The Wigglytuff Guild Inside the Wigglytuff Guild Wigglytuff - Leader of the guild Chatot heads up the guild under Wigglytuff Chatot offers advice Bidoof was another head underling until you and your partner arrived Bidoof sometimes joins you on missions Starter: Turtwig on beach with Piplup Starter: Chimchar outside the Wigglytuff Guild with Piplup Starter: Piplup on the beach with Pikachu Starter: Pikachu asleep at hoem with Turtwig Starter: Munchlax outside the Duskull stall with Turtwig The town square is bigger than before The Ruin Shard owned by your Partner Piplup & Munchlax come across a Purugly Chimchar & Pikachu come across a Floatzel Piplup & Turtwig come across two Krabby & an Eastern Gastrodon Chimchar & Pikachu come across a Bagon & Snover Piplup & Turtwig come across a Chingling Piplup & Turtwig come across a Shellder & Eastern Shellos This place lies under the guild