Gen VII Dex Gen VI Dex Gen V Dex Gen IV Dex Gen III Dex Gen II Dex Gen I Dex

Bug Dragon Electric Fighting Fire Flying Ghost Grass
Ground Ice Normal Poison Psychic Rock Water

The Pokémon below are the Pokémon of the Normal-type.

No. Pic Name Type Base Stats
HP Att Def Special Spd
Pidgey 40 45 40 35 56
Pidgeotto 63 60 55 50 71
Pidgeot 83 80 75 70 91
Rattata 30 56 35 25 72
Raticate 55 81 60 50 97
Spearow 40 60 30 31 70
Fearow 65 90 65 61 100
Clefairy 70 45 48 60 35
Clefable 95 70 73 85 60
Jigglypuff 115 45 20 25 20
Wigglytuff 140 70 45 50 45
Meowth 40 45 35 40 90
Persian 65 70 60 65 115
Farfetch'd 52 65 55 58 60
Doduo 35 85 45 35 75
Dodrio 60 110 70 60 100
Lickitung 90 55 75 60 30
Chansey 250 5 5 105 50
Kangaskhan 105 95 80 40 90
Tauros 75 100 95 70 110
Ditto 48 48 48 48 48
Eevee 55 55 50 65 55
Porygon 65 60 70 75 40
Snorlax 160 110 65 65 30