
Dotted around Lumiose City, there are various Restaurants, all accessible through the taxi going to fine dining. In here, you have the ability to purchase a meal for a certain amount of money. However, between the various courses of the meal, you have to battle.

There is a catch, each dish requires you wait a certain amount of time before you can tuck into it. This time is determined by the amount of turns your battle takes. You get marked based on how accurately you get the turns. If you get less or more than the designated turns, then the meal will spoil. If you lose any Pokémon, you will also be marked down. At the end of the meal, you will get a gift for participating such as berries or nuggets. The price to enter also reduces as you get more stylish.


When you complete each of the battles with a perfect amount of turns used, you will get a star next to the battle when you go to select them again.

Restaurant Name Star Location Battle Types Base Price Prizes
Restaurant Le Nah South Boulevard Double Battle 2,700 - 3,000 Tinymushroom (*15 if perfect)
Restaurant Le Yeah ☆☆ Autumnal Avenue Triple Battle
Rotation Battle
13,500 - 15,000 Big Mushroom (*20 if perfect)
Restaurant Le Wow ☆☆☆ Hibernal Avenue Double Battle
Triple Battle
Rotation Battle
90,000 - 100,000 Balm Mushroom (*25 if perfect)
Sushi High Roller
Only accessible after becoming Champion and starting Looker Quest
- Hibernal Avenue Double Battle
Triple Battle
Rotation Battle
500,000 Big Nuggets (*25 if perfect)

Restaurant Details

Restaurant Le Nah

Level: 10

Double Battle

Trainer Pokémon Turns Required
Chef Roger Pansage Pansear 2 Turns
Chef Roger Pansear Panpour 2 Turns
Chef Roger Pansage Panpour 2 Turns

Restaurant Le Yeah

Level: 31

Triple Battle

Trainer Pokémon Turns Required
Waitress Talia Mantine Emolga Sigilyph 3 Turns
Garcon Georges Shuckle Pidgeoo Dugtrio 4 Turns
Owner Yannick Zangoose Zangoose Zangoose 3 Turns
Chef Albern Simisage Simisear Simipour 3 Turns

Rotation Battle

Trainer Pokémon Turns Required
Waitress Talia Mantine Emolga Sigilyph 6 Turns
Garcon Georges Shuckle Pidgeotto Dugtrio 6 Turns
Owner Yannick Zangoose Zangoose Zangoose 6 Turns
Chef Albern Simisage Simisear Simipour 6 Turns

Restaurant Le Wow

Level: 63

Double Battle

Trainer Pokémon Turns Required
Owner Christophe Druddigon Ferrothorn 2 Turns
Owner Christophe Alomomola Amoonguss 2 Turns
Garcon Morris Wobbuffet Milotic 3 Turns
Garcon Morris Lucario Floatzel 2 Turns
Waitress Paula Aurorus Exploud 2 Turns

Triple Battle

Trainer Pokémon Turns Required
Owner Christophe Ferrothorn Druddigon Qwilfish 4 Turns
Owner Christophe Amoonguss Alomomola Audino 3 Turns
Garcon Morris Milotic Wobbuffet Bastiodon 3 Turns
Garcon Morris Floatzel Lucario Togekiss 3 Turns
Waitress Paula Aurorus Exploud Chatot 3 Turns

Rotation Battle

Trainer Pokémon Turns Required
Owner Christophe Ferrothorn Druddigon Qwilfish 6 Turns
Owner Christophe Amoonguss Alomomola Audino 6 Turns
Garcon Morris Milotic Wobbuffet Bastiodon 6 Turns
Garcon Morris Floatzel Lucario Togekiss 6 Turns
Waitress Paula Aurorus Exploud Chatot 4 Turns

Sushi Hi-Roller

Level: 65

Double Battle

Trainer Pokémon Turns Required
Furisode Girl Gwyneth Ninetales Tropius 3 Turns
Furisode Girl Inva Hippowdon Gliscor 3 Turns
Furisode Girl Thalassa Politoed Beartic 3 Turns
Furisode Girl Nerissa Abomasnow Mamoswine 3 Turns
Owner Kazu Bronzong Cofagrigus 3 Turns

Triple Battle

Trainer Pokémon Turns Required
Furisode Girl Gwyneth Ninetales Tropius Cherrim 3 Turns
Furisode Girl Inva Hippowdon Scizor Gliscor 3 Turns
Furisode Girl Thalassa Politoed Beartic Ludicolo 3 Turns
Furisode Girl Nerissa Abomasnow Mamoswine Froslass 3 Turns
Owner Kazu Bronzong Slowking Cofagrigus 5 Turns

Rotation Battle

Trainer Pokémon Turns Required
Furisode Girl Gwyneth Ninetales Tropius Cherrim 6 Turns
Furisode Girl Inva Hippowdon Scizor Gliscor 6 Turns
Furisode Girl Thalassa Politoed Beartic Ludicolo 6 Turns
Furisode Girl Nerissa Abomasnow Mamoswine Froslass 6 Turns
Owner Kazu Bronzong Slowking Cofagrigus 7 Turns