In a manner more akin to timed events of previous Pokémon games, Pokémon Rumble Rush, instead of having every island available from the outset, the game rotates a new island in, acting as an event, every two to three weeks. With this, the top players during the event will get a special Poké Diamond reward based on how high their three highest Pokémon's CP from the event are.
Greninja and the Wonders of Kalos |
Duration: May 6thth 2020 - May 27th 2020
Island: Greninja Sea
The twenty-fourth island is the Greninja Sea. This island is filled with Fire, Water, Electric, Ice & Dragon-type Pokémon as well as all the Kalos Pokémon and contains around 100 different Pokémon.
Ore Drops |
Rarity |
Power Gears |
Summon Gears |
Arceus and the Isle of Myths |
Duration: April 15th 2020 - May 6th 2020
Island: Arceus Sea
The twenty-third island is the Arceus Sea. This island is filled with Fighting, Flying, Ground, Rock & Electric-type Pokémon as well as all the Sinnoh Pokémon and contains around 200 different Pokémon.
Ore Drops |
Rarity |
Power Gears |
Summon Gears |
Sky-High Rayquaza Descend |
Duration: March 25th 2020 -April 15th 2020
Island: Rayquaza Sea
The twenty-second island is the Rayquaza Sea. This island is filled with Flying, Bug, Fire, Water, Psychic & Ice-type Pokémon as well as all the Hoenn Pokémon and contains around 200 different Pokémon.
Ore Drops |
Rarity |
Power Gears |
Summon Gears |
Ho-Oh and 151 Pals |
Duration: March 4th 2020 - March 25th 2020
Island: Bulbasaur Sea
The twenty-first island is the Bulbasaur Sea. This island is filled with Ice, Ground, Electric,Flying & Fighting-type Pokémon as well as all the Kanto Pokémon and contains around 200 different Pokémon.
Ore Drops |
Rarity |
Power Gears |
Summon Gears |
Latias and Gemini Island |
Duration: February 5th 2020 - February 19th 2020
Island: Butterfree Sea
The ninteenth island is the Latias Sea. This island is filled with Psychic, Bug, Fire, Water & Poison-type Pokémon of various and contains around 80 different Pokémon.
Ore Drops |
Rarity |
Power Gears |
Summon Gears |
Sylveon & The Eco Guardian |
Duration: January 22nd 2020 - February 5th 2020
Island: Zygarde Sea
The eighteenth island is the Zygarde Sea. This island is filled with Ground, Poison, Fairy, Dragon & Dark-type Pokémon of various and contains around 80 different Pokémon.
Ore Drops |
Rarity |
Power Gears |
Summon Gears |
Silvally vs. Buzzwole |
Duration: January 7th 2020 - January 21st 2020
Island: Buzzwole Sea
The seventeenth island is the Buzzwole Sea. This island is filled with Rock, Flying, Fighting, Normal & Dark-type Pokémon of various and contains around 80 different Pokémon.
Ore Drops |
Rarity |
Power Gears |
Summon Gears |
Rank | Reward | 1 | 250 Poké Diamonds | 2 | 200 Poké Diamonds | 3 | 150 Poké Diamonds | 4-10 | 100 Poké Diamonds | 11-100 | 50 Poké Diamonds | 101-1000 | 30 Poké Diamonds | 1001-10000 | 20 Poké Diamonds | 10001- | 10 Poké Diamonds |
Legendary Dawn Lugia |
Duration: December 25th 2019 - January 7th 2020
Island: Lugia Sea
The sixteenth island is the Lugia Sea. This island is filled with Flying, Fighting, Water, Electric & Ground-type Pokémon of various and contains around 80 different Pokémon.
Ore Drops |
Rarity | Flying | Fighting | Electric | Water | Ground |
Power Gears | 37.520% | Flying Move Plus | Fighting Move Plus | Electric Move Plus | Water Move Plus | Ground Move Plus | 10.749% | Snappy Charge Boost Grappler Lobber | Snappy Charge Boost Grappler Lobber | Snappy Charge Boost Grappler Lobber | Snappy Charge Boost Grappler Lobber | Snappy Charge Boost Grappler Lobber | 2.9999% | Decidueye Family Plus | Toxapex Family Plus | Primarina Family Plus | Incineroar Family Plus | Raichu Family Plus | 1.999% | Psychic Move Plus Poison Move Plus Water Move Plus Dark Move Plus Psychic Move Plus | Psychic Move Plus Grass Move Plus Water Move Plus Dark Move Plus Psychic Move Plus | Psychic Move Plus Grass Move Plus Poison Move Plus Dark Move Plus Psychic Move Plus | Psychic Move Plus Grass Move Plus Poison Move Plus Water Move Plus Psychic Move Plus | Psychic Move Plus Grass Move Plus Poison Move Plus Water Move Plus Dark Move Plus | 1.750% | Toxapex Family Plus Primarina Family Plus Incineroar Family Plus Raichu Family Plus | Decidueye Family Plus Primarina Family Plus Incineroar Family Plus Raichu Family Plus | Decidueye Family Plus Toxapex Family Plus Incineroar Family Plus Raichu Family Plus | Decidueye Family Plus Toxapex Family Plus Primarina Family Plus Raichu Family Plus | Decidueye Family Plus Toxapex Family Plus Primarina Family Plus Incineroar Family Plus | 0.999% | Normal Move Plus | Normal Move Plus | Normal Move Plus | Normal Move Plus | Normal Move Plus | 0.999% | Brawny | Brawny | Brawny | Brawny | Brawny |
Summon Gears | 11.999% | Hurricane (Noctowl) Discharge (Flaaffy) | Hurricane (Noctowl) Discharge (Flaaffy) | Hurricane (Noctowl) Discharge (Flaaffy) | Hurricane (Noctowl) Discharge (Flaaffy) | Hurricane (Noctowl) Discharge (Flaaffy) | 7.749% | Dragon Claw (Hakamo-o) Aqua Tail (Croconaw) Whirlpool Gear (Wailmer) Dazzling Gleam Gear (Ribombee) Drill Peck Gear (Spearow) Dynamic Punch Gear (Gurdurr) Take Down Gear (Eevee) Sludge Wave Gear (Grimer) Rock Blast Gear (Graveler) Signal Beam Gear (Venonat) | Dragon Claw (Hakamo-o) Aqua Tail (Croconaw) Whirlpool Gear (Wailmer) Dazzling Gleam Gear (Ribombee) Drill Peck Gear (Spearow) Dynamic Punch Gear (Gurdurr) Take Down Gear (Eevee) Sludge Wave Gear (Grimer) Rock Blast Gear (Graveler) Signal Beam Gear (Venonat) | Dragon Claw (Hakamo-o) Aqua Tail (Croconaw) Whirlpool Gear (Wailmer) Dazzling Gleam Gear (Ribombee) Drill Peck Gear (Spearow) Dynamic Punch Gear (Gurdurr) Take Down Gear (Eevee) Sludge Wave Gear (Grimer) Rock Blast Gear (Graveler) Signal Beam Gear (Venonat) | Dragon Claw (Hakamo-o) Aqua Tail (Croconaw) Whirlpool Gear (Wailmer) Dazzling Gleam Gear (Ribombee) Drill Peck Gear (Spearow) Dynamic Punch Gear (Gurdurr) Take Down Gear (Eevee) Sludge Wave Gear (Grimer) Rock Blast Gear (Graveler) Signal Beam Gear (Venonat) | Dragon Claw (Hakamo-o) Aqua Tail (Croconaw) Whirlpool Gear (Wailmer) Dazzling Gleam Gear (Ribombee) Drill Peck Gear (Spearow) Dynamic Punch Gear (Gurdurr) Take Down Gear (Eevee) Sludge Wave Gear (Grimer) Rock Blast Gear (Graveler) Signal Beam Gear (Venonat) | 0.6% | Hurricane (Lugia) Discharge (Raikou) | Hurricane (Lugia) Discharge (Raikou) | Hurricane (Lugia) Discharge (Raikou) | Hurricane (Lugia) Discharge (Raikou) | Hurricane (Lugia) Discharge (Raikou) | |
Happy Owlidays |
Duration: December 11th - December 25th 2019
Island: Rowlet Sea
The fifteenth island is the Rowlet Sea. This island is to celebrate the Holidays and introduces more Generation 7 Pokémon. This island is filled with Grass, Poison, Dark, Water & Psychic-type Pokémon of various and contains around 80 different Pokémon.
Ore Drops |
Rarity | Grass | Poison | Water | Dark | Psychic |
Power Gears | 37.520% | Grass Move Plus | Poison Move Plus | Water Move Plus | Dark Move Plus | Psychic Move Plus | 10.749% | Snappy Charge Boost Grappler Lobber | Snappy Charge Boost Grappler Lobber | Snappy Charge Boost Grappler Lobber | Snappy Charge Boost Grappler Lobber | Snappy Charge Boost Grappler Lobber | 2.9999% | Decidueye Family Plus | Toxapex Family Plus | Primarina Family Plus | Incineroar Family Plus | Raichu Family Plus | 1.999% | Psychic Move Plus Poison Move Plus Water Move Plus Dark Move Plus Psychic Move Plus | Psychic Move Plus Grass Move Plus Water Move Plus Dark Move Plus Psychic Move Plus | Psychic Move Plus Grass Move Plus Poison Move Plus Dark Move Plus Psychic Move Plus | Psychic Move Plus Grass Move Plus Poison Move Plus Water Move Plus Psychic Move Plus | Psychic Move Plus Grass Move Plus Poison Move Plus Water Move Plus Dark Move Plus | 1.750% | Toxapex Family Plus Primarina Family Plus Incineroar Family Plus Raichu Family Plus | Decidueye Family Plus Primarina Family Plus Incineroar Family Plus Raichu Family Plus | Decidueye Family Plus Toxapex Family Plus Incineroar Family Plus Raichu Family Plus | Decidueye Family Plus Toxapex Family Plus Primarina Family Plus Raichu Family Plus | Decidueye Family Plus Toxapex Family Plus Primarina Family Plus Incineroar Family Plus | 0.999% | Normal Move Plus | Normal Move Plus | Normal Move Plus | Normal Move Plus | Normal Move Plus | 0.999% | Brawny | Brawny | Brawny | Brawny | Brawny |
Summon Gears | 11.999% | Leaf Blade (Rowlet) Venoshock (Mareanie) | Leaf Blade (Rowlet) Venoshock (Mareanie) | Leaf Blade (Rowlet) Venoshock (Mareanie) | Leaf Blade (Rowlet) Venoshock (Mareanie) | Leaf Blade (Rowlet) Venoshock (Mareanie) | 7.749% | Dragon Claw (Hakamo-o) Aqua Tail (Croconaw) Whirlpool Gear (Wailmer) Dazzling Gleam Gear (Ribombee) Drill Peck Gear (Spearow) Dynamic Punch Gear (Gurdurr) Take Down Gear (Eevee) Sludge Wave Gear (Grimer) Rock Blast Gear (Graveler) Signal Beam Gear (Venonat) | Dragon Claw (Hakamo-o) Aqua Tail (Croconaw) Whirlpool Gear (Wailmer) Dazzling Gleam Gear (Ribombee) Drill Peck Gear (Spearow) Dynamic Punch Gear (Gurdurr) Take Down Gear (Eevee) Sludge Wave Gear (Grimer) Rock Blast Gear (Graveler) Signal Beam Gear (Venonat) | Dragon Claw (Hakamo-o) Aqua Tail (Croconaw) Whirlpool Gear (Wailmer) Dazzling Gleam Gear (Ribombee) Drill Peck Gear (Spearow) Dynamic Punch Gear (Gurdurr) Take Down Gear (Eevee) Sludge Wave Gear (Grimer) Rock Blast Gear (Graveler) Signal Beam Gear (Venonat) | Dragon Claw (Hakamo-o) Aqua Tail (Croconaw) Whirlpool Gear (Wailmer) Dazzling Gleam Gear (Ribombee) Drill Peck Gear (Spearow) Dynamic Punch Gear (Gurdurr) Take Down Gear (Eevee) Sludge Wave Gear (Grimer) Rock Blast Gear (Graveler) Signal Beam Gear (Venonat) | Dragon Claw (Hakamo-o) Aqua Tail (Croconaw) Whirlpool Gear (Wailmer) Dazzling Gleam Gear (Ribombee) Drill Peck Gear (Spearow) Dynamic Punch Gear (Gurdurr) Take Down Gear (Eevee) Sludge Wave Gear (Grimer) Rock Blast Gear (Graveler) Signal Beam Gear (Venonat) | 0.6% | Leaf Blade (Decidueye) Venoshock (Toxapex) | Leaf Blade (Decidueye) Venoshock (Toxapex) | Leaf Blade (Decidueye) Venoshock (Toxapex) | Leaf Blade (Decidueye) Venoshock (Toxapex) | Leaf Blade (Decidueye) Venoshock (Toxapex) | |
Rank | Reward | 1 | 250 Poké Diamonds | 2 | 200 Poké Diamonds | 3 | 150 Poké Diamonds | 4-10 | 100 Poké Diamonds | 11-100 | 50 Poké Diamonds | 101-1000 | 30 Poké Diamonds | 1001-10000 | 20 Poké Diamonds | 10001- | 10 Poké Diamonds |
Golisopod and the Super Gene Cave |
Duration: November 27th - December 11th 2019
Island: Mewtwo Sea
The fourteenth island is the Mewtwo Sea. This island is filled with Bug, Psychic, Water, Poison & Fire-type Pokémon of various and contains around 80 different Pokémon.
Ore Drops |
Rarity |
Power Gears |
Summon Gears |
Aegislash Full Regalia |
Duration: November 13th - November 27th 2019
Island: Aegislash Sea
The thirteenth island is the Aegislash Sea. This island is filled with Ice, Steel, Flying, Normal & Fire-type Pokémon of various and contains around 80 different Pokémon.
Ore Drops |
Rarity |
Power Gears |
Summon Gears |
Mimikyu's Spooky Party |
Duration: October 30th 2019 - November 13th 2019
Island: Mimikyu Sea
The twelfth island is the Mimikyu Sea. This island is filled with Ghost, Psychic, Poison and Dark-type Pokémon of various and contains around 80 different Pokémon.
Ore Drops |
Rarity | Ghost | Dark | Poison | Psychic | Fairy |
Power Gears |
Summon Gears |
Entei's Enigmatic Island |
Duration: October 16th 2019 - October 30th 2019
Island: Entei Sea
The eleventh island is the Entei Sea. This island is filled with Fire, Rock, Psychic, Fighting or and Bug-type Pokémon of various and contains around 80 different Pokémon.
Ore Drops |
Rarity | Fire | Bug | Rock | Psychic | Ground |
Power Gears |
Summon Gears |
Garchomp's Sonic Showdown |
Duration: October 2nd 2019 - October 16th 2019
Island: Garchomp Sea
The tenth island is the Garchomp Sea. This island is filled with Fire, Water, Grass & Ground-type Pokémon of various and contains around 80 different Pokémon.
Ore Drops |
Rarity | Fire | Grass | Ground | Poison | Water |
Power Gears | 49.199% | Fire Move Plus | Grass Move Plus | Ground Move Plus | Poison Move Plus | Water Move Plus | 8.159% | Water Move Plus Grass Move Plus Ground Move Plus Poison Move Plus Water Move Plus | Water Move Plus Fire Move Plus Ground Move Plus Poison Move Plus Water Move Plus | Water Move Plus Fire Move Plus Grass Move Plus Poison Move Plus Water Move Plus | Water Move Plus Fire Move Plus Grass Move Plus Ground Move Plus Water Move Plus | Water Move Plus Fire Move Plus Grass Move Plus Ground Move Plus Poison Move Plus | 3.329% | Brawny Snappy Charge Boost | Brawny Snappy Charge Boost | Brawny Snappy Charge Boost | Brawny Snappy Charge Boost | Brawny Snappy Charge Boost |
Summon Gears | 9.579% | Dragon Claw (Hakamo-o) Aqua Tail (Croconaw) Whirlpool Gear (Wailmer) Dazzling Gleam Gear (Ribombee) Drill Peck Gear (Spearow) Dynamic Punch Gear (Gurdurr) Take Down Gear (Eevee) Sludge Wave Gear (Grimer) Rock Blast Gear (Graveler) Signal Beam Gear (Venonat) | Dragon Claw (Hakamo-o) Aqua Tail (Croconaw) Whirlpool Gear (Wailmer) Dazzling Gleam Gear (Ribombee) Drill Peck Gear (Spearow) Dynamic Punch Gear (Gurdurr) Take Down Gear (Eevee) Sludge Wave Gear (Grimer) Rock Blast Gear (Graveler) Signal Beam Gear (Venonat) | Dragon Claw (Hakamo-o) Aqua Tail (Croconaw) Whirlpool Gear (Wailmer) Dazzling Gleam Gear (Ribombee) Drill Peck Gear (Spearow) Dynamic Punch Gear (Gurdurr) Take Down Gear (Eevee) Sludge Wave Gear (Grimer) Rock Blast Gear (Graveler) Signal Beam Gear (Venonat) | Dragon Claw (Hakamo-o) Aqua Tail (Croconaw) Whirlpool Gear (Wailmer) Dazzling Gleam Gear (Ribombee) Drill Peck Gear (Spearow) Dynamic Punch Gear (Gurdurr) Take Down Gear (Eevee) Sludge Wave Gear (Grimer) Rock Blast Gear (Graveler) Signal Beam Gear (Venonat) | Dragon Claw (Hakamo-o) Aqua Tail (Croconaw) Whirlpool Gear (Wailmer) Dazzling Gleam Gear (Ribombee) Drill Peck Gear (Spearow) Dynamic Punch Gear (Gurdurr) Take Down Gear (Eevee) Sludge Wave Gear (Grimer) Rock Blast Gear (Graveler) Signal Beam Gear (Venonat) | 1.499% | Sky Attack (Pidgeotto) Stone Edge (Pupitar) | Sky Attack (Pidgeotto) Stone Edge (Pupitar) | Sky Attack (Pidgeotto) Stone Edge (Pupitar) | Sky Attack (Pidgeotto) Stone Edge (Pupitar) | Sky Attack (Pidgeotto) Stone Edge (Pupitar) | 0.6% | Sky Attack (Moltres) Stone Edge (Tyranitar) | Sky Attack (Moltres) Stone Edge (Tyranitar) | Sky Attack (Moltres) Stone Edge (Tyranitar) | Sky Attack (Moltres) Stone Edge (Tyranitar) | Sky Attack (Moltres) Stone Edge (Tyranitar) |
Rank | Reward | 1 | 250 Poké Diamonds | 2 | 200 Poké Diamonds | 3 | 150 Poké Diamonds | 4-10 | 100 Poké Diamonds | 11-100 | 50 Poké Diamonds | 101-1000 | 30 Poké Diamonds | 1001-10000 | 20 Poké Diamonds | 10001- | 10 Poké Diamonds |
Castform and the Legendary Islands |
Duration: September 18th 2019 - October 2nd 2019
Island: Castform Sea
The ninth island is the Castform Sea. This island is filled with Flying, Fire, Rock, Fighting and Ice-type Pokémon of various and contains around 80 different Pokémon.
Ore Drops |
Rarity | Fighting | Fire | Flying | Ice | Rock |
Power Gears | 49.199% | Electric Move Plus | Fire Move Plus | Ice Move Plus | Ground Move Plus | Water Move Plus | 8.159% | Water Move Plus Fire Move Plus Ice Move Plus Ground Move Plus Water Move Plus | Water Move Plus Electric Move Plus Ice Move Plus Ground Move Plus Water Move Plus | Water Move Plus Electric Move Plus Fire Move Plus Ground Move Plus Water Move Plus | Water Move Plus Electric Move Plus Fire Move Plus Ice Move Plus Water Move Plus | Water Move Plus Electric Move Plus Fire Move Plus Ice Move Plus Ground Move Plus | 3.329% | Brawny Snappy Charge Boost | Brawny Snappy Charge Boost | Brawny Snappy Charge Boost | Brawny Snappy Charge Boost | Brawny Snappy Charge Boost |
Summon Gears | 9.579% | Dragon Claw (Hakamo-o) Aqua Tail (Croconaw) Whirlpool Gear (Wailmer) Dazzling Gleam Gear (Ribombee) Drill Peck Gear (Spearow) Dynamic Punch Gear (Gurdurr) Take Down Gear (Eevee) Sludge Wave Gear (Grimer) Rock Blast Gear (Graveler) Signal Beam Gear (Venonat) | Dragon Claw (Hakamo-o) Aqua Tail (Croconaw) Whirlpool Gear (Wailmer) Dazzling Gleam Gear (Ribombee) Drill Peck Gear (Spearow) Dynamic Punch Gear (Gurdurr) Take Down Gear (Eevee) Sludge Wave Gear (Grimer) Rock Blast Gear (Graveler) Signal Beam Gear (Venonat) | Dragon Claw (Hakamo-o) Aqua Tail (Croconaw) Whirlpool Gear (Wailmer) Dazzling Gleam Gear (Ribombee) Drill Peck Gear (Spearow) Dynamic Punch Gear (Gurdurr) Take Down Gear (Eevee) Sludge Wave Gear (Grimer) Rock Blast Gear (Graveler) Signal Beam Gear (Venonat) | Dragon Claw (Hakamo-o) Aqua Tail (Croconaw) Whirlpool Gear (Wailmer) Dazzling Gleam Gear (Ribombee) Drill Peck Gear (Spearow) Dynamic Punch Gear (Gurdurr) Take Down Gear (Eevee) Sludge Wave Gear (Grimer) Rock Blast Gear (Graveler) Signal Beam Gear (Venonat) | Dragon Claw (Hakamo-o) Aqua Tail (Croconaw) Whirlpool Gear (Wailmer) Dazzling Gleam Gear (Ribombee) Drill Peck Gear (Spearow) Dynamic Punch Gear (Gurdurr) Take Down Gear (Eevee) Sludge Wave Gear (Grimer) Rock Blast Gear (Graveler) Signal Beam Gear (Venonat) | 1.499% | Sky Attack (Pidgeotto) Stone Edge (Pupitar) | Sky Attack (Pidgeotto) Stone Edge (Pupitar) | Sky Attack (Pidgeotto) Stone Edge (Pupitar) | Sky Attack (Pidgeotto) Stone Edge (Pupitar) | Sky Attack (Pidgeotto) Stone Edge (Pupitar) | 0.6% | Sky Attack (Moltres) Stone Edge (Tyranitar) | Sky Attack (Moltres) Stone Edge (Tyranitar) | Sky Attack (Moltres) Stone Edge (Tyranitar) | Sky Attack (Moltres) Stone Edge (Tyranitar) | Sky Attack (Moltres) Stone Edge (Tyranitar) |
Celebi's Forest |
Duration: September 4th 2019 - September 18th 2019
Island: Celebi Sea
The eighth island is the Celebi Sea. This island is filled with Grass, Water, Poison, Ground, Fire-type Pokémon of various and contains around 80 different Pokémon.
Ore Drops |
Rarity |
Power Gears |
Summon Gears |
Gengar's Cavernous Hideout |
Duration: August 21st 2019 - September 4th 2019
Island: Gengar Sea
The seventh island is the Gengar Sea. This island is filled with Psychic, Dark, Fighting, Normal & Ghost-type Pokémon of various and contains around 80 different Pokémon.
Ore Drops |
Rarity |
Power Gears |
Summon Gears |
Jirachi and the Starry Sky |
Duration: August 7th 2019 - August 21st 2019
Island: Jirachi Sea
The sixth island is the Jirachi Sea. This island is filled with Fire, Ice, Dragon, Steel & Rock-type Pokémon of various and contains around 60 different Pokémon.
Ore Drops |
Rarity |
Power Gears |
Summon Gears |
Zapdos Takes Flight |
Duration: July 17th 2019 - August 7th 2019
Island: Zapdos Sea
The fifth island is the Zapdos Sea. This island is filled with Electric, Ground, Fire, Water & Ice-type Pokémon of various and contains around 60 different Pokémon.
Ore Drops |
Rarity | Electric | Fire | Ground | Ice | Water |
Power Gears | 49.199% | Electric Move Plus | Fire Move Plus | Ice Move Plus | Ground Move Plus | Water Move Plus | 8.159% | Water Move Plus Fire Move Plus Ice Move Plus Ground Move Plus Water Move Plus | Water Move Plus Electric Move Plus Ice Move Plus Ground Move Plus Water Move Plus | Water Move Plus Electric Move Plus Fire Move Plus Ground Move Plus Water Move Plus | Water Move Plus Electric Move Plus Fire Move Plus Ice Move Plus Water Move Plus | Water Move Plus Electric Move Plus Fire Move Plus Ice Move Plus Ground Move Plus | 3.329% | Brawny Snappy Charge Boost | Brawny Snappy Charge Boost | Brawny Snappy Charge Boost | Brawny Snappy Charge Boost | Brawny Snappy Charge Boost |
Summon Gears | 9.579% | Dragon Claw (Hakamo-o) Aqua Tail (Croconaw) Whirlpool Gear (Wailmer) Dazzling Gleam Gear (Ribombee) Drill Peck Gear (Spearow) Dynamic Punch Gear (Gurdurr) Take Down Gear (Eevee) Sludge Wave Gear (Grimer) Rock Blast Gear (Graveler) Signal Beam Gear (Venonat) | Dragon Claw (Hakamo-o) Aqua Tail (Croconaw) Whirlpool Gear (Wailmer) Dazzling Gleam Gear (Ribombee) Drill Peck Gear (Spearow) Dynamic Punch Gear (Gurdurr) Take Down Gear (Eevee) Sludge Wave Gear (Grimer) Rock Blast Gear (Graveler) Signal Beam Gear (Venonat) | Dragon Claw (Hakamo-o) Aqua Tail (Croconaw) Whirlpool Gear (Wailmer) Dazzling Gleam Gear (Ribombee) Drill Peck Gear (Spearow) Dynamic Punch Gear (Gurdurr) Take Down Gear (Eevee) Sludge Wave Gear (Grimer) Rock Blast Gear (Graveler) Signal Beam Gear (Venonat) | Dragon Claw (Hakamo-o) Aqua Tail (Croconaw) Whirlpool Gear (Wailmer) Dazzling Gleam Gear (Ribombee) Drill Peck Gear (Spearow) Dynamic Punch Gear (Gurdurr) Take Down Gear (Eevee) Sludge Wave Gear (Grimer) Rock Blast Gear (Graveler) Signal Beam Gear (Venonat) | Dragon Claw (Hakamo-o) Aqua Tail (Croconaw) Whirlpool Gear (Wailmer) Dazzling Gleam Gear (Ribombee) Drill Peck Gear (Spearow) Dynamic Punch Gear (Gurdurr) Take Down Gear (Eevee) Sludge Wave Gear (Grimer) Rock Blast Gear (Graveler) Signal Beam Gear (Venonat) | 1.499% | Thunder (Dedenne) Magnitude (Diglett) | Thunder (Dedenne) Magnitude (Diglett) | Thunder (Dedenne) Magnitude (Diglett) | Thunder (Dedenne) Magnitude (Diglett) | Thunder (Dedenne) Magnitude (Diglett) | 0.6% | Thunder (Zapdos) Magnitude (Dugtrio) | Thunder (Zapdos) Magnitude (Dugtrio) | Thunder (Zapdos) Magnitude (Dugtrio) | Thunder (Zapdos) Magnitude (Dugtrio) | Thunder (Zapdos) Magnitude (Dugtrio) |
Rank | Reward | 1 | 250 Poké Diamonds | 2 | 200 Poké Diamonds | 3 | 150 Poké Diamonds | 4-10 | 100 Poké Diamonds | 11-100 | 50 Poké Diamonds | 101-1000 | 30 Poké Diamonds | 1001-10000 | 20 Poké Diamonds | 10001- | 10 Poké Diamonds |
Caught in Pinsir's Grip |
Duration: July 3rd 2019 - July 17th 2019
Island: Pinsir Sea
The fourth island is the Pinsir Sea. This island is filled with Bug, Dark, Rock, Ghost & Grass-type Pokémon of various and contains around 60 different Pokémon.
Ore Drops |
Rarity | Bug | Dark | Ghost | Grass | Rock |
Power Gears | 49.199% | Bug Move Plus | Dark Move Plus | Grass Move Plus | Ghost Move Plus | Rock Move Plus | 8.159% | Rock Move Plus Dark Move Plus Grass Move Plus Ghost Move Plus Rock Move Plus | Rock Move Plus Bug Move Plus Grass Move Plus Ghost Move Plus Rock Move Plus | Rock Move Plus Bug Move Plus Dark Move Plus Ghost Move Plus Rock Move Plus | Rock Move Plus Bug Move Plus Dark Move Plus Grass Move Plus Rock Move Plus | Rock Move Plus Bug Move Plus Dark Move Plus Grass Move Plus Ghost Move Plus | 3.329% | Brawny Snappy Charge Boost | Brawny Snappy Charge Boost | Brawny Snappy Charge Boost | Brawny Snappy Charge Boost | Brawny Snappy Charge Boost |
Summon Gears | 39% | Rock Blast Gear (Graveler) Signal Beam Gear (Venonat) | Dragon Claw (Hakamo-o) Aqua Tail (Croconaw) | Drill Peck Gear (Spearow) Dynamic Punch Gear (Gurdurr) | Sludge Wave Gear (Grimer) Take Down Gear (Eevee) | Whirlpool Gear (Wailmer) Dazzling Gleam Gear (Ribombee) | 10.4% | Night Daze (Zorua) X-Scissor (Scyther) | Night Daze (Zorua) X-Scissor (Scyther) | Night Daze (Zorua) X-Scissor (Scyther) | Night Daze (Zorua) X-Scissor (Scyther) | Night Daze (Zorua) X-Scissor (Scyther) | 0.6% | Night Daze (Zoroark) X-Scissor (Pinsir) | Night Daze (Zoroark) X-Scissor (Pinsir) | Night Daze (Zoroark) X-Scissor (Pinsir) | Night Daze (Zoroark) X-Scissor (Pinsir) | Night Daze (Zoroark) X-Scissor (Pinsir) |
Rank | Reward | 1 | 250 Poké Diamonds | 2 | 200 Poké Diamonds | 3 | 150 Poké Diamonds | 4-10 | 100 Poké Diamonds | 11-100 | 50 Poké Diamonds | 101-1000 | 30 Poké Diamonds | 1001-10000 | 20 Poké Diamonds | 10001- | 10 Poké Diamonds |
Snorlax Eats Everything |
Duration: June 19th 2019 - July 3rd 2019
Island: Snorlax Sea
The third island is the Snorlax Sea. This island is filled with Fighting, Normal and Ice-type Pokémon of various and contains around 60 different Pokémon.
Ore Drops |
Rarity | Fighting | Flying | Ice | Grass | Normal |
Power Gears | 49.199% | Fighting Move Plus | Flying Move Plus | Grass Move Plus | Ice Move Plus | Normal Move Plus | 8.159% | Normal Move Plus Flying Move Plus Grass Move Plus Ice Move Plus Normal Move Plus | Normal Move Plus Fighting Move Plus Grass Move Plus Ice Move Plus Normal Move Plus | Normal Move Plus Fighting Move Plus Flying Move Plus Ice Move Plus Normal Move Plus | Normal Move Plus Fighting Move Plus Flying Move Plus Grass Move Plus Normal Move Plus | Normal Move Plus Fighting Move Plus Flying Move Plus Grass Move Plus Ice Move Plus | 3.329% | Brawny Snappy Charge Boost | Brawny Snappy Charge Boost | Brawny Snappy Charge Boost | Brawny Snappy Charge Boost | Brawny Snappy Charge Boost |
Summon Gears | 39% | Whirlpool Gear (Wailmer) Dazzling Gleam Gear (Ribombee) | Sludge Wave Gear (Grimer) Take Down Gear (Eevee) | Rock Blast Gear (Graveler) Signal Beam Gear (Venonat) | Drill Peck Gear (Spearow) Dynamic Punch Gear (Gurdurr) | Dragon Claw (Hakamo-o) Aqua Tail (Croconaw) | 10.4% | Body Slam Gear (Munchlax) Wake-up Slap Gear (Machoke) | Body Slam Gear (Munchlax) Wake-up Slap Gear (Machoke) | Body Slam Gear (Munchlax) Wake-up Slap Gear (Machoke) | Body Slam Gear (Munchlax) Wake-up Slap Gear (Machoke) | Body Slam Gear (Munchlax) Wake-up Slap Gear (Machoke) | 0.6% | Body Slam Gear (Snorlax) Wake-up Slap Gear (Machamp) | Body Slam Gear (Snorlax) Wake-up Slap Gear (Machamp) | Body Slam Gear (Snorlax) Wake-up Slap Gear (Machamp) | Body Slam Gear (Snorlax) Wake-up Slap Gear (Machamp) | Body Slam Gear (Snorlax) Wake-up Slap Gear (Machamp) |
Rank | Reward | 1 | 250 Poké Diamonds | 2 | 200 Poké Diamonds | 3 | 150 Poké Diamonds | 4-10 | 100 Poké Diamonds | 11-100 | 50 Poké Diamonds | 101-1000 | 30 Poké Diamonds | 1001-10000 | 20 Poké Diamonds | 10001- | 10 Poké Diamonds |
Dragonite's Stormy Island |
Duration: June 5th 2019 - June 19th 2019
Island: Dragonite Sea
The second island is the Dragonite Sea. This island is filled with Dragon, Fairy and Ice-type Pokémon of various and contains around 60 different Pokémon.
Ore Drops |
Rarity | Dragon | Fairy | Poison | Psychic | Dark |
Power Gears | 49.199% | Dragon Move Plus | Fairy Move Plus | Poison Move Plus | Psychic Move Plus | Dark Move Plus | 8.159% | Normal Move Plus Fairy Move Plus Poison Move Plus Psychic Move Plus Dark Move Plus | Normal Move Plus Dragon Move Plus Poison Move Plus Psychic Move Plus Dark Move Plus | Normal Move Plus Dragon Move Plus Fairy Move Plus Psychic Move Plus Dark Move Plus | Normal Move Plus Dragon Move Plus Fairy Move Plus Poison Move Plus Dark Move Plus | Normal Move Plus Dragon Move Plus Fairy Move Plus Poison Move Plus Psychic Move Plus | 3.329% | Brawny Snappy Charge Boost | Brawny Snappy Charge Boost | Brawny Snappy Charge Boost | Brawny Snappy Charge Boost | Brawny Snappy Charge Boost |
Summon Gears | 39% | Quick Attack Gear (Rattata) Psyshock Gear (Gothorita) | Whirlpool Gear (Wailmer) Dazzling Gleam Gear (Ribombee) | Rock Blast Gear (Graveler) Signal Beam Gear (Venonat) | Sludge Wave Gear (Grimer) Take Down Gear (Eevee) | Drill Peck Gear (Spearow) Dynamic Punch Gear (Gurdurr) | 10.4% | Dragon Rush Gear (Dragonair) Draining Kiss Gear (Kirlia) | Dragon Rush Gear (Dragonair) Draining Kiss Gear (Kirlia) | Dragon Rush Gear (Dragonair) Draining Kiss Gear (Kirlia) | Dragon Rush Gear (Dragonair) Draining Kiss Gear (Kirlia) | Dragon Rush Gear (Dragonair) Draining Kiss Gear (Kirlia) | 0.6% | Dragon Rush Gear (Dragonite) Draining Kiss Gear (Gardevoir) | Dragon Rush Gear (Dragonite) Draining Kiss Gear (Gardevoir) | Dragon Rush Gear (Dragonite) Draining Kiss Gear (Gardevoir) | Dragon Rush Gear (Dragonite) Draining Kiss Gear (Gardevoir) | Dragon Rush Gear (Dragonite) Draining Kiss Gear (Gardevoir) |
Rank | Reward | 1 | 250 Poké Diamonds | 2 | 200 Poké Diamonds | 3 | 150 Poké Diamonds | 4-10 | 100 Poké Diamonds | 11-100 | 50 Poké Diamonds | 101-1000 | 30 Poké Diamonds | 1001-10000 | 20 Poké Diamonds | 10001- | 10 Poké Diamonds |
Charizard's Island Home |
Duration: May 15th 2019 - June 5th 2019
Island: Charizard Sea
The first island is the Charizard Sea. This island is filled with Grass, Fire and Water-type Pokémon of the Kanto region and contains around 80 different Pokémon.
Ore Drops |
Rarity | Fire | Water | Grass | Psychic | Bug |
Power Gears | 49.199% | Fire Move Plus | Water Move Plus | Grass Move Plus | Psychic Move Plus | Bug Move Plus | 8.159% | Normal Move Plus Water Move Plus Grass Move Plus Psychic Move Plus Bug Move Plus | Normal Move Plus Fire Move Plus Grass Move Plus Psychic Move Plus Bug Move Plus | Normal Move Plus Fire Move Plus Water Move Plus Psychic Move Plus Bug Move Plus | Normal Move Plus Fire Move Plus Water Move Plus Grass Move Plus Bug Move Plus | Normal Move Plus Fire Move Plus Water Move Plus Grass Move Plus Psychic Move Plus | 3.329% | Brawny Snappy Charge Boost | Brawny Snappy Charge Boost | Brawny Snappy Charge Boost | Brawny Snappy Charge Boost | Brawny Snappy Charge Boost |
Summon Gears | 39% | Quick Attack Gear (Rattata) Psyshock Gear (Gothorita) | Whirlpool Gear (Wailmer) Dazzling Gleam Gear (Ribombee) | Rock Blast Gear (Graveler) Signal Beam Gear (Venonat) | Sludge Wave Gear (Grimer) Take Down Gear (Eevee) | Drill Peck Gear (Spearow) Dynamic Punch Gear (Gurdurr) | 10.4% | Flamethrower Gear (Charmeleon) Surf Gear (Wartortle) | Flamethrower Gear (Charmeleon) Surf Gear (Wartortle) | Flamethrower Gear (Charmeleon) Surf Gear (Wartortle) | Flamethrower Gear (Charmeleon) Surf Gear (Wartortle) | Flamethrower Gear (Charmeleon) Surf Gear (Wartortle) | 0.6% | Flamethrower Gear (Charizard) Surf Gear (Blastoise) | Flamethrower Gear (Charizard) Surf Gear (Blastoise) | Flamethrower Gear (Charizard) Surf Gear (Blastoise) | Flamethrower Gear (Charizard) Surf Gear (Blastoise) | Flamethrower Gear (Charizard) Surf Gear (Blastoise) |
Rank | Reward | 1 | 250 Poké Diamonds | 2 | 200 Poké Diamonds | 3 | 150 Poké Diamonds | 4-10 | 100 Poké Diamonds | 11-100 | 50 Poké Diamonds | 101-1000 | 30 Poké Diamonds | 1001-10000 | 20 Poké Diamonds | 10001- | 10 Poké Diamonds |