Silver Wind Details Pokémon AttackDex

Name Type Strength
Silver Wind ★★★
Hits Direction Distance
1 Wave Wide
Speed Toys Needed to Teach in Axle Town
Medium 3 Toys knowing the move
May raise user's Attack, Speed & Defense

Pokémon Listings

No. Pic Name Type Attack Defence Speed Location
Butterfree ••• ••• ••• 2-1 Sun-Dappled Bank Treetops
Venomoth ••• ••• ••• 2-4 Shimmering Lake Treetops (After Game Completion)
Scyther •••• ••• •••• World Axle B1F Forest
Ledyba •• ••• 2-3 Soothing Shore Treetops
Ledian •• ••• ••• 2-3 Soothing Shore Treetops
Yanma ••• ••• 4-2 Everspring Valley Forest
World Axle B1F Forest
Scizor •••• •••• ••• World Axle B1F Forest (After Game Completion)
Beautifly ••• •• ••• 1-4 Challengers' Ground Forest
Dustox ••• ••• 1-4 Challengers' Ground Forest
Masquerain •• ••• ••• 2-3 Soothing Shore Lake
4-2 Everspring Valley Lake
Nincada •• ••• 2-2 Misty Edgewater Forest
Ninjask ••••• •• ••••• 2-2 Misty Edgewater Forest (After Game Completion)
Shedinja ••• ••• 2-2 Misty Edgewater Forest (After Game Completion)
Volbeat •• ••• ••• 2-4 Shimmering Lake Treetops
Illumise •• ••• ••• 2-4 Shimmering Lake Treetops
Mothim ••• •• ••• 3-3 Firebreathing Mountain Autumnwood
Finneon •• ••• 1-3 Echo Valley Beach
1-4 Challengers' Ground Beach
Lumineon •• ••• ••• 1-3 Echo Valley Beach (After Game Completion)
Yanmega •••• ••• ••• World Axle B1F Forest
Sewaddle ••• ••• 2-3 Soothing Shore Treetops
Swadloon •• ••• ••• 2-3 Soothing Shore Treetops
Leavanny ••• ••• ••• 2-3 Soothing Shore Treetops
World Axle B2F Treetops
Volcarona ••••• ••• •••• World Axle B2F Cave