Gen IX Dex Gen VIII Dex Gen VII Dex Gen VI Dex Gen V Dex
Gen IV Dex Gen III Dex Gen II Dex Gen I Dex

Hit Points Attack Defense Speed Special Attack Special Defense All Totals Back to the Pokédex

Rank Nat No. Pic Name Type Base Stat Maximum Attack Stat
HP Att Def S.Atk S.Def Spd
1 / 251 #149
Dragonite 911349510010080 366
2 / 251 #248
Tyranitar 1001341109510061 366
3 / 251 #068
Machamp 9013080658555 358
4 / 251 #099
Kingler 55130115505075 358
5 / 251 #112
Rhydon 105130120454540 358
6 / 251 #136
Flareon 65130609511065 358
7 / 251 #212
Scizor 70130100558065 358
8 / 251 #217
Ursaring 9013075757555 358
9 / 251 #250
Ho-Oh 1061309011015490 358
10 / 251 #127
Pinsir 65125100557085 348
11 / 251 #130
Gyarados 95125796010081 348
12 / 251 #214
Heracross 8012575409585 348
13 / 251 #106
Hitmonlee 50120533511087 338
14 / 251 #210
Granbull 9012075606045 338
15 / 251 #232
Donphan 90120120606050 338
16 / 251 #141
Kabutops 60115105657080 328
17 / 251 #244
Entei 115115859075100 328
18 / 251 #059
Arcanine 90110801008095 318
19 / 251 #076
Golem 80110130556545 318
20 / 251 #085
Dodrio 60110706060100 318
21 / 251 #123
Scyther 70110805580105 318
22 / 251 #143
Snorlax 160110656511030 318
23 / 251 #150
Mewtwo 1061109015490130 318
24 / 251 #057
Primeape 6510560607095 308
25 / 251 #071
Victreebel 80105651006070 308
26 / 251 #089
Muk 105105756510050 308
27 / 251 #098
Krabby 3010590252550 308
28 / 251 #107
Hitmonchan 50105793511076 308
29 / 251 #142
Aerodactyl 80105656075130 308
30 / 251 #160
Feraligatr 85105100798378 308
31 / 251 #224
Octillery 75105751057545 308
32 / 251 #028
Sandslash 75100110455565 298
33 / 251 #067
Machoke 8010070506045 298
34 / 251 #078
Rapidash 65100708080105 298
35 / 251 #128
Tauros 75100954070110 298
36 / 251 #146
Moltres 90100901258590 298
37 / 251 #151
Mew 100100100100100100 298
38 / 251 #185
Sudowoodo 70100115306530 298
39 / 251 #221
Piloswine 10010080606050 298
40 / 251 #251
Celebi 100100100100100100 298
41 / 251 #047
Parasect 609580608030 288
42 / 251 #075
Graveler 5595115454535 288
43 / 251 #091
Cloyster 5095180854570 288
44 / 251 #103
Exeggutor 9595851256555 288
45 / 251 #115
Kangaskhan 1059580408090 288
46 / 251 #126
Magmar 6595571008593 288
47 / 251 #211
Qwilfish 659575555585 288
48 / 251 #215
Sneasel 5595553575115 288
49 / 251 #230
Kingdra 759595959585 288
50 / 251 #234
Stantler 739562856585 288
51 / 251 #237
Hitmontop 5095953511070 288
52 / 251 #034
Nidoking 819277857585 282
53 / 251 #119
Seaking 809265658068 282
54 / 251 #022
Fearow 6590656161100 278
55 / 251 #026
Raichu 6090559080100 278
56 / 251 #070
Weepinbell 659050854555 278
57 / 251 #110
Weezing 6590120857060 278
58 / 251 #145
Zapdos 90908512590100 278
59 / 251 #168
Ariados 709070606040 278
60 / 251 #169
Crobat 8590807080130 278
61 / 251 #205
Forretress 7590140606040 278
62 / 251 #229
Houndoom 7590501108095 278
63 / 251 #249
Lugia 1069013090154110 278
64 / 251 #024
Arbok 608569657980 268
65 / 251 #062
Poliwrath 908595709070 268
66 / 251 #077
Ponyta 508555656590 268
67 / 251 #084
Doduo 358545353575 268
68 / 251 #111
Rhyhorn 808595303025 268
69 / 251 #131
Lapras 1308580859560 268
70 / 251 #144
Articuno 90851009512585 268
71 / 251 #195
Quagsire 958585656535 268
72 / 251 #198
Murkrow 608542854291 268
73 / 251 #208
Steelix 7585200556530 268
74 / 251 #243
Raikou 908575115100115 268
75 / 251 #006
Charizard 78847810985100 266
76 / 251 #148
Dragonair 618465707070 266
77 / 251 #157
Typhlosion 78847810985100 266
78 / 251 #247
Pupitar 708470657051 266
79 / 251 #009
Blastoise 79831008510578 264
80 / 251 #125
Electabuzz 6583579585105 264
81 / 251 #003
Venusaur 80828310010080 262
82 / 251 #031
Nidoqueen 908287758576 262
83 / 251 #055
Golduck 808278958085 262
84 / 251 #154
Meganium 80821008310080 262
85 / 251 #020
Raticate 558160507097 260
86 / 251 #015
Beedrill 658040458075 258
87 / 251 #018
Pidgeot 838075707091 258
88 / 251 #042
Golbat 758070657590 258
89 / 251 #045
Vileplume 7580851009050 258
90 / 251 #051
Dugtrio 3580505070120 258
91 / 251 #056
Mankey 408035354570 258
92 / 251 #066
Machop 708050353535 258
93 / 251 #074
Geodude 4080100303020 258
94 / 251 #088
Grimer 808050405025 258
95 / 251 #105
Marowak 6080110508045 258
96 / 251 #140
Kabuto 308090554555 258
97 / 251 #159
Croconaw 658080596358 258
98 / 251 #182
Bellossom 7580859010050 258
99 / 251 #203
Girafarig 708065906585 258
100 / 251 #209
Snubbull 608050404030 258
101 / 251 #216
Teddiursa 608050505040 258
102 / 251 #227
Skarmory 6580140407070 258
103 / 251 #233
Porygon2 8580901059560 258
104 / 251 #241
Miltank 95801054070100 258
105 / 251 #038
Ninetales 73767581100100 250
106 / 251 #162
Furret 857664455590 250
107 / 251 #027
Sandshrew 507585203040 248
108 / 251 #069
Bellsprout 507535703040 248
109 / 251 #080
Slowbro 95751101008030 248
110 / 251 #121
Starmie 60758510085115 248
111 / 251 #178
Xatu 657570957095 248
112 / 251 #181
Ampharos 9075751159055 248
113 / 251 #186
Politoed 9075759010070 248
114 / 251 #192
Sunflora 7575551058530 248
115 / 251 #199
Slowking 95758010011030 248
116 / 251 #207
Gligar 6575105356585 248
117 / 251 #240
Magby 457537705583 248
118 / 251 #245
Suicune 100751159011585 248
119 / 251 #097
Hypno 8573707311567 244
120 / 251 #033
Nidorino 617257555565 242
121 / 251 #201
Unown 487248724848 242
122 / 251 #036
Clefable 957073859060 238
123 / 251 #040
Wigglytuff 1407045755045 238
124 / 251 #046
Paras 357055455525 238
125 / 251 #053
Persian 6570606565115 238
126 / 251 #058
Growlithe 557045705060 238
127 / 251 #073
Tentacruel 80706580120100 238
128 / 251 #087
Dewgong 907080709570 238
129 / 251 #190
Aipom 557055405585 238
130 / 251 #206
Dunsparce 1007070656545 238
131 / 251 #118
Goldeen 456760355063 232
132 / 251 #044
Gloom 606570857540 228
133 / 251 #049
Venomoth 706560907590 228
134 / 251 #061
Poliwhirl 656565505090 228
135 / 251 #079
Slowpoke 906565404015 228
136 / 251 #083
Farfetch'd 526555586260 228
137 / 251 #090
Shellder 3065100452540 228
138 / 251 #094
Gengar 60656013075110 228
139 / 251 #109
Koffing 406595604535 228
140 / 251 #117
Seadra 556595954585 228
141 / 251 #134
Vaporeon 13065601109565 228
142 / 251 #135
Jolteon 65656011095130 228
143 / 251 #158
Totodile 506564444843 228
144 / 251 #193
Yanma 656545754595 228
145 / 251 #196
Espeon 65656013095110 228
146 / 251 #197
Umbreon 95651106013065 228
147 / 251 #204
Pineco 506590353515 228
148 / 251 #223
Remoraid 356535653565 228
149 / 251 #005
Charmeleon 586458806580 226
150 / 251 #147
Dratini 416445505050 226
151 / 251 #156
Quilava 586458806580 226
152 / 251 #246
Larvitar 506450455041 226
153 / 251 #008
Wartortle 596380658058 224
154 / 251 #239
Elekid 456337655595 224
155 / 251 #002
Ivysaur 606263808060 222
156 / 251 #030
Nidorina 706267555556 222
157 / 251 #153
Bayleef 606280638060 222
158 / 251 #017
Pidgeotto 636055505071 218
159 / 251 #021
Spearow 406030313170 218
160 / 251 #023
Ekans 356044405455 218
161 / 251 #082
Magneton 5060951207070 218
162 / 251 #137
Porygon 656070857540 218
163 / 251 #139
Omastar 70601251157055 218
164 / 251 #167
Spinarak 406040404030 218
165 / 251 #200
Misdreavus 606060858585 218
166 / 251 #228
Houndour 456030805065 218
167 / 251 #231
Phanpy 906060404040 218
168 / 251 #171
Lanturn 1255858767667 214
169 / 251 #032
Nidoran♂ 465740404050 212
170 / 251 #019
Rattata 305635253572 210
171 / 251 #025
Pikachu 355530504090 208
172 / 251 #048
Venonat 605550405545 208
173 / 251 #050
Diglett 105525354595 208
174 / 251 #108
Lickitung 905575607530 208
175 / 251 #114
Tangela 65551151004060 208
176 / 251 #133
Eevee 555550456555 208
177 / 251 #180
Flaaffy 705555806045 208
178 / 251 #189
Jumpluff 7555705585110 208
179 / 251 #222
Corsola 555585658535 208
180 / 251 #225
Delibird 455545654575 208
181 / 251 #004
Charmander 395243605065 202
182 / 251 #054
Psyduck 505248655055 202
183 / 251 #155
Cyndaquil 395243605065 202
184 / 251 #043
Oddish 455055756530 198
185 / 251 #060
Poliwag 405040404090 198
186 / 251 #065
Alakazam 55504513585120 198
187 / 251 #093
Haunter 4550451155595 198
188 / 251 #101
Electrode 6050708080140 198
189 / 251 #104
Cubone 505095405035 198
190 / 251 #124
Jynx 6550351159595 198
191 / 251 #164
Noctowl 1005050769670 198
192 / 251 #177
Natu 405045704570 198
193 / 251 #184
Azumarill 1005080508050 198
194 / 251 #219
Magcargo 5050120808030 198
195 / 251 #220
Swinub 505040303050 198
196 / 251 #001
Bulbasaur 454949656545 196
197 / 251 #152
Chikorita 454965496545 196
198 / 251 #007
Squirtle 444865506443 194
199 / 251 #096
Drowzee 604845439042 194
200 / 251 #132
Ditto 484848484848 194
201 / 251 #029
Nidoran♀ 554752404041 192
202 / 251 #161
Sentret 354634354520 190
203 / 251 #012
Butterfree 604550808070 188
204 / 251 #016
Pidgey 404540353556 188
205 / 251 #035
Clefairy 704548606535 188
206 / 251 #039
Jigglypuff 1154520452520 188
207 / 251 #041
Zubat 404535304055 188
208 / 251 #052
Meowth 404535404090 188
209 / 251 #086
Seel 654555457045 188
210 / 251 #095
Onix 3545160304570 188
211 / 251 #120
Staryu 304555705585 188
212 / 251 #122
Mr. Mime 40456510012090 188
213 / 251 #188
Skiploom 554550456580 188
214 / 251 #194
Wooper 554545252515 188
215 / 251 #037
Vulpix 384140506565 180
216 / 251 #072
Tentacool 4040355010070 178
217 / 251 #102
Exeggcute 604080604540 178
218 / 251 #116
Horsea 304070702560 178
219 / 251 #138
Omanyte 3540100905535 178
220 / 251 #172
Pichu 204015353560 178
221 / 251 #176
Togetic 5540858010540 178
222 / 251 #179
Mareep 554040654535 178
223 / 251 #218
Slugma 404040704020 178
224 / 251 #226
Mantine 6540708014070 178
225 / 251 #170
Chinchou 753838565667 174
226 / 251 #013
Weedle 403530202050 168
227 / 251 #064
Kadabra 40353012070105 168
228 / 251 #081
Magnemite 253570955545 168
229 / 251 #092
Gastly 3035301003580 168
230 / 251 #166
Ledian 5535505511085 168
231 / 251 #187
Hoppip 353540355550 168
232 / 251 #236
Tyrogue 353535353535 168
233 / 251 #202
Wobbuffet 1903358335833 164
234 / 251 #010
Caterpie 453035202045 158
235 / 251 #100
Voltorb 4030505555100 158
236 / 251 #163
Hoothoot 603030365650 158
237 / 251 #174
Igglybuff 903015402015 158
238 / 251 #191
Sunkern 303030303030 158
239 / 251 #238
Smoochum 453015856565 158
240 / 251 #014
Kakuna 452550252535 148
241 / 251 #173
Cleffa 502528455515 148
242 / 251 #011
Metapod 502055252530 138
243 / 251 #063
Abra 2520151055590 138
244 / 251 #165
Ledyba 402030408055 138
245 / 251 #175
Togepi 352065406520 138
246 / 251 #183
Marill 702050205040 138
247 / 251 #235
Smeargle 552035204575 138
248 / 251 #129
Magikarp 201055152080 118
249 / 251 #213
Shuckle 2010230102305 118
250 / 251 #242
Blissey 25510107513555 118
251 / 251 #113
Chansey 250553510550 108