Pokémon Pinball Ruby & Sapphire

E-Cards are becoming prominent in games...and Pinball R/S is no different. The 3 E-Cards known are part of a promotion when you buy Pinball R/S from the Japanese Pokémon Center. There may be more and it is not known if these will come with the US game.
However these cards functions are known and are below...however the translation may be slightly inaccurate

Bonus Table Card:

With this card scanned in, you can select the special Bonus stage to play

This card was given away at Pokémon Festa in 2003 and in the Pokémon Scoop Summer 2003 Event

Special Appearance Get:

With this card scanned in, your encounter chances of Chikorita, Cyndaquil, Totodile and Aerodactyl are increased so they will appear more often

This card was given away at certain e-reader+ trial stands in Japan
Ruins Area Card:

With this card scanned in, you can get moved to the place of Jirachi, the Ruins, more times aswell as bonuses being more frequent

This card was a Promo card given with release of Pinball R/S in Japan

Encounter Rate UP Card:

With this card scanned in, the chance of Pichu, Jirachi, Latias, Latios and other Special Pokémon appearances will be 2%

This card was a Promo card given with release of Pinball R/S in Japan

DX Mode Card:

When this card is scanned in, the amount of times that Pikachu or Pichu saves your ball is increased! You will also start with 9 Poké Balls, 99 Coins and a Master Ball

This card was a Promo card given with release of Pinball R/S in Japan

Many of you have been questioning how these e cards work so here is the explanation of how they are activated.. Step by step;

First, Enter the Pokédex Mode on the Main Menu
Press Start and begin transfer as if you were trading records. At this point scan the card into the e reader and follow on screen instructions
Voila, It's Done. Now the added programming is in the game...here the Extra Pokémon are blanked out until you capture them with increased chances

Thats all there is to it