Piranha Plant

Name: Piranha Plant

Game Series: Mario
First Appearance: Super Mario Bros. (1985)

Unlock Criteria:

  • DLC - Free for players until January 31st 2019. Paid from February 2019

Alternate Costumes


Neutral SpecialPtooie

Piranha Plant's neutral special has it spawn a Spiked Ball. By holding the button, you can keep it in the air and then shoot it to the left or right using the control stick. Any character that hits the ball is damaged

Side SpecialPoison Breath

Piranha Plant's side special is a charge move. This move shoots out a slow moving cloud of Poison gas. This gas does damage to anything it hits with no knock back. The longer the move has been charged, the longer its range and the more damage it does

Up SpecialPiranhacopter

Piranha Plant's up special is its recovery move. Piranha Plant starts spinning and uses this to propel itself upwards great distance. The direction of which can be controlled. If any enemy is caught up in the spinning petals, they get damaged

Down SpecialLong-Stem Strike

Piranha Plant's down special is another charge move. This move has Piranha Plant retreat into its pot and then propel itself upwards, doing massive damage to anyone it hits. The longer it's charged, the further out Piranha Plant goes.

Final Smash

Final Smash SpecialPetey Piranha

Piranha Plant's Final Smash has Petey Piranha get summoned. Petey will move along the stage and trap any enemies it makes contact with into cages. Eventually, Petey will slam the cages onto the ground doing massive damage and will shoot out fire balls across the stage