Legendary Pokémon have become a staple of the Pokémon games. As such, Pokémon Black & White have a massive variety of Legendary Pokémon available within them. This page details all the legendary Pokémon and how you can get them.
Stationary Legendary Pokémon
The first type of Legendary Pokémon we are covering here are the Stationary Legends. These Pokémon are the Pokémon you are able to find just standing around in their various areas. These Pokémon will also come back if you knock them out and then defeat the Elite Four so you have multiple chances to obtain them.
#494 Victini |
Location: Liberty Island
Victini is the first legendary you may encounter within the game. Victini can only be obtained via use of the Liberty Pass item that is given over WiFi. With this item, you need to go to Castelia City and enter one of the boats. This boat will take you to Liberty Island where you'll have to fight through numerous Team Plasma members in order to get to Victini. At the end, Victini will be there to battle
Victini |  |
Level 15 |
| |
??? Nature. Date of Receiving Liberty Island. Caught at Lv. 15 | |
#643 Reshiram & #644 Zekrom |
Location: N's Castle/Dragonspiral Tower
The next main Pokémon you will encounter are Reshiram and Zekrom. These are obtained after you have beaten the Elite Four and N's plan of attack comes into fruition. Reshiram/Zekrom will appear to you in Pokémon Black & White respectively.
If, when you reach the end of the game, you have a maxed party and maxed boxes, the game will progress without you needing to capture Reshiram/Zekrom (previously, the game will not continue until it is captured, and you will be able to capture Reshiram/Zekrom in Black & White respectively in the Dragonspiral Tower. They will once again be at Level 50. Reshiram & Zekrom cannot be captured in their shiny appearances.
Reshiram |  |
Level 50 |
OT: | Yours |
ID: | Yours |
Ability: | Turboblaze |
Hold Item: | None | |
??? Nature. Date of Receiving N's Castle / Dragonspiral Tower. Caught at Lv. 50 | |
Zekrom |  |
Level 50 |
OT: | Yours |
ID: | Yours |
Ability: | Teravolt |
Hold Item: | None | |
??? Nature. Date of Receiving N's Castle / Dragonspiral Tower. Caught at Lv. 50 | |
#638 Cobalion |
Location: Mistralton Cave
After you have obtained tSurf, you'll get access to a variety of new areas. The first of note is in Mistralton Cave in Route 6. Deep within this cave, you will find a man talking about the three fighting legendary Pokémon and he'll tell you about them and then inform you that there is one at the end of the cave. Go there and you'll find Cobalion
Cobalion |  |
Level 42 |
OT: | Yours |
ID: | Yours |
Ability: | Justified |
Hold Item: | None | |
??? Nature. Date of Receiving Mistralton Cave. Caught at Lv. 42 | |
#639 Terrakion |
Location: Victory Road
Following on from that, near the top of Victory Road, you will find anew cave has opened up. Within this cave is the next one of these Legendary Pokémon; Terrakion. You need strength to reach it
Terrakion |  |
Level 42 |
OT: | Yours |
ID: | Yours |
Ability: | Justified |
Hold Item: | None | |
??? Nature. Date of Receiving Victory Road. Caught at Lv. 42 | |
#640 Virizion |
Location: Pinwheel Forest
After obtaining Cobalion, you'll now have access to a new area in Pinwheel Forest. This area is on the eastern side of the forest and will allow you to find and capture the Grass/Fighting Legend, Virizion
Virizion |  |
Level 42 |
OT: | Yours |
ID: | Yours |
Ability: | Justified |
Hold Item: | None | |
??? Nature. Date of Receiving Pinwheel Forest. Caught at Lv. 42 | |
#645 Landorus |
Location: Abundant Shrine
Once you have captured and traded with a friend to get both Tornadus and Thundurus, take them both to the Abundant Shrine off Route 14. At this shrine, when you go and interact with it with the two Pokémon in your team, the Ground/Flying Landorus will swoop down and battle you.
Landorus |  |
Level 70 |
| |
??? Nature. Date of Receiving Abundant Shrine. Caught at Lv. 70 | |
#646 Kyurem |
Location: Giant Chasm
North of Route 13, you'll find a new area called the Giant Chasm. When you enter, this area is filled with forestry, but when you come near the lake in the middle, you'll hear a screech and the whole area flash freezes. Go to the north and you'll find the Dragon/Ice Pokémon Kyurem in a cave
Kyurem |  |
Level 75 |
OT: | Yours |
ID: | Yours |
Ability: | Pressure |
Hold Item: | None | |
??? Nature. Date of Receiving Giant Chasm. Caught at Lv. 75 | |
Roaming Legendary Pokémon
The second type of Legendary Pokémon we are covering here are the Roaming Legends. These Pokémon are the Pokémon that, once released, will be roaming the wild areas of the regions. In Black & White, there is no set way to find them. However, you will know when they are in your area as the whole area will be hit by incredibly heavy rain. To get them to definitely appear, you should have a Pokémon one level lower than the Roamer and above the levels of the usual wild Pokémon and use Repel so only it comes. The first thing the Pokémon does is flee so you should use a Pokémon with a move or ability that prevents Pokémon from fleeing.
#641 Tornadus |
After you have all eight badges and head to Route 10, you'll be informed of a weird weather pattern in Route 7. Head there and continue on until you reach the second house. After being invited into a house, when you leave, you'll get confronted by Tornadus and he'll fly off. From this point, he will start roaming the areas of Unova. In the mornings, he will appear in the southern routes and in the evenings he'll appear in the northern routes. He appears in Pokémon Black.
Tornadus |  |
Level 40 |
OT: | Yours |
ID: | Yours |
Ability: | Prankster |
Hold Item: | None | |
??? Nature. Date of Receiving ?? Caught at Lv. 40 | |
#642 Thundurus |
After you have all eight badges and head to Route 10, you'll be informed of a weird weather pattern in Route 7. Head there and continue on until you reach the second house. After being invited into a house, when you leave, you'll get confronted by Thundurus and he'll fly off. From this point, he will start roaming the areas of Unova. In the mornings, he will appear in the southern routes and in the evenings he'll appear in the northern routes. He appears in Pokémon White.
Thundurus |  |
Level 40 |
OT: | Yours |
ID: | Yours |
Ability: | Prankster |
Hold Item: | None | |
??? Nature. Date of Receiving ?? Caught at Lv. 40 | |