Due to the different microclimates in the Alola Region, various Pokémon have become different to how they are in other regions. These are known as Alola Forms.
Alolan Sandshrew |
Type: Ice/Steel-type
Classification: Mouse Pokémon
Height: 2'04"
Weight: 88.2lbs
Ability: Snow Cloak
This Pokémon was revealed in a trailer on August 1st 2016
Sandshrew have historically lived in desert areas. But the frequent eruptions of nearby volcanoes drove the Sandshrew to abandon the desert and migrate to snowy mountains, where they took on this form.
Sandshrew’s body changed to adapt to the harsh environment of the snowy mountains. The Alolan Sandshrew has a shell of ice covering its skin, which is like hard steel. It excels defensively, but it lacks flexibility and can’t curl its body into a ball like a Ground-type Sandshrew can.
Its heavy weight makes the Alolan Sandshrew slower than a normal Sandshrew, but the claws on its hands and feet allow it to move across ice without slipping. When it wants to move quickly, it uses its stomach to slide across the ice like a curling rock.
Alolan Sandslash |
Type: Ice/Steel-type
Classification: Mouse Pokémon
Height: 3'11"
Weight: 121.3lbs
Ability: Snow Cloak
This Pokémon was revealed in a trailer on August 1st 2016
The Alolan Sandshrew of the snowy mountains evolve into Alolan Sandslash with spiny backs that are covered in ice. Thanks to their icy coating, these spines are large and sharp. Alolan Sandslash hide themselves in the snow when strong enemies appear, leaving only their needles exposed and ready for business.
The weight of the ice that covers its body makes these Alolan Sandslash heavier than normal Sandslash, and this causes them to be slower. Yet in snow fields and on ice, they move by creating a path with their claws, and so they’re able to move with swiftness.
The sprays of snow kicked up by Alolan Sandslash’s movements are so beautiful that many photographers head for the snowy peaks to capture the moment. However, Sandslash live deep in the mountains, and there is great danger of becoming stranded, so it’s forbidden to climb the mountains without permission.
Alolan Vulpix |
Type: Ice-type
Classification: Fox Pokémon
Height: 2'00"
Weight: 21.8lbs
Ability: Snow Cloak
This Pokémon was revealed in a trailer on August 1st 2016
It is said that Vulpix came to the Alola region together with humans, but the Fox Pokémon moved to the snowy mountain peaks to avoid the normal habitats of other Pokémon, and thus it ended up taking on this form.
These Alolan Vulpix live on high mountains that remain covered in snow year-round. They live in small packs of two to five individuals, helping one another survive.
Alolan Vulpix can freeze anything solid by expelling breath at a temperature of -58 degrees Fahrenheit (-50° C) from its mouth. It doesn’t fare well in the heat, but when the temperature gets too high, it produces ice from its tail to lower the surrounding temperature.
Alolan Ninetales |
Type: Ice/Fairy-type
Classification: Fox Pokémon
Height: 3'07"
Weight: 43.9lbs
Ability: Snow Cloak
This Pokémon was revealed in a trailer on August 1st 2016
Alolan Ninetales live on a snowy peak that is revered in the Alola region as a holy mountain. They are treated as sacred emissaries, and people meet them with awe and fear. This Pokémon’s personality is extremely gentle, and at times it has helped humans who seem to be in distress. However, it shows no mercy at all to anyone or anything that dares to damage its territory!
The Alolan Ninetales is able to produce ice crystals from the fur that covers its body. It can use these ice crystals to block attacks, or it can form balls of ice with them, which it fires like bullets at opponents. The power of these ice missiles is great enough to pulverize rock!
Alolan Exeggutor |
Type: Grass/Dragon-type
Classification: Coconut Pokémon
Height: 35’09"
Weight: 916.2 lbs
Ability: Frisk
This Pokémon was revealed in a trailer on August 1st 2016
The environment of the Alola region, where strong sunlight pours down all year round, brought about this change in Exeggutor’s form. The people of Alola boast that the Alolan Exeggutor is the true form of Exeggutor.
Unlike other Exeggutor, the Alolan Exeggutor has a fourth head—on its tail! This fourth head controls the tail independently and can take on opponents to the rear that can’t be reached by the main heads’ attacks.
This Pokémon excels at whipping its long neck like a lash to attack with its hard heads. But that neck can sometimes become a weakness...
Alolan Meowth |
Type: Dark-type
Classification: Scratch Cat Pokémon
Height: 1’04"
Weight: 9.3lbs
Ability: Pickup or Technician
This Pokémon was revealed in the CoroCoro issue released in August 2016
Meowth is a Pokémon that did not originally live in the Alola region. They were sent to the royal line as an offering from another region, and only a select few could have them as partners.
The Meowth in Alola are distinct for their cunning and their great pride. Two things they really hate—a wound to their pride and dirt on their coins. If either one happens, they fly into hysterics!
It’s said that the Meowth that were offered to the royal family lived a life of luxury and pampering, which led them to have a selfish and prideful attitude. This caused Meowth’s form to change.
The once-rare Alolan Meowth became feral when the monarchy was destroyed, and they have now become regular Pokémon, seen as commonly in the Alola region as elsewhere.
Alolan Persian |
Type: Dark-type
Classification: Classy Cat Pokémon
Height: 3'07"
Weight: 72.8lbs
Ability: Fur Coat or Technician
This Pokémon was revealed on the cover art of the Overlap Pokédex Guide on October 20th
The round face of Alolan Persian is a symbol of the rich Alola region, and it is held to be a Pokémon of great beauty. It is such a distinctive Pokémon of the Alola region that all Persian are well protected, and strict inspections are required before tourists can be permitted to take one back to their home region.
Persian is highly intelligent, with an even higher opinion of itself. In general, it looks down on everything other than itself. It doesn’t tend to grow attached to its Trainer, either, so it’s a difficult Pokémon to have as a partner in battle.
Its exquisite coat shines with the glow of high quality and enchants both humans and Pokémon. For this reason, it is a very popular Pokémon in the Alola region.
It usually puts on a refined act, but once a battle begins, it will indulge in the most underhanded of tactics, including surprise attacks, trickery, and even foul play. Yet its haughty personality causes it to underestimate its opponents, and it’s often taken in by their counterattacks. |
Alolan Marowak |
Type: Fire/Ghost-type
Classification: Bone Keeper Pokémon
Height: 3’03"
Weight: 34kg
Ability: Cursed Body or Lightning Rod
This Pokémon was revealed in the CoroCoro issue released in August 2016
The Marowak in the Alola region take bones and light both ends on fire by rubbing them against their foreheads. Then they spin the bones around! Marowak’s rarity and its fearsome appearance when it dances with its bone led the people of Alola to dub it a conjurer and regard it with fear.
There are many Grass-type Pokémon—Marowak’s natural enemies—in the Alola region. This makes Alola a harsh environment for Cubone and Marowak. As a result, they live in close union with their partners. It’s said that their great care for their partners allowed them to gain something like a sixth sense and resulted in their changed form.
The Alolan Marowak proves skilled at an attack in which it waves its bone and releases a ball of flame. The fireballs are not that powerful, but they tirelessly pursue the foe!
Alolan Raichu |
Type: Electric/Psychic-type
Classification: Mouse Pokémon
Height: 2'04"
Weight: 46.3 lbs.
Ability: Surge Surfer
This Pokémon was revealed in the August 12th trailer for Pokémon Sun & Moon.
The Raichu in Alola have two types—Electric and Psychic—and they are able to wield psychic power. What’s more, they can gather their psychic power in their tails and then ride on them to float in the air!
Even Pokémon researchers don’t know why Raichu’s form changed in the Alola region. The people of Alola seem unconcerned by the question. Their guess: maybe it ate too many sweet and fluffy round pancakes!
Raichu has electric sacs on its cheeks, and rubbing them causes a sweet aroma to be released. The mechanism behind this is not clear, but it’s thought to be connected to the psychic power that Alolan Raichu possess.
Alolan Rattata |
Type: Dark/Normal-type
Classification: Mouse Pokémon
Height: 1'00"
Weight: 8.4lbs
Ability: Gluttony or Hustle
This Pokémon was revealed in the September 1st Nintendo Direct.
Unlike ordinary Rattata, urban areas are Alolan Rattata’s main habitat. They are nocturnal and live in nests of several dozen. Alolan Rattata have an excellent aptitude for sniffing out delicious fresh foods in Alola. They pay no attention to foods that aren’t fresh. Alolan Raticate serve as their boss.
Alolan Raticate |
Type: Dark/Normal-type
Classification: Mouse Pokémon
Height: 2'04"
Weight: 56.2lbs
Ability: Gluttony or Hustle
This Pokémon was revealed in the September 6th video.
Because urban areas are their main habitat, their diet is higher in calories than ordinary Raticate. As a result, they have become hefty.
Alolan Raticate prefers to eat only fresh fruits and high-class ingredients. There are rumors that a certain top-notch restaurant takes advantage of Alolan Raticate’s taste buds by bringing it along when choosing ingredients to buy, and having it taste test new dishes.
Alolan Raticate continually stockpile huge amounts of food in their nests. They mostly prefer to send out Alolan Rattata to gather food while they themselves stay home in their nests and just eat.
Alolan Raticate is the Totem Pokémon of the trial that takes place in Verdant Cavern on Melemele Island in Pokémon Moon. It summons Rattata to help it confront those who take on the trial.
Alolan Grimer |
Type: Poison/Dark-type
Classification: Sludge Pokémon
Height: 2’04”
Weight: 92.6 lbs
Ability: Poison Touch or Gluttony
This Pokémon was revealed in the November 2016 issue of CoroCoro
When the population of the Alola region increased, dealing with their garbage became a serious problem. As a solution, Grimer were imported from other regions. They fed primarily on garbage, so their body composition changed—as did their form. What appear to be teeth in this Pokémon’s mouth are in fact residual toxins from the garbage it eats, which have hardened and crystallized. No method has been discovered to break down these crystals. Direct contact with them presents a danger.
Alolan Grimer is always eating garbage, but its constant hunger will cause it to begin eating other manufactured objects if it runs out of garbage to feed on. There are more than a hundred Alolan Grimer in Alola’s garbage-processing plants, and all of the garbage produced in the Alola region is taken for use as their food.
Alolan Muk |
Type: Poison/Dark-type
Classification: Sludge Pokémon
Height: 3'03”
Weight: 114.6 lbs
Ability: Poison Touch or Gluttony
This Pokémon was revealed in the October 14th 2016
Alolan Muk eats whatever is in reach without pausing, and if it feels the sharp pangs of hunger, it runs amuck. It’s thought that its voracious appetite stems from an inability to maintain its energy levels without a constant influx of toxins. Toxins have accumulated in Alolan Muk’s body from its steady diet of various waste products and manufactured materials. This accumulation has brought about a chemical change, producing a new kind of toxin.
Alolan Muk has the same poisonous crystals as Alolan Grimer, but they’re not limited to its mouth—they extend from all over the surface of its body. Alolan Muk uses them to attack, just like other Pokémon use their fangs or claws. And these highly toxic crystals are easily knocked loose, making them extraordinarily dangerous!
The Grimer and Muk in the Alola region produce and store their toxins within their bodies. So, unlike the Grimer and Muk in other regions, you won’t detect any unpleasant aromas when you draw near one.
Alolan Diglett |
Type: Ground/Steel-type
Classification: Mole Pokémon
Height: 0'8"
Weight: 2.2 lbs
Ability: Sand Veil or Tangling Hair
This Pokémon was revealed in the final Sun & Moon news release
Diglett in the Alola region live near volcanic areas, so they have few places to hide themselves away. Their tunneling activity plows the land, creating cultivated soil that's great for agriculture. Because of this, many people in the Alola region are grateful for the presence of Diglett.
The hairlike growths sprouting from Diglett’s head are metallic whiskers. It’s said they developed these stiff yet flexible whiskers in order to survive in the hostile volcanic environment. The whiskers provide a sensory function, enabling Alolan Diglett to scan the surrounding area without exposing their faces aboveground.
Their current emotional state is revealed by their whiskers. When their whiskers stand straight up, they're angry. Whiskers that wave are a sign that the Pokémon is on alert. When they swing their whiskers around, they're in a good mood, and when their whiskers droop, they're feeling lonely or downhearted.
Alolan Dugtrio |
Type: Ground/Steel-type
Classification: Mole Pokémon
Height: 2'04"
Weight: 146.8 lbs
Ability: Sand Veil or Tangling Hair
This Pokémon was revealed in the Pokémon Sun & Moon Special Demo Version
In the Alola region, Dugtrio is revered as an incarnation of the god of the land, and it’s treated with great importance. This is why the people of Alola fall to their knees and bow deeply whenever they come across an Alolan Dugtrio that has poked its faces out of its burrow.
Alolan Dugtrio’s whiskers shine with a brilliance akin to golden hair. The whiskers are flexible, just like Diglett’s, but hard and strong. They continue to grow throughout an Alolan Dugtrio’s life, although at a very slow rate. Removing Alolan Dugtrio whiskers from the Alola region is prohibited. It’s said that those who take them receive divine punishment. Every year, many tourists come back, apparently to return whiskers they had taken.
There is a superstitious belief that many Alolan Dugtrio come out of their holes on a day when a volcano will erupt. Older residents of Alola will flee immediately at the sight. It’s thought that Alolan Dugtrio, which live beneath the ground’s surface, detect movements in the ground that indicate an impending eruption and are so alarmed that they come aboveground.