The PokéGear Phone The main feature of the PokéGear is the phone. The phone is used just as you would think and can call a variety of characters within the game. These characters include trainers dotted around Johto as well as vital characters in the story such as your Mom or Professor Elm. With the phone, you can both call-up and receive calls from these characters. They will give you vital information when you call or they call you and some will allow you to call for rematches or to obtain items. If you have an appointment to rematch or to pick up an item, the map will display an exclamation mark in the area when highlighted. Unlike in Gold & Silver, you don't have a limit to how many phone numbers you can register in the PokéGear so you have the ability to get all the numbers. |
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Character | Title | Location | Rematch | Extras |
Baoba (バオバ) | Safari Warden | Route 39 (Story Progression) |
-- | Calls whenever enhancements to Safari Zone have been made |
Bill (マサキ) | Pokémon Maniac | Goldenrod City (Bill's Sister) |
-- | Call to check how much space remaining in your current box |
Blaine (カツラ) | Gym Leader | Cinnabar Island (Tuesday from 00:00-23:59) |
Tuesday Afternoon | Gym Leader Rematches |
Blue (グリーン) | Gym Leader | Pallet Town From Daisy Oak after she massages 1 of your Pokémon 7 times -(Any Day from 15:00 - 16:00) |
Sunday Afternoon | Gym Leader Rematches |
Brock (タケシ) | Gym Leader | Diglett's Cave (Any Day from 12:00 - 15:00) |
Saturday Night | Gym Leader Rematches |
Bugsy (ツクシ) | Gym Leader | Viridian Forest (Thursay from 00:00 - 23:59) |
Thursday Afternoon | Gym Leader Rematches |
Buena (アオイ) | Radio DJ | Goldenrod Radio Tower (After Obtaining 30 Points in her Password game) |
-- | Calls with tips and hints |
Chuck (シジマ) | Gym Leader | Cianwood City From his wife(Any Day from 00:00 - 23:59) |
Wednesday Night | Gym Leader Rematches |
Clair (イブキ) | Gym Leader | Dragon's Den (Any Day from 06:00 - 10:00) |
Friday Night | Gym Leader Rematches |
Day Care Lady (おばあさん) | Breeder | Route 34 Day Care Centre |
-- | Call to check how many levels the Pokémon you have in Day Care have increased. |
Day Care Man (おじいさん) | Breeder | Route 34 Day Care Centre |
-- | Call to check if your Pokémon in the Day Care like eachother and if there is an Egg there |
Ethan (ヒビキ) | Childhood Friend | Route 34 Day Care Centre (If you are female) |
-- | Call to hear about your Pokémon's gestures |
Erika (エリカ) | Gym Leader | Celadon City (Saturday/Sunday from 15:00 - 17:00) |
Sunday Morning | Gym Leader Rematches |
Falkner (ハヤト) | Gym Leader | Celadon City Dept. Store 5F (Monday from 00:00 - 23:59) |
Saturday Morning | Gym Leader Rematches |
Janine (アンズ) | Gym Leader | Reception Gate (Any Day from 16:00 - 18:00) |
Monday Afternoon | Gym Leader Rematches |
Jasmine (ミカン) | Gym Leader | Olivine City Restaurant (Any Day from 13:00 - 14:00) |
Wednesday Afternoon | Gym Leader Rematches |
Kurt (ガンテツ) | PokéBall Mechanic | Azalea Town Kurt's House |
-- | Call to check if your PokéBalls have been made into Apricorns yet |
Lt. Surge (マチス) | Gym Leader | Route 10 (Any Day from 09:00 - 12:00 after defeating Zapdos) |
Friday Morning | Gym Leader Rematches |
Lyra (コトネ) | Childhood Friend | Route 34 Day Care Centre (If you are male) |
-- | Call to hear about your Pokémon's gestures |
Misty (カスミ) | Gym Leader | Route 25 (Any Day from 16:00 - 18:00 after defeating Suicune) |
Wednesday Morning | Gym Leader Rematches |
Mom (おかあさん) | New Bark Town Your House |
-- | Call to check savings balance. Calls you when she purchases an item. Click here for details | |
Morty (マツバ) | Gym Leader | Outside Bell Tower in Ecruteak City (Monday/Tuesday from 00:00 - 23:59) |
Tuesday Night | Gym Leader Rematches |
Prof. Elm (ウツギ) | Pokémon Professor | New Bark Town Professor Elm's Laboratory |
-- | Used to progress story |
Prof. Oak (オーキド) | Pokémon Professor | Route 30 Mr. Pokémon's House |
-- | Used to progress story - Call to check Johto & National Pokédex |
Pryce (ヤナギ) | Gym Leader | Lake of Rage (Any Day from 06:00 - 10:00) |
Monday Morning | Gym Leader Rematches |
Sabrina (ナツメ) | Gym Leader | Olivine City Harbor (Friday from 00:00 - 23:59) |
Saturday Afternoon | Gym Leader Rematches |
Whitney (アカネ) | Gym Leader | Goldenrod City Dept. Store 6F (Any Day from 12:00 - 16:00) |
Saturday Afternoon | Gym Leader Rematches |
Jose(エイジ) | Bird Keeper | Route 27 (After Defeating) |
Saturday Night | Rematch - Obtain Star Piece |
Erin(エミ) | Picnicker | Route 46 (After Defeating) |
Saturday Night | Rematch - Obtain Calcium |
Alfred(カーネル) | Gentleman | Shining Lighthouse (After Defeating) |
Tuesday Afternoon | Rematch - Obtain Calcium |
Liz(カオリ) | Picnicker | Route 32 (After Defeating) |
Thursday Afternoon | Rematch - Calls with Gossip |
Kay & Tia(カコとトコ) | Twins | Route 15 (After Defeating) |
Saturday Night | Rematch - Obtain Oval Stone |
Rob(カズヒコ) | Bug Catcher | Route 2 (After Defeating) |
Friday Morning | Rematch - Gives a Berry |
Josh(カズヒコ) | Bird Keeper | Route 14 (After Defeating) |
Tuesday Night | Rematch |
Tim & Sue(カツとリタ) | Young Couple | Route 13 (After Defeating) |
Friday Afternoon | Rematch |
Billy(キイチ) | School Kid | Route 15 (After Defeating) |
Friday Night | Rematch - Call for information about Gym Leaders |
Hillary(キョウコ) | Teacher | Route 15 (After Defeating) |
Thursday Night | Rematch |
Chad(クリオ) | School Kid | Route 38 (After Defeating) |
Friday Morning | Rematch - Has trivia about Professor Oak |
Huey(ゲンキ) | Sailor | Shining Lighthouse (After Defeating) |
Wednesday Night | Rematch - Obtain Protein |
Wade(コウイチ) | Bug Catcher | Route 31 (After Defeating) |
Tuesday Night | Rematch - Gives a Berry |
Joey(ゴロウ) | Youngster | Route 30 (After Defeating) |
Monday Afternoon | Rematch - Obtain HP Up |
Jack(シュウイチ) | School Kid | National Park (After Defeating) |
Monday Morning | Rematch - Call for Battle Techniques |
Gaven(シュン) | Ace Trainer | Route 26 (After Defeating) |
Thursday Morning | Rematch |
Ernest(ジュンヤ) | Biker | Route 17 (After Defeating) |
Sunday Afternoon | Rematch |
Ian(ショウヘイ) | Youngster | Route 34 (After Defeating) |
Saturday Morning | Rematch - Obtain Berry |
Kenji(タケノリ) | BlackBelt | Route 45 (After Defeating) |
Random | Obtain PP Up |
Tanner(タモン) | Camper | Route 13 (After Defeating) |
Monday Night | Rematch |
Parry(タロウ) | Hiker | Route 45 (After Defeating) |
Friday Afternoon | Rematch - Obtain Iron |
Tiffany(チサト) | Picnicker | Route 43 (After Defeating) |
Tuesday Afternoon | Rematch - Obtain PokéDoll |
Anthony(ツトム) | Hiker | Route 33 (After Defeating) |
Friday Night | Rematch |
Walt(トシハル) | Firebreather | Route 35 (After Defeating) |
Monday Afternoon | Rematch |
Aiden(トラゾウ) | Biker | Route 17 (After Defeating) |
Monday Morning | Rematch |
Kyle(ナオフミ) | Fisherman | Route 12 (After Defeating) |
Wednesday Afternoon | Rematch |
Reena(ナツホ) | Ace Trainer | Route 27 (After Defeating) |
Sunday Morning | Rematch |
Kenny(ノリヨシ) | Hiker | Route 13 (After Defeating) |
Saturday Afternoon | Rematch |
Wilton(ヒデノリ) | Fisherman | Route 44 (After Defeating) |
Thursday Morning | Rematch - Obtain PokéBalls |
Jamie(ヒトミ) | Ace Trainer | Route 26 (After Defeating) |
Friday Night | Rematch |
Torin(フミトシ) | School Kid | Route 14 (After Defeating) |
Wednesday Night | Rematch |
Irwin(マイク) | Juggler | Route 35 (After Defeating) |
-- | Calls for discussions |
Kyler(マキオ) | Fisherman | Route 12 (After Defeating) |
Thursday Afternoon | Rematch |
Brent(マコト) | PokéManiac | Route 43 (After Defeating) |
Monday Morning | Rematch - Call with trivia about Bill |
Alan(マナブ) | School Kid | Route 36 (After Defeating) |
Wednesday | Rematch - Obtain FireStone |
Derek(ミエハル) | PokéFan | Route 39 (After Defeating) |
-- | Obtain Nugget |
Gina(ミズホ) | Picnicker | Route 34 (After Defeating) |
Sunday Afternoon | Rematch - Obtain Leafstone |
Doug(ミチヒコ) | Bug Catcher | Route 2 (After Defeating) |
Wednesday Morning | Rematch - Obtain Berry |
Tully(ミノル) | Fisherman | Route 42 (After Defeating) |
Sunday Afternoon | Rematch - Obtain WaterStone |
Beverly(メグミ) | PokéFan | National Park (After Defeating) |
-- | Obtain Nugget |
Vance(モトヒロ) | Bird Keeper | Route 44 (After Defeating) |
Wednesday Night | Rematch - Obtain Carbos |
Ralph(ヤスアキ) | Fisherman | Route 32 (After Defeating) |
Wednesday Morning | Rematch |
Krise(ユキ) | Lass | National Park (After Defeating) |
Sunday Morning | Rematch |
Todd(ヨウイチ) | Camper | Route 34 (After Defeating) |
Saturday Morning | Rematch |
Arnie(ヨウタ) | Bug Catcher | Route 35 (After Defeating) |
Tuesday Morning | Rematch |
Dana(リカ) | Lass | Route 38 (After Defeating) |
Thursday Night | Rematch - Obtain Thunderstone |
Reese(リュウジ) | Biker | Route 17 (After Defeating) |
Tuesday Afternoon | Rematch |