Rental Pokémon
Although the game of Pokémon Stadium was designed to allow for you to play with your Pokémon from the GameBoy games on the big screen, Pokémon Stadium does provide a myriad of options with which allow players to battle despite not having the game. These are Rental Pokémon and each cup has a different set of rental Pokémon for you to choose from. These Pokémon tend to be at the lower end of the level range.
Pika Cup | Petit Cup | PokéCup | Prime Cup | Gym Castle Rental
#001 Bulbasaur
#002 Ivysaur
#004 Charmander
#005 Charmeleon
#007 Squirtle
#008 Wartortle
#010 Caterpie
#011 Metapod
#012 Butterfree
#013 Weedle
#014 Kakuna
#015 Beedrill
#016 Pidgey
#017 Pidgeotto
#019 Rattata
#020 Raticate
#021 Spearow
#022 Fearow
#023 Ekans
#025 Pikachu
#026 Raichu
#027 Sandshrew
#029 Nidoran♀
#030 Nidorina
#031 Nidoqueen
#032 Nidoran♂
#033 Nidorino
#034 Nidoking
#035 Clefairy
#036 Clefable
#037 Vulpix
#038 Ninetales
#039 Jigglypuff
#040 Wigglytuff
#041 Zubat
#043 Oddish
#046 Paras
#048 Venonat
#050 Diglett
#052 Meowth
#054 Psyduck
#056 Mankey
#058 Growlithe
#059 Arcanine
#060 Poliwag
#061 Poliwhirl
#062 Poliwrath
#063 Abra
#064 Kadabra
#065 Alakazam
#066 Machop
#069 Bellsprout
#072 Tentacool
#073 Tentacruel
#074 Geodude
#077 Ponyta
#079 Slowpoke
#081 Magnemite
#083 Farfetch'd
#086 Seel
#090 Shellder
#091 Cloyster
#092 Gastly
#093 Haunter
#094 Gengar
#095 Onix
#096 Drowzee
#098 Krabby
#099 Kingler
#100 Voltorb
#102 Exeggcute
#103 Exeggutor
#104 Cubone
#108 Lickitung
#109 Koffing
#111 Rhyhorn
#113 Chansey
#116 Horsea
#117 Seadra
#118 Goldeen
#120 Staryu
#121 Starmie
#122 Mr. Mime
#123 Scyther
#127 Pinsir
#129 Magikarp
#130 Gyarados
#131 Lapras
#132 Ditto
#137 Porygon
#147 Dratini