#0812 Rillaboom
General Attacks Stats Main Pokédex Gen 9 Pokédex
Picture Name Other Names Gender Type
Japan: Gorilander
French: Gorythmic
German: Gortrom
Korean: 고릴타
Male :87.5%
Female :12.5%
Classification Std. Height Std. Weight Capture Rate
Drummer Pokémon 6’11”
Flee Rate Egg Distance Buddy Candy Distance Cost for Second Charge Attack Maximum CP
0% Not in Eggs 3km 50,000 Stardust
50 Candy
3758 (Std) | 3803 (Buddy)
Evolutionary Chain
Obtaining Methods
EvolutionCan be obtained through evolution

Fast Attacks
Name Type Damage Energy Increase Duration PvP Power PvP Energy PvP Duration
Scratch 6 4 0.5 seconds 4 2 0.5 Seconds
Razor Leaf 13 7 1 seconds 9 4 1 Seconds

Charge Attacks
Name Type Damage Duration Energy Requirements PvP Power PvP Energy Requirement PvP Effect PvP Chance
Energy Ball 90 3.9 seconds 2 Energy 90 55 Lowers target's Defense one stage 10%
Grass Knot 90 2.6 seconds 2 Energy 90 50 None --
Earth Power 100 3.6 seconds 2 Energy 90 55 None --

Dynamax Rillaboom

Max Moves
Name Type Damage Duration
Max Strike ??? 2.5 seconds
Max Overgrowth ??? 2.5 seconds

Base Stats
Hit Points Attack Defense
225 239 168

Max Stats
Trainer Level/Power Ups Max Hit Points Max Combat Points
2 Power Ups
21 - 22 41 - 47
Up to start of Level 2
4 Power Ups
37 - 39 128 - 147
Up to start of Level 3
6 Power Ups
48 - 51 216 - 247
Up to start of Level 4
8 Power Ups
57 - 61 303 - 348
Up to start of Level 5
10 Power Ups
65 - 69 391 - 448
Up to start of Level 6
12 Power Ups
72 - 77 479 - 548
Up to start of Level 7
14 Power Ups
78 - 83 566 - 649
Up to start of Level 8
16 Power Ups
84 - 90 654 - 749
Up to start of Level 9
18 Power Ups
89 - 95 741 - 849
Up to start of Level 10
20 Power Ups
95 - 101 829 - 950
Up to start of Level 11
22 Power Ups
99 - 106 912 - 1045
Up to start of Level 12
24 Power Ups
104 - 111 995 - 1140
Up to start of Level 13
26 Power Ups
108 - 115 1078 - 1235
Up to start of Level 14
28 Power Ups
112 - 119 1161 - 1330
Up to start of Level 15
30 Power Ups
116 - 124 1243 - 1424
Up to start of Level 16
32 Power Ups
120 - 128 1326 - 1519
Up to start of Level 17
34 Power Ups
123 - 132 1409 - 1614
Up to start of Level 18
36 Power Ups
127 - 136 1492 - 1709
Up to start of Level 19
38 Power Ups
131 - 139 1575 - 1804
Up to start of Level 20
40 Power Ups
134 - 143 1658 - 1899
Up to start of Level 21
42 Power Ups
137 - 146 1741 - 1994
Up to start of Level 22
44 Power Ups
140 - 150 1824 - 2089
Up to start of Level 23
46 Power Ups
144 - 153 1907 - 2184
Up to start of Level 24
48 Power Ups
147 - 157 1990 - 2279
Up to start of Level 25
50 Power Ups
150 - 160 2073 - 2374
Up to start of Level 26
52 Power Ups
153 - 163 2155 - 2469
Up to start of Level 27
54 Power Ups
156 - 166 2238 - 2564
Up to start of Level 28
56 Power Ups
159 - 169 2321 - 2659
Up to start of Level 29
58 Power Ups
161 - 172 2404 - 2754
Up to start of Level 30
60 Power Ups
164 - 175 2487 - 2849
Up to start of Level 31
62 Power Ups
165 - 177 2529 - 2897
Up to start of Level 32
64 Power Ups
167 - 178 2570 - 2944
Up to start of Level 33
66 Power Ups
168 - 179 2612 - 2992
Up to start of Level 34
68 Power Ups
170 - 181 2653 - 3039
Up to start of Level 35
70 Power Ups
171 - 182 2694 - 3087
Up to start of Level 36
72 Power Ups
172 - 184 2736 - 3134
Up to start of Level 37
74 Power Ups
173 - 185 2777 - 3182
Up to start of Level 38
76 Power Ups
175 - 186 2819 - 3229
Up to start of Level 39
78 Power Ups
176 - 188 2860 - 3277
Up to start of Level 40
80 Power Ups
177 - 189 2902 - 3324
Up to start of Level 41
82 Power Ups
178 - 190 2939 - 3366
Up to start of Level 42
84 Power Ups
180 - 192 2976 - 3409
Up to start of Level 43
86 Power Ups
181 - 193 3013 - 3452
Up to start of Level 44
88 Power Ups
182 - 194 3050 - 3495
Up to start of Level 45
90 Power Ups
183 - 195 3088 - 3538
Up to start of Level 46
92 Power Ups
184 - 196 3126 - 3581
Up to start of Level 47
94 Power Ups
185 - 198 3164 - 3625
Up to start of Level 48
96 Power Ups
186 - 199 3203 - 3669
Up to start of Level 49
98 Power Ups
187 - 200 3242 - 3714
Up to start of Level 50
100 Power Ups
189 - 201 3281 - 3758
Level 51
(Buddy Boost)
190 - 202 3320 - 3803

<--- #811