Zone 6: Pitch-Black Cavern

Name: Pitch-Black Cavern
Unlock Criterea: Defeat Zone 5 Stage 4

Area Anchors
Stage 1 | Stage 2 | Stage 3 | Stage 4 | Stage 5 | Stage 6 |

Zone 6

Stage 1

Pokémon Listings

No. Pic Name Type Power Ability Requirements
Ekans poison None None
Arbok poison ☆☆ None Requires flawless capture of Ekans
Stunky poison None None
Scyther bug ☆☆ None None
Pinsir bug ☆☆ None None
Scizor bug ☆☆☆ None Requires combo of 30 or more on Scyther & Pinsir
Skuntank poison ☆☆ None None

Stage 2

Pokémon Listings

No. Pic Name Type Power Ability Requirements
Nosepass rock ☆☆ None None
Probopass rock ☆☆☆ None Requires combo of 30 or more on Nosepass
Torkoal fire ☆☆ None None
Aron steel None None
Lairon steel ☆☆ None None
Aggron steel ☆☆☆ None Requires high combo & flawless capture of Lairon
Heatran fire ☆☆☆☆ None None

Stage 3

Pokémon Listings

No. Pic Name Type Power Ability Requirements
Litwick ghost None None
Gastly ghost None None
Haunter ghost ☆☆ None None
Gengar ghost ☆☆☆ None Requires combo of 35 or more on Haunter
Lampent ghost ☆☆ None None
Chandelure ghost ☆☆☆ None None

Stage 4

Pokémon Listings

No. Pic Name Type Power Ability Requirements
Smoochum ice None None
Jynx ice ☆☆ None Capture Smoochum with an Ice-type Pokémon
Snover grass None None
Abomasnow grass ☆☆ None Requires Super Effective move & flawless capture of Snover
Pawniard dark None None
Bisharp dark ☆☆ None None
Darkrai dark ☆☆☆☆ Power of Five None

Stage 5

Unlocked by: Capture Darkrai flawlessly

Pokémon Listings

No. Pic Name Type Power Ability Requirements
Chikorita grass None None
Bayleef grass ☆☆ None Requires Super Effective move & flawless capture of Chikorita
Meganium grass ☆☆☆ True Strength Requires Super Effective move & flawless capture of Bayleef
Cyndaquil fire None None
Quilava fire ☆☆ None Requires Super Effective move & flawless capture of Cyndaquil
Typhlosion fire ☆☆☆ True Strength Requires Super Effective move & flawless capture of Quilava
Totodile water None None
Croconaw water ☆☆ None Requires Super Effective move & flawless capture of Totodile
Feraligatr water ☆☆☆ True Strength Requires Super Effective move & flawless capture of Croconaw

Stage 6

Unlocked by: Get A or S Rank in all stages

Pokémon Listings

No. Pic Name Type Power Ability Requirements
Beldum steel None None
Metang steel ☆☆ None None
Metagross steel ☆☆☆ None Requires combo of 30 or more on Metang
Machop fighting None None
Makuhita fighting None None
Hariyama fighting ☆☆ None None
Deoxys psychic ☆☆☆☆ Flinch Attack None