Below are the Pokémon that are in the NO EGGS Egg Group. Click them to go to their Pokédex page

No. Pic Name Type Abilities Base Stats
HP Att Def S.Att S.Def Spd
Nidorina Poison Point
70 62 67 55 55 56
Nidoqueen Poison Point
90 82 87 75 85 76
Articuno Pressure 90 85 100 95 125 85
Zapdos Pressure 90 90 85 125 90 100
Moltres Pressure 90 100 90 125 85 90
Mewtwo Pressure 106 110 90 154 90 130
Mew Synchronize 100 100 100 100 100 100
Pichu Static 20 40 15 35 35 60
Cleffa Cute Charm
Magic Guard
50 25 28 45 55 15
Igglybuff Cute Charm 90 30 15 40 20 15
Togepi Hustle
Serene Grace
35 20 65 40 65 20
Unown Levitate 48 72 48 72 48 48
Tyrogue Guts
35 35 35 35 35 35
Smoochum Oblivious
45 30 15 85 65 65
Elekid Static 45 63 37 65 55 95
Magby Flame Body 45 75 37 70 55 83
Raikou Pressure 90 85 75 115 100 115
Entei Pressure 115 115 85 90 75 100
Suicune Pressure 100 75 115 90 115 85
Lugia Pressure 106 90 130 90 154 110
Ho-oh Pressure 106 130 90 110 154 90
Celebi Natural Cure 100 100 100 100 100 100
Azurill Thick Fat
Huge Power
50 20 40 20 40 20
Wynaut Shadow Tag 95 23 48 23 48 23
Regirock Clear Body 80 100 200 50 100 50
Regice Clear Body 80 50 100 100 200 50
Registeel Clear Body 80 75 150 75 150 50
Latias Levitate 80 80 90 110 130 110
Latios Levitate 80 90 80 130 110 110
Kyogre Drizzle 100 100 90 150 140 90
Groudon Drought 100 150 140 100 90 90
Rayquaza Air Lock 105 150 90 150 90 95
Jirachi Serene Grace 100 100 100 100 100 100
Deoxys Pressure 50 150 50 150 50 150
Budew Natural Cure
Poison Point
40 30 35 50 70 55
Chingling Levitate 45 30 50 65 50 45
Bonsly Sturdy
Rock Head
50 80 95 10 45 10
Mime Jr. Soundproof
20 25 45 70 90 60
Happiny Natural Cure
Serene Grace
100 5 5 15 65 30
Munchlax Pickup
Thick Fat
135 85 40 40 85 5
Riolu Steadfast
Inner Focus
40 70 40 35 40 60
Mantyke Swift Swim
Water Absorb
45 20 50 60 120 50
Uxie Levitate 75 75 130 75 130 95
Mesprit Levitate 80 105 105 105 105 80
Azelf Levitate 75 125 70 125 70 115
Dialga Pressure 100 120 120 150 100 90
Palkia Pressure 90 120 100 150 120 100
Heatran Flash Fire 91 90 106 130 106 77
Regigigas Slow Start 110 160 110 80 110 100
Giratina Pressure 150 100 120 100 120 90
Cresselia Levitate 120 70 120 75 130 85
Darkrai Bad Dreams 70 90 90 135 90 125
Shaymin Natural Cure 100 100 100 100 100 100
Arceus Multitype 120 120 120 120 120 120

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