Zone 8: Distortion Island

Name: Distortion Island
Unlock Criterea: Defeat Zone 7 Stage 4

Area Anchors
Stage 1 | Stage 2 | Stage 3 | Stage 4 | Stage 5 | Stage 6 |

Zone 8

Stage 1

Pokémon Listings

No. Pic Name Type Power Ability Requirements
Togepi fairy None None
Togetic fairy ☆☆ None None
Chingling psychic None None
Chimecho psychic ☆☆ None None
Espeon psychic ☆☆☆ None Day
Umbreon dark ☆☆☆ None Night
Togekiss fairy ☆☆☆ None None

Stage 2

Pokémon Listings

No. Pic Name Type Power Ability Requirements
Elekid electric None None
Electabuzz electric ☆☆ None Requires flawless capture of Elekid
Electivire electric ☆☆☆ Flinch Attack Requires flawless capture of Electabuzz
Shroomish grass None None
Breloom grass ☆☆ None None
Magnemite electric None None
Magneton electric ☆☆ None None
Magnezone electric ☆☆☆ None None

Stage 3

Pokémon Listings

No. Pic Name Type Power Ability Requirements
Mantyke water None None
Mantine water ☆☆ None Requires flawless capture of all Mantyke
Trapinch ground None None
Vibrava ground ☆☆ None Requires flawless capture of all Trapinch
Flygon ground ☆☆☆ None Requires flawless capture of Vibrava
Bronzong steel ☆☆ None None
Dialga steel ☆☆☆☆☆ None None
Palkia water ☆☆☆☆☆ None None

Stage 4

Pokémon Listings

No. Pic Name Type Power Ability Requirements
Sableye dark ☆☆ None None
Spiritomb ghost ☆☆ None Requires a Ghost type Supporter
Rampardos rock ☆☆ None None
Bastiodon rock ☆☆ None None
Rotom electric ☆☆ Power of Five Requires an Electric-type Supporter
Dusclops ghost ☆☆ None None
Giratina ghost ☆☆☆☆☆ Power of Five None

Stage 5

Unlocked by: Capture Giratina flawlessly

Pokémon Listings

No. Pic Name Type Power Ability Requirements
Larvitar rock None None
Pupitar rock ☆☆ None None
Tyranitar rock ☆☆☆ None None
Arceus normal ☆☆☆☆☆ Brute Force None

Stage 6

Unlocked by: Capture Arceus flawlessly

Pokémon Listings

No. Pic Name Type Power Ability Requirements
Seel water None None
Shellder water None None
Wailmer water None None
Wailord water ☆☆ None None
Manaphy water ☆☆☆ None None
Phione water ☆☆ None Bring Manaphy as Support