Sygna Suit
Sygna Suit


Picture Name Role Base Rarity
Lysandre Artwork
Standard Outfit EX Outfit
EX RoleSprint

Obtaining Methods

Summon Location
Sync Pair ScoutingTriple Feature Poke Fair Scout B (October 7th 2024 - October 25th 2024) - 1.5%
5 Star Select Poke Fair Scout x15 (A) (September 2nd 2024 - September 30th 2024) - 0.104%
5 Star Select Poke Fair Scout x15 (A) (September 2nd 2024 - September 30th 2024) - 0.104%
Leaf Mix Scout (September 1st 2024 - January 1st 2025) - 0.020%
Leaf Mix Scout (September 1st 2024 - January 1st 2025) - 0.020%
and more...

Pokédex Entry

Flavor Text
LysandreA well-known researcher and the boss of Team Flare, Lysandre despairs at ugly conflicts in the world. His goal is to create a world where only the chosen ones remain.
Sygna Suit
Lysandre is wearing a sygna suit made using Team Flare's technology. He's waiting to use his partner Volcanion's power, which can blow away mountains.
Lysandre Mindscape

Lysandre's Pokémon

Lysandre & Yveltal

Picture Name Focal Move Type Weakness
Yveltal Image
English: Yveltal
Japan: Yveltal
French: Yveltal
German: Yveltal
Korean: 이벨타르
Flying-type Fairy-type
Passive Skills
S-Move: HP Recovery (M) 1: Restores the user's HP by approximately 20% of its maximum HP after using its sync move.
Healthy Healing: Applies the Gradual Healing effect to the user when its HP is full when it enters a battle.
Dark Power 5: Powers up the user's Dark-type moves.
Theme Skills
Flying Strike - Raises allies's Attack and Sp. Atk by 15 when using Flying-type attacks
Kalos: Raises allies's Attack and Sp. Atk by 2
Villain: Raises allies's Attack and Sp. Atk by 2
Gadgeteer: Raises allies's Attack and Sp. Atk by 2
Old Colleagues: Raises allies's Attack and Sp. Atk by 2.
Expedition Skills
Rare + 2
Soothing -2

Standard Max Level (Lv. 150) Stats
HPAttackDefenseSp. AtkSp. DefSpeed
829 331 128 410 128 318
5 Star Max Potential Stats
929 371 168 450 168 358
5 Star Max Potential EX Role Stats
989 391 168 470 168 398

NameTypeCategoryMax PowerAccuracyMove SlotsTarget
Oblivion Wing Flying-typeSpecial Category Move 146-175 100 4 (Gauge) Opponent
Restores the user's HP based on the amount of damage dealt to the target. Each use restores up to half of the user's maximum HP.
X Sp. Atk  Other Category Move   2 (Max Uses) Self
Sharply raises the user's Sp. Atk
Dark Pulse Dark-typeSpecial Category Move 95-114 100 3 (Gauge) Opponent
Has a small chance of making the target flinch
End the World!  Other Category Move   2 (Max Uses) Self
Charges the user's move gauge by two. Reduces the user's sync move countdown by one. Sharply raises the user's critical-hit rate. Lowers the user's Defense and Sp. Def.

Sync Moves
NameTypeCategoryMax PowerTarget
Cleansing Oblivion Wing Flying-typeSpecial Category Move 250-300 Opponent
No additional effect
EX Sync Effect: Move targets all Opponents
EX Role Sync Effect (Sprint): The first time the user's sync move is used each battle, the sync move countdown is reduced by three.

Sync Grid

Name Effect Energy Requirement Sync Orb Requirement Sync Move Level Requirement
HP + 10 HP + 10 0 5 1
Sp. Atk + 5 Sp. Atk + 5 0 5 1
Defense + 5 Defense + 5 0 5 1
Sp. Atk + 5 Sp. Atk + 5 0 5 1
Sp. Def + 5 Sp. Def + 5 0 5 1
Speed + 5 Speed + 5 0 5 1
Sp. Atk + 5 Sp. Atk + 5 2 24 1
Defense + 5 Defense + 5 2 24 1
Sp. Def + 5 Sp. Def + 5 2 24 1
Speed + 5 Speed + 5 2 24 1
Oblivion Wing: Power Up 2 Oblivion Wing: Power Up 2 3 36 1
Oblivion Wing: Move Gauge Refresh 3 Has a moderately good chance of charging the user's move gauge by one when a move is successful. 7 84 1
Oblivion Wing: Power Up 3 Oblivion Wing: Power Up 3 4 48 2
Oblivion Wing: Move Gauge Refresh 3 Has a moderately good chance of charging the user's move gauge by one when a move is successful. 7 84 2
Oblivion Wing: Power Up 3 Oblivion Wing: Power Up 3 4 48 2
HP + Advantage 2 The more HP the user has remaining, the more it powers up moves. 10 120 3
Sharp Entry 1 Raises the user's critical-hit rate when the Pokémon enters a battle. 10 120 3
HP + 10 HP + 10 2 24 1
Speed + 5 Speed + 5 2 24 1
Sp. Atk + 5 Sp. Atk + 5 2 24 1
Defense + 5 Defense + 5 2 24 1
Dark Pulse: Power Up 3 Dark Pulse: Power Up 3 4 48 1
Dark Pulse: Move Gauge Refresh 2 Has a moderate chance of charging the user's move gauge by one when a move is successful. 7 84 1
Dark Pulse: Power Up 3 Dark Pulse: Power Up 3 4 48 2
Dark Pulse: Move Gauge Refresh 2 Has a moderate chance of charging the user's move gauge by one when a move is successful. 7 84 2
Dark Pulse: Power Up 3 Dark Pulse: Power Up 3 4 48 2
Dark Pulse: Aggravation 1 Raises the chance of inflicting the flinching, confused, or trapped condition with the additional effects of moves. 8 96 3
Harry 2 Powers up moves when the target is flinching. 10 120 3
Speed + 5 Speed + 5 2 24 1
Dark Pulse: Power Up 3 Dark Pulse: Power Up 3 4 48 1
End the World!: MP Refresh 2 Has a moderate chance of restoring one MP of the move used if the move is successful. 7 84 1
Unflappable Prevents the Pokémon from flinching. 5 60 1
HP + 20 HP + 20 4 48 2
Dark Pulse: Power Up 3 Dark Pulse: Power Up 3 4 48 2
Speed + 10 Speed + 10 4 48 2
Dark Pulse: Aggravation 1 Raises the chance of inflicting the flinching, confused, or trapped condition with the additional effects of moves. 8 96 3
Stat Reboot 4 Once per battle, has a good chance of returning the user's lowered stats to normal when in a pinch. 10 120 3
Sp. Atk + 5 Sp. Atk + 5 2 24 1
Oblivion Wing: Power Up 2 Oblivion Wing: Power Up 2 3 36 1
X Sp. Atk: MP Refresh 2 Has a moderate chance of restoring one MP of the move used if the move is successful. 7 84 1
Defense + 5 Defense + 5 2 24 1
HP + 20 HP + 20 4 48 2
Oblivion Wing: Power Up 3 Oblivion Wing: Power Up 3 4 48 2
Sp. Def + 10 Sp. Def + 10 4 48 2
Healthy Buffer 5 Reduces damage when the user is hit by an attack move when its HP is full. 10 120 3
Rejuvenate 6 Charges the user's move gauge by six after using a sync move. 10 120 3
Cleansing Oblivion Wing: Power Up 25 Cleansing Oblivion Wing: Power Up 25 5 60 3
Cleansing Oblivion Wing: Power Up 25 Cleansing Oblivion Wing: Power Up 25 5 60 3
Grand Entry 2 Raises the user's Sp. Atk by 2 stat ranks when it enters a battle. 2
Sync Damage Guard Applies the Damage Guard Next effect to the user the first time its sync move is used each battle. 4
Downside Up When the user's stats would be lowered, raises the user's stats by the same amount instead. 5
Natural Remedy Removes all status conditions from the user the first time it is inflicted by any status condition each battle. 2
Critical Strike 3 Powers up the user's attacks when they become critical hits. 4
Brainpower The more the user's Sp. Atk is raised, the more it powers up the user's sync move. 5

Lysandre Sygna Suit

Picture Name Role Base Rarity
Lysandre Artwork
Standard Outfit EX Outfit
EX RoleTech


Lysandre Sygna Suit Mindscape

Lysandre & Volcanion

Picture Name Focal Move Type Weakness
Volcanion Image
English: Volcanion
Japan: Volcanion
French: Volcanion
German: Volcanion
Korean: 볼케니온
Water-type Rock-type
Passive Skills
Grand Entry 4: Raises the user's Sp. Atk by 4 stat ranks when it enters a battle.
Searing Surge 5: Powers up the user's moves and sync move when the target is burned.
Hostile Environment 3: Raises the chance of inflicting status conditions with the additional effects of moves.
Theme Skills
Water Strike - Raises allies's Attack and Sp. Atk by 15 when using Water-type attacks
Kalos: Raises allies's Attack and Sp. Atk by 2
Villain: Raises allies's Attack and Sp. Atk by 2
Sygna Suit: Raises allies's Attack and Sp. Atk by 2
Researcher: Raises allies's Attack and Sp. Atk by 2
Expedition Skills
Rare + 2
Soothing -1
Wistful -1

Standard Max Level (Lv. 150) Stats
HPAttackDefenseSp. AtkSp. DefSpeed
695 400 156 420 139 301
5 Star Max Potential Stats
795 440 196 460 179 341
5 Star Max Potential EX Role Stats
855 460 216 480 199 341

NameTypeCategoryMax PowerAccuracyMove SlotsTarget
Steam Eruption Water-typeSpecial Category Move 157-188 95 4 (Gauge) Opponent
Removes the frozen condition from the user. Has a chance (30%) of leaving the target burned.
Heat Wave Fire-typeSpecial Category Move 109-130 90 3 (Gauge) All opponents
Has a very small chance of leaving the target burned.
Heat Hydro Pump Water-typeSpecial Category Move 250-300 100 3 (Gauge)
1 (Max Uses)
All opponents
Activation Condition: When there is at least one burned Pokémon on the opponent's field of play.
Deactivation Condition: When there are no longer any burned Pokémon on the opponent's field of play.
The power of this move is not lowered even if there are multiple targets. Applies the Supereffective ↑ Next effect to the user. Applies the Free Move Next effect to the user. Increases the user's Special Moves ↑ Next effect by a number of ranks equal to the number of burned Pokémon on the opponent's field of play.
Blazing Belief!  Other Category Move   1 (Max Uses) Self
Raises the user's accuracy by 1 stat rank. Raises the user's critical-hit rate by 3 stat ranks. Applies the Free Move Next effect to the user.

Sync Moves
NameTypeCategoryMax PowerTarget
Nation Creation Hydro Pump Water-typeSpecial Category Move 250-300 Opponent
No additional effect
EX Sync Effect: Move targets all Opponents
EX Role Sync Effect (Tech): Power * 1.5

Sync Grid

Name Effect Energy Requirement Sync Orb Requirement Sync Move Level Requirement
HP 10 HP 10 0 5 1
Sp. Atk 5 Sp. Atk 5 0 5 1
Defense 5 Defense 5 0 5 1
Sp. Atk 5 Sp. Atk 5 0 5 1
Sp. Def 5 Sp. Def 5 0 5 1
Speed 5 Speed 5 0 5 1
Burn Synergy 1 Powers up the user's moves when the target is burned. 7 84 2
Piercing Gaze Moves never miss. 10 120 4
Burned Down (Attack ?, Sp. Def ?) 9 Lowers the target's Attack and Sp. Def by 1 stat rank when the user's attack move is successful against a burned opponent. 10 120 5
Scorching Sync 2 Powers up the user's sync move when the target is burned. 7 84 2
Sync Freebie Applies the Free Move Next effect to the user after using its sync move. 10 120 4
Super Sync 9 Applies the Supereffective Up Next effect to the user after using its sync move. 10 120 5
Sp. Atk 5 Sp. Atk 5 2 24 1
HP 10 HP 10 2 24 1
Flameproof Prevents the user from getting burned. 5 60 1
Speed 5 Speed 5 2 24 1
Steam Eruption: Move Gauge Refresh 2 Move: Steam Eruption Has a chance (30%) of charging the user's move gauge by one when a move is successful. 7 84 1
Steam Eruption: Power 2 Steam Eruption: Power Up 2 3 36 1
Steam Eruption: Power 2 Steam Eruption: Power Up 2 3 36 2
Steam Eruption: Move Gauge Refresh 4 Move: Steam Eruption Has a chance (50%) of charging the user's move gauge by one when a move is successful. 7 84 2
Water Guard Reduces damage when the user is attacked by Water-type moves. 8 96 2
Furious Brain The more the user's Sp. Atk is raised, the more it powers up the user's moves. 10 120 3
Adrenaline 1 Reduces the sync move countdown by 1 the first time the user's sync move is used each battle. 10 120 3
Speed 5 Speed 5 2 24 1
Defense 5 Defense 5 2 24 1
Heat Wave: Power 3 Heat Wave: Power Up 3 3 36 1
HP 10 HP 10 2 24 1
Heat Wave: Power 3 Heat Wave: Power Up 3 3 36 1
Heat Wave: Power 3 Heat Wave: Power Up 3 3 36 1
Heat Wave: Power 3 Heat Wave: Power Up 3 3 36 2
Heat Wave: Move Gauge Refresh 3 Move: Heat Wave Has a chance (40%) of charging the user's move gauge by one when a move is successful. 7 84 2
Heat Wave: Accuracy 10 Heat Wave: Accuracy Up 10 5 60 2
Heat Wave: Scorching Touch 4 Move: Heat Wave Has a chance (50%) of leaving the target burned when the user's attack move against it is successful. 10 120 3
Heat Wave: Superduper Effective 9 Move: Heat Wave Powers up moves that are super effective. 10 120 3
Speed 5 Speed 5 2 24 1
B Hydro Pump: Power 3 B Hydro Pump: Power Up 3 3 36 1
B Hydro Pump: Power 3 B Hydro Pump: Power Up 3 3 36 1
B Hydro Pump: Power 3 B Hydro Pump: Power Up 3 3 36 1
B Hydro Pump: Power 3 B Hydro Pump: Power Up 3 3 36 2
Sp. Atk 20 Sp. Atk 20 7 84 2
Blazing Belief!: MP Refresh 2 Move: Blazing Belief! Has a chance (30%) of restoring one MP of the user's move when that move is successful. 7 84 2
Blazing Belief!: Brain Gain 9 Move: Blazing Belief! Increases the user's Special Moves Up Next effect by 1 rank when its move is successful. 10 120 3
Blazing Belief!: Ramp Up 2 Move: Blazing Belief! Raises the user's Sp. Atk by 2 stat ranks when its move is successful. 10 120 3
HP 10 HP 10 2 24 1
Defense 5 Defense 5 2 24 1
Steam Eruption: Accuracy 5 Steam Eruption: Accuracy Up 5 3 36 1
Steam Eruption: Power 2 Steam Eruption: Power Up 2 3 36 1
Steam Eruption: Power 2 Steam Eruption: Power Up 2 3 36 2
Racing Rain 2 Quickly charges the move gauge when the weather is rainy. 9 108 2
Raging Rain 2 Powers up the user's moves when the weather is rainy. 8 96 2
Scorching Sync 9 Powers up the user's sync move when the target is burned. 10 120 3
Burn Boost (Special) 2 Has a chance (30%) of increasing the user's Special Moves Up Next effect by 1 rank when its attack move is successful while the target is burned. 10 120 3
Nation Creation Hydro Pump: Power 25 Nation Creation Hydro Pump: Power Up 25 5 60 3
Nation Creation Hydro Pump: Power 25 Nation Creation Hydro Pump: Power Up 25 5 60 3