PokéBalls Recovery Items Hold Items Evolutionary Items Berries GS Berries Battle Effect Items Vitamins Fossils Mail Miscellaneous Items Key Items Event  Items Decorations


Berries have a variety of uses. These berries can all be used and crushed in order to make other items, PokéBlocks & Poffin that are used to boost your Pokémon's Contest statistics. In addition to that, some berries have in-battle effects such as healing Pokémon and some even reduce the Effort Values your Pokémon have gained. Berries can be given to your Pokémon to be held and can be reproduced by growing them in loamy soil around the regions or in the Berry Pots item. All berries however are one-use so use them wisely.

Picture Name Effect
Aguav BerryIf a Pokémon holds one of these Berries, it will be able to restore some HP should it find itself in a pinch. But it will become confused if it hates the Berry's taste.
Apicot BerryIf a Pokémon holds one of these Berries, its Sp. Def stat will be boosted should it find itself in a pinch.
Aspear BerryIf a Pokémon holds one of these Berries, it will be able to thaw itself after being frozen.
Babiri BerryIf a Pokémon holding this Berry is hit with a supereffective Steel-type move, the power of that move will be weakened.
Belue BerryUsed to make Pokéblocks that will enhance Beauty. This Berry is rare in other regions.
Bluk BerryUsed to make Pokéblocks that will enhance Beauty. Its blue flesh is dry if eaten.
Charti BerryIf a Pokémon holding this Berry is hit with a supereffective Rock-type move, the power of that move will be weakened.
Cheri BerryIf a Pokémon holds one of these Berries, it will be able to free itself from paralysis.
Chesto BerryIf a Pokémon holds one of these Berries, it will be able to wake itself from sleep.
Chilan BerryIf a Pokémon holding this Berry is hit with a Normal-type move, the power of that move will be weakened.
Chople BerryIf a Pokémon holding this Berry is hit with a supereffective Fighting-type move, the power of that move will be weakened.
Coba BerryIf a Pokémon holding this Berry is hit with a supereffective Flying-type move, the power of that move will be weakened.
Colbur BerryIf a Pokémon holding this Berry is hit with a supereffective Dark-type move, the power of that move will be weakened.
Cornn BerryUsed to make Pokéblocks that will enhance Beauty. This Berry is rare in other regions.
Custap BerryIf a Pokémon holds one of these Berries, it will be able to act faster should it find itself in a pinch—but only for the next move it uses.
Durin BerryUsed to make Pokéblocks that will enhance Cleverness. This Berry is rare in other regions.
Enigma BerryIf a Pokémon holds one of these Berries, it will be able to regain some HP if it is hit with a supereffective move.
Figy BerryIf a Pokémon holds one of these Berries, it will be able to restore some HP should it find itself in a pinch. But it will become confused if it hates the Berry's taste.
Ganlon BerryIf a Pokémon holds one of these Berries, its Defense stat will be boosted should it find itself in a pinch.
Golden Nanab BerryA Berry that drastically calms Pokémon you're trying to catch when given to them.
Golden Pinap BerryA Berry that makes you drastically more likely to get an item when given to Pokémon you're trying to catch.
Golden Razz BerryA Berry that makes it drastically easier to catch Pokémon when given to them.
Grepa BerryIf a Pokémon is fed this Berry, it will grow more friendly, but it will lose base points for its Sp. Def stat.
Haban BerryIf a Pokémon holding this Berry is hit with a supereffective Dragon-type move, the power of that move will be weakened.
Hondew BerryIf a Pokémon is fed this Berry, it will grow more friendly, but it will lose base points for its Sp. Atk stat.
Hopo BerryA Berry that can be fed to a Pokémon to restore its PP. If a wild Pokémon eats one of these Berries, that Pokémon's reactions will be dulled.
Iapapa BerryIf a Pokémon holds one of these Berries, it will be able to restore some HP should it find itself in a pinch. But it will become confused if it hates the Berry's taste.
Jaboca BerryIf a Pokémon holding this Berry is hit with a physical move, the attacker will also take damage.
Kasib BerryIf a Pokémon holding this Berry is hit with a supereffective Ghost-type move, the power of that move will be weakened.
Kebia BerryIf a Pokémon holding this Berry is hit with a supereffective Poison-type move, the power of that move will be weakened.
Kee BerryIf a Pokémon holding this Berry is hit with a physical move, the holder's Defense stat will be boosted.
Kelpsy BerryIf a Pokémon is fed this Berry, it will grow more friendly, but it will lose base points for its Attack stat.
Lansat BerryIf a Pokémon holds one of these Berries, its critical-hit ratio will be boosted should it find itself in a pinch.
Leppa BerryIf a Pokémon holds one of these Berries, it will be able to restore 10 PP to a move.
Liechi BerryIf a Pokémon holds one of these Berries, its Attack stat will be boosted should it find itself in a pinch.
Lum BerryIf a Pokémon holds one of these Berries, it will be able to cure itself of any status condition it may have.
Mago BerryIf a Pokémon holds one of these Berries, it will be able to restore some HP should it find itself in a pinch. But it will become confused if it hates the Berry's taste.
Magost BerryUsed to make Pokéblocks that will enhance Cuteness. This Berry is rare in other regions.
Maranga BerryIf a Pokémon holding this Berry is hit with a special move, the holder's Sp. Def stat will be boosted.
Micle BerryIf a Pokémon holds one of these Berries, its accuracy will be boosted should it find itself in a pinch—but only for the next move it uses.
Nanab BerryUsed to make Pokéblocks that will enhance Cuteness. Its pink flesh is sweet if eaten.
Nomel BerryUsed to make Pokéblocks that will enhance Toughness. This Berry is rare in other regions.
Occa BerryIf a Pokémon holding this Berry is hit with a supereffective Fire-type move, the power of that move will be weakened.
Oran BerryIf a Pokémon holds one of these Berries, it will be able to restore 10 HP to itself.
Pamtre BerryUsed to make Pokéblocks that will enhance Beauty. This Berry is rare in other regions.
Passho BerryIf a Pokémon holding this Berry is hit with a supereffective Water-type move, the power of that move will be weakened.
Payapa BerryIf a Pokémon holding this Berry is hit with a supereffective Psychic-type move, the power of that move will be weakened.
Pecha BerryIf a Pokémon holds one of these Berries, it will be able to lift the effects of being poisoned from itself.
Persim BerryIf a Pokémon holds one of these Berries, it will be able to cure itself of confusion.
Petaya BerryIf a Pokémon holds one of these Berries, its Sp. Atk stat will be boosted should it find itself in a pinch.
Pinap BerryUsed to make Pokéblocks that will enhance Toughness. Its yellow flesh is sour if eaten.
Pomeg BerryIf a Pokémon is fed this Berry, it will grow more friendly, but it will lose base points for its HP stat.
Qualot BerryIf a Pokémon is fed this Berry, it will grow more friendly, but it will lose base points for its Defense stat.
Rabuta BerryUsed to make Pokéblocks that will enhance Cleverness. This Berry is rare in other regions.
Rawst BerryIf a Pokémon holds one of these Berries, it will be able to cure itself of a burn.
Razz BerryUsed to make Pokéblocks that will enhance Coolness. Its red flesh is spicy if eaten.
Rindo BerryIf a Pokémon holding this Berry is hit with a supereffective Grass-type move, the power of that move will be weakened.
Roseli BerryIf a Pokémon holding this Berry is hit with a supereffective Fairy-type move, the power of that move will be weakened.
Rowap BerryIf a Pokémon holding this Berry is hit with a special move, the attacker will also take damage.
Salac BerryIf a Pokémon holds one of these Berries, its Speed stat will be boosted should it find itself in a pinch.
Shuca BerryIf a Pokémon holding this Berry is hit with a supereffective Ground-type move, the power of that move will be weakened.
Silver Nanab BerryA Berry that calms Pokémon you're trying to catch when given to them.
Silver Pinap BerryA Berry that makes you more likely to get an item when given to Pokémon you're trying to catch.
Silver Razz BerryA Berry that makes it easier to catch Pokémon when given to them.
Sitrus BerryIf a Pokémon holds one of these Berries, it will be able to restore a small amount of HP to itself.
Spelon BerryUsed to make Pokéblocks that will enhance Cuteness. This Berry is rare in other regions.
Starf BerryIf a Pokémon holds one of these Berries, one of its stats will be sharply boosted should it find itself in a pinch.
Tamato BerryIf a Pokémon is fed this Berry, it will grow more friendly, but it will lose base points for its Speed stat.
Tanga BerryIf a Pokémon holding this Berry is hit with a supereffective Bug-type move, the power of that move will be weakened.
Wacan BerryIf a Pokémon holding this Berry is hit with a supereffective Electric-type move, the power of that move will be weakened.
Watmel BerryUsed to make Pokéblocks that will enhance Cleverness. This Berry is rare in other regions.
Wepear BerryUsed to make Pokéblocks that will enhance Cleverness. Its green flesh is bitter if eaten.
Wiki BerryIf a Pokémon holds one of these Berries, it will be able to restore some HP should it find itself in a pinch. But it will become confused if it hates the Berry's taste.
Yache BerryIf a Pokémon holding this Berry is hit with a supereffective Ice-type move, the power of that move will be weakened.