Leer Details Pokémon AttackDex

Name Type Strength
Leer -
Hits Direction Distance
1 Wave Wide
Speed Toys Needed to Teach in Axle Town
Slow 2 Toys knowing the move
Lowers opponent's Defense

Pokémon Listings

No. Pic Name Type Attack Defence Speed Location
Spearow •• ••• 1-2 Seabreeze Trail Meadow
4-2 Everspring Valley Meadow
Fearow ••• •• •••• 4-2 Everspring Valley Meadow
Ekans •• •• ••• 3-1 Desolated Ruins Cave
Arbok ••• ••• ••• 3-1 Desolated Ruins Cave
Nidoran♂ ••• 2-4 Shimmering Lake Cave
Nidorino •• •• ••• 2-4 Shimmering Lake Cave
Nidoking ••• ••• ••• 2-4 Shimmering Lake Cave
Mankey ••• ••• 4-3 Sunny Seashore Factory
Primeape •••• ••• ••• 4-3 Sunny Seashore Factory
Growlithe •• •• ••• 1-3 Echo Valley Cave
4-3 Sunny Seashore Magma
World Axle B1F Magma
Arcanine •••• ••• ••• 4-3 Sunny Seashore Magma
World Axle B1F Magma
World Axle B2F Cave
Machop •• ••• 4-3 Sunny Seashore Canyon
Machoke ••• ••• ••• 4-3 Sunny Seashore Canyon
Machamp •••• ••• ••• 4-3 Sunny Seashore Canyon
Farfetch'd •• •• ••• 3-1 Desolated Ruins Beach
Shellder •• •• ••• 1-4 Challengers' Ground Beach
Cloyster ••• ••••• ••• 1-4 Challengers' Ground Beach (After Game Completion)
Krabby ••• •• ••• 2-4 Shimmering Lake Lake
Kingler ••••• ••• ••• 2-4 Shimmering Lake Lake (After Game Completion)
Cubone ••• ••• 2-2 Misty Edgewater Cave
Marowak •• •••• ••• 2-2 Misty Edgewater Cave
Kangaskhan ••• ••• ••• 3-1 Desolated Ruins Canyon
Horsea •• •• ••• 1-2 Seabreeze Trail Beach
1-4 Challengers' Ground Beach
Seadra ••• ••• ••• 1-4 Challengers' Ground Beach
4-3 Sunny Seashore Beach
Scyther •••• ••• •••• World Axle B1F Forest
Electabuzz ••• ••• •••• 3-3 Firebreathing Mountain Factory
World Axle B2F Factory
Magmar ••• ••• ••• 3-3 Firebreathing Mountain Magma
4-3 Sunny Seashore Magma
World Axle B1F Magma
Gyarados •••• ••• ••• World Axle B2F Lake
Omanyte ••• ••• ••• World Axle B1F Beach
Omastar •••• •••• ••• World Axle B1F Beach
Kabuto •• ••• ••• 2-2 Misty Edgewater Cave
Kabutops •••• ••• ••• 2-2 Misty Edgewater Cave (After Game Completion)
Dratini •• •• ••• World Axle B2F Lake
Dragonair ••• ••• ••• World Axle B2F Lake
Dragonite ••••• •••• ••• World Axle B2F Lake
Cyndaquil •• •• ••• 3-3 Firebreathing Mountain Magma
Quilava ••• •• ••• 3-3 Firebreathing Mountain Magma
Typhlosion •••• ••• •••• 3-3 Firebreathing Mountain Magma
Totodile •• •• ••• 3-1 Desolated Ruins Beach
Croconaw •• ••• ••• 3-1 Desolated Ruins Beach
Feraligatr ••• •••• ••• 3-1 Desolated Ruins Beach
Natu •• ••• 3-3 Firebreathing Mountain Tower
Xatu ••• ••• ••• 3-3 Firebreathing Mountain Tower
Scizor •••• •••• ••• World Axle B1F Forest (After Game Completion)
Heracross •••• ••• ••• World Axle B2F Treetops (After Game Completion)
Sneasel ••• ••• •••• World Axle Underground Entry Rusty Army Lair
World Axle B2F Glacier (After Game Completion)
Teddiursa •• •• ••• 2-2 Misty Edgewater Forest
Ursaring •••• ••• ••• 2-2 Misty Edgewater Forest (After Game Completion)
Skarmory ••• ••••• ••• 4-3 Sunny Seashore Factory
Houndour •• ••• 4-3 Sunny Seashore Magma (After Game Completion)
World Axle Underground Entry Rusty Army Lair
Houndoom •••• ••• ••• 4-3 Sunny Seashore Magma (After Game Completion)
World Axle Shaft Rust Army Lair
Kingdra ••• •••• ••• 4-3 Sunny Seashore Beach (After Game Completion)
Stantler ••• •• ••• 3-1 Desolated Ruins Canyon
Elekid •• •• ••• 3-3 Firebreathing Mountain Factory
Magby •• •• ••• 1-3 Echo Valley Cave
3-3 Firebreathing Mountain Magma
Raikou •••• ••• •••• World Axle B1F Meadow (After Game Completion)
Entei •••• ••• •••• World Axle B2F Cave
Suicune ••• ••••• ••• World Axle B2F Lake (After Game Completion)
Larvitar •• •• ••• 3-1 Desolated Ruins Cave
Pupitar ••• ••• ••• 3-1 Desolated Ruins Cave
Tyranitar ••••• ••••• ••• 3-1 Desolated Ruins Cave (After Game Completion)
Treecko •• ••• 2-1 Sun-Dappled Bank Treetops
Grovyle ••• •• ••• 2-1 Sun-Dappled Bank Treetops
Sceptile •••• ••• •••• 2-1 Sun-Dappled Bank Treetops (After Game Completion)
Poochyena ••• 1-2 Seabreeze Trail Meadow
1-4 Challengers' Ground Meadow
Mightyena ••• ••• ••• 1-2 Seabreeze Trail Meadow (After Game Completion)
Sableye •• ••• ••• World Axle Underground Entry Rusty Army Lair
World Axle B1F Hauntyard (After Game Completion)
World Axle Shaft Rust Army Lair
Electrike •• ••• World Axle B2F Factory
Manectric •••• •• •••• World Axle B2F Factory
Carvanha ••• ••• 1-4 Challengers' Ground Beach
Sharpedo •••• ••• 1-4 Challengers' Ground Beach (After Game Completion)
Cacnea •• ••• 4-3 Sunny Seashore Desert
Cacturne •••• •• ••• 4-3 Sunny Seashore Desert
Zangoose •••• •• ••• 4-2 Everspring Valley Meadow
Corphish •• •• ••• 1-4 Challengers' Ground Beach
4-3 Sunny Seashore Desert
Crawdaunt •••• ••• ••• 4-3 Sunny Seashore Desert
Duskull •••• •• 2-2 Misty Edgewater Hauntyard
4-2 Everspring Valley Hauntyard
Dusclops •• ••••• •• 2-2 Misty Edgewater Hauntyard
4-2 Everspring Valley Hauntyard
World Axle B1F Hauntyard
Tropius •• ••• ••• 4-2 Everspring Valley Forest
Absol ••••• •• ••• World Axle B2F Tower (After Game Completion)
World Axle Shaft Rust Army Lair
Snorunt •• ••• 4-1 Frozen Tundra Glacier
Glalie ••• ••• ••• 4-1 Frozen Tundra Glacier
Bagon •• ••• 4-3 Sunny Seashore Canyon
Shelgon ••• ••• ••• 4-3 Sunny Seashore Canyon
Salamence ••••• ••• •••• 4-3 Sunny Seashore Canyon (After Game Completion)
Deoxys ••••• •• ••••• All Factorys (Each Forme)
Deoxys ••••• ••••• All Factorys (Each Forme)
Deoxys •• ••••• ••• All Factorys (Each Forme)
Deoxys •••• •••• ••••• All Factorys (Each Forme)
Chimchar •• ••• 4-3 Sunny Seashore Magma
Monferno ••• •• ••• 4-3 Sunny Seashore Magma
Infernape •••• ••• •••• 4-3 Sunny Seashore Magma
Shinx •• ••• 4-3 Sunny Seashore Factory
Luxio ••• •• ••• 4-3 Sunny Seashore Factory
Luxray •••• ••• ••• 4-3 Sunny Seashore Factory
Cranidos •••• ••• 3-2 Volcanic Slope Magma
Rampardos ••••• •• ••• World Axle B2F Cave
Stunky •• ••• 4-2 Everspring Valley Forest
Skuntank ••• •• ••• 4-2 Everspring Valley Forest
Skorupi ••• ••• 3-1 Desolated Ruins Desert
Drapion ••• •••• ••• 3-1 Desolated Ruins Desert
Snover •• •• ••• World Axle B2F Glacier
Abomasnow ••• ••• ••• World Axle B2F Glacier
Weavile ••••• ••• ••••• World Axle B2F Glacier (After Game Completion)
World Axle Shaft Rust Army Lair
Electivire •••• ••• ••• World Axle B2F Factory
Magmortar •••• ••• ••• World Axle B1F Magma
Gallade •••• •••• ••• World Axle B2F Tower
Dusknoir ••• ••••• ••• 4-2 Everspring Valley Hauntyard
World Axle B1F Hauntyard
Froslass ••• ••• •••• 4-1 Frozen Tundra Glacier
World Axle B2F Glacier
Heatran ••••• ••••• ••• All Magmas After game completion
Snivy •• ••• Beginning Garden
1-1 Trailhead Field Forest
1-3 Echo Valley Forest
3-2 Volcanic Slope Autumnwood
Servine •• ••• ••• 1-1 Trailhead Field Forest
3-2 Volcanic Slope Autumnwood
World Axle B1F Forest
Serperior ••• •••• •••• World Axle B1F Forest
Patrat ••• 1-1 Trailhead Field Meadow
Watchog ••• ••• ••• 1-1 Trailhead Field Meadow (After Game Completion)
Lillipup •• ••• 1-2 Seabreeze Trail Meadow
1-4 Challengers' Ground Meadow
Herdier •• ••• ••• 1-2 Seabreeze Trail Meadow
World Axle B1F Meadow
Stoutland ••• •••• ••• World Axle B1F Meadow
Pansage •• ••• Beginning Garden
1-1 Trailhead Field Forest
1-3 Echo Valley Forest
2-1 Sun-Dappled Bank Treetops
Simisage ••• •• •••• 1-3 Echo Valley Forest
World Axle B1F Forest
Pansear •• ••• Beginning Garden
1-3 Echo Valley Cave
3-2 Volcanic Slope Magma
Simisear ••• •• •••• 1-3 Echo Valley Cave
World Axle B1F Magma
Panpour •• ••• Beginning Garden
1-2 Seabreeze Trail Beach
1-3 Echo Valley Beach
Simipour ••• •• •••• 1-3 Echo Valley Beach
World Axle B1F Beach
Pidove ••• 1-1 Trailhead Field Forest
Tranquill •• •• ••• World Axle B2F Treetops
Unfezant •••• ••• ••• World Axle B2F Treetops
Timburr •• ••• 3-2 Volcanic Slope Canyon
Gurdurr ••• ••• ••• 3-2 Volcanic Slope Canyon
Conkeldurr ••••• ••• ••• 3-2 Volcanic Slope Canyon (After Game Completion)
Throh ••• ••• ••• 3-2 Volcanic Slope Canyon
Sawk •••• ••• ••• 3-2 Volcanic Slope Canyon
Sandile •• ••• 3-1 Desolated Ruins Desert
Krokorok ••• ••• 3-1 Desolated Ruins Desert
Krookodile •••• ••• ••• 3-1 Desolated Ruins Desert (After Game Completion)
Scraggy •• ••• ••• 1-4 Challengers' Ground Tower
2-3 Soothing Shore Tower
3-3 Firebreathing Mountain Tower
Scrafty ••• ••••• ••• 2-3 Soothing Shore Tower
3-3 Firebreathing Mountain Tower
World Axle B2F Tower
Archen •••• ••• 2-1 Sun-Dappled Bank Treetops
World Axle B2F Treetops
Archeops ••••• ••• •••• World Axle B2F Treetops
Zorua •• ••• 1-1 Trailhead Field Forest
Zoroark •••• •• •••• 1-1 Trailhead Field Forest (After Game Completion)
Karrablast •• ••• 2-3 Soothing Shore Treetops
World Axle B2F Treetops
Escavalier •••• ••••• •• World Axle B2F Treetops
Axew ••• •• ••• World Axle B1F Meadow
Fraxure •••• •• ••• World Axle B1F Meadow
Haxorus ••••• ••• ••• World Axle B1F Meadow
Druddigon •••• •••• ••• World Axle B2F Cave
Pawniard ••• •• ••• World Axle B2F Factory
Bisharp •••• ••• ••• World Axle B2F Factory
Bouffalant ••• •••• ••• World Axle B1F Meadow
Rufflet ••• •• ••• 3-1 Desolated Ruins Canyon
Braviary •••• ••• ••• 3-1 Desolated Ruins Canyon
Vullaby ••• ••• 3-2 Volcanic Slope Canyon
Mandibuzz •• •••• ••• 3-2 Volcanic Slope Canyon
Cobalion ••• •••• •••• All Caves After defeating Terrakion & Virizion (After Game Completion)
Terrakion ••••• •••• •••• All Canyons After game completion
Virizion ••• •••• •••• All Forests After game completion