Main Orders

After the shift to Pokémon Café ReMix, new Main orders were released. These differ from the original orders, now Extra Orders, in that each stage has got a variety of different tasks, including completion tasks, and various specific Pokémon you can use

This section will detail each order, all the specific requirements, possible Pokémon and more

New to Pokémon CaféReMix is the ability to repeat stages you have completed. You can then sort by the amount of Stars you already have to more easily redo stages you didn't max out

Main Orders Navigation

Orders 1 - 100
Orders 101 - 200
Orders 201 - 300
Orders 301 - 400
Orders 401 - 500
Orders 501 - 600
Orders 601 - 700
Orders 701 - 800
Orders 801 - 900
Orders 901 - 1000
Orders 1001 - 1100
Orders 1101 - 1200
Orders 1201 - 1300
Orders 1301 - 1400
Orders 1401 - 1500
Orders 1501 - 1600
Orders 1601 - 1700
Orders 1701 - 1800
Orders 1801 - 1900
Orders 1901 - 2000
Orders 2001 - 2100
Orders 2101 - 2200
Orders 2201 - 2300
Orders 2301 - 2400