Path of No Return

Japanese Name: Path of No Return (かえらずの地)
Unlocked By: After ending
Final Floor: 99F
Pokémon Recruitable: Yes

Reset to Level 5 for this Dungeon. Cannot bring a team mate

Pokémon Listings

No. Pic Name Type Floors
Azurill B1F-B99F
Patrat B1F-B99F
Lillipup B1F-B99F
Tympole B1F-B99F
Sewaddle B1F-B99F
Cryogonal B1F-B99F
Marill B1F-B99F
Azumarill B1F-B99F
Watchog B1F-B99F
Herdier B1F-B99F
Stoutland B1F-B99F
Palpitoad B1F-B99F
Seismitoad B1F-B99F
Swadloon B1F-B99F
Leavanny B1F-B99F