PokéBalls Recovery Items Hold Items Evolutionary Items Berries GS Berries Battle Effect Items Vitamins Fossils Mail Miscellaneous Items Key Items Event  Items Decorations


Decorations are special items that can be placed within certain areas of the games. These customisations are usually limited to your Secret Base and have a variety of functions depending upon the decoration of choice.

Picture Name Effect
A Note MatA mat that plays an A note when stepped on.
Alert Tool 1Stepping on this Tool sends greetings to everyone near you.
Alert Tool 2Stepping on this Tool sends farewells to everyone near you.
Alert Tool 3Stepping on this Tool tells all nearby that you are going to the Union Room.
Alert Tool 4Stepping on this Tool alerts everyone to gather around you.
Attract MatA mat designed with an ATTRACT image. Put items on top.
Azurill DollAn AZURILL doll. Place it on a mat or a desk.
B Note MatA mat that plays a B note when stepped on.
Ball CushionA BALL cushion. Place it on a mat or a desk.
Ball OrnamentA commemorative object modeled after a Poké Ball.
Ball PosterA small poster printed with POKé BALLS.
Baltoy DollA BALTOY doll. Place it on a mat or a desk.
Beauty CupA winnerÓł cup that is awarded only to a truly beautiful Pokémon.
Big BookshelfA big bookshelf that can be placed inside your Secret Base.
Big Lapras 
Big Oil DrumA cluster of oil drums like those seen in factories.
Big Onix 
Big PlantA large, umbrella- shaped plant in a big pot.
Big Smoke ToolA Tool that releases billowing smoke. The smoke can be rubbed away.
Big Snorlax 
Big TableA very big table that can be placed inside your Secret Base.
Bike RackA rack of tools like those seen in the Cycle Shop.
BinocularsA pair of high-powered replica binoculars.
Blastoise DollA large doll. Place it on a mat or a desk.
Blue BalloonA blue balloon filled with water. Bursts if stepped on.
Blue BrickA blue-colored brick. Put some decorations on top.
Blue Carpet 
Blue CrystalA rare blue crystal awarded to helpful people.
Blue CushionA blue cushion that can be placed inside your Secret Base.
Blue PosterA small poster with a MUDKIP print.
Blue TentA large blue tent. You can hide inside it.
BonsaiA restrained and evocative miniature tree shaped by a master.
Bonsly DollA cute BONSLY Doll.
Breakable DoorA weird door that people can walk right through.
Brick ChairA small chair made of brick.
Brick DeskA huge desk made of brick. Holds lots of decorations.
Bronze TrophyA trophy made of bronze that is awarded only to tough Pokémon.
Bubble ToolA Tool that releases a mass of bubbles. Pop them to get free.
Buizel DollA cute BUIZEL Doll.
Bulbasaur DollA cute BULBASAUR Doll.
Buneary DollA cute BUNEARY Doll.
C High Note MatA mat that plays a high C note when stepped on.
C Low Note MatA mat that plays a low C note when stepped on.
Camp ChairA small chair made of logs.
Camp DeskA huge desk made of logs. Put lots of decorations on it.
Cardboard BoxA small cardboard box. It is convenient for storing things.
Charizard DollA large doll. Place it on a mat or a desk.
Charmander DollA cute CHARMANDER Doll.
Chatot DollA cute CHATOT Doll.
Chikorita DollA cute CHIKORITA Doll.
Chimchar DollA cute CHIMCHAR Doll.
Clear OrnamentA very valuable object that is crystal clear.
Clear TentA large transparent tent. You can go inside it.
Clefairy DollA cute CLEFAIRY Doll.
Clefairy Poster 
Clever CupA winnerÓł cup that is awarded only to a truly smart Pokémon.
Colorful PlantA large pot with many colorful flowers.
Comfort ChairA small chair made of leaves.
Comfort DeskA large desk made of leaves. Put some decorations on it.
ContainerA large container that is filled with a variety of things.
Cool CupA winnerÓł cup that is awarded only to a truly cool Pokémon.
CrateA large wooden crate that is filled with all sorts of things.
CupboardA fancy cupboard for storing all sorts of kitchenware.
Cute CupA winnerÓł cup that is awarded only to a truly cute Pokémon.
Cute PosterA small poster with an AZURILL print.
Cute TVA toy TV modeled in the image of a SKITTY.
Cyndaquil DollA cute CYNDAQUIL Doll.
D Note MatA mat that plays a D note when stepped on.
Dainty FlowersA pot of very cute flowers.
Diamond CushionA SABLEYE cushion. Place it on a mat or a desk.
Diglett Doll 
Display ShelfA shelf stocked with a variety of merchandise like at any Poké Mart.
Ditto DollA DITTO doll. Place it on a mat or a desk.
Drifloon DollA cute DRIFLOON Doll.
Duskull DollA DUSKULL doll. Place it on a mat or a desk.
E Note MatA mat that plays an E note when stepped on.
Ember ToolThis Tool releases immobilizing embers. Blow the embers away to get free.
F Note MatA mat that plays an F note when stepped on.
Feathery BedA very fluffy bed where one can enjoy pleasant dreams.
Fence LengthA small fence that blocks passage.
Fence WidthA small fence that blocks passage.
Fire Blast MatA mat designed with a FIRE BLAST image. Put items on top.
Fire CustionA fire-mark cushion. Place it on a mat or a desk.
Fire ToolThis Tool releases billowing flames. Blow the flames away to get free.
Fissure MatA mat designed with a FISSURE image. Put items on top.
Flower ToolThis Tool releases many flowers. Blow the flowers away to get free.
Foam ToolA Tool that releases bubbles. Pop the bubbles to get free.
G Note MatA mat that plays a G note when stepped on.
Game SystemA brand-new game system like the one at home.
Gengar Doll 
Geodude Doll 
Glameow DollA cute GLAMEOW Doll.
Glass OrnamentA glass replica of a famous sculpture at the ART MUSEUM.
Glitter GemAn extremely valuable gem that glitters dazzlingly.
Glitter MatAn odd mat that glitters if stepped on.
GlobeIt attests to the fact that you have friends from all over.
Gold ShieldAwarded for 100 straight wins at the BATTLE TOWER.
Gold TrophyA gold-colored trophy that is awarded only to fantastically tough Pokémon.
Gorgeous PlantA large, impressive plant in a big pot.
Grass CushionA grass-mark cushion. Place it on a mat or a desk.
Great TrophyAn impressive trophy awarded only to seemingly indefatigable Pokémon.
Green BikeA green Bicycle replica. It is like those displayed at the Cycle Shop.
Green Carpet 
Green PosterA small poster with a TREECKO print.
Grimer Doll 
Gulpin DollA GULPIN doll. Place it on a mat or a desk.
Gym StatueA stone statue of a Pokémon like those at Pokémon Gyms.
Happiny DollA cute HAPPINY Doll.
Hard ChairA small chair made of rock.
Hard DeskA huge desk made of rocks. Holds many decorations.
Healing MachineA machine used to heal Pokémon like those at any Pokémon Center.
Heavy ChairA small chair made of steel.
Heavy DeskA large desk made of steel. Put some decorations on it.
Hole ToolA Tool that makes a big pitfall to immobilize the victim.
Iron BeamA red iron beam like those seen at building construction sites.
Jigglypuff DollA cute JIGGLYPUFF Doll.
Jigglypuff Poster 
Jumbo Plant 
Jump MatA trick mat that jumps when it is stepped on.
Kecleon dollA KECLEON doll. Place it on a mat or a desk.
Kiss CushionA SMOOCHUM cushion. Place it on a mat or a desk.
Kiss PosterA large poster with a SMOOCHUM print.
Lab MachineA brightly illuminated machine used for Pokémon research.
Lapras DollA large doll. Place it on a mat or a desk.
Lavish FlowersA pot of very beautiful flowers.
Leaf ToolThis Tool releases immobilizing leaves. Blow the leaves away to get free.
Long PosterA large poster with a SEVIPER print.
Long TableA vertically long table that can be placed inside your Secret Base.
Lotad DollA LOTAD doll. Place it on a mat or a desk.
Lovely FlowersA planter that is bursting with a gorgeous selection of flowers.
Lucario DollA rare LUCARIO Doll.
Machop Doll 
Magikarp Doll 
Magna Plant 
Magnezone DollA big MAGNEZONE Doll.
Manaphy DollA rare MANAPHY Doll.
Mantyke DollA cute MANTYKE Doll.
Marill DollA MARILL doll. Place it on a mat or a desk.
Maze Block 1A block for constructing a maze. It is blocked at the top.
Maze Block 2A block for constructing a maze. It is blocked at the right.
Maze Block 3A block for constructing a maze. It is blocked at the bottom.
Maze Block 4A block for constructing a maze. It is blocked at the left.
Maze Block 5A block for constructing a maze. It is not blocked anywhere.
Meowth DollA cute MEOWTH Doll.
Mime Jr. DollA cute MIME JR. Doll.
Minun DollA cute MINUN Doll.
Mud BallA large ball of mud. Crumbles if stepped on.
Mudkip DollA cute MUDKIP Doll.
Munchlax DollA cute MUNCHLAX Doll.
Mystic GemA gem that casts a mystic light. It is difficult to obtain.
Oddish Doll 
Oil DrumA red oil drum like those seen in factories.
Pachirisu DollA cute PACHIRISU Doll.
Pichu DollA PICHU doll. Place it on a mat or a desk.
Pika CushionA PIKACHU cushion. Place it on a mat or a desk.
Pika PosterA large poster with a PIKACHU and PICHU print.
Pikachu Bed 
Pikachu DollA cute PIKACHU Doll.
Pikachu Poster 
Pink Bed 
Pink CrystalA rare pink crystal awarded to kindhearted people.
Pink DresserA fashionable dresser in a pretty pink color.
Piplup DollA cute PIPLUP Doll.
Pit ToolA Tool that makes a huge pitfall to immobilize the victim.
Plain TableAn ordinary table that can be placed inside your Secret Base.
Plusle DollA cute PLUSLE Doll.
Poke FlowerA small flower like those seen at any Pokémon Center.
Poke TableA glass-topped table that can be seen in Pokémon Centers.
Pokemon ChairA small chair built in the shape of a POKé BALL.
Pokemon DeskA small desk built in the shape of a POKé BALL.
Poliwag Doll 
Polkadot Bed 
Potted PlantA potted plant that adds a touch of wild nature.
Powder Snow MatA mat with a POWDER SNOW image design. Put items on top.
Pretty ChairA small chair made of glass.
Pretty DeskA huge desk made of glass. Holds lots of decorations.
Pretty FlowersA pot of very pretty flowers.
Pretty GemA pretty gem that has been cut beautifully.
Pretty SinkA toy sink. It is very well made.
Ragged ChairA small chair made of wood.
Ragged DeskA large desk made of wood. Put some decorations on it.
Red BalloonA red balloon filled with water. Bursts if stepped on.
Red BikeA red Bicycle replica. It is like those displayed at the Cycle Shop.
Red BrickA red-colored brick. Decorations can be placed on top.
Red Carpet 
Red CrystalA rare red crystal that is awarded to hardworking people.
Red PlantA vivid red potted plant.
Red PosterA small poster with a TORCHIC print.
Red TentA large red tent. You can hide inside it.
RefrigeratorA big, white toy refrigerator. It is very well made.
Regice DollA large doll. Place it on a mat or a desk.
Regirock DollA large doll. Place it on a mat or a desk.
Registeel DollA large doll. Place it on a mat or a desk.
Research ShelfA rack that is perfect for storing all kinds of research documents.
Rhydon DollA large doll. Place it on a mat or a desk.
Rock ToolA Tool that makes blocking boulders. Break the boulders to get free.
Rockfall ToolA Tool that makes Big Boulders. Break the boulders to get free.
Round CushionA MARILL cushion. Place it on a mat or a desk.
Round OrnamentA very valuable round object that glows in seven colors.
Round TVA toy TV modeled in the image of a SEEDOT.
Sand OranamentAn ornament made of sand. Crumbles if touched.
Sea PosterA large poster with a RELICANTH print.
Seedot DollA SEEDOT doll. Place it on a mat or a desk.
Shellder Doll 
Shiny GemA gleaming gem that has been polished like a mirror.
Shop ShelfA shelf stocked full of merchandise like at any Poké Mart.
Silver ShieldAwarded for 50 straight wins at the BATTLE TOWER.
Silver TrophyA silver-colored trophy that is awarded only to very tough Pokémon.
Skitty DollA cute SKITTY Doll.
Sky PosterA large poster with a WINGULL print.
SlideUse to slide down from the platform.
Small BookshelfA small bookshelf that can be placed inside your Secret Base.
Small ChairA small chair made for one.
Small DeskA small desk built for one.
Small TableA very small table that can be placed inside your Secret Base.
Smoke ToolA Tool that releases obscuring smoke. The smoke can be rubbed away.
Smoochum DollA SMOOCHUM doll. Place it on a mat or a desk.
Snorlax DollA big SNORLAX Doll.
Solid BoardPlace over a hole to cross to the other side.
Spikes MatA mat designed with a SPIKES image. Put items on top.
Spin CushionA SPINDA cushion. Place it on a mat or a desk.
Spin MatA trick mat that spins around when stepped on.
Squirtle DollA cute SQUIRTLE Doll.
StandA large pedestal with steps.
Staryu Doll 
Super NES 
Surf MatA mat designed with a SURF image. Put items on top.
Surf Pikachu Doll 
Swablu DollA SWABLU doll. Place it on a mat or a desk.
TVA big toy TV. It is very well made.
Tentacruel Doll 
Test MachineA flickering, illuminated machine used for conducting experiments.
Thunder MarA mat designed with a THUNDER image. Put items on top.
TireAn old large tire. Decorations can be placed on top.
Togepi DollA TOPGEPI doll. Place it on a mat or a desk.
Torchic DollA cute TORCHIC Doll.
Totodile DollA cute TOTODILE Doll.
Tough CupA winnerÓł cup that is awarded only to a truly tough Pokémon.
Trash CanA round, green-colored trash can.
Treecko DollA cute TREECKO Doll.
Tropic Plant 
Tropical PlantA flowering tropical plant in a pot.
Turtwig DollA cute TURTWIG Doll.
Unown Doll 
Vending MachineA toy replica of a vending machine. It doesnÓ´ actually work.
Venusaur DollA large doll. Place it on a mat or a desk.
Virtual Boy 
Voltorb Doll 
Wailmer DollA large doll. Place it on a mat or a desk.
Wailord DollA big WAILORD Doll.
Water CushionA water-mark cushion. Place it on a mat or a desk.
Weavile DollA cute WEAVILE Doll.
Weedle Doll 
Wide SofaA wide, blue sofa. It has room for two.
Wide TableA horizontally wide table that can be placed inside your Secret Base.
Wobbuffet DollA cute WOBBUFFET Doll.
Wood DresserA wooden dresser with a distinguished air.
Wooden ChairA small wooden chair that can be placed inside your Secret Base.
Wynaut DollA WYNAUT doll. Place it on a mat or a desk.
Yellow BalloonA yellow balloon filled with water. Pops if stepped on.
Yellow BrickA yellow-colored brick. Put some decorations on top.
Yellow Carpet 
Yellow CrystalA rare yellow crystal awarded to steady, determined people.
Yellow CushionA yellow cushion that can be placed inside your Secret Base.
ZigZag CushionA ZIGZAGOON cushion. Place it on a mat or a desk.