp. Atk, Sp. Def, Speed, accuracy, or evasiveness.
Status P-Move: Stat Up 5 Has a chance (60%) of raising one of the user's following stats by 1 stat rank at random when its Pokémon uses a status move: Attack, Defense, Sp. Atk, Sp. Def, Speed, accuracy, or evasiveness.
Status P-Move: Stat Up 6 Has a chance (70%) of raising one of the user's following stats by 1 stat rank at random when its Pokémon uses a status move: Attack, Defense, Sp. Atk, Sp. Def, Speed, accuracy, or evasiveness.
Status P-Move: Stat Up 7 Has a chance (80%) of raising one of the user's following stats by 1 stat rank at random when its Pokémon uses a status move: Attack, Defense, Sp. Atk, Sp. Def, Speed, accuracy, or evasiveness.
Status P-Move: Stat Up 8 Has a chance (90%) of raising one of the user's following stats by 1 stat rank at random when its Pokémon uses a status move: Attack, Defense, Sp. Atk, Sp. Def, Speed, accuracy, or evasiveness.
Status P-Move: Stat Up 9 Raises one of the user's following stats by 1 stat rank at random when its Pokémon uses a status move: Attack, Defense, Sp. Atk, Sp. Def, Speed, accuracy, or evasiveness. Tate & Jirachi
Steady Aim Critical-hit rate cannot be lowered. Bea & Sirfetch'd Burgh & Togepi
Cyrus & Palkia
Selene & Rowlet
Selene & Dartrix
Selene & Decidueye
Steady Resolve 1 When the user's Sp. Atk is lowered, mitigates the reduction of Sp. Atk. 1Star Creamy Lucky Cookie
Steady Resolve 2 When the user's Sp. Atk is lowered, mitigates the reduction of Sp. Atk. Main Character & Onix 1Star Creamy Lucky Cookie
Steady Resolve 3 When the user's Sp. Atk is lowered, mitigates the reduction of Sp. Atk. 1Star Creamy Lucky Cookie
Steady Resolve 4 When the user's Sp. Atk is lowered, mitigates the reduction of Sp. Atk. 1Star Creamy Lucky Cookie
Steady Resolve 5 When the user's Sp. Atk is lowered, mitigates the reduction of Sp. Atk. Gardenia & Roserade 1Star Creamy Lucky Cookie
Steady Resolve 6 When the user's Sp. Atk is lowered, mitigates the reduction of Sp. Atk. 1Star Creamy Lucky Cookie
2Star Creamy Lucky Cookie
Steady Resolve 7 When the user's Sp. Atk is lowered, mitigates the reduction of Sp. Atk. 1Star Creamy Lucky Cookie
2Star Creamy Lucky Cookie
Steady Resolve 8 When the user's Sp. Atk is lowered, mitigates the reduction of Sp. Atk. 1Star Creamy Lucky Cookie
2Star Creamy Lucky Cookie
Steady Resolve 9 When the user's Sp. Atk is lowered, mitigates the reduction of Sp. Atk. 1Star Creamy Lucky Cookie
2Star Creamy Lucky Cookie
Steel DF Immunity Protects the user from damage from Steel-type moves
Steel DF on Opp & Hit: Free Move Next 1 Has a chance (20%) of applying the Free Move Next effect to the user when its attack move is successful while Steel Damage Field is applied to the opponent's field of play.
Steel DF on Opp & Hit: Free Move Next 2 Has a chance (30%) of applying the Free Move Next effect to the user when its attack move is successful while Steel Damage Field is applied to the opponent's field of play.
Steel DF on Opp & Hit: Free Move Next 3 Has a chance (40%) of applying the Free Move Next effect to the user when its attack move is successful while Steel Damage Field is applied to the opponent's field of play.
Steel DF on Opp & Hit: Free Move Next 4 Has a chance (50%) of applying the Free Move Next effect to the user when its attack move is successful while Steel Damage Field is applied to the opponent's field of play.
Steel DF on Opp & Hit: Free Move Next 5 Has a chance (60%) of applying the Free Move Next effect to the user when its attack move is successful while Steel Damage Field is applied to the opponent's field of play.
Steel DF on Opp & Hit: Free Move Next 6 Has a chance (70%) of applying the Free Move Next effect to the user when its attack move is successful while Steel Damage Field is applied to the opponent's field of play.
Steel DF on Opp & Hit: Free Move Next 7 Has a chance (80%) of applying the Free Move Next effect to the user when its attack move is successful while Steel Damage Field is applied to the opponent's field of play.
Steel DF on Opp & Hit: Free Move Next 8 Has a chance (90%) of applying the Free Move Next effect to the user when its attack move is successful while Steel Damage Field is applied to the opponent's field of play.
Steel DF on Opp & Hit: Free Move Next 9 Applies the Free Move Next effect to the user when its attack move is successful while Steel Damage Field is applied to the opponent's field of play. Rose & Copperajah
Steel DF on Opp & Hit: Sync Power Up 1 Powers up the user's sync move when Steel Damage Reduction is applied to the opponent's field of play.
Steel DF on Opp & Hit: Sync Power Up 2 Powers up the user's sync move when Steel Damage Reduction is applied to the opponent's field of play.
Steel DF on Opp & Hit: Sync Power Up 3 Powers up the user's sync move when Steel Damage Reduction is applied to the opponent's field of play.
Steel DF on Opp & Hit: Sync Power Up 4 Powers up the user's sync move when Steel Damage Reduction is applied to the opponent's field of play.
Steel DF on Opp & Hit: Sync Power Up 5 Powers up the user's sync move when Steel Damage Reduction is applied to the opponent's field of play.
Steel DF on Opp & Hit: Sync Power Up 6 Powers up the user's sync move when Steel Damage Reduction is applied to the opponent's field of play.
Steel DF on Opp & Hit: Sync Power Up 7 Powers up the user's sync move when Steel Damage Reduction is applied to the opponent's field of play.
Steel DF on Opp & Hit: Sync Power Up 8 Powers up the user's sync move when Steel Damage Reduction is applied to the opponent's field of play.
Steel DF on Opp & Hit: Sync Power Up 9 Powers up the user's sync move when Steel Damage Reduction is applied to the opponent's field of play.
Steel DF Resistance 1 Reduces damage the user takes from Steel-type moves
Steel DF Resistance 2 Reduces damage the user takes from Steel-type moves
Steel DF Resistance 3 Reduces damage the user takes from Steel-type moves
Steel DF Resistance 4 Reduces damage the user takes from Steel-type moves
Steel DF Resistance 5 Reduces damage the user takes from Steel-type moves
Steel DF Resistance 6 Reduces damage the user takes from Steel-type moves
Steel DF Resistance 7 Reduces damage the user takes from Steel-type moves
Steel DF Resistance 8 Reduces damage the user takes from Steel-type moves
Steel DF Resistance 9 Reduces damage the user takes from Steel-type moves
Steel Guard Reduces damage when the user is attacked by Steel-type moves. Chewy Lucky Cookie
Steel Surroundings Turns the field of play's zone into a Steel Zone the first time the user enters a battle each battle. (A Steel Zone powers up Steel-type attacks.)
Steel Teamwork Powers up the moves of all allied sync pairs by 10%. Reduces attack move damage taken by all allied sync pairs by 10%. The more allied sync pairs with the Steel theme you have on your team, the higher these percentages are. (Each additional sync pair powers up moves by 5% and reduces damage by 2%. The maximum power-up is 20%, and the maximum damage reduction is 14%.) Main Character & Registeel
Sterner Stuff 1 Reduces damage when the user is hit by a physical attack move. Kahili & Toucannon
Sterner Stuff 2 Reduces damage when the user is hit by a physical attack move. Bruno & Onix Kahili & Toucannon
Lyra & Phanpy
Maylene & Meditite
Maylene & Medicham
Olivia & Carbink
Steven & Metagross
Steven & Metagross (Mega Metagross)
Wallace & Milotic
Lisia & Altaria
Lisia & Altaria (Mega Altaria)
Mallow & Appletun
Allister & Gourgeist (Super Size)
Tierno & Crawdaunt
Argenta & Skarmory
Elaine & Eevee
Iono &
Arven &
Sterner Stuff 3 Reduces damage when the user is hit by a physical attack move.
Sterner Stuff 4 Reduces damage when the user is hit by a physical attack move.
Sterner Stuff 5 Reduces damage when the user is hit by a physical attack move.
Sterner Stuff 6 Reduces damage when the user is hit by a physical attack move.
Sterner Stuff 7 Reduces damage when the user is hit by a physical attack move.
Sterner Stuff 8 Reduces damage when the user is hit by a physical attack move.
Sterner Stuff 9 Reduces damage when the user is hit by a physical attack move.
Stoic 1 Has a chance (20%) of raising the user's Defense by one stat rank after its Pokémon uses a move. Brock & Onix 1Star Crunchy Lucky Cookie
Stoic 2 Has a chance (30%) of raising the user's Defense by one stat rank after its Pokémon uses a move. Brock & Onix Steven & Metagross
Steven & Metagross (Mega Metagross)
Steven & Sandslash (Alola Form)
Raihan & Duraludon
Volo & Gible
1Star Crunchy Lucky Cookie
2Star Crunchy Lucky Cookie
Stoic 3 Has a chance (40%) of raising the user's Defense by one stat rank after its Pokémon uses a move.
Stoic 4 Has a chance (50%) of raising the user's Defense by one stat rank after its Pokémon uses a move. Rosa & Delibird
Lucy & Seviper
Kali & Azumarill
Stoic 5 Has a chance (60%) of raising the user's Defense by one stat rank after its Pokémon uses a move.
Stoic 6 Has a chance (70%) of raising the user's Defense by one stat rank after its Pokémon uses a move.
Stoic 7 Has a chance (80%) of raising the user's Defense by one stat rank after its Pokémon uses a move.
Stoic 8 Has a chance (90%) of raising the user's Defense by one stat rank after its Pokémon uses a move.
Stoic 9 Raises the user's Defense by one stat rank after its Pokémon uses a move.
Stoic Dark Transformation Replaces some of the user's passive skills and sync move with different passive skills and a sync move just before using its Dark-type moves. Calem & Greninja (Shiny Greninja)
Stop Hitting Yourself 1 Raises the chance that an opponent will attack themselves due to being confused.
Stop Hitting Yourself 2 Raises the chance that an opponent will attack themselves due to being confused.
Stop Hitting Yourself 3 Raises the chance that an opponent will attack themselves due to being confused.
Stop Hitting Yourself 4 Raises the chance that an opponent will attack themselves due to being confused.
Stop Hitting Yourself 5 Raises the chance that an opponent will attack themselves due to being confused. Sidney & Absol
Sidney & Absol (Mega Absol)
Proton & Golbat
Acerola & Mimikyu
Acerola & Mimikyu (Busted Form)
Acerola & Banette
Noland & Ninjask
Viola & Vivillon (Icy Snow Pattern)
Will & Xatu
Will & Slowbro
Plumeria & Gengar
Dawn & Oricorio (Sensu Style)
Mallow & Tsareena
Sawyer &
Elio & Espeon
Lana & Lanturn
Ingo & Chandelure
Stop Hitting Yourself 6 Raises the chance that an opponent will attack themselves due to being confused.
Stop Hitting Yourself 7 Raises the chance that an opponent will attack themselves due to being confused.
Stop Hitting Yourself 8 Raises the chance that an opponent will attack themselves due to being confused.
Stop Hitting Yourself 9 Raises the chance that an opponent will attack themselves due to being confused.
Stout Heart 1 When the user's Attack is lowered, mitigates the reduction of Attack. 1Star Creamy Lucky Cookie
Stout Heart 2 When the user's Attack is lowered, mitigates the reduction of Attack. 1Star Creamy Lucky Cookie
Stout Heart 3 When the user's Attack is lowered, mitigates the reduction of Attack. 1Star Creamy Lucky Cookie
Stout Heart 4 When the user's Attack is lowered, mitigates the reduction of Attack. 1Star Creamy Lucky Cookie
Stout Heart 5 When the user's Attack is lowered, mitigates the reduction of Attack. 1Star Creamy Lucky Cookie
Stout Heart 6 When the user's Attack is lowered, mitigates the reduction of Attack. 1Star Creamy Lucky Cookie
2Star Creamy Lucky Cookie
Stout Heart 7 When the user's Attack is lowered, mitigates the reduction of Attack. 1Star Creamy Lucky Cookie
2Star Creamy Lucky Cookie
Stout Heart 8 When the user's Attack is lowered, mitigates the reduction of Attack. 1Star Creamy Lucky Cookie
2Star Creamy Lucky Cookie
Stout Heart 9 When the user's Attack is lowered, mitigates the reduction of Attack. 1Star Creamy Lucky Cookie
2Star Creamy Lucky Cookie
Strengthening Status 1 Has a 20% chance of increasing the user's Physical Moves Up Next effect and Special Moves ↑ Next effect by 1 rank when its Pokémon uses a status move.
Strengthening Status 2 Has a 30% chance of increasing the user's Physical Moves Up Next effect and Special Moves ↑ Next effect by 1 rank when its Pokémon uses a status move.
Strengthening Status 3 Has a 40% chance of increasing the user's Physical Moves Up Next effect and Special Moves ↑ Next effect by 1 rank when its Pokémon uses a status move.
Strengthening Status 4 Has a 50% chance of increasing the user's Physical Moves Up Next effect and Special Moves ↑ Next effect by 1 rank when its Pokémon uses a status move.
Strengthening Status 5 Has a 60% chance of increasing the user's Physical Moves Up Next effect and Special Moves ↑ Next effect by 1 rank when its Pokémon uses a status move.
Strengthening Status 6 Has a 70% chance of increasing the user's Physical Moves Up Next effect and Special Moves ↑ Next effect by 1 rank when its Pokémon uses a status move.
Strengthening Status 7 Has a 80% chance of increasing the user's Physical Moves Up Next effect and Special Moves ↑ Next effect by 1 rank when its Pokémon uses a status move.
Strengthening Status 8 Has a 90% chance of increasing the user's Physical Moves Up Next effect and Special Moves ↑ Next effect by 1 rank when its Pokémon uses a status move.
Strengthening Status 9 Increases the user's Physical Moves Up Next effect and Special Moves ↑ Next effect by 1 rank when its Pokémon uses a status move. Elesa & Togetic
Strong Start 1 Increases the user's Physical Moves Up Next effect and Special Moves ↑ Next effect by 1 ranks the first time the user enters a battle each battle. Serena & Zygarde Cheren & Tornadus Cheren Lucky Cookie 1
Strong Start 2 Increases the user's Physical Moves Up Next effect and Special Moves ↑ Next effect by 2 ranks the first time the user enters a battle each battle.
Strong Start 3 Increases the user's Physical Moves Up Next effect and Special Moves ↑ Next effect by 3 ranks the first time the user enters a battle each battle.
Strong Start 4 Increases the user's Physical Moves Up Next effect and Special Moves ↑ Next effect by 4 ranks the first time the user enters a battle each battle.
Strong Start 5 Increases the user's Physical Moves Up Next effect and Special Moves ↑ Next effect by 5 ranks the first time the user enters a battle each battle.
Strong Start 6 Increases the user's Physical Moves Up Next effect and Special Moves ↑ Next effect by 6 ranks the first time the user enters a battle each battle.
Strong Start 7 Increases the user's Physical Moves Up Next effect and Special Moves ↑ Next effect by 7 ranks the first time the user enters a battle each battle.
Strong Start 8 Increases the user's Physical Moves Up Next effect and Special Moves ↑ Next effect by 8 ranks the first time the user enters a battle each battle.
Strong Start 9 Increases the user's Physical Moves Up Next effect and Special Moves ↑ Next effect by 9 ranks the first time the user enters a battle each battle.
Stupefication 1 Has a chance (20%) of lowering the target's Sp. Atk and Sp. Def by 1 stat ranks when a move, sync move, or max move used by the user's Pokémon targeting that opponent is successful.
Stupefication 2 Has a chance (30%) of lowering the target's Sp. Atk and Sp. Def by 1 stat ranks when a move, sync move, or max move used by the user's Pokémon targeting that opponent is successful.
Stupefication 3 Has a chance (40%) of lowering the target's Sp. Atk and Sp. Def by 1 stat ranks when a move, sync move, or max move used by the user's Pokémon targeting that opponent is successful.
Stupefication 4 Has a chance (50%) of lowering the target's Sp. Atk and Sp. Def by 1 stat ranks when a move, sync move, or max move used by the user's Pokémon targeting that opponent is successful.
Stupefication 5 Has a chance (60%) of lowering the target's Sp. Atk and Sp. Def by 1 stat ranks when a move, sync move, or max move used by the user's Pokémon targeting that opponent is successful.
Stupefication 6 Has a chance (70%) of lowering the target's Sp. Atk and Sp. Def by 1 stat ranks when a move, sync move, or max move used by the user's Pokémon targeting that opponent is successful.
Stupefication 7 Has a chance (80%) of lowering the target's Sp. Atk and Sp. Def by 1 stat ranks when a move, sync move, or max move used by the user's Pokémon targeting that opponent is successful.
Stupefication 8 Has a chance (90%) of lowering the target's Sp. Atk and Sp. Def by 1 stat ranks when a move, sync move, or max move used by the user's Pokémon targeting that opponent is successful.
Stupefication 9 Lowers the target's Sp. Atk and Sp. Def by 1 stat ranks when a move, sync move, or max move used by the user's Pokémon targeting that opponent is successful. Bede & Hatterene
Stupefier 1 Has a chance (20%) of lowering the target's Sp. Def by 1 stat ranks when a move, sync move, or max move used by the user's Pokémon targeting that opponent is successful.
Stupefier 2 Has a chance (30%) of lowering the target's Sp. Def by 1 stat ranks when a move, sync move, or max move used by the user's Pokémon targeting that opponent is successful.
Stupefier 3 Has a chance (40%) of lowering the target's Sp. Def by 1 stat ranks when a move, sync move, or max move used by the user's Pokémon targeting that opponent is successful.
Stupefier 4 Has a chance (50%) of lowering the target's Sp. Def by 1 stat ranks when a move, sync move, or max move used by the user's Pokémon targeting that opponent is successful. Bede & Hatterene
Stupefier 5 Has a chance (60%) of lowering the target's Sp. Def by 1 stat ranks when a move, sync move, or max move used by the user's Pokémon targeting that opponent is successful.
Stupefier 6 Has a chance (70%) of lowering the target's Sp. Def by 1 stat ranks when a move, sync move, or max move used by the user's Pokémon targeting that opponent is successful.
Stupefier 7 Has a chance (80%) of lowering the target's Sp. Def by 1 stat ranks when a move, sync move, or max move used by the user's Pokémon targeting that opponent is successful.
Stupefier 8 Has a chance (90%) of lowering the target's Sp. Def by 1 stat ranks when a move, sync move, or max move used by the user's Pokémon targeting that opponent is successful.
Stupefier 9 Lowers the target's Sp. Def by 1 stat ranks when a move, sync move, or max move used by the user's Pokémon targeting that opponent is successful.
Stupefy 1 Has a chance (20%) of lowering the target's Sp. Def by one stat rank when a move targeting that opponent is successful.
Stupefy 2 Has a chance (30%) of lowering the target's Sp. Def by one stat rank when a move targeting that opponent is successful.
Stupefy 3 Has a chance (40%) of lowering the target's Sp. Def by one stat rank when a move targeting that opponent is successful.
Stupefy 4 Has a chance (50%) of lowering the target's Sp. Def by one stat rank when a move targeting that opponent is successful.
Stupefy 5 Has a chance (60%) of lowering the target's Sp. Def by one stat rank when a move targeting that opponent is successful.
Stupefy 6 Has a chance (70%) of lowering the target's Sp. Def by one stat rank when a move targeting that opponent is successful.
Stupefy 7 Has a chance (80%) of lowering the target's Sp. Def by one stat rank when a move targeting that opponent is successful.
Stupefy 8 Has a chance (90%) of lowering the target's Sp. Def by one stat rank when a move targeting that opponent is successful.
Stupefy 9 Lowers the target's Sp. Def by one stat rank when a move targeting that opponent is successful. Lucian & Girafarig
Stupefying Strike 1 Has a chance (20%) of lowering the target's Sp. Def by 1 stat rank when the user's Pokémon uses a move targeting that opponent. Lowers the target's Sp. Def by 1 stat rank after using the user's sync move targeting that opponent.
Stupefying Strike 2 Has a chance (30%) of lowering the target's Sp. Def by 1 stat rank when the user's Pokémon uses a move targeting that opponent. Lowers the target's Sp. Def by 1 stat rank after using the user's sync move targeting that opponent.
Stupefying Strike 3 Has a chance (40%) of lowering the target's Sp. Def by 1 stat rank when the user's Pokémon uses a move targeting that opponent. Lowers the target's Sp. Def by 1 stat rank after using the user's sync move targeting that opponent.
Stupefying Strike 4 Has a chance (50%) of lowering the target's Sp. Def by 1 stat rank when the user's Pokémon uses a move targeting that opponent. Lowers the target's Sp. Def by 1 stat rank after using the user's sync move targeting that opponent.
Stupefying Strike 5 Has a chance (60%) of lowering the target's Sp. Def by 1 stat rank when the user's Pokémon uses a move targeting that opponent. Lowers the target's Sp. Def by 1 stat rank after using the user's sync move targeting that opponent.
Stupefying Strike 6 Has a chance (70%) of lowering the target's Sp. Def by 1 stat rank when the user's Pokémon uses a move targeting that opponent. Lowers the target's Sp. Def by 1 stat rank after using the user's sync move targeting that opponent.
Stupefying Strike 7 Has a chance (80%) of lowering the target's Sp. Def by 1 stat rank when the user's Pokémon uses a move targeting that opponent. Lowers the target's Sp. Def by 1 stat rank after using the user's sync move targeting that opponent.
Stupefying Strike 8 Has a chance (90%) of lowering the target's Sp. Def by 1 stat rank when the user's Pokémon uses a move targeting that opponent. Lowers the target's Sp. Def by 1 stat rank after using the user's sync move targeting that opponent.
Stupefying Strike 9 Lowers the target's Sp. Def by 1 stat rank when the user's Pokémon uses a move targeting that opponent. Lowers the target's Sp. Def by 1 stat rank after using the user's sync move targeting that opponent. Calem & Sylveon Calem & Sylveon
Hilbert & Glaceon
Lucas & Flareon
Iono &
Sudden Sprint 1 When the user's Speed is lowered, mitigates the reduction of Speed. 1Star Creamy Lucky Cookie
Sudden Sprint 2 When the user's Speed is lowered, mitigates the reduction of Speed. 1Star Creamy Lucky Cookie
Sudden Sprint 3 When the user's Speed is lowered, mitigates the reduction of Speed. 1Star Creamy Lucky Cookie
Sudden Sprint 4 When the user's Speed is lowered, mitigates the reduction of Speed. 1Star Creamy Lucky Cookie
Sudden Sprint 5 When the user's Speed is lowered, mitigates the reduction of Speed. 1Star Creamy Lucky Cookie
Sudden Sprint 6 When the user's Speed is lowered, mitigates the reduction of Speed. 1Star Creamy Lucky Cookie
2Star Creamy Lucky Cookie
Sudden Sprint 7 When the user's Speed is lowered, mitigates the reduction of Speed. 1Star Creamy Lucky Cookie
2Star Creamy Lucky Cookie
Sudden Sprint 8 When the user's Speed is lowered, mitigates the reduction of Speed. 1Star Creamy Lucky Cookie
2Star Creamy Lucky Cookie
Sudden Sprint 9 When the user's Speed is lowered, mitigates the reduction of Speed. 1Star Creamy Lucky Cookie
2Star Creamy Lucky Cookie
Sunbathe 1 Has a chance (20%) of restoring the user's HP when it uses a move while the weather is sunny.
Sunbathe 2 Has a chance (30%) of restoring the user's HP when it uses a move while the weather is sunny.
Sunbathe 3 Has a chance (40%) of restoring the user's HP when it uses a move while the weather is sunny.
Sunbathe 4 Has a chance (50%) of restoring the user's HP when it uses a move while the weather is sunny.
Sunbathe 5 Has a chance (60%) of restoring the user's HP when it uses a move while the weather is sunny.
Sunbathe 6 Has a chance (70%) of restoring the user's HP when it uses a move while the weather is sunny.
Sunbathe 7 Has a chance (80%) of restoring the user's HP when it uses a move while the weather is sunny.
Sunbathe 8 Has a chance (90%) of restoring the user's HP when it uses a move while the weather is sunny.
Sunbathe 9 Restores the user's HP when it uses a move while the weather is sunny. Morty & Ho-Oh (Shiny Ho-Oh)
Sunburn 9
Sunburst Makes the weather sunny the first time the user enters a battle each battle. Maxie & Groudon
Tierno & Talonflame
Sundering 9 Lowers the target's Defense or Sp. Def, or both, by one stat rank when the user's move targeting that opponent is successful. Cynthia & Giratina
Leaf & Venusaur (Female)
Leaf & Venusaur (Mega Venusaur)
Volo & Togepi
Sundering Burn 1 Has a chance (20%) of lowering the target's Defense or Sp. Def—or both—by 1 stat rank when the user's move is successful against a burned opponent.
Sundering Burn 2 Has a chance (30%) of lowering the target's Defense or Sp. Def—or both—by 1 stat rank when the user's move is successful against a burned opponent.
Sundering Burn 3 Has a chance (40%) of lowering the target's Defense or Sp. Def—or both—by 1 stat rank when the user's move is successful against a burned opponent.
Sundering Burn 4 Has a chance (50%) of lowering the target's Defense or Sp. Def—or both—by 1 stat rank when the user's move is successful against a burned opponent.
Sundering Burn 5 Has a chance (60%) of lowering the target's Defense or Sp. Def—or both—by 1 stat rank when the user's move is successful against a burned opponent.
Sundering Burn 6 Has a chance (70%) of lowering the target's Defense or Sp. Def—or both—by 1 stat rank when the user's move is successful against a burned opponent.
Sundering Burn 7 Has a chance (80%) of lowering the target's Defense or Sp. Def—or both—by 1 stat rank when the user's move is successful against a burned opponent.
Sundering Burn 8 Has a chance (90%) of lowering the target's Defense or Sp. Def—or both—by 1 stat rank when the user's move is successful against a burned opponent.
Sundering Burn 9 Lowers the target's Defense or Sp. Def—or both—by 1 stat rank when the user's move is successful against a burned opponent. Hilda & Victini
Sunny Daze 1
Sunny Disposition Stats cannot be lowered when the weather is sunny. Tierno & Talonflame Blaine & Ponyta
Blaine & Rapidash
Blue & Exeggutor
Gardenia & Roserade
Marley & Arcanine
Morty & Ho-Oh (Shiny Ho-Oh)
Sunny Sure Hit Moves never miss when the weather is sunny.
Sunscreen 1 Reduces damage when the user is hit by an attack move while the weather is sunny. Acerola & Tapu Bulu
Sunscreen 2 Reduces damage when the user is hit by an attack move while the weather is sunny. Blue & Charizard
Leon & Charizard
Adaman & Leafeon
Kabu & Centiskorch
Juliana &
Sunscreen 3 Reduces damage when the user is hit by an attack move while the weather is sunny.
Sunscreen 4 Reduces damage when the user is hit by an attack move while the weather is sunny.
Sunscreen 5 Reduces damage when the user is hit by an attack move while the weather is sunny.
Sunscreen 6 Reduces damage when the user is hit by an attack move while the weather is sunny.
Sunscreen 7 Reduces damage when the user is hit by an attack move while the weather is sunny.
Sunscreen 8 Reduces damage when the user is hit by an attack move while the weather is sunny.
Sunscreen 9 Reduces damage when the user is hit by an attack move while the weather is sunny.
Super Command 1 Has a chance (20%) of applying the Supereffective ↑ Next effect to the user when its Trainer uses a move.
Super Command 2 Has a chance (30%) of applying the Supereffective ↑ Next effect to the user when its Trainer uses a move.
Super Command 3 Has a chance (40%) of applying the Supereffective ↑ Next effect to the user when its Trainer uses a move.
Super Command 4 Has a chance (50%) of applying the Supereffective ↑ Next effect to the user when its Trainer uses a move. Lucas & Dialga
Super Command 5 Has a chance (60%) of applying the Supereffective ↑ Next effect to the user when its Trainer uses a move.
Super Command 6 Has a chance (70%) of applying the Supereffective ↑ Next effect to the user when its Trainer uses a move.
Super Command 7 Has a chance (80%) of applying the Supereffective ↑ Next effect to the user when its Trainer uses a move.
Super Command 8 Has a chance (90%) of applying the Supereffective ↑ Next effect to the user when its Trainer uses a move.
Super Command 9 Applies the Supereffective ↑ Next effect to the user when its Trainer uses a move. Silver & Sneasel
Super Countdown 1 Has a chance (20%) of reducing the user's sync move countdown by one when its move is super effective.
Super Countdown 2 Has a chance (30%) of reducing the user's sync move countdown by one when its move is super effective.
Super Countdown 3 Has a chance (40%) of reducing the user's sync move countdown by one when its move is super effective.
Super Countdown 4 Has a chance (50%) of reducing the user's sync move countdown by one when its move is super effective.
Super Countdown 5 Has a chance (60%) of reducing the user's sync move countdown by one when its move is super effective.
Super Countdown 6 Has a chance (70%) of reducing the user's sync move countdown by one when its move is super effective.
Super Countdown 7 Has a chance (80%) of reducing the user's sync move countdown by one when its move is super effective.
Super Countdown 8 Has a chance (90%) of reducing the user's sync move countdown by one when its move is super effective.
Super Countdown 9 Reduces the user's sync move countdown by one when its move is super effective. Elesa & Togetic Burgh & Togepi
Super Crit 1 Has a chance (20%) of raising the user's critical-hit rate by one stat rank when its move is super effective.
Super Crit 2 Has a chance (30%) of raising the user's critical-hit rate by one stat rank when its move is super effective.
Super Crit 3 Has a chance (40%) of raising the user's critical-hit rate by one stat rank when its move is super effective.
Super Crit 4 Has a chance (50%) of raising the user's critical-hit rate by one stat rank when its move is super effective.
Super Crit 5 Has a chance (60%) of raising the user's critical-hit rate by one stat rank when its move is super effective.
Super Crit 6 Has a chance (70%) of raising the user's critical-hit rate by one stat rank when its move is super effective.
Super Crit 7 Has a chance (80%) of raising the user's critical-hit rate by one stat rank when its move is super effective.
Super Crit 8 Has a chance (90%) of raising the user's critical-hit rate by one stat rank when its move is super effective.
Super Crit 9 Raises the user's critical-hit rate by one stat rank when its move is super effective. Volkner & Electivire
Super Desperate Applies the Supereffective ↑ Next effect to the user the first time it is in a pinch each battle. Marshal & Conkeldurr
Roxie & Whirlipede
Roxie & Scolipede
Zinnia & Thievul
Sidney & Absol
Sidney & Absol (Mega Absol)
Victor & Rillaboom
Rei & Decidueye (Hisuian Form)
Super Freebie 1 Has a chance (20%) of applying the Free Move Next effect to the user when its move is super effective.
Super Freebie 2 Has a chance (30%) of applying the Free Move Next effect to the user when its move is super effective. Volkner & Electivire Hilbert & Genesect
Skyla & Unfezant (Female)
Valerie & Mawile
Volkner & Raichu
Super Freebie 3 Has a chance (40%) of applying the Free Move Next effect to the user when its move is super effective.
Super Freebie 4 Has a chance (50%) of applying the Free Move Next effect to the user when its move is super effective. Eusine & Suicune (Shiny Suicune)
Super Freebie 5 Has a chance (60%) of applying the Free Move Next effect to the user when its move is super effective.
Super Freebie 6 Has a chance (70%) of applying the Free Move Next effect to the user when its move is super effective.
Super Freebie 7 Has a chance (80%) of applying the Free Move Next effect to the user when its move is super effective.
Super Freebie 8 Has a chance (90%) of applying the Free Move Next effect to the user when its move is super effective.
Super Freebie 9 Applies the Free Move Next effect to the user when its move is super effective. Drasna & Dragalge Caitlin & Reuniclus
Super Infliction 1 Has a chance (20%) of applying the Supereffective ↑ Next effect to the user when its Pokémon uses a status move.
Super Infliction 2 Has a chance (30%) of applying the Supereffective ↑ Next effect to the user when its Pokémon uses a status move.
Super Infliction 3 Has a chance (40%) of applying the Supereffective ↑ Next effect to the user when its Pokémon uses a status move.
Super Infliction 4 Has a chance (50%) of applying the Supereffective ↑ Next effect to the user when its Pokémon uses a status move. Marnie & Grimmsnarl
Super Infliction 5 Has a chance (60%) of applying the Supereffective ↑ Next effect to the user when its Pokémon uses a status move.
Super Infliction 6 Has a chance (70%) of applying the Supereffective ↑ Next effect to the user when its Pokémon uses a status move.
Super Infliction 7 Has a chance (80%) of applying the Supereffective ↑ Next effect to the user when its Pokémon uses a status move.
Super Infliction 8 Has a chance (90%) of applying the Supereffective ↑ Next effect to the user when its Pokémon uses a status move.
Super Infliction 9 Applies the Supereffective ↑ Next effect to the user when its Pokémon uses a status move. Valerie & Mawile Cheren & Liepard
Erika & Leafeon
Super Interference 1 Raises the chance of inflicting status conditions, as well as inflicting the flinching, confused, or trapped condition, with the additional effects of moves. Skyla & Togekiss
Lana & Lanturn
Calem & Fennekin
Elesa & Togetic
Super Interference 2 Raises the chance of inflicting status conditions, as well as inflicting the flinching, confused, or trapped condition, with the additional effects of moves. Main Character & Raikou
Grusha &
Grusha &
Super Interference 3 Raises the chance of inflicting status conditions, as well as inflicting the flinching, confused, or trapped condition, with the additional effects of moves.
Super Interference 4 Raises the chance of inflicting status conditions, as well as inflicting the flinching, confused, or trapped condition, with the additional effects of moves. Calem & Fennekin
Super Interference 5 Raises the chance of inflicting status conditions, as well as inflicting the flinching, confused, or trapped condition, with the additional effects of moves.
Super Interference 6 Raises the chance of inflicting status conditions, as well as inflicting the flinching, confused, or trapped condition, with the additional effects of moves.
Super Interference 7 Raises the chance of inflicting status conditions, as well as inflicting the flinching, confused, or trapped condition, with the additional effects of moves.
Super Interference 8 Raises the chance of inflicting status conditions, as well as inflicting the flinching, confused, or trapped condition, with the additional effects of moves.
Super Interference 9 Raises the chance of inflicting status conditions, as well as inflicting the flinching, confused, or trapped condition, with the additional effects of moves.
Super Powered 1 Powers up the user's moves and sync move that are super effective.
Super Powered 2 Powers up the user's moves and sync move that are super effective.
Super Powered 3 Powers up the user's moves and sync move that are super effective. Blue & Arcanine 1 Star Deluxe Lucky Cookie
2 Star Deluxe Lucky Cookie
3 Star Deluxe Lucky Cookie
Guaranteed Lucky Cookie 3
Super Powered 4 Powers up the user's moves and sync move that are super effective.
Super Powered 5 Powers up the user's moves and sync move that are super effective. Elesa & Togetic Kris & Totodile
Kris & Croconaw
Kris & Feraligatr
Super Powered 6 Powers up the user's moves and sync move that are super effective.
Super Powered 7 Powers up the user's moves and sync move that are super effective.
Super Powered 8 Powers up the user's moves and sync move that are super effective.
Super Powered 9 Powers up the user's moves and sync move that are super effective. Lillie & Lunala
Super Preparation 1 Has a chance (20%) of applying the Supereffective ↑ Next effect to the user when its move is successful. Cyrus & Darkrai
Super Preparation 4 Has a chance (50%) of applying the Supereffective ↑ Next effect to the user when its move is successful. Lillie & Lunala
Gloria & Thwackey
Leon & Charizard
Super Preparation 9 Applies the Supereffective ↑ Next effect to the user when its move is successful.
Super Rain 4 Has a chance (50%) of applying the Supereffective ↑ Next effect to the user when its Pokémon uses a move while the weather is rainy. Archie & Kyogre
Super Savvy 1 Has a chance (20%) of raising the user's Sp. Atk by one stat rank when its move is super effective.
Super Savvy 2 Has a chance (30%) of raising the user's Sp. Atk by one stat rank when its move is super effective.
Super Savvy 3 Has a chance (40%) of raising the user's Sp. Atk by one stat rank when its move is super effective.
Super Savvy 4 Has a chance (50%) of raising the user's Sp. Atk by one stat rank when its move is super effective.
Super Savvy 5 Has a chance (60%) of raising the user's Sp. Atk by one stat rank when its move is super effective.
Super Savvy 6 Has a chance (70%) of raising the user's Sp. Atk by one stat rank when its move is super effective.
Super Savvy 7 Has a chance (80%) of raising the user's Sp. Atk by one stat rank when its move is super effective.
Super Savvy 8 Has a chance (90%) of raising the user's Sp. Atk by one stat rank when its move is super effective.
Super Savvy 9 Raises the user's Sp. Atk by one stat rank when its move is super effective. Volkner & Electivire
Super Shadow Applies the Supereffective ↑ Next effect to the user when it takes on a shadow presence. Cynthia & Giratina
Super Slowering Hit 1 Has a chance (20%) of lowering the target's Speed by 2 stat ranks when the user's move against the target is super effective.
Super Slowering Hit 2 Has a chance (30%) of lowering the target's Speed by 2 stat ranks when the user's move against the target is super effective.
Super Slowering Hit 3 Has a chance (40%) of lowering the target's Speed by 2 stat ranks when the user's move against the target is super effective.
Super Slowering Hit 4 Has a chance (50%) of lowering the target's Speed by 2 stat ranks when the user's move against the target is super effective.
Super Slowering Hit 5 Has a chance (60%) of lowering the target's Speed by 2 stat ranks when the user's move against the target is super effective.
Super Slowering Hit 6 Has a chance (70%) of lowering the target's Speed by 2 stat ranks when the user's move against the target is super effective.
Super Slowering Hit 7 Has a chance (80%) of lowering the target's Speed by 2 stat ranks when the user's move against the target is super effective.
Super Slowering Hit 8 Has a chance (90%) of lowering the target's Speed by 2 stat ranks when the user's move against the target is super effective.
Super Slowering Hit 9 Lowers the target's Speed by 2 stat ranks when the user's move against the target is super effective. Hilbert & Genesect
Super Sun 4 Has a chance (50%) of applying the Supereffective ↑ Next effect to the user when its Pokémon uses a move while the weather is sunny. Maxie & Groudon
Super Sync 1 Has a chance (20%) of applying the Super Effective Up Next to the user after using its sync move.
Super Sync 2 Has a chance (30%) of applying the Super Effective Up Next to the user after using its sync move.
Super Sync 3 Has a chance (40%) of applying the Super Effective Up Next to the user after using its sync move.
Super Sync 4 Has a chance (50%) of applying the Super Effective Up Next to the user after using its sync move.
Super Sync 5 Has a chance (60%) of applying the Super Effective Up Next to the user after using its sync move.
Super Sync 6 Has a chance (70%) of applying the Super Effective Up Next to the user after using its sync move.
Super Sync 7 Has a chance (80%) of applying the Super Effective Up Next to the user after using its sync move.
Super Sync 8 Has a chance (90%) of applying the Super Effective Up Next to the user after using its sync move.
Super Sync 9 Applies the Super Effective Up Next to the user after using its sync move. Lisia & Rapidash (Galarian Form)
N & Zoroark
Hilda & Victini
Lysandre & Volcanion
Hop & Rillaboom
Eusine & Suicune (Shiny Suicune)
Dexio & Espeon
Super Syncer Applies the Supereffective ↑ Next effect to the user the first time its sync move is used each battle. Guzma & Buzzwole Candice & Froslass
Gardenia & Dhelmise
Giovanni & Nidoking
Giovanni & Rhydon
Gladion & Magearna
Hilda & Diancie
Hilda & Diancie (Mega Diancie)
Lance & Dragonite
Professor Sycamore & Bulbasaur
Skyla & Unfezant (Female)
Zinnia & Thievul
Serena & Zygarde
Serena & Zygarde (Complete Forme)
Volkner & Electivire
Gloria & Thwackey
May & Latias
May & Latias (Mega Latias)
Marnie & Mawile
Marnie & Mawile (Mega Mawile)
Looker & Croagunk
Courtney & Camerupt (Female)
Courtney & Camerupt (Mega Camerupt)
Iono &
Riley & Lucario
Clavell &
Giacomo &
Super Toxic 1 Has a chance (20%) of applying the Supereffective ↑ Next effect to the user when the user's attack move is successful against a poisoned or badly poisoned opponent.
Super Toxic 2 Has a chance (30%) of applying the Supereffective ↑ Next effect to the user when the user's attack move is successful against a poisoned or badly poisoned opponent.
Super Toxic 3 Has a chance (40%) of applying the Supereffective ↑ Next effect to the user when the user's attack move is successful against a poisoned or badly poisoned opponent.
Super Toxic 4 Has a chance (50%) of applying the Supereffective ↑ Next effect to the user when the user's attack move is successful against a poisoned or badly poisoned opponent. Emma & Crobat
Super Toxic 5 Has a chance (60%) of applying the Supereffective ↑ Next effect to the user when the user's attack move is successful against a poisoned or badly poisoned opponent.
Super Toxic 6 Has a chance (70%) of applying the Supereffective ↑ Next effect to the user when the user's attack move is successful against a poisoned or badly poisoned opponent.
Super Toxic 7 Has a chance (80%) of applying the Supereffective ↑ Next effect to the user when the user's attack move is successful against a poisoned or badly poisoned opponent.
Super Toxic 8 Has a chance (90%) of applying the Supereffective ↑ Next effect to the user when the user's attack move is successful against a poisoned or badly poisoned opponent.
Super Toxic 9 Applies the Supereffective ↑ Next effect to the user when the user's attack move is successful against a poisoned or badly poisoned opponent.
Super Victory Applies the Supereffective ↑ Next effect to the user when it knocks out an opponent with a move. Bugsy & Beedrill
Bugsy & Beedrill (Mega Beedrill)
Iris & Naganadel
Liza & Celesteela
Guzma & Buzzwole
Leon & Calyrex (Ice Rider)
Eusine & Suicune (Shiny Suicune)
Supercharger 1 Has a chance (20%) of raising the user's Attack or Sp. Atk, or both, by one stat rank when a move targeting an opponent is successful.
Supercharger 2 Has a chance (30%) of raising the user's Attack or Sp. Atk, or both, by one stat rank when a move targeting an opponent is successful. Grimsley & Liepard
Supercharger 3 Has a chance (40%) of raising the user's Attack or Sp. Atk, or both, by one stat rank when a move targeting an opponent is successful.
Supercharger 4 Has a chance (50%) of raising the user's Attack or Sp. Atk, or both, by one stat rank when a move targeting an opponent is successful.
Supercharger 5 Has a chance (60%) of raising the user's Attack or Sp. Atk, or both, by one stat rank when a move targeting an opponent is successful.
Superduper 1 Has a chance (20%) of applying the Supereffective ↑ Next effect to the user when its move is super effective.
Superduper 2 Has a chance (30%) of applying the Supereffective ↑ Next effect to the user when its move is super effective.
Superduper 3 Has a chance (40%) of applying the Supereffective ↑ Next effect to the user when its move is super effective.
Superduper 4 Has a chance (50%) of applying the Supereffective ↑ Next effect to the user when its move is super effective. Dahlia & Ludicolo
Superduper 5 Has a chance (60%) of applying the Supereffective ↑ Next effect to the user when its move is super effective.
Superduper 6 Has a chance (70%) of applying the Supereffective ↑ Next effect to the user when its move is super effective.
Superduper 7 Has a chance (80%) of applying the Supereffective ↑ Next effect to the user when its move is super effective.
Superduper 8 Has a chance (90%) of applying the Supereffective ↑ Next effect to the user when its move is super effective.
Superduper 9 Applies the Supereffective ↑ Next effect to the user when its move is super effective. Volkner & Electivire
Superduper Effective 1 Powers up moves that are super effective. Main Character & Pinsir
Main Character & Zubat
Main Character & Golbat
Main Character & Bellsprout
Main Character & Weepinbell
Main Character & Victreebel
Main Character & Geodude
Main Character & Graveler
Main Character & Golem
Main Character & Kabuto
Main Character & Kabutops
Main Character & Charmander
Main Character & Charmeleon
Main Character & Charizard
Main Character & Goldeen
Main Character & Seaking
Main Character & Lapras
Main Character & Seel
Main Character & Dewgong
Main Character & Machop
Main Character & Machoke
Main Character & Machamp
Main Character & Abra
Main Character & Kadabra
Main Character & Alakazam
Main Character & Exeggcute
Main Character & Exeggutor
Main Character & Magnemite
Main Character & Magneton
Main Character & Voltorb
Main Character & Electrode
Main Character & Cleffa
Main Character & Clefairy
Main Character & Clefable
Main Character & Magby
Main Character & Magmar
Main Character & Vulpix
Main Character & Ninetales
Main Character & Ponyta
Main Character & Rapidash
Main Character & Omanyte
Main Character & Omastar
Main Character & Cubone
Main Character & Marowak
Main Character & Dratini
Main Character & Dragonair
Main Character & Dragonite
Main Character & Staryu
Main Character & Starmie
Main Character & Koffing
Main Character & Weezing
Main Character & Paras
Main Character & Parasect
Main Character & Shellder
Main Character & Cloyster
Main Character & Pidgey
Main Character & Pidgeotto
Main Character & Pidgeot
Main Character &
Main Character & Grookey
Main Character & Drowzee
Main Character & Hypno
Main Character & Caterpie
Main Character & Metapod
Main Character & Butterfree
Main Character & Rhyhorn
Main Character & Rhydon
Main Character & Tentacool
Main Character & Tentacruel
Professor Oak & Mew
Professor Oak & Mew
Erika & Leafeon
Hilbert & Mightyena
Hilbert & Genesect
Ethan & Cyndaquil
Ethan & Quilava
Ethan & Typhlosion
Guzma & Buzzwole
Volkner & Luxray
Gloria & Cinderace
Gloria & Cinderace
Gloria & Cinderace
N & Reshiram
Marnie & Morpeko
Marnie & Morpeko (Hangry Mode)
Lana & Tapu Lele
Maxie & Groudon
Victor & Rillaboom
Rose & Copperajah
Avery & Slowking (Galarian Form)
1Star Crunchy Lucky Cookie
2Star Crunchy Lucky Cookie
3Star Crunchy Lucky Cookie
1 Star Deluxe Lucky Cookie
2 Star Deluxe Lucky Cookie
Superduper Effective 2 Powers up moves that are super effective. Lusamine & Necrozma (Ultra Necrozma)
Main Character & Grimer
Main Character & Muk
Main Character & Gastly
Main Character & Haunter
Main Character & Gengar
Pryce & Seel
Pryce & Dewgong
Plumeria & Salazzle
Candice & Froslass
Cheren & Purrloin
Cynthia & Giratina
Giovanni & Nidoking
Gladion & Silvally
Gladion & Magearna
Hilda & Tepig
Hilda & Pignite
Hilda & Emboar
Karen & Umbreon
Lillie & Clefairy
Lillie & Comfey
Main Character & Solgaleo
Marshal & Conkeldurr
Mina & Granbull
Ramos & Weepinbell
Ramos & Victreebel
Sophocles & Golem (Alola Form)
Thorton & Magnezone
Zinnia & Salamence
Wallace & Milotic
Burgh & Togepi
Serena & Zygarde
Serena & Zygarde (Complete Forme)
Serena & Fletchling
Gloria & Inteleon
Gloria & Urshifu (Rapid Strike)
Marnie & Grimmsnarl
Marnie & Toxicroak
Selene & Scizor (Female)
Hala & Crabominable
Allister & Gengar
Bede & Hatterene
Naomi & Sandslash
Irida & Flareon
Superduper Effective 3 Powers up moves that are super effective. Noland & Ninjask
Rosa & Shaymin (Sky Forme)
Wikstrom & Aegislash
Wikstrom & Aegislash (Blade Forme)
Burgh & Leavanny
Burgh & Togepi
Volkner & Raichu
Jacq &
Greta & Breloom
Superduper Effective 4 Powers up moves that are super effective. Elesa & Emolga
Superduper Effective 5 Powers up moves that are super effective. Calem & Fennekin
Diantha & Tyrantrum
May & Wailmer
Drasna & Dragalge
Archer & Houndoom
Cynthia & Garchomp
Cynthia & Garchomp (Mega Garchomp)
Giovanni & Rhydon
Misty & Starmie
Sophocles & Togedemaru
Tate & Solrock
Ryuki & Turtonator
Volo & Togepi
Pryce Lucky Cookie 1
Superduper Effective 6 Powers up moves that are super effective.
Superduper Effective 7 Powers up moves that are super effective.
Superduper Effective 8 Powers up moves that are super effective.
Superduper Effective 9 Powers up moves that are super effective. Looker & Croagunk
Supreme Entry Applies the Supereffective ↑ Next effect to the user when it enters a battle. May & Latias
May & Latias (Mega Latias)
Raihan & Duraludon
1 Star Deluxe Lucky Cookie
2 Star Deluxe Lucky Cookie
3 Star Deluxe Lucky Cookie
Guaranteed Lucky Cookie 6
Surging Sand 1 Powers up the user's moves during a sandstorm. Blue & Aerodactyl
Blue & Aerodactyl (Mega Aerodactyl)
1Star Crunchy Lucky Cookie
Surging Sand 2 Powers up the user's moves during a sandstorm. Main Character & Cubone
Main Character & Marowak
Cynthia & Garchomp
Cynthia & Garchomp (Mega Garchomp)
Giovanni & Nidoking
Paulo & Lycanroc (Dusk Form)
1Star Crunchy Lucky Cookie
2Star Crunchy Lucky Cookie
Surging Sand 3 Powers up the user's moves during a sandstorm. Brock & Tyranitar
Cynthia & Garchomp
Cynthia & Garchomp (Mega Garchomp)
Olivia & Lycanroc (Midnight Form)
Raihan & Duraludon
Rose & Copperajah
Volo & Gible
1Star Crunchy Lucky Cookie
2Star Crunchy Lucky Cookie
3Star Crunchy Lucky Cookie
Surging Sand 4 Powers up the user's moves during a sandstorm.
Surging Sand 5 Powers up the user's moves during a sandstorm. Cynthia & Garchomp
Cynthia & Garchomp (Mega Garchomp)
Professor Kukui & Lycanroc
Roxanne & Nosepass
Roxanne & Probopass
Naomi & Sandslash
Acerola & Palossand
Professor Kukui & Lycanroc
Clemont & Heliolisk
Paulo & Lycanroc (Dusk Form)
Surging Sand 6 Powers up the user's moves during a sandstorm.
Surging Sand 7 Powers up the user's moves during a sandstorm.
Surging Sand 8 Powers up the user's moves during a sandstorm.
Surging Sand 9 Powers up the user's moves during a sandstorm.
Survivor Mentality 1 Reduces damage when the user is hit by a special attack move while in a pinch.
Survivor Mentality 2 Reduces damage when the user is hit by a special attack move while in a pinch. Professor Oak & Nidorino
Roxanne & Nosepass
Roxanne & Probopass
Sophocles & Togedemaru
Jasmine & Celesteela
Lenora & Watchog
Survivor Mentality 3 Reduces damage when the user is hit by a special attack move while in a pinch.
Survivor Mentality 4 Reduces damage when the user is hit by a special attack move while in a pinch.
Survivor Mentality 5 Reduces damage when the user is hit by a special attack move while in a pinch.
Survivor Mentality 6 Reduces damage when the user is hit by a special attack move while in a pinch.
Survivor Mentality 7 Reduces damage when the user is hit by a special attack move while in a pinch.
Survivor Mentality 8 Reduces damage when the user is hit by a special attack move while in a pinch.
Survivor Mentality 9 Reduces damage when the user is hit by a special attack move while in a pinch.
Swag Bag 1 Raises the chance of raising stat values with the additional effects of moves. Hilda & Diancie
Hilda & Diancie (Mega Diancie)
Main Character & Gastly
Main Character & Haunter
Main Character & Gengar
Burgh & Leavanny
Morty & Gastly
Fantina & Mismagius
Fantina & Mismagius
Burgh & Leavanny
Burgh & Leavanny
Swag Bag 2 Raises the chance of raising stat values with the additional effects of moves. Olympia & Sigilyph
Swag Bag 3 Raises the chance of raising stat values with the additional effects of moves. Steven & Cradily
Swag Bag 4 Raises the chance of raising stat values with the additional effects of moves.
Swag Bag 5 Raises the chance of raising stat values with the additional effects of moves. Steven & Cradily
Sync Buff & Hit: Physical Boost Up3 1 Has a chance (20%) of increasing the user's Physical Moves Up Next effect by 3 ranks when its attack move is successful while its team has a sync buff.
Sync Buff & Hit: Physical Boost Up3 2 Has a chance (30%) of increasing the user's Physical Moves Up Next effect by 3 ranks when its attack move is successful while its team has a sync buff.
Sync Buff & Hit: Physical Boost Up3 3 Has a chance (40%) of increasing the user's Physical Moves Up Next effect by 3 ranks when its attack move is successful while its team has a sync buff.
Sync Buff & Hit: Physical Boost Up3 4 Has a chance (50%) of increasing the user's Physical Moves Up Next effect by 3 ranks when its attack move is successful while its team has a sync buff.
Sync Buff & Hit: Physical Boost Up3 5 Has a chance (60%) of increasing the user's Physical Moves Up Next effect by 3 ranks when its attack move is successful while its team has a sync buff.
Sync Buff & Hit: Physical Boost Up3 6 Has a chance (70%) of increasing the user's Physical Moves Up Next effect by 3 ranks when its attack move is successful while its team has a sync buff.
Sync Buff & Hit: Physical Boost Up3 7 Has a chance (80%) of increasing the user's Physical Moves Up Next effect by 3 ranks when its attack move is successful while its team has a sync buff.
Sync Buff & Hit: Physical Boost Up3 8 Has a chance (90%) of increasing the user's Physical Moves Up Next effect by 3 ranks when its attack move is successful while its team has a sync buff.
Sync Buff & Hit: Physical Boost Up3 9 Increases the user's Physical Moves Up Next effect by 3 ranks when its attack move is successful while its team has a sync buff. Palmer & Regigigas
Sync Burst 1 Restores 1 MP for the user the first time its sync move is used each battle. Kris & Suicune
Gloria & Zacian (Crowned Sword)
Shauna & Chesnaught
Bugsy & Kricketune
Clay & Palpitoad
Clay & Seismitoad
Siebold & Octillery
Steven & Metagross
Steven & Metagross (Mega Metagross)
Whitney & Sawsbuck (Winter Form)
Lear &
Sawyer & Honchkrow
Leon & Charizard
Ryuki & Turtonator
Nemona &
Akari & Samurott (Hisuian Form)
Penny & Sylveon
Chase & Pikachu
Eri &
Milo & Eldegoss
Sync Cure Removes all status conditions from the user after using its sync move. Blue & Exeggutor
Cynthia & Gastrodon
Drake & Salamence
Gladion & Golbat
Kris & Jolteon
Lillie & Lunala
Lt. Surge & Raichu
Lyra & Vaporeon
Main Character & Cobalion
Main Character & Regirock
Morty & Mismagius
Rachel & Umbreon
Sawyer & Honchkrow
Raihan & Gigalith
Ingo & Excadrill
Evelyn & Entei
Falkner & Swellow
Sync Damage Guard Applies the Damage Guard Next effect to the user the first time its sync move is used each battle. Dawn & Cresselia
Morty & Ho-Oh (Shiny Ho-Oh)
Blue & Alakazam
Brock & Kabutops
Bruno & Onix
Diantha & Diancie (Shiny Diancie)
Diantha & Diancie (Shiny Mega Diancie)
Lusamine & Pheromosa
Lyra & Phanpy
Winona & Altaria
Guzma & Ariados
Serena & Zygarde
Serena & Zygarde (Complete Forme)
Gloria & Cinderace
Gloria & Cinderace
Gloria & Cinderace
N & Kyurem (Black Kyurem)
Lysandre & Yveltal
Sawyer &
Selene & Nihilego
Raihan & Flygon
Emmet & Archeops
Adaman & Leafeon
Iono &
Grusha & Beartic
Jacq &
Kabu & Centiskorch
Arven &
Eri &
Elio Lucky Cookie 1
Penny Lucky Cookie 1
Sync Defense Up All 1 Lowers the Defense of all opposing sync pairs by 1 stat ranks after using the user's sync move.
Sync Defense Up All 2 Lowers the Defense of all opposing sync pairs by 2 stat ranks after using the user's sync move. Palmer & Regigigas
Sync Defense Up All 3 Lowers the Defense of all opposing sync pairs by 3 stat ranks after using the user's sync move.
Sync Defense Up All 4 Lowers the Defense of all opposing sync pairs by 4 stat ranks after using the user's sync move.
Sync Defense Up All 5 Lowers the Defense of all opposing sync pairs by 5 stat ranks after using the user's sync move.
Sync Defense Up All 6 Lowers the Defense of all opposing sync pairs by 6 stat ranks after using the user's sync move.
Sync Emergency 5 Powers up the user's sync move when in a pinch. Phoebe & Dusclops
Phoebe & Dusknoir
Rosa & Dewott
Sync Freebie Applies the Free Move Next effect to the user after using its sync move. Palmer & Regigigas
N & Zekrom
N & Zoroark
Main Character & Solgaleo
Steven & Rayquaza (Shiny Rayquaza)
Steven & Rayquaza (Shiny Mega Rayquaza)
Guzma & Buzzwole
Lisia & Rapidash (Galarian Form)
Lysandre & Volcanion
Leon & Calyrex (Ice Rider)
Leon & Charizard
Ghetsis & Kyurem
Emmet & Escavalier
Hop & Zapdos (Galarian Form)
Irida & Glaceon
Rose & Copperajah
Riley & Lucario
Poppy &
Sync Free-for-All Applies the Free Move Next effect to all allied sync pairs the first time the user's sync move is used each battle. Brendan & Latios
Brendan & Latios (Mega Latios)
Cynthia & Lucario
Cynthia & Lucario (Mega Lucario)
Steven & Stoutland (Shiny Stoutland)
Malva & Talonflame
Volo & Togepi
Clavell &
Sync Heal Refill 1 Restores 1 MP for the user's moves that have the heal effect tag the first time its sync move is used each battle. Main Character & Registeel
Dawn & Cresselia
Sync Heal Refill 2 Restores 2 MP for the user's moves that have the heal effect tag the first time its sync move is used each battle.
Sync Heal Refill 3 Restores 3 MP for the user's moves that have the heal effect tag the first time its sync move is used each battle.
Sync Induction 5 Powers up sync moves when the field is Electric Terrain. Kris & Jolteon
Hop & Pincurchin
Florian &
Sync Morph Changes the user's sync move type the first time its sync move is used each battle. May & Lopunny
May & Lopunny (Mega Lopunny)
Sync Move: Team Speed 1 Raises the Speed of all allied sync pairs by 1 stat ranks after using the user's sync move.
Sync Move: Team Speed 2 Raises the Speed of all allied sync pairs by 2 stat ranks after using the user's sync move.
Sync Move: Team Speed 3 Raises the Speed of all allied sync pairs by 3 stat ranks after using the user's sync move.
Sync Move: Team Speed 4 Raises the Speed of all allied sync pairs by 4 stat ranks after using the user's sync move.
Sync Move: Team Speed 5 Raises the Speed of all allied sync pairs by 5 stat ranks after using the user's sync move.
Sync Move: Team Speed 6 Raises the Speed of all allied sync pairs by 6 stat ranks after using the user's sync move.
Sync Power Flux The fuller the move gauge when the user's sync move is selected, the more this powers up the sync move. Sonia & Tsareena (Shiny Tsareena) Blue & Pidgeot
Blue & Pidgeot (Mega Pidgeot)
Caitlin & Reuniclus
Hugh & Bouffalant
Karen & Houndoom
Karen & Houndoom (Mega Houndoom)
Misty & Vaporeon
Roxanne & Runerigus
Will & Xatu
Dawn & Oricorio (Sensu Style)
Sync Quickening 1 Restores 1 MP of the user's moves with a quick move effect tag after using its sync move. Barry & Floatzel
Cynthia & Giratina
Lance & Gyarados
Falkner & Swellow
Nita & Landorus
Sync Quickening 1 Restores 1 MP of the user's moves that have the quick move effect tag after using its sync move. Barry & Floatzel
Cynthia & Giratina
Lance & Gyarados
Falkner & Swellow
Nita & Landorus
Sync Quickening 2 Restores 2 MP of the user's moves that have the quick move effect tag after using its sync move.
Sync Quickening 3 Restores 3 MP of the user's moves that have the quick move effect tag after using its sync move. Elesa & Togetic
Gloria & Cinderace
Gloria & Cinderace
Gloria & Cinderace
Sync Quickening 4 Restores 4 MP of the user's moves that have the quick move effect tag after using its sync move.
Sync Quickening 5 Restores 5 MP of the user's moves that have the quick move effect tag after using its sync move.
Sync Quickening 6 Restores 6 MP of the user's moves that have the quick move effect tag after using its sync move.
Sync Regen Applies the Gradual Healing effect to the user after using its sync move. Candice & Abomasnow
Drake & Salamence
Gladion & Magearna
Hilda & Diancie
Hilda & Diancie (Mega Diancie)
Noland & Ninjask
Will & Xatu
Clemont & Magneton
Dawn & Cresselia
Dawn & Wormadam (Plant Cloak)
Morty & Banette
Morty & Banette (Mega Banette)
Lucas & Torterra
Lenora & Watchog
Volo & Togepi
Klara & Slowbro (Galarian Form)
Clavell &
Sync Reload 1 Has a chance (20%) of restoring one MP for the user's Pokémon after using the user's sync move.
Sync Reload 2 Has a chance (30%) of restoring one MP for the user's Pokémon after using the user's sync move.
Sync Reload 3 Has a chance (40%) of restoring one MP for the user's Pokémon after using the user's sync move.
Sync Reload 4 Has a chance (50%) of restoring one MP for the user's Pokémon after using the user's sync move.
Sync Reload 5 Has a chance (60%) of restoring one MP for the user's Pokémon after using the user's sync move.
Sync Reload 6 Has a chance (70%) of restoring one MP for the user's Pokémon after using the user's sync move.
Sync Reload 7 Has a chance (80%) of restoring one MP for the user's Pokémon after using the user's sync move.
Sync Reload 8 Has a chance (90%) of restoring one MP for the user's Pokémon after using the user's sync move.
Sync Reload 9 Restores one MP for the user's Pokémon after using the user's sync move. Korrina & Marshadow
Sync Snooze Puts all opposing sync pairs to sleep after using the user's sync move. Cyrus & Darkrai
Sync Stat Reboot 1 Has a chance (20%) of returning the user's lowered stats to normal after using its sync move.
Sync Stat Reboot 2 Has a chance (30%) of returning the user's lowered stats to normal after using its sync move.
Sync Stat Reboot 3 Has a chance (40%) of returning the user's lowered stats to normal after using its sync move. Leon & Charizard
Sync Stat Reboot 4 Has a chance (50%) of returning the user's lowered stats to normal after using its sync move.
Sync Stat Reboot 5 Has a chance (60%) of returning the user's lowered stats to normal after using its sync move.
Sync Stat Reboot 6 Has a chance (70%) of returning the user's lowered stats to normal after using its sync move.
Sync Stat Reboot 7 Has a chance (80%) of returning the user's lowered stats to normal after using its sync move.
Sync Stat Reboot 8 Has a chance (90%) of returning the user's lowered stats to normal after using its sync move.
Sync Stat Reboot 9 Returns the user's lowered stats to normal after using its sync move. Cynthia & Giratina
Sync Thinker 1 Has a chance (20%) of increasing the user's Special Moves ↑ Next by 1 ranks after using its sync move.
Sync Thinker 2 Has a chance (30%) of increasing the user's Special Moves ↑ Next by 1 ranks after using its sync move.
Sync Thinker 3 Has a chance (40%) of increasing the user's Special Moves ↑ Next by 1 ranks after using its sync move.
Sync Thinker 4 Has a chance (50%) of increasing the user's Special Moves ↑ Next by 1 ranks after using its sync move.
Sync Thinker 5 Has a chance (60%) of increasing the user's Special Moves ↑ Next by 1 ranks after using its sync move.
Sync Thinker 6 Has a chance (70%) of increasing the user's Special Moves ↑ Next by 1 ranks after using its sync move.
Sync Thinker 7 Has a chance (80%) of increasing the user's Special Moves ↑ Next by 1 ranks after using its sync move.
Sync Thinker 8 Has a chance (90%) of increasing the user's Special Moves ↑ Next by 1 ranks after using its sync move.
Sync Thinker 9 Increases the user's Special Moves ↑ Next by 1 ranks after using its sync move. Cynthia & Kommo-o
Red & Charizard
Red & Charizard (Mega Charizard X)
Ethan & Lugia
Irida & Zoroark (Hisuian Form)
Eusine & Suicune (Shiny Suicune)
Brycen-man & Zoroark
Sync Victory Lap
Sync Victory Wall
Sync Wall Applies the Critical-Hit Defense effect to the allied field of play the first time the user's sync move is used each battle. Caitlin & Sableye
Caitlin & Sableye (Mega Sableye)
Cheryl & Wailord
Main Character & Mesprit
Mina & Tapu Fini
Olivia & Carbink
Professor Oak & Nidorino
Kali & Azumarill
Adaman & Vaporeon
Iono &
Kabu & Torkoal
S-Move: Team HP Recovery (M) 1 Restores the HP of all allied sync pairs by approximately 20% of their maximum HP after using the user's sync move. Caitlin & Sableye
Caitlin & Sableye (Mega Sableye)
Lillie & Clefairy
Lillie & Comfey
Main Character & Mesprit
Morgan & Virizion
Blue & Exeggutor
Blue & Zapdos
Bugsy & Scyther
Calem & Sylveon
Cheryl & Wailord
Gladion & Golbat
Kris & Jolteon
Liza & Lunatone
Lt. Surge & Raichu
Lyra & Vaporeon
Main Character & Torchic
Main Character & Cobalion
Main Character & Regirock
Mina & Tapu Fini
Misty & Psyduck
Glacia & Glalie
Glacia & Glalie (Mega Glalie)
Leaf & Clefable
Guzma & Ariados
Clemont & Magneton
Morty & Mismagius
Morty & Gastly
Mallow & Shiinotic
Rachel & Umbreon
Sawyer & Honchkrow
Raihan & Gigalith
Evelyn & Entei
Falkner & Swellow
Allister & Gourgeist (Super Size)
Lucas & Flareon
Trevor & Florges (Orange Flower)
Tierno & Crawdaunt
Anabel & Snorlax
Dana & Regice
Elaine & Eevee
S-Move: Team HP Recovery (M) 2 Restores the HP of all allied sync pairs by approximately 40% of their maximum HP after using the user's sync move.
S-Move: Team HP Recovery (M) 3 Restores the HP of all allied sync pairs by approximately 60% of their maximum HP after using the user's sync move.
S-Move: Team HP Recovery (M) 4 Restores the HP of all allied sync pairs by approximately 80% of their maximum HP after using the user's sync move.
S-Move: Team HP Recovery (M) 5 Fully restores HP of all allied sync pairs after using the user's sync move.
Tactical Shake-Up
Tactical Shake-Up
Take Hit: Supereffective ↑ Next 1 Has a chance (20%) of applying the Supereffective ↑ Next effect to the user when it is hit by an attack move.
Take Hit: Supereffective ↑ Next 2 Has a chance (30%) of applying the Supereffective ↑ Next effect to the user when it is hit by an attack move.
Take Hit: Supereffective ↑ Next 3 Has a chance (40%) of applying the Supereffective ↑ Next effect to the user when it is hit by an attack move.
Take Hit: Supereffective ↑ Next 4 Has a chance (50%) of applying the Supereffective ↑ Next effect to the user when it is hit by an attack move.
Take Hit: Supereffective ↑ Next 5 Has a chance (60%) of applying the Supereffective ↑ Next effect to the user when it is hit by an attack move.
Take Hit: Supereffective ↑ Next 6 Has a chance (70%) of applying the Supereffective ↑ Next effect to the user when it is hit by an attack move.
Take Hit: Supereffective ↑ Next 7 Has a chance (80%) of applying the Supereffective ↑ Next effect to the user when it is hit by an attack move.
Take Hit: Supereffective ↑ Next 8 Has a chance (90%) of applying the Supereffective ↑ Next effect to the user when it is hit by an attack move.
Take Hit: Supereffective ↑ Next 9 Applies the Supereffective ↑ Next effect to the user when it is hit by an attack move.
Targets Maxed When the user's max move attacks an opponent, the target becomes all opposing sync pairs. The power of max moves affected by this passive skill is not lowered even if there are multiple targets. Victor & Rillaboom
Team Alert Mind 1 Raises the Defense of all allied sync pairs by 1 stat ranks when the user's HP drops to half or below. Red & Snorlax
Team Alert Mind 2 Raises the Defense of all allied sync pairs by 2 stat ranks when the user's HP drops to half or below.
Team Alert Mind 3 Raises the Defense of all allied sync pairs by 3 stat ranks when the user's HP drops to half or below.
Team Alert Mind 4 Raises the Defense of all allied sync pairs by 4 stat ranks when the user's HP drops to half or below.
Team Alert Mind 5 Raises the Defense of all allied sync pairs by 5 stat ranks when the user's HP drops to half or below.
Team Alert Mind 6 Raises the Defense of all allied sync pairs by 6 stat ranks when the user's HP drops to half or below.
Team Altered Field Dodge 1 Has a chance (20%) of raising the evasiveness of all allied sync pairs by 1 stat rank when an ally activates a weather, terrain, or zone effect.
Team Altered Field Dodge 2 Has a chance (30%) of raising the evasiveness of all allied sync pairs by 1 stat rank when an ally activates a weather, terrain, or zone effect.
Team Altered Field Dodge 3 Has a chance (40%) of raising the evasiveness of all allied sync pairs by 1 stat rank when an ally activates a weather, terrain, or zone effect.
Team Altered Field Dodge 4 Has a chance (50%) of raising the evasiveness of all allied sync pairs by 1 stat rank when an ally activates a weather, terrain, or zone effect.
Team Altered Field Dodge 5 Has a chance (60%) of raising the evasiveness of all allied sync pairs by 1 stat rank when an ally activates a weather, terrain, or zone effect.
Team Altered Field Dodge 6 Has a chance (70%) of raising the evasiveness of all allied sync pairs by 1 stat rank when an ally activates a weather, terrain, or zone effect.
Team Altered Field Dodge 7 Has a chance (80%) of raising the evasiveness of all allied sync pairs by 1 stat rank when an ally activates a weather, terrain, or zone effect.
Team Altered Field Dodge 8 Has a chance (90%) of raising the evasiveness of all allied sync pairs by 1 stat rank when an ally activates a weather, terrain, or zone effect.
Team Altered Field Dodge 9 Raises the evasiveness of all allied sync pairs by 1 stat rank when an ally activates a weather, terrain, or zone effect. Hau & Tapu Koko
Team Antitoxin Prevents all allied sync pairs from getting poisoned or badly poisoned. Lisia & Rapidash (Galarian Form)
Team Beef Up 1 Has a chance (20%) of raising the Attack of all allied sync pairs by 1 stat ranks when the user is hit by an attack move.
Team Beef Up 2 Has a chance (30%) of raising the Attack of all allied sync pairs by 1 stat ranks when the user is hit by an attack move.
Team Beef Up 3 Has a chance (40%) of raising the Attack of all allied sync pairs by 1 stat ranks when the user is hit by an attack move.
Team Beef Up 4 Has a chance (50%) of raising the Attack of all allied sync pairs by 1 stat ranks when the user is hit by an attack move. Professor Sycamore & Xerneas
Team Beef Up 5 Has a chance (60%) of raising the Attack of all allied sync pairs by 1 stat ranks when the user is hit by an attack move.
Team Beef Up 6 Has a chance (70%) of raising the Attack of all allied sync pairs by 1 stat ranks when the user is hit by an attack move.
Team Beef Up 7 Has a chance (80%) of raising the Attack of all allied sync pairs by 1 stat ranks when the user is hit by an attack move.
Team Beef Up 8 Has a chance (90%) of raising the Attack of all allied sync pairs by 1 stat ranks when the user is hit by an attack move.
Team Beef Up 9 Raises the Attack of all allied sync pairs by 1 stat ranks when the user is hit by an attack move. Hilda & Grapploct (Shiny Grapploct)
Lyra & Phanpy
Bellelba & Swoobat
Team Body-Bracing Infliction 1 Raises the Defense of all allied sync pairs by 1 stat ranks the first time the user's Pokémon uses a status move each battle.
Team Body-Bracing Infliction 2 Raises the Defense of all allied sync pairs by 1 stat ranks the first time the user's Pokémon uses a status move each battle. Iono & Proton & Golbat
Team Body-Bracing Infliction 3 Raises the Defense of all allied sync pairs by 1 stat ranks the first time the user's Pokémon uses a status move each battle.
Team Body-Bracing Infliction 4 Raises the Defense of all allied sync pairs by 1 stat ranks the first time the user's Pokémon uses a status move each battle.
Team Body-Bracing Infliction 5 Raises the Defense of all allied sync pairs by 1 stat ranks the first time the user's Pokémon uses a status move each battle.
Team Body-Bracing Infliction 6 Raises the Defense of all allied sync pairs by 1 stat ranks the first time the user's Pokémon uses a status move each battle.
Team Brain Buff 1 Raises the Sp. Def of all allied sync pairs by 1 stat rank after using the user's sync move.
Team Brain Buff 2 Raises the Sp. Def of all allied sync pairs by 2 stat ranks after using the user's sync move. Lucas & Flareon
Team Brain Buff 3 Raises the Sp. Def of all allied sync pairs by 3 stat ranks after using the user's sync move.
Team Brain Buff 4 Raises the Sp. Def of all allied sync pairs by 4 stat ranks after using the user's sync move.
Team Brain Buff 5 Raises the Sp. Def of all allied sync pairs by 5 stat ranks after using the user's sync move.
Team Brain Buff 6 Raises the Sp. Def of all allied sync pairs by 6 stat ranks after using the user's sync move.
Team Brain Gain 1 Increases the Special Moves ↑ Next effect of all allied sync pairs by 1 rank when the user's move is successful.
Team Brain Gain 2 Increases the Special Moves ↑ Next effect of all allied sync pairs by 2 rank when the user's move is successful.
Team Brain Gain 3 Increases the Special Moves ↑ Next effect of all allied sync pairs by 3 rank when the user's move is successful.
Team Brain Gain 4 Increases the Special Moves ↑ Next effect of all allied sync pairs by 4 rank when the user's move is successful.
Team Brain Gain 5 Increases the Special Moves ↑ Next effect of all allied sync pairs by 5 rank when the user's move is successful.
Team Brain Gain 6 Increases the Special Moves ↑ Next effect of all allied sync pairs by 6 rank when the user's move is successful.
Team Brainstorm 1 Has a chance (20%) of increasing the Special Moves ↑ Next effect of all allied sync pairs by one rank when the user's Pokémon uses a status move while its remaining HP is at half or below.
Team Brainstorm 2 Has a chance (30%) of increasing the Special Moves ↑ Next effect of all allied sync pairs by one rank when the user's Pokémon uses a status move while its remaining HP is at half or below.
Team Brainstorm 3 Has a chance (40%) of increasing the Special Moves ↑ Next effect of all allied sync pairs by one rank when the user's Pokémon uses a status move while its remaining HP is at half or below.
Team Brainstorm 4 Has a chance (50%) of increasing the Special Moves ↑ Next effect of all allied sync pairs by one rank when the user's Pokémon uses a status move while its remaining HP is at half or below.
Team Brainstorm 5 Has a chance (60%) of increasing the Special Moves ↑ Next effect of all allied sync pairs by one rank when the user's Pokémon uses a status move while its remaining HP is at half or below.
Team Brainstorm 6 Has a chance (70%) of increasing the Special Moves ↑ Next effect of all allied sync pairs by one rank when the user's Pokémon uses a status move while its remaining HP is at half or below.
Team Brainstorm 7 Has a chance (80%) of increasing the Special Moves ↑ Next effect of all allied sync pairs by one rank when the user's Pokémon uses a status move while its remaining HP is at half or below.
Team Brainstorm 8 Has a chance (90%) of increasing the Special Moves ↑ Next effect of all allied sync pairs by one rank when the user's Pokémon uses a status move while its remaining HP is at half or below.
Team Brainstorm 9 Increases the Special Moves ↑ Next effect of all allied sync pairs by one rank when the user's Pokémon uses a status move while its remaining HP is at half or below. Dawn & Cresselia
Team Brawn Gain 1 Has a chance (20%) of increasing the Physical Moves Up Next effect of all allied sync pairs by 1 rank when the user's move is successful.
Team Brawn Gain 2 Has a chance (30%) of increasing the Physical Moves Up Next effect of all allied sync pairs by 1 rank when the user's move is successful.
Team Brawn Gain 3 Has a chance (40%) of increasing the Physical Moves Up Next effect of all allied sync pairs by 1 rank when the user's move is successful.
Team Brawn Gain 4 Has a chance (50%) of increasing the Physical Moves Up Next effect of all allied sync pairs by 1 rank when the user's move is successful.
Team Brawn Gain 5 Has a chance (60%) of increasing the Physical Moves Up Next effect of all allied sync pairs by 1 rank when the user's move is successful.
Team Brawn Gain 6 Has a chance (70%) of increasing the Physical Moves Up Next effect of all allied sync pairs by 1 rank when the user's move is successful.
Team Brawn Gain 7 Has a chance (80%) of increasing the Physical Moves Up Next effect of all allied sync pairs by 1 rank when the user's move is successful.
Team Brawn Gain 8 Has a chance (90%) of increasing the Physical Moves Up Next effect of all allied sync pairs by 1 rank when the user's move is successful.
Team Brawn Gain 9 Increases the Physical Moves Up Next effect of all allied sync pairs by 1 rank when the user's move is successful.
Team Charged Slo-mo 1 Has a chance (20%) of lowering the Speed of all opposing sync pairs by 1 stat rank when the user's attack move is successful while the terrain is Electric Terrain.
Team Charged Slo-mo 2 Has a chance (30%) of lowering the Speed of all opposing sync pairs by 1 stat rank when the user's attack move is successful while the terrain is Electric Terrain.
Team Charged Slo-mo 3 Has a chance (40%) of lowering the Speed of all opposing sync pairs by 1 stat rank when the user's attack move is successful while the terrain is Electric Terrain.
Team Charged Slo-mo 4 Has a chance (50%) of lowering the Speed of all opposing sync pairs by 1 stat rank when the user's attack move is successful while the terrain is Electric Terrain.
Team Charged Slo-mo 5 Has a chance (60%) of lowering the Speed of all opposing sync pairs by 1 stat rank when the user's attack move is successful while the terrain is Electric Terrain.
Team Charged Slo-mo 6 Has a chance (70%) of lowering the Speed of all opposing sync pairs by 1 stat rank when the user's attack move is successful while the terrain is Electric Terrain.
Team Charged Slo-mo 7 Has a chance (80%) of lowering the Speed of all opposing sync pairs by 1 stat rank when the user's attack move is successful while the terrain is Electric Terrain.
Team Charged Slo-mo 8 Has a chance (90%) of lowering the Speed of all opposing sync pairs by 1 stat rank when the user's attack move is successful while the terrain is Electric Terrain.
Team Charged Slo-mo 9 Lowers the Speed of all opposing sync pairs by 1 stat rank when the user's attack move is successful while the terrain is Electric Terrain. Whitney & Sawsbuck (Winter Form)
Team Charged Speed Drain 1 Has a chance (20%) of granting all of the following effects if the user's attack move against the target is successful when the terrain is Electric Terrain: Raises the Speed of all allied sync pairs by 1 stat rank. Lowers the Speed of all opposing sync pairs by 1 stat rank.
Team Charged Speed Drain 2 Has a chance (30%) of granting all of the following effects if the user's attack move against the target is successful when the terrain is Electric Terrain: Raises the Speed of all allied sync pairs by 1 stat rank. Lowers the Speed of all opposing sync pairs by 1 stat rank.
Team Charged Speed Drain 3 Has a chance (40%) of granting all of the following effects if the user's attack move against the target is successful when the terrain is Electric Terrain: Raises the Speed of all allied sync pairs by 1 stat rank. Lowers the Speed of all opposing sync pairs by 1 stat rank.
Team Charged Speed Drain 4 Has a chance (50%) of granting all of the following effects if the user's attack move against the target is successful when the terrain is Electric Terrain: Raises the Speed of all allied sync pairs by 1 stat rank. Lowers the Speed of all opposing sync pairs by 1 stat rank.
Team Charged Speed Drain 5 Has a chance (60%) of granting all of the following effects if the user's attack move against the target is successful when the terrain is Electric Terrain: Raises the Speed of all allied sync pairs by 1 stat rank. Lowers the Speed of all opposing sync pairs by 1 stat rank.
Team Charged Speed Drain 6 Has a chance (70%) of granting all of the following effects if the user's attack move against the target is successful when the terrain is Electric Terrain: Raises the Speed of all allied sync pairs by 1 stat rank. Lowers the Speed of all opposing sync pairs by 1 stat rank.
Team Charged Speed Drain 7 Has a chance (80%) of granting all of the following effects if the user's attack move against the target is successful when the terrain is Electric Terrain: Raises the Speed of all allied sync pairs by 1 stat rank. Lowers the Speed of all opposing sync pairs by 1 stat rank.
Team Charged Speed Drain 8 Has a chance (90%) of granting all of the following effects if the user's attack move against the target is successful when the terrain is Electric Terrain: Raises the Speed of all allied sync pairs by 1 stat rank. Lowers the Speed of all opposing sync pairs by 1 stat rank.
Team Charged Speed Drain 9 Grants all of the following effects if the user's attack move against the target is successful when the terrain is Electric Terrain: Raises the Speed of all allied sync pairs by 1 stat rank. Lowers the Speed of all opposing sync pairs by 1 stat rank. Whitney & Sawsbuck (Winter Form)
Team Critical Command 1 Has a chance (20%) of raising the critical-hit rate of all allied sync pairs by 1 stat rank when the user's Trainer uses a move.
Team Critical Command 2 Has a chance (30%) of raising the critical-hit rate of all allied sync pairs by 1 stat rank when the user's Trainer uses a move.
Team Critical Command 3 Has a chance (40%) of raising the critical-hit rate of all allied sync pairs by 1 stat rank when the user's Trainer uses a move.
Team Critical Command 4 Has a chance (50%) of raising the critical-hit rate of all allied sync pairs by 1 stat rank when the user's Trainer uses a move.
Team Critical Command 5 Has a chance (60%) of raising the critical-hit rate of all allied sync pairs by 1 stat rank when the user's Trainer uses a move.
Team Critical Command 6 Has a chance (70%) of raising the critical-hit rate of all allied sync pairs by 1 stat rank when the user's Trainer uses a move.
Team Critical Command 7 Has a chance (80%) of raising the critical-hit rate of all allied sync pairs by 1 stat rank when the user's Trainer uses a move.
Team Critical Command 8 Has a chance (90%) of raising the critical-hit rate of all allied sync pairs by 1 stat rank when the user's Trainer uses a move.
Team Critical Command 9 Raises the critical-hit rate of all allied sync pairs by 1 stat rank when the user's Trainer uses a move. Jasmine & Ampharos
Jasmine & Ampharos (Mega Ampharos)
Jasmine & Steelix
Jasmine & Steelix (Mega Steelix)
Caitlin Lucky Cookie 1
Team Critical Nightmare 3 Has a chance (40%) of raising the critical-hit rate of all allied sync pairs by one stat rank when the user's attack move is successful against an opponent that is asleep. Elio & Popplio
Elio & Brionne
Elio & Primarina
Team Critical Shock 1 Has a chance (20%) of raising the critical-hit rate of all allied sync pairs by 1 stat rank when the user's attack move is successful against a paralyzed opponent.
Team Critical Shock 2 Has a chance (30%) of raising the critical-hit rate of all allied sync pairs by 1 stat rank when the user's attack move is successful against a paralyzed opponent.
Team Critical Shock 3 Has a chance (40%) of raising the critical-hit rate of all allied sync pairs by 1 stat rank when the user's attack move is successful against a paralyzed opponent.
Team Critical Shock 4 Has a chance (50%) of raising the critical-hit rate of all allied sync pairs by 1 stat rank when the user's attack move is successful against a paralyzed opponent.
Team Critical Shock 5 Has a chance (60%) of raising the critical-hit rate of all allied sync pairs by 1 stat rank when the user's attack move is successful against a paralyzed opponent.
Team Critical Shock 6 Has a chance (70%) of raising the critical-hit rate of all allied sync pairs by 1 stat rank when the user's attack move is successful against a paralyzed opponent.
Team Critical Shock 7 Has a chance (80%) of raising the critical-hit rate of all allied sync pairs by 1 stat rank when the user's attack move is successful against a paralyzed opponent.
Team Critical Shock 8 Has a chance (90%) of raising the critical-hit rate of all allied sync pairs by 1 stat rank when the user's attack move is successful against a paralyzed opponent.
Team Critical Shock 9 Raises the critical-hit rate of all allied sync pairs by 1 stat rank when the user's attack move is successful against a paralyzed opponent. Barry & Roserade
Colress & Klinklang
Team Dauntless Defender 1 Has a chance (20%) of raising the Defense and Sp. Def of all allied sync pairs by 1 stat rank when the user nullifies an opponent's move while in a defensive posture.
Team Dauntless Defender 2 Has a chance (30%) of raising the Defense and Sp. Def of all allied sync pairs by 1 stat rank when the user nullifies an opponent's move while in a defensive posture.
Team Dauntless Defender 3 Has a chance (40%) of raising the Defense and Sp. Def of all allied sync pairs by 1 stat rank when the user nullifies an opponent's move while in a defensive posture.
Team Dauntless Defender 4 Has a chance (50%) of raising the Defense and Sp. Def of all allied sync pairs by 1 stat rank when the user nullifies an opponent's move while in a defensive posture.
Team Dauntless Defender 5 Has a chance (60%) of raising the Defense and Sp. Def of all allied sync pairs by 1 stat rank when the user nullifies an opponent's move while in a defensive posture.
Team Dauntless Defender 6 Has a chance (70%) of raising the Defense and Sp. Def of all allied sync pairs by 1 stat rank when the user nullifies an opponent's move while in a defensive posture.
Team Dauntless Defender 7 Has a chance (80%) of raising the Defense and Sp. Def of all allied sync pairs by 1 stat rank when the user nullifies an opponent's move while in a defensive posture.
Team Dauntless Defender 8 Has a chance (90%) of raising the Defense and Sp. Def of all allied sync pairs by 1 stat rank when the user nullifies an opponent's move while in a defensive posture.
Team Dauntless Defender 9 Raises the Defense and Sp. Def of all allied sync pairs by 1 stat rank when the user nullifies an opponent's move while in a defensive posture. Shauna & Chesnaught
Team Debut Dash 1 Raises the Speed of all allied sync pairs by 1 stat ranks the first time the user enters a battle each battle. Steven & Stoutland (Shiny Stoutland)
Team Debut Dash 2 Raises the Speed of all allied sync pairs by 2 stat ranks the first time the user enters a battle each battle. May & Blaziken
Team Debut Dash 3 Raises the Speed of all allied sync pairs by 3 stat ranks the first time the user enters a battle each battle.
Team Debut Dash 4 Raises the Speed of all allied sync pairs by 4 stat ranks the first time the user enters a battle each battle.
Team Debut Dash 5 Raises the Speed of all allied sync pairs by 5 stat ranks the first time the user enters a battle each battle.
Team Debut Dash 6 Raises the Speed of all allied sync pairs by 6 stat ranks the first time the user enters a battle each battle.
Team Def. Posture Physical Up 1 Has a chance (20%) of increasing the Physical Moves ↑ Next effect of all allied sync pairs by 1 rank when the user nullifies an opponent's move while in a defensive posture. This effect can activate only once per battle.
Team Def. Posture Physical Up 2 Has a chance (30%) of increasing the Physical Moves ↑ Next effect of all allied sync pairs by 1 rank when the user nullifies an opponent's move while in a defensive posture. This effect can activate only once per battle.
Team Def. Posture Physical Up 3 Has a chance (40%) of increasing the Physical Moves ↑ Next effect of all allied sync pairs by 1 rank when the user nullifies an opponent's move while in a defensive posture. This effect can activate only once per battle.
Team Def. Posture Physical Up 4 Has a chance (50%) of increasing the Physical Moves ↑ Next effect of all allied sync pairs by 1 rank when the user nullifies an opponent's move while in a defensive posture. This effect can activate only once per battle.
Team Def. Posture Physical Up 5 Has a chance (60%) of increasing the Physical Moves ↑ Next effect of all allied sync pairs by 1 rank when the user nullifies an opponent's move while in a defensive posture. This effect can activate only once per battle.
Team Def. Posture Physical Up 6 Has a chance (70%) of increasing the Physical Moves ↑ Next effect of all allied sync pairs by 1 rank when the user nullifies an opponent's move while in a defensive posture. This effect can activate only once per battle.
Team Def. Posture Physical Up 7 Has a chance (80%) of increasing the Physical Moves ↑ Next effect of all allied sync pairs by 1 rank when the user nullifies an opponent's move while in a defensive posture. This effect can activate only once per battle.
Team Def. Posture Physical Up 8 Has a chance (90%) of increasing the Physical Moves ↑ Next effect of all allied sync pairs by 1 rank when the user nullifies an opponent's move while in a defensive posture. This effect can activate only once per battle.
Team Def. Posture Physical Up 9 Increases the Physical Moves ↑ Next effect of all allied sync pairs by 1 rank when the user nullifies an opponent's move while in a defensive posture. This effect can activate only once per battle. Shauna & Chesnaught
Team Defense Crush 2 Has a chance (30%) of lowering the Defense of all opposing sync pairs by one stat rank when the user's attack move is successful.
Team Defense Crush 4 Has a chance (50%) of lowering the Defense of all opposing sync pairs by one stat rank when the user's attack move is successful.
Team Defense Crush 9 Lowers the Defense of all opposing sync pairs by one stat rank when the user's attack move is successful.
Team Easy Target Speed Up 1 Has a chance (20%) of raising the Speed of all allied sync pairs by 1 stat rank when the user's attack move is successful against an opponent with the No Evasion effect applied.
Team Easy Target Speed Up 2 Has a chance (30%) of raising the Speed of all allied sync pairs by 1 stat rank when the user's attack move is successful against an opponent with the No Evasion effect applied.
Team Easy Target Speed Up 3 Has a chance (40%) of raising the Speed of all allied sync pairs by 1 stat rank when the user's attack move is successful against an opponent with the No Evasion effect applied.
Team Easy Target Speed Up 4 Has a chance (50%) of raising the Speed of all allied sync pairs by 1 stat rank when the user's attack move is successful against an opponent with the No Evasion effect applied.
Team Easy Target Speed Up 5 Has a chance (60%) of raising the Speed of all allied sync pairs by 1 stat rank when the user's attack move is successful against an opponent with the No Evasion effect applied.
Team Easy Target Speed Up 6 Has a chance (70%) of raising the Speed of all allied sync pairs by 1 stat rank when the user's attack move is successful against an opponent with the No Evasion effect applied.
Team Easy Target Speed Up 7 Has a chance (80%) of raising the Speed of all allied sync pairs by 1 stat rank when the user's attack move is successful against an opponent with the No Evasion effect applied.
Team Easy Target Speed Up 8 Has a chance (90%) of raising the Speed of all allied sync pairs by 1 stat rank when the user's attack move is successful against an opponent with the No Evasion effect applied.
Team Easy Target Speed Up 9 Raises the Speed of all allied sync pairs by 1 stat rank when the user's attack move is successful against an opponent with the No Evasion effect applied. Steven & Stoutland (Shiny Stoutland)
Team Electric Current Stats cannot be lowered for all allied sync pairs when the terrain is Electric Terrain. Kris & Jolteon
Team Evasive Maneuvers 1 Has a chance (20%) of raising the evasiveness of all allied sync pairs by 1 stat rank when the user's attack move is successful.
Team Evasive Maneuvers 2 Has a chance (30%) of raising the evasiveness of all allied sync pairs by 1 stat rank when the user's attack move is successful.
Team Evasive Maneuvers 3 Has a chance (40%) of raising the evasiveness of all allied sync pairs by 1 stat rank when the user's attack move is successful.
Team Evasive Maneuvers 4 Has a chance (50%) of raising the evasiveness of all allied sync pairs by 1 stat rank when the user's attack move is successful. Emma & Crobat
Team Evasive Maneuvers 5 Has a chance (60%) of raising the evasiveness of all allied sync pairs by 1 stat rank when the user's attack move is successful.
Team Evasive Maneuvers 6 Has a chance (70%) of raising the evasiveness of all allied sync pairs by 1 stat rank when the user's attack move is successful.
Team Evasive Maneuvers 7 Has a chance (80%) of raising the evasiveness of all allied sync pairs by 1 stat rank when the user's attack move is successful.
Team Evasive Maneuvers 8 Has a chance (90%) of raising the evasiveness of all allied sync pairs by 1 stat rank when the user's attack move is successful.
Team Evasive Maneuvers 9 Raises the evasiveness of all allied sync pairs by 1 stat rank when the user's attack move is successful. Nemona &
Team Evasive Rush 1 Raises the evasiveness of all allied sync pairs by 1 stat rank after using the user's sync move. Proton & Golbat
Team Evasive Rush 2 Raises the evasiveness of all allied sync pairs by 2 stat ranks after using the user's sync move. Kris & Jolteon
Team Evasive Rush 3 Raises the evasiveness of all allied sync pairs by 3 stat ranks after using the user's sync move.
Team Evasive Rush 4 Raises the evasiveness of all allied sync pairs by 4 stat ranks after using the user's sync move.
Team Evasive Rush 5 Raises the evasiveness of all allied sync pairs by 5 stat ranks after using the user's sync move.
Team Evasive Rush 6 Raises the evasiveness of all allied sync pairs by 6 stat ranks after using the user's sync move.
Team Fast-Track 1 Has a chance (20%) of raising the Speed of all allied sync pairs by one stat rank when the user's Pokémon uses a move.
Team Fast-Track 2 Has a chance (30%) of raising the Speed of all allied sync pairs by one stat rank when the user's Pokémon uses a move.
Team Fast-Track 3 Has a chance (40%) of raising the Speed of all allied sync pairs by one stat rank when the user's Pokémon uses a move.
Team Fast-Track 4 Has a chance (50%) of raising the Speed of all allied sync pairs by one stat rank when the user's Pokémon uses a move. Main Character & Cobalion Lt. Surge & Raichu
Team Fast-Track 5 Has a chance (60%) of raising the Speed of all allied sync pairs by one stat rank when the user's Pokémon uses a move.
Team Fast-Track 6 Has a chance (70%) of raising the Speed of all allied sync pairs by one stat rank when the user's Pokémon uses a move.
Team Fast-Track 7 Has a chance (80%) of raising the Speed of all allied sync pairs by one stat rank when the user's Pokémon uses a move.
Team Fast-Track 8 Has a chance (90%) of raising the Speed of all allied sync pairs by one stat rank when the user's Pokémon uses a move.
Team Fast-Track 9 Raises the Speed of all allied sync pairs by one stat rank when the user's Pokémon uses a move. Giovanni & Guzzlord
N & Kyurem (Black Kyurem)
Team Fierce Entry 1 Raises the Attack of all allied sync pairs by 1 stat ranks when the user enters a battle. Jasmine & Ampharos
Jasmine & Ampharos (Mega Ampharos)
Burgh & Togepi
Shauna & Klefki
Sycamore Lucky Cookie 1
Team Fierce Entry 2 Raises the Attack of all allied sync pairs by 2 stat ranks when the user enters a battle. Bugsy & Kricketune
Giovanni & Guzzlord
Grusha &
Team Fierce Infliction 1 Has a chance (20%) of raising the Attack of all allied sync pairs by one stat rank when the user's Pokémon uses a status move.
Team Fierce Infliction 2 Has a chance (30%) of raising the Attack of all allied sync pairs by one stat rank when the user's Pokémon uses a status move.
Team Fierce Infliction 3 Has a chance (40%) of raising the Attack of all allied sync pairs by one stat rank when the user's Pokémon uses a status move.
Team Fierce Infliction 4 Has a chance (50%) of raising the Attack of all allied sync pairs by one stat rank when the user's Pokémon uses a status move.
Team Fierce Infliction 5 Has a chance (60%) of raising the Attack of all allied sync pairs by one stat rank when the user's Pokémon uses a status move.
Team Fierce Infliction 6 Has a chance (70%) of raising the Attack of all allied sync pairs by one stat rank when the user's Pokémon uses a status move.
Team Fierce Infliction 7 Has a chance (80%) of raising the Attack of all allied sync pairs by one stat rank when the user's Pokémon uses a status move.
Team Fierce Infliction 8 Has a chance (90%) of raising the Attack of all allied sync pairs by one stat rank when the user's Pokémon uses a status move.
Team Fierce Infliction 9 Raises the Attack of all allied sync pairs by one stat rank when the user's Pokémon uses a status move.
Team First Super Sync Applies the Supereffective ↑ Next effect to all allied sync pairs the first time the user's sync move is used each battle. Bede & Articuno (Galarian Form)
Argenta & Skarmory
Kabu & Centiskorch
Sina & Glaceon
Team Fist Bump 1 Has a chance (20%) of restoring the HP of all allied sync pairs when the user's attack move is successful. Lillie & Polteageist (Antique Form)
Team Fist Bump 2 Has a chance (30%) of restoring the HP of all allied sync pairs when the user's attack move is successful. Blue & Blastoise
Blue & Blastoise (Mega Blastoise)
Team Fist Bump 3 Has a chance (40%) of restoring the HP of all allied sync pairs when the user's attack move is successful. Cynthia & Lucario
Cynthia & Lucario (Mega Lucario)
Evelyn & Entei
Trevor & Florges (Orange Flower)
Clair & Drampa
Hilda & Grapploct (Shiny Grapploct)
Penny & Sylveon
Chase & Pikachu
Team Fist Bump 4 Has a chance (50%) of restoring the HP of all allied sync pairs when the user's attack move is successful.
Team Fist Bump 5 Has a chance (60%) of restoring the HP of all allied sync pairs when the user's attack move is successful.
Team Fist Bump 6 Has a chance (70%) of restoring the HP of all allied sync pairs when the user's attack move is successful.
Team Fist Bump 7 Has a chance (80%) of restoring the HP of all allied sync pairs when the user's attack move is successful.
Team Fist Bump 8 Has a chance (90%) of restoring the HP of all allied sync pairs when the user's attack move is successful.
Team Fist Bump 9 Restores the HP of all allied sync pairs when the user's attack move is successful. Acerola & Jellicent
Mallow & Appletun
Team Focus Rush 1 Raises the critical-hit rate of all allied sync pairs by 1 stat rank after using the user's sync move. Lyra & Vaporeon
Team Focus Rush 2 Raises the critical-hit rate of all allied sync pairs by 2 stat ranks after using the user's sync move.
Team Focus Rush 3 Raises the critical-hit rate of all allied sync pairs by 3 stat ranks after using the user's sync move.
Team Full-Bracing Infliction 1 Raises the Defense and Sp. Def of all allied sync pairs by 1 stat ranks the first time the user's Pokémon uses a status move each battle. Jasmine & Magnemite
Aaron & Vespiquen
Team Full-Bracing Infliction 2 Raises the Defense and Sp. Def of all allied sync pairs by 2 stat ranks the first time the user's Pokémon uses a status move each battle. Morgan & Virizion
Team Full-Bracing Infliction 3 Raises the Defense and Sp. Def of all allied sync pairs by 3 stat ranks the first time the user's Pokémon uses a status move each battle.
Team Full-Bracing Infliction 4 Raises the Defense and Sp. Def of all allied sync pairs by 4 stat ranks the first time the user's Pokémon uses a status move each battle.
Team Full-Bracing Infliction 5 Raises the Defense and Sp. Def of all allied sync pairs by 5 stat ranks the first time the user's Pokémon uses a status move each battle.
Team Full-Bracing Infliction 6 Raises the Defense and Sp. Def of all allied sync pairs by 6 stat ranks the first time the user's Pokémon uses a status move each battle.
Team Gimme Five 1 Raises the Attack, Defense, Sp. Atk, Sp. Def, and Speed of all allied sync pairs by 1 stat ranks the first time the user's sync move is used each battle. Morty & Ho-Oh (Shiny Ho-Oh)
Shauna & Klefki
Team Gimme Five 2 Raises the Attack, Defense, Sp. Atk, Sp. Def, and Speed of all allied sync pairs by 2 stat ranks the first time the user's sync move is used each battle.
Team Gimme Five 3 Raises the Attack, Defense, Sp. Atk, Sp. Def, and Speed of all allied sync pairs by 3 stat ranks the first time the user's sync move is used each battle.
Team Gimme Five 4 Raises the Attack, Defense, Sp. Atk, Sp. Def, and Speed of all allied sync pairs by 4 stat ranks the first time the user's sync move is used each battle.
Team Gimme Five 5 Raises the Attack, Defense, Sp. Atk, Sp. Def, and Speed of all allied sync pairs by 5 stat ranks the first time the user's sync move is used each battle.
Team Gimme Five 6 Raises the Attack, Defense, Sp. Atk, Sp. Def, and Speed of all allied sync pairs by 6 stat ranks the first time the user's sync move is used each battle.
Team Grand Entry 1 Raises the Sp. Atk of all allied sync pairs by 1 stat ranks when the user enters a battle. Jasmine & Ampharos
Jasmine & Ampharos (Mega Ampharos)
Burgh & Togepi
Shauna & Klefki
Adaman & Vaporeon
Team Grand Entry 2 Raises the Sp. Atk of all allied sync pairs by 2 stat ranks when the user enters a battle. Bugsy & Kricketune
Giovanni & Guzzlord
Dawn & Cresselia
Chase & Pikachu
Team Grassy Restoration 1 Has a chance (20%) of restoring the HP of all allied sync pairs when the user uses a move while the terrain is Grassy Terrain.
Team Grassy Restoration 2 Has a chance (30%) of restoring the HP of all allied sync pairs when the user uses a move while the terrain is Grassy Terrain.
Team Grassy Restoration 3 Has a chance (40%) of restoring the HP of all allied sync pairs when the user uses a move while the terrain is Grassy Terrain.
Team Grassy Restoration 4 Has a chance (50%) of restoring the HP of all allied sync pairs when the user uses a move while the terrain is Grassy Terrain.
Team Grassy Restoration 5 Has a chance (60%) of restoring the HP of all allied sync pairs when the user uses a move while the terrain is Grassy Terrain.
Team Grassy Restoration 6 Has a chance (70%) of restoring the HP of all allied sync pairs when the user uses a move while the terrain is Grassy Terrain.
Team Grassy Restoration 7 Has a chance (80%) of restoring the HP of all allied sync pairs when the user uses a move while the terrain is Grassy Terrain.
Team Grassy Restoration 8 Has a chance (90%) of restoring the HP of all allied sync pairs when the user uses a move while the terrain is Grassy Terrain.
Team Grassy Restoration 9 Restores the HP of all allied sync pairs when the user uses a move while the terrain is Grassy Terrain. Acerola & Tapu Bulu
Team Healing Entry Applies the Gradual Healing effect to all allied sync pairs when the user enters a battle. May & Latias
May & Latias (Mega Latias)
Arc Suit Steven Lucky Cookie 1
Team Healing Superhit 9 Restores the HP of all allied sync pairs by approximately 20% of their maximum HP when the user's move is super effective. Burgh & Togepi
Team Hit and Heal Applies the Gradual Healing effect to all allied sync pairs when the user's move is successful.
Team Hit Me Up 1 Has chance (20%) of raising one of the following stats of all allied sync pairs by 1 stat rank at random when the user is hit by an attack move: Attack, Defense, Sp. Atk, Sp. Def, or Speed.
Team Hit Me Up 2 Has chance (30%) of raising one of the following stats of all allied sync pairs by 1 stat rank at random when the user is hit by an attack move: Attack, Defense, Sp. Atk, Sp. Def, or Speed.
Team Hit Me Up 3 Has chance (40%) of raising one of the following stats of all allied sync pairs by 1 stat rank at random when the user is hit by an attack move: Attack, Defense, Sp. Atk, Sp. Def, or Speed.
Team Hit Me Up 4 Has chance (50%) of raising one of the following stats of all allied sync pairs by 1 stat rank at random when the user is hit by an attack move: Attack, Defense, Sp. Atk, Sp. Def, or Speed.
Team Hit Me Up 5 Has chance (60%) of raising one of the following stats of all allied sync pairs by 1 stat rank at random when the user is hit by an attack move: Attack, Defense, Sp. Atk, Sp. Def, or Speed.
Team Hit Me Up 6 Has chance (70%) of raising one of the following stats of all allied sync pairs by 1 stat rank at random when the user is hit by an attack move: Attack, Defense, Sp. Atk, Sp. Def, or Speed.
Team Hit Me Up 7 Has chance (80%) of raising one of the following stats of all allied sync pairs by 1 stat rank at random when the user is hit by an attack move: Attack, Defense, Sp. Atk, Sp. Def, or Speed.
Team Hit Me Up 8 Has chance (90%) of raising one of the following stats of all allied sync pairs by 1 stat rank at random when the user is hit by an attack move: Attack, Defense, Sp. Atk, Sp. Def, or Speed.
Team Hit Me Up 9 Raises one of the following stats of all allied sync pairs by 1 stat rank at random when the user is hit by an attack move: Attack, Defense, Sp. Atk, Sp. Def, or Speed. Ball Guy & Amoonguss Ball Guy & Amoonguss
Team Immunizing Command 1 Has a chance (20%) of applying the Condition Nullification effect to all allied sync pairs when the user's Trainer uses a move. This effect can activate only once per battle.
Team Immunizing Command 2 Has a chance (30%) of applying the Condition Nullification effect to all allied sync pairs when the user's Trainer uses a move. This effect can activate only once per battle.
Team Immunizing Command 3 Has a chance (40%) of applying the Condition Nullification effect to all allied sync pairs when the user's Trainer uses a move. This effect can activate only once per battle.
Team Immunizing Command 4 Has a chance (50%) of applying the Condition Nullification effect to all allied sync pairs when the user's Trainer uses a move. This effect can activate only once per battle.
Team Immunizing Command 5 Has a chance (60%) of applying the Condition Nullification effect to all allied sync pairs when the user's Trainer uses a move. This effect can activate only once per battle.
Team Immunizing Command 6 Has a chance (70%) of applying the Condition Nullification effect to all allied sync pairs when the user's Trainer uses a move. This effect can activate only once per battle.
Team Immunizing Command 7 Has a chance (80%) of applying the Condition Nullification effect to all allied sync pairs when the user's Trainer uses a move. This effect can activate only once per battle.
Team Immunizing Command 8 Has a chance (90%) of applying the Condition Nullification effect to all allied sync pairs when the user's Trainer uses a move. This effect can activate only once per battle.
Team Immunizing Command 9 Applies the Condition Nullification effect to all allied sync pairs when the user's Trainer uses a move. This effect can activate only once per battle. Steven & Stoutland (Shiny Stoutland)
Team Inflict and Heal 3 Has a chance (40%) of restoring the HP of all allied sync pairs when a status move used by the user's Pokémon is successful. Elio & Popplio
Elio & Brionne
Elio & Primarina
Main Character & Mesprit
Tina & Flareon
Team Limited Addition (Sp. Def) 1 Has a chance (20%) of raising the Sp. Def of all allied sync pairs by 1 stat rank when the user uses a move with a limited number of uses.
Team Limited Addition (Sp. Def) 2 Has a chance (30%) of raising the Sp. Def of all allied sync pairs by 1 stat rank when the user uses a move with a limited number of uses.
Team Limited Addition (Sp. Def) 3 Has a chance (40%) of raising the Sp. Def of all allied sync pairs by 1 stat rank when the user uses a move with a limited number of uses.
Team Limited Addition (Sp. Def) 4 Has a chance (50%) of raising the Sp. Def of all allied sync pairs by 1 stat rank when the user uses a move with a limited number of uses.
Team Limited Addition (Sp. Def) 5 Has a chance (60%) of raising the Sp. Def of all allied sync pairs by 1 stat rank when the user uses a move with a limited number of uses.
Team Limited Addition (Sp. Def) 6 Has a chance (70%) of raising the Sp. Def of all allied sync pairs by 1 stat rank when the user uses a move with a limited number of uses.
Team Limited Addition (Sp. Def) 7 Has a chance (80%) of raising the Sp. Def of all allied sync pairs by 1 stat rank when the user uses a move with a limited number of uses.
Team Limited Addition (Sp. Def) 8 Has a chance (90%) of raising the Sp. Def of all allied sync pairs by 1 stat rank when the user uses a move with a limited number of uses.
Team Limited Addition (Sp. Def) 9 Raises the Sp. Def of all allied sync pairs by 1 stat rank when the user uses a move with a limited number of uses. Anabel & Snorlax
Team Limited Special Boost 1 Has a chance (20%) of increasing the Special Moves ↑ Next of all allied sync pairs by one rank when the user uses a move with a limited number of uses.
Team Limited Special Boost 2 Has a chance (30%) of increasing the Special Moves ↑ Next of all allied sync pairs by one rank when the user uses a move with a limited number of uses. Kris & Suicune
Team Limited Special Boost 3 Has a chance (40%) of increasing the Special Moves ↑ Next of all allied sync pairs by one rank when the user uses a move with a limited number of uses.
Team Limited Special Boost 4 Has a chance (50%) of increasing the Special Moves ↑ Next of all allied sync pairs by one rank when the user uses a move with a limited number of uses.
Team Limited Special Boost 5 Has a chance (60%) of increasing the Special Moves ↑ Next of all allied sync pairs by one rank when the user uses a move with a limited number of uses.
Team Limited Special Boost 6 Has a chance (70%) of increasing the Special Moves ↑ Next of all allied sync pairs by one rank when the user uses a move with a limited number of uses.
Team Limited Special Boost 7 Has a chance (80%) of increasing the Special Moves ↑ Next of all allied sync pairs by one rank when the user uses a move with a limited number of uses.
Team Limited Special Boost 8 Has a chance (90%) of increasing the Special Moves ↑ Next of all allied sync pairs by one rank when the user uses a move with a limited number of uses.
Team Limited Special Boost 9 Increases the Special Moves ↑ Next of all allied sync pairs by one rank when the user uses a move with a limited number of uses.
Team Lucky Entry 1 Raises one of the following stats of all allied sync pairs by 1 stat ranks at random when the user enters a battle: Attack, Defense, Sp. Atk, Sp. Def, Speed, accuracy, or evasiveness. Skyla & Togekiss
Tate & Jirachi
Team Lucky Entry 2 Raises one of the following stats of all allied sync pairs by 2 stat ranks at random when the user enters a battle: Attack, Defense, Sp. Atk, Sp. Def, Speed, accuracy, or evasiveness.
Team Lucky Entry 3 Raises one of the following stats of all allied sync pairs by 3 stat ranks at random when the user enters a battle: Attack, Defense, Sp. Atk, Sp. Def, Speed, accuracy, or evasiveness.
Team Lucky Entry 4 Raises one of the following stats of all allied sync pairs by 4 stat ranks at random when the user enters a battle: Attack, Defense, Sp. Atk, Sp. Def, Speed, accuracy, or evasiveness.
Team Lucky Entry 5 Raises one of the following stats of all allied sync pairs by 5 stat ranks at random when the user enters a battle: Attack, Defense, Sp. Atk, Sp. Def, Speed, accuracy, or evasiveness.
Team Lucky Entry 6 Raises one of the following stats of all allied sync pairs by 6 stat ranks at random when the user enters a battle: Attack, Defense, Sp. Atk, Sp. Def, Speed, accuracy, or evasiveness.
Team MAX Shielding Strikes 1 Raises the Defense of all allied sync pairs by 1 stat ranks after using the user's max move.
Team MAX Shielding Strikes 2 Raises the Defense of all allied sync pairs by 2 stat ranks after using the user's max move. Anabel & Snorlax
Team MAX Shielding Strikes 3 Raises the Defense of all allied sync pairs by 3 stat ranks after using the user's max move.
Team MAX Shielding Strikes 4 Raises the Defense of all allied sync pairs by 4 stat ranks after using the user's max move.
Team MAX Shielding Strikes 5 Raises the Defense of all allied sync pairs by 5 stat ranks after using the user's max move.
Team MAX Shielding Strikes 6 Raises the Defense of all allied sync pairs by 6 stat ranks after using the user's max move.
Team MAX/Sync Boost (Physical) 1 Has a chance (20%) of increasing the Physical Moves Up Next effect of all allied sync pairs by 1 rank after using the user's sync move or max move
Team MAX/Sync Boost (Physical) 2 Has a chance (30%) of increasing the Physical Moves Up Next effect of all allied sync pairs by 1 rank after using the user's sync move or max move
Team MAX/Sync Boost (Physical) 3 Has a chance (40%) of increasing the Physical Moves Up Next effect of all allied sync pairs by 1 rank after using the user's sync move or max move
Team MAX/Sync Boost (Physical) 4 Has a chance (50%) of increasing the Physical Moves Up Next effect of all allied sync pairs by 1 rank after using the user's sync move or max move
Team MAX/Sync Boost (Physical) 5 Has a chance (60%) of increasing the Physical Moves Up Next effect of all allied sync pairs by 1 rank after using the user's sync move or max move
Team MAX/Sync Boost (Physical) 6 Has a chance (70%) of increasing the Physical Moves Up Next effect of all allied sync pairs by 1 rank after using the user's sync move or max move
Team MAX/Sync Boost (Physical) 7 Has a chance (80%) of increasing the Physical Moves Up Next effect of all allied sync pairs by 1 rank after using the user's sync move or max move
Team MAX/Sync Boost (Physical) 8 Has a chance (90%) of increasing the Physical Moves Up Next effect of all allied sync pairs by 1 rank after using the user's sync move or max move
Team MAX/Sync Boost (Physical) 9 Increases the Physical Moves Up Next effect of all allied sync pairs by 1 rank after using the user's sync move or max move Anabel & Snorlax
Argenta & Skarmory
Kabu & Centiskorch
Team Mighty Sync 1 Once per battle, Has a chance (20%) of increasing the Physical Moves ↑ Next effect of all allied sync pairs by 1 rank after using the user's sync move.
Team Mighty Sync 2 Once per battle, Has a chance (30%) of increasing the Physical Moves ↑ Next effect of all allied sync pairs by 1 rank after using the user's sync move.
Team Mighty Sync 3 Once per battle, Has a chance (40%) of increasing the Physical Moves ↑ Next effect of all allied sync pairs by 1 rank after using the user's sync move.
Team Mighty Sync 4 Once per battle, Has a chance (50%) of increasing the Physical Moves ↑ Next effect of all allied sync pairs by 1 rank after using the user's sync move.
Team Mighty Sync 5 Once per battle, Has a chance (60%) of increasing the Physical Moves ↑ Next effect of all allied sync pairs by 1 rank after using the user's sync move.
Team Mighty Sync 6 Once per battle, Has a chance (70%) of increasing the Physical Moves ↑ Next effect of all allied sync pairs by 1 rank after using the user's sync move.
Team Mighty Sync 7 Once per battle, Has a chance (80%) of increasing the Physical Moves ↑ Next effect of all allied sync pairs by 1 rank after using the user's sync move.
Team Mighty Sync 8 Once per battle, Has a chance (90%) of increasing the Physical Moves ↑ Next effect of all allied sync pairs by 1 rank after using the user's sync move.
Team Mighty Sync 9 Once per battle, increases the Physical Moves ↑ Next effect of all allied sync pairs by 1 rank after using the user's sync move. Lyra & Phanpy Bruno & Onix
Calem & Greninja (Shiny Greninja)
Calem & Greninja (Shiny Greninja)
Lorelei & Cloyster
Grusha &
Team Mind Brace 1 Has a chance (20%) of raising the Sp. Def of all allied sync pairs by one stat rank when the user's attack move is successful.
Team Mind Brace 2 Has a chance (30%) of raising the Sp. Def of all allied sync pairs by one stat rank when the user's attack move is successful. Sawyer & Honchkrow
Team Mind Brace 3 Has a chance (40%) of raising the Sp. Def of all allied sync pairs by one stat rank when the user's attack move is successful.
Team Mind Brace 4 Has a chance (50%) of raising the Sp. Def of all allied sync pairs by one stat rank when the user's attack move is successful.
Team Mind Brace 5 Has a chance (60%) of raising the Sp. Def of all allied sync pairs by one stat rank when the user's attack move is successful.
Team Mind Brace 6 Has a chance (70%) of raising the Sp. Def of all allied sync pairs by one stat rank when the user's attack move is successful.
Team Mind Brace 7 Has a chance (80%) of raising the Sp. Def of all allied sync pairs by one stat rank when the user's attack move is successful.
Team Mind Brace 8 Has a chance (90%) of raising the Sp. Def of all allied sync pairs by one stat rank when the user's attack move is successful.
Team Mind Brace 9 Raises the Sp. Def of all allied sync pairs by one stat rank when the user's attack move is successful. Milo & Eldegoss
Team Mind Games 2 Has a chance (30%) of lowering the Sp. Def of all opposing sync pairs by one stat rank when the user's attack move is successful.
Team Mind Games 4 Has a chance (50%) of lowering the Sp. Def of all opposing sync pairs by one stat rank when the user's attack move is successful.
Team Mind Games 9 Lowers the Sp. Def of all opposing sync pairs by one stat rank when the user's attack move is successful.
Team Mind-Bracing Infliction 1 Raises the Sp. Def of all allied sync pairs by 1 stat ranks the first time the user's Pokémon uses a status move each battle.
Team Mind-Bracing Infliction 2 Raises the Sp. Def of all allied sync pairs by 2 stat ranks the first time the user's Pokémon uses a status move each battle. Tina & Flareon
Team Mind-Bracing Infliction 3 Raises the Sp. Def of all allied sync pairs by 3 stat ranks the first time the user's Pokémon uses a status move each battle.
Team Mind-Bracing Infliction 4 Raises the Sp. Def of all allied sync pairs by 4 stat ranks the first time the user's Pokémon uses a status move each battle. Kris & Suicune
Team Mind-Bracing Infliction 5 Raises the Sp. Def of all allied sync pairs by 5 stat ranks the first time the user's Pokémon uses a status move each battle.
Team Mind-Bracing Infliction 6 Raises the Sp. Def of all allied sync pairs by 6 stat ranks the first time the user's Pokémon uses a status move each battle.
Team Mind-Bracing Infliction+ 1 Has a chance (20%) of raising the Sp. Def of all allied sync pairs by 2 stat ranks when the user's Pokémon uses a status move.
Team Mind-Bracing Infliction+ 2 Has a chance (30%) of raising the Sp. Def of all allied sync pairs by 2 stat ranks when the user's Pokémon uses a status move.
Team Mind-Bracing Infliction+ 3 Has a chance (40%) of raising the Sp. Def of all allied sync pairs by 2 stat ranks when the user's Pokémon uses a status move.
Team Mind-Bracing Infliction+ 4 Has a chance (50%) of raising the Sp. Def of all allied sync pairs by 2 stat ranks when the user's Pokémon uses a status move.
Team Mind-Bracing Infliction+ 5 Has a chance (60%) of raising the Sp. Def of all allied sync pairs by 2 stat ranks when the user's Pokémon uses a status move.
Team Mind-Bracing Infliction+ 6 Has a chance (70%) of raising the Sp. Def of all allied sync pairs by 2 stat ranks when the user's Pokémon uses a status move.
Team Mind-Bracing Infliction+ 7 Has a chance (80%) of raising the Sp. Def of all allied sync pairs by 2 stat ranks when the user's Pokémon uses a status move.
Team Mind-Bracing Infliction+ 8 Has a chance (90%) of raising the Sp. Def of all allied sync pairs by 2 stat ranks when the user's Pokémon uses a status move.
Team Mind-Bracing Infliction+ 9 Raises the Sp. Def of all allied sync pairs by 2 stat ranks when the user's Pokémon uses a status move. Steven & Deoxys (Defense Forme)
Team Offensive Defense 1 Has a chance (20%) of raising the Defense of all allied sync pairs by one stat rank when the user's attack move is successful.
Team Offensive Defense 2 Has a chance (30%) of raising the Defense of all allied sync pairs by one stat rank when the user's attack move is successful. Sawyer & Honchkrow
Team Offensive Defense 3 Has a chance (40%) of raising the Defense of all allied sync pairs by one stat rank when the user's attack move is successful.
Team Offensive Defense 4 Has a chance (50%) of raising the Defense of all allied sync pairs by one stat rank when the user's attack move is successful.
Team Offensive Defense 5 Has a chance (60%) of raising the Defense of all allied sync pairs by one stat rank when the user's attack move is successful.
Team Offensive Defense 6 Has a chance (70%) of raising the Defense of all allied sync pairs by one stat rank when the user's attack move is successful.
Team Offensive Defense 7 Has a chance (80%) of raising the Defense of all allied sync pairs by one stat rank when the user's attack move is successful.
Team Offensive Defense 8 Has a chance (90%) of raising the Defense of all allied sync pairs by one stat rank when the user's attack move is successful.
Team Offensive Defense 9 Raises the Defense of all allied sync pairs by one stat rank when the user's attack move is successful. Selene & Scizor (Female) Milo & Eldegoss
Team Outmuscle 1 Has a chance (20%) of raising the Attack of all allied sync pairs by one stat rank when an opponent's attack move targeting the user misses. Lillie & Ribombee
Team Pinpoint Entry 1 Raises the accuracy of all allied sync pairs by 1 stat ranks when the user enters a battle. Kabu & Torkoal Marlon & Carracosta
Elio & Stakataka
Raihan & Flygon
Evelyn & Entei
Elaine & Eevee
Team Pinpoint Entry 2 Raises the accuracy of all allied sync pairs by 2 stat ranks when the user enters a battle. Lenora & Watchog Barry & Roserade
Team Power Induction 1 Powers up the moves of all allied sync pairs when the terrain is Electric Terrain.
Team Power Induction 2 Powers up the moves of all allied sync pairs when the terrain is Electric Terrain. Hau & Tapu Koko
Team Power Induction 3 Powers up the moves of all allied sync pairs when the terrain is Electric Terrain.
Team Power Induction 4 Powers up the moves of all allied sync pairs when the terrain is Electric Terrain.
Team Power Induction 5 Powers up the moves of all allied sync pairs when the terrain is Electric Terrain.
Team Power Induction 6 Powers up the moves of all allied sync pairs when the terrain is Electric Terrain.
Team Power Induction 7 Powers up the moves of all allied sync pairs when the terrain is Electric Terrain.
Team Power Induction 8 Powers up the moves of all allied sync pairs when the terrain is Electric Terrain.
Team Power Induction 9 Powers up the moves of all allied sync pairs when the terrain is Electric Terrain.
Team Precision Strike 1 Has a chance (20%) of raising the accuracy of all allied sync pairs by 1 stat rank when the user's attack move is successful.
Team Precision Strike 2 Has a chance (30%) of raising the accuracy of all allied sync pairs by 1 stat rank when the user's attack move is successful.
Team Precision Strike 3 Has a chance (40%) of raising the accuracy of all allied sync pairs by 1 stat rank when the user's attack move is successful.
Team Precision Strike 4 Has a chance (50%) of raising the accuracy of all allied sync pairs by 1 stat rank when the user's attack move is successful.
Team Precision Strike 5 Has a chance (60%) of raising the accuracy of all allied sync pairs by 1 stat rank when the user's attack move is successful.
Team Precision Strike 6 Has a chance (70%) of raising the accuracy of all allied sync pairs by 1 stat rank when the user's attack move is successful.
Team Precision Strike 7 Has a chance (80%) of raising the accuracy of all allied sync pairs by 1 stat rank when the user's attack move is successful.
Team Precision Strike 8 Has a chance (90%) of raising the accuracy of all allied sync pairs by 1 stat rank when the user's attack move is successful.
Team Precision Strike 9 Raises the accuracy of all allied sync pairs by 1 stat rank when the user's attack move is successful. Hilda & Victini
Team Rain Coat Protects all allied sync pairs against critical hits when the weather is rainy. Lyra & Vaporeon
Team Randomizer's Raise 1 Has a chance (20%) of raising one of the following stats of all allied sync pairs by 1 stat rank at random when the user's move is successful: Attack, Defense, Sp. Atk, Sp. Def, or Speed.
Team Randomizer's Raise 2 Has a chance (30%) of raising one of the following stats of all allied sync pairs by 1 stat rank at random when the user's move is successful: Attack, Defense, Sp. Atk, Sp. Def, or Speed.
Team Randomizer's Raise 3 Has a chance (40%) of raising one of the following stats of all allied sync pairs by 1 stat rank at random when the user's move is successful: Attack, Defense, Sp. Atk, Sp. Def, or Speed.
Team Randomizer's Raise 4 Has a chance (50%) of raising one of the following stats of all allied sync pairs by 1 stat rank at random when the user's move is successful: Attack, Defense, Sp. Atk, Sp. Def, or Speed.
Team Randomizer's Raise 5 Has a chance (60%) of raising one of the following stats of all allied sync pairs by 1 stat rank at random when the user's move is successful: Attack, Defense, Sp. Atk, Sp. Def, or Speed.
Team Randomizer's Raise 6 Has a chance (70%) of raising one of the following stats of all allied sync pairs by 1 stat rank at random when the user's move is successful: Attack, Defense, Sp. Atk, Sp. Def, or Speed.
Team Randomizer's Raise 7 Has a chance (80%) of raising one of the following stats of all allied sync pairs by 1 stat rank at random when the user's move is successful: Attack, Defense, Sp. Atk, Sp. Def, or Speed.
Team Randomizer's Raise 8 Has a chance (90%) of raising one of the following stats of all allied sync pairs by 1 stat rank at random when the user's move is successful: Attack, Defense, Sp. Atk, Sp. Def, or Speed.
Team Randomizer's Raise 9 Raises one of the following stats of all allied sync pairs by 1 stat rank at random when the user's move is successful: Attack, Defense, Sp. Atk, Sp. Def, or Speed.
Team Rebuff Down Command (Dark) Lowers the Dark Type Rebuff of all opposing sync pairs by 1 rank the first time the user's Trainer uses a move each battle. Zinnia & Thievul
Team Riposte 1 Has a chance (20%) of raising the Attack of all allied sync pairs by one stat rank when the user nullifies an opponent's move while in a defensive posture.
Team Riposte 2 Has a chance (20%) of raising the Attack of all allied sync pairs by one stat rank when the user nullifies an opponent's move while in a defensive posture.
Team Riposte 3 Has a chance (20%) of raising the Attack of all allied sync pairs by one stat rank when the user nullifies an opponent's move while in a defensive posture.
Team Riposte 4 Has a chance (20%) of raising the Attack of all allied sync pairs by one stat rank when the user nullifies an opponent's move while in a defensive posture.
Team Riposte 5 Has a chance (20%) of raising the Attack of all allied sync pairs by one stat rank when the user nullifies an opponent's move while in a defensive posture.
Team Riposte 6 Has a chance (20%) of raising the Attack of all allied sync pairs by one stat rank when the user nullifies an opponent's move while in a defensive posture.
Team Riposte 7 Has a chance (20%) of raising the Attack of all allied sync pairs by one stat rank when the user nullifies an opponent's move while in a defensive posture.
Team Riposte 8 Has a chance (20%) of raising the Attack of all allied sync pairs by one stat rank when the user nullifies an opponent's move while in a defensive posture.
Team Riposte 9 Raises the Attack of all allied sync pairs by one stat rank when the user nullifies an opponent's move while in a defensive posture. Piers & Obstagoon
Team Safe Start Applies the Enduring effect to all allied sync pairs the first time the user enters a battle each battle. Calem & Greninja (Shiny Greninja)
Calem & Greninja (Shiny Greninja)
Team Sentry Entry 1 Raises the Defense of all allied sync pairs by 1 stat rank when the user enters a battle. Courtney & Camerupt (Female)
Courtney & Camerupt (Mega Camerupt)
Shauna & Chesnaught
Tina & Flareon
Team Sentry Entry 2 Raises the Defense of all allied sync pairs by 2 stat rank when the user enters a battle. Liza & Celesteela
Colress & Klinklang
Arven &
Team Sentry Entry 3 Raises the Defense of all allied sync pairs by 3 stat rank when the user enters a battle.
Team Sentry Entry 4 Raises the Defense of all allied sync pairs by 4 stat rank when the user enters a battle.
Team Sentry Entry 5 Raises the Defense of all allied sync pairs by 5 stat rank when the user enters a battle.
Team Sentry Entry 6 Raises the Defense of all allied sync pairs by 6 stat rank when the user enters a battle.
Team Sharp Entry 1 Raises the critical-hit rate of all allied sync pairs by 1 stat ranks when the user enters a battle. Main Character & Alcremie (Ruby Cream - Berry Sweet)
Main Character & Alcremie (Matcha Cream - Clover Sweet)
Main Character & Alcremie (Mint Cream - Star Sweet)
Main Character & Alcremie (Lemon Cream - Flower Sweet)
Main Character & Alcremie (Salted Cream - Ribbon Sweet)
Main Character & Alcremie (Caramel Swirl - Love Sweet)
Jasmine & Celesteela
Marnie & Mawile
Marnie & Mawile (Mega Mawile)
Agatha & Arbok
Brendan & Latios
Brendan & Latios (Mega Latios)
Cheren & Stoutland
Cheryl & Wailord
Diantha & Diancie (Shiny Diancie)
Diantha & Diancie (Shiny Mega Diancie)
Drake & Salamence
Giovanni & Nidorino
Hilbert & Genesect
Hilda & Grapploct (Shiny Grapploct)
Janine & Crobat
Main Character & Registeel
Marley & Arcanine
Mina & Tapu Fini
Phoebe & Cofagrigus
Professor Sycamore & Xerneas
Rosa & Meloetta (Aria Form)
Rosa & Meloetta (Pirouette Forme)
Skyla & Tornadus (Therian Forme)
Jasmine & Magnemite
Dawn & Wormadam (Plant Cloak)
Mallow & Shiinotic
Sawyer &
Elio & Stakataka
Bea & Vanilluxe
Bertha & Hippowdon
Bede & Articuno (Galarian Form)
Melony & Lapras
Trevor & Florges (Orange Flower)
Dana & Regice
Argenta & Skarmory
Lenora & Watchog
Penny & Sylveon
Grusha &
Chase & Pikachu
Rika &
Kabu & Torkoal
Morgan & Virizion
Milo & Eldegoss
Rachel Lucky Cookie 1
Bugsy Holiday 2024 Lucky Cookie 1
Team Sharp Entry 2 Raises the critical-hit rate of all allied sync pairs by 2 stat ranks when the user enters a battle.
Team Sharp Entry 3 Raises the critical-hit rate of all allied sync pairs by 3 stat ranks when the user enters a battle. Giovanni & Guzzlord
Team Shielding Infliction 1 Has a chance (20%) of raising the Defense of all allied sync pairs by one stat rank when the user's Pokémon uses a status move.
Team Shielding Infliction 2 Has a chance (30%) of raising the Defense of all allied sync pairs by one stat rank when the user's Pokémon uses a status move.
Team Shielding Infliction 3 Has a chance (40%) of raising the Defense of all allied sync pairs by one stat rank when the user's Pokémon uses a status move.
Team Shielding Infliction 4 Has a chance (50%) of raising the Defense of all allied sync pairs by one stat rank when the user's Pokémon uses a status move. Misty & Vaporeon
Team Shielding Infliction 5 Has a chance (60%) of raising the Defense of all allied sync pairs by one stat rank when the user's Pokémon uses a status move.
Team Shielding Infliction 6 Has a chance (70%) of raising the Defense of all allied sync pairs by one stat rank when the user's Pokémon uses a status move.
Team Shielding Infliction 7 Has a chance (80%) of raising the Defense of all allied sync pairs by one stat rank when the user's Pokémon uses a status move.
Team Shielding Infliction 8 Has a chance (90%) of raising the Defense of all allied sync pairs by one stat rank when the user's Pokémon uses a status move.
Team Shielding Infliction 9 Raises the Defense of all allied sync pairs by one stat rank when the user's Pokémon uses a status move.
Team Shout 4 Has a chance (50%) of raising the Attack or Sp. Atk, or both, of all allied sync pairs by one stat rank when the user is hit by an attack move. Professor Sycamore & Xerneas Jasmine & Ampharos
Jasmine & Ampharos (Mega Ampharos)
Morgan & Virizion
Team Shout 9 Raises the Attack or Sp. Atk, or both, of all allied sync pairs by one stat rank when the user is hit by an attack move. Blue & Blastoise
Blue & Blastoise (Mega Blastoise)
Atticus &
Team Smart Command 1 Has a chance (20%) of increasing the Special Moves ↑ Next effect of all allied sync pairs by one rank when the user's Trainer uses a move.
Team Smart Command 2 Has a chance (30%) of increasing the Special Moves ↑ Next effect of all allied sync pairs by one rank when the user's Trainer uses a move. Sabrina & Chingling Allister & Gourgeist (Super Size)
Team Smart Command 3 Has a chance (40%) of increasing the Special Moves ↑ Next effect of all allied sync pairs by one rank when the user's Trainer uses a move.
Team Smart Command 4 Has a chance (50%) of increasing the Special Moves ↑ Next effect of all allied sync pairs by one rank when the user's Trainer uses a move.
Team Smart Command 5 Has a chance (60%) of increasing the Special Moves ↑ Next effect of all allied sync pairs by one rank when the user's Trainer uses a move.
Team Smart Command 6 Has a chance (70%) of increasing the Special Moves ↑ Next effect of all allied sync pairs by one rank when the user's Trainer uses a move.
Team Smart Command 7 Has a chance (80%) of increasing the Special Moves ↑ Next effect of all allied sync pairs by one rank when the user's Trainer uses a move.
Team Smart Command 8 Has a chance (90%) of increasing the Special Moves ↑ Next effect of all allied sync pairs by one rank when the user's Trainer uses a move.
Team Smart Command 9 Increases the Special Moves ↑ Next effect of all allied sync pairs by one rank when the user's Trainer uses a move. Penny & Sylveon Giovanni & Guzzlord
Team Smart Infliction 1 Has a chance (20%) of raising the Sp. Atk of all allied sync pairs by one stat rank when the user's Pokémon uses a status move.
Team Smart Infliction 2 Has a chance (30%) of raising the Sp. Atk of all allied sync pairs by one stat rank when the user's Pokémon uses a status move.
Team Smart Infliction 3 Has a chance (40%) of raising the Sp. Atk of all allied sync pairs by one stat rank when the user's Pokémon uses a status move.
Team Smart Infliction 4 Has a chance (50%) of raising the Sp. Atk of all allied sync pairs by one stat rank when the user's Pokémon uses a status move. Misty & Vaporeon
Team Smart Infliction 5 Has a chance (60%) of raising the Sp. Atk of all allied sync pairs by one stat rank when the user's Pokémon uses a status move.
Team Smart Infliction 6 Has a chance (70%) of raising the Sp. Atk of all allied sync pairs by one stat rank when the user's Pokémon uses a status move.
Team Smart Infliction 7 Has a chance (80%) of raising the Sp. Atk of all allied sync pairs by one stat rank when the user's Pokémon uses a status move.
Team Smart Infliction 8 Has a chance (90%) of raising the Sp. Atk of all allied sync pairs by one stat rank when the user's Pokémon uses a status move.
Team Smart Infliction 9 Raises the Sp. Atk of all allied sync pairs by one stat rank when the user's Pokémon uses a status move.
Team Smart Start 1 Increases the Special Moves ↑ Next effect of all allied sync pairs by 1 rank when the user enters a battle. Brendan & Latios
Brendan & Latios (Mega Latios)
Mina & Tapu Fini
Iono &
Lear Lucky Cookie 1
Team Smart Start 2 Increases the Special Moves ↑ Next effect of all allied sync pairs by 2 rank when the user enters a battle.
Team Smart Start 3 Increases the Special Moves ↑ Next effect of all allied sync pairs by 3 rank when the user enters a battle.
Team Smart Start 4 Increases the Special Moves ↑ Next effect of all allied sync pairs by 4 rank when the user enters a battle.
Team Smart Start 5 Increases the Special Moves ↑ Next effect of all allied sync pairs by 5 rank when the user enters a battle.
Team Smart Start 6 Increases the Special Moves ↑ Next effect of all allied sync pairs by 6 rank when the user enters a battle.
Team S-Moves Power Up Powers up the sync moves of all allied sync pairs. Blue & Zapdos
Team Solar Immunity When the weather is sunny, status conditions cannot be inflicted on any allied sync pairs and prevents all allies from flinching, becoming confused, or becoming trapped. Leaf & Moltres
Lucas & Flareon
Team Sp. Atk Down Immunity The Sp. Atk cannot be lowered for all allied sync pairs. Drasna & Dragalge
Team Speedy Entry 1 Raises the Speed of all allied sync pairs by 1 stat ranks when the user enters a battle. Bruno & Onix
Rosa & Delibird
Wally & Gardevoir (Shiny Gardevoir)
Wally & Gardevoir (Shiny Mega Gardevoir)
Proton & Golbat
Team Speedy Entry 2 Raises the Speed of all allied sync pairs by 2 stat ranks when the user enters a battle. Wally & Gardevoir (Shiny Gardevoir)
Wally & Gardevoir (Shiny Mega Gardevoir)
Larry & Sawyer Lucky Cookie 1
Team Speedy Entry 3 Raises the Speed of all allied sync pairs by 3 stat ranks when the user enters a battle.
Team Speedy Entry 4 Raises the Speed of all allied sync pairs by 4 stat ranks when the user enters a battle.
Team Speedy Entry 5 Raises the Speed of all allied sync pairs by 5 stat ranks when the user enters a battle.
Team Speedy Entry 6 Raises the Speed of all allied sync pairs by 6 stat ranks when the user enters a battle.
Team Staring Contest Prevents all allied sync pairs from flinching. Cynthia & Lucario
Cynthia & Lucario (Mega Lucario)
Team Stat Steal 1 Has a chance (20%) of lowering one of the target's following stats by 1 stat rank at random when the user's attack move against it is successful: Attack, Defense, Sp. Atk, Sp. Def, or Speed. Raises this stat for all allied sync pairs by the same amount.
Team Stat Steal 2 Has a chance (30%) of lowering one of the target's following stats by 1 stat rank at random when the user's attack move against it is successful: Attack, Defense, Sp. Atk, Sp. Def, or Speed. Raises this stat for all allied sync pairs by the same amount.
Team Stat Steal 3 Has a chance (40%) of lowering one of the target's following stats by 1 stat rank at random when the user's attack move against it is successful: Attack, Defense, Sp. Atk, Sp. Def, or Speed. Raises this stat for all allied sync pairs by the same amount.
Team Stat Steal 4 Has a chance (50%) of lowering one of the target's following stats by 1 stat rank at random when the user's attack move against it is successful: Attack, Defense, Sp. Atk, Sp. Def, or Speed. Raises this stat for all allied sync pairs by the same amount. Shauna & Klefki
Team Stat Steal 5 Has a chance (60%) of lowering one of the target's following stats by 1 stat rank at random when the user's attack move against it is successful: Attack, Defense, Sp. Atk, Sp. Def, or Speed. Raises this stat for all allied sync pairs by the same amount.
Team Stat Steal 6 Has a chance (70%) of lowering one of the target's following stats by 1 stat rank at random when the user's attack move against it is successful: Attack, Defense, Sp. Atk, Sp. Def, or Speed. Raises this stat for all allied sync pairs by the same amount.
Team Stat Steal 7 Has a chance (80%) of lowering one of the target's following stats by 1 stat rank at random when the user's attack move against it is successful: Attack, Defense, Sp. Atk, Sp. Def, or Speed. Raises this stat for all allied sync pairs by the same amount.
Team Stat Steal 8 Has a chance (90%) of lowering one of the target's following stats by 1 stat rank at random when the user's attack move against it is successful: Attack, Defense, Sp. Atk, Sp. Def, or Speed. Raises this stat for all allied sync pairs by the same amount.
Team Stat Steal 9 Lowers one of the target's following stats by 1 stat rank at random when the user's attack move against it is successful: Attack, Defense, Sp. Atk, Sp. Def, or Speed. Raises this stat for all allied sync pairs by the same amount. Shauna & Klefki
Team Stoic 1 Has a chance (20%) of raising the Defense of all allied sync pairs by one stat rank when the user's Pokémon uses a move.
Team Stoic 2 Has a chance (30%) of raising the Defense of all allied sync pairs by one stat rank when the user's Pokémon uses a move.
Team Stoic 3 Has a chance (40%) of raising the Defense of all allied sync pairs by one stat rank when the user's Pokémon uses a move.
Team Stoic 4 Has a chance (50%) of raising the Defense of all allied sync pairs by one stat rank when the user's Pokémon uses a move.
Team Stoic 5 Has a chance (60%) of raising the Defense of all allied sync pairs by one stat rank when the user's Pokémon uses a move.
Team Stoic 6 Has a chance (70%) of raising the Defense of all allied sync pairs by one stat rank when the user's Pokémon uses a move.
Team Stoic 7 Has a chance (80%) of raising the Defense of all allied sync pairs by one stat rank when the user's Pokémon uses a move.
Team Stoic 8 Has a chance (90%) of raising the Defense of all allied sync pairs by one stat rank when the user's Pokémon uses a move.
Team Stoic 9 Raises the Defense of all allied sync pairs by one stat rank when the user's Pokémon uses a move. Rosa & Meloetta (Aria Form)
Rosa & Meloetta (Pirouette Forme)
Team Strengthening Heal 1 Once per battle, has a chance (20%) of increasing the Physical Moves Up Next effect and Special Moves ↑ Next effect of all allied sync pairs by one rank when the user uses a move that has the heal effect tag.
Team Strengthening Heal 2 Once per battle, has a chance (30%) of increasing the Physical Moves Up Next effect and Special Moves ↑ Next effect of all allied sync pairs by one rank when the user uses a move that has the heal effect tag.
Team Strengthening Heal 3 Once per battle, has a chance (40%) of increasing the Physical Moves Up Next effect and Special Moves ↑ Next effect of all allied sync pairs by one rank when the user uses a move that has the heal effect tag.
Team Strengthening Heal 4 Once per battle, has a chance (50%) of increasing the Physical Moves Up Next effect and Special Moves ↑ Next effect of all allied sync pairs by one rank when the user uses a move that has the heal effect tag.
Team Strengthening Heal 5 Once per battle, has a chance (60%) of increasing the Physical Moves Up Next effect and Special Moves ↑ Next effect of all allied sync pairs by one rank when the user uses a move that has the heal effect tag.
Team Strengthening Heal 6 Once per battle, has a chance (70%) of increasing the Physical Moves Up Next effect and Special Moves ↑ Next effect of all allied sync pairs by one rank when the user uses a move that has the heal effect tag.
Team Strengthening Heal 7 Once per battle, has a chance (80%) of increasing the Physical Moves Up Next effect and Special Moves ↑ Next effect of all allied sync pairs by one rank when the user uses a move that has the heal effect tag.
Team Strengthening Heal 8 Once per battle, has a chance (90%) of increasing the Physical Moves Up Next effect and Special Moves ↑ Next effect of all allied sync pairs by one rank when the user uses a move that has the heal effect tag.
Team Strengthening Heal 9 Once per battle, increases the Physical Moves Up Next effect and Special Moves ↑ Next effect of all allied sync pairs by one rank when the user uses a move that has the heal effect tag. Aaron & Vespiquen
Team Strengthening Status 1 Has a chance (20%) of increasing the Physical Moves Up Next effect and Special Moves ↑ Next effect of all allied sync pairs by one rank when the user's Pokémon uses a status move.
Team Strengthening Status 2 Has a chance (30%) of increasing the Physical Moves Up Next effect and Special Moves ↑ Next effect of all allied sync pairs by one rank when the user's Pokémon uses a status move.
Team Strengthening Status 3 Has a chance (40%) of increasing the Physical Moves Up Next effect and Special Moves ↑ Next effect of all allied sync pairs by one rank when the user's Pokémon uses a status move.
Team Strengthening Status 4 Has a chance (50%) of increasing the Physical Moves Up Next effect and Special Moves ↑ Next effect of all allied sync pairs by one rank when the user's Pokémon uses a status move.
Team Strengthening Status 5 Has a chance (60%) of increasing the Physical Moves Up Next effect and Special Moves ↑ Next effect of all allied sync pairs by one rank when the user's Pokémon uses a status move.
Team Strengthening Status 6 Has a chance (70%) of increasing the Physical Moves Up Next effect and Special Moves ↑ Next effect of all allied sync pairs by one rank when the user's Pokémon uses a status move.
Team Strengthening Status 7 Has a chance (80%) of increasing the Physical Moves Up Next effect and Special Moves ↑ Next effect of all allied sync pairs by one rank when the user's Pokémon uses a status move.
Team Strengthening Status 8 Has a chance (90%) of increasing the Physical Moves Up Next effect and Special Moves ↑ Next effect of all allied sync pairs by one rank when the user's Pokémon uses a status move.
Team Strengthening Status 9 Increases the Physical Moves Up Next effect and Special Moves ↑ Next effect of all allied sync pairs by one rank when the user's Pokémon uses a status move. Raihan & Flygon
Team Sunbathe 1 Has a chance (20%) of restoring the HP of all allied sync pairs when the user uses a move while the weather is sunny.
Team Sunbathe 2 Has a chance (30%) of restoring the HP of all allied sync pairs when the user uses a move while the weather is sunny.
Team Sunbathe 3 Has a chance (40%) of restoring the HP of all allied sync pairs when the user uses a move while the weather is sunny.
Team Sunbathe 4 Has a chance (50%) of restoring the HP of all allied sync pairs when the user uses a move while the weather is sunny.
Team Sunbathe 5 Has a chance (60%) of restoring the HP of all allied sync pairs when the user uses a move while the weather is sunny.
Team Sunbathe 6 Has a chance (70%) of restoring the HP of all allied sync pairs when the user uses a move while the weather is sunny.
Team Sunbathe 7 Has a chance (80%) of restoring the HP of all allied sync pairs when the user uses a move while the weather is sunny.
Team Sunbathe 8 Has a chance (90%) of restoring the HP of all allied sync pairs when the user uses a move while the weather is sunny.
Team Sunbathe 9 Restores the HP of all allied sync pairs when the user uses a move while the weather is sunny. Morty & Ho-Oh (Shiny Ho-Oh)
Team Supercharger 5 Has a chance (60%) of raising the Attack or Sp. Atk, or both, of all allied sync pairs by one stat rank when the user's move targeting an opponent is successful. Burgh & Togepi
Team Swift Reaction 1 Has a chance (20%) of raising the Speed of all allied sync pairs by one stat rank when the user is hit by an attack move.
Team Swift Reaction 2 Has a chance (30%) of raising the Speed of all allied sync pairs by one stat rank when the user is hit by an attack move.
Team Swift Reaction 3 Has a chance (40%) of raising the Speed of all allied sync pairs by one stat rank when the user is hit by an attack move.
Team Swift Reaction 4 Has a chance (50%) of raising the Speed of all allied sync pairs by one stat rank when the user is hit by an attack move. Kris & Suicune
Team Swift Reaction 5 Has a chance (60%) of raising the Speed of all allied sync pairs by one stat rank when the user is hit by an attack move.
Team Swift Reaction 6 Has a chance (70%) of raising the Speed of all allied sync pairs by one stat rank when the user is hit by an attack move.
Team Swift Reaction 7 Has a chance (80%) of raising the Speed of all allied sync pairs by one stat rank when the user is hit by an attack move.
Team Swift Reaction 8 Has a chance (90%) of raising the Speed of all allied sync pairs by one stat rank when the user is hit by an attack move.
Team Swift Reaction 9 Raises the Speed of all allied sync pairs by one stat rank when the user is hit by an attack move. Bruno & Onix
Sonia & Yamper
Team Sync Cure 9 Removes all status conditions from all allied sync pairs after using the user's sync move. Caitlin & Sableye
Caitlin & Sableye (Mega Sableye)
Giovanni & Nidorino
Marlon & Carracosta
Mallow & Appletun
Elio & Popplio
Elio & Brionne
Elio & Primarina
Arven &
Team Sync Regen Applies the Gradual Healing effect to all allied sync pairs after the user uses a sync move. Lillie & Ribombee Cheryl & Blissey
Giovanni & Persian
Giovanni & Guzzlord
Professor Sycamore & Gogoat
Kiawe & Arcanine
Falkner & Noctowl
Melony & Lapras
Tina & Flareon
Iono &
Chase & Pikachu
Arven &
Team Sync Think 1 Once per battle, has a chance (20%) of increasing the Special Moves ↑ Next of all allied sync pairs by one rank after using the user's sync move.
Team Sync Think 2 Once per battle, has a chance (30%) of increasing the Special Moves ↑ Next of all allied sync pairs by one rank after using the user's sync move.
Team Sync Think 3 Once per battle, has a chance (40%) of increasing the Special Moves ↑ Next of all allied sync pairs by one rank after using the user's sync move.
Team Sync Think 4 Once per battle, has a chance (50%) of increasing the Special Moves ↑ Next of all allied sync pairs by one rank after using the user's sync move.
Team Sync Think 5 Once per battle, has a chance (60%) of increasing the Special Moves ↑ Next of all allied sync pairs by one rank after using the user's sync move.
Team Sync Think 6 Once per battle, has a chance (70%) of increasing the Special Moves ↑ Next of all allied sync pairs by one rank after using the user's sync move.
Team Sync Think 7 Once per battle, has a chance (80%) of increasing the Special Moves ↑ Next of all allied sync pairs by one rank after using the user's sync move.
Team Sync Think 8 Once per battle, has a chance (90%) of increasing the Special Moves ↑ Next of all allied sync pairs by one rank after using the user's sync move.
Team Sync Think 9 Once per battle, increases the Special Moves ↑ Next of all allied sync pairs by one rank after using the user's sync move. Blue & Zapdos
Calem & Greninja (Shiny Greninja)
Calem & Greninja (Shiny Greninja)
Kris & Suicune
Proton & Golbat
Shauna & Sylveon
Team Tough Luck 1 Has a chance (20%) of raising the Defense or Sp. Def, or both, of all allied sync pairs by one stat rank when the user is hit by an attack move.
Team Tough Luck 2 Has a chance (30%) of raising the Defense or Sp. Def, or both, of all allied sync pairs by one stat rank when the user is hit by an attack move.
Team Tough Luck 3 Has a chance (40%) of raising the Defense or Sp. Def, or both, of all allied sync pairs by one stat rank when the user is hit by an attack move.
Team Tough Luck 4 Has a chance (50%) of raising the Defense or Sp. Def, or both, of all allied sync pairs by one stat rank when the user is hit by an attack move. Brendan & Latios
Brendan & Latios (Mega Latios)
Team Tough Luck 5 Has a chance (60%) of raising the Defense or Sp. Def, or both, of all allied sync pairs by one stat rank when the user is hit by an attack move.
Team Tough Luck 6 Has a chance (70%) of raising the Defense or Sp. Def, or both, of all allied sync pairs by one stat rank when the user is hit by an attack move.
Team Tough Luck 7 Has a chance (80%) of raising the Defense or Sp. Def, or both, of all allied sync pairs by one stat rank when the user is hit by an attack move.
Team Tough Luck 8 Has a chance (90%) of raising the Defense or Sp. Def, or both, of all allied sync pairs by one stat rank when the user is hit by an attack move.
Team Tough Luck 9 Raises the Defense or Sp. Def, or both, of all allied sync pairs by one stat rank when the user is hit by an attack move.
Team Toughen Up 1 Has a chance (20%) of raising the Defense of all allied sync pairs by 1 stat rank when the user is hit by an attack move.
Team Toughen Up 2 Has a chance (30%) of raising the Defense of all allied sync pairs by 1 stat rank when the user is hit by an attack move.
Team Toughen Up 3 Has a chance (40%) of raising the Defense of all allied sync pairs by 1 stat rank when the user is hit by an attack move.
Team Toughen Up 4 Has a chance (50%) of raising the Defense of all allied sync pairs by one stat rank when the user is hit by an attack move. Phoebe & Dusclops
Phoebe & Dusknoir
Glacia & Glalie
Glacia & Glalie (Mega Glalie)
Team Toughen Up 4 Has a chance (50%) of raising the Defense of all allied sync pairs by 1 stat rank when the user is hit by an attack move. Phoebe & Dusclops
Phoebe & Dusknoir
Glacia & Glalie
Glacia & Glalie (Mega Glalie)
Team Toughen Up 5 Has a chance (60%) of raising the Defense of all allied sync pairs by 1 stat rank when the user is hit by an attack move.
Team Toughen Up 6 Has a chance (70%) of raising the Defense of all allied sync pairs by 1 stat rank when the user is hit by an attack move.
Team Toughen Up 7 Has a chance (80%) of raising the Defense of all allied sync pairs by 1 stat rank when the user is hit by an attack move.
Team Toughen Up 8 Has a chance (90%) of raising the Defense of all allied sync pairs by 1 stat rank when the user is hit by an attack move.
Team Toughen Up 9 Raises the Defense of all allied sync pairs by 1 stat rank when the user is hit by an attack move. Dana & Regice
Team Triage Tank 1 Has a chance (20%) of restoring the HP of all allied sync pairs when the user is hit by an attack move. Rachel & Umbreon
Team Triage Tank 2 Has a chance (30%) of restoring the HP of all allied sync pairs when the user is hit by an attack move. Blue & Blastoise
Blue & Blastoise (Mega Blastoise)
Jasmine & Celesteela
Tierno & Crawdaunt
Team Triage Tank 3 Has a chance (40%) of restoring the HP of all allied sync pairs when the user is hit by an attack move.
Team Triage Tank 4 Has a chance (50%) of restoring the HP of all allied sync pairs when the user is hit by an attack move. Lana & Lanturn
Team Triage Tank 5 Has a chance (60%) of restoring the HP of all allied sync pairs when the user is hit by an attack move.
Team Triage Tank 6 Has a chance (70%) of restoring the HP of all allied sync pairs when the user is hit by an attack move.
Team Triage Tank 7 Has a chance (80%) of restoring the HP of all allied sync pairs when the user is hit by an attack move.
Team Triage Tank 8 Has a chance (90%) of restoring the HP of all allied sync pairs when the user is hit by an attack move.
Team Triage Tank 9 Restores the HP of all allied sync pairs when the user is hit by an attack move. Lillie & Polteageist (Antique Form)
Steven & Metagross (Mega Metagross)
Rika &
Eri &
Team Umbral Restoration 1 Has a chance (20%) of restoring the HP of all allied sync pairs when the user uses a move while the zone is a Dark Zone
Team Umbral Restoration 2 Has a chance (30%) of restoring the HP of all allied sync pairs when the user uses a move while the zone is a Dark Zone
Team Umbral Restoration 3 Has a chance (40%) of restoring the HP of all allied sync pairs when the user uses a move while the zone is a Dark Zone
Team Umbral Restoration 4 Has a chance (50%) of restoring the HP of all allied sync pairs when the user uses a move while the zone is a Dark Zone
Team Umbral Restoration 5 Has a chance (60%) of restoring the HP of all allied sync pairs when the user uses a move while the zone is a Dark Zone
Team Umbral Restoration 6 Has a chance (70%) of restoring the HP of all allied sync pairs when the user uses a move while the zone is a Dark Zone
Team Umbral Restoration 7 Has a chance (80%) of restoring the HP of all allied sync pairs when the user uses a move while the zone is a Dark Zone
Team Umbral Restoration 8 Has a chance (90%) of restoring the HP of all allied sync pairs when the user uses a move while the zone is a Dark Zone
Team Umbral Restoration 9 Restores the HP of all allied sync pairs when the user uses a move while the zone is a Dark Zone Calem & Greninja (Shiny Greninja)
Calem & Greninja (Shiny Greninja)
Team Unbending The Defense cannot be lowered for all allied sync pairs. Diantha & Diancie (Shiny Diancie)
Diantha & Diancie (Shiny Mega Diancie)
Team Underhanded Heal 1 Has a chance (20%) of restoring the HP of all allied sync pairs when the user's attack move is successful against targets that are affected by a status condition.
Team Underhanded Heal 2 Has a chance (30%) of restoring the HP of all allied sync pairs when the user's attack move is successful against targets that are affected by a status condition.
Team Underhanded Heal 3 Has a chance (40%) of restoring the HP of all allied sync pairs when the user's attack move is successful against targets that are affected by a status condition.
Team Underhanded Heal 4 Has a chance (50%) of restoring the HP of all allied sync pairs when the user's attack move is successful against targets that are affected by a status condition. Agatha & Arbok
Team Underhanded Heal 5 Has a chance (60%) of restoring the HP of all allied sync pairs when the user's attack move is successful against targets that are affected by a status condition.
Team Underhanded Heal 6 Has a chance (70%) of restoring the HP of all allied sync pairs when the user's attack move is successful against targets that are affected by a status condition.
Team Underhanded Heal 7 Has a chance (80%) of restoring the HP of all allied sync pairs when the user's attack move is successful against targets that are affected by a status condition.
Team Underhanded Heal 8 Has a chance (90%) of restoring the HP of all allied sync pairs when the user's attack move is successful against targets that are affected by a status condition.
Team Underhanded Heal 9 Restores the HP of all allied sync pairs when the user's attack move is successful against targets that are affected by a status condition. Iono &
Team Verdant Defense Drain 1 Has a chance (20%) of of granting all of the following effects if the user's attack move against the target is successful when the terrain is Grassy Terrain: Raises the Defense of all allied sync pairs by 1 stat rank. Lowers the Defense of all opposing sync pairs by 1 stat rank.
Team Verdant Defense Drain 2 Has a chance (30%) of of granting all of the following effects if the user's attack move against the target is successful when the terrain is Grassy Terrain: Raises the Defense of all allied sync pairs by 1 stat rank. Lowers the Defense of all opposing sync pairs by 1 stat rank.
Team Verdant Defense Drain 3 Has a chance (40%) of of granting all of the following effects if the user's attack move against the target is successful when the terrain is Grassy Terrain: Raises the Defense of all allied sync pairs by 1 stat rank. Lowers the Defense of all opposing sync pairs by 1 stat rank.
Team Verdant Defense Drain 4 Has a chance (50%) of of granting all of the following effects if the user's attack move against the target is successful when the terrain is Grassy Terrain: Raises the Defense of all allied sync pairs by 1 stat rank. Lowers the Defense of all opposing sync pairs by 1 stat rank.
Team Verdant Defense Drain 5 Has a chance (60%) of of granting all of the following effects if the user's attack move against the target is successful when the terrain is Grassy Terrain: Raises the Defense of all allied sync pairs by 1 stat rank. Lowers the Defense of all opposing sync pairs by 1 stat rank.
Team Verdant Defense Drain 6 Has a chance (70%) of of granting all of the following effects if the user's attack move against the target is successful when the terrain is Grassy Terrain: Raises the Defense of all allied sync pairs by 1 stat rank. Lowers the Defense of all opposing sync pairs by 1 stat rank.
Team Verdant Defense Drain 7 Has a chance (80%) of of granting all of the following effects if the user's attack move against the target is successful when the terrain is Grassy Terrain: Raises the Defense of all allied sync pairs by 1 stat rank. Lowers the Defense of all opposing sync pairs by 1 stat rank.
Team Verdant Defense Drain 8 Has a chance (90%) of of granting all of the following effects if the user's attack move against the target is successful when the terrain is Grassy Terrain: Raises the Defense of all allied sync pairs by 1 stat rank. Lowers the Defense of all opposing sync pairs by 1 stat rank.
Team Verdant Defense Drain 9 Grants all of the following effects if the user's attack move against the target is successful when the terrain is Grassy Terrain: Raises the Defense of all allied sync pairs by 1 stat rank. Lowers the Defense of all opposing sync pairs by 1 stat rank. Whitney & Sawsbuck (Winter Form)
Team Verdant Physical DR 1 Reduces physical attack move damage taken by allies when the terrain is Grassy Terrain.
Team Verdant Physical DR 2 Reduces physical attack move damage taken by allies when the terrain is Grassy Terrain.
Team Verdant Physical DR 3 Reduces physical attack move damage taken by allies when the terrain is Grassy Terrain. Acerola & Tapu Bulu
Team Verdant Physical DR 4 Reduces physical attack move damage taken by allies when the terrain is Grassy Terrain.
Team Verdant Physical DR 5 Reduces physical attack move damage taken by allies when the terrain is Grassy Terrain.
Team Verdant Physical DR 6 Reduces physical attack move damage taken by allies when the terrain is Grassy Terrain.
Team Verdant Physical DR 7 Reduces physical attack move damage taken by allies when the terrain is Grassy Terrain.
Team Verdant Physical DR 8 Reduces physical attack move damage taken by allies when the terrain is Grassy Terrain.
Team Verdant Physical DR 9 Reduces physical attack move damage taken by allies when the terrain is Grassy Terrain.
Team Viral Haste 1 Has a chance (20%) of raising the Speed of all allied sync pairs by 1 stat ranks when the user's Pokémon or Trainer uses a status move.
Team Viral Haste 2 Has a chance (30%) of raising the Speed of all allied sync pairs by 1 stat ranks when the user's Pokémon or Trainer uses a status move.
Team Viral Haste 3 Has a chance (40%) of raising the Speed of all allied sync pairs by 1 stat ranks when the user's Pokémon or Trainer uses a status move.
Team Viral Haste 4 Has a chance (50%) of raising the Speed of all allied sync pairs by 1 stat ranks when the user's Pokémon or Trainer uses a status move.
Team Viral Haste 5 Has a chance (60%) of raising the Speed of all allied sync pairs by 1 stat ranks when the user's Pokémon or Trainer uses a status move.
Team Viral Haste 6 Has a chance (70%) of raising the Speed of all allied sync pairs by 1 stat ranks when the user's Pokémon or Trainer uses a status move.
Team Viral Haste 7 Has a chance (80%) of raising the Speed of all allied sync pairs by 1 stat ranks when the user's Pokémon or Trainer uses a status move.
Team Viral Haste 8 Has a chance (90%) of raising the Speed of all allied sync pairs by 1 stat ranks when the user's Pokémon or Trainer uses a status move.
Team Viral Haste 9 Raises the Speed of all allied sync pairs by 1 stat ranks when the user's Pokémon or Trainer uses a status move. Ingo & Accelgor
Team Viral Hustle 1 Has a chance (20%) of raising the Speed of all allied sync pairs by one stat rank when the user's Pokémon uses a status move.
Team Viral Hustle 2 Has a chance (30%) of raising the Speed of all allied sync pairs by one stat rank when the user's Pokémon uses a status move.
Team Viral Hustle 3 Has a chance (40%) of raising the Speed of all allied sync pairs by one stat rank when the user's Pokémon uses a status move.
Team Viral Hustle 4 Has a chance (50%) of raising the Speed of all allied sync pairs by one stat rank when the user's Pokémon uses a status move.
Team Viral Hustle 5 Has a chance (60%) of raising the Speed of all allied sync pairs by one stat rank when the user's Pokémon uses a status move.
Team Viral Hustle 6 Has a chance (70%) of raising the Speed of all allied sync pairs by one stat rank when the user's Pokémon uses a status move.
Team Viral Hustle 7 Has a chance (80%) of raising the Speed of all allied sync pairs by one stat rank when the user's Pokémon uses a status move.
Team Viral Hustle 8 Has a chance (90%) of raising the Speed of all allied sync pairs by one stat rank when the user's Pokémon uses a status move.
Team Viral Hustle 9 Raises the Speed of all allied sync pairs by one stat rank when the user's Pokémon uses a status move. Lucian & Girafarig Shauna & Sylveon
Team Weird Sp. Def Drain 1 Has a chance (20%) of granting all of the following effects if the user's attack move against the target is successful when the terrain is Psychic Terrain: Raises the Sp. Def of all allied sync pairs by 1 stat rank. Lowers the Sp. Def of all opposing sync pairs by 1 stat rank.
Team Weird Sp. Def Drain 2 Has a chance (30%) of granting all of the following effects if the user's attack move against the target is successful when the terrain is Psychic Terrain: Raises the Sp. Def of all allied sync pairs by 1 stat rank. Lowers the Sp. Def of all opposing sync pairs by 1 stat rank.
Team Weird Sp. Def Drain 3 Has a chance (40%) of granting all of the following effects if the user's attack move against the target is successful when the terrain is Psychic Terrain: Raises the Sp. Def of all allied sync pairs by 1 stat rank. Lowers the Sp. Def of all opposing sync pairs by 1 stat rank.
Team Weird Sp. Def Drain 4 Has a chance (50%) of granting all of the following effects if the user's attack move against the target is successful when the terrain is Psychic Terrain: Raises the Sp. Def of all allied sync pairs by 1 stat rank. Lowers the Sp. Def of all opposing sync pairs by 1 stat rank.
Team Weird Sp. Def Drain 5 Has a chance (60%) of granting all of the following effects if the user's attack move against the target is successful when the terrain is Psychic Terrain: Raises the Sp. Def of all allied sync pairs by 1 stat rank. Lowers the Sp. Def of all opposing sync pairs by 1 stat rank.
Team Weird Sp. Def Drain 6 Has a chance (70%) of granting all of the following effects if the user's attack move against the target is successful when the terrain is Psychic Terrain: Raises the Sp. Def of all allied sync pairs by 1 stat rank. Lowers the Sp. Def of all opposing sync pairs by 1 stat rank.
Team Weird Sp. Def Drain 7 Has a chance (80%) of granting all of the following effects if the user's attack move against the target is successful when the terrain is Psychic Terrain: Raises the Sp. Def of all allied sync pairs by 1 stat rank. Lowers the Sp. Def of all opposing sync pairs by 1 stat rank.
Team Weird Sp. Def Drain 8 Has a chance (90%) of granting all of the following effects if the user's attack move against the target is successful when the terrain is Psychic Terrain: Raises the Sp. Def of all allied sync pairs by 1 stat rank. Lowers the Sp. Def of all opposing sync pairs by 1 stat rank.
Team Weird Sp. Def Drain 9 Grants all of the following effects if the user's attack move against the target is successful when the terrain is Psychic Terrain: Raises the Sp. Def of all allied sync pairs by 1 stat rank. Lowers the Sp. Def of all opposing sync pairs by 1 stat rank. Whitney & Sawsbuck (Winter Form)
Team Weird Vibes 1 Powers up the moves of all allied sync pairs when the terrain is Psychic Terrain.
Team Weird Vibes 2 Powers up the moves of all allied sync pairs when the terrain is Psychic Terrain. Lana & Tapu Lele
Team Weird Vibes 3 Powers up the moves of all allied sync pairs when the terrain is Psychic Terrain.
Team Weird Vibes 4 Powers up the moves of all allied sync pairs when the terrain is Psychic Terrain.
Team Weird Vibes 5 Powers up the moves of all allied sync pairs when the terrain is Psychic Terrain.
Team Weird Vibes 6 Powers up the moves of all allied sync pairs when the terrain is Psychic Terrain.
Team Weird Vibes 7 Powers up the moves of all allied sync pairs when the terrain is Psychic Terrain.
Team Weird Vibes 8 Powers up the moves of all allied sync pairs when the terrain is Psychic Terrain.
Team Weird Vibes 9 Powers up the moves of all allied sync pairs when the terrain is Psychic Terrain.
Team Whimsical Immunity Status conditions cannot be inflicted on all allied sync pairs when the zone is a Fairy Zone. Mina & Tapu Fini
Team Whimsical Special DR 1 Reduces special attack move damage taken by allies when the zone is a Fairy Zone.
Team Whimsical Special DR 2 Reduces special attack move damage taken by allies when the zone is a Fairy Zone.
Team Whimsical Special DR 3 Reduces special attack move damage taken by allies when the zone is a Fairy Zone. Mina & Tapu Fini
Team Whimsical Special DR 4 Reduces special attack move damage taken by allies when the zone is a Fairy Zone.
Team Whimsical Special DR 5 Reduces special attack move damage taken by allies when the zone is a Fairy Zone.
Team Whimsical Special DR 6 Reduces special attack move damage taken by allies when the zone is a Fairy Zone.
Team Whimsical Special DR 7 Reduces special attack move damage taken by allies when the zone is a Fairy Zone.
Team Whimsical Special DR 8 Reduces special attack move damage taken by allies when the zone is a Fairy Zone.
Team Whimsical Special DR 9 Reduces special attack move damage taken by allies when the zone is a Fairy Zone.
Team Wide Awake Prevents all allied sync pairs from falling asleep. Dawn & Alcremie
Falkner & Noctowl
Team Wise Entry 1 Raises the Sp. Def of all allied sync pairs by 1 stat rank when the user enters a battle. Courtney & Camerupt (Female)
Courtney & Camerupt (Mega Camerupt)
Shauna & Chesnaught
Kali & Azumarill
Tina & Flareon
Team Wise Entry 2 Raises the Sp. Def of all allied sync pairs by 2 stat rank when the user enters a battle. Lyra & Phanpy
Team Wise Entry 3 Raises the Sp. Def of all allied sync pairs by 3 stat rank when the user enters a battle.
Team Wise Entry 4 Raises the Sp. Def of all allied sync pairs by 4 stat rank when the user enters a battle.
Team Wise Entry 5 Raises the Sp. Def of all allied sync pairs by 5 stat rank when the user enters a battle.
Team Wise Entry 6 Raises the Sp. Def of all allied sync pairs by 6 stat rank when the user enters a battle.
Tenacity 1 Increases the user's Physical Moves Up Next effect by 1 ranks when its attack move misses. Guzma & Buzzwole
Tenacity 2 Increases the user's Physical Moves Up Next effect by 2 ranks when its attack move misses.
Tenacity 3 Increases the user's Physical Moves Up Next effect by 3 ranks when its attack move misses. Guzma & Buzzwole
Tenacity 4 Increases the user's Physical Moves Up Next effect by 4 ranks when its attack move misses.
Tenacity 5 Increases the user's Physical Moves Up Next effect by 5 ranks when its attack move misses.
Tenacity 6 Increases the user's Physical Moves Up Next effect by 6 ranks when its attack move misses.
Tenacity 7 Increases the user's Physical Moves Up Next effect by 7 ranks when its attack move misses.
Tenacity 8 Increases the user's Physical Moves Up Next effect by 8 ranks when its attack move misses.
Tenacity 9 Increases the user's Physical Moves Up Next effect by 9 ranks when its attack move misses.
Terra Firma 10
Terrain Change: Defense Ă—10
Terrain Change: Defense Ă—2
Terrain Change: Defense Ă—3
Terrain Change: Defense Ă—4
Terrain Change: Defense Ă—5
Terrain Change: Defense Ă—6
Terrain Change: Defense Ă—7
Terrain Change: Defense Ă—8
Terrain Change: Defense Ă—9
Terrain Change: Sp. Def Ă—10
Terrain Change: Sp. Def Ă—2
Terrain Change: Sp. Def Ă—3
Terrain Change: Sp. Def Ă—4
Terrain Change: Sp. Def Ă—5
Terrain Change: Sp. Def Ă—6
Terrain Change: Sp. Def Ă—7
Terrain Change: Sp. Def Ă—8
Terrain Change: Sp. Def Ă—9
Terrain Sync-Up 1 Powers up the user's sync move when a terrain is in effect.
Terrain Sync-Up 2 Powers up the user's sync move when a terrain is in effect.
Terrain Sync-Up 3 Powers up the user's sync move when a terrain is in effect.
Terrain Sync-Up 4 Powers up the user's sync move when a terrain is in effect.
Terrain Sync-Up 5 Powers up the user's sync move when a terrain is in effect.
Terrain Sync-Up 6 Powers up the user's sync move when a terrain is in effect.
Terrain Sync-Up 7 Powers up the user's sync move when a terrain is in effect.
Terrain Sync-Up 8 Powers up the user's sync move when a terrain is in effect.
Terrain Sync-Up 9 Powers up the user's sync move when a terrain is in effect. Whitney & Sawsbuck (Winter Form)
Terrify 1 Lowers the Attack of all opposing sync pairs by 1 stat ranks when the user enters a battle. Blue & Arcanine
Drake & Salamence
Main Character & Tauros
Main Character & Tauros
Main Character & Ekans
Main Character & Arbok
Main Character & Ekans
Main Character & Arbok
Main Character & Ekans
Main Character & Arbok
Main Character & Tyrogue
Main Character & Hitmontop
Viola & Surskit
Viola & Masquerain
Zinnia & Salamence
Volkner & Luxray
Lear & Krookodile
The Masked Royal & Incineroar
Agatha & Arbok
Ariana & Arbok
Cheren & Stoutland
Hilbert & Mightyena
Lance & Gyarados
Lillie & Comfey
Marley & Arcanine
Mina & Granbull
Wikstrom & Aegislash
Wikstrom & Aegislash (Blade Forme)
Zinnia & Salamence
Valerie & Mawile
Marnie & Scrafty
The Masked Royal & Incineroar
Darach & Staraptor
Terrify 2 Lowers the Attack of all opposing sync pairs by 2 stat ranks when the user enters a battle. Marnie & Mawile
Marnie & Mawile (Mega Mawile)
Kiawe & Arcanine
Irida & Zoroark (Hisuian Form)
Terrify 3 Lowers the Attack of all opposing sync pairs by 3 stat ranks when the user enters a battle.
Terrify 4 Lowers the Attack of all opposing sync pairs by 4 stat ranks when the user enters a battle.
Terrify 5 Lowers the Attack of all opposing sync pairs by 5 stat ranks when the user enters a battle.
Terrify 6 Lowers the Attack of all opposing sync pairs by 6 stat ranks when the user enters a battle.
Terrify 7
Terrify 8
Terrify 9
Third Act 1 Once per battle, has a chance (20%) of reducing the user's sync move countdown by one when in a pinch. When used in a co-op battle, reduces the sync move countdown of all allied players once per battle instead.
Third Act 2 Once per battle, has a chance (30%) of reducing the user's sync move countdown by one when in a pinch. When used in a co-op battle, reduces the sync move countdown of all allied players once per battle instead.
Third Act 3 Once per battle, has a chance (40%) of reducing the user's sync move countdown by one when in a pinch. When used in a co-op battle, reduces the sync move countdown of all allied players once per battle instead.
Third Act 4 Once per battle, has a chance (50%) of reducing the user's sync move countdown by one when in a pinch. When used in a co-op battle, reduces the sync move countdown of all allied players once per battle instead. Elesa & Rotom
Tighten Up 1 Has a chance (20%) of raising the user's Sp. Def by one stat rank when it is hit by an attack move. Lt. Surge & Raichu
Main Character & Cobalion
Main Character & Regirock
Morty & Mismagius
Rachel & Umbreon
Evelyn & Entei
Tighten Up 2 Has a chance (30%) of raising the user's Sp. Def by one stat rank when it is hit by an attack move. Main Character & Grimer
Main Character & Muk
Blue & Exeggutor
Lillie & Clefairy
Main Character & Torchic
Tighten Up 3 Has a chance (40%) of raising the user's Sp. Def by one stat rank when it is hit by an attack move. Cynthia & Gastrodon
Main Character & Mesprit
Clemont & Magneton
Tighten Up 4 Has a chance (50%) of raising the user's Sp. Def by one stat rank when it is hit by an attack move. Acerola & Palossand
Acerola & Banette
Barry & Roserade
Erika & Comfey
Giovanni & Nidorino
Gladion & Golbat
Morty & Gastly
Raihan & Gigalith
Tighten Up 5 Has a chance (60%) of raising the user's Sp. Def by one stat rank when it is hit by an attack move.
Tighten Up 6 Has a chance (70%) of raising the user's Sp. Def by one stat rank when it is hit by an attack move.
Tighten Up 7 Has a chance (80%) of raising the user's Sp. Def by one stat rank when it is hit by an attack move.
Tighten Up 8 Has a chance (90%) of raising the user's Sp. Def by one stat rank when it is hit by an attack move.
Tighten Up 9 Raises the user's Sp. Def by one stat rank when it is hit by an attack move. Bellelba & Swoobat
Time Flows over Hisui Makes the weather sunny the first time the user enters a battle each battle. Makes the weather sunny after using the user's sync move. Powers up the user's moves when the weather is sunny. Adaman & Leafeon
Too Prepared 1 Has a chance (20%) of reducing the user's sync move countdown by 2 when an attack move, which was conducted after leaving the counter attacking posture or after getting ready to attack, is successful.
Too Prepared 2 Has a chance (30%) of reducing the user's sync move countdown by 2 when an attack move, which was conducted after leaving the counter attacking posture or after getting ready to attack, is successful.
Too Prepared 3 Has a chance (40%) of reducing the user's sync move countdown by 2 when an attack move, which was conducted after leaving the counter attacking posture or after getting ready to attack, is successful.
Too Prepared 4 Has a chance (50%) of reducing the user's sync move countdown by 2 when an attack move, which was conducted after leaving the counter attacking posture or after getting ready to attack, is successful.
Too Prepared 5 Has a chance (60%) of reducing the user's sync move countdown by 2 when an attack move, which was conducted after leaving the counter attacking posture or after getting ready to attack, is successful.
Too Prepared 6 Has a chance (70%) of reducing the user's sync move countdown by 2 when an attack move, which was conducted after leaving the counter attacking posture or after getting ready to attack, is successful.
Too Prepared 7 Has a chance (80%) of reducing the user's sync move countdown by 2 when an attack move, which was conducted after leaving the counter attacking posture or after getting ready to attack, is successful.
Too Prepared 8 Has a chance (90%) of reducing the user's sync move countdown by 2 when an attack move, which was conducted after leaving the counter attacking posture or after getting ready to attack, is successful.
Too Prepared 9 Reduces the user's sync move countdown by 2 when an attack move, which was conducted after leaving the counter attacking posture or after getting ready to attack, is successful. N & Kyurem (Black Kyurem)
Torrential Tenacity Prevents the user from flinching, becoming confused, or becoming trapped when the weather is rainy. Lance & Gyarados
Lyra & Vaporeon
Misty & Psyduck
Archie & Kyogre
Tough Cookie The more the user's Defense is raised, the more it powers up the user's moves. Hilda & Diancie
Hilda & Diancie (Mega Diancie)
Acerola & Palossand
Brock & Onix
Cynthia & Lucario
Cynthia & Lucario (Mega Lucario)
Diantha & Keldeo (Resolute Form)
Diantha & Diancie (Shiny Diancie)
Diantha & Diancie (Shiny Mega Diancie)
Hapu & Mudsdale
Liza & Celesteela
Sophocles & Golem (Alola Form)
Jasmine & Steelix
Jasmine & Steelix (Mega Steelix)
Jasmine & Steelix
Jasmine & Steelix (Mega Steelix)
Dawn & Turtwig
Dawn & Grotle
Dawn & Torterra
Lana & Araquanid
Raihan & Duraludon
Emmet & Escavalier
Tough Skin 3
Tough Skin 5
Tough Sync 1 Powers up the user's sync move when Defense is raised.
Tough Sync 2 Powers up the user's sync move when Defense is raised.
Tough Sync 3 Powers up the user's sync move when Defense is raised. Liza & Celesteela
Marshal & Conkeldurr
Sophocles & Golem (Alola Form)
Emmet & Escavalier
Adaman & Vaporeon
Rose & Perrserker
Volo & Gible
Tough Sync 4 Powers up the user's sync move when Defense is raised.
Tough Sync 5 Powers up the user's sync move when Defense is raised.
Tough Sync 6 Powers up the user's sync move when Defense is raised.
Tough Sync 7 Powers up the user's sync move when Defense is raised.
Tough Sync 8 Powers up the user's sync move when Defense is raised.
Tough Sync 9 Powers up the user's sync move when Defense is raised.
Toughen Up 1 Has a chance (20%) of raising the user's Defense by one stat rank when it is hit by an attack move. Bugsy & Scyther
Lt. Surge & Raichu
Main Character & Cobalion
Main Character & Regirock
Morty & Mismagius
Rachel & Umbreon
Evelyn & Entei
Toughen Up 2 Has a chance (30%) of raising the user's Defense by one stat rank when it is hit by an attack move. Cynthia & Gastrodon
Lillie & Clefairy
Main Character & Torchic
Clemont & Magneton
Toughen Up 3 Has a chance (40%) of raising the user's Defense by one stat rank when it is hit by an attack move. Lillie & Ribombee
Main Character & Mesprit
Dawn & Alcremie
Toughen Up 4 Has a chance (50%) of raising the user's Defense by one stat rank when it is hit by an attack move. Acerola & Palossand
Blue & Exeggutor
Gladion & Golbat
Toughen Up 5 Has a chance (60%) of raising the user's Defense by one stat rank when it is hit by an attack move.
Toughen Up 6 Has a chance (70%) of raising the user's Defense by one stat rank when it is hit by an attack move.
Toughen Up 7 Has a chance (80%) of raising the user's Defense by one stat rank when it is hit by an attack move.
Toughen Up 8 Has a chance (90%) of raising the user's Defense by one stat rank when it is hit by an attack move.
Toughen Up 9 Raises the user's Defense by one stat rank when it is hit by an attack move. Elesa & Joltik
Bellelba & Swoobat
Towering Force The more the user's Defense is raised, the more it powers up the user's sync move. Hilda & Diancie
Hilda & Diancie (Mega Diancie)
Liza & Celesteela
Lorelei & Lapras
Guzma & Golisopod
Courtney & Camerupt (Female)
Courtney & Camerupt (Mega Camerupt)
Colress & Klinklang
Toxic Chance 1 Has a chance (20%) of leaving the target poisoned when a move targeting that opponent is successful.
Toxic Chance 2 Has a chance (30%) of leaving the target poisoned when a move targeting that opponent is successful. Iris & Naganadel
Looker & Croagunk
Clay & Palpitoad
Clay & Seismitoad
Roxie & Whirlipede
Roxie & Scolipede
Toxic Chance 3 Has a chance (40%) of leaving the target poisoned when a move targeting that opponent is successful. Emma & Crobat
Toxic Chance 4 Has a chance (50%) of leaving the target poisoned when a move targeting that opponent is successful.
Toxic Chance 5 Has a chance (60%) of leaving the target poisoned when a move targeting that opponent is successful.
Toxic Chance 6 Has a chance (70%) of leaving the target poisoned when a move targeting that opponent is successful.
Toxic Chance 7 Has a chance (80%) of leaving the target poisoned when a move targeting that opponent is successful.
Toxic Chance 8 Has a chance (90%) of leaving the target poisoned when a move targeting that opponent is successful.
Toxic Chance 9 Leaves the target poisoned when the user's move targeting that opponent is successful.
Toxic Freebie 1 Has a chance (20%) of applying the Free Move Next effect to the user when the user's attack move is successful against a poisoned or badly poisoned opponent.
Toxic Freebie 2 Has a chance (30%) of applying the Free Move Next effect to the user when the user's attack move is successful against a poisoned or badly poisoned opponent.
Toxic Freebie 3 Has a chance (40%) of applying the Free Move Next effect to the user when the user's attack move is successful against a poisoned or badly poisoned opponent.
Toxic Freebie 4 Has a chance (50%) of applying the Free Move Next effect to the user when the user's attack move is successful against a poisoned or badly poisoned opponent. Emma & Crobat Hilbert & Glaceon
Leaf & Venusaur (Female)
Leaf & Venusaur (Mega Venusaur)
Toxic Freebie 5 Has a chance (60%) of applying the Free Move Next effect to the user when the user's attack move is successful against a poisoned or badly poisoned opponent.
Toxic Freebie 6 Has a chance (70%) of applying the Free Move Next effect to the user when the user's attack move is successful against a poisoned or badly poisoned opponent.
Toxic Freebie 7 Has a chance (80%) of applying the Free Move Next effect to the user when the user's attack move is successful against a poisoned or badly poisoned opponent.
Toxic Freebie 8 Has a chance (90%) of applying the Free Move Next effect to the user when the user's attack move is successful against a poisoned or badly poisoned opponent.
Toxic Freebie 9 Applies the Free Move Next effect to the user when the user's attack move is successful against a poisoned or badly poisoned opponent. Plumeria & Gengar
Toxic Hit (Attack ?) 1 Has a chance (20%) of raising the user's Attack by 1 stat rank when its attack move is successful against a poisoned or badly poisoned opponent.
Toxic Hit (Attack ?) 2 Has a chance (30%) of raising the user's Attack by 1 stat rank when its attack move is successful against a poisoned or badly poisoned opponent.
Toxic Hit (Attack ?) 3 Has a chance (40%) of raising the user's Attack by 1 stat rank when its attack move is successful against a poisoned or badly poisoned opponent.
Toxic Hit (Attack ?) 4 Has a chance (50%) of raising the user's Attack by 1 stat rank when its attack move is successful against a poisoned or badly poisoned opponent. Emma & Crobat
Toxic Hit (Attack ?) 5 Has a chance (60%) of raising the user's Attack by 1 stat rank when its attack move is successful against a poisoned or badly poisoned opponent.
Toxic Hit (Attack ?) 6 Has a chance (70%) of raising the user's Attack by 1 stat rank when its attack move is successful against a poisoned or badly poisoned opponent.
Toxic Hit (Attack ?) 7 Has a chance (80%) of raising the user's Attack by 1 stat rank when its attack move is successful against a poisoned or badly poisoned opponent.
Toxic Hit (Attack ?) 8 Has a chance (90%) of raising the user's Attack by 1 stat rank when its attack move is successful against a poisoned or badly poisoned opponent.
Toxic Hit (Attack ?) 9 Raises the user's Attack by 1 stat rank when its attack move is successful against a poisoned or badly poisoned opponent.
Toxic Hit (Speed ?) 1 Has a chance (20%) of raising the user's Speed by 1 stat rank when its attack move is successful against a poisoned or badly poisoned opponent.
Toxic Hit (Speed ?) 2 Has a chance (30%) of raising the user's Speed by 1 stat rank when its attack move is successful against a poisoned or badly poisoned opponent.
Toxic Hit (Speed ?) 3 Has a chance (40%) of raising the user's Speed by 1 stat rank when its attack move is successful against a poisoned or badly poisoned opponent.
Toxic Hit (Speed ?) 4 Has a chance (50%) of raising the user's Speed by 1 stat rank when its attack move is successful against a poisoned or badly poisoned opponent.
Toxic Hit (Speed ?) 5 Has a chance (60%) of raising the user's Speed by 1 stat rank when its attack move is successful against a poisoned or badly poisoned opponent.
Toxic Hit (Speed ?) 6 Has a chance (70%) of raising the user's Speed by 1 stat rank when its attack move is successful against a poisoned or badly poisoned opponent.
Toxic Hit (Speed ?) 7 Has a chance (80%) of raising the user's Speed by 1 stat rank when its attack move is successful against a poisoned or badly poisoned opponent.
Toxic Hit (Speed ?) 8 Has a chance (90%) of raising the user's Speed by 1 stat rank when its attack move is successful against a poisoned or badly poisoned opponent.
Toxic Hit (Speed ?) 9 Raises the user's Speed by 1 stat rank when its attack move is successful against a poisoned or badly poisoned opponent. Giovanni & Nidorino
Emma & Crobat
Toxic Power 1 Powers up the user's moves when the target is poisoned or badly poisoned. Main Character & Nidoran♂
Main Character & Nidorino
Main Character & Nidoking
Leaf & Venusaur (Female)
Leaf & Venusaur (Mega Venusaur)
Emma & Crobat
Toxic Power 2 Powers up the user's moves when the target is poisoned or badly poisoned. Koga & Crobat
Looker & Croagunk
Oleana & Garbodor
Toxic Power 3 Powers up the user's moves when the target is poisoned or badly poisoned. Professor Sycamore & Bulbasaur
Lucy & Seviper
Allister & Gengar
Bugsy & Beedrill
Bugsy & Beedrill (Mega Beedrill)
Koga & Crobat
Plumeria & Salazzle
Lucy & Seviper
Marnie & Toxicroak
Drasna & Dragalge
Emma & Crobat
Oleana & Garbodor
Toxic Power 4 Powers up the user's moves when the target is poisoned or badly poisoned.
Toxic Power 5 Powers up the user's moves when the target is poisoned or badly poisoned. Jessie & Arbok Roxie & Whirlipede
Roxie & Scolipede
Leaf & Venusaur (Female)
Leaf & Venusaur (Mega Venusaur)
Plumeria & Gengar
Geeta &
Klara & Slowbro (Galarian Form)
Trained Body 1 When the user's Defense is lowered, mitigates the reduction of Defense. 1Star Creamy Lucky Cookie
Trained Body 2 When the user's Defense is lowered, mitigates the reduction of Defense. 1Star Creamy Lucky Cookie
Trained Body 3 When the user's Defense is lowered, mitigates the reduction of Defense. 1Star Creamy Lucky Cookie
Trained Body 4 When the user's Defense is lowered, mitigates the reduction of Defense. 1Star Creamy Lucky Cookie
Trained Body 5 When the user's Defense is lowered, mitigates the reduction of Defense. Mela & 1Star Creamy Lucky Cookie
Trained Body 6 When the user's Defense is lowered, mitigates the reduction of Defense. 1Star Creamy Lucky Cookie
2Star Creamy Lucky Cookie
Trained Body 7 When the user's Defense is lowered, mitigates the reduction of Defense. 1Star Creamy Lucky Cookie
2Star Creamy Lucky Cookie
Trained Body 8 When the user's Defense is lowered, mitigates the reduction of Defense. 1Star Creamy Lucky Cookie
2Star Creamy Lucky Cookie
Trained Body 9 When the user's Defense is lowered, mitigates the reduction of Defense. 1Star Creamy Lucky Cookie
2Star Creamy Lucky Cookie
Trained Mind 1 When the user's Sp. Def is lowered, mitigates the reduction of Sp. Def. 1Star Creamy Lucky Cookie
Trained Mind 2 When the user's Sp. Def is lowered, mitigates the reduction of Sp. Def. 1Star Creamy Lucky Cookie
Trained Mind 3 When the user's Sp. Def is lowered, mitigates the reduction of Sp. Def. 1Star Creamy Lucky Cookie
Trained Mind 4 When the user's Sp. Def is lowered, mitigates the reduction of Sp. Def. 1Star Creamy Lucky Cookie
Trained Mind 5 When the user's Sp. Def is lowered, mitigates the reduction of Sp. Def. Mela & 1Star Creamy Lucky Cookie
Trained Mind 6 When the user's Sp. Def is lowered, mitigates the reduction of Sp. Def. 1Star Creamy Lucky Cookie
2Star Creamy Lucky Cookie
Trained Mind 7 When the user's Sp. Def is lowered, mitigates the reduction of Sp. Def. 1Star Creamy Lucky Cookie
2Star Creamy Lucky Cookie
Trained Mind 8 When the user's Sp. Def is lowered, mitigates the reduction of Sp. Def. 1Star Creamy Lucky Cookie
2Star Creamy Lucky Cookie
Trained Mind 9 When the user's Sp. Def is lowered, mitigates the reduction of Sp. Def. Hop & Zapdos (Galarian Form) 1Star Creamy Lucky Cookie
2Star Creamy Lucky Cookie
Trainer Sync Redemption 1 Restores 1 MP for the user's Trainer the first time its sync move is used each battle. Steven & Stoutland (Shiny Stoutland)
Emmet & Eelektross
Ash & Pikachu
Grusha &
Jacq &
Trainer Sync Redemption 2 Restores 2 MP for the user's Trainer the first time its sync move is used each battle.
Trainer Sync Redemption 3 Restores 3 MP for the user's Trainer the first time its sync move is used each battle.
Trainer Sync Redemption 4 Restores 4 MP for the user's Trainer the first time its sync move is used each battle.
Trainer Sync Redemption 5 Restores 5 MP for the user's Trainer the first time its sync move is used each battle.
Trainer Sync Redemption 6 Restores 6 MP for the user's Trainer the first time its sync move is used each battle.
Tranquil Fury 2
Trap and Buff 1 Powers up the user's moves and sync move when the target is trapped.
Trap and Buff 2 Powers up the user's moves and sync move when the target is trapped.
Trap and Buff 3 Powers up the user's moves and sync move when the target is trapped.
Trap and Buff 4 Powers up the user's moves and sync move when the target is trapped.
Trap and Buff 5 Powers up the user's moves and sync move when the target is trapped. Eusine & Suicune (Shiny Suicune)
Trap and Buff 6 Powers up the user's moves and sync move when the target is trapped.
Trap and Buff 7 Powers up the user's moves and sync move when the target is trapped.
Trap and Buff 8 Powers up the user's moves and sync move when the target is trapped.
Trap and Buff 9 Powers up the user's moves and sync move when the target is trapped.
Trap and Sync 1 Powers up the user's sync move against targets that are trapped.
Trap and Sync 2 Powers up the user's sync move against targets that are trapped.
Trap and Sync 3 Powers up the user's sync move against targets that are trapped.
Trap and Sync 4 Powers up the user's sync move against targets that are trapped. Irida Lucky Cookie 1
Trap and Sync 5 Powers up the user's sync move against targets that are trapped. Lillie & Comfey
Bertha & Hippowdon
Eusine & Suicune (Shiny Suicune)
Trap and Sync 6 Powers up the user's sync move against targets that are trapped.
Trap and Sync 7 Powers up the user's sync move against targets that are trapped.
Trap and Sync 8 Powers up the user's sync move against targets that are trapped.
Trap and Sync 9 Powers up the user's sync move against targets that are trapped. Emmet & Eelektross
Triage Tank 1 Has a chance (20%) of restoring the user's HP when it is hit by an attack move
Triage Tank 2 Has a chance (30%) of restoring the user's HP when it is hit by an attack move
Triage Tank 3 Has a chance (40%) of restoring the user's HP when it is hit by an attack move
Triage Tank 4 Has a chance (50%) of restoring the user's HP when it is hit by an attack move Mallow & Appletun
Triage Tank 5 Has a chance (60%) of restoring the user's HP when it is hit by an attack move
Triage Tank 6 Has a chance (70%) of restoring the user's HP when it is hit by an attack move
Triage Tank 7 Has a chance (80%) of restoring the user's HP when it is hit by an attack move
Triage Tank 8 Has a chance (90%) of restoring the user's HP when it is hit by an attack move
Triage Tank 9 Restores the user's HP when it is hit by an attack move Steven & Metagross Professor Sycamore & Gogoat
Iono &
Trip Twice 1 Has a chance (20%) of lowering the target's Speed by 2 stat ranks when the user's attack move against the target is successful.
Trip Twice 2 Has a chance (30%) of lowering the target's Speed by 2 stat ranks when the user's attack move against the target is successful.
Trip Twice 3 Has a chance (40%) of lowering the target's Speed by 2 stat ranks when the user's attack move against the target is successful.
Trip Twice 4 Has a chance (50%) of lowering the target's Speed by 2 stat ranks when the user's attack move against the target is successful.
Trip Twice 5 Has a chance (60%) of lowering the target's Speed by 2 stat ranks when the user's attack move against the target is successful.
Trip Twice 6 Has a chance (70%) of lowering the target's Speed by 2 stat ranks when the user's attack move against the target is successful.
Trip Twice 7 Has a chance (80%) of lowering the target's Speed by 2 stat ranks when the user's attack move against the target is successful.
Trip Twice 8 Has a chance (90%) of lowering the target's Speed by 2 stat ranks when the user's attack move against the target is successful.
Trip Twice 9 Lowers the target's Speed by 2 stat ranks when the user's attack move against the target is successful. Malva & Talonflame Raihan & Duraludon
Rei & Decidueye (Hisuian Form)
Trip Up 1 Has a chance (20%) of lowering the target's Speed by one stat rank when the user's attack move against it is successful.
Trip Up 2 Has a chance (30%) of lowering the target's Speed by one stat rank when the user's attack move against it is successful. Victor & Rillaboom
Trip Up 3 Has a chance (40%) of lowering the target's Speed by one stat rank when the user's attack move against it is successful.
Trip Up 4 Has a chance (50%) of lowering the target's Speed by one stat rank when the user's attack move against it is successful. Elesa & Joltik Acerola & Jellicent
Trip Up 5 Has a chance (60%) of lowering the target's Speed by one stat rank when the user's attack move against it is successful.
Trip Up 6 Has a chance (70%) of lowering the target's Speed by one stat rank when the user's attack move against it is successful.
Trip Up 7 Has a chance (80%) of lowering the target's Speed by one stat rank when the user's attack move against it is successful.
Trip Up 8 Has a chance (90%) of lowering the target's Speed by one stat rank when the user's attack move against it is successful.
Trip Up 9 Lowers the target's Speed by one stat rank when the user's attack move against it is successful. Lillie & Solgaleo
Silver & Crobat
Guzma & Ariados
Serena & Fletchling
Marnie & Scrafty
Falkner & Pidgeot
Archer & Houndoom
Cheryl & Wailord
Lt. Surge & Voltorb
Lt. Surge & Electrode
Noland & Ninjask
Professor Oak & Nidorino
Wally & Altaria
May & Blaziken
May & Blaziken (Mega Blaziken)
Hop & Rillaboom
Nemona &
Tina & Flareon
Eve & Eevee
Brycen-man & Zoroark
Sina & Glaceon
Mela &
Trip Wire 1 Lowers the Speed of all opposing sync pairs by 1 stat ranks when the user enters a battle. Diantha & Diancie (Shiny Diancie)
Diantha & Diancie (Shiny Mega Diancie)
Viola & Surskit
Viola & Masquerain
Burgh & Leavanny
May & Blaziken
May & Blaziken (Mega Blaziken)
Hop & Rillaboom
Trip Wire 2 Lowers the Speed of all opposing sync pairs by 2 stat ranks when the user enters a battle. Diantha & Diancie (Shiny Diancie)
Diantha & Diancie (Shiny Mega Diancie)
Archer & Houndoom
Lillie & Solgaleo
Professor Kukui & Lycanroc
Molayne & Dugtrio (Alola Form)
Trip Wire 3 Lowers the Speed of all opposing sync pairs by 3 stat ranks when the user enters a battle.
Trip Wire 4 Lowers the Speed of all opposing sync pairs by 4 stat ranks when the user enters a battle.
Tripping Strike 1 Has a chance (20%) of lowering the target's Speed by 1 stat ranks when the user's attack move against it hits. If the move has the multistrike effect tag, has a chance (20%) of lowering the target's Speed by 1 stat ranks for each hit. Barry & Heracross
Barry & Heracross (Mega Heracross)
Lorelei & Cloyster
Tripping Strike 2 Has a chance (30%) of lowering the target's Speed by 1 stat ranks when the user's attack move against it hits. If the move has the multistrike effect tag, has a chance (30%) of lowering the target's Speed by 1 stat ranks for each hit.
Tripping Strike 3 Has a chance (40%) of lowering the target's Speed by 1 stat ranks when the user's attack move against it hits. If the move has the multistrike effect tag, has a chance (40%) of lowering the target's Speed by 1 stat ranks for each hit.
Tripping Strike 4 Has a chance (50%) of lowering the target's Speed by 1 stat ranks when the user's attack move against it hits. If the move has the multistrike effect tag, has a chance (50%) of lowering the target's Speed by 1 stat ranks for each hit.
Tripping Strike 5 Has a chance (60%) of lowering the target's Speed by 1 stat ranks when the user's attack move against it hits. If the move has the multistrike effect tag, has a chance (60%) of lowering the target's Speed by 1 stat ranks for each hit.
Tripping Strike 6 Has a chance (70%) of lowering the target's Speed by 1 stat ranks when the user's attack move against it hits. If the move has the multistrike effect tag, has a chance (70%) of lowering the target's Speed by 1 stat ranks for each hit.
Tripping Strike 7 Has a chance (80%) of lowering the target's Speed by 1 stat ranks when the user's attack move against it hits. If the move has the multistrike effect tag, has a chance (80%) of lowering the target's Speed by 1 stat ranks for each hit.
Tripping Strike 8 Has a chance (90%) of lowering the target's Speed by 1 stat ranks when the user's attack move against it hits. If the move has the multistrike effect tag, has a chance (90%) of lowering the target's Speed by 1 stat ranks for each hit.
Tripping Strike 9 Lowers the target's Speed by 1 stat ranks when the user's attack move against it hits. If the move has the multistrike effect tag, lowers the target's Speed by 1 stat ranks for each hit. Silver & Sneasel Gloria & Urshifu (Rapid Strike)
Troublemaker 1 Raises the chance of success for status moves that inflict status conditions. Main Character & Venonat
Main Character & Venomoth
Main Character & Bulbasaur
Main Character & Ivysaur
Main Character & Venusaur
Main Character & Exeggcute
Main Character & Exeggutor
Main Character & Magby
Main Character & Magmar
Main Character & Tangela
Main Character & Drowzee
Main Character & Hypno
1Star Crunchy Lucky Cookie
2Star Crunchy Lucky Cookie
3Star Crunchy Lucky Cookie
1 Star Deluxe Lucky Cookie
2 Star Deluxe Lucky Cookie
Troublemaker 2 Raises the chance of success for status moves that inflict status conditions.
Troublemaker 3 Raises the chance of success for status moves that inflict status conditions.
Troublemaker 4 Raises the chance of success for status moves that inflict status conditions.
Troublemaker 5 Raises the chance of success for status moves that inflict status conditions.
Troublemaker 6 Raises the chance of success for status moves that inflict status conditions.
Troublemaker 7 Raises the chance of success for status moves that inflict status conditions.
Troublemaker 8 Raises the chance of success for status moves that inflict status conditions.
Troublemaker 9 Raises the chance of success for status moves that inflict status conditions.
Turbo Charge 2 Quickly charges the move gauge when the field is Electric Terrain. Main Character & Eevee
Main Character & Jolteon
Blue & Zapdos
Hau & Tapu Koko
Kris & Jolteon
Lt. Surge & Voltorb
Lt. Surge & Electrode
Whitney & Sawsbuck (Winter Form)
Jasmine & Ampharos
Jasmine & Ampharos (Mega Ampharos)
Volkner & Luxray
Piers & Toxtricity (Low-Key Forme)
Ash & Pikachu
Nemona &
Florian &
Turbo Turf 1 Quickly charges the move gauge when the terrain is Grassy Terrain. Main Character & Professor Sycamore & Bulbasaur
Turbo Turf 2 Quickly charges the move gauge when the terrain is Grassy Terrain. Lyra & Celebi
Main Character & Eevee
Main Character & Leafeon
Greta & Breloom
Acerola & Tapu Bulu
Blue & Exeggutor
Hilda & Leafeon
Professor Sycamore & Gogoat
Red & Venusaur
Rosa & Shaymin (Sky Forme)
Whitney & Sawsbuck (Winter Form)
Dawn & Wormadam (Plant Cloak)
Gloria & Thwackey
Hop & Rillaboom
Victor & Rillaboom
Shauna & Chesnaught
Dahlia & Ludicolo
Milo & Eldegoss
Turbo Turf 3 Quickly charges the move gauge when the terrain is Grassy Terrain.
Turbo Turf 4 Quickly charges the move gauge when the terrain is Grassy Terrain.
Turbo Turf 5 Quickly charges the move gauge when the terrain is Grassy Terrain.
Turbo Turf 6 Quickly charges the move gauge when the terrain is Grassy Terrain.
Turbo Turf 7 Quickly charges the move gauge when the terrain is Grassy Terrain.
Turbo Turf 8 Quickly charges the move gauge when the terrain is Grassy Terrain.
Turbo Turf 9 Quickly charges the move gauge when the terrain is Grassy Terrain.
Twofer 1 Has a chance (20%) of applying the Free Move Next effect to the user when its Pokémon uses a move.
Twofer 2 Has a chance (30%) of applying the Free Move Next effect to the user when its Pokémon uses a move. Giovanni & Rhydon
Sonia & Tsareena (Shiny Tsareena)
Victor & Rillaboom
Twofer 3 Has a chance (40%) of applying the Free Move Next effect to the user when its Pokémon uses a move.
Twofer 4 Has a chance (50%) of applying the Free Move Next effect to the user when its Pokémon uses a move.
Twofer 5 Has a chance (60%) of applying the Free Move Next effect to the user when its Pokémon uses a move.
Twofer 6 Has a chance (70%) of applying the Free Move Next effect to the user when its Pokémon uses a move.
Twofer 7 Has a chance (80%) of applying the Free Move Next effect to the user when its Pokémon uses a move.
Twofer 8 Has a chance (90%) of applying the Free Move Next effect to the user when its Pokémon uses a move.
Twofer 9 Applies the Free Move Next effect to the user when its Pokémon uses a move.
Ula'ula Ocean Breeze Increases the Physical Moves Up Next effect of all allied sync pairs by 1 rank when an ally activates a weather, terrain, or zone effect. Acerola & Tapu Bulu
Umbral Acceleration 1 Quickly charges the move gauge when the zone is Dark Zone.
Umbral Acceleration 2 Quickly charges the move gauge when the zone is Dark Zone. Main Character & Eevee
Main Character & Umbreon
Nanu & Persian (Alola Form)
Serena & Greninja
Serena & Greninja
Cyrus & Darkrai
Marnie & Scrafty
Selene & Umbreon
Akari & Samurott (Hisuian Form)
Umbral Acceleration 3 Quickly charges the move gauge when the zone is Dark Zone.
Umbral Acceleration 4 Quickly charges the move gauge when the zone is Dark Zone.
Umbral Acceleration 5 Quickly charges the move gauge when the zone is Dark Zone.
Umbral Acceleration 6 Quickly charges the move gauge when the zone is Dark Zone.
Umbral Acceleration 7 Quickly charges the move gauge when the zone is Dark Zone.
Umbral Acceleration 8 Quickly charges the move gauge when the zone is Dark Zone.
Umbral Acceleration 9 Quickly charges the move gauge when the zone is Dark Zone.
Umbral Healing 1 Restores the user's HP whenever its Pokémon takes an action when the zone is a Dark Zone. Serena & Greninja
Serena & Greninja
Cyrus & Darkrai
Marnie & Scrafty
Selene & Umbreon
Umbral Healing 2 Restores the user's HP whenever its Pokémon takes an action when the zone is a Dark Zone.
Umbral Healing 3 Restores the user's HP whenever its Pokémon takes an action when the zone is a Dark Zone.
Umbral Healing 4 Restores the user's HP whenever its Pokémon takes an action when the zone is a Dark Zone.
Umbral Healing 5 Restores the user's HP whenever its Pokémon takes an action when the zone is a Dark Zone.
Umbral Healing 6 Restores the user's HP whenever its Pokémon takes an action when the zone is a Dark Zone.
Umbral Healing 7 Restores the user's HP whenever its Pokémon takes an action when the zone is a Dark Zone.
Umbral Healing 8 Restores the user's HP whenever its Pokémon takes an action when the zone is a Dark Zone.
Umbral Healing 9 Restores the user's HP whenever its Pokémon takes an action when the zone is a Dark Zone.
Umbral Power 1 Powers up the user's moves when the zone is Dark Zone.
Umbral Power 2 Powers up the user's moves when the zone is Dark Zone.
Umbral Power 3 Powers up the user's moves when the zone is Dark Zone. Cyrus & Darkrai
Marnie & Scrafty
Umbral Power 4 Powers up the user's moves when the zone is Dark Zone.
Umbral Power 5 Powers up the user's moves when the zone is Dark Zone.
Umbral Power 6 Powers up the user's moves when the zone is Dark Zone.
Umbral Power 7 Powers up the user's moves when the zone is Dark Zone.
Umbral Power 8 Powers up the user's moves when the zone is Dark Zone.
Umbral Power 9 Powers up the user's moves when the zone is Dark Zone.
Umbral Tenacity Prevents the user from flinching, becoming confused, or becoming trapped when the zone is a Dark Zone. Calem & Greninja (Shiny Greninja)
Calem & Greninja (Shiny Greninja)
Unbending Defense cannot be lowered. Main Character & Geodude
Main Character & Graveler
Main Character & Golem
Main Character & Geodude
Main Character & Graveler
Main Character & Golem
Main Character & Geodude
Main Character & Graveler
Main Character & Golem
Main Character & Onix
Main Character & Magnemite
Main Character & Magneton
Main Character & Magnemite
Main Character & Magneton
Main Character & Magnemite
Main Character & Magneton
Main Character & Farfetch'd
Main Character & Spearow
Main Character & Fearow
Main Character & Shellder
Main Character & Cloyster
Main Character & Shellder
Main Character & Cloyster
Main Character & Shellder
Main Character & Cloyster
Main Character & Eevee
Main Character & Leafeon
Marlon & Carracosta
Tate & Solrock
Kabu & Torkoal
Acerola & Banette
Acerola & Tapu Bulu
Barry & Roserade
Blue & Exeggutor
Brock & Kabutops
Bruno & Onix
Caitlin & Sableye
Caitlin & Sableye (Mega Sableye)
Cheryl & Wailord
Clair & Drampa
Cynthia & Kommo-o
Diantha & Keldeo (Resolute Form)
Drake & Salamence
Elesa & Joltik
Giovanni & Nidorino
Gladion & Silvally
Hapu & Mudsdale
Hugh & Unfezant
Iris & Hydreigon
Janine & Crobat
Liza & Celesteela
Lt. Surge & Raichu
Lyra & Phanpy
Main Character & Cobalion
Main Character & Mesprit
Maylene & Meditite
Maylene & Medicham
Olivia & Carbink
Professor Kukui & Lycanroc
Professor Sycamore & Gogoat
Roxanne & Nosepass
Roxanne & Probopass
Roxanne & Runerigus
Skyla & Swanna
Skyla & Unfezant (Female)
Sophocles & Togedemaru
Wally & Delcatty
Jasmine & Ampharos
Jasmine & Ampharos (Mega Ampharos)
Burgh & Togepi
Serena & Fletchling
Morty & Mismagius
N & Zekrom
Piers & Obstagoon
Elio & Popplio
Elio & Brionne
Elio & Primarina
Selene & Umbreon
Lana & Araquanid
Ryuki & Turtonator
Raihan & Gigalith
Bea & Vanilluxe
Ingo & Excadrill
Emmet & Escavalier
Evelyn & Entei
Hop & Zamazenta (Crowned Shield)
Falkner & Pidgeot
Allister & Gourgeist (Super Size)
Sonia & Yamper
Aaron & Vespiquen
Bede & Hatterene
Courtney & Camerupt (Female)
Courtney & Camerupt (Mega Camerupt)
Victor & Greedent
Shauna & Chesnaught
Shauna & Klefki
Tierno & Crawdaunt
Anabel & Snorlax
Argenta & Skarmory
Elaine & Eevee
Iono &
Grusha & Beartic
Chase & Pikachu
Riley & Lucario
Volo & Gible
Bellelba & Swoobat
Arven &
Arven &
Eri &
Milo & Eldegoss
1Star Creamy Lucky Cookie
2Star Creamy Lucky Cookie
3Star Creamy Lucky Cookie
1 Star Deluxe Lucky Cookie
2 Star Deluxe Lucky Cookie
Unbound 3
Unbuffed Foe Freebie 1 Has a chance (20%) of applying the Free Move Next effect to the user when its attack move is successful while none of the target's stats are raised.
Unbuffed Foe Freebie 2 Has a chance (30%) of applying the Free Move Next effect to the user when its attack move is successful while none of the target's stats are raised.
Unbuffed Foe Freebie 3 Has a chance (40%) of applying the Free Move Next effect to the user when its attack move is successful while none of the target's stats are raised.
Unbuffed Foe Freebie 4 Has a chance (50%) of applying the Free Move Next effect to the user when its attack move is successful while none of the target's stats are raised. Petrel & Weezing
Unbuffed Foe Freebie 5 Has a chance (60%) of applying the Free Move Next effect to the user when its attack move is successful while none of the target's stats are raised.
Unbuffed Foe Freebie 6 Has a chance (70%) of applying the Free Move Next effect to the user when its attack move is successful while none of the target's stats are raised.
Unbuffed Foe Freebie 7 Has a chance (80%) of applying the Free Move Next effect to the user when its attack move is successful while none of the target's stats are raised.
Unbuffed Foe Freebie 8 Has a chance (90%) of applying the Free Move Next effect to the user when its attack move is successful while none of the target's stats are raised.
Unbuffed Foe Freebie 9 Applies the Free Move Next effect to the user when its attack move is successful while none of the target's stats are raised. Zinnia & Thievul Lear & Hoopa
Unbuffed Foe Staggering Hit 1 Has a chance (20%) of making the target flinch when the user's attack move against it is successful while none of the target's stats are raised
Unbuffed Foe Staggering Hit 2 Has a chance (30%) of making the target flinch when the user's attack move against it is successful while none of the target's stats are raised
Unbuffed Foe Staggering Hit 3 Has a chance (40%) of making the target flinch when the user's attack move against it is successful while none of the target's stats are raised
Unbuffed Foe Staggering Hit 4 Has a chance (50%) of making the target flinch when the user's attack move against it is successful while none of the target's stats are raised
Unbuffed Foe Staggering Hit 5 Has a chance (60%) of making the target flinch when the user's attack move against it is successful while none of the target's stats are raised
Unbuffed Foe Staggering Hit 6 Has a chance (70%) of making the target flinch when the user's attack move against it is successful while none of the target's stats are raised Zinnia & Thievul
Unbuffed Foe Staggering Hit 7 Has a chance (80%) of making the target flinch when the user's attack move against it is successful while none of the target's stats are raised
Unbuffed Foe Staggering Hit 8 Has a chance (90%) of making the target flinch when the user's attack move against it is successful while none of the target's stats are raised
Unbuffed Foe Staggering Hit 9 Makes the target flinch when the user's attack move against it is successful while none of the target's stats are raised
Unbuffed Foe Sync-Up 1 Powers up the user's sync move when none of the target's stats are raised.
Unbuffed Foe Sync-Up 2 Powers up the user's sync move when none of the target's stats are raised.
Unbuffed Foe Sync-Up 3 Powers up the user's sync move when none of the target's stats are raised.
Unbuffed Foe Sync-Up 4 Powers up the user's sync move when none of the target's stats are raised.
Unbuffed Foe Sync-Up 5 Powers up the user's sync move when none of the target's stats are raised. Petrel & Weezing
Victor & Spectrier
Unbuffed Foe Sync-Up 6 Powers up the user's sync move when none of the target's stats are raised.
Unbuffed Foe Sync-Up 7 Powers up the user's sync move when none of the target's stats are raised.
Unbuffed Foe Sync-Up 8 Powers up the user's sync move when none of the target's stats are raised.
Unbuffed Foe Sync-Up 9 Powers up the user's sync move when none of the target's stats are raised. Zinnia & Thievul
Underhanded Refresh 1 Restores 1 MP for the user's moves when its attack move is successful against targets that are affected by a status condition.
Underhanded Refresh 2 Restores 2 MP for the user's moves when its attack move is successful against targets that are affected by a status condition.
Underhanded Refresh 3 Restores 3 MP for the user's moves when its attack move is successful against targets that are affected by a status condition.
Underhanded Refresh 4 Restores 4 MP for the user's moves when its attack move is successful against targets that are affected by a status condition.
Underhanded Refresh 5 Restores 5 MP for the user's moves when its attack move is successful against targets that are affected by a status condition.
Underhanded Refresh 6 Restores 6 MP for the user's moves when its attack move is successful against targets that are affected by a status condition.
Unexpected Benefit x10 Raises the chance of lowering stat values with the additional effects of moves. When an opponent's stat is lowered by the additional effects of the user's moves, it is lowered by 10 times the stat ranks.
Unexpected Benefit x2 Raises the chance of lowering stat values with the additional effects of moves. When an opponent's stat is lowered by the additional effects of the user's moves, it is lowered by double the stat ranks. Brendan & Latios
Brendan & Latios (Mega Latios)
May & Latias (Mega Latias)
Unexpected Benefit x3 Raises the chance of lowering stat values with the additional effects of moves. When an opponent's stat is lowered by the additional effects of the user's moves, it is lowered by three times the stat ranks.
Unexpected Benefit x4 Raises the chance of lowering stat values with the additional effects of moves. When an opponent's stat is lowered by the additional effects of the user's moves, it is lowered by four times the stat ranks.
Unexpected Benefit x5 Raises the chance of lowering stat values with the additional effects of moves. When an opponent's stat is lowered by the additional effects of the user's moves, it is lowered by five times the stat ranks.
Unexpected Benefit x6 Raises the chance of lowering stat values with the additional effects of moves. When an opponent's stat is lowered by the additional effects of the user's moves, it is lowered by six times the stat ranks.
Unexpected Benefit x7 Raises the chance of lowering stat values with the additional effects of moves. When an opponent's stat is lowered by the additional effects of the user's moves, it is lowered by seven times the stat ranks.
Unexpected Benefit x8 Raises the chance of lowering stat values with the additional effects of moves. When an opponent's stat is lowered by the additional effects of the user's moves, it is lowered by eight times the stat ranks.
Unexpected Benefit x9 Raises the chance of lowering stat values with the additional effects of moves. When an opponent's stat is lowered by the additional effects of the user's moves, it is lowered by nine times the stat ranks.
Unflappable Prevents the user from flinching. Grimsley & Bisharp
Janine & Crobat
Karen & Umbreon
Korrina & Lucario
Korrina & Lucario (Mega Lucario)
Lance & Dragonite
Main Character & Zubat
Main Character & Golbat
Main Character & Zubat
Main Character & Golbat
Main Character & Zubat
Main Character & Golbat
Main Character & Kangaskhan
Main Character & Kangaskhan
Main Character & Kangaskhan
Main Character & Abra
Main Character & Kadabra
Main Character & Alakazam
Main Character & Abra
Main Character & Kadabra
Main Character & Alakazam
Main Character & Abra
Main Character & Kadabra
Main Character & Alakazam
Main Character & Dratini
Main Character & Dragonair
Main Character & Dragonite
Main Character & Dratini
Main Character & Dragonair
Main Character & Dragonite
Main Character & Dratini
Main Character & Dragonair
Main Character & Dragonite
Main Character & Munchlax
Main Character & Snorlax
Main Character & Munchlax
Main Character & Snorlax
Main Character & Munchlax
Main Character & Snorlax
Main Character & Tyrogue
Main Character & Hitmonchan
Main Character & Tyrogue
Main Character & Hitmontop
Main Character & Tyrogue
Main Character & Hitmonlee
Professor Kukui & Lycanroc
Sabrina & Alakazam
Sabrina & Alakazam (Mega Alakazam)
Riley & Lucario
Barry & Heracross
Barry & Heracross (Mega Heracross)
Barry & Floatzel
Blue & Exeggutor
Blue & Zapdos
Blue & Alakazam
Brendan & Latios
Brendan & Latios (Mega Latios)
Bugsy & Kricketune
Caitlin & Sableye
Caitlin & Sableye (Mega Sableye)
Calem & Greninja (Shiny Greninja)
Calem & Greninja (Shiny Greninja)
Candice & Darmanitan (Galarian Form)
Candice & Darmanitan (Galarian Form Zen Mode)
Crasher Wake & Floatzel
Drake & Salamence
Giovanni & Nidorino
Gladion & Golbat
Gladion & Weavile
Hilda & Grapploct (Shiny Grapploct)
Hilda & Victini
Hugh & Unfezant
Korrina & Marshadow
Kris & Suicune
Lance & Dragonite
Main Character & Registeel
Maylene & Meditite
Maylene & Medicham
Nanu & Persian (Alola Form)
Noland & Pinsir
Noland & Pinsir (Mega Pinsir)
Palmer & Regigigas
Phoebe & Cofagrigus
Rosa & Dewott
Roxie & Toxtricity (Amped Form)
Silver & Sneasel
Silver & Crobat
Wally & Altaria
Will & Xatu
Winona & Altaria
Glacia & Glalie
Glacia & Glalie (Mega Glalie)
Plumeria & Gengar
Serena & Greninja
Serena & Greninja
Morty & Ho-Oh (Shiny Ho-Oh)
Nate & Haxorus (Shiny Haxorus)
May & Latias
May & Latias (Mega Latias)
Lysandre & Yveltal
Leon & Eternatus
Marnie & Moltres (Galarian Form)
Marnie & Scrafty
Selene & Umbreon
Selene & Scizor (Female)
Lana & Lanturn
Raihan & Duraludon
Emmet & Archeops
Hop & Zapdos (Galarian Form)
Hop & Rillaboom
Allister & Gourgeist (Super Size)
Lucian & Girafarig
Proton & Golbat
Bede & Articuno (Galarian Form)
Nita & Landorus
Trevor & Florges (Orange Flower)
Kali & Azumarill
Emma & Crobat
Irida & Glaceon
Eusine & Suicune (Shiny Suicune)
Olympia & Sigilyph
Nemona &
Nemona &
Paulo & Lycanroc (Dusk Form)
Akari & Samurott (Hisuian Form)
Lenora & Watchog
Elaine & Eevee
Iono &
Iono &
Volo & Togepi
Jacq &
Brycen-man & Zoroark
Poppy &
Larry &
Avery & Slowking (Galarian Form)
Arven &
Sina & Glaceon
Milo & Eldegoss
1Star Crispy Lucky Cookie
2Star Crispy Lucky Cookie
3Star Crispy Lucky Cookie
1 Star Deluxe Lucky Cookie
2 Star Deluxe Lucky Cookie
Unfortuitous 1 Has a chance (20%) of lowering one of the target's following stats by one stat rank at random when the user's attack move against it is successful: Attack, Defense, Sp. Atk, Sp. Def, Speed, accuracy, or evasiveness.
Unfortuitous 2 Has a chance (30%) of lowering one of the target's following stats by one stat rank at random when the user's attack move against it is successful: Attack, Defense, Sp. Atk, Sp. Def, Speed, accuracy, or evasiveness.
Unfortuitous 3 Has a chance (40%) of lowering one of the target's following stats by one stat rank at random when the user's attack move against it is successful: Attack, Defense, Sp. Atk, Sp. Def, Speed, accuracy, or evasiveness. Bianca & Musharna
Unfortuitous 4 Has a chance (50%) of lowering one of the target's following stats by one stat rank at random when the user's attack move against it is successful: Attack, Defense, Sp. Atk, Sp. Def, Speed, accuracy, or evasiveness. Serena & Fletchling
Kiawe & Marowak (Alola Form)
Volo Lucky Cookie 1
Unfortuitous 5 Has a chance (60%) of lowering one of the target's following stats by one stat rank at random when the user's attack move against it is successful: Attack, Defense, Sp. Atk, Sp. Def, Speed, accuracy, or evasiveness.
Unfortuitous 6 Has a chance (70%) of lowering one of the target's following stats by one stat rank at random when the user's attack move against it is successful: Attack, Defense, Sp. Atk, Sp. Def, Speed, accuracy, or evasiveness.
Unfortuitous 7 Has a chance (80%) of lowering one of the target's following stats by one stat rank at random when the user's attack move against it is successful: Attack, Defense, Sp. Atk, Sp. Def, Speed, accuracy, or evasiveness.
Unfortuitous 8 Has a chance (90%) of lowering one of the target's following stats by one stat rank at random when the user's attack move against it is successful: Attack, Defense, Sp. Atk, Sp. Def, Speed, accuracy, or evasiveness.
Unfortuitous 9 Lowers one of the target's following stats by one stat rank at random when the user's attack move against it is successful: Attack, Defense, Sp. Atk, Sp. Def, Speed, accuracy, or evasiveness. Main Character & Alcremie (Ruby Cream - Berry Sweet)
Main Character & Alcremie (Matcha Cream - Clover Sweet)
Main Character & Alcremie (Mint Cream - Star Sweet)
Main Character & Alcremie (Lemon Cream - Flower Sweet)
Main Character & Alcremie (Salted Cream - Ribbon Sweet)
Main Character & Alcremie (Caramel Swirl - Love Sweet)
Professor Oak & Mew
Professor Oak & Mew
Eve & Eevee
Hau & Tapu Koko
Red & Venusaur
Skyla & Tornadus (Therian Forme)
Volkner & Raichu
Lear & Hoopa
Hop & Pincurchin
Malva & Talonflame
Penny & Sylveon
Poppy & Steelix (Shiny Steelix)
Poppy & Steelix (Shiny Mega Steelix)
Paulo Lucky Cookie 1
Unfortunate Strike 1 Has a chance (20%) of lowering one of the target's following stats by one stat rank at random when the user's attack move against it hits: Attack, Defense, Sp. Atk, Sp. Def, Speed, accuracy, or evasiveness. If the move has the multistrike effect tag, lowers one of the target's following stats by one stat rank at random for each hit: Attack, Defense, Sp. Atk, Sp. Def, Speed, accuracy, or evasiveness.
Unfortunate Strike 2 Has a chance (30%) of lowering one of the target's following stats by one stat rank at random when the user's attack move against it hits: Attack, Defense, Sp. Atk, Sp. Def, Speed, accuracy, or evasiveness. If the move has the multistrike effect tag, lowers one of the target's following stats by one stat rank at random for each hit: Attack, Defense, Sp. Atk, Sp. Def, Speed, accuracy, or evasiveness.
Unfortunate Strike 3 Has a chance (40%) of lowering one of the target's following stats by one stat rank at random when the user's attack move against it hits: Attack, Defense, Sp. Atk, Sp. Def, Speed, accuracy, or evasiveness. If the move has the multistrike effect tag, lowers one of the target's following stats by one stat rank at random for each hit: Attack, Defense, Sp. Atk, Sp. Def, Speed, accuracy, or evasiveness.
Unfortunate Strike 4 Has a chance (50%) of lowering one of the target's following stats by one stat rank at random when the user's attack move against it hits: Attack, Defense, Sp. Atk, Sp. Def, Speed, accuracy, or evasiveness. If the move has the multistrike effect tag, lowers one of the target's following stats by one stat rank at random for each hit: Attack, Defense, Sp. Atk, Sp. Def, Speed, accuracy, or evasiveness. Gladion & Weavile Gladion & Weavile
Greta & Breloom
Unfortunate Strike 5 Has a chance (60%) of lowering one of the target's following stats by one stat rank at random when the user's attack move against it hits: Attack, Defense, Sp. Atk, Sp. Def, Speed, accuracy, or evasiveness. If the move has the multistrike effect tag, lowers one of the target's following stats by one stat rank at random for each hit: Attack, Defense, Sp. Atk, Sp. Def, Speed, accuracy, or evasiveness.
Unfortunate Strike 6 Has a chance (70%) of lowering one of the target's following stats by one stat rank at random when the user's attack move against it hits: Attack, Defense, Sp. Atk, Sp. Def, Speed, accuracy, or evasiveness. If the move has the multistrike effect tag, lowers one of the target's following stats by one stat rank at random for each hit: Attack, Defense, Sp. Atk, Sp. Def, Speed, accuracy, or evasiveness.
Unfortunate Strike 7 Has a chance (80%) of lowering one of the target's following stats by one stat rank at random when the user's attack move against it hits: Attack, Defense, Sp. Atk, Sp. Def, Speed, accuracy, or evasiveness. If the move has the multistrike effect tag, lowers one of the target's following stats by one stat rank at random for each hit: Attack, Defense, Sp. Atk, Sp. Def, Speed, accuracy, or evasiveness.
Unfortunate Strike 8 Has a chance (90%) of lowering one of the target's following stats by one stat rank at random when the user's attack move against it hits: Attack, Defense, Sp. Atk, Sp. Def, Speed, accuracy, or evasiveness. If the move has the multistrike effect tag, lowers one of the target's following stats by one stat rank at random for each hit: Attack, Defense, Sp. Atk, Sp. Def, Speed, accuracy, or evasiveness.
Unfortunate Strike 9 Lowers one of the target's following stats by one stat rank at random when the user's attack move against it hits: Attack, Defense, Sp. Atk, Sp. Def, Speed, accuracy, or evasiveness. If the move has the multistrike effect tag, lowers one of the target's following stats by one stat rank at random for each hit: Attack, Defense, Sp. Atk, Sp. Def, Speed, accuracy, or evasiveness. Serena & Greninja
Leon & Dragapult
Silver & Sneasel
Jacq &
Unhindered When the user attacks, ignores damage-reducing effects on the target's field of play. Noland & Pinsir (Mega Pinsir)
Shauntal & Chandelure
Lucy & Seviper
Unimpeded 1
Unimpeded 2
Unnerving Leer 1
Unova Flag Bearer Powers up the moves of all allied sync pairs by 10%.Reduces attack damage taken by all allied sync pairs by 20%.These percentages increase according to the number of allied sync pairs with the Unova theme on your team. (Each additional sync pair powers up moves by 10% and reduces damage by 3%. The maximum power-up is 30%, and the maximum damage reduction is 26%.) Rosa & Meloetta (Aria Form)
Rosa & Meloetta (Pirouette Forme)
Bianca & Virizion
N & Reshiram
Unyielding 1 When the user's Enduring effect activates and the user has 1 HP remaining, has a chance (20%) of applying the Enduring effect to the user again. Main Character & Pikachu
Main Character & Pikachu
Unyielding 2 When the user's Enduring effect activates and the user has 1 HP remaining, has a chance (30%) of applying the Enduring effect to the user again. Olivia & Carbink Bruno & Onix
Kris & Totodile
Kris & Croconaw
Kris & Feraligatr
Lusamine & Pheromosa
Main Character & Regirock
Marlon & Carracosta
Sophocles & Togedemaru
Steven & Metagross
Steven & Metagross (Mega Metagross)
Jasmine & Steelix
Jasmine & Steelix (Mega Steelix)
Jasmine & Celesteela
Wallace & Milotic
Rachel & Umbreon
Hala & Crabominable
Unyielding 3 When the user's Enduring effect activates and the user has 1 HP remaining, has a chance (40%) of applying the Enduring effect to the user again. Piers & Obstagoon
Unyielding 4 When the user's Enduring effect activates and the user has 1 HP remaining, has a chance (50%) of applying the Enduring effect to the user again.
Unyielding 5 When the user's Enduring effect activates and the user has 1 HP remaining, has a chance (60%) of applying the Enduring effect to the user again.
Use Doom Desire: Team Same Stat ? Raises one of the following stats of all allied sync pairs by 1 stat rank at random when the user uses 2 P-Moves: Doom Desire: Attack, Defense, Sp. Atk, Sp. Def, Speed, accuracy, or evasiveness. (The same stat is raised for all allied sync pairs.) Tate & Jirachi
Use Doom Desire: Team Same Stat Up 2 Raises one of the following stats of all allied sync pairs by 2 stat ranks at random when the user uses 2 P-Moves: Doom Desire: Attack, Defense, Sp. Atk, Sp. Def, Speed, accuracy, or evasiveness. (The same stat is raised for all allied sync pairs.) Tate & Jirachi
Use Status P-Move: Team Accuracy Up2 1 Has a chance (20%) of raising the accuracy of all allied sync pairs by 2 stat ranks when the user's Pokémon uses a status move.
Use Status P-Move: Team Accuracy Up2 2 Has a chance (30%) of raising the accuracy of all allied sync pairs by 2 stat ranks when the user's Pokémon uses a status move.
Use Status P-Move: Team Accuracy Up2 3 Has a chance (40%) of raising the accuracy of all allied sync pairs by 2 stat ranks when the user's Pokémon uses a status move.
Use Status P-Move: Team Accuracy Up2 4 Has a chance (50%) of raising the accuracy of all allied sync pairs by 2 stat ranks when the user's Pokémon uses a status move.
Use Status P-Move: Team Accuracy Up2 5 Has a chance (60%) of raising the accuracy of all allied sync pairs by 2 stat ranks when the user's Pokémon uses a status move.
Use Status P-Move: Team Accuracy Up2 6 Has a chance (70%) of raising the accuracy of all allied sync pairs by 2 stat ranks when the user's Pokémon uses a status move.
Use Status P-Move: Team Accuracy Up2 7 Has a chance (80%) of raising the accuracy of all allied sync pairs by 2 stat ranks when the user's Pokémon uses a status move.
Use Status P-Move: Team Accuracy Up2 8 Has a chance (90%) of raising the accuracy of all allied sync pairs by 2 stat ranks when the user's Pokémon uses a status move.
Use Status P-Move: Team Accuracy Up2 9 Raises the accuracy of all allied sync pairs by 2 stat ranks when the user's Pokémon uses a status move. Argenta & Skarmory
Use Status P-Move: Team Physical Boost Up1 1 Has a chance (20%) of increasing the Physical Moves ↑ Next effect of all allied sync pairs by 1 rank when the user's Pokémon uses a status move.
Use Status P-Move: Team Physical Boost Up1 2 Has a chance (30%) of increasing the Physical Moves ↑ Next effect of all allied sync pairs by 1 rank when the user's Pokémon uses a status move.
Use Status P-Move: Team Physical Boost Up1 3 Has a chance (40%) of increasing the Physical Moves ↑ Next effect of all allied sync pairs by 1 rank when the user's Pokémon uses a status move.
Use Status P-Move: Team Physical Boost Up1 4 Has a chance (50%) of increasing the Physical Moves ↑ Next effect of all allied sync pairs by 1 rank when the user's Pokémon uses a status move.
Use Status P-Move: Team Physical Boost Up1 5 Has a chance (60%) of increasing the Physical Moves ↑ Next effect of all allied sync pairs by 1 rank when the user's Pokémon uses a status move.
Use Status P-Move: Team Physical Boost Up1 6 Has a chance (70%) of increasing the Physical Moves ↑ Next effect of all allied sync pairs by 1 rank when the user's Pokémon uses a status move.
Use Status P-Move: Team Physical Boost Up1 7 Has a chance (80%) of increasing the Physical Moves ↑ Next effect of all allied sync pairs by 1 rank when the user's Pokémon uses a status move.
Use Status P-Move: Team Physical Boost Up1 8 Has a chance (90%) of increasing the Physical Moves ↑ Next effect of all allied sync pairs by 1 rank when the user's Pokémon uses a status move.
Use Status P-Move: Team Physical Boost Up1 9 Increases the Physical Moves ↑ Next effect of all allied sync pairs by 1 rank when the user's Pokémon uses a status move. Argenta & Skarmory
Venomous 1 Has a chance (20%) of leaving the target badly poisoned when the user's move targeting that opponent is successful.
Venomous 2 Has a chance (30%) of leaving the target badly poisoned when the user's move targeting that opponent is successful. Leaf & Venusaur (Female)
Leaf & Venusaur (Mega Venusaur)
Venomous 3 Has a chance (40%) of leaving the target badly poisoned when the user's move targeting that opponent is successful.
Venomous 4 Has a chance (50%) of leaving the target badly poisoned when the user's move targeting that opponent is successful. Leaf & Venusaur (Female)
Venomous 4 Has a chance (50%) of leaving the target badly poisoned when the user's move targeting that opponent is successful. Leaf & Venusaur (Female)
Venomous 5 Has a chance (60%) of leaving the target badly poisoned when the user's move targeting that opponent is successful.
Venomous 6 Has a chance (70%) of leaving the target badly poisoned when the user's move targeting that opponent is successful.
Venomous 7 Has a chance (80%) of leaving the target badly poisoned when the user's move targeting that opponent is successful.
Venomous 8 Has a chance (90%) of leaving the target badly poisoned when the user's move targeting that opponent is successful.
Venomous 9 Leaves the target badly poisoned when the user's move targeting that opponent is successful.
Venomous Sync All 1 Has a chance (90%) of leaving all opposing sync pairs badly poisoned after using the user's sync move.
Venomous Sync All 2 Has a chance (90%) of leaving all opposing sync pairs badly poisoned after using the user's sync move.
Venomous Sync All 3 Has a chance (90%) of leaving all opposing sync pairs badly poisoned after using the user's sync move.
Venomous Sync All 4 Has a chance (90%) of leaving all opposing sync pairs badly poisoned after using the user's sync move.
Venomous Sync All 5 Has a chance (90%) of leaving all opposing sync pairs badly poisoned after using the user's sync move.
Venomous Sync All 6 Has a chance (90%) of leaving all opposing sync pairs badly poisoned after using the user's sync move.
Venomous Sync All 7 Has a chance (90%) of leaving all opposing sync pairs badly poisoned after using the user's sync move.
Venomous Sync All 8 Has a chance (90%) of leaving all opposing sync pairs badly poisoned after using the user's sync move.
Venomous Sync All 9 Leaves all opposing sync pairs badly poisoned after using the user's sync move. Roxie & Toxtricity (Amped Form)
Emma & Crobat
Verdant Immunity Status conditions cannot be inflicted on the user when the terrain is Grassy Terrain Lyra & Celebi
Hop & Rillaboom
Verdant Recovery 1 Restores the user's HP whenever its Pokémon takes an action when the terrain is Grassy Terrain. Hilda & Leafeon
Lyra & Celebi
Whitney & Sawsbuck (Winter Form)
Dawn & Wormadam (Plant Cloak)
Victor & Rillaboom
Shauna & Chesnaught
Greta & Breloom
Milo & Eldegoss
Verdant Recovery 2 Restores the user's HP whenever its Pokémon takes an action when the terrain is Grassy Terrain.
Verdant Recovery 3 Restores the user's HP whenever its Pokémon takes an action when the terrain is Grassy Terrain.
Verdant Recovery 4 Restores the user's HP whenever its Pokémon takes an action when the terrain is Grassy Terrain.
Verdant Recovery 5 Restores the user's HP whenever its Pokémon takes an action when the terrain is Grassy Terrain.
Verdant Recovery 6 Restores the user's HP whenever its Pokémon takes an action when the terrain is Grassy Terrain.
Verdant Recovery 7 Restores the user's HP whenever its Pokémon takes an action when the terrain is Grassy Terrain.
Verdant Recovery 8 Restores the user's HP whenever its Pokémon takes an action when the terrain is Grassy Terrain.
Verdant Recovery 9 Restores the user's HP whenever its Pokémon takes an action when the terrain is Grassy Terrain.
Victory Charge 1 Charges the user's move gauge by 1 when it knocks out an opponent with a move.
Victory Charge 2 Charges the user's move gauge by 2 when it knocks out an opponent with a move. Guzma & Buzzwole
Victory Charge 3 Charges the user's move gauge by 3 when it knocks out an opponent with a move.
Victory Charge 4 Charges the user's move gauge by 4 when it knocks out an opponent with a move.
Victory Charge 5 Charges the user's move gauge by 5 when it knocks out an opponent with a move.
Victory Charge 6 Charges the user's move gauge by 6 when it knocks out an opponent with a move. Iris & Naganadel
Victory Flex 1 Raises the user's Attack by 1 stat ranks when it knocks out an opponent with a move.
Victory Flex 2 Raises the user's Attack by 2 stat ranks when it knocks out an opponent with a move. Leon & Calyrex (Ice Rider) Noland & Pinsir
Noland & Pinsir (Mega Pinsir)
Victory Flex 3 Raises the user's Attack by 3 stat ranks when it knocks out an opponent with a move.
Victory Flex 4 Raises the user's Attack by 4 stat ranks when it knocks out an opponent with a move.
Victory Flex 5 Raises the user's Attack by 5 stat ranks when it knocks out an opponent with a move.
Victory Flex 6 Raises the user's Attack by 6 stat ranks when it knocks out an opponent with a move.
Victory Lap Applies the Critical Hit Next effect to the user when it knocks out an opponent with a move. Main Character & Porygon
Main Character & Paras
Main Character & Parasect
Bugsy & Beedrill
Bugsy & Beedrill (Mega Beedrill)
Victory Wall
Vigilance Protects the user against critical hits. Brock & Kabutops
Caitlin & Sableye
Caitlin & Sableye (Mega Sableye)
Main Character & Raikou
Main Character & Onix
Main Character & Onix
Main Character & Onix
Main Character & Staryu
Main Character & Starmie
Main Character & Shellder
Main Character & Cloyster
Main Character & Meowth (Galarian Form)
Main Character & Perrserker
Phoebe & Dusclops
Phoebe & Dusknoir
Phoebe & Cofagrigus
Rosa & Dewott
Wikstrom & Aegislash
Wikstrom & Aegislash (Blade Forme)
Zinnia & Thievul
Valerie & Mawile
Clemont & Magneton
Dawn & Turtwig
Dawn & Grotle
Dawn & Torterra
Sawyer &
Bede & Articuno (Galarian Form)
Victor & Greedent
Tierno & Crawdaunt
Irida & Glaceon
Rose & Perrserker
Dana & Regice
Iono &
Acerola & Tapu Bulu
Blue & Zapdos
Candice & Darmanitan (Galarian Form)
Candice & Darmanitan (Galarian Form Zen Mode)
Cheryl & Blissey
Giovanni & Guzzlord
Gladion & Silvally
Hilbert & Oshawott
Hilbert & Dewott
Hilbert & Samurott
Lance & Dragonite
Liza & Celesteela
Lorelei & Cloyster
Lyra & Phanpy
Roxanne & Runerigus
Steven & Deoxys (Normal Forme)
Steven & Deoxys (Normal Forme)
Steven & Deoxys (Attack Forme)
Steven & Deoxys (Defense Forme)
Steven & Deoxys (Speed Forme)
Winona & Altaria
Guzma & Golisopod
Guzma & Ariados
Jasmine & Celesteela
Dawn & Wormadam (Plant Cloak)
Burgh & Togepi
Morty & Banette
Morty & Banette (Mega Banette)
Morty & Ho-Oh (Shiny Ho-Oh)
Mallow & Appletun
May & Blaziken
May & Blaziken (Mega Blaziken)
Lear &
Elio & Stakataka
Lana & Araquanid
Ryuki & Turtonator
Nessa & Drednaw
Bea & Vanilluxe
Ingo & Excadrill
Emmet & Archeops
Emmet & Escavalier
Lucas & Torterra
Proton & Golbat
Melony & Lapras
Shauna & Chesnaught
Ball Guy & Amoonguss
Nemona &
Argenta & Skarmory
Grusha &
Grusha & Beartic
Jacq &
Rika &
Kabu & Centiskorch
Arven &
Morgan & Virizion
1Star Creamy Lucky Cookie
2Star Creamy Lucky Cookie
3Star Creamy Lucky Cookie
1 Star Deluxe Lucky Cookie
2 Star Deluxe Lucky Cookie
3 Star Deluxe Lucky Cookie
Guaranteed Lucky Cookie 8
Giacomo Lucky Cookie 1
Viral Hit 1 When the user inflicts a status condition on an opponent with the additional effects of a move, has a chance (20%) of inflicting the same status condition on all opposing sync pairs.
Viral Hit 2 When the user inflicts a status condition on an opponent with the additional effects of a move, has a chance (30%) of inflicting the same status condition on all opposing sync pairs.
Viral Hit 3 When the user inflicts a status condition on an opponent with the additional effects of a move, has a chance (40%) of inflicting the same status condition on all opposing sync pairs.
Viral Hit 4 When the user inflicts a status condition on an opponent with the additional effects of a move, has a chance (50%) of inflicting the same status condition on all opposing sync pairs.
Viral Hit 5 When the user inflicts a status condition on an opponent with the additional effects of a move, has a chance (60%) of inflicting the same status condition on all opposing sync pairs.
Viral Hit 6 When the user inflicts a status condition on an opponent with the additional effects of a move, has a chance (70%) of inflicting the same status condition on all opposing sync pairs.
Viral Hit 7 When the user inflicts a status condition on an opponent with the additional effects of a move, has a chance (80%) of inflicting the same status condition on all opposing sync pairs.
Viral Hit 8 When the user inflicts a status condition on an opponent with the additional effects of a move, has a chance (90%) of inflicting the same status condition on all opposing sync pairs.
Viral Hit 9 When the user inflicts a status condition on an opponent with the additional effects of a move, inflicts the same status condition on all opposing sync pairs. Elesa & Emolga
Viral Speed 4
Virulent Toxin 1 Powers up the user's sync move when the target is poisoned or badly poisoned.
Virulent Toxin 2 Powers up the user's sync move when the target is poisoned or badly poisoned. Emma & Crobat
Oleana & Garbodor
Virulent Toxin 3 Powers up the user's sync move when the target is poisoned or badly poisoned. Iris & Naganadel Clay & Palpitoad
Clay & Seismitoad
Petrel & Weezing
Geeta &
Virulent Toxin 4 Powers up the user's sync move when the target is poisoned or badly poisoned. Klara Lucky Cookie 1
Virulent Toxin 5 Powers up the user's sync move when the target is poisoned or badly poisoned. Ariana & Arbok
Janine & Ariados
Professor Sycamore & Bulbasaur
Plumeria & Salazzle
Plumeria & Gengar
Lucy & Seviper
Marnie & Toxicroak
Allister & Gengar
Looker & Croagunk
Drasna & Dragalge
Oleana & Garbodor
Virulent Toxin 6 Powers up the user's sync move when the target is poisoned or badly poisoned.
Virulent Toxin 7 Powers up the user's sync move when the target is poisoned or badly poisoned.
Virulent Toxin 8 Powers up the user's sync move when the target is poisoned or badly poisoned.
Virulent Toxin 9 Powers up the user's sync move when the target is poisoned or badly poisoned.
Watch for Ice Causes a hailstorm when the user turns the field of play's zone into an Ice Zone. Irida & Glaceon
Water Crush 1 Has a chance (20%) of lowering the target's Defense by 1 stat rank when the user's Water-type move against the target is successful.
Water Crush 2 Has a chance (30%) of lowering the target's Defense by 1 stat rank when the user's Water-type move against the target is successful.
Water Crush 3 Has a chance (40%) of lowering the target's Defense by 1 stat rank when the user's Water-type move against the target is successful.
Water Crush 4 Has a chance (50%) of lowering the target's Defense by 1 stat rank when the user's Water-type move against the target is successful.
Water Crush 5 Has a chance (60%) of lowering the target's Defense by 1 stat rank when the user's Water-type move against the target is successful.
Water Crush 6 Has a chance (70%) of lowering the target's Defense by 1 stat rank when the user's Water-type move against the target is successful.
Water Crush 7 Has a chance (80%) of lowering the target's Defense by 1 stat rank when the user's Water-type move against the target is successful.
Water Crush 8 Has a chance (90%) of lowering the target's Defense by 1 stat rank when the user's Water-type move against the target is successful.
Water Crush 9 Lowers the target's Defense by 1 stat rank when the user's Water-type move against the target is successful. Hilbert & Genesect
Water Guard Reduces damage when the user is attacked by Water-type moves. Steven & Cradily
Lana & Lanturn
Chuck & Poliwrath
Acerola & Jellicent
Lysandre & Volcanion
Looker & Croagunk
Rika &
Chewy Lucky Cookie
Water Shift Normal-type moves become Water-type moves. Kris & Totodile
Kris & Croconaw
Kris & Feraligatr
Main Character & Magikarp
Main Character & Gyarados
Main Character & Magikarp
Main Character & Gyarados
Main Character & Magikarp
Main Character & Gyarados
Weakening Fire 1 Has a chance (20%) of lowering the target's Attack by 1 stat rank when the user's Fire-type move against the target is successful.
Weakening Fire 2 Has a chance (30%) of lowering the target's Attack by 1 stat rank when the user's Fire-type move against the target is successful.
Weakening Fire 3 Has a chance (40%) of lowering the target's Attack by 1 stat rank when the user's Fire-type move against the target is successful.
Weakening Fire 4 Has a chance (50%) of lowering the target's Attack by 1 stat rank when the user's Fire-type move against the target is successful.
Weakening Fire 5 Has a chance (60%) of lowering the target's Attack by 1 stat rank when the user's Fire-type move against the target is successful.
Weakening Fire 6 Has a chance (70%) of lowering the target's Attack by 1 stat rank when the user's Fire-type move against the target is successful.
Weakening Fire 7 Has a chance (80%) of lowering the target's Attack by 1 stat rank when the user's Fire-type move against the target is successful.
Weakening Fire 8 Has a chance (90%) of lowering the target's Attack by 1 stat rank when the user's Fire-type move against the target is successful.
Weakening Fire 9 Lowers the target's Attack by 1 stat rank when the user's Fire-type move against the target is successful. Hilbert & Genesect
Weather Buff The user's Attack, Defense, Sp. Atk, Sp. Def, and Speed increase 30% when weather conditions are in effect. Raihan & Flygon
Weather Surge 1 Powers up moves when weather conditions are in effect.
Weather Surge 2 Powers up moves when weather conditions are in effect.
Weather Surge 3 Powers up moves when weather conditions are in effect. Zinnia & Rayquaza
Zinnia & Rayquaza (Mega Rayquaza)
Professor Oak & Mew
Professor Oak & Mew
Zinnia & Rayquaza
Zinnia & Rayquaza (Mega Rayquaza)
Weather Sync-Up 5 Powers up sync moves when weather conditions are in effect. Zinnia & Rayquaza
Zinnia & Rayquaza (Mega Rayquaza)
Raihan & Flygon
Weather Wipe 1 Has a chance (20%) of removing weather conditions when the user's Pokémon uses a move.
Weather Wipe 2 Has a chance (30%) of removing weather conditions when the user's Pokémon uses a move.
Weather Wipe 3 Has a chance (40%) of removing weather conditions when the user's Pokémon uses a move.
Weather Wipe 4 Has a chance (50%) of removing weather conditions when the user's Pokémon uses a move.
Weather Wipe 5 Has a chance (60%) of removing weather conditions when the user's Pokémon uses a move.
Weather Wipe 6 Has a chance (70%) of removing weather conditions when the user's Pokémon uses a move.
Weather Wipe 7 Has a chance (80%) of removing weather conditions when the user's Pokémon uses a move.
Weather Wipe 8 Has a chance (90%) of removing weather conditions when the user's Pokémon uses a move.
Weather Wipe 9 Removes all weather conditions when the user's Pokémon uses a move. Steven & Rayquaza (Shiny Rayquaza)
Steven & Rayquaza (Shiny Mega Rayquaza)
Weathered Warrior 1 Powers up the user's moves and sync move when weather conditions are in effect.
Weathered Warrior 2 Powers up the user's moves and sync move when weather conditions are in effect.
Weathered Warrior 3 Powers up the user's moves and sync move when weather conditions are in effect. Raihan & Duraludon
Eusine & Suicune (Shiny Suicune)
1 Star Deluxe Lucky Cookie
2 Star Deluxe Lucky Cookie
3 Star Deluxe Lucky Cookie
Guaranteed Lucky Cookie 9
Weathered Warrior 4 Powers up the user's moves and sync move when weather conditions are in effect.
Weathered Warrior 5 Powers up the user's moves and sync move when weather conditions are in effect.
Weathered Warrior 6 Powers up the user's moves and sync move when weather conditions are in effect.
Weathered Warrior 7 Powers up the user's moves and sync move when weather conditions are in effect.
Weathered Warrior 8 Powers up the user's moves and sync move when weather conditions are in effect.
Weathered Warrior 9 Powers up the user's moves and sync move when weather conditions are in effect.
Weigh Down 1 Has a chance (20%) of lowering the evasiveness of all opposing sync pairs by one stat rank when the user's move targeting an opponent is successful.
Weigh Down 2 Has a chance (30%) of lowering the evasiveness of all opposing sync pairs by one stat rank when the user's move targeting an opponent is successful.
Weigh Down 3 Has a chance (40%) of lowering the evasiveness of all opposing sync pairs by one stat rank when the user's move targeting an opponent is successful.
Weigh Down 4 Has a chance (50%) of lowering the evasiveness of all opposing sync pairs by one stat rank when the user's move targeting an opponent is successful. Darach & Staraptor
Weigh Down 5 Has a chance (60%) of lowering the evasiveness of all opposing sync pairs by one stat rank when the user's move targeting an opponent is successful.
Weigh Down 6 Has a chance (70%) of lowering the evasiveness of all opposing sync pairs by one stat rank when the user's move targeting an opponent is successful.
Weigh Down 7 Has a chance (80%) of lowering the evasiveness of all opposing sync pairs by one stat rank when the user's move targeting an opponent is successful.
Weigh Down 8 Has a chance (90%) of lowering the evasiveness of all opposing sync pairs by one stat rank when the user's move targeting an opponent is successful.
Weigh Down 9 Lowers the evasiveness of all opposing sync pairs by one stat rank when the user's move targeting an opponent is successful.
Weird Charge 1 Has a chance (20%) of charging the user's move gauge by 1 when it uses a move while the terrain is Psychic Terrain.
Weird Charge 2 Has a chance (30%) of charging the user's move gauge by 1 when it uses a move while the terrain is Psychic Terrain.
Weird Charge 3 Has a chance (40%) of charging the user's move gauge by 1 when it uses a move while the terrain is Psychic Terrain.
Weird Charge 4 Has a chance (50%) of charging the user's move gauge by 1 when it uses a move while the terrain is Psychic Terrain.
Weird Charge 5 Has a chance (60%) of charging the user's move gauge by 1 when it uses a move while the terrain is Psychic Terrain.
Weird Charge 6 Has a chance (70%) of charging the user's move gauge by 1 when it uses a move while the terrain is Psychic Terrain.
Weird Charge 7 Has a chance (80%) of charging the user's move gauge by 1 when it uses a move while the terrain is Psychic Terrain.
Weird Charge 8 Has a chance (90%) of charging the user's move gauge by 1 when it uses a move while the terrain is Psychic Terrain.
Weird Charge 9 Charges the user's move gauge by 1 when it uses a move while the terrain is Psychic Terrain. Lana & Tapu Lele
Weird Immunity Status conditions cannot be inflicted on the user when the terrain is Psychic Terrain. May & Latias
May & Latias (Mega Latias)
Weird Might 1 Has a chance (20%) of increasing the user's Physical Moves ↑ Next effect by 1 rank when its attack move is successful while the terrain is Psychic Terrain.
Weird Might 2 Has a chance (30%) of increasing the user's Physical Moves ↑ Next effect by 1 rank when its attack move is successful while the terrain is Psychic Terrain.
Weird Might 3 Has a chance (40%) of increasing the user's Physical Moves ↑ Next effect by 1 rank when its attack move is successful while the terrain is Psychic Terrain.
Weird Might 4 Has a chance (50%) of increasing the user's Physical Moves ↑ Next effect by 1 rank when its attack move is successful while the terrain is Psychic Terrain. Lana & Tapu Lele
Weird Might 5 Has a chance (60%) of increasing the user's Physical Moves ↑ Next effect by 1 rank when its attack move is successful while the terrain is Psychic Terrain.
Weird Might 6 Has a chance (70%) of increasing the user's Physical Moves ↑ Next effect by 1 rank when its attack move is successful while the terrain is Psychic Terrain.
Weird Might 7 Has a chance (80%) of increasing the user's Physical Moves ↑ Next effect by 1 rank when its attack move is successful while the terrain is Psychic Terrain.
Weird Might 8 Has a chance (90%) of increasing the user's Physical Moves ↑ Next effect by 1 rank when its attack move is successful while the terrain is Psychic Terrain.
Weird Might 9 Increases the user's Physical Moves ↑ Next effect by 1 rank when its attack move is successful while the terrain is Psychic Terrain.
Weird Recovery 1 Restores the user's HP whenever its Pokémon takes an action when the terrain is Psychic Terrain. Brendan & Latios
Brendan & Latios (Mega Latios)
Giovanni & Mewtwo
Giovanni & Mewtwo (Mega Mewtwo Y)
Whitney & Sawsbuck (Winter Form)
Will & Xatu
Bianca & Musharna
N & Sigilyph
Elio & Espeon
Lucian & Girafarig
Bede & Hatterene
Avery & Slowking (Galarian Form)
Weird Shield The user's Sp. Def increases 50% when the terrain is Psychic Terrain. Bianca & Musharna
Weird Vibes 1 Powers up the user's moves when the terrain is Psychic Terrain. Lusamine & Necrozma (Dusk Mane)
Lusamine & Necrozma (Ultra Necrozma)
Lisia & Rapidash (Galarian Form)
Lana & Tapu Lele
Weird Vibes 2 Powers up the user's moves when the terrain is Psychic Terrain.
Weird Vibes 3 Powers up the user's moves when the terrain is Psychic Terrain.
Weird Vibes 4 Powers up the user's moves when the terrain is Psychic Terrain.
Weird Vibes 5 Powers up the user's moves when the terrain is Psychic Terrain. Hau & Tapu Koko
Weird Vibes 6 Powers up the user's moves when the terrain is Psychic Terrain.
Weird Vibes 7 Powers up the user's moves when the terrain is Psychic Terrain.
Weird Vibes 8 Powers up the user's moves when the terrain is Psychic Terrain.
Weird Vibes 9 Powers up the user's moves when the terrain is Psychic Terrain.
Weird World Turns the field of play's terrain into Psychic Terrain after using the user's sync move. Elio & Espeon Lana & Tapu Lele
Whimsical Acceleration 1 Quickly charges the move gauge when the zone is a Fairy Zone.
Whimsical Acceleration 2 Quickly charges the move gauge when the zone is a Fairy Zone. Main Character & Eevee
Main Character & Sylveon
Calem & Sylveon
Hau & Tapu Koko
Mina & Tapu Fini
Wally & Gardevoir (Shiny Gardevoir)
Wally & Gardevoir (Shiny Mega Gardevoir)
Lisia & Rapidash (Galarian Form)
Volo & Togepi
Whimsical Acceleration 3 Quickly charges the move gauge when the zone is a Fairy Zone.
Whimsical Acceleration 4 Quickly charges the move gauge when the zone is a Fairy Zone.
Whimsical Acceleration 5 Quickly charges the move gauge when the zone is a Fairy Zone.
Whimsical Acceleration 6 Quickly charges the move gauge when the zone is a Fairy Zone.
Whimsical Acceleration 7 Quickly charges the move gauge when the zone is a Fairy Zone.
Whimsical Acceleration 8 Quickly charges the move gauge when the zone is a Fairy Zone.
Whimsical Acceleration 9 Quickly charges the move gauge when the zone is a Fairy Zone.
Whimsical Power 1 Powers up the user's moves when the zone is a Fairy Zone
Whimsical Power 2 Powers up the user's moves when the zone is a Fairy Zone
Whimsical Power 3 Powers up the user's moves when the zone is a Fairy Zone
Whimsical Power 4 Powers up the user's moves when the zone is a Fairy Zone
Whimsical Power 5 Powers up the user's moves when the zone is a Fairy Zone Calem & Sylveon
Whimsical Power 6 Powers up the user's moves when the zone is a Fairy Zone
Whimsical Power 7 Powers up the user's moves when the zone is a Fairy Zone
Whimsical Power 8 Powers up the user's moves when the zone is a Fairy Zone
Whimsical Power 9 Powers up the user's moves when the zone is a Fairy Zone
Whimsical Stability The user's stats cannot be lowered when the zone is a Fairy Zone. Wally & Gardevoir (Shiny Gardevoir)
Wally & Gardevoir (Shiny Mega Gardevoir)
Lisia & Rapidash (Galarian Form)
Whimsical Sync 1 Powers up the user's sync move when the zone is a Fairy Zone.
Whimsical Sync 2 Powers up the user's sync move when the zone is a Fairy Zone.
Whimsical Sync 3 Powers up the user's sync move when the zone is a Fairy Zone.
Whimsical Sync 4 Powers up the user's sync move when the zone is a Fairy Zone.
Whimsical Sync 5 Powers up the user's sync move when the zone is a Fairy Zone. Hau & Tapu Koko
Whimsical Sync 6 Powers up the user's sync move when the zone is a Fairy Zone.
Whimsical Sync 7 Powers up the user's sync move when the zone is a Fairy Zone.
Whimsical Sync 8 Powers up the user's sync move when the zone is a Fairy Zone.
Whimsical Sync 9 Powers up the user's sync move when the zone is a Fairy Zone.
Wide Awake Prevents the user from falling asleep. Acerola & Banette
Agatha & Gengar
Agatha & Gengar (Mega Gengar)
Karen & Houndoom
Karen & Houndoom (Mega Houndoom)
Main Character & Bellsprout
Main Character & Weepinbell
Main Character & Victreebel
Main Character & Bellsprout
Main Character & Weepinbell
Main Character & Victreebel
Main Character & Bellsprout
Main Character & Weepinbell
Main Character & Victreebel
Main Character & Charmander
Main Character & Charmeleon
Main Character & Charizard
Main Character & Charmander
Main Character & Charmeleon
Main Character & Charizard
Main Character & Charmander
Main Character & Charmeleon
Main Character & Charizard
Main Character & Mankey
Main Character & Primeape
Main Character & Mankey
Main Character & Primeape
Main Character & Mankey
Main Character & Primeape
Main Character & Elekid
Main Character & Electabuzz
Main Character & Elekid
Main Character & Electabuzz
Main Character & Elekid
Main Character & Electabuzz
Main Character & Magby
Main Character & Magmar
Main Character & Magby
Main Character & Magmar
Main Character & Magby
Main Character & Magmar
Main Character & Gastly
Main Character & Haunter
Main Character & Gengar
Main Character & Gastly
Main Character & Haunter
Main Character & Gengar
Main Character & Gastly
Main Character & Haunter
Main Character & Gengar
Main Character & Drowzee
Main Character & Hypno
Main Character & Drowzee
Main Character & Hypno
Main Character & Drowzee
Main Character & Hypno
Rosa & Delibird
Morty & Banette
Sawyer & Honchkrow
Katherine & Slurpuff
Calem & Sylveon
Janine & Ariados
Lillie & Ribombee
Main Character & Alcremie (Ruby Cream - Berry Sweet)
Main Character & Alcremie (Matcha Cream - Clover Sweet)
Main Character & Alcremie (Mint Cream - Star Sweet)
Main Character & Alcremie (Lemon Cream - Flower Sweet)
Main Character & Alcremie (Salted Cream - Ribbon Sweet)
Main Character & Alcremie (Caramel Swirl - Love Sweet)
Olivia & Lycanroc (Midnight Form)
Ramos & Weepinbell
Ramos & Victreebel
Will & Xatu
Cyrus & Darkrai
N & Sigilyph
Mallow & Tsareena
Sonia & Tsareena (Shiny Tsareena)
Bertha & Hippowdon
Lucian & Girafarig
1Star Crispy Lucky Cookie
2Star Crispy Lucky Cookie
3Star Crispy Lucky Cookie
Wide Open The more the target's evasiveness is lowered, the more it powers up the user's moves. Lisia & Altaria
Lisia & Altaria (Mega Altaria)
Darach & Staraptor
Winter Coat 1 Reduces damage when the user is hit by an attack move during a hailstorm.
Winter Coat 2 Reduces damage when the user is hit by an attack move during a hailstorm. Irida & Glaceon
Dana & Regice
Winter Coat 3 Reduces damage when the user is hit by an attack move during a hailstorm.
Winter Coat 4 Reduces damage when the user is hit by an attack move during a hailstorm.
Winter Coat 5 Reduces damage when the user is hit by an attack move during a hailstorm.
Winter Coat 6 Reduces damage when the user is hit by an attack move during a hailstorm.
Winter Coat 7 Reduces damage when the user is hit by an attack move during a hailstorm.
Winter Coat 8 Reduces damage when the user is hit by an attack move during a hailstorm.
Winter Coat 9 Reduces damage when the user is hit by an attack move during a hailstorm.
Wise Entry 1 Raises the user's Sp. Def by 1 stat ranks when it enters a battle. Main Character & Charmander
Main Character & Charmeleon
Main Character & Charizard
Hop & Zamazenta (Crowned Shield)
Nita & Landorus
Morgan & Virizion
1 Star Deluxe Lucky Cookie
Wise Entry 2 Raises the user's Sp. Def by 2 stat ranks when it enters a battle. Blue & Blastoise
Blue & Blastoise (Mega Blastoise)
Cheryl & Blissey
Lillie & Clefairy
Kiawe & Marowak (Alola Form)
Irida & Glaceon
1 Star Deluxe Lucky Cookie
2 Star Deluxe Lucky Cookie
Wise Entry 3 Raises the user's Sp. Def by 3 stat ranks when it enters a battle.
Wise Entry 4 Raises the user's Sp. Def by 4 stat ranks when it enters a battle.
Wise Entry 5 Raises the user's Sp. Def by 5 stat ranks when it enters a battle.
Wise Entry 6 Raises the user's Sp. Def by 6 stat ranks when it enters a battle.
Wise Entry x2
Wise Entry x3
Witty Comeback 1 Raises the user's Sp. Def by 1 stat ranks the first time it is in a pinch each battle.
Witty Comeback 2 Raises the user's Sp. Def by 2 stat ranks the first time it is in a pinch each battle.
Witty Comeback 3 Raises the user's Sp. Def by 3 stat ranks the first time it is in a pinch each battle. Olivia & Lycanroc (Midnight Form)
Lisia & Altaria
Lisia & Altaria (Mega Altaria)
Witty Comeback 4 Raises the user's Sp. Def by 4 stat ranks the first time it is in a pinch each battle.
Witty Comeback 5 Raises the user's Sp. Def by 5 stat ranks the first time it is in a pinch each battle.
Witty Comeback 6 Raises the user's Sp. Def by 6 stat ranks the first time it is in a pinch each battle.
Witty Hit 1 Has a chance (20%) of raising the user's Sp. Atk by one stat rank when its attack move is successful.
Witty Hit 2 Has a chance (30%) of raising the user's Sp. Atk by one stat rank when its attack move is successful. 1 Star Deluxe Lucky Cookie
Witty Hit 3 Has a chance (40%) of raising the user's Sp. Atk by one stat rank when its attack move is successful.
Witty Hit 4 Has a chance (50%) of raising the user's Sp. Atk by one stat rank when its attack move is successful. Blue & Charizard
Red & Venusaur
Leaf & Blastoise
Witty Hit 5 Has a chance (60%) of raising the user's Sp. Atk by one stat rank when its attack move is successful.
Witty Hit 6 Has a chance (70%) of raising the user's Sp. Atk by one stat rank when its attack move is successful.
Witty Hit 7 Has a chance (80%) of raising the user's Sp. Atk by one stat rank when its attack move is successful.
Witty Hit 8 Has a chance (90%) of raising the user's Sp. Atk by one stat rank when its attack move is successful.
Witty Hit 9 Raises the user's Sp. Atk by one stat rank when its attack move is successful.
Wondrous Water Transformation Replaces some of the user's passive skills and sync move with different passive skills and a sync move just before using its Water-type moves. Serena & Greninja
Wounded Power 1 Powers up the user's moves when its HP is reduced.
Wounded Power 2 Powers up the user's moves when its HP is reduced.
Wounded Power 3 Powers up the user's moves when its HP is reduced. Marnie & Moltres (Galarian Form) Lance Lucky Cookie 1
Wounded Power 4 Powers up the user's moves when its HP is reduced.
Wounded Power 5 Powers up the user's moves when its HP is reduced.
Wounded Power 6 Powers up the user's moves when its HP is reduced.
Wounded Power 7 Powers up the user's moves when its HP is reduced.
Wounded Power 8 Powers up the user's moves when its HP is reduced.
Wounded Power 9 Powers up the user's moves when its HP is reduced.
Wounded Sync-Up 1 Powers up the user's sync move when its HP is reduced.
Wounded Sync-Up 2 Powers up the user's sync move when its HP is reduced.
Wounded Sync-Up 3 Powers up the user's sync move when its HP is reduced.
Wounded Sync-Up 4 Powers up the user's sync move when its HP is reduced.
Wounded Sync-Up 5 Powers up the user's sync move when its HP is reduced. Marnie & Moltres (Galarian Form)
Wounded Sync-Up 6 Powers up the user's sync move when its HP is reduced.
Wounded Sync-Up 7 Powers up the user's sync move when its HP is reduced.
Wounded Sync-Up 8 Powers up the user's sync move when its HP is reduced.
Wounded Sync-Up 9 Powers up the user's sync move when its HP is reduced. Adaman & Ursaluna
Zero In 1 Critical hits land more easily when the user's attack move is used. Wally & Gallade (Mega Gallade)
Zero In 2 Critical hits land more easily when the user's attack move is used.
Zero In 3 Critical hits land more easily when the user's attack move is used.
S-Move: Team Stat ? Flip Returns the raised stats of all opposing sync pairs to normal (except critical-hit rate), then lowers those stats by the same amount after using the user's sync move. Roxanne & Runerigus
Opp Trapped: Team Moves ? 2 Powers up the moves of all allied sync pairs when attacking a target that is trapped. Roxanne & Runerigus
Hit: Team Apply Status Change 9 When the user inflicts a status change on an opponent with the additional effects of a move, inflicts the same status change on all opposing sync pairs. Roxanne & Runerigus
Take Hit: Ignore Attack ? & Sp. Atk ? Except in certain circumstances, ignores the opponent's raised Attack and Sp. Atk when the user is hit by an attack move. Phoebe & Cofagrigus
Hit: Team Attack ? & Sp. Atk ? 9 Raises the Attack and Sp. Atk of all allied sync pairs by 0 stat rank when the user's attack move is successful. Phoebe & Cofagrigus
Hit: Team Speed ?2 9 Raises the of all allied sync pairs by 0 stat rank when the user's attack move is successful. Noland & Ninjask
Factory Knowledge Powers up the moves of all allied sync pairs when attacking a target that is restrained. Applies the to the target when the user's attack move against it is successful. Thorton & Magnezone
Hit Restrained Opp: Free Move Next 9 Applies the to the user when its attack move is successful against a restrained opponent. Thorton & Magnezone
Survey Corps Teachings Grants all of the following effects the first time the user enters a battle each battle: Reduces the user's sync move countdown by 0. Raises the user's by 0 stat rank. Raises the user's by 0 stat rank. Akari & Samurott (Hisuian Form)
Rei & Decidueye (Hisuian Form)
S-Move: Team Free Move Next 9 Applies the to all allied sync pairs after using the user's sync move. Rei & Decidueye (Hisuian Form)
Debut: Field Special DR Applies the Special Damage Reduction field effect to the allied field of play the first time the user enters a battle each battle. Lenora & Watchog
Take Hit: Opp Poisoned 2 Has a chance (30%) of leaving an opponent that attacked the user poisoned when the user is hit by an attack move. Giovanni & Nidorino Milo & Eldegoss
Use Status P-Move on Opp: Sp. Def ? 9 Lowers the target's Special Defense by 1 stat rank when the user's Pokémon uses a status move targeting that opponent. Lenora & Watchog
Hit Restrained Opp: Supereffective ↑ Next 9 Applies the Super Effective Up Next to the user when its attack move is successful against a restrained opponent. Thorton & Magnezone
Underhanded Refresh 9 Restores one MP for the user's moves when its attack move is successful against targets that are affected by a status condition Ball Guy & Amoonguss
Critical Freebie 9 Applies the Free Move Next effect to the user when it lands a critical hit Adaman & Leafeon
Physical Moves Up 1% Powers up the user's physical attack moves by 1%.
Physical Moves Up 2% Powers up the user's physical attack moves by 2%.
Physical Moves Up 3% Powers up the user's physical attack moves by 3%.
Special Moves ↑ 1% Powers up the user's special attack moves by 1%.
Special Moves ↑ 2% Powers up the user's special attack moves by 2%.
Special Moves ↑ 3% Powers up the user's special attack moves by 3%.
Crit: Moves Up 1% Powers up the user's moves by 1% when they become critical hits.
Crit: Moves Up 2% Powers up the user's moves by 2% when they become critical hits.
Crit: Moves Up 3% Powers up the user's moves by 3% when they become critical hits.
Opp Burned: Moves Up 3% Powers up the user's moves by 3% when the target is burned.
Opp Burned: Moves Up 4% Powers up the user's moves by 4% when the target is burned.
Opp Burned: Moves Up 5% Powers up the user's moves by 5% when the target is burned.
Opp Frozen: Moves Up 3% Powers up the user's moves by 3% when the target is frozen.
Opp Frozen: Moves Up 4% Powers up the user's moves by 4% when the target is frozen.
Opp Frozen: Moves Up 5% Powers up the user's moves by 5% when the target is frozen.
Opp Paralyzed: Moves Up 3% Powers up the user's moves by 3% when the target is paralyzed.
Opp Paralyzed: Moves Up 4% Powers up the user's moves by 4% when the target is paralyzed.
Opp Paralyzed: Moves Up 5% Powers up the user's moves by 5% when the target is paralyzed.
Opp Poisoned: Moves Up 3% Powers up the user's moves by 3% when the target is poisoned or badly poisoned.
Opp Poisoned: Moves Up 4% Powers up the user's moves by 4% when the target is poisoned or badly poisoned.
Opp Poisoned: Moves Up 5% Powers up the user's moves by 5% when the target is poisoned or badly poisoned.
Opp Asleep: Moves Up 3% Powers up the user's moves by 3% when the target is asleep.
Opp Asleep: Moves Up 4% Powers up the user's moves by 4% when the target is asleep.
Opp Asleep: Moves Up 5% Powers up the user's moves by 5% when the target is asleep.
Opp Status Cond: Moves Up 2% Powers up the user's moves by 2% against targets that are affected by a status condition.
Opp Status Cond: Moves Up 3% Powers up the user's moves by 3% against targets that are affected by a status condition.
Opp Status Cond: Moves Up 4% Powers up the user's moves by 4% against targets that are affected by a status condition.
Opp Confused: Moves Up 3% Powers up the user's moves by 3% when the target is confused.
Opp Confused: Moves Up 4% Powers up the user's moves by 4% when the target is confused.
Opp Confused: Moves Up 5% Powers up the user's moves by 5% when the target is confused.
Opp Flinching: Moves Up 3% Powers up the user's moves by 3% against targets that are flinching.
Opp Flinching: Moves Up 4% Powers up the user's moves by 4% against targets that are flinching.
Opp Flinching: Moves Up 5% Powers up the user's moves by 5% against targets that are flinching.
Opp Trapped: Moves Up 3% Powers up the user's moves by 3% when the target is trapped.
Opp Trapped: Moves Up 4% Powers up the user's moves by 4% when the target is trapped.
Opp Trapped: Moves Up 5% Powers up the user's moves by 5% when the target is trapped.
Opp Interference: Moves Up 2% Powers up the user's moves by 2% against targets that are flinching, confused, or trapped.
Opp Interference: Moves Up 3% Powers up the user's moves by 3% against targets that are flinching, confused, or trapped.
Opp Interference: Moves Up 4% Powers up the user's moves by 4% against targets that are flinching, confused, or trapped.
Opp Interference or Status Cond: Moves Up 1% Powers up the user's moves by 1% against targets that are affected by a status condition, flinching, confused, or trapped.
Opp Interference or Status Cond: Moves Up 2% Powers up the user's moves by 2% against targets that are affected by a status condition, flinching, confused, or trapped.
Opp Interference or Status Cond: Moves Up 3% Powers up the user's moves by 3% against targets that are affected by a status condition, flinching, confused, or trapped.
Sunny: Moves Up 2% Powers up the user's moves by 2% when the weather is sunny.
Sunny: Moves Up 3% Powers up the user's moves by 3% when the weather is sunny.
Sunny: Moves Up 4% Powers up the user's moves by 4% when the weather is sunny.
Rainy: Moves Up 2% Powers up the user's moves by 2% when the weather is rainy.
Rainy: Moves Up 3% Powers up the user's moves by 3% when the weather is rainy.
Rainy: Moves Up 4% Powers up the user's moves by 4% when the weather is rainy.
Hail: Moves Up 2% Powers up the user's moves by 2% during a hailstorm.
Hail: Moves Up 3% Powers up the user's moves by 3% during a hailstorm.
Hail: Moves Up 4% Powers up the user's moves by 4% during a hailstorm.
Sandstorm: Moves Up 2% Powers up the user's moves by 2% during a sandstorm.
Sandstorm: Moves Up 3% Powers up the user's moves by 3% during a sandstorm.
Sandstorm: Moves Up 4% Powers up the user's moves by 4% during a sandstorm.
Electric Terrain: Moves Up 2% Powers up the user's moves by 2% when the terrain is Electric Terrain
Electric Terrain: Moves Up 3% Powers up the user's moves by 3% when the terrain is Electric Terrain
Electric Terrain: Moves Up 4% Powers up the user's moves by 4% when the terrain is Electric Terrain
Grassy Terrain: Moves Up 2% Powers up the user's moves by 2% when the terrain is Grassy Terrain.
Grassy Terrain: Moves Up 3% Powers up the user's moves by 3% when the terrain is Grassy Terrain.
Grassy Terrain: Moves Up 4% Powers up the user's moves by 4% when the terrain is Grassy Terrain.
Psychic Terrain: Moves Up 2% Powers up the user's moves by 2% when the terrain is Psychic Terrain.
Psychic Terrain: Moves Up 3% Powers up the user's moves by 3% when the terrain is Psychic Terrain.
Psychic Terrain: Moves Up 4% Powers up the user's moves by 4% when the terrain is Psychic Terrain.
Normal Zone: Moves Up 2% Powers up the user's moves by 2% when the zone is a Normal Zone.
Normal Zone: Moves Up 3% Powers up the user's moves by 3% when the zone is a Normal Zone.
Normal Zone: Moves Up 4% Powers up the user's moves by 4% when the zone is a Normal Zone.
Ice Zone: Moves Up 2% Powers up the user's moves by 2% when the zone is an Ice Zone.
Ice Zone: Moves Up 3% Powers up the user's moves by 3% when the zone is an Ice Zone.
Ice Zone: Moves Up 4% Powers up the user's moves by 4% when the zone is an Ice Zone.
Fighting Zone: Moves Up 2% Powers up the user's moves by 2% when the zone is a Fighting Zo.
Fighting Zone: Moves Up 3% Powers up the user's moves by 3% when the zone is a Fighting Zo.
Fighting Zone: Moves Up 4% Powers up the user's moves by 4% when the zone is a Fighting Zo.
Poison Zone: Moves Up 2% Powers up the user's moves by 2% when the zone is a Poison Zone.
Poison Zone: Moves Up 3% Powers up the user's moves by 3% when the zone is a Poison Zone.
Poison Zone: Moves Up 4% Powers up the user's moves by 4% when the zone is a Poison Zone.
Ground Zone: Moves Up 2% Powers up the user's moves by 2% when the zone is a Ground Zone.
Ground Zone: Moves Up 3% Powers up the user's moves by 3% when the zone is a Ground Zone.
Ground Zone: Moves Up 4% Powers up the user's moves by 4% when the zone is a Ground Zone.
Flying Zone: Moves Up 2% Powers up the user's moves by 2% when the zone is a Flying Zone.
Flying Zone: Moves Up 3% Powers up the user's moves by 3% when the zone is a Flying Zone.
Flying Zone: Moves Up 4% Powers up the user's moves by 4% when the zone is a Flying Zone.
Bug Zone: Moves Up 2% Powers up the user's moves by 2% when the zone is a Bug Zone.
Bug Zone: Moves Up 3% Powers up the user's moves by 3% when the zone is a Bug Zone.
Bug Zone: Moves Up 4% Powers up the user's moves by 4% when the zone is a Bug Zone.
Rock Zone: Moves Up 2% Powers up the user's moves by 2% when the zone is a Rock Zone.
Rock Zone: Moves Up 3% Powers up the user's moves by 3% when the zone is a Rock Zone.
Rock Zone: Moves Up 4% Powers up the user's moves by 4% when the zone is a Rock Zone.
Ghost Zone: Moves Up 2% Powers up the user's moves by 2% when the zone is a Ghost Zone.
Ghost Zone: Moves Up 3% Powers up the user's moves by 3% when the zone is a Ghost Zone.
Ghost Zone: Moves Up 4% Powers up the user's moves by 4% when the zone is a Ghost Zone.
Dragon Zone: Moves Up 2% Powers up the user's moves by 2% when the zone is a Dragon Zone.
Dragon Zone: Moves Up 3% Powers up the user's moves by 3% when the zone is a Dragon Zone.
Dragon Zone: Moves Up 4% Powers up the user's moves by 4% when the zone is a Dragon Zone.
Dark Zone: Moves Up 2% Powers up the user's moves by 2% when the zone is a Dark Zone.
Dark Zone: Moves Up 3% Powers up the user's moves by 3% when the zone is a Dark Zone.
Dark Zone: Moves Up 4% Powers up the user's moves by 4% when the zone is a Dark Zone.
Steel Zone: Moves Up 2% Powers up the user's moves by 2% when the zone is a Steel Zone.
Steel Zone: Moves Up 3% Powers up the user's moves by 3% when the zone is a Steel Zone.
Steel Zone: Moves Up 4% Powers up the user's moves by 4% when the zone is a Steel Zone.
Fairy Zone: Moves Up 2% Powers up the user's moves by 2% when the zone is a Fairy Zone.
Fairy Zone: Moves Up 3% Powers up the user's moves by 3% when the zone is a Fairy Zone.
Fairy Zone: Moves Up 4% Powers up the user's moves by 4% when the zone is a Fairy Zone.
WTZ Change: Moves Up 1% Powers up the user's moves by 1% when weather conditions, a terrain, or a zone are in effect.
WTZ Change: Moves Up 2% Powers up the user's moves by 2% when weather conditions, a terrain, or a zone are in effect.
WTZ Change: Moves Up 3% Powers up the user's moves by 3% when weather conditions, a terrain, or a zone are in effect.
Normal Moves Up 1% Powers up the user's Normal-type moves by 1%.
Normal Moves Up 2% Powers up the user's Normal-type moves by 2%.
Normal Moves Up 3% Powers up the user's Normal-type moves by 3%.
Fire Moves Up 1% Powers up the user's Fire-type moves by 1%.
Fire Moves Up 2% Powers up the user's Fire-type moves by 2%.
Fire Moves Up 3% Powers up the user's Fire-type moves by 3%.
Water Moves Up 1% Powers up the user's Water-type moves by 1%.
Water Moves Up 2% Powers up the user's Water-type moves by 2%.
Water Moves Up 3% Powers up the user's Water-type moves by 3%.
Electric Moves Up 1% Powers up the user's Electric-type moves by 1%.
Electric Moves Up 2% Powers up the user's Electric-type moves by 2%.
Electric Moves Up 3% Powers up the user's Electric-type moves by 3%.
Grass Moves Up 1% Powers up the user's Grass-type moves by 1%.
Grass Moves Up 2% Powers up the user's Grass-type moves by 2%.
Grass Moves Up 3% Powers up the user's Grass-type moves by 3%.
Ice Moves Up 1% Powers up the user's Ice-type moves by 1%.
Ice Moves Up 2% Powers up the user's Ice-type moves by 2%.
Ice Moves Up 3% Powers up the user's Ice-type moves by 3%.
Fighting Moves Up 1% Powers up the user's Fighting-type moves by 1%.
Fighting Moves Up 2% Powers up the user's Fighting-type moves by 2%.
Fighting Moves Up 3% Powers up the user's Fighting-type moves by 3%.
Poison Moves Up 1% Powers up the user's Poison-type moves by 1%.
Poison Moves Up 2% Powers up the user's Poison-type moves by 2%.
Poison Moves Up 3% Powers up the user's Poison-type moves by 3%.
Ground Moves Up 1% Powers up the user's Ground-type moves by 1%.
Ground Moves Up 2% Powers up the user's Ground-type moves by 2%.
Ground Moves Up 3% Powers up the user's Ground-type moves by 3%.
Flying Moves Up 1% Powers up the user's Flying-type moves by 1%.
Flying Moves Up 2% Powers up the user's Flying-type moves by 2%.
Flying Moves Up 3% Powers up the user's Flying-type moves by 3%.
Psychic Moves Up 1% Powers up the user's Psychic-type moves by 1%.
Psychic Moves Up 2% Powers up the user's Psychic-type moves by 2%.
Psychic Moves Up 3% Powers up the user's Psychic-type moves by 3%.
Bug Moves Up 1% Powers up the user's Bug-type moves by 1%.
Bug Moves Up 2% Powers up the user's Bug-type moves by 2%.
Bug Moves Up 3% Powers up the user's Bug-type moves by 3%.
Rock Moves Up 1% Powers up the user's Rock-type moves by 1%.
Rock Moves Up 2% Powers up the user's Rock-type moves by 2%.
Rock Moves Up 3% Powers up the user's Rock-type moves by 3%.
Ghost Moves Up 1% Powers up the user's Ghost-type moves by 1%.
Ghost Moves Up 2% Powers up the user's Ghost-type moves by 2%.
Ghost Moves Up 3% Powers up the user's Ghost-type moves by 3%.
Dragon Moves Up 1% Powers up the user's Dragon-type moves by 1%.
Dragon Moves Up 2% Powers up the user's Dragon-type moves by 2%.
Dragon Moves Up 3% Powers up the user's Dragon-type moves by 3%.
Dark Moves Up 1% Powers up the user's Dark-type moves by 1%.
Dark Moves Up 2% Powers up the user's Dark-type moves by 2%.
Dark Moves Up 3% Powers up the user's Dark-type moves by 3%.
Steel Moves Up 1% Powers up the user's Steel-type moves by 1%.
Steel Moves Up 2% Powers up the user's Steel-type moves by 2%.
Steel Moves Up 3% Powers up the user's Steel-type moves by 3%.
Fairy Moves Up 1% Powers up the user's Fairy-type moves by 1%.
Fairy Moves Up 2% Powers up the user's Fairy-type moves by 2%.
Fairy Moves Up 3% Powers up the user's Fairy-type moves by 3%.
Pinch: Moves Up 3% Powers up the user's moves by 3% when it is in a pinch.
Pinch: Moves Up 4% Powers up the user's moves by 4% when it is in a pinch.
Pinch: Moves Up 5% Powers up the user's moves by 5% when it is in a pinch.
Unscathed: Moves Up 3% Powers up the user's moves by 3% when its HP is full.
Unscathed: Moves Up 4% Powers up the user's moves by 4% when its HP is full.
Unscathed: Moves Up 5% Powers up the user's moves by 5% when its HP is full.
Status Cond: Moves Up 3% Powers up the user's moves by 3% when it is affected by a status condition.
Status Cond: Moves Up 4% Powers up the user's moves by 4% when it is affected by a status condition.
Status Cond: Moves Up 5% Powers up the user's moves by 5% when it is affected by a status condition.
Physical S-Moves Up 1% Powers up the user's physical sync move by 1%.
Physical S-Moves Up 2% Powers up the user's physical sync move by 2%.
Physical S-Moves Up 3% Powers up the user's physical sync move by 3%.
Special S-Moves Up 1% Powers up the user's special sync move by 1%.
Special S-Moves Up 2% Powers up the user's special sync move by 2%.
Special S-Moves Up 3% Powers up the user's special sync move by 3%.
Critastrophe 1% Powers up the user's sync move by 1% when it becomes a critical hit.
Critastrophe 2% Powers up the user's sync move by 2% when it becomes a critical hit.
Critastrophe 3% Powers up the user's sync move by 3% when it becomes a critical hit.
Opp Burned: S-Moves Up 3% Powers up the user's sync move by 3% when the target is burned.
Opp Burned: S-Moves Up 4% Powers up the user's sync move by 4% when the target is burned.
Opp Burned: S-Moves Up 5% Powers up the user's sync move by 5% when the target is burned.
Opp Frozen: S-Moves Up 3% Powers up the user's sync move by 3% when the target is frozen.
Opp Frozen: S-Moves Up 4% Powers up the user's sync move by 4% when the target is frozen.
Opp Frozen: S-Moves Up 5% Powers up the user's sync move by 5% when the target is frozen.
Opp Paralyzed: S-Moves Up 3% Powers up the user's sync move by 3% when the target is paralyzed.
Opp Paralyzed: S-Moves Up 4% Powers up the user's sync move by 4% when the target is paralyzed.
Opp Paralyzed: S-Moves Up 5% Powers up the user's sync move by 5% when the target is paralyzed.
Opp Poisoned: S-Moves Up 3% Powers up the user's sync move by 3% when the target is poisoned or badly poisoned.
Opp Poisoned: S-Moves Up 4% Powers up the user's sync move by 4% when the target is poisoned or badly poisoned.
Opp Poisoned: S-Moves Up 5% Powers up the user's sync move by 5% when the target is poisoned or badly poisoned.
Opp Asleep: S-Moves Up 3% Powers up the user's sync move by 3% when the target is asleep.
Opp Asleep: S-Moves Up 4% Powers up the user's sync move by 4% when the target is asleep.
Opp Asleep: S-Moves Up 5% Powers up the user's sync move by 5% when the target is asleep.
Opp Status Cond: S-Moves Up 2% Powers up the user's sync move by 2% against targets that are affected by a status condition.
Opp Status Cond: S-Moves Up 3% Powers up the user's sync move by 3% against targets that are affected by a status condition.
Opp Status Cond: S-Moves Up 4% Powers up the user's sync move by 4% against targets that are affected by a status condition.
Opp Confused: S-Moves Up 3% Powers up the user's sync move by 3% when the target is confused.
Opp Confused: S-Moves Up 4% Powers up the user's sync move by 4% when the target is confused.
Opp Confused: S-Moves Up 5% Powers up the user's sync move by 5% when the target is confused.
Opp Flinching: S-Moves Up 3% Powers up the user's sync move by 3% when the target is flinching.
Opp Flinching: S-Moves Up 4% Powers up the user's sync move by 4% when the target is flinching.
Opp Flinching: S-Moves Up 5% Powers up the user's sync move by 5% when the target is flinching.
Opp Trapped: S-Moves Up 3% Powers up the user's sync move by 3% against targets that are trapped.
Opp Trapped: S-Moves Up 4% Powers up the user's sync move by 4% against targets that are trapped.
Opp Trapped: S-Moves Up 5% Powers up the user's sync move by 5% against targets that are trapped.
Opp Interference: S-Moves Up 2% Powers up the user's sync move by 2% against targets that are flinching, confused, or trapped.
Opp Interference: S-Moves Up 3% Powers up the user's sync move by 3% against targets that are flinching, confused, or trapped.
Opp Interference: S-Moves Up 4% Powers up the user's sync move by 4% against targets that are flinching, confused, or trapped.
Opp Int or Status Cond: S-Moves Up 1% Powers up the user's sync move by 1% against targets that are affected by a status condition, flinching, confused, or trapped.
Opp Int or Status Cond: S-Moves Up 2% Powers up the user's sync move by 2% against targets that are affected by a status condition, flinching, confused, or trapped.
Opp Int or Status Cond: S-Moves Up 3% Powers up the user's sync move by 3% against targets that are affected by a status condition, flinching, confused, or trapped.
Solar Flare 2% Powers up the user's sync move by 2% when the weather is sunny.
Solar Flare 3% Powers up the user's sync move by 3% when the weather is sunny.
Solar Flare 4% Powers up the user's sync move by 4% when the weather is sunny.
Shower Power 2% Powers up the user's sync move by 2% when the weather is rainy.
Shower Power 3% Powers up the user's sync move by 3% when the weather is rainy.
Shower Power 4% Powers up the user's sync move by 4% when the weather is rainy.
Hail: S-Moves Up 2% Powers up the user's sync move by 2% during a hailstorm.
Hail: S-Moves Up 3% Powers up the user's sync move by 3% during a hailstorm.
Hail: S-Moves Up 4% Powers up the user's sync move by 4% during a hailstorm.
Sand Blaster 2% Powers up the user's sync move by 2% during a sandstorm.
Sand Blaster 3% Powers up the user's sync move by 3% during a sandstorm.
Sand Blaster 4% Powers up the user's sync move by 4% during a sandstorm.
Sync Induction 2% Powers up the user's sync move by 2% when the terrain is Electric Terrain.
Sync Induction 3% Powers up the user's sync move by 3% when the terrain is Electric Terrain.
Sync Induction 4% Powers up the user's sync move by 4% when the terrain is Electric Terrain.
Grassy Terrain: S-Moves Up 2% Powers up the user's sync move by 2% when the terrain is Grassy Terrain.
Grassy Terrain: S-Moves Up 3% Powers up the user's sync move by 3% when the terrain is Grassy Terrain.
Grassy Terrain: S-Moves Up 4% Powers up the user's sync move by 4% when the terrain is Grassy Terrain.
Psychic Terrain: S-Moves Up 2% Powers up the user's sync move by 2% when the terrain is Psychic Terrain.
Psychic Terrain: S-Moves Up 3% Powers up the user's sync move by 3% when the terrain is Psychic Terrain.
Psychic Terrain: S-Moves Up 4% Powers up the user's sync move by 4% when the terrain is Psychic Terrain.
Normal Zone: S-Moves Up 2% Powers up the user's sync move by 2% when the zone is a Normal Zone.
Normal Zone: S-Moves Up 3% Powers up the user's sync move by 3% when the zone is a Normal Zone.
Normal Zone: S-Moves Up 4% Powers up the user's sync move by 4% when the zone is a Normal Zone.
Ice Zone: S-Moves Up 2% Powers up the user's sync move by 2% when the zone is an Ice Zone.
Ice Zone: S-Moves Up 3% Powers up the user's sync move by 3% when the zone is an Ice Zone.
Ice Zone: S-Moves Up 4% Powers up the user's sync move by 4% when the zone is an Ice Zone.
Fighting Zone: S-Moves Up 2% Powers up the user's sync move by 2% when the zone is a Fighting Zone.
Fighting Zone: S-Moves Up 3% Powers up the user's sync move by 3% when the zone is a Fighting Zone.
Fighting Zone: S-Moves Up 4% Powers up the user's sync move by 4% when the zone is a Fighting Zone.
Poison Zone: S-Moves Up 2% Powers up the user's sync move by 2% when the zone is a Poison Zone.
Poison Zone: S-Moves Up 3% Powers up the user's sync move by 3% when the zone is a Poison Zone.
Poison Zone: S-Moves Up 4% Powers up the user's sync move by 4% when the zone is a Poison Zone.
Ground Zone: S-Moves Up 2% Powers up the user's sync move by 2% when the zone is a Ground Zone.
Ground Zone: S-Moves Up 3% Powers up the user's sync move by 3% when the zone is a Ground Zone.
Ground Zone: S-Moves Up 4% Powers up the user's sync move by 4% when the zone is a Ground Zone.
Flying Zone: S-Moves Up 2% Powers up the user's sync move by 2% when the zone is a Flying Zone.
Flying Zone: S-Moves Up 3% Powers up the user's sync move by 3% when the zone is a Flying Zone.
Flying Zone: S-Moves Up 4% Powers up the user's sync move by 4% when the zone is a Flying Zone.
Bug Zone: S-Moves Up 2% Powers up the user's sync move by 2% when the zone is a Bug Zone.
Bug Zone: S-Moves Up 3% Powers up the user's sync move by 3% when the zone is a Bug Zone.
Bug Zone: S-Moves Up 4% Powers up the user's sync move by 4% when the zone is a Bug Zone.
Rock Zone: S-Moves Up 2% Powers up the user's sync move by 2% when the zone is a Rock Zone.
Rock Zone: S-Moves Up 3% Powers up the user's sync move by 3% when the zone is a Rock Zone.
Rock Zone: S-Moves Up 4% Powers up the user's sync move by 4% when the zone is a Rock Zone.
Ghost Zone: S-Moves Up 2% Powers up the user's sync move by 2% when the zone is a Ghost Zone.
Ghost Zone: S-Moves Up 3% Powers up the user's sync move by 3% when the zone is a Ghost Zone.
Ghost Zone: S-Moves Up 4% Powers up the user's sync move by 4% when the zone is a Ghost Zone.
Dragon Zone: S-Moves Up 2% Powers up the user's sync move by 2% when the zone is a Dragon Zone.
Dragon Zone: S-Moves Up 3% Powers up the user's sync move by 3% when the zone is a Dragon Zone.
Dragon Zone: S-Moves Up 4% Powers up the user's sync move by 4% when the zone is a Dragon Zone.
Dark Zone: S-Moves Up 2% Powers up the user's sync move by 2% when the zone is a Dark Zone.
Dark Zone: S-Moves Up 3% Powers up the user's sync move by 3% when the zone is a Dark Zone.
Dark Zone: S-Moves Up 4% Powers up the user's sync move by 4% when the zone is a Dark Zone.
Steel Zone: S-Moves Up 2% Powers up the user's sync move by 2% when the zone is a Steel Zone.
Steel Zone: S-Moves Up 3% Powers up the user's sync move by 3% when the zone is a Steel Zone.
Steel Zone: S-Moves Up 4% Powers up the user's sync move by 4% when the zone is a Steel Zone.
Fairy Zone: S-Moves Up 2% Powers up the user's sync move by 2% when the zone is a Fairy Zone.
Fairy Zone: S-Moves Up 3% Powers up the user's sync move by 3% when the zone is a Fairy Zone.
Fairy Zone: S-Moves Up 4% Powers up the user's sync move by 4% when the zone is a Fairy Zone.
WTZ Change: S-Moves Up 2% Powers up the user's sync move by 1% when weather conditions, a terrain, or a zone are in effect.
WTZ Change: S-Moves Up 3% Powers up the user's sync move by 2% when weather conditions, a terrain, or a zone are in effect.
WTZ Change: S-Moves Up 4% Powers up the user's sync move by 3% when weather conditions, a terrain, or a zone are in effect.
Normal S-Moves Up 1% Powers up the user's Normal-type sync move by 1%.
Normal S-Moves Up 2% Powers up the user's Normal-type sync move by 2%.
Normal S-Moves Up 3% Powers up the user's Normal-type sync move by 3%.
Fire S-Moves Up 1% Powers up the user's Fire-type sync move by 1%.
Fire S-Moves Up 2% Powers up the user's Fire-type sync move by 2%.
Fire S-Moves Up 3% Powers up the user's Fire-type sync move by 3%.
Water S-Moves Up 1% Powers up the user's Water-type sync move by 1%.
Water S-Moves Up 2% Powers up the user's Water-type sync move by 2%.
Water S-Moves Up 3% Powers up the user's Water-type sync move by 3%.
Electric S-Moves Up 1% Powers up the user's Electric-type sync move by 1%.
Electric S-Moves Up 2% Powers up the user's Electric-type sync move by 2%.
Electric S-Moves Up 3% Powers up the user's Electric-type sync move by 3%.
Grass S-Moves Up 1% Powers up the user's Grass-type sync move by 1%.
Grass S-Moves Up 2% Powers up the user's Grass-type sync move by 2%.
Grass S-Moves Up 3% Powers up the user's Grass-type sync move by 3%.
Ice S-Moves Up 1% Powers up the user's Ice-type sync move by 1%.
Ice S-Moves Up 2% Powers up the user's Ice-type sync move by 2%.
Ice S-Moves Up 3% Powers up the user's Ice-type sync move by 3%.
Fighting S-Moves Up 1% Powers up the user's Fighting-type sync move by 1%.
Fighting S-Moves Up 2% Powers up the user's Fighting-type sync move by 2%.
Fighting S-Moves Up 3% Powers up the user's Fighting-type sync move by 3%.
Poison S-Moves Up 1% Powers up the user's Poison-type sync move by 1%.
Poison S-Moves Up 2% Powers up the user's Poison-type sync move by 2%.
Poison S-Moves Up 3% Powers up the user's Poison-type sync move by 3%.
Ground S-Moves Up 1% Powers up the user's Ground-type sync move by 1%.
Ground S-Moves Up 2% Powers up the user's Ground-type sync move by 2%.
Ground S-Moves Up 3% Powers up the user's Ground-type sync move by 3%.
Flying S-Moves Up 1% Powers up the user's Flying-type sync move by 1%.
Flying S-Moves Up 2% Powers up the user's Flying-type sync move by 2%.
Flying S-Moves Up 3% Powers up the user's Flying-type sync move by 3%.
Psychic S-Moves Up 1% Powers up the user's Psychic-type sync move by 1%.
Psychic S-Moves Up 2% Powers up the user's Psychic-type sync move by 2%.
Psychic S-Moves Up 3% Powers up the user's Psychic-type sync move by 3%.
Bug S-Moves Up 1% Powers up the user's Bug-type sync move by 1%.
Bug S-Moves Up 2% Powers up the user's Bug-type sync move by 2%.
Bug S-Moves Up 3% Powers up the user's Bug-type sync move by 3%.
Rock S-Moves Up 1% Powers up the user's Rock-type sync move by 1%.
Rock S-Moves Up 2% Powers up the user's Rock-type sync move by 2%.
Rock S-Moves Up 3% Powers up the user's Rock-type sync move by 3%.
Ghost S-Moves Up 1% Powers up the user's Ghost-type sync move by 1%.
Ghost S-Moves Up 2% Powers up the user's Ghost-type sync move by 2%.
Ghost S-Moves Up 3% Powers up the user's Ghost-type sync move by 3%.
Dragon S-Moves Up 1% Powers up the user's Dragon-type sync move by 1%.
Dragon S-Moves Up 2% Powers up the user's Dragon-type sync move by 2%.
Dragon S-Moves Up 3% Powers up the user's Dragon-type sync move by 3%.
Dark S-Moves Up 1% Powers up the user's Dark-type sync move by 1%.
Dark S-Moves Up 2% Powers up the user's Dark-type sync move by 2%.
Dark S-Moves Up 3% Powers up the user's Dark-type sync move by 3%.
Steel S-Moves Up 1% Powers up the user's Steel-type sync move by 1%.
Steel S-Moves Up 2% Powers up the user's Steel-type sync move by 2%.
Steel S-Moves Up 3% Powers up the user's Steel-type sync move by 3%.
Fairy S-Moves Up 1% Powers up the user's Fairy-type sync move by 1%.
Fairy S-Moves Up 2% Powers up the user's Fairy-type sync move by 2%.
Fairy S-Moves Up 3% Powers up the user's Fairy-type sync move by 3%.
Pinch: S-Moves Up 3% Powers up the user's sync move by 3% when it is in a pinch.
Pinch: S-Moves Up 4% Powers up the user's sync move by 4% when it is in a pinch.
Pinch: S-Moves Up 5% Powers up the user's sync move by 5% when it is in a pinch.
Unscathed: S-Moves Up 3% Powers up the user's sync move by 3% when its HP is full.
Unscathed: S-Moves Up 4% Powers up the user's sync move by 4% when its HP is full.
Unscathed: S-Moves Up 5% Powers up the user's sync move by 5% when its HP is full.
Status Cond: S-Moves Up 3% Powers up the user's sync move by 3% when it is affected by a status condition.
Status Cond: S-Moves Up 4% Powers up the user's sync move by 4% when it is affected by a status condition.
Status Cond: S-Moves Up 5% Powers up the user's sync move by 5% when it is affected by a status condition.
Attack Move DR 1% Reduces damage by 1% when the user is hit by an attack move.
Attack Move DR 2% Reduces damage by 2% when the user is hit by an attack move.
Attack Move DR 3% Reduces damage by 3% when the user is hit by an attack move.
S-Move DR 1% Reduces damage by 1% when the user is hit by a sync move.
S-Move DR 2% Reduces damage by 2% when the user is hit by a sync move.
S-Move DR 3% Reduces damage by 3% when the user is hit by a sync move.
Physical Move DR 2% Reduces damage by 2% when the user is hit by a physical attack move.
Physical Move DR 3% Reduces damage by 3% when the user is hit by a physical attack move.
Physical Move DR 4% Reduces damage by 4% when the user is hit by a physical attack move.
Special Move DR 2% Reduces damage by 2% when the user is hit by a special attack move.
Special Move DR 3% Reduces damage by 3% when the user is hit by a special attack move.
Special Move DR 4% Reduces damage by 4% when the user is hit by a special attack move.
Physical S-Move DR 2% Reduces damage by 2% when the user is hit by a physical sync move.
Physical S-Move DR 3% Reduces damage by 3% when the user is hit by a physical sync move.
Physical S-Move DR 4% Reduces damage by 4% when the user is hit by a physical sync move.
Special S-Move DR 2% Reduces damage by 2% when the user is hit by a special sync move.
Special S-Move DR 3% Reduces damage by 3% when the user is hit by a special sync move.
Special S-Move DR 4% Reduces damage by 4% when the user is hit by a special sync move.
Sunny: P-Move DR & S-Move DR 3% Reduces damage by 3% when the user is hit by an attack move or sync move while the weather is sunny.
Sunny: P-Move DR & S-Move DR 4% Reduces damage by 4% when the user is hit by an attack move or sync move while the weather is sunny.
Sunny: P-Move DR & S-Move DR 5% Reduces damage by 5% when the user is hit by an attack move or sync move while the weather is sunny.
Rainy: P-Move DR & S-Move DR 3% Reduces damage by 3% when the user is hit by an attack move or sync move while the weather is rainy.
Rainy: P-Move DR & S-Move DR 4% Reduces damage by 4% when the user is hit by an attack move or sync move while the weather is rainy.
Rainy: P-Move DR & S-Move DR 5% Reduces damage by 5% when the user is hit by an attack move or sync move while the weather is rainy.
Hail: P-Move DR & S-Move DR 3% Reduces damage by 3% when the user is hit by an attack move or sync move during a hailstorm.
Hail: P-Move DR & S-Move DR 4% Reduces damage by 4% when the user is hit by an attack move or sync move during a hailstorm.
Hail: P-Move DR & S-Move DR 5% Reduces damage by 5% when the user is hit by an attack move or sync move during a hailstorm.
Sandstorm: P-Move DR & S-Move DR 3% Reduces damage by 3% when the user is hit by an attack move or sync move during a sandstorm.
Sandstorm: P-Move DR & S-Move DR 4% Reduces damage by 4% when the user is hit by an attack move or sync move during a sandstorm.
Sandstorm: P-Move DR & S-Move DR 5% Reduces damage by 5% when the user is hit by an attack move or sync move during a sandstorm.
Electric Terrain: P-Move DR & S-Move DR 3% Reduces damage by 3% when the user is hit by an attack move or sync move while the terrain is Electric terrain.
Electric Terrain: P-Move DR & S-Move DR 4% Reduces damage by 4% when the user is hit by an attack move or sync move while the terrain is Electric terrain.
Electric Terrain: P-Move DR & S-Move DR 5% Reduces damage by 5% when the user is hit by an attack move or sync move while the terrain is Electric terrain.
Grassy Terrain: P-Move DR & S-Move DR 3% Reduces damage by 3% when the user is hit by an attack move or sync move while the terrain is Grassy terrain.
Grassy Terrain: P-Move DR & S-Move DR 4% Reduces damage by 4% when the user is hit by an attack move or sync move while the terrain is Grassy terrain.
Grassy Terrain: P-Move DR & S-Move DR 5% Reduces damage by 5% when the user is hit by an attack move or sync move while the terrain is Grassy terrain.
Psychic Terrain: P-Move DR & S-Move DR 3% Reduces damage by 3% when the user is hit by an attack move or sync move while the terrain is Psychic terrain.
Psychic Terrain: P-Move DR & S-Move DR 4% Reduces damage by 4% when the user is hit by an attack move or sync move while the terrain is Psychic terrain.
Psychic Terrain: P-Move DR & S-Move DR 5% Reduces damage by 5% when the user is hit by an attack move or sync move while the terrain is Psychic terrain.
Normal Zone: P-Move DR & S-Move DR 3% Reduces damage by 3% when the user is hit by an attack move or sync move while the zone is a Normal Zone.
Normal Zone: P-Move DR & S-Move DR 4% Reduces damage by 4% when the user is hit by an attack move or sync move while the zone is a Normal Zone.
Normal Zone: P-Move DR & S-Move DR 5% Reduces damage by 5% when the user is hit by an attack move or sync move while the zone is a Normal Zone.
Ice Zone: P-Move DR & S-Move DR 3% Reduces damage by 3% when the user is hit by an attack move or sync move while the zone is an Ice Zone.
Ice Zone: P-Move DR & S-Move DR 4% Reduces damage by 4% when the user is hit by an attack move or sync move while the zone is an Ice Zone.
Ice Zone: P-Move DR & S-Move DR 5% Reduces damage by 5% when the user is hit by an attack move or sync move while the zone is an Ice Zone.
Fighting Zone: P-Move DR & S-Move DR 3% Reduces damage by 3% when the user is hit by an attack move or sync move while the zone is a Fighting Zone.
Fighting Zone: P-Move DR & S-Move DR 4% Reduces damage by 4% when the user is hit by an attack move or sync move while the zone is a Fighting Zone.
Fighting Zone: P-Move DR & S-Move DR 5% Reduces damage by 5% when the user is hit by an attack move or sync move while the zone is a Fighting Zone.
Poison Zone: P-Move DR & S-Move DR 3% Reduces damage by 3% when the user is hit by an attack move or sync move while the zone is a Poison Zone.
Poison Zone: P-Move DR & S-Move DR 4% Reduces damage by 4% when the user is hit by an attack move or sync move while the zone is a Poison Zone.
Poison Zone: P-Move DR & S-Move DR 5% Reduces damage by 5% when the user is hit by an attack move or sync move while the zone is a Poison Zone.
Ground Zone: P-Move DR & S-Move DR 3% Reduces damage by 3% when the user is hit by an attack move or sync move while the zone is a Ground Zone.
Ground Zone: P-Move DR & S-Move DR 4% Reduces damage by 4% when the user is hit by an attack move or sync move while the zone is a Ground Zone.
Ground Zone: P-Move DR & S-Move DR 5% Reduces damage by 5% when the user is hit by an attack move or sync move while the zone is a Ground Zone.
Flying Zone: P-Move DR & S-Move DR 3% Reduces damage by 3% when the user is hit by an attack move or sync move while the zone is a Flying Zone.
Flying Zone: P-Move DR & S-Move DR 4% Reduces damage by 4% when the user is hit by an attack move or sync move while the zone is a Flying Zone.
Flying Zone: P-Move DR & S-Move DR 5% Reduces damage by 5% when the user is hit by an attack move or sync move while the zone is a Flying Zone.
Bug Zone: P-Move DR & S-Move DR 3% Reduces damage by 3% when the user is hit by an attack move or sync move while the zone is a Bug Zone.
Bug Zone: P-Move DR & S-Move DR 4% Reduces damage by 4% when the user is hit by an attack move or sync move while the zone is a Bug Zone.
Bug Zone: P-Move DR & S-Move DR 5% Reduces damage by 5% when the user is hit by an attack move or sync move while the zone is a Bug Zone.
Rock Zone: P-Move DR & S-Move DR 3% Reduces damage by 3% when the user is hit by an attack move or sync move while the zone is a Rock Zone.
Rock Zone: P-Move DR & S-Move DR 4% Reduces damage by 4% when the user is hit by an attack move or sync move while the zone is a Rock Zone.
Rock Zone: P-Move DR & S-Move DR 5% Reduces damage by 5% when the user is hit by an attack move or sync move while the zone is a Rock Zone.
Ghost Zone: P-Move DR & S-Move DR 3% Reduces damage by 3% when the user is hit by an attack move or sync move while the zone is a Ghost Zone.
Ghost Zone: P-Move DR & S-Move DR 4% Reduces damage by 4% when the user is hit by an attack move or sync move while the zone is a Ghost Zone.
Ghost Zone: P-Move DR & S-Move DR 5% Reduces damage by 5% when the user is hit by an attack move or sync move while the zone is a Ghost Zone.
Dragon Zone: P-Move DR & S-Move DR 3% Reduces damage by 3% when the user is hit by an attack move or sync move while the zone is a Dragon Zone.
Dragon Zone: P-Move DR & S-Move DR 4% Reduces damage by 4% when the user is hit by an attack move or sync move while the zone is a Dragon Zone.
Dragon Zone: P-Move DR & S-Move DR 5% Reduces damage by 5% when the user is hit by an attack move or sync move while the zone is a Dragon Zone.
Dark Zone: P-Move DR & S-Move DR 3% Reduces damage by 3% when the user is hit by an attack move or sync move while the zone is a Dark Zone.
Dark Zone: P-Move DR & S-Move DR 4% Reduces damage by 4% when the user is hit by an attack move or sync move while the zone is a Dark Zone.
Dark Zone: P-Move DR & S-Move DR 5% Reduces damage by 5% when the user is hit by an attack move or sync move while the zone is a Dark Zone.
Steel Zone: P-Move DR & S-Move DR 3% Reduces damage by 3% when the user is hit by an attack move or sync move while the zone is a Steel Zone.
Steel Zone: P-Move DR & S-Move DR 4% Reduces damage by 4% when the user is hit by an attack move or sync move while the zone is a Steel Zone.
Steel Zone: P-Move DR & S-Move DR 5% Reduces damage by 5% when the user is hit by an attack move or sync move while the zone is a Steel Zone.
Fairy Zone: P-Move DR & S-Move DR 3% Reduces damage by 3% when the user is hit by an attack move or sync move while the zone is a Fairy Zone.
Fairy Zone: P-Move DR & S-Move DR 4% Reduces damage by 4% when the user is hit by an attack move or sync move while the zone is a Fairy Zone.
Fairy Zone: P-Move DR & S-Move DR 5% Reduces damage by 5% when the user is hit by an attack move or sync move while the zone is a Fairy Zone.
WTZ Change: P-Move DR & S-Move DR 2% Reduces damage by 2% when the user is hit by an attack move or sync move while weather conditions, a terrain, or a zone are in effect.
WTZ Change: P-Move DR & S-Move DR 3% Reduces damage by 3% when the user is hit by an attack move or sync move while weather conditions, a terrain, or a zone are in effect.
WTZ Change: P-Move DR & S-Move DR 4% Reduces damage by 4% when the user is hit by an attack move or sync move while weather conditions, a terrain, or a zone are in effect.
Normal P-Move DR & S-Move DR 3% Reduces damage by 3% when the user is hit by Normal-type attack moves or sync moves.
Normal P-Move DR & S-Move DR 4% Reduces damage by 4% when the user is hit by Normal-type attack moves or sync moves.
Normal P-Move DR & S-Move DR 5% Reduces damage by 5% when the user is hit by Normal-type attack moves or sync moves.
Fire P-Move DR & S-Move DR 3% Reduces damage by 3% when the user is hit by Fire-type attack moves or sync moves.
Fire P-Move DR & S-Move DR 4% Reduces damage by 4% when the user is hit by Fire-type attack moves or sync moves.
Fire P-Move DR & S-Move DR 5% Reduces damage by 5% when the user is hit by Fire-type attack moves or sync moves.
Water P-Move DR & S-Move DR 3% Reduces damage by 3% when the user is hit by Water-type attack moves or sync moves.
Water P-Move DR & S-Move DR 4% Reduces damage by 4% when the user is hit by Water-type attack moves or sync moves.
Water P-Move DR & S-Move DR 5% Reduces damage by 5% when the user is hit by Water-type attack moves or sync moves.
Electric P-Move DR & S-Move DR 3% Reduces damage by 3% when the user is hit by Electric-type attack moves or sync moves.
Electric P-Move DR & S-Move DR 4% Reduces damage by 4% when the user is hit by Electric-type attack moves or sync moves.
Electric P-Move DR & S-Move DR 5% Reduces damage by 5% when the user is hit by Electric-type attack moves or sync moves.
Grass P-Move DR & S-Move DR 3% Reduces damage by 3% when the user is hit by Grass-type attack moves or sync moves.
Grass P-Move DR & S-Move DR 4% Reduces damage by 4% when the user is hit by Grass-type attack moves or sync moves.
Grass P-Move DR & S-Move DR 5% Reduces damage by 5% when the user is hit by Grass-type attack moves or sync moves.
Ice P-Move DR & S-Move DR 3% Reduces damage by 3% when the user is hit by Ice-type attack moves or sync moves.
Ice P-Move DR & S-Move DR 4% Reduces damage by 4% when the user is hit by Ice-type attack moves or sync moves.
Ice P-Move DR & S-Move DR 5% Reduces damage by 5% when the user is hit by Ice-type attack moves or sync moves.
Fighting P-Move DR & S-Move DR 3% Reduces damage by 3% when the user is hit by Fighting-type attack moves or sync moves.
Fighting P-Move DR & S-Move DR 4% Reduces damage by 4% when the user is hit by Fighting-type attack moves or sync moves.
Fighting P-Move DR & S-Move DR 5% Reduces damage by 5% when the user is hit by Fighting-type attack moves or sync moves.
Poison P-Move DR & S-Move DR 3% Reduces damage by 3% when the user is hit by Poison-type attack moves or sync moves.
Poison P-Move DR & S-Move DR 4% Reduces damage by 4% when the user is hit by Poison-type attack moves or sync moves.
Poison P-Move DR & S-Move DR 5% Reduces damage by 5% when the user is hit by Poison-type attack moves or sync moves.
Ground P-Move DR & S-Move DR 3% Reduces damage by 3% when the user is hit by Ground-type attack moves or sync moves.
Ground P-Move DR & S-Move DR 4% Reduces damage by 4% when the user is hit by Ground-type attack moves or sync moves.
Ground P-Move DR & S-Move DR 5% Reduces damage by 5% when the user is hit by Ground-type attack moves or sync moves.
Flying P-Move DR & S-Move DR 3% Reduces damage by 3% when the user is hit by Flying-type attack moves or sync moves.
Flying P-Move DR & S-Move DR 4% Reduces damage by 4% when the user is hit by Flying-type attack moves or sync moves.
Flying P-Move DR & S-Move DR 5% Reduces damage by 5% when the user is hit by Flying-type attack moves or sync moves.
Psychic P-Move DR & S-Move DR 3% Reduces damage by 3% when the user is hit by Psychic-type attack moves or sync moves.
Psychic P-Move DR & S-Move DR 4% Reduces damage by 4% when the user is hit by Psychic-type attack moves or sync moves.
Psychic P-Move DR & S-Move DR 5% Reduces damage by 5% when the user is hit by Psychic-type attack moves or sync moves.
Bug P-Move DR & S-Move DR 3% Reduces damage by 3% when the user is hit by Bug-type attack moves or sync moves.
Bug P-Move DR & S-Move DR 4% Reduces damage by 4% when the user is hit by Bug-type attack moves or sync moves.
Bug P-Move DR & S-Move DR 5% Reduces damage by 5% when the user is hit by Bug-type attack moves or sync moves.
Rock P-Move DR & S-Move DR 3% Reduces damage by 3% when the user is hit by Rock-type attack moves or sync moves.
Rock P-Move DR & S-Move DR 4% Reduces damage by 4% when the user is hit by Rock-type attack moves or sync moves.
Rock P-Move DR & S-Move DR 5% Reduces damage by 5% when the user is hit by Rock-type attack moves or sync moves.
Ghost P-Move DR & S-Move DR 3% Reduces damage by 3% when the user is hit by Ghost-type attack moves or sync moves.
Ghost P-Move DR & S-Move DR 4% Reduces damage by 4% when the user is hit by Ghost-type attack moves or sync moves.
Ghost P-Move DR & S-Move DR 5% Reduces damage by 5% when the user is hit by Ghost-type attack moves or sync moves.
Dragon P-Move DR & S-Move DR 3% Reduces damage by 3% when the user is hit by Dragon-type attack moves or sync moves.
Dragon P-Move DR & S-Move DR 4% Reduces damage by 4% when the user is hit by Dragon-type attack moves or sync moves.
Dragon P-Move DR & S-Move DR 5% Reduces damage by 5% when the user is hit by Dragon-type attack moves or sync moves.
Dark P-Move DR & S-Move DR 3% Reduces damage by 3% when the user is hit by Dark-type attack moves or sync moves.
Dark P-Move DR & S-Move DR 4% Reduces damage by 4% when the user is hit by Dark-type attack moves or sync moves.
Dark P-Move DR & S-Move DR 5% Reduces damage by 5% when the user is hit by Dark-type attack moves or sync moves.
Steel P-Move DR & S-Move DR 3% Reduces damage by 3% when the user is hit by Steel-type attack moves or sync moves.
Steel P-Move DR & S-Move DR 4% Reduces damage by 4% when the user is hit by Steel-type attack moves or sync moves.
Steel P-Move DR & S-Move DR 5% Reduces damage by 5% when the user is hit by Steel-type attack moves or sync moves.
Fairy P-Move DR & S-Move DR 3% Reduces damage by 3% when the user is hit by Fairy-type attack moves or sync moves.
Fairy P-Move DR & S-Move DR 4% Reduces damage by 4% when the user is hit by Fairy-type attack moves or sync moves.
Fairy P-Move DR & S-Move DR 5% Reduces damage by 5% when the user is hit by Fairy-type attack moves or sync moves.
Pinch: P-Move DR & S-Move DR 3% Reduces damage by 3% when the user is hit by an attack move or sync move while it is in a pinch.
Pinch: P-Move DR & S-Move DR 4% Reduces damage by 4% when the user is hit by an attack move or sync move while it is in a pinch.
Pinch: P-Move DR & S-Move DR 5% Reduces damage by 5% when the user is hit by an attack move or sync move while it is in a pinch.
Healthy Benefits 3% Reduces damage by 3% when the user is hit by an attack move or sync move while its HP is full.
Healthy Benefits 4% Reduces damage by 4% when the user is hit by an attack move or sync move while its HP is full.
Healthy Benefits 5% Reduces damage by 5% when the user is hit by an attack move or sync move while its HP is full.
Status Cond: P-Move DR & S-Move DR 3% Reduces damage by 3% when the user is hit by an attack move or sync move while it is affected by a status condition.
Status Cond: P-Move DR & S-Move DR 4% Reduces damage by 4% when the user is hit by an attack move or sync move while it is affected by a status condition.
Status Cond: P-Move DR & S-Move DR 5% Reduces damage by 5% when the user is hit by an attack move or sync move while it is affected by a status condition.
Physical Moves Up 1% Powers up the user's physical attack moves by 1%.
Low-Key Melancholy Turns the field of play's terrain into Electric Terrain the first time the user's attack move is successful each battle. Extends the duration of Electric Terrain when the terrain turns into Electric Terrain while the user is on the field. Piers & Toxtricity (Low-Key Forme)
Acerola & Palossand
Acerola & Mimikyu
Acerola & Mimikyu (Busted Form)
Acerola & Banette
Acerola & Tapu Bulu
Acerola & Jellicent
Agatha & Gengar
Agatha & Gengar (Mega Gengar)
Agatha & Arbok
Archer & Houndoom
Ariana & Arbok
Barry & Piplup
Barry & Prinplup
Barry & Empoleon
Barry & Roserade
Barry & Heracross
Barry & Heracross (Mega Heracross)
Barry & Floatzel
Blaine & Ponyta
Blaine & Rapidash
Blue & Pidgeot
Blue & Pidgeot (Mega Pidgeot)
Blue & Blastoise
Blue & Blastoise (Mega Blastoise)
Blue & Aerodactyl
Blue & Aerodactyl (Mega Aerodactyl)
Blue & Arcanine
Blue & Exeggutor
Blue & Charizard
Blue & Alakazam
Brawly & Makuhita
Brawly & Hariyama
Brendan & Treecko
Brendan & Grovyle
Brendan & Sceptile
Brendan & Latios
Brendan & Latios (Mega Latios)
Brendan & Sceptile (Mega Sceptle)
Brock & Onix
Brock & Tyranitar
Brock & Kabutops
Bruno & Machamp
Bruno & Onix
Brycen & Cryogonal
Bugsy & Beedrill
Bugsy & Beedrill (Mega Beedrill)
Bugsy & Scyther
Bugsy & Kricketune
Caitlin & Reuniclus
Caitlin & Sableye
Caitlin & Sableye (Mega Sableye)
Calem & Espurr
Calem & Meowstic
Calem & Fennekin
Calem & Sylveon
Candice & Abomasnow
Candice & Froslass
Candice & Darmanitan (Galarian Form)
Candice & Darmanitan (Galarian Form Zen Mode)
Cheren & Stoutland
Cheren & Purrloin
Cheren & Tornadus
Cheren & Liepard
Cheryl & Blissey
Cheryl & Wailord
Chili &
Cilan &
Clair & Kingdra
Clair & Drampa
Clay & Palpitoad
Clay & Seismitoad
Crasher Wake & Floatzel
Cress &
Cynthia & Garchomp
Cynthia & Garchomp (Mega Garchomp)
Cynthia & Kommo-o
Cynthia & Gastrodon
Diantha & Gardevoir
Diantha & Gardevoir (Mega Gardevoir)
Diantha & Keldeo (Resolute Form)
Diantha & Diancie (Shiny Diancie)
Diantha & Diancie (Shiny Mega Diancie)
Diantha & Tyrantrum
Drake & Salamence
Elesa & Zebstrika
Elesa & Rotom
Elesa & Emolga
Elesa & Joltik
Elesa & Togetic
Erika & Vileplume
Erika & Tangela
Erika & Comfey
Erika & Leafeon
Erika & Lurantis
Fantina & Mismagius
Flannery & Torkoal
Flint & Infernape
Gardenia & Roserade
Gardenia & Dhelmise
Giovanni & Mewtwo
Giovanni & Mewtwo (Mega Mewtwo Y)
Giovanni & Nidoking
Giovanni & Persian
Giovanni & Rhydon
Giovanni & Nidorino
Gladion & Silvally
Gladion & Golbat
Gladion & Weavile
Grant & Amaura
Grant & Aurorus
Grimsley & Liepard
Grimsley & Sharpedo
Grimsley & Sharpedo (Mega Sharpedo)
Grimsley & Bisharp
Hapu & Mudsdale
Hau & Raichu (Alola Form)
Hau & Tapu Koko
Hilbert & Oshawott
Hilbert & Dewott
Hilbert & Samurott
Hilbert & Mightyena
Hilbert & Genesect
Hilbert & Glaceon
Hilda & Tepig
Hilda & Pignite
Hilda & Emboar
Hilda & Diancie
Hilda & Diancie (Mega Diancie)
Hilda & Grapploct (Shiny Grapploct)
Hilda & Victini
Hilda & Leafeon
Hugh & Bouffalant
Hugh & Unfezant
Iris & Haxorus
Iris & Hydreigon
Iris & Naganadel
Janine & Ariados
Janine & Crobat
Kahili & Toucannon
Karen & Houndoom
Karen & Houndoom (Mega Houndoom)
Karen & Umbreon
Koga & Crobat
Korrina & Lucario
Korrina & Lucario (Mega Lucario)
Korrina & Marshadow
Kris & Totodile
Kris & Croconaw
Kris & Feraligatr
Kris & Jolteon
Lance & Dragonite
Lance & Gyarados
Lance & Dragonair
Lance & Kingdra
Lillie & Clefairy
Lillie & Ribombee
Lillie & Polteageist (Antique Form)
Lillie & Comfey
Lillie & Solgaleo
Lillie & Primarina ()
Liza & Lunatone
Liza & Celesteela
Lorelei & Lapras
Lorelei & Cloyster
Lt. Surge & Voltorb
Lt. Surge & Electrode
Lt. Surge & Raichu
Lusamine & Pheromosa
Lusamine & Lilligant
Lyra & Chikorita
Lyra & Bayleef
Lyra & Meganium
Lyra & Jigglypuff
Lyra & Vaporeon
Lyra & Phanpy
Main Character & Pikachu
Main Character & Torchic
Main Character & Solgaleo
Main Character & Bulbasaur
Main Character & Ivysaur
Main Character & Venusaur
Main Character & Charmander
Main Character & Charmeleon
Main Character & Charizard
Main Character & Squirtle
Main Character & Wartortle
Main Character & Blastoise
Main Character & Alcremie (Ruby Cream - Berry Sweet)
Main Character & Alcremie (Matcha Cream - Clover Sweet)
Main Character & Alcremie (Mint Cream - Star Sweet)
Main Character & Alcremie (Lemon Cream - Flower Sweet)
Main Character & Alcremie (Salted Cream - Ribbon Sweet)
Main Character & Alcremie (Caramel Swirl - Love Sweet)
Main Character & Scyther
Main Character & Scyther
Main Character & Scyther
Main Character & Pinsir
Main Character & Pinsir
Main Character & Pinsir
Main Character & Tauros
Main Character & Tauros
Main Character & Tauros
Main Character & Meowth
Main Character & Persian
Main Character & Meowth
Main Character & Persian
Main Character & Meowth
Main Character & Persian
Main Character & Zubat
Main Character & Golbat
Main Character & Zubat
Main Character & Golbat
Main Character & Zubat
Main Character & Golbat
Main Character & Rattata
Main Character & Raticate
Main Character & Rattata
Main Character & Raticate
Main Character & Rattata
Main Character & Raticate
Main Character & Bellsprout
Main Character & Weepinbell
Main Character & Victreebel
Main Character & Bellsprout
Main Character & Weepinbell
Main Character & Victreebel
Main Character & Bellsprout
Main Character & Weepinbell
Main Character & Victreebel
Main Character & Nidoran♀
Main Character & Nidorina
Main Character & Nidoqueen
Main Character & Nidoran♀
Main Character & Nidorina
Main Character & Nidoqueen
Main Character & Nidoran♀
Main Character & Nidorina
Main Character & Nidoqueen
Main Character & Venonat
Main Character & Venomoth
Main Character & Venonat
Main Character & Venomoth
Main Character & Venonat
Main Character & Venomoth
Main Character & Weedle
Main Character & Kakuna
Main Character & Beedrill
Main Character & Weedle
Main Character & Kakuna
Main Character & Beedrill
Main Character & Weedle
Main Character & Kakuna
Main Character & Beedrill
Main Character & Geodude
Main Character & Graveler
Main Character & Golem
Main Character & Geodude
Main Character & Graveler
Main Character & Golem
Main Character & Geodude
Main Character & Graveler
Main Character & Golem
Main Character & Onix
Main Character & Onix
Main Character & Onix
Main Character & Kabuto
Main Character & Kabutops
Main Character & Kabuto
Main Character & Kabutops
Main Character & Kabuto
Main Character & Kabutops
Main Character & Aerodactyl
Main Character & Aerodactyl
Main Character & Aerodactyl
Main Character & Bulbasaur
Main Character & Ivysaur
Main Character & Venusaur
Main Character & Bulbasaur
Main Character & Ivysaur
Main Character & Venusaur
Main Character & Bulbasaur
Main Character & Ivysaur
Main Character & Venusaur
Main Character & Charmander
Main Character & Charmeleon
Main Character & Charizard
Main Character & Charmander
Main Character & Charmeleon
Main Character & Charizard
Main Character & Charmander
Main Character & Charmeleon
Main Character & Charizard
Main Character & Squirtle
Main Character & Wartortle
Main Character & Blastoise
Main Character & Squirtle
Main Character & Wartortle
Main Character & Blastoise
Main Character & Squirtle
Main Character & Wartortle
Main Character & Blastoise
Main Character & Growlithe
Main Character & Arcanine
Main Character & Growlithe
Main Character & Arcanine
Main Character & Growlithe
Main Character & Arcanine
Main Character & Goldeen
Main Character & Seaking
Main Character & Goldeen
Main Character & Seaking
Main Character & Goldeen
Main Character & Seaking
Main Character & Kangaskhan
Main Character & Kangaskhan
Main Character & Kangaskhan
Main Character & Lapras
Main Character & Lapras
Main Character & Lapras
Main Character & Seel
Main Character & Dewgong
Main Character & Seel
Main Character & Dewgong
Main Character & Seel
Main Character & Dewgong
Main Character & Mankey
Main Character & Primeape
Main Character & Mankey
Main Character & Primeape
Main Character & Mankey
Main Character & Primeape
Main Character & Machop
Main Character & Machoke
Main Character & Machamp
Main Character & Machop
Main Character & Machoke
Main Character & Machamp
Main Character & Machop
Main Character & Machoke
Main Character & Machamp
Main Character & Abra
Main Character & Kadabra
Main Character & Alakazam
Main Character & Abra
Main Character & Kadabra
Main Character & Alakazam
Main Character & Abra
Main Character & Kadabra
Main Character & Alakazam
Main Character & Exeggcute
Main Character & Exeggutor
Main Character & Exeggcute
Main Character & Exeggutor
Main Character & Exeggcute
Main Character & Exeggutor
Main Character & Grimer
Main Character & Muk
Main Character & Grimer
Main Character & Muk
Main Character & Grimer
Main Character & Muk
Main Character & Lickitung
Main Character & Lickitung
Main Character & Lickitung
Main Character & Pichu
Main Character & Pikachu
Main Character & Raichu
Main Character & Pichu
Main Character & Pikachu
Main Character & Raichu
Main Character & Pichu
Main Character & Pikachu
Main Character & Raichu
Main Character & Elekid
Main Character & Electabuzz
Main Character & Elekid
Main Character & Electabuzz
Main Character & Elekid
Main Character & Electabuzz
Main Character & Magnemite
Main Character & Magneton
Main Character & Magnemite
Main Character & Magneton
Main Character & Magnemite
Main Character & Magneton
Main Character & Voltorb
Main Character & Electrode
Main Character & Voltorb
Main Character & Electrode
Main Character & Voltorb
Main Character & Electrode
Main Character & Igglybuff
Main Character & Jigglypuff
Main Character & Wigglytuff
Main Character & Igglybuff
Main Character & Jigglypuff
Main Character & Wigglytuff
Main Character & Igglybuff
Main Character & Jigglypuff
Main Character & Wigglytuff
Main Character & Cleffa
Main Character & Clefairy
Main Character & Clefable
Main Character & Cleffa
Main Character & Clefairy
Main Character & Clefable
Main Character & Cleffa
Main Character & Clefairy
Main Character & Clefable
Main Character & Porygon
Main Character & Porygon
Main Character & Porygon
Main Character & Magby
Main Character & Magmar
Main Character & Magby
Main Character & Magmar
Main Character & Magby
Main Character & Magmar
Main Character & Vulpix
Main Character & Ninetales
Main Character & Vulpix
Main Character & Ninetales
Main Character & Vulpix
Main Character & Ninetales
Main Character & Ponyta
Main Character & Rapidash
Main Character & Ponyta
Main Character & Rapidash
Main Character & Ponyta
Main Character & Rapidash
Main Character & Tangela
Main Character & Tangela
Main Character & Tangela
Main Character & Omanyte
Main Character & Omastar
Main Character & Omanyte
Main Character & Omastar
Main Character & Omanyte
Main Character & Omastar
Main Character & Cubone
Main Character & Marowak
Main Character & Cubone
Main Character & Marowak
Main Character & Cubone
Main Character & Marowak
Main Character & Sandshrew
Main Character & Sandslash
Main Character & Sandshrew
Main Character & Sandslash
Main Character & Sandshrew
Main Character & Sandslash
Main Character & Farfetch'd
Main Character & Farfetch'd
Main Character & Farfetch'd
Main Character & Spearow
Main Character & Fearow
Main Character & Spearow
Main Character & Fearow
Main Character & Spearow
Main Character & Fearow
Main Character & Dratini
Main Character & Dragonair
Main Character & Dragonite
Main Character & Dratini
Main Character & Dragonair
Main Character & Dragonite
Main Character & Dratini
Main Character & Dragonair
Main Character & Dragonite
Main Character & Staryu
Main Character & Starmie
Main Character & Staryu
Main Character & Starmie
Main Character & Staryu
Main Character & Starmie
Main Character & Ekans
Main Character & Arbok
Main Character & Ekans
Main Character & Arbok
Main Character & Ekans
Main Character & Arbok
Main Character & Gastly
Main Character & Haunter
Main Character & Gengar
Main Character & Gastly
Main Character & Haunter
Main Character & Gengar
Main Character & Koffing
Main Character & Weezing
Main Character & Koffing
Main Character & Weezing
Main Character & Koffing
Main Character & Weezing
Main Character & Paras
Main Character & Parasect
Main Character & Paras
Main Character & Parasect
Main Character & Paras
Main Character & Parasect
Main Character & Horsea
Main Character & Seadra
Main Character & Horsea
Main Character & Seadra
Main Character & Horsea
Main Character & Seadra
Main Character & Shellder
Main Character & Cloyster
Main Character & Shellder
Main Character & Cloyster
Main Character & Shellder
Main Character & Cloyster
Main Character & Munchlax
Main Character & Snorlax
Main Character & Munchlax
Main Character & Snorlax
Main Character & Munchlax
Main Character & Snorlax
Main Character & Happiny
Main Character & Chansey
Main Character & Chansey
Main Character & Happiny
Main Character & Chansey
Main Character & Magikarp
Main Character & Gyarados
Main Character & Magikarp
Main Character & Gyarados
Main Character & Magikarp
Main Character & Gyarados
Main Character & Tyrogue
Main Character & Hitmonchan
Main Character & Tyrogue
Main Character & Hitmontop
Main Character & Tyrogue
Main Character & Hitmonlee
Main Character & Smoochum
Main Character & Jynx
Main Character & Smoochum
Main Character & Jynx
Main Character & Smoochum
Main Character & Jynx
Main Character & Oddish
Main Character & Gloom
Main Character & Vileplume
Main Character & Oddish
Main Character & Gloom
Main Character & Vileplume
Main Character & Oddish
Main Character & Gloom
Main Character & Vileplume
Main Character & Meowth (Alola Form)
Main Character & Persian (Alola Form)
Main Character & Meowth (Alola Form)
Main Character & Persian (Alola Form)
Main Character & Meowth (Alola Form)
Main Character & Persian (Alola Form)
Main Character & Meowth (Galarian Form)
Main Character & Perrserker
Main Character & Meowth (Galarian Form)
Main Character & Perrserker
Main Character & Meowth (Galarian Form)
Main Character & Perrserker
Main Character & Pidgey
Main Character & Pidgeotto
Main Character & Pidgeot
Main Character & Pidgey
Main Character & Pidgeotto
Main Character & Pidgeot
Main Character & Pidgey
Main Character & Pidgeotto
Main Character & Pidgeot
Main Character & Nidoran♂
Main Character & Nidorino
Main Character & Nidoking
Main Character & Nidoran♂
Main Character & Nidorino
Main Character & Nidoking
Main Character & Nidoran♂
Main Character & Nidorino
Main Character & Nidoking
Main Character & Slowpoke
Main Character & Slowbro
Main Character & Slowpoke
Main Character & Slowbro
Main Character & Slowpoke
Main Character & Slowbro
Main Character &
Main Character &
Main Character &
Main Character &
Main Character &
Main Character &
Main Character &
Main Character &
Main Character &
Main Character & Diglett
Main Character & Dugtrio
Main Character & Diglett
Main Character & Dugtrio
Main Character & Diglett
Main Character & Dugtrio
Main Character & Eevee
Main Character & Vaporeon
Main Character & Eevee
Main Character & Jolteon
Main Character & Eevee
Main Character & Flareon
Main Character & Eevee
Main Character & Espeon
Main Character & Eevee
Main Character & Umbreon
Main Character & Eevee
Main Character & Leafeon
Main Character & Eevee
Main Character & Glaceon
Main Character & Eevee
Main Character & Sylveon
Main Character & Grookey
Main Character & Grookey
Main Character & Grookey
Main Character & Scorbunny
Main Character & Scorbunny
Main Character & Scorbunny
Main Character & Sobble
Main Character & Sobble
Main Character & Sobble
Main Character & Drowzee
Main Character & Hypno
Main Character & Drowzee
Main Character & Hypno
Main Character & Drowzee
Main Character & Hypno
Main Character & Psyduck
Main Character & Golduck
Main Character & Psyduck
Main Character & Golduck
Main Character & Psyduck
Main Character & Golduck
Main Character & Caterpie
Main Character & Metapod
Main Character & Butterfree
Main Character & Caterpie
Main Character & Metapod
Main Character & Butterfree
Main Character & Caterpie
Main Character & Metapod
Main Character & Butterfree
Main Character & Rhyhorn
Main Character & Rhydon
Main Character & Rhyhorn
Main Character & Rhydon
Main Character & Rhyhorn
Main Character & Rhydon
Main Character & Tentacool
Main Character & Tentacruel
Main Character & Tentacool
Main Character & Tentacruel
Main Character & Tentacool
Main Character & Tentacruel
Marley & Arcanine
Marley & Shaymin
Marlon & Carracosta
Marshal & Conkeldurr
Maylene & Meditite
Maylene & Medicham
Mina & Granbull
Mina & Tapu Fini
Misty & Starmie
Misty & Psyduck
Misty & Vaporeon
Nanu & Persian (Alola Form)
Noland & Pinsir
Noland & Pinsir (Mega Pinsir)
Noland & Ninjask
Norman & Slaking
Olivia & Lycanroc (Midnight Form)
Olivia & Carbink
Palmer & Regigigas
Phoebe & Dusclops
Phoebe & Dusknoir
Phoebe & Cofagrigus
Professor Kukui & Lycanroc
Professor Oak & Mew
Professor Oak & Mew
Professor Oak & Nidorino
Professor Sycamore & Xerneas
Professor Sycamore & Bulbasaur
Professor Sycamore & Gogoat
Pryce & Seel
Pryce & Dewgong
Ramos & Weepinbell
Ramos & Victreebel
Red & Charizard
Red & Charizard (Mega Charizard X)
Red & Snorlax
Red & Venusaur
Roark & Cranidos
Roark & Rampardos
Rosa & Snivy
Rosa & Servine
Rosa & Serperior
Rosa & Delibird
Rosa & Dewott
Rosa & Shaymin (Sky Forme)
Roxanne & Nosepass
Roxanne & Probopass
Roxanne & Runerigus
Roxie & Whirlipede
Roxie & Scolipede
Roxie & Toxtricity (Amped Form)
Sabrina & Alakazam
Sabrina & Alakazam (Mega Alakazam)
Sabrina & Chingling
Shauntal & Chandelure
Shauntal & Froslass
Siebold & Clawitzer
Siebold & Octillery
Silver & Ho-Oh
Silver & Feraligatr
Silver & Sneasel
Silver & Crobat
Skyla & Swanna
Skyla & Togekiss
Skyla & Tornadus (Therian Forme)
Skyla & Unfezant (Female)
Sophocles & Togedemaru
Sophocles & Golem (Alola Form)
Steven & Metagross
Steven & Metagross (Mega Metagross)
Steven & Sandslash (Alola Form)
Steven & Deoxys (Normal Forme)
Steven & Deoxys (Normal Forme)
Steven & Deoxys (Attack Forme)
Steven & Deoxys (Defense Forme)
Steven & Deoxys (Speed Forme)
Steven & Stoutland (Shiny Stoutland)
Steven & Cradily
Tate & Solrock
Tate & Jirachi
Thorton & Bronzong
Thorton & Magnezone
Viola & Surskit
Viola & Masquerain
Viola & Vivillon (Icy Snow Pattern)
Wally & Gallade
Wally & Gallade (Mega Gallade)
Wally & Gardevoir (Shiny Gardevoir)
Wally & Gardevoir (Shiny Mega Gardevoir)
Wally & Delcatty
Wally & Altaria
Whitney & Miltank
Whitney & Sawsbuck (Winter Form)
Wikstrom & Aegislash
Wikstrom & Aegislash (Blade Forme)
Will & Xatu
Will & Slowbro
Winona & Pelipper
Winona & Altaria
Wulfric & Avalugg
Glacia & Glalie
Glacia & Glalie (Mega Glalie)
Ethan & Cyndaquil
Ethan & Quilava
Ethan & Typhlosion
Leaf & Eevee
Leaf & Venusaur (Female)
Leaf & Venusaur (Mega Venusaur)
Leaf & Clefable
Leaf & Blastoise
Zinnia & Rayquaza
Zinnia & Rayquaza (Mega Rayquaza)
Zinnia & Salamence
Zinnia & Thievul
Valerie & Sylveon
Valerie & Mawile
Plumeria & Salazzle
Plumeria & Gengar
Guzma & Golisopod
Guzma & Buzzwole
Guzma & Ariados
Clemont & Heliolisk
Clemont & Magneton
Jasmine & Steelix
Jasmine & Steelix (Mega Steelix)
Jasmine & Celesteela
Jasmine & Ampharos
Jasmine & Ampharos (Mega Ampharos)
Jasmine & Magnemite
Wallace & Milotic
Wallace & Blacephalon
Dawn & Turtwig
Dawn & Grotle
Dawn & Torterra
Dawn & Alcremie
Dawn & Cresselia
Dawn & Oricorio (Sensu Style)
Dawn & Wormadam (Plant Cloak)
Burgh & Leavanny
Burgh & Togepi
Serena & Fennekin
Serena & Braixen
Serena & Delphox
Serena & Whimsicott
Serena & Fletchling
Morty & Drifblim
Morty & Mismagius
Morty & Banette
Morty & Banette (Mega Banette)
Morty & Ho-Oh (Shiny Ho-Oh)
Morty & Gastly
Lucy & Seviper
Jessie & Arbok
Cyrus & Palkia
Cyrus & Darkrai
James & Weezing
Volkner & Luxray
Volkner & Electivire
Volkner & Raichu
Molayne & Dugtrio (Alola Form)
Nate & Braviary
Bianca & Musharna
Lisia & Altaria
Lisia & Altaria (Mega Altaria)
Lisia & Rapidash (Galarian Form)
Alder & Volcarona
Gloria & Zacian (Crowned Sword)
Gloria & Inteleon
Gloria & Urshifu (Rapid Strike)
Gloria & Thwackey
Gloria & Cinderace
Gloria & Cinderace
Gloria & Cinderace
N & Zekrom
N & Zoroark
N & Sigilyph
N & Kyurem (Black Kyurem)
Mallow & Tsareena
Mallow & Appletun
Mallow & Shiinotic
May & Mudkip
May & Marshtomp
May & Swampert
May & Swampert (Mega Swampert)
May & Lopunny
May & Lopunny (Mega Lopunny)
May & Latias
May & Latias (Mega Latias)
May & Blaziken
May & Blaziken (Mega Blaziken)
May & Wailmer
Lysandre & Yveltal
Lysandre & Volcanion
Piers & Obstagoon
Piers & Toxtricity (Low-Key Forme)
Lear & Hoopa
Lear & Krookodile
Rachel & Umbreon
Rachel & (Roaming Form)
Sawyer & Honchkrow
Sawyer &
Leon & Eternatus
Leon & Calyrex (Ice Rider)
Leon & Dragapult
Marnie & Morpeko
Marnie & Morpeko (Hangry Mode)
Marnie & Grimmsnarl
Marnie & Mawile
Marnie & Mawile (Mega Mawile)
Marnie & Toxicroak
Marnie & Scrafty
Marnie & Cinderace
Elio & Popplio
Elio & Brionne
Elio & Primarina
Elio & Espeon
Elio & Stakataka
Selene & Rowlet
Selene & Dartrix
Selene & Decidueye
Selene & Umbreon
Selene & Scizor (Female)
Selene & Nihilego
Kiawe & Marowak (Alola Form)
Kiawe & Arcanine
Lana & Araquanid
Lana & Tapu Lele
Lana & Lanturn
Ryuki & Turtonator
Raihan & Duraludon
Raihan & Flygon
Raihan & Gigalith
Raihan & Sandaconda
Ghetsis & Kyurem
Nessa & Drednaw
Nessa & Eiscue
Nessa & Eiscue (Noice Face)
Bea & Sirfetch'd
Bea & Vanilluxe
Hala & Crabominable
The Masked Royal & Incineroar
Ingo & Excadrill
Ingo & Accelgor
Ingo & Chandelure
Emmet & Archeops
Emmet & Escavalier
Emmet & Eelektross
Hop & Zamazenta (Crowned Shield)
Hop & Rillaboom
Hop & Pincurchin
Falkner & Swellow
Falkner & Pidgeot
Falkner & Noctowl
Sidney & Absol
Sidney & Absol (Mega Absol)
Darach & Staraptor
Allister & Gengar
Allister & Gourgeist (Super Size)
Sonia & Yamper
Sonia & Tsareena (Shiny Tsareena)
Lucas & Dialga
Lucas & Flareon
Lucas & Torterra
Looker & Croagunk
Mars &
Saturn &
Jupiter &
Aaron & Vespiquen
Bertha & Hippowdon
Lucian & Girafarig
Petrel & Weezing
Proton & Golbat
Bede & Hatterene
Bede & Inteleon
Chuck & Poliwrath
Courtney & Camerupt (Female)
Courtney & Camerupt (Mega Camerupt)
Tabitha &
Matt &
Shelley &
Naomi & Sandslash
Victor & Rillaboom
Victor & Spectrier
Victor & Greedent
Gordie & Coalossal
Melony & Lapras
Helena & Haunter
Colress & Klinklang
Shadow Triad &
Shauna & Chesnaught
Shauna & Klefki
Shauna & Delcatty
Shauna & Sylveon
Trevor & Florges (Orange Flower)
Tierno & Crawdaunt
Tierno & Talonflame
Malva & Talonflame
Kali & Azumarill
Drasna & Dragalge
Anabel & Snorlax
Emma & Crobat
Ball Guy & Amoonguss
Adaman & Vaporeon
Adaman & Ursaluna
Irida & Flareon
Irida & Zoroark (Hisuian Form)
Eusine & Suicune (Shiny Suicune)
Rose & Copperajah
Rose & Perrserker
Oleana & Garbodor
Olympia & Sigilyph
Nemona &
Nemona & Lycanroc
Paulo & Lycanroc (Dusk Form)
Tina & Flareon
Argenta & Skarmory
Akari & Samurott (Hisuian Form)
Rei & Decidueye (Hisuian Form)
Lenora & Watchog
Penny & Sylveon
Elaine & Eevee
Eve & Eevee
Katherine & Slurpuff
Iono &
Iono &
Iono &
Grusha &
Grusha & Beartic
Chase & Pikachu
Petey & Pikachu (Female)
Riley & Lucario
Dahlia & Ludicolo
Volo & Togepi
Volo & Gible
Jacq &
Rika &
Rika & Whiscash
Brycen-man & Zoroark
Bellelba & Swoobat
Poppy &
Poppy & Steelix (Shiny Steelix)
Poppy & Steelix (Shiny Mega Steelix)
Kabu & Centiskorch
Kabu & Torkoal
Larry &
Greta & Breloom
Klara & Slowbro (Galarian Form)
Avery & Slowking (Galarian Form)
Arven &
Arven &
Clavell &
Clavell &
Giacomo &
Eri &
Dexio & Espeon
Sina & Glaceon
Milo & Eldegoss
Blossom & Kirlia
Mela &
Atticus &
Blue & Arcanine
Blue & Arcanine
Blue & Arcanine
Blue & Arcanine
Blue & Arcanine
Blue & Arcanine
Hilbert & Oshawott
Hilbert & Dewott
Hilbert & Samurott
Lorelei & Lapras
Lyra & Chikorita
Lyra & Bayleef
Lyra & Meganium
Lyra & Chikorita
Lyra & Bayleef
Lyra & Meganium
Lyra & Chikorita
Lyra & Bayleef
Lyra & Meganium
Lyra & Chikorita
Lyra & Bayleef
Lyra & Meganium
Lyra & Chikorita
Lyra & Bayleef
Lyra & Meganium
Lyra & Chikorita
Lyra & Bayleef
Lyra & Meganium
Steven & Metagross
Steven & Metagross (Mega Metagross)
Steven & Metagross
Steven & Metagross (Mega Metagross)
Steven & Metagross
Steven & Metagross (Mega Metagross)
Steven & Metagross
Steven & Metagross (Mega Metagross)
Steven & Metagross
Steven & Metagross (Mega Metagross)
Steven & Metagross
Steven & Metagross (Mega Metagross)
Glacia & Glalie
Glacia & Glalie (Mega Glalie)
Morty & Ho-Oh (Shiny Ho-Oh)
Juliana &
Florian &
S-Move: Dark Zone Turns the field of play's zone into a Dark Zone after using the user's sync move. (A Dark Zone powers up Dark-type attacks.) Selene & Umbreon
Dark Zone: Team Crit Immunity Protects all allied sync pairs against critical hits when the zone is a Dark Zone. Selene & Umbreon
P-Move/S-Move on Opp: Defense ?2 9 Lowers the target's Defense by 2 stat ranks when the user's Pokémon uses a move targeting that opponent. Lowers the target's Defense by 2 stat ranks after using the user's sync move targeting that opponent. Selene & Umbreon
Ice Zone: MG ? 2 Quickly charges the move gauge when the zone is an Ice Zone. Main Character & Eevee
Main Character & Glaceon
Psychic Terrain: Team Condition Nullification Prevents all allied sync pairs from being inflicted with status conditions, flinching, becoming confused, or becoming trapped when the terrain is Psychic Terrain. Elio & Espeon
P-Move/S-Move on Opp: Sp. Def ?2 9 Lowers the target's Sp. Def by 2 stat ranks when the user's Pokémon uses a move targeting that opponent. Lowers the target's Sp. Def by 2 stat ranks after using the user's sync move targeting that opponent. Elio & Espeon
Star Shout! Grants all of the following effects when the user uses Shell Trap: Makes opponents target the user for a short time. Applies the Damage Guard Next effect to the user. Increases the user's Special Moves ↑ Next effect by 2 ranks. Ryuki & Turtonator
1st Hit: Fairy Rebuff ? Lowers the target's Fairy Type Rebuff by 1 rank the first time the user's attack move is successful each battle. Penny & Sylveon
"Quick Move": Restore T-Move MP 9 Restores 1 MP for the user's Trainer when it uses a move that has the quick move effect tag. Elaine & Eevee
Hit: Interference (1 Kind) 9 Leaves the target either flinching, confused, or trapped when the user's attack move against it is successful. Elaine & Eevee Elaine & Eevee
1st Use Status P-Move: HP Recovery 4 Restores the user's HP by approximately 40% of its maximum HP the first time its Pokémon uses a status move each battle. Elaine & Eevee
Hit Poisoned Opp: Attack ? & Hit Paralyzed Opp: Sp. Atk ? 9 Lowers the target's Attack by 1 stat rank when the user's attack move is successful against a poisoned or badly poisoned opponent. Lowers the target's Sp. Atk by 1 stat rank when the user's attack move is successful against a paralyzed opponent. Roxie & Toxtricity (Amped Form)
Amped and Vibed Turns the field of play's zone into a Poison Zone the first time the user's max move is used each battle. (A Poison Zone powers up Poison-type attacks.) Extends the duration of the Poison Zone when the zone turns into a Poison Zone while the user is on the field. Roxie & Toxtricity (Amped Form)
Turbo Charge 3 Quickly charges the move gauge when the field is Electric Terrain. Roxie & Toxtricity (Amped Form)
Hop & Pincurchin
Move on Opp: Attack ? &/ Sp. Atk ? 9 Lowers the target's Attack or Sp. Atk—or both—by 1 stat rank when the user's move targeting that opponent is successful. Red & Venusaur
Kanto Journey Legacy The user's moves never miss. Except in certain circumstances, successful hits with the user's following attacks become critical hits: Pokémon's moves, sync move, or max moves. Blue & Charizard
Red & Venusaur
Leaf & Blastoise
Poison Zone: Moves ? 3% Powers up the user's moves by 3% when the zone is a Poison Zone.
Opp Poisoned: S-Moves ? 4% Powers up the user's sync move by 4% when the target is poisoned or badly poisoned.
Poison Zone: P-Move DR & S-Move DR 4% Reduces damage by 4% when the user is hit by an attack move or sync move while the zone is a Poison Zone.
Electric Terrain: Moves ? 3% Powers up the user's moves by 3% when the terrain is Electric Terrain.
Opp Paralyzed: S-Moves ? 4% Powers up the user's sync move by 4% when the target is paralyzed.
Electric Terrain: P-Move DR & S-Move DR 4% Reduces damage by 4% when the user is hit by an attack move or sync move while the terrain is Electric Terrain.
Fairy Moves ? 2% Powers up the user's Fairy-type moves by 2%.
Special S-Moves ? 2% Powers up the user's special sync move by 2%.
Dragon P-Move DR & S-Move DR 4% Reduces damage by 4% when the user is hit by Dragon-type attack moves or sync moves.
Opp Confused: Moves ? 4% Powers up the user's moves by 4% when the target is confused.
Critastrophe 2% Powers up the user's sync move by 2% when it becomes a critical hit.
Attack Move DR 2% Reduces damage by 2% when the user is hit by an attack move.
Unova Pride Powers up the physical attack moves of all allied sync pairs by 20%. Reduces physical attack move damage taken by all allied sync pairs by 25%. The more allied sync pairs with the Unova theme you have on your team, the higher these percentages are. (Each additional sync pair powers up moves by 15% and reduces damage by 3%. The maximum power-up is 50%, and the maximum damage reduction is 31%.) Nate & Haxorus (Shiny Haxorus)
Strategy: Focus on Attack! Raises the user's Attack by 6 stat ranks when its Trainer uses a move. Increases the user's Physical Moves ↑ Next effect by one rank when its Trainer uses a move. Nate & Haxorus (Shiny Haxorus)
Better Than Perfect Opportunity Restores 1 MP of the user's buddy move after your team's sync pair uses their sync move. Increases the user's Physical Moves ↑ Next effect by 1 rank after your team's sync pair uses their sync move. Nate & Haxorus (Shiny Haxorus)
Relic Nostalgia Switches between Aria Forme and Pirouette Forme when the user's attack move or sync move which includes Relic Song in its name is successful. Increases the Physical Moves ↑ Next effect and Special Moves ↑ Next effect of all allied sync pairs by 1 rank when the user changes forms while it is on the field of play. Rosa & Meloetta (Aria Form)
Rosa & Meloetta (Pirouette Forme)
Psychic Performance Normal-type moves and sync moves become Psychic type. Raises the user's Sp. Def by 1 stat rank when its move targeting an opponent is successful. Rosa & Meloetta (Aria Form)
Fighting Performance Normal-type moves and sync moves become Fighting type. Raises the user's Defense by 1 stat rank when its move targeting an opponent is successful. Rosa & Meloetta (Pirouette Forme)
Enchanting Memory Lowers the target's Psychic Type Rebuff by 1 rank the first time the user uses a move targeting the opponent each battle when it is in Aria Forme. Lowers the target's Fighting Type Rebuff by 1 rank the first time the user uses a move targeting the opponent each battle when it is in Pirouette Forme. Rosa & Meloetta (Aria Form)
Rosa & Meloetta (Pirouette Forme)
Grass-Type Research Results Lowers the target's Grass Type Rebuff by 1 rank the first time the user's attack move is successful each battle. Raises the Grass Type Rebuff of all allied sync pairs by 1 rank the first time the user's attack move is successful each battle. Professor Sycamore & Gogoat
Hit: HP Recovery 9 Restores the user's HP when its attack move is successful. Professor Sycamore & Gogoat
Tierno & Crawdaunt
Group Grass Guard Reduces the damage all allied sync pairs take when attacked by Grass-type moves. Professor Sycamore & Gogoat
Hit Status Cond Opp: Stat ?2 9 Lowers one of the target's following stats by 2 stat ranks at random when the user's attack move is successful against targets that are affected by a status condition: Attack, Defense, Sp. Atk, Sp. Def, Speed, accuracy, or evasiveness. Viola & Vivillon (Icy Snow Pattern)
Bug Zone: Team Attack Move DR 2 Reduces attack move damage taken by allies when the zone is a Bug Zone. Viola & Vivillon (Icy Snow Pattern)
Paralyzed Opp Fail ? 5 Raises the chance that an opponent's move will fail due to paralysis. Viola & Vivillon (Icy Snow Pattern)
Hem In 9 Lowers the target's evasiveness by 1 stat rank when the user's attack move against it is successful. Volkner & Raichu
Shauna & Delcatty
Shauna & Delcatty
Petey & Pikachu (Female)
T-Move: Team Free Move Next 9 Applies the Free Move Next effect to all allied sync pairs when the user's Trainer uses a move. Clair & Drampa
Initial S-Move: Team HP Recovery (M) 2 Restores the HP of all allied sync pairs by approximately 40% of their maximum HP the first time the user's sync move is used each battle. Clair & Drampa
Mallow & Appletun
Team Takes Hit From P-/S-/Max Move: Ignore WTZ Power ? Ignores the power-up effects of weather conditions, terrains, and zones when an ally is hit by an attack move, sync move, or max move. Clair & Drampa
Gimme All You Got! Applies the Free Move Next effect to all allied sync pairs when the user is hit by an attack move. Increases the Special Moves ↑ Next effect of all allied sync pairs by 1 rank when the user is hit by an attack move. Iono &
1st T-Move: Team Sp. Atk ↑ 4 Raises the Sp. Atk of all allied sync pairs by 4 stat ranks the first time the user's Trainer uses a move each battle. Iono &
Fear the Snowy Mountain Reduces physical attack move damage taken by allies when the zone is an Ice Zone. Quickly charges the move gauge when the zone is an Ice Zone. Grusha &
Mind-Blowing Illusion! Activates one of several additional effects at random after using the user's max move. Wallace & Blacephalon
KO Opp: Special Boost ↑2 9 Increases the user's Special Moves ↑ Next effect by 2 ranks when it knocks out an opponent with a move. Wallace & Blacephalon
Just Give It Up Already The user's stats cannot be lowered. Lowers the target's Sp. Atk by 2 stat ranks when the user successfully attacks with Fleur Cannon. When the user's stat is lowered by an opponent, the amount lowered is reflected back to that opponent instead. Gladion & Magearna
Condition Nullification Prevents the user from being inflicted with status conditions, flinching, becoming confused, or becoming trapped. Gladion & Magearna Kiawe Lucky Cookie 1
Use Status P-Move: Team Attack ↓ 9 Lowers the Attack of all opposing sync pairs by 1 stat rank when the user's Pokémon uses a status move. Falkner & Noctowl
Use Status P-Move: Team Sp. Atk ↓ 9 Lowers the Sp. Atk of all opposing sync pairs by 1 stat rank when the user's Pokémon uses a status move. Hugh & Unfezant
Falkner & Noctowl
A Little Nibble Reduces MP by 1 for the user's moves that have the Berry effect tag and grants all of the following effects when the user's HP is left at half or below after it is hit by an attack move or sync move: Restores the user's HP by approximately 40% of its maximum HP. Applies the Enduring effect to the user. Victor & Greedent
Have Seconds! Raises the Attack, Sp. Atk, and critical-hit rate of all allied sync pairs by 1 stat rank when the remaining MP for the user's moves that have the Berry effect tag is one or higher and its attack move is successful. Victor & Greedent
Electrifying Chase Leaves an opponent that attacked the user paralyzed when the user is hit by an attack move. Restores the HP of all allied sync pairs when the user is hit by an attack move. Chase & Pikachu
T-Move: Team Speed ↑ & Evasiveness ↑ 9 Raises the Speed and evasiveness of all allied sync pairs by 1 stat rank when the user's Trainer uses a move. Chase & Pikachu
Is This Your Order? Changes the user to Galarian Form (Zen Mode) when its HP drops to approximately 50% or below, or changes the user to Galarian Form (Standard Mode) when its HP rises to approximately 50% or above. Increases the user's Physical Moves ↑ Next effect by 2 ranks when it changes forms while it is on the field of play. Candice & Darmanitan (Galarian Form)
Candice & Darmanitan (Galarian Form Zen Mode)
Burning Dance Powers up the user's moves when it is affected by a status condition. Ignores the reduction of the user's Attack due to being burned. Adaman & Ursaluna
Status Cond: S-Moves ↑ 9 Powers up the user's sync move when it is affected by a status condition. Adaman & Ursaluna
Hit: Free Move Next/Special Boost ↑1 Applies the Free Move Next effect to the user or increases its Special Moves ↑ Next effect by one rank when its attack move is successful. Irida & Zoroark (Hisuian Form)
Paldea Flag Bearer Powers up the moves of all allied sync pairs by 10%. Reduces attack move damage taken by all allied sync pairs by 20%. The more allied sync pairs with the Paldea theme you have on your team, the higher these percentages are. (Each additional sync pair powers up moves by 10% and reduces damage by 3%. The maximum power-up is 30%, and the maximum damage reduction is 26%.) Geeta &
Top Champion's Pressure Turns the field of play's zone into a Poison Zone the first time the user enters a battle each battle. (A Poison Zone powers up Poison-type attacks.) Raises the user's Attack by six stat ranks the first time it enters a battle each battle. Geeta &
Top Champion's Radiance Charges the user's move gauge by one when its attack move hits. Increases the user's Physical Moves Up Next effect by one rank when its attack move hits. Geeta &
Top Champion's Talent Increases the amount of move gauge slots needed to use Mortal Spin and Mortal Spin by two and powers up both moves. Except in certain circumstances, successful hits with the user's following attacks become critical hits: Pokémon's moves or sync move. Geeta &
Team Attack ↓ Immunity Attack cannot be lowered for all allied sync pairs. Tierno & Crawdaunt
Max Move Hit: Team Same-Type Rebuff ↓ 1 Lowers the Type Rebuff of all opposing sync pairs by one rank when the user's max move targeting an opponent is successful. The Type Rebuff lowered is the same type as the max move used. Dahlia & Ludicolo
Phys Hit: Defense ↓2 9 Lowers the target's Defense by two stat ranks when the user's physical attack move against it is successful. Dahlia & Ludicolo
Spec Hit: Sp. Def ↓2 9 Lowers the target's Sp. Def by two stat ranks when the user's special attack move against it is successful. Dahlia & Ludicolo
Destructive Instinct Causes a sandstorm when the user enters a battle. Extends the duration of a sandstorm when a sandstorm is caused while the user is on the field. Powers up the user's moves and sync move during a sandstorm. Silver & Tyranitar (Shiny Tyranitar)
Silver & Tyranitar (Shiny Mega Tyranitar)
Silver's Rebellious Spirit Powers up the moves of all allied sync pairs during a sandstorm. Protects all allied sync pairs from damage from a sandstorm. Silver & Tyranitar (Shiny Tyranitar)
Silver & Tyranitar (Shiny Mega Tyranitar)
Piqued Curiosity The user's moves never miss. When the user uses Normal-type attack moves, those moves become Fairy-type moves. Turns the field of play's zone into a Fairy Zone the first time the user's Pokémon uses a status move each battle. (A Fairy Zone powers up Fairy-type attacks.) Volo & Togepi
Business Opportunity Lowers one of the target's following stats by one stat rank at random when the user's attack move against it is successful: Attack, Defense, Sp. Atk, Sp. Def, Speed, accuracy, or evasiveness. Charges the user's move gauge by one when its attack move hits. Volo & Togepi
Circle: Team S-Moves ↑ 3 Powers up the sync moves of all allied sync pairs when a circle applies to the allied field of play. Volo & Togepi
Jacq's Lesson Reduces MP by one for the user's moves that have the Berry effect tag and raises its Sp. Atk and Sp. Def by two stat ranks when its attack move is successful. Jacq &
S-Move: Restore "Berry" MP 3 Restores three MP of the user's moves that have the Berry effect tag after using its sync move. Jacq &
Strike: Stat ↑2 9 Raises one of the user's following stats by two stat ranks at random when its attack move hits: Attack, Defense, Sp. Atk, Sp. Def, Speed, accuracy, or evasiveness. If the move has the multistrike effect tag, raises one of the user's following stats by two stat ranks at random for each hit: Attack, Defense, Sp. Atk, Sp. Def, Speed, accuracy, or evasiveness. Jacq &
Entry: Attack ↑ & Speed ↑ 2 Raises the user's Attack and Speed by two stat ranks when it enters a battle. Barry & Heracross
Barry & Heracross (Mega Heracross)
Take Hit: Opp 1 of 5 Stats ↓2 9 Lowers one of the following stats of an opponent that attacked the user by two stat ranks at random when the user is hit by an attack move: Attack, Defense, Sp. Atk, Sp. Def, or Speed. Rika &
Hit Rebuff ↓ Opp: Free Move Next 9 Applies the Free Move Next effect to the user when its attack move is successful while the target's Type Rebuff is lowered. Brycen-man & Zoroark
1st S-Move on Opp: Stat Ranks ↓ ×2 If the target's stats are lowered, the amount of decrease is doubled the first time the user's sync move targeting the opponent is successful each battle. This effect can activate only once per battle. Brycen-man & Zoroark
Rules of the Enchanted Land The user's Defense and Sp. Def increase 20% when effects that apply only to the allied field of play are in effect. Extends the duration of the Critical-Hit Defense effect when the Critical-Hit Defense effect applies to the allied field of play. Bellelba & Swoobat
Allied Field Effect & Hit: Free Move Next 9 Applies the Free Move Next effect to the user when its attack move is successful while effects that apply only to the allied field of play are in effect. Bellelba & Swoobat
Crit-Hit Defense: Physical & Special DR Applies the Physical Damage Reduction effect and the Special Damage Reduction effect to the allied field of play when the user applies the Critical-Hit Defense effect. Bellelba & Swoobat
Use Status P-Move on Opp: Defense ↓2 9 Lowers the target's Defense by two stat ranks when the user's Pokémon uses a status move targeting that opponent. Poppy &
Entry: Sp. Atk ↑ & Speed ↑ 4 Raises the user's Sp. Atk and Speed by four stat ranks when it enters a battle. Blue & Charizard
Unova Spirit Powers up the special attack moves of all allied sync pairs by 20%. Reduces special attack move damage taken by all allied sync pairs by 25%. The more allied sync pairs with the Unova theme you have on your team, the higher these percentages are. (Each additional sync pair powers up moves by 15% and reduces damage by 3%. The maximum power-up is 50%, and the maximum damage reduction is 31%.)
Season-Turning Power The user's moves never miss. Raises the user's Sp. Atk by four stat ranks when it enters a battle. Except in certain circumstances, successful hits with the user's following attacks become critical hits: Pokémon's moves or sync move. Cheren & Tornadus
New Teacher's Quick Hit Increases the user's Physical Moves ↑ Next effect and Special Moves ↑ Next effect by one rank when its attack move is successful. The more the user's Physical Moves ↑ Next effect is increased, the more it powers up its moves. The more the user's Physical Moves ↑ Next effect is increased, the more it powers up its sync move. Cheren & Tornadus
S-Move: Physical Boost ↑2 & Special Boost ↑2 9 Increases the user's Physical Moves ↑ Next effect and Special Moves ↑ Next effect by two ranks after using its sync move. Blue & Charizard
Lance & Dragonite
Max Move: Team Attack ↑ & Team Sp. Atk ↑ 4 Raises the Attack and Sp. Atk of all allied sync pairs by four stat ranks after using the user's max move. Kabu & Centiskorch
1st Use Status P-Move: Team Crit Rate ↑ 3 Raises the critical-hit rate of all allied sync pairs by three stat ranks the first time the user's Pokémon uses a status move each battle. Kabu & Centiskorch
Working Man's Methods Raises the user's Attack by four stat ranks when it enters a battle. Grants all of the following effects when the user is attacking:
Ignores the target's passive skills that would reduce the damage of attacks.
Ignores the target's passive skills that would protect the target against a critical hit.
Ignores the target's Enduring effect.
Larry &
Opp Rebuff ↓: Team Moves ↑ 2 Powers up the moves of all allied sync pairs when attacking a target with a lowered Type Rebuff. Larry &
Rebuff Reducing Hit (Weakness) Lowers the target's Type Rebuff of its weakness type by one rank the first time the user's attack move is successful each battle. Steven & Stoutland (Shiny Stoutland)
Larry &
Unova Flag Bearer Powers up the moves of all allied sync pairs by 10%. Reduces attack move damage taken by all allied sync pairs by 20%. The more allied sync pairs with the Unova theme you have on your team, the higher these percentages are. (Each additional sync pair powers up moves by 10% and reduces damage by 3%. The maximum power-up is 30%, and the maximum damage reduction is 26%.) Rosa & Meloetta (Aria Form)
Rosa & Meloetta (Pirouette Forme)
Bianca & Virizion
N & Reshiram
The Will to Protect Applies Unova Circle (Defensive) to the allied field of play the first time the user enters a battle each battle. Powers up the moves and sync moves of all allied sync pairs when Unova Circle (Defensive) is applied to the allied field of play. Applies the Free Move Next effect to the user when its attack move is successful while Unova Circle (Defensive) is applied to the allied field of play. Bianca & Virizion
Assistant's Observations Raises the Speed and evasiveness of all allied sync pairs by one stat rank when the user's attack move is successful. Bianca & Virizion
Grooow Strong! Grants all of the following effects when the user activates a weather, terrain, or zone effect: Raises one of the following stats of all allied sync pairs by two stat ranks at random: Attack, Defense, Sp. Atk, Sp. Def, Speed, accuracy, or evasiveness. (The same stat is raised for all allied sync pairs.) Increases the Special Moves ↑ Next effect of all allied sync pairs by one rank. Gardenia & Dhelmise
Status P-Move on Opp: Team ↓ 9 When a status move used by the user's Pokémon lowers an opponent's stat, lowers the same stat for all opposing sync pairs instead. Gardenia & Dhelmise
1st Use Status P-Move: Steel Zone Turns the field of play's zone into a Steel Zone the first time the user's Pokémon uses a status move each battle. (A Steel Zone powers up Steel-type attacks.) Gardenia & Dhelmise
Max Move: Team Free Move Next Applies the Free Move Next effect to all allied sync pairs after using the user's max move. Greta & Breloom Paulo & Lycanroc (Dusk Form)
Use Status P-Move: Stat ↑ 9 Raises one of the user's following stats by one stat rank at random when its Pokémon uses a status move: Attack, Defense, Sp. Atk, Sp. Def, Speed, accuracy, or evasiveness. Greta & Breloom
Blossom & Kirlia
Blossom & Kirlia
Debut: Dark Zone Turns the field of play's zone into a Dark Zone the first time the user enters a battle each battle. (A Dark Zone powers up Dark-type attacks.) Marnie & Scrafty Giovanni & Guzzlord
Debut: Rock Zone Turns the field of play's zone into a Rock Zone the first time the user enters a battle each battle. (A Rock Zone powers up Rock-type attacks.) Nemona & Lycanroc
Lithic Acceleration 3 Quickly charges the move gauge when the zone is a Rock Zone. Nemona & Lycanroc Diantha & Diancie (Shiny Diancie)
Diantha & Diancie (Shiny Mega Diancie)
Touch at Your Own Peril Lowers the Attack and Sp. Atk of an opponent that attacked the user by two stat ranks when the user is hit by an attack move. Acerola & Jellicent
"Heals" Move: Team Gradual Healing Applies the Gradual Healing effect to all allied sync pairs when the user uses a move that has the heals effect tag. Acerola & Jellicent
Hit Inter Opp: HP Recovery 9 Restores the user's HP when its attack move is successful against a flinching, confused, or trapped opponent Kabu & Torkoal Falkner & Noctowl
Full-Course Feast of Venom Increases the user's Physical Moves ↑ Next effect by one rank when it successfully attacks with Poison Jab. Increases the user's Special Moves ↑ Next effect by one rank when it successfully attacks with Sludge Bomb. Klara & Slowbro (Galarian Form)
Physical Max Move: Physical Boost 3 Increases the user's Physical Moves ↑ Next effect by three ranks after using its physical max move. Klara & Slowbro (Galarian Form)
Special Max Move: Special Boost 3 Increases the user's Special Moves ↑ Next effect by three ranks after using its special max move. Klara & Slowbro (Galarian Form)
Set Allied/Entire Field Effect: Free Move Next 9 Applies the Free Move Next effect to the user when it activates a field effect on either the entire field of play or the allied field of play. Avery & Slowking (Galarian Form)
Hail: Physical DR 3 Reduces physical attack move damage taken by allies during a hailstorm. Avery & Slowking (Galarian Form)
Team Hail Immunity Protects all allied sync pairs from damage from a hailstorm. Shauntal & Froslass
Avery & Slowking (Galarian Form)
Arctic Arrival Turns the field of play's zone into an Ice Zone the first time the user enters a battle each battle. (An Ice Zone powers up Ice-type attacks.) Gladion & Weavile Irida & Glaceon
Use Move When Ice Zone: Team HP Recovery 9 Restores the HP of all allied sync pairs when the user uses a move while the zone is an Ice Zone. Gladion & Weavile Hilbert & Glaceon
Grusha &
1st T-Move: Defense ↑ & Sp. Def ↑ 6 Raises the user's Defense and Sp. Def by six stat ranks the first time its Trainer uses a move each battle. Elio & Stakataka
Set Allied/Entire Field Effect: Team Attack ↑ & Sp. Atk ↑ 9 Raises the Attack and Sp. Atk of all allied sync pairs by one stat rank when the user activates a field effect on either the entire field of play or the allied field of play. Elio & Stakataka
Alola to You! Raises the chance of lowering stat values with the additional effects of the user's moves. When an opponent's stat is lowered by the additional effects of the user's moves, it is lowered by double the stat ranks. Selene & Nihilego
Poison-Type Hit: Poison 9 Leaves the target poisoned when the user's Poison-type attack move against it is successful. Selene & Nihilego
Hit Paralyzed Opp: Sp. Def ↓ 9 Lowers the target's Sp. Def by one stat rank when the user's attack move is successful against a paralyzed opponent. Blue & Alakazam
Trusty Arven's Chockablock Cheer Reduces MP by one for the user's moves that have the Berry effect tag and grants all of the following effects when the user's HP is left at half or below after it is hit by an attack move or sync move: Restores the HP of all allied sync pairs by approximately 30% of their maximum HP. In addition, restores the user's HP by approximately 20% of its maximum HP. Arven &
Herba Mystica Effects Except in certain circumstances, reduces damage when the user is hit by an attack move while the remaining MP for its moves that have the Berry effect tag is zero. Arven &
Hit Restrained Opp: Team 1 of 5 Stats ↑ 9 Raises one of the following stats of all allied sync pairs by one stat rank at random when the user's attack move is successful against a restrained opponent: Attack, Defense, Sp. Atk, Sp. Def, or Speed. Arven & Arven &
"Heals" Move: HP Recovery 2 Restores the user's HP by approximately 20% of its maximum HP when it uses a move that has the heals effect tag. Professor Oak & Nidorino
Paldea Pride Powers up the physical attack moves of all allied sync pairs by 20%. Reduces physical attack move damage taken by all allied sync pairs by 25%. The more allied sync pairs with the Paldea theme you have on your team, the higher these percentages are. (Each additional sync pair powers up moves by 15% and reduces damage by 3%. The maximum power-up is 50%, and the maximum damage reduction is 31%.) Nemona &
Juliana &
Ancient Scream Increases the user's Physical Moves ↑ Next effect by two ranks when it uses Booster Energy or an ally turns the weather sunny. Nemona &
Energetic Student Council President Reduces the user's sync move countdown by one when its Pokémon uses a status move. Applies Paldea Circle (Physical) to the allied field of play when the user's Pokémon uses a status move Nemona &
Fruitful Attack Except in certain circumstances, successful hits with the user's following attacks become critical hits: Pokémon's moves or sync move. Charges the user's move gauge by one when its attack move hits. Nemona &
Take Hit: Opp Attack ↓ & Sp. Atk ↓ 9 Lowers the Attack and Sp. Atk of an opponent that attacked the user by one stat rank when the user is hit by an attack move. Main Character & Raikou Eri &
Electric Teamwork Powers up the moves of all allied sync pairs by 10%. Reduces attack move damage taken by all allied sync pairs by 10%. The more allied sync pairs with the Electric theme you have on your team, the higher these percentages are. (Each additional sync pair powers up moves by 5% and reduces damage by 2%. The maximum power-up is 20%, and the maximum damage reduction is 14%.) Main Character & Raikou
Pasio Flag Bearer Powers up the moves of all allied sync pairs by 10%. Reduces attack move damage taken by all allied sync pairs by 20%. The more allied sync pairs with the Pasio theme you have on your team, the higher these percentages are. (Each additional sync pair powers up moves by 10% and reduces damage by 3%. The maximum power-up is 30%, and the maximum damage reduction is 26%.) Lear &
Golden Authority The user's stats cannot be lowered. Prevents the user from being inflicted with status conditions, flinching, becoming confused, or becoming trapped. Lear &
Royal Fortune Grants all of the following effects when Pasio Circle (Defensive) applies to the allied field of play: Powers up the moves and sync moves of all allied sync pairs. Stats cannot be lowered for all allied sync pairs. Prevents all allied sync pairs from being inflicted with status conditions, flinching, becoming confused, or becoming trapped. Lear &
T-Move: Sync CD ↓ 9 Reduces the user's sync move countdown by one when its Trainer uses a move. Lear &
The Power Behind the Future King Reduces the user's sync move countdown by one the first time it enters a battle each battle. Increases the Physical Moves ↑ Next effect and Special Moves ↑ Next effect of all allied sync pairs by one rank the first time the user enters a battle each battle. Rachel & (Roaming Form)
Sawyer &
Grass Teamwork Powers up the moves of all allied sync pairs by 10%. Reduces attack move damage taken by all allied sync pairs by 10%. The more allied sync pairs with the Grass theme you have on your team, the higher these percentages are. (Each additional sync pair powers up moves by 5% and reduces damage by 2%. The maximum power-up is 20%, and the maximum damage reduction is 14%.) Morgan & Virizion
S-Move: Team HP Recovery (M) 1 Restores the HP of all allied sync pairs by approximately 20% of their maximum HP after using the user's sync move. Caitlin & Sableye
Caitlin & Sableye (Mega Sableye)
Lillie & Clefairy
Lillie & Comfey
Main Character & Mesprit
Morgan & Virizion
Blue & Exeggutor
Blue & Zapdos
Bugsy & Scyther
Calem & Sylveon
Cheryl & Wailord
Gladion & Golbat
Kris & Jolteon
Liza & Lunatone
Lt. Surge & Raichu
Lyra & Vaporeon
Main Character & Torchic
Main Character & Cobalion
Main Character & Regirock
Mina & Tapu Fini
Misty & Psyduck
Glacia & Glalie
Glacia & Glalie (Mega Glalie)
Leaf & Clefable
Guzma & Ariados
Clemont & Magneton
Morty & Mismagius
Morty & Gastly
Mallow & Shiinotic
Rachel & Umbreon
Sawyer & Honchkrow
Raihan & Gigalith
Evelyn & Entei
Falkner & Swellow
Allister & Gourgeist (Super Size)
Lucas & Flareon
Trevor & Florges (Orange Flower)
Tierno & Crawdaunt
Anabel & Snorlax
Dana & Regice
Elaine & Eevee
P-Move: Physical Boost ↑1 4 Has a chance (50%) of increasing the user's Physical Moves ↑ Next effect by one rank when its Pokémon uses a move. Chuck & Poliwrath
Entry: Sp. Atk ↑ & Sp. Def ↑ 4 Raises the user's Sp. Atk and Sp. Def by four stat ranks when it enters a battle. Leaf & Blastoise
Dragon Myth Powers up the moves of all allied sync pairs by 10%. Reduces attack move damage taken by all allied sync pairs by 20%. The more allied sync pairs with the Dragon theme you have on your team, the higher these percentages are. (Each additional sync pair powers up moves by 10% and reduces damage by 3%. The maximum power-up is 30%, and the maximum damage reduction is 26%.) Lance & Dragonite
Dragon Judgment Raises the Dragon Type Rebuff of all allied sync pairs by one rank the first time the user enters a battle each battle. Lowers the Dragon Type Rebuff of all opposing sync pairs by one rank the first time the user enters a battle each battle.
Your Challenge Ends with Me! Lowers the target's Defense by six stat ranks when the user's physical attack move against it is successful. Lowers the target's Sp. Def by six stat ranks when the user's special attack move against it is successful. Lance & Dragonite
The Caped Dragon Master Normal-type moves become Dragon-type moves. Decreases the amount of move gauge slots the user's Pokémon needs to use moves by two. The user's moves never miss. Lance & Dragonite
We've Been through Enough Reduces damage when the user is hit by an attack move or sync move when its HP is full. Restores the user's HP when its attack move is successful. Lance & Dragonite
Ground Myth Powers up the moves of all allied sync pairs by 10%. Reduces attack move damage taken by all allied sync pairs by 20%. The more allied sync pairs with the Ground theme you have on your team, the higher these percentages are. (Each additional sync pair powers up moves by 10% and reduces damage by 3%. The maximum power-up is 30%, and the maximum damage reduction is 26%.) Cynthia & Garchomp
Cynthia & Garchomp (Mega Garchomp)
Ground Judgment Raises the Ground Type Rebuff of all allied sync pairs by one rank the first time the user enters a battle each battle. Lowers the Ground Type Rebuff of all opposing sync pairs by one rank the first time the user enters a battle each battle.
Myth Archeologist Turns the field of play's zone into a Ground Zone when the user causes a sandstorm. (A Ground Zone powers up Ground-type attacks.) Extends the duration of a sandstorm when a sandstorm is caused while the user is on the field. Extends the duration of the Ground Zone when the zone turns into a Ground Zone while the user is on the field. Cynthia & Garchomp
Cynthia & Garchomp (Mega Garchomp)
Mutual Trust The user's moves never miss. Except in certain circumstances, successful hits with the user's following attacks become critical hits: Pokémon's moves or sync move. Protects the user from damage from a sandstorm. Cynthia & Garchomp
Cynthia & Garchomp (Mega Garchomp)
Unbending Pride Reduces the sync move countdown by one the first time the user's Pokémon uses a status move each battle. Raises the user's Attack by six stat ranks the first time its Pokémon uses a status move each battle. Cynthia & Garchomp
Cynthia & Garchomp (Mega Garchomp)
Steel Myth Powers up the moves of all allied sync pairs by 10%. Reduces attack move damage taken by all allied sync pairs by 20%. The more allied sync pairs with the Steel theme you have on your team, the higher these percentages are. (Each additional sync pair powers up moves by 10% and reduces damage by 3%. The maximum power-up is 30%, and the maximum damage reduction is 26%.)
Steel Judgment Raises the Steel Type Rebuff of all allied sync pairs by one rank the first time the user enters a battle each battle. Lowers the Steel Type Rebuff of all opposing sync pairs by one rank the first time the user enters a battle each battle.
What I Learned from My Adventure Applies the Enduring effect to all allied sync pairs the first time the user enters a battle each battle. Applies the Free Move Next effect to the user when its attack move is successful. Increases the Physical Moves ↑ Next effect of all allied sync pairs by one rank when the user's attack move is successful. Steven & Metagross
Steven & Metagross (Mega Metagross)
Wandering Stone Enthusiast Protects the user against critical hits. Protects the user from damage from a sandstorm. When the user's stats would be lowered, raises the user's stats by the same amount instead. Steven & Metagross
Steven & Metagross (Mega Metagross)
DJ Vice's Beat Drop Except in certain circumstances, increases the user's Sync Move ↑ Next effect by a number of ranks equal to the number of Pokémon that have taken damage when an ally takes damage from an opponent. Giacomo &
Ally Faints: Physical Boost 1 Increases the user's Physical Moves ↑ Next effect by one rank when an ally faints. Giacomo &
P-Move Stat Raises ×2 When an ally's stat is raised by a move used by the user's Pokémon, it is raised by double the stat ranks. Clavell &
T-Move: Allied Field MG → 9 Applies the Move Gauge Acceleration effect to the allied field of play when the user's Trainer uses a move. Clavell & Giovanni & Guzzlord
Ancient Flutter Grants all of the following effects when the user uses Booster Energy or an ally turns the weather sunny: Increases the user's Special Moves ↑ Next effect by one rank. Restores one MP of the user's buddy move. Iono &
S-Move: Restore T-Move MP 9 Restores one MP for the user's Trainer after using its sync move. Iono &
Writer's Ghost Story Raises the evasiveness of all allied sync pairs by two stat ranks the first time the user's Pokémon uses a status move each battle. Lowers the accuracy of all opposing sync pairs by two stat ranks the first time the user's Pokémon uses a status move each battle. Shauntal & Froslass
Hit: 3× Stat ↓ 9 Grants the following effect three times when the user's attack move is successful: Lowers one of the target's following stats by one stat rank at random: Attack, Defense, Sp. Atk, Sp. Def, Speed, accuracy, or evasiveness. Shauntal & Froslass
“Quick Move”: Stat ↓2 9 Lowers one of the target's following stats by two stat ranks at random when the user uses a move that has the quick move effect tag: Attack, Defense, Sp. Atk, Sp. Def, Speed, accuracy, or evasiveness. Barry & Floatzel
Quick Combo 4 Has a chance (50%) of restoring one MP for the user's moves that have the quick move effect tag when its attack move is successful. Barry & Floatzel
Inbound Train Announcement Reduces the user's sync move countdown by two when its max move targeting an opponent that is affected by a status condition is successful. Increases the user's Special Moves ↑ Next effect by two ranks when its max move targeting an opponent that is flinching, confused, or trapped is successful. Ingo & Chandelure
Team Brain Gain 9 Increases the Special Moves ↑ Next effect of all allied sync pairs by one rank when the user's move is successful. Ingo & Chandelure
Move: Sp. Atk ↑2 & Crit Rate ↑1 9 Grants all of the following effects when the user's move is successful: Raises the user's Sp. Atk by two stat ranks. Raises the user's critical-hit rate by one stat rank. Ingo & Chandelure
Outbound Train Announcement Applies the Free Move Next effect to all allied sync pairs when the user's max move targeting an opponent that is affected by a status condition is successful. Increases the user's Physical Moves ↑ Next effect by two ranks when its max move targeting an opponent that is flinching, confused, or trapped is successful. Emmet & Eelektross
The Rest Will Be Totally Different Raises the chance of inflicting status conditions with the additional effects of the user's moves. Leaves the target trapped when the user's attack move against it is successful. Emmet & Eelektross
Sunny Hit: 2 Stats ↓ 9 Lowers two of the target's following stats by one stat rank at random when the user's attack move is successful while the weather is sunny: Attack, Defense, Sp. Atk, Sp. Def, Speed, accuracy, or evasiveness. Tierno & Talonflame
We'll See Who's Left Standing Raises the Defense and Sp. Def of all allied sync pairs by one stat rank when the user is hit by an attack move. Increases the Physical Moves ↑ Next effect of all allied sync pairs by one rank when the user is hit by an attack move. Eri &
Circle Hit: Free Move Next 9 Applies the Free Move Next effect to the user when its attack move is successful while a circle applies to the allied field of play. Eri &
Team Sleep & Flinch Immunity Prevents all allied sync pairs from falling asleep or flinching. Eri &
Entry: Sp. Atk ↑ & Evasiveness ↑ 4 Raises the user's Sp. Atk and evasiveness by four stat ranks when it enters a battle. Sina & Glaceon
Hit: “Berry” MP ↓ & Special Boost ↑3 9 Reduces MP by one for the user's moves that have the Berry effect tag and increases its Special Moves ↑ Next effect by three ranks when its attack move is successful. Sina & Glaceon
1st “Berry” MP 0: Sync CD ↓ 3 Reduces the user's sync move countdown by three the first time the remaining MP for its moves that have the Berry effect tag is zero each battle. Sina & Glaceon
Seeing Is Believing Increases the amount of move gauge slots needed to use attack moves by one and powers up moves. Raises the user's Sp. Atk by four stat ranks when it enters a battle. Raises the user's critical-hit rate by three stat ranks when it enters a battle. Dexio & Espeon
Team S-Move: Restore B-Move MP 9 Restores one MP of the user's buddy move after your team's sync pair uses their sync move. Dexio & Espeon
1st “Berry” MP 0: Special Boost 3 Increases the user's Special Moves ↑ Next effect by three ranks the first time the remaining MP for its moves that have the Berry effect tag is zero each battle. Dexio & Espeon
Ice Zone: Team Crit Immunity Protects all allied sync pairs against critical hits when the zone is an Ice Zone. Hilbert & Glaceon
S-Move: Ice Zone Turns the field of play's zone into an Ice Zone after using the user's sync move. (An Ice Zone powers up Ice-type attacks.) Hilbert & Glaceon
Grassy Terrain: Team Condition Nullification Prevents all allied sync pairs from being inflicted with status conditions, flinching, becoming confused, or becoming trapped when the terrain is Grassy Terrain. Hilda & Leafeon
P-Move/S-Move on Opp: Defense ↓ 9 Lowers the target's Defense by one stat rank when the user's Pokémon uses a move targeting that opponent. Lowers the target's Defense by one stat rank after using the user's sync move targeting that opponent. Hilda & Leafeon Hilda & Leafeon
Fairy Zone: Team All Stats ↓ Immunity Stats cannot be lowered for all allied sync pairs when the zone is a Fairy Zone. Calem & Sylveon
A Journey in Red Awaits Makes the weather sunny the first time the user's sync move is used each battle. Increases the user's Special Moves ↑ Next effect and Sync Move ↑ Next effect by three ranks when it enters a battle.
Shadow Fighter Reduces the user's sync move countdown by three the first time its sync move is used each battle. Applies the No Stat Increases effect to the opponents' field of play the first time the user's sync move is used each battle. Powers up the moves of all allied sync pairs when attacking a target that has no raised stats.
A Journey in Green Awaits Powers up the moves of all allied sync pairs when attacking a target that is poisoned or badly poisoned. The user's moves never miss. Lowers the target's Grass Type Rebuff by one rank the first time the user's attack move is successful each battle.
A Journey in Blue Awaits Applies the Free Move Next effect to the user when it is hit by an attack move. Increases the Physical Moves ↑ Next effect and Special Moves ↑ Next effect of all allied sync pairs by one rank when the user's Trainer uses a move.
Title: Falling Rain of Hope Protects all allied sync pairs against critical hits when the weather is rainy. Extends the duration of rainy weather when the weather turns rainy while the user is on the field. Turns the field of play's zone into a Fairy Zone the first time the user uses Rain Dance each battle. (A Fairy Zone powers up Fairy-type attacks.)
Unova's Hero Powers up the user's sync move when its Attack is raised. Powers up the user's sync move that is super effective. Increases the user's Physical Moves ↑ Next effect by one rank when its Trainer uses a move.
Proud of Being the Best Powers up the user's moves and sync move when its Defense is raised. Applies the Enduring effect to all allied sync pairs the first time the user's sync move is used each battle. Increases the Physical Moves ↑ Next effect of all allied sync pairs by one rank when the user uses a move that has the Quick Move effect tag.
Celestic's Curious Mind Reduces the user's sync move countdown by one the first time it enters a battle each battle. Causes a sandstorm the first time the user enters a battle each battle. The more the user's Speed is raised, the more it powers up the user's sync move.
The Girl Who Knows the Hearts of Dragons Reduces the user's sync move countdown by one the first time it enters a battle each battle. Reduces the user's sync move countdown by one the first time its sync move is used each battle. Increases the user's Physical Moves ↑ Next effect by three ranks the first time its sync move is used each battle.
Subway Boss in Black Reduces the user's sync move countdown by one when its Pokémon uses a status move. Extends the duration of a sandstorm when a sandstorm is caused while the user is on the field. Restores one MP for the user the first time its sync move is used each battle.
All Aboard to Victory Powers up the user's sync move against targets that are affected by a status condition. Turns the field of play's zone into a Ghost Zone after using the user's max move. (A Ghost Zone powers up Ghost-type attacks.) Extends the duration of the Ghost Zone when the zone turns into a Ghost Zone while the user is on the field.
Subway Boss in White Powers up the user's sync move during a sandstorm. Restores the user's HP when its attack move is successful. Charges the user's move gauge by one when its attack move hits. If the move has the Multistrike effect tag, charges the user's move gauge by one for each hit.
Follow the Rules and Drive Safely Reduces the user's sync move countdown by two the first time its Trainer uses a move each battle. Powers up the sync moves of all allied sync pairs when Unova Circle (Defensive) applies to the allied field of play. Extends the duration of Unova Circle (Defensive) when Unova Circle (Defensive) is applied to the allied field of play.
Superior and Righteous Heart Reduces the user's sync move countdown by one the first time it enters a battle each battle. Reduces the sync move countdown by one the first time the user's sync move is used each battle. Powers up the user's sync move when its Sp. Atk is raised.
Everything I Experienced in Hoenn The user's moves never miss. Except in certain circumstances, successful hits with the user's following attacks become critical hits: Pokémon's moves or sync move. Increases the Physical Moves ↑ Next effect of all allied sync pairs by one rank when the user's Trainer uses a move.
A Golden Future Reduces the user's sync move countdown by one the first time it enters a battle each battle. Extends the duration of sunny weather when the weather turns sunny while the user is on the field. Increases the Physical Moves ↑ Next effect and Special Moves ↑ Next effect of all allied sync pairs by one rank when the user's Pokémon uses a status move.
The Royal Kalos Princess Reduces the user's sync move countdown by one the first time it enters a battle each battle. Turns the field of play's zone into a Rock Zone the first time the user enters a battle each battle. (A Rock Zone powers up Rock-type attacks.) Increases the Physical Moves ↑ Next effect of all allied sync pairs by one rank when an ally activates a weather, terrain, or zone effect.
Shiny Adamant Reduces the user's sync move countdown by one when it uses Dragon Wish. Increases the user's Special Moves ↑ Next effect by one rank when its Trainer uses a move.
Stop Right There! Turns the field of play's zone into an Ice Zone the first time the user enters a battle each battle. (An Ice Zone powers up Ice-type attacks.) Increases the user's Special Moves ↑ Next effect by three ranks the first time it enters a battle each battle. Applies the Enduring effect to the user if its HP is full when it enters a battle.
I Might as Well Test My Skills Reduces the user's sync move countdown by two the first time its sync move is used each battle. Turns the field of play's terrain into Psychic Terrain the first time the user enters a battle each battle. Increases the user's Special Moves ↑ Next effect by three ranks the first time it enters a battle each battle.
Great Detective of Lumiose City Reduces the user's sync move countdown by one the first time its sync move is used each battle. Lowers the target's Poison Type Rebuff by one rank the first time the user's attack move is successful each battle. Lowers the target's Defense by one stat rank when the user's attack move against it is successful.
Soothing Sounds in the Woods Powers up the user's max move when its Attack is raised. Turns the field of play's terrain into Grassy Terrain the first time the user enters a battle each battle. Turns the field of play's terrain into Grassy Terrain after using the user's G-Max Drum Solo.
Bursting Fiery Passion Powers up the user's max move when its Attack is raised. Makes the weather sunny after using the user's G-Max Fireball. Turns the field of play's zone into a Flying Zone after using the user's Max Airstream. (A Flying Zone powers up Flying-type attacks.) Turns the field of play's zone into a Fighting Zone after using the user's Max Knuckle. (A Fighting Zone powers up Fighting-type attacks.)
The Ever-Burning Man Powers up the sync moves of all allied sync pairs when attacking a target that is trapped. Makes the weather sunny after using the user's max move. Extends the duration of sunny weather when the weather turns sunny while the user is on the field.
Sandy Selfie Powers up the moves of all allied sync pairs when weather conditions are in effect. Restores the user's HP when its attack move is successful. Increases the Special Moves ↑ Next effect of all allied sync pairs by one rank when an ally activates a weather, terrain, or zone effect.
Tireless Hero of Galar Reduces the user's sync move countdown by one the first time it enters a battle each battle. Reduces the user's sync move countdown by two after using its max move. Increases the user's Physical Moves ↑ Next effect by two ranks after using its max move.
Macro Cosmos's Talented Secretary Reduces the user's sync move countdown by one the first time it enters a battle each battle. Reduces the user's sync move countdown by two after using its max move. Increases the user's Physical Moves ↑ Next effect by two ranks after using its max move.
Let's Go, Eevee! Reduces the user's sync move countdown by one the first time it enters a battle each battle. Powers up the moves of all allied sync pairs when attacking a target that is flinching, confused, or trapped. Increases the Sync Move ↑ Next effect of all allied sync pairs by one rank when the user's Trainer uses a move.
Infinite Energy to Battle Reduces the user's sync move countdown by one the first time it enters a battle each battle. Increases the user's Physical Moves ↑ Next effect by one rank when its attack move is successful. Has a chance (40%) of making the target flinch when the user's attack move against it is successful.
Hard of Heart and Deft of Blade Reduces the user's sync move countdown by one the first time it enters a battle each battle. Powers up the moves of all allied sync pairs when Dark Damage Field applies to the opponent's field of play. Reduces attack move damage taken by allies when Dark Damage Field applies to the opponent's field of play.
Twinkling Star Reduces the sync move countdown by three the first time the user's sync move is used each battle. Reduces attack move damage taken by allies when the Type Rebuff of an opponent that attacked them is lowered.
The Sub-zero Shredder Reduces special attack move damage taken by allies when the zone is an Ice Zone. Turns the field of play's zone into an Ice Zone the first time the user's sync move is used each battle. (An Ice Zone powers up Ice-type attacks.) Extends the duration of the Ice Zone when the zone turns into an Ice Zone while the user is on the field.
Hisui's Business Smile Reduces the user's sync move countdown by two the first time its sync move is used each battle. Restores one MP for the user's Trainer the first time its sync move is used each battle. Restores the HP of all allied sync pairs by approximately 20% of their maximum HP after using the user's sync move.
Won't Work on Me! Reduces the user's sync move countdown by two the first time its Trainer uses a move each battle. The user's moves never miss. Protects the user against critical hits.
RAAAAAAAAAH!!! Reduces the user's sync move countdown by two the first time it enters a battle each battle. Powers up the moves of all allied sync pairs when Paldea Circle (Defensive) applies to the allied field of play. Restores the user's HP by approximately 60% of its maximum HP the first time it is in a pinch each battle.
Flame Myth Powers up the moves of all allied sync pairs by 10%. Reduces attack move damage taken by all allied sync pairs by 20%. The more allied sync pairs with the Fire theme you have on your team, the higher these percentages are. (Each additional sync pair powers up moves by 10% and reduces damage by 3%. The maximum power-up is 30%, and the maximum damage reduction is 26%.) Leon & Charizard
Flame Judgment Raises the Fire Type Rebuff of all allied sync pairs by one rank the first time the user enters a battle each battle. Lowers the Fire Type Rebuff of all opposing sync pairs by one rank the first time the user enters a battle each battle.
Champion Who Hears the Cheers When the user's sync move or max move attacks an opponent, the target becomes all opposing sync pairs. The power of sync moves or max moves affected by this passive skill is not lowered even if there are multiple targets. Except in certain circumstances, successful hits with the user's following attacks become critical hits: sync move or max moves. Leon & Charizard
Champion Time! Reduces the user's sync move countdown by three after using its max move. Increases the user's Special Moves ↑ Next effect by three ranks after using its max move. Leon & Charizard
The Unbeatable Leon The user's moves never miss. Protects the user against critical hits. Leon & Charizard
Tough as Weeds Reduces the user's sync move countdown by one after your team's sync pair uses their max move. Increases the Physical Moves ↑ Next effect of all allied sync pairs by two ranks after your team's sync pair uses their max move. Milo & Eldegoss
Opp Speed ↓: Team P-Moves, S-Moves, Max Moves ↑ 2 Powers up the moves, sync moves, and max moves of all allied sync pairs when the target's Speed is lowered. Milo & Eldegoss
Take Hit: Opp Speed ↓2 9 Lowers the Speed of an opponent that attacked the user by two stat ranks when the user is hit by an attack move. Milo & Eldegoss
Gentle Combo Raises the user's Attack by six stat ranks when it enters a battle. Raises the user's critical-hit rate by three stat ranks when it enters a battle. Hop & Rillaboom
User Sets Grassy Terrain: Galar C (Phys) on Field Applies Galar Circle (Physical) to the allied field of play when the user turns the field of play's terrain into Grassy Terrain. Hop & Rillaboom
Grassy Terrain Hit: Free Move Next 9 Applies the Free Move Next effect to the user when its attack move is successful while the terrain is Grassy Terrain. Hop & Rillaboom
Fiery Combo Raises the user's Attack by four stat ranks when it enters a battle. Raises the user's accuracy by two stat ranks when it enters a battle. Raises the user's critical-hit rate by three stat ranks when it enters a battle. Marnie & Cinderace
User Sets Sunny W: Galar C (Def) on Field Applies Galar Circle (Defensive) to the allied field of play when the user turns the weather sunny. Marnie & Cinderace
Sunny Hit: Free Move Next 9 Applies the Free Move Next effect to the user when its attack move is successful while the weather is sunny. Marnie & Cinderace
Gentleman's Combo Raises the user's Sp. Atk by six stat ranks when it enters a battle. Raises the user's critical-hit rate by three stat ranks when it enters a battle. Bede & Inteleon
User Sets Rain: Galar C (Spec) on Field Applies Galar Circle (Special) to the allied field of play when the user makes the weather rainy. Bede & Inteleon
Rainy Hit: Free Move Next 9 Applies the Free Move Next effect to the user when its attack move is successful while the weather is rainy. Bede & Inteleon
Ally Speed ↑: Moves ↑ 2 Powers up an ally's moves when its Speed is raised. Lillie & Primarina ()
User Sets Circle: Team Phys & Spec Boost ↑1 9 Increases the Physical Moves ↑ Next effect and Special Moves ↑ Next effect of all allied sync pairs by one rank when the user applies a circle to the allied field of play. Bugsy & Kricketune
User Sets Circle: Team Defense & Sp. Def ↑2 9 Raises the Defense and Sp. Def of all allied sync pairs by two stat ranks when the user applies a circle to the allied field of play. Bugsy & Kricketune
The Fighting Farmer Reduces the user's sync move countdown by one after using its max move. Increases the Physical Moves ↑ Next effect of all allied sync pairs by one rank after using the user's max move. Turns the field of play's terrain into Grassy Terrain the first time the user enters a battle each battle.
Flute Awakening Reduces the user's sync move countdown by two after using its max move. Increases the Physical Moves ↑ Next effect of all allied sync pairs by two ranks after using the user's max move. Reduces physical attack move damage taken by allies.
Guardian's Abundance Reduces special attack move damage taken by allies when the weather is sunny. Extends the duration of sunny weather when the weather turns sunny while the user is on the field. Turns the field of play's terrain into Grassy Terrain the first time the user uses Sunny Day each battle.
Pilot in the Blue Sky Reduces the user's sync move countdown by one when it uses Flying Wish. Turns the field of play's zone into a Flying Zone the first time the user enters a battle each battle. (A Flying Zone powers up Flying-type attacks.) Increases the Special Moves ↑ Next effect of all allied sync pairs by one rank when the user turns the field of play's zone into a Flying Zone.
Compassionate Blue Wings Reduces the user's sync move countdown by two the first time it enters a battle each battle. Raises the Defense and Speed of all allied sync pairs by two stat ranks when the user enters a battle.
Paleozoic Hunting Skills Powers up the moves of all allied sync pairs when attacking a target with a lowered Type Rebuff. Raises the user's Sp. Atk by three stat ranks when it enters a battle. Applies the Free Move Next effect to the user when its move is super effective.
One Step Ahead of You Reduces the user's sync move countdown by two the first time it enters a battle each battle. Turns the field of play's zone into a Rock Zone the first time the user's sync move is used each battle. (A Rock Zone powers up Rock-type attacks.) Extends the duration of the Rock Zone when the zone turns into a Rock Zone while the user is on the field.
An Equation to Change the World Reduces the sync move countdown by three the first time the user's sync move is used each battle. Powers up the moves of all allied sync pairs when attacking a target that is affected by a status condition.
Racing Heartbeat Turns the field of play's zone into a Dragon Zone the first time the user enters a battle each battle. Turns the field of play's zone into a Dragon Zone the first time the user's sync move is used each battle. (A Dragon Zone powers up Dragon-type attacks.) Increases the user's Special Moves ↑ Next effect by one rank when its Trainer uses a move.
Ultra Stacked Reduces the user's sync move countdown by one the first time it enters a battle each battle. Stats cannot be lowered for all allied sync pairs when the zone is a Rock Zone. Turns the field of play's zone into a Rock Zone the first time the user's sync move is used each battle. (A Rock Zone powers up Rock-type attacks.)
Words of the Tower Tycoon Powers up the user's sync move when the zone is a Normal Zone. Turns the field of play's zone into a Normal Zone after using the user's max move. (A Normal Zone powers up Normal-type attacks.) Extends the duration of the Normal Zone when the zone turns into a Normal Zone while the user is on the field.
Kalos's Famous Actress The more the user's Sp. Atk is raised, the more it powers up its sync move. Increases the user's Special Moves ↑ Next effect and Sync Move ↑ Next effect by one rank when its attack move hits. If the move has the Multistrike effect tag, increases the user's Special Moves ↑ Next effect and Sync Move ↑ Next effect by one rank for each hit.
Dark, Slumbering World Reduces the user's sync move countdown by one when it uses Dark Wish. Powers up the moves of all allied sync pairs when attacking a target that is asleep. Lowers one of the following stats of all opposing sync pairs by one stat rank at random when the user's Pokémon uses a status move: Attack, Defense, Sp. Atk, Sp. Def, Speed, accuracy, or evasiveness.
He Who Weeps and Takes Reduces the user's sync move countdown by two the first time it enters a battle each battle. Powers up the Flying-type moves of all allied sync pairs. Powers up the Dark-type moves of all allied sync pairs.
Power to Wipe Clean an Ugly World Reduces the user's sync move countdown by one the first time it enters a battle each battle. Powers up the moves of all allied sync pairs when attacking a target that is burned. Makes the weather rainy the first time the user's attack move is successful each battle.
Chaser of the North Wind Reduces the user's sync move countdown by one the first time its Trainer uses a move each battle. Makes the weather rainy the first time the user's sync move is used each battle. Increases the user's Special Moves ↑ Next effect by two ranks the first time its Pokémon uses a move each battle.
Spikemuth's Rising Star Reduces the user's sync move countdown by two the first time it enters a battle each battle. Powers up the Electric-type moves of all allied sync pairs. Powers up the Dark-type moves of all allied sync pairs.
Stubborn Pink Elite Powers up the moves of all allied sync pairs when attacking a target that is confused. Turns the field of play's zone into a Fairy Zone after using the user's G-Max Smite. (A Fairy Zone powers up Fairy-type attacks.) Increases the user's Special Moves ↑ Next effect by one rank when its attack move hits. If the move has the Multistrike effect tag, increases the user's Special Moves ↑ Next effect by one rank for each hit.
Winning Champion of Greater Heights Reduces the user's sync move countdown by three after using its max move. Lowers the target's Defense by one stat rank when the user's attack move against it hits. If the move has the Multistrike effect tag, lowers the target's Defense by one stat rank for each hit.
Spikemuth in the Old Days Reduces the user's sync move countdown by two the first time its Trainer uses a move each battle. Powers up the user's sync move when the terrain is Electric Terrain. Restores the user's HP by approximately 40% of its maximum HP the first time it is in a pinch each battle.
Krazy for Klara Status conditions cannot be inflicted on any allied sync pairs when the zone is a Poison Zone. Turns the field of play's zone into a Poison Zone after using the user's max move. (A Poison Zone powers up Poison-type attacks.) Extends the duration of the Poison Zone when the zone turns into a Poison Zone while the user is on the field.
Elegant Psychic Powers Powers up the sync moves of all allied sync pairs during a hailstorm. Turns the field of play's terrain into Psychic Terrain the first time the user's Pokémon uses a move each battle. Extends the duration of Psychic Terrain when the terrain turns into Psychic Terrain while the user is on the field.
Let's Go, Pikachu! Stats cannot be lowered for all allied sync pairs when a circle applies to the allied field of play. Applies the Enduring effect to all allied sync pairs the first time the user enters a battle each battle. Increases the Sync Move ↑ Next effect of all allied sync pairs by one rank when the user's Trainer uses a move.
Hisuian Survival Techniques Turns the field of play's zone into a Fighting Zone the first time the user's Pokémon uses a move each battle. (A Fighting Zone powers up Fighting-type attacks.) Restores the user's HP by approximately 40% of its maximum HP the first time it is in a pinch each battle. Applies the Enduring effect to the user if its HP is full when it enters a battle.
Director of the Academy Makes the weather rainy the first time the user's attack move is successful each battle. Raises the user's Speed by four stat ranks when it enters a battle. Critical hits land more easily when the user attacks with a sync move.
Let the Music Play! Reduces the user's sync move countdown by two the first time its sync move is used each battle. Raises the user's Defense and Sp. Def by four stat ranks the first time it enters a battle each battle. Increases the user's Sync Move ↑ Next effect by one rank when its attack move is successful.
Hit the Gas 9 Increases the amount of move gauge slots needed to use attack moves by one and powers up moves. Lillie & Primarina ()
Stream Forward, Sandstorm! Causes a sandstorm when the user is hit by an attack move. Raises the evasiveness of all allied sync pairs by two stat ranks when the user is hit by an attack move. Protects all allied sync pairs from damage from a sandstorm. Raihan & Sandaconda
Take By Storm and Take a Selfie Restores the user's HP when an opponent's attack move targeting the user misses. Increases the Physical Moves ↑ Next effect and Special Moves ↑ Next effect of all allied sync pairs by one rank when an opponent's attack move targeting the user misses. Charges the user's move gauge by one when an opponent's attack move targeting the user misses. Raihan & Sandaconda
Hit Paralyzed Opp: Team HP Recovery 9 Restores the HP of all allied sync pairs when the user's attack move is successful against a paralyzed opponent. Raihan & Sandaconda
Debut: Electric Terrain Turns the field of play's terrain into Electric Terrain the first time the user enters a battle each battle. Hop & Pincurchin
Large Body of Scenery Reduces the user's sync move countdown by one when it uses Ground Wish. Increases the user's Physical Moves ↑ Next effect by two ranks when it uses Ground Wish. Lucas & Torterra
Unparalleled Power Powers up the user's Earthquake. Lowers the target's Attack by one stat rank when the user's Earthquake is successful. Lucas & Torterra
Ground Zone Hit: Free Move Next 9 Applies the Free Move Next effect to the user when its attack move is successful while the zone is a Ground Zone. Lucas & Torterra
Super Tough! Turns the field of play's zone into a Steel Zone the first time the user enters a battle each battle. (A Steel Zone powers up Steel-type attacks.) Extends the duration of the Steel Zone when the zone turns into a Steel Zone while the user is on the field. Applies the Free Move Next effect to the user when its attack move is successful while the zone is a Steel Zone. Poppy & Steelix (Shiny Steelix)
Poppy & Steelix (Shiny Mega Steelix)
Hit: Team “Berry” MP ↓ & Physical Boost ↑1 9 Reduces MP by one for the user's moves that have the Berry effect tag and increases the Physical Moves ↑ Next effect of all allied sync pairs by one rank when the user's attack move is successful. Poppy & Steelix (Shiny Steelix)
Poppy & Steelix (Shiny Mega Steelix)
1st “Berry” MP 0: Steel Zone Turns the field of play's zone into a Steel Zone the first time the remaining MP for the user's moves that have the Berry effect tag is zero each battle. (A Steel Zone powers up Steel-type attacks.) Poppy & Steelix (Shiny Steelix)
Poppy & Steelix (Shiny Mega Steelix)
Team Star's All-Rounder Applies Paldea Circle (Special) to the allied field of play the first time the user enters a battle each battle. Applies Paldea Circle (Special) to the allied field of play the first time the user's sync move is used each battle. Restores the user's HP whenever its Pokémon takes an action when a circle applies to the allied field of play.
Hit: Evasiveness ↑ 9 Raises the user's evasiveness by one stat rank when its attack move is successful. Mela &
Let's Get Fired Up The user's stats cannot be lowered when the remaining MP for its Explosive Mystical Fire is zero. Mela &
Explosive Artistry Applies the Free Move Next effect to the user when its attack move is successful. Increases the user's Special Moves ↑ Next effect by one rank when its attack move is successful. Mela &
Poison DF on Opp: Team Moves ↑ 2 Powers up the moves of all allied sync pairs when Poison Damage Field applies to the opponent's field of play. Atticus &
Debut: Poison DF Applies Poison Damage Field to the opponents' field of play the first time the user enters a battle each battle. (Poison Damage Field: The sync pairs will take Poison-type damage whenever they take an action.) Atticus &
A Taste of Thine Own Poison Reduces damage when an ally is hit by an attack move or sync move from an opponent that is poisoned or badly poisoned. Reduces damage taken by allies from super effective moves and super effective sync moves. Atticus &
A Single Drop of Poison Reduces the user's sync move countdown by two the first time it enters a battle each battle. Protects all allied sync pairs against critical hits when Poison Damage Field applies to the opponent's field of play. Prevents all allied sync pairs from being inflicted with status conditions, flinching, becoming confused, or becoming trapped when Poison Damage Field applies to the opponent's field of play.
B-Move: Restore T-Move MP 9 Restores one MP for the user's Trainer when it uses a buddy move. Giovanni & Guzzlord
Giovanni's Greed When a status move used by the user's Pokémon raises its stats only, raises the same stats by the same amount for all allied sync pairs instead. When an ally's stat is raised by a status move used by the user's Pokémon, it is raised by three times the stat ranks. Increases the Sync Move ↑ Next effect of all allied sync pairs by two ranks when the user's Pokémon uses a status move. Giovanni & Guzzlord
Fighting Spirit of Victory Makes the weather sunny the first time the user's sync move is used each battle. Applies the Enduring effect to the user if its HP is full when it enters a battle. Lowers the target's Defense and Sp. Def by one stat rank when the user's attack move is successful.
Music That Blows Your Mind Reduces the user's sync move countdown by two after using its max move. Turns the field of play's zone into a Poison Zone when the user uses Electric Terrain. (A Poison Zone powers up Poison-type attacks.)
Conquering Evil Powers up the moves of all allied sync pairs during a sandstorm. Turns the field of play's zone into a Rock Zone after using the user's Max Rockfall. (A Rock Zone powers up Rock-type attacks.) Increases the user's Physical Moves ↑ Next effect by one rank when it uses a move that has the Quick Move effect tag.
The King Who Treasures Bonds Reduces the user's sync move countdown by one the first time it enters a battle each battle. Powers up the user's moves when none of the target's stats are raised. Powers up the moves of all allied sync pairs when attacking a target that has no raised stats.
Steadfast Sudden Mutation Reduces the user's sync move countdown by one the first time it enters a battle each battle. Applies the Enduring effect to the user if its HP is full when it enters a battle. Lowers the target's Sp. Def by one stat rank when the user's attack move against it is successful.
Guardian Deity of Conflict Powers up the moves of all allied sync pairs when the zone is a Fairy Zone. Turns the field of play's terrain into Electric Terrain the first time the user uses Fairy Wish each battle. Extends the duration of the Fairy Zone when the zone turns into a Fairy Zone while the user is on the field.
The Shining Beauty Powers up the user's max move when the target is paralyzed. Powers up the moves of all allied sync pairs when the terrain is Electric Terrain. Extends the duration of Electric Terrain when the terrain turns into Electric Terrain while the user is on the field.
Protection of the Crescent Moon Applies the Damage Guard Next effect to the user the first time it enters a battle each battle. Increases the Physical Moves ↑ Next effect and Special Moves ↑ Next effect of all allied sync pairs by one rank when the user's Trainer uses a move. Increases the Physical Moves ↑ Next effect and Special Moves ↑ Next effect of all allied sync pairs by two ranks the first time the user's HP drops to half or below each battle.
Ultra Encounter Reduces the user's sync move countdown by one the first time its sync move is used each battle. Restores one MP for the user's Trainer the first time its sync move is used each battle. Applies Alola Circle (Special) to the allied field of play the first time the user enters a battle each battle.
The Red Wings of an Honest Heart Reduces the user's sync move countdown by two the first time it enters a battle each battle. Extends the duration of Psychic Terrain when the terrain turns into Psychic Terrain while the user is on the field. Increases the Special Moves ↑ Next effect of all allied sync pairs by one rank when the user uses Psychic Wish.
The Prince with Green Hair Powers up the user's moves when the target is confused. Powers up the moves of all allied sync pairs when the zone is a Fairy Zone. Turns the field of play's zone into a Fairy Zone the first time the user enters a battle each battle. (A Fairy Zone powers up Fairy-type attacks.)
Wonders of Walking Together Turns the field of play's zone into a Bug Zone the first time the user enters a battle each battle. (A Bug Zone powers up Bug-type attacks.) Extends the duration of the Bug Zone when the zone turns into a Bug Zone while the user is on the field. Quickly charges the move gauge when the zone is a Bug Zone.
Dedication, Trust, and Love for Pokémon Reduces the user's sync move countdown by two the first time its sync move is used each battle. Increases the user's Physical Moves ↑ Next effect by one rank when its Trainer uses a move. Lowers the target's Defense by one stat rank when the user's attack move against it hits. If the move has the Multistrike effect tag, lowers the target's Defense by one stat rank for each hit.
Mysterious Gym Leader's True Identity Reduces the user's sync move countdown by one the first time it enters a battle each battle. Reduces the user's sync move countdown by one the first time its sync move is used each battle. Turns the field of play's zone into a Ground Zone after using the user's Max Quake. (A Ground Zone powers up Ground-type attacks.)
Scales of Life Reduces the user's sync move countdown by one the first time it enters a battle each battle. Powers up the user's sync move when the terrain is Psychic Terrain. Protects the user against critical hits when the terrain is Psychic Terrain.
Elite Member of the International Police Reduces the user's sync move countdown by three after using its max move. Reduces attack move damage taken by allies when effects that apply only to the allied field of play are in effect.
The Arena Tycoon's Judgment Powers up the moves of all allied sync pairs when attacking a target that is asleep. Reduces attack move damage taken by allies when the terrain is Grassy Terrain. Turns the field of play's terrain into Grassy Terrain the first time the user's Trainer uses a move each battle.
Smile of the Arcade Star Powers up the user's max move when its Sp. Atk is raised. Makes the weather rainy the first time the user's sync move is used each battle. Turns the field of play's terrain into Grassy Terrain the first time the user's sync move is used each battle.
The Hall Matron's Trial Applies the Move Gauge Acceleration effect to the allied field of play after using the user's sync move. Restores the HP of all allied sync pairs by approximately 40% of their maximum HP after using the user's max move. Raises the user's Defense and Sp. Def by one stat rank when its Pokémon uses a status move.
The Fairy King's Sword Reduces the user's sync move countdown by one the first time it enters a battle each battle. Critical hits land more easily when the user attacks with a sync move. Increases the user's Physical Moves ↑ Next effect by three ranks when its Trainer uses a move.
Successor of the Path of Water Reduces the user's sync move countdown by one after using its max move. Increases the user's Physical Moves ↑ Next effect by three ranks after using its max move. Lowers the opponent's Type Rebuff by one rank when the user's max move targeting that opponent is successful. The Type Rebuff lowered is the same type as the max move used.
Eternal Champion When the user's max move attacks an opponent, the target becomes all opposing sync pairs. The power of max moves affected by this passive skill is not lowered even if there are multiple targets. Increases the user's Special Moves ↑ Next effect by three ranks after using its max move. Increases the user's Sync Move ↑ Next effect by five ranks after using its max move.
The Tamer of Dragons Causes a sandstorm the first time the user's Pokémon uses a move each battle. Extends the duration of a sandstorm when a sandstorm is caused while the user is on the field. Increases the user's Special Moves ↑ Next effect by two ranks when an ally activates a weather condition.
The Supercharged Streamer The more the user's Sp. Atk is raised, the more it powers up its sync move. Protects all allied sync pairs against critical hits. Increases the user's Special Moves ↑ Next effect by one rank when it is hit by an attack move.
Former Researcher's Technique Reduces the user's sync move countdown by one the first time it enters a battle each battle. Raises the user's Attack, Defense, Sp. Atk, Sp. Def, Speed, accuracy, and evasiveness by one stat rank the first time it enters a battle each battle. Reduces the sync move countdown by one the first time the user's sync move is used each battle.
First of the Paldea Elite Four Powers up the moves of all allied sync pairs when attacking a target that is poisoned or badly poisoned. Raises the user's Defense and Sp. Def by two stat ranks the first time it enters a battle each battle. Restores one MP for the user the first time its sync move is used each battle.
The Exceptional Everyman Turns the field of play's zone into a Normal Zone the first time the user enters a battle each battle. Turns the field of play's zone into a Normal Zone the first time the user's sync move is used each battle. (A Normal Zone powers up Normal-type attacks.) Extends the duration of the Normal Zone when the zone turns into a Normal Zone while the user is on the field.
Bursting with Energy Powers up the moves and sync moves of all allied sync pairs when the target is restrained. Lowers the target's Defense by one stat rank when the user's attack move against it is successful.
Icy Bite of Reality Reduces the user’s sync move countdown by one the first time it enters a battle each battle. Applies Paldea Circle (Defensive) to the allied field of play the first time the user’s sync move is used each battle. Extends the duration of Paldea Circle (Defensive) when Paldea Circle (Defensive) is applied to the allied field of play.
Frozen-Over Passion Powers up the Ice-type moves of all allied sync pairs. Increases the Physical Moves ↑ Next effect and Special Moves ↑ Next effect of all allied sync pairs by one rank when the user applies a circle to the allied field of play. Grusha & Beartic
The Mystique of Fossil Pokémon Reduces the user’s sync move countdown by one the first time it enters a battle each battle. Applies Kanto Circle (Defensive) to the allied field of play the first time the user’s sync move is used each battle. Extends the duration of Kanto Circle (Defensive) when Kanto Circle (Defensive) is applied to the allied field of play.
Fossil Excavation Finds Powers up the Rock-type moves of all allied sync pairs. Increases the Physical Moves ↑ Next effect and Special Moves ↑ Next effect of all allied sync pairs by one rank when the user applies a circle to the allied field of play. Brock & Kabutops
Strike: Sync Move Boost ↑1 9 Increases the user’s Sync Move ↑ Next effect by one rank when its attack move hits. If the move has the Multistrike effect tag, increases the user’s Sync Move ↑ Next effect by one rank for each hit. Clavell &
1st T-Move: Sync CD ↓ 2 Reduces the user’s sync move countdown by two the first time its Trainer uses a move each battle. Clavell & N & Reshiram
Hungry Pulse The user’s Attack increases 30% when the weather is sunny. Makes the weather sunny the first time the user enters a battle each battle. Extends the duration of sunny weather when the weather turns sunny while the user is on the field. Juliana &
My Very Own Treasure Increases the user’s Physical Moves ↑ Next effect by two ranks the first time its sync move is used each battle. Restores one MP for the status moves of the user’s Pokémon the first time the user’s sync move is used each battle. Juliana &
Sunny: Team P-Moves ↑ & S-Moves ↑ 2 Powers up the moves and sync moves of all allied sync pairs when the weather is sunny. Juliana &
Paldea Spirit Powers up the special attack moves of all allied sync pairs by 20%. Reduces special attack move damage taken by all allied sync pairs by 25%. The more allied sync pairs with the Paldea theme you have on your team, the higher these percentages are. (Each additional sync pair powers up moves by 15% and reduces damage by 3%. The maximum power-up is 50%, and the maximum damage reduction is 31%.) Florian &
Ravenous Engine The user’s Sp. Atk increases 30% when the terrain is Electric Terrain. Turns the field of play’s terrain into Electric Terrain the first time the user enters a battle each battle. Extends the duration of Electric Terrain when the terrain turns into Electric Terrain while the user is on the field. Florian &
Unstoppable Curiosity Reduces the user’s sync move countdown by three the first time it uses Electric Terrain each battle. Restores one MP of the user’s buddy move the first time it uses Electric Terrain each battle. Florian &
Bird User Taking Flight into the World Reduces the user’s sync move countdown by one the first time it enters a battle each battle. Applies Hoenn Circle (Defensive) to the allied field of play the first time the user’s sync move is used each battle. Extends the duration of Hoenn Circle (Defensive) when Hoenn Circle (Defensive) is applied to the allied field of play.
Feel the Breeze Up High Powers up the Flying-type moves of all allied sync pairs. Increases the Physical Moves ↑ Next effect and Special Moves ↑ Next effect of all allied sync pairs by one rank when the user applies a circle to the allied field of play. Winona & Altaria
Conveying Kindness Reduces the user’s sync move countdown by three the first time it applies Sinnoh Circle (Special) to the allied field of play each battle. Raises the user’s Sp. Atk by four stat ranks the first time it applies Sinnoh Circle (Special) to the allied field of play each battle. Marley & Shaymin
Blossoming Talent Raises the user’s accuracy and critical-hit rate by one stat rank when its move is successful. Charges the user’s move gauge by two when its move is successful. Marley & Shaymin
Mutual Love When the user’s stats would be lowered, raises its stats by the same amount instead and increases its Special Moves ↑ Next effect by one rank. Erika & Lurantis
Bouquet Gift Restores one MP of the user’s moves that have the Berry effect tag when it successfully attacks with Leaf Storm. Erika & Lurantis