Like all the main games, each Pokémon can have an ability. These abilities work in a similar manner to in the main games and each Pokémon can have one of up to three abilities. These abilities vary from random chances to boosts in certain circumstances.
Name |
Effect |
Pokémon Knowing The Ability |
Battle Armor カブトアーマー |
Prevents opponent from receiving a Critical Hit |
Black Hole ブラックホール |
Prevents neighbouring Pokémon from moving |
Blaze もうか |
When HP is less than 1/3, Attack is increased |
Bodyguard ボディガード |
If the partner is about to be damaged, you may switch position with the partner |
Celebrate しゃかりき |
Allows you to move again if this Pokémon defeats another |
Frostbite れいき |
May freeze opponent if directly attacked |
Clear Body クリアボディ |
Cannot have its stats lowered |
Compoundeyes ふくがん |
Increases accuracy |

Confidence おもいやり |
Increases the Defence of two Pokémon |
Decoy おとり |
May cause opponent to miss |
Dodge かたすかし |
May avoid direct attacks. If so, it lowers the opponent's defence |

Power Nap いねむり |
Recovers 1/3rd of Max HP when Asleep |
Frighten すごみ |
May lower the movement and Speed of nearby opponent Pokémon next turn |
Jagged Edge エッジアーマー |
Damages the opponent if the opponent hits the Pokémon with a direct attack |

Sprint しゅんそく |
Movement range is increased by 1 |

Hero おそれしらず |
Increases Attack & Defence if the Pokémon on your side are 1/3rd in number of the opponents |
Spirit とうこん |
When HP is less than 1/3, HP is briefly increased |

Vanguard いちばんやり |
If the Pokémon moves first in the turn, damage is increased by 50% |
Flame Body ほのおのからだ |
May Burn opponent if the opponent hits the Pokémon with a Direct Attack |
Flame Boost ほのおブースト |
Boosts Attack when hit by a Fire-type move |
Flash Fire もらいび |
Increases Attack when hit by a Fire-type move |
Conqueror ししふんじん |
Increases Attack & Defence whenever the Pokémon defeats an opponent |
Gulp がぶのみ |
If on Water, HP is recovered by 1/8th Maximum HP each turn |

Guts こんじょう |
Increases Attack if affected by a Status Condition |

Healer いやしのこころ |
Heals neighboring allies' status ailments |
Nurse いやしのはっぱ |
Heals Status Conditions of nearby Pokémon at the start of the turn |
Warm Blanket ヒートボイラー |
If on Lava, HP is recovered by 1/8th Maximum HP each turn |
High-rise たかびしゃ |
Increases damage to opponents on higher ground |
Shackle じゃまだて |
May lower the movement of nearby opponent Pokémon next turn |
Lullaby はなうた |
May make nearby opponents fall asleep at the start of the turn |
Calming さいみんオーラ |
May make nearby opponents fall asleep at the start of the turn |
Illusion イリュージョン |
At the start of battle, it takes on the appearance of partner |

Immunity めんえき |
Prevents Poison |
Inner Focus せいしんりょく |
Prevents flinching |

Instinct ちょっかん |
May allow the Pokémon to avoid attacks. Chances increase the higher the Link with the Warlords |
Intimidate いかく |
Lowers the Attack of any Pokémon within range |
Interference ジャミング |
Lowers accuracy of nearby Pokémon |

Justified せいぎのこころ |
Increases Attack when hit by a Dark-type move |

Keen Eye するどいめ |
Can't have Accuracy lowered |
Last Bastion さいごのとりで |
Increases stats if the last Pokémon in your squad |
Grass Cloak はっぱのころも |
Increases Defense when on grass |
Levitate ふゆう |
Able to move over obstacles. Immune to Ground-type attacks |
Lightningrod ひらいしん |
Draws in Electric type moves and doesn't take damage and increases Attack |

Limber じゅうなん |
Prevents paralysis |
Herbivore みちくさ |
Increases HP if affected by a Status Condition |

Fortune きんうん |
Obtains more gold from chests |
Lunchbox おべんとう |
Recovers HP at the start of each turn |
Hot Blooded マグマボイラー |
If on Lava, Dirt or Sand, HP recovers each turn |
Perception いしんでんしん |
Avoids damage from partner Pokémon |
Mold Breaker かたやぶり |
Ignores special effects on the opponents |
Bonanza マネーラッシュ |
Obtains more gold from chests |
Mood Maker ムードメーカー |
Increases tension of partner Pokémon within the same area |
Motor Drive でんきエンジン |
Increases Movement if hit by an Electric-type attack |

Moxie じしんかじょう |
Increases Attack if the Pokémon has defeated an enemy |
Mountaineer みがる |
Can climb higher than normal |
Omnipotence ぜんちぜんのう |
Uses various powers to deal damage of all types |
Overgrow しんりょく |
When HP is less than 1/3, Attack is increased |
Own Tempo マイペース |
Prevents confusion |

Disgust いやがらせ |
Opponent that takes a hit is annoyed/pestered and changes with its neighbor |
Poison Point どくのトゲ |
May Poison opponent if the opponent hits the Pokémon with a Direct Attack |
Pride プライド |
Increases Attack & Defence when affected by a Status Condition |
Thrust かいりきじまん |
Pushes your opponent far away |
Deep Sleep あんみん |
Recovers 1/8th of Hit Points when Asleep |
Medic かいふくオーラ |
Restores HP to nearby allies |
Life Force さいせいボディ |
Recovers 1/8th of Hit Points at the beginning of each turn |
Run Up じょそう |
Increases damage the less you move before Attacking |
Sandpit すなあび |
If on sand, HP is recovered by 1/8th Maximum HP each turn |
Sequence ちょくれつ |
Increases Attack if near other Electric-type Pokémon |
Shadow Dash かげばしり |
Increases movement if there are less than 3 Pokémon nearby |
Shed Skin だっぴ |
May heal from Status Conditions |

Shell Armor シェルアーマー |
Prevents opponent from getting a Critical Hit |
Shield シールド |
The Pokémon can act as a decoy, protecting allies from enemy moves. |
Simple たんじゅん |
Doubles effects of Status Effects |

Skater スケーター |
Can move further |
Nomad スカイエナジー |
Increases Attack the more you move |
Daze ばくすいオーラ |
May make nearby opponents fall asleep at the start of the turn |
Sniper スナイパー |
Increases chance of Critical Hits |

Solid Rock ハードロック |
Reduces damage from Super Effective moves |
Explode しぜんばくはつ |
Once knocked out, it may cause damage to all surrounding areas |

Static せいでんき |
May Paralyse opponent if the opponent hits the Pokémon with a Direct Attack |

Stealth ステルス |
If on the same terrain that works for the type, chances of avoiding damage are increased |
Sponge すいつきぐせ |
May absorb HP of nearby Pokémon |

Sturdy がんじょう |
Will not be defeated by a single hit |

Climber げこくじょう |
Does more damage if the opponent is at a higher position |

Wave Rider なみのりスター |
Allows further movement when on water |
Swarm むしのしらせ |
When HP is less than 1/3, Attack is increased |
Parry たちさばき |
Can evade melee attacks |
Share きょうかん |
Allows you to use Warlords Powers twice |
Teravolt テラボルテージ |
Ignores special effects on the opponents |
Thick Fat あついしぼう |
Halves damage from Ice & Fire-type moves |
Torrent げきりゅう |
When HP is less than 1/3, Attack is increased |
Turboblaze ターボブレイズ |
Ignores special effects on the opponents |
Melee どさくさ |
The Pokémon can attack adjacent enemies in the confusion of battle |
Unaware てんねん |
Ignores stat changes in the opponent |

Tenacity きはく |
Causes attacking opponent who directly attacked you to flinch/falter/recoil |

Volt Absorb ちくでん |
Heals HP when hit by Electric-type moves |
Water Absorb ちょすい |
Heals HP when hit by Water-type moves |
Aqua Boost みずブースト |
Boosts Attack when hit by a Water-type move |
