Sandwich Ingredients

When creating a Sandwich, you have the ability to create it in Custom Mode. This allows for you to make sandwiches that are beyond the standard recipes. Doing this allows for you to customise the Meal Powers that you can obtain with the sandwiches

Power Effect
Egg PowerMore likely to find Pokémon Eggs
Increases speed of hatching Pokémon Eggs
Level 1: 5 times more likely
Level 2: 7 times more likely
Level 3: 10 times more likely
Catching PowerMore likely catches will succeed
Level 1: 10% More Likely
Level 2: 25% more likely
Level 3: 100% more likely
Exp. Point PowerMore Exp. Points gained
Level 1: 10% more Exp.
Level 2: 30% more Exp.
Level 3: 50% more Exp.
Item Drop PowerMore materials found after battle
Level 1: 25% more Items
Level 2: 50% more Items
Level 3: 100% more Items
Raid PowerMore rewards from Tera Raid Battles
Level 1: 1 more item
Level 2: 2 more items
Level 3: 3 more items
Title PowerMore likely to find Pokémon with titles
Sparkling PowerMore likely to find Shiny Pokémon
Level 1: 1 Extra Roll
Level 2: 2 Extra Rolls
Level 3: 3 Extra Rolls
Humungo PowerMore likely to find large Pokémon
Level 1: Size 128-255
Level 2: Size 160-255
Level 3: Size 192-255
Teensy PowerMore likely to find small Pokémon
Level 1: Size 0-127
Level 2: Size 0-95
Level 3: Size 0-60
Encounter PowerMore likely to find certain types

These require you to have the ingredients which can all easily be purchased in shops and stalls throughout the Paldea region.

To search by Meal Power boosts or type boosts, use the navigation below

The Level of Meal Power you get is dependent on the amount of points you get in that field and the three Powers and Three Types used are the options with the three highest values.
Level 1 - Less than 100
Level 2 - Less than 2000
Level 3 - 2000+

When you play with friends, you can make bigger sandwiches and include more ingredients, but if you overfill it on your own, the points will reduce.

Sparkling Power requires two of any Herba Mystica before it activates

List of Ingredients

Picture Name Taste Meal Power Boosts Type Boosts
Apple Apple
Sweet: 4
Sour: 3
Bitter: 1
Egg: 4
Catching: -1
Item Drop: 7
Humungo: -5
Flying: 7
Steel: 7
Ice: 7
Avocado Avocado
Sweet: 3
Sour: 1
Catching: 4
Raid: -1
Encounter: 7
Dragon: 6
Bacon Bacon
Sweet: 1
Salty: 5
Sour: 1
Bitter: 4
Catching: 4
Raid: -1
Encounter: 7
Rock: 6
Banana Banana
Sweet: 4
Sour: 1
Egg: 4
Catching: -1
Item Drop: 7
Humungo: -5
Normal: 7
Bug: 7
Electric: 7
Basil Basil
Salty: 1
Sour: 1
Bitter: 4
Egg: 2
Raid: 2
Encounter: -2
Fire: 1
Water: 1
Grass: 1
Electric: 1
Psychic: 1
Ice: 1
Dragon: 1
Dark: 1
Fairy: 1
Cheese Cheese
Sweet: 1
Salty: 3
Catching: 2
Exp.: 2
Item Drop: 2
Encounter: -2
Normal: 5
Fighting: 5
Flying: 5
Poison: 5
Ground: 5
Rock: 5
Bug: 5
Ghost: 5
Steel: 5
Fire: 5
Water: 5
Grass: 5
Electric: 5
Psychic: 5
Ice: 5
Dragon: 5
Dark: 5
Fairy: 5
Cherry Tomatoes Cherry Tomatoes
Sweet: 3
Sour: 5
Bitter: 1
Catching: 4
Raid: -1
Encounter: 7
Bug: 6
Chorizo Chorizo
Salty: 4
Bitter: 2
Hot: 4
Exp.: 7
Item Drop: -1
Encounter: 4
Normal: 12
Poison: 12
Bug: 12
Fire: 12
Electric: 12
Dragon: 12
Cucumber Cucumber
Sour: 1
Bitter: 1
Catching: 4
Raid: -1
Encounter: 7
Water: 6
Egg Egg
Sweet: 1
Salty: 2
Bitter: 1
Exp.: 7
Item Drop: -1
Encounter: 4
Flying: 12
Rock: 12
Steel: 12
Grass: 12
Ice: 12
Fairy: 12
Fried Fillet Fried Fillet
Sweet: 2
Salty: 3
Bitter: 3
Catching: 21
Raid: 12
Encounter: -3
Normal: 20
Flying: 20
Ground: 20
Bug: 20
Steel: 20
Water: 20
Electric: 20
Ice: 20
Dark: 20
Green Bell Pepper Green Bell Pepper
Sweet: 1
Sour: 1
Bitter: 5
Catching: 4
Raid: -1
Encounter: 7
Poison: 6
Ham Ham
Sweet: 1
Salty: 5
Catching: 4
Raid: -1
Encounter: 7
Ground: 6
Hamburger Hamburger
Sweet: 6
Salty: 12
Bitter: 9
Catching: 12
Raid: -3
Encounter: 21
Steel: 18
Herbed Sausage Herbed Sausage
Sweet: 1
Salty: 4
Bitter: 4
Exp.: 7
Item Drop: -1
Encounter: 4
Fighting: 12
Ground: 12
Ghost: 12
Water: 12
Psychic: 12
Dark: 12
Jalapeno Jalapeno
Sour: 2
Hot: 5
Egg: 4
Catching: -1
Item Drop: 7
Humungo: -5
Rock: 7
Grass: 7
Fairy: 7
Kiwi Kiwi
Sweet: 2
Sour: 5
Bitter: 1
Egg: 4
Catching: -1
Item Drop: 7
Humungo: -5
Poison: 7
Fire: 7
Dragon: 7
Klawf Stick Klawf Stick
Sweet: 4
Salty: 4
Catching: 4
Raid: -1
Encounter: 7
Ice: 6
Lettuce Lettuce
Sweet: 1
Bitter: 2
Catching: 4
Raid: -1
Encounter: 7
Grass: 6
Noodles Noodles
Salty: 4
Humungo: 21
Teensy: -3
Encounter: 12
Poison: 30
Ground: 30
Rock: 30
Electric: 30
Psychic: 30
Ice: 30
Onion Onion
Sweet: 2
Bitter: 1
Hot: 3
Catching: 4
Raid: -1
Encounter: 7
Psychic: 6
Pickle Pickle
Sweet: 1
Sour: 4
Bitter: 2
Catching: 4
Raid: -1
Encounter: 7
Fighting: 6
Pineapple Pineapple
Sweet: 3
Sour: 5
Bitter: 1
Egg: 4
Catching: -1
Item Drop: 7
Humungo: -5
Ground: 7
Water: 7
Dark: 7
Potato Salad Potato Salad
Sweet: 2
Salty: 3
Sour: 4
Bitter: 1
Humungo: 21
Teensy: -3
Encounter: 12
Bug: 30
Ghost: 30
Steel: 30
Dragon: 30
Dark: 30
Fairy: 30
Potato Tortilla Potato Tortilla
Sweet: 3
Salty: 4
Sour: 1
Bitter: 3
Hot: 1
Catching: 21
Raid: 12
Encounter: -3
Fighting: 20
Poison: 20
Rock: 20
Ghost: 20
Fire: 20
Grass: 20
Psychic: 20
Dragon: 20
Fairy: 20
Prosciutto Prosciutto
Sweet: 2
Salty: 4
Sour: 1
Catching: 4
Raid: -1
Encounter: 7
Flying: 6
Red Bell Pepper Red Bell Pepper
Sweet: 1
Sour: 1
Bitter: 3
Catching: 4
Raid: -1
Encounter: 7
Fire: 6
Red Onion Red Onion
Sweet: 3
Bitter: 1
Catching: 4
Raid: -1
Encounter: 7
Ghost: 6
Rice Rice
Sweet: 3
Sour: 1
Humungo: 21
Teensy: -3
Encounter: 12
Normal: 30
Fighting: 30
Flying: 30
Fire: 30
Water: 30
Grass: 30
Smoked Fillet Smoked Fillet
Sweet: 1
Salty: 3
Sour: 2
Bitter: 3
Catching: 4
Raid: -1
Encounter: 7
Dark: 6
Strawberry Strawberry
Sweet: 4
Sour: 4
Egg: 4
Catching: -1
Item Drop: 7
Humungo: -5
Fighting: 7
Ghost: 7
Psychic: 7
Tofu Tofu
Sweet: 3
Catching: 4
Raid: -1
Encounter: 7
Normal: 6
Tomato Tomato
Sweet: 2
Sour: 4
Bitter: 1
Catching: 4
Raid: -1
Encounter: 7
Fairy: 6
Watercress Watercress
Salty: 1
Sour: 2
Bitter: 5
Hot: 1
Egg: 2
Raid: 2
Encounter: -2
Normal: 1
Fighting: 1
Flying: 1
Poison: 1
Ground: 1
Rock: 1
Bug: 1
Ghost: 1
Steel: 1
Yellow Bell Pepper Yellow Bell Pepper
Sweet: 1
Sour: 1
Bitter: 3
Catching: 4
Raid: -1
Encounter: 7
Electric: 6

List of Seasoning

Picture Name Taste Meal Power Boosts Type Boosts
Butter Butter
Sweet: 12
Salty: 12
Egg: -3
Exp.: 12
Raid: 21
Bug: 2
Ghost: 2
Chili Sauce Chili Sauce
Sweet: 8
Salty: 12
Sour: 8
Hot: 20
Egg: -3
Exp.: 12
Raid: 21
Water: 2
Grass: 2
Cream Cheese Cream Cheese
Sweet: 12
Salty: 12
Sour: 12
Egg: 5
Exp.: -3
Item Drop: 12
Teensy: -15
Bug: 4
Steel: 4
Water: 4
Curry Powder Curry Powder
Sweet: 4
Salty: 4
Sour: 4
Bitter: 12
Hot: 30
Humungo: -3
Teensy: 21
Encounter: 12
Bug: 2
Ghost: 2
Steel: 2
Fire: 2
Water: 2
Grass: 2
Horseradish Horseradish
Sweet: 4
Hot: 16
Humungo: -3
Teensy: 21
Encounter: 12
Normal: 2
Fighting: 2
Flying: 2
Poison: 2
Ground: 2
Rock: 2
Jam Jam
Sweet: 16
Salty: 4
Sour: 16
Egg: 5
Exp.: -3
Item Drop: 12
Teensy: -15
Electric: 4
Ice: 4
Dark: 4
Ketchup Ketchup
Sweet: 8
Salty: 16
Sour: 16
Egg: -3
Exp.: 12
Raid: 21
Flying: 2
Poison: 2
Marmalade Marmalade
Sweet: 12
Salty: 4
Sour: 16
Bitter: 20
Egg: 5
Exp.: -3
Item Drop: 12
Teensy: -15
Fighting: 4
Poison: 4
Rock: 4
Mayonnaise Mayonnaise
Salty: 8
Sour: 20
Egg: -3
Exp.: 12
Raid: 21
Normal: 2
Fighting: 2
Mustard Mustard
Sweet: 4
Salty: 8
Sour: 8
Bitter: 8
Hot: 16
Egg: -3
Exp.: 12
Raid: 21
Ground: 2
Rock: 2
Olive Oil Olive Oil
Sour: 4
Bitter: 4
Egg: 5
Exp.: -3
Item Drop: 12
Teensy: -15
Ghost: 4
Fire: 4
Grass: 4
Peanut Butter Peanut Butter
Sweet: 16
Salty: 12
Egg: -3
Exp.: 12
Raid: 21
Steel: 2
Fire: 2
Pepper Pepper
Salty: 4
Bitter: 8
Hot: 16
Egg: -3
Exp.: 12
Raid: 21
Ice: 2
Dragon: 2
Salt Salt
Salty: 20
Bitter: 4
Egg: -3
Exp.: 12
Raid: 21
Electric: 2
Psychic: 2
Vinegar Vinegar
Sweet: 4
Sour: 20
Bitter: 4
Egg: 5
Exp.: -3
Item Drop: 12
Teensy: -15
Psychic: 4
Dragon: 4
Fairy: 4
Wasabi Wasabi
Sweet: 4
Salty: 4
Hot: 20
Humungo: -3
Teensy: 21
Encounter: 12
Electric: 2
Psychic: 2
Ice: 2
Dragon: 2
Dark: 2
Fairy: 2
Whipped Cream Whipped Cream
Sweet: 20
Egg: 5
Exp.: -3
Item Drop: 12
Teensy: -15
Normal: 4
Flying: 4
Ground: 4
Yogurt Yogurt
Sweet: 16
Sour: 16
Egg: -3
Exp.: 12
Raid: 21
Dark: 2
Fairy: 2
Bitter Herba Mystica Bitter Herba Mystica
Bitter: 500
Title: 1000
Sparkling: 1000
Normal: 250
Fighting: 250
Flying: 250
Poison: 250
Ground: 250
Rock: 250
Bug: 250
Ghost: 250
Steel: 250
Fire: 250
Water: 250
Grass: 250
Electric: 250
Psychic: 250
Ice: 250
Dragon: 250
Dark: 250
Fairy: 250
Spicy Herba Mystica Spicy Herba Mystica
Hot: 500
Title: 1000
Sparkling: 1000
Normal: 250
Fighting: 250
Flying: 250
Poison: 250
Ground: 250
Rock: 250
Bug: 250
Ghost: 250
Steel: 250
Fire: 250
Water: 250
Grass: 250
Electric: 250
Psychic: 250
Ice: 250
Dragon: 250
Dark: 250
Fairy: 250
Salty Herba Mystica Salty Herba Mystica
Salty: 500
Title: 1000
Sparkling: 1000
Normal: 250
Fighting: 250
Flying: 250
Poison: 250
Ground: 250
Rock: 250
Bug: 250
Ghost: 250
Steel: 250
Fire: 250
Water: 250
Grass: 250
Electric: 250
Psychic: 250
Ice: 250
Dragon: 250
Dark: 250
Fairy: 250
Sour Herba Mystica Sour Herba Mystica
Sour: 500
Title: 1000
Sparkling: 1000
Normal: 250
Fighting: 250
Flying: 250
Poison: 250
Ground: 250
Rock: 250
Bug: 250
Ghost: 250
Steel: 250
Fire: 250
Water: 250
Grass: 250
Electric: 250
Psychic: 250
Ice: 250
Dragon: 250
Dark: 250
Fairy: 250
Sweet Herba Mystica Sweet Herba Mystica
Sweet: 500
Title: 1000
Sparkling: 1000
Normal: 250
Fighting: 250
Flying: 250
Poison: 250
Ground: 250
Rock: 250
Bug: 250
Ghost: 250
Steel: 250
Fire: 250
Water: 250
Grass: 250
Electric: 250
Psychic: 250
Ice: 250
Dragon: 250
Dark: 250
Fairy: 250