The Pokédex is a feature that has been in every Pokémon game, however with the transfer of the game series onto the DS, there have been a few changes

First, the main control and browsing is implemented on the touch screen allowing you to scroll through the Pokémon at will and then selecting the Pokémon
Dex Entry

When you select the Pokémon, you get a number of options for what to display. They are as follows:

  • Dex Entry
  • Area
  • Cry
  • Height
  • Weight

This comes with an exit button and a Back and Next Button set which can also be accessed through the B & A buttons respectively. This page shows the standard Pokédex Entry for Buizel

Pokémon's Cry

The Pokémon's Cry is done a different way. You can select the play button on the touchscreen and increase the speed and pitch of the cry

Height Comparison

The Height Comparison has a slight difference to the normal size comparison from previous games This allows you to really get a scope of how tall the Pokémon really are.

Weight Comparison

A newly added feature is the comparison of the Pokémon's Weight. Your character and the Pokémon in question are put on scales to determine who is heavier. Again this allows you to really get a scope of how heavy the Pokémon are