Natural Gift is a rather perculiar attack. It's base damage in the game is 1, making it a very weak attack. However, Natural Gift reacts in certain ways to the hold item that your Pokémon is holding, but only if it is a Berry.
The attack's power and type change all depending on the berry that your Pokémon is holding. With a maximum power of 80, the possibilities are endless for the Pokémon. Below is the list of the Berries type and power when used in conjunction with Natural GiftWhenever Natural Gift is used, the Berry is used as if it was used normally in battle, this gives it a one-time use possibility, unless you use moves like Recycle.
Picture | Number | Name | Description | Type | Power |
 | #01 | Cheri Berry | This bright red Berry is very spicy and has a provocative flavor. It blooms with delicate, pretty flowers. |  | 60 |
 | #02 | Chesto Berry | This Berry’s thick skin and fruit are very tough and dry tasting. However, every bit of it can be eaten. |  | 60 |
 | #03 | Pecha Berry | Because of its hollow inside pocket, there isn’t a lot to eat. What can be eaten is very sweet and delicious. |  | 60 |
 | #04 | Rawst Berry | If the leaves grow longer and curlier than average, this Berry will have a somewhat-bitter taste. |  | 60 |
 | #05 | Aspear Berry | This Berry’s peel is hard, but the flesh inside is very juicy. It is distinguished by its bracing sourness. |  | 60 |
 | #06 | Leppa Berry | It takes longer to grow than Berries such as Cheri. The smaller Berries taste better. |  | 60 |
 | #07 | Oran Berry | Nature’s gifts came together as one in this Berry. It has a wondrous mix of flavors that spread in the mouth. |  | 60 |
 | #08 | Persim Berry | The more this Berry absorbs energy from sunlight, the more vividly colorful it grows. |  | 60 |
 | #09 | Lum Berry | This Berry’s gradual process of storing nutrients beneficial to Pokémon health causes it to mature slowly. |  | 60 |
 | #10 | Sitrus Berry | Sitrus came from the same family as Oran. It is larger and smoother tasting than Oran. |  | 60 |
 | #11 | Figy Berry | This Berry is oddly shaped, appearing as if someone took a bite out of it. It is packed full of spicy substances. |  | 60 |
 | #12 | Wiki Berry | It is said that this Berry grew lumps to help Pokémon grip it, allowing propagation farther afield. |  | 60 |
 | #13 | Mago Berry | This Berry progressively curves as it grows. The curvier the Berry, the sweeter and tastier. |  | 60 |
 | #14 | Aguav Berry | This Berry turns bitter toward the stem. The dainty flower it grows from doesn’t absorb much sunlight. |  | 60 |
 | #15 | Iapapa Berry | This Berry is very big and sour. The juiciness of the pulp accentuates the sourness. |  | 60 |
 | #16 | Razz Berry | A small hint of spiciness lingers in the red granules surrounding this Berry. Their centers have a dry taste. |  | 60 |
 | #17 | Bluk Berry | Though this small, delicately skinned Berry is blue in color, it dyes the mouth black when eaten. |  | 70 |
 | #18 | Nanab Berry | Bitter, but with a trace of sweetness, the Nanab Berry was the seventh to be discovered in the world. |  | 70 |
 | #19 | Wepear Berry | The potent mix of bitter and sour in this Berry seems to promote digestion. The flower is white and beautiful. |  | 70 |
 | #20 | Pinap Berry | It is said that when the sour skin is peeled, this spicy Berry can be crushed to make medicine. |  | 70 |
 | #21 | Pomeg Berry | When this sweetly spicy Berry’s thick skin is peeled, many pieces of the fruit spill out. |  | 70 |
 | #22 | Kelpsy Berry | This Berry can be eaten as is or boiled to obtain an extract that adds a dash of flavor to food. |  | 70 |
 | #23 | Qualot Berry | Even in places of constant rain and high humidity, this Berry’s plant grows healthy and strong. |  | 70 |
 | #24 | Hondew Berry | This somewhat-rare Berry projects an image of luxury, so it is favored as a gift item. |  | 70 |
 | #25 | Grepa Berry | One bite of this very tender Berry fills the mouth with its sweet and tangy flavor. |  | 70 |
 | #26 | Tamato Berry | This Berry is large and spicy. When eaten during the cold season, it warms the body from inside. |  | 70 |
 | #27 | Cornn Berry | Its dryness is quite strong. As a result, its true deliciousness can’t be appreciated by just eating one or two. |  | 70 |
 | #28 | Magost Berry | The grown-up flavor and dreamy sweetness of this Berry make it a favorite of Pokémon everywhere. |  | 70 |
 | #29 | Rabuta Berry | Even though it is bitter, it should be eaten peel and all. The hair on the peel cleans the stomach from the inside. |  | 70 |
 | #30 | Nomel Berry | This Berry is quite sour overall, with the sourness especially concentrated at the pointed end. |  | 70 |
 | #31 | Spelon Berry | So spicy is the Spelon Berry that, Fire type or not, Pokémon will try to breathe fire after eating a single one. |  | 70 |
 | #32 | Pamtre Berry | This Berry drifted from a faraway sea. It is now cultivated in the Sinnoh region. |  | 70 |
 | #33 | Watmel Berry | A bounty of nature that is exceedingly sweet. The Berry is huge, with some discovered that exceed 20 inches. |  | 80 |
 | #34 | Durin Berry | This Berry is tremendously bitter. Just one bite is enough to instantly stop hiccups. |  | 80 |
 | #35 | Belue Berry | This glossy and colorful Berry has a mouthwateringly delicious appearance. However, it is awfully sour. |  | 80 |
 | #36 | Occa Berry | This Berry is said to have grown plentiful in the tropics of the past. It boasts an intensely hot spiciness. |  | 60 |
 | #37 | Passho Berry | This Berry’s flesh is dotted with countless tiny bubbles of air that keep it afloat in water. |  | 60 |
 | #38 | Wacan Berry | Energy from lightning strikes is drawn into the plant, making the Berries grow big and rich. |  | 60 |
 | #39 | Rindo Berry | This Berry has a disagreeable “green” flavor and scent typical of vegetables. It is rich in health-promoting fiber. |  | 60 |
 | #40 | Yache Berry | This Berry has a refreshing flavor that strikes a good balance of dryness and sourness. It tastes better chilled. |  | 60 |
 | #41 | Chople Berry | This Berry contains a substance that generates heat. It can even heat up a chilly heart. |  | 60 |
 | #42 | Kebia Berry | This Berry is a brilliant green on the outside. Inside, it is packed with a dry-flavored, black-colored flesh. |  | 60 |
 | #43 | Shuca Berry | The sweetness-laden pulp has just the hint of a hard-edged and fragrant bite to it. |  | 60 |
 | #44 | Coba Berry | This Berry is said to be a new kind that is a cross of two Berries brought together by winds from far away. |  | 60 |
 | #45 | Payapa Berry | This Berry is said to sense human emotions for the way it swells roundly when a person approaches. |  | 60 |
 | #46 | Tanga Berry | The flower grows at the tip of this Berry. It attracts Bug Pokémon by letting its stringy petals stream out. |  | 60 |
 | #47 | Charti Berry | It is often used for pickles because of its very dry flavor. It can also be eaten raw for its provocative taste. |  | 60 |
 | #48 | Kasib Berry | Considered to have a special power from the olden days, this Berry is sometimes dried and used as a good-luck charm. |  | 60 |
 | #49 | Haban Berry | If a large enough volume of this Berry is boiled down, its bitterness fades away. It makes a good jam. |  | 60 |
 | #50 | Colbur Berry | Tiny hooks grow on the surface of this Berry. It latches on to Pokémon so it can be carried to far-off places. |  | 60 |
 | #51 | Babiri Berry | This Berry is very tough with a strong flavor. It was used to make medicine by people in the past. |  | 60 |
 | #52 | Chilan Berry | This Berry can be cored out and dried to make a whistle. Blowing through its hole makes an indescribable sound. |  | 60 |
 | #53 | Liechi Berry | This Berry is surrounded by mystery. It is rumored to be imbued with the power of the sea. |  | 80 |
 | #54 | Ganlon Berry | This Berry is surrounded by mystery. It is rumored to be imbued with the power of the land. |  | 80 |
 | #55 | Salac Berry | This Berry is surrounded by mystery. It is rumored to be imbued with the power of the sky. |  | 80 |
 | #56 | Petaya Berry | This Berry is surrounded by mystery. It is rumored to be imbued with the power of all living things. |  | 80 |
 | #57 | Apicot Berry | This is a very, very mystifying Berry. There is no telling how it can be used, or what may happen if it is used. |  | 80 |
 | #58 | Lansat Berry | This is said to be a legendary Berry. Holding it supposedly brings great joy. |  | 80 |
 | #59 | Starf Berry | This Berry is considered a mirage. It was said to be so strong that it had to be abandoned at the world’s edge. |  | 80 |
 | #60 | Enigma Berry | A completely enigmatic Berry. It apparently has the power of the stars that fill the night sky. |  | 80 |
 | #61 | Micle Berry | This Berry has a very dry flavor. It has the effect of making other food eaten at the same time taste sweet. |  | 80 |
 | #62 | Custap Berry | The flesh underneath the Custap Berry’s tough skin is sweet and creamy soft. |  | 80 |
 | #63 | Jaboca Berry | The cluster of drupelets that make up this Berry pop rhythmically if the Berry is handled roughly. |  | 80 |
 | #64 | Rowap Berry | In days of old, people worked the top- shaped pieces of this Berry free and used them as toys. |  | 80 |