- 3105-2007- 14:23 BST / 09:23 EDT - Serebii
Apologies for the delay The WiFi Battling & Trading Chatroom is booming so now its even easier to find people in real-time to battle or trade, and not forgetting the Normal Chatroom for the discussion of everything else DP which is also popular.
In The Games Department
Pal Park Locations Many of you have emailled me saying you want higher points in Pal Park, but spend over a minute searching in one place for a Pokémon only to discover its in the place next to it. In that regard, I have created an addition to the Pal Park page that includes the Pokémon locations for all the Pokémon. Not only that, but I have also implemented it into the Pokédex so you can just call up the Pokémon and find out where they are beforehand:
In The Anime Department
More Dub Titles Two more dub titles have been revealed for upcoming episodes. Click them for Synopsi & Pics:
Until Next Time, See Ya
Tuesday: Episode Title
Busy Busy, still got one exam left and shed loads to revise for it. Will try to have a substantial update tomorrow however The WiFi Battling & Trading Chatroom is booming so now its even easier to find people in real-time to battle or trade, and not forgetting the Normal Chatroom for the discussion of everything else DP which is also popular.
In The Anime Department
Episode Title A new dub title has been revealed for an upcoming episode. Click below to view Synopsis & Pictures. Be Warned as they contain spoilers:
Until Next Time, See Ya
Sunday: Episode Guides & Pokémon of the Week
Busy Busy, although that said, if you guys have an ideas for stuff we can add, send it my way The WiFi Battling & Trading Chatroom is booming so now its even easier to find people in real-time to battle or trade, and not forgetting the Normal Chatroom for the discussion of everything else DP which is also popular.
In The Anime Department
Episode Guides Alfonso has come out of his hiding once more and has written us two guides; for the Starly Episode and the first Oreburgh Episode. Click Below to view. Be Warned as they contain spoilers:
In The Pokémon of the Week Department
Who's That Pokémon
Continuing our break into the 4th Generation Competitive area, today we focus on the Pokémon that many people wish to train, the shark of the land
Until Next Time, See Ya
Friday: Episode Pictures
Sorry that the pics are delayed, have been in an exam all day The WiFi Battling & Trading Chatroom is booming so now its even easier to find people in real-time to battle or trade, and not forgetting the Normal Chatroom for the discussion of everything else DP which is also popular.
In The Anime Department
Episode Pictures Well, I have done the pictures for yesterday's episode, the Lucian episode. Click Below to view. Be Warned as they contain spoilers:
Until Next Time, See Ya
Thursday: Episode Title
Revising for my exam tomorrow. Should have some stuff this weekend though, possible Game Mechanics related as this is a slow news time at the moment The WiFi Battling & Trading Chatroom is booming so now its even easier to find people in real-time to battle or trade, and not forgetting the Normal Chatroom for the discussion of everything else DP which is also popular.
In The Anime Department
Episode Title A new episode title for a future episode has been revealed: Episode 506: Explosive Birth! Cycling Road! Until Next Time, See Ya
Wednesday: Europe News
Busy with exam revision. I'll try and add some actual content to this update later The WiFi Battling & Trading Chatroom is booming so now its even easier to find people in real-time to battle or trade, and not forgetting the Normal Chatroom for the discussion of everything else DP which is also popular.
In The Game Mechanics Department
Battling Tiers A common e-mail I receive is from people asking what the tiers mean when they are used in the Pokémon of the Week. To that end, we have created a page dedicated to the explanation of tiers, and when the 4th Generation Metagame has been more thoroughly explored, it will include a list of what Pokémon is in which category. This is perfect for online play so you can help work out teams Click below to view:
In The News Department
European DP Release Date As probably common knowledge by now, the European Diamond & Pearl release date was confirmed yesterday to be July 27th 2007, not that far away at all so be sure to start saving. However, on top of that, Nintendo have announced the day when the Manaphy code is revealed. On June 2nd 2007, if you go to any GAME shop with your Pokémon Ranger cart and you will be given a chocolate Pokéball which contains the code to access the Manaphy Mission. So be sure to go if you want a Manaphy. Until Next Time, See Ya
Monday: Event Pokémon
Busy Busy The WiFi Battling & Trading Chatroom is booming so now its even easier to find people in real-time to battle or trade, and not forgetting the Normal Chatroom for the discussion of everything else DP which is also popular.
In The Game Mechanics Department
Event Pokémon So, someone has offered you a Celebi, you want to make sure it is legit? Well then, Captain Chris has kindly compiled a list detailling all of the Pokémon given away at Events across Japan, America & Europe including their OTs, ID Numbers, everything you need. Click on Darkrai below to view the page
Until Next Time, See Ya
Sunday: Pokémon of the Week
Sorry about the small update, have an exam tomorrow which I am revising for. We should have a list of the rare Pokémon given away at events soon, so you can know whether or not someone is trying to scam you online however The WiFi Battling & Trading Chatroom is booming so now its even easier to find people in real-time to battle or trade, and not forgetting the Normal Chatroom for the discussion of everything else DP which is also popular.
In The Pokémon of the Week Department
Who's That Pokémon
Continuing our break into the 4th Generation Competitive area, today we focus on the egg Pokémon that is used by many
Until Next Time, See Ya
Friday: Episode Pictures
I had an epiphany of how to do something regarding the Pal Park page. Watch this space The WiFi Battling & Trading Chatroom is booming so now its even easier to find people in real-time to battle or trade, and not forgetting the Normal Chatroom for the discussion of everything else DP which is also popular.
In The Anime Department
Episode Pictures Well, I have done the pictures for yesterday's episode, the Buizel episode. Click Below to view. Be Warned as they contain spoilers:
Until Next Time, See Ya
Thursday: Anime BIOs
Sorry, I have been busy with exams and presentations. A few things though; Firstly, yet again there is a GS remake scan going around. It is fake. Second, we have upgraded our DP IV Calculator, having fixed the bugs that were in the past version and making it more generally aesthetically pleasing. I'll try and get some more detailed updates soon, but I still have 3 exams remaining The WiFi Battling & Trading Chatroom is booming so now its even easier to find people in real-time to battle or trade, and not forgetting the Normal Chatroom for the discussion of everything else DP which is also popular.
In The Anime Department
Character BIO Although I have neglected these somewhat lately, I have updated Dawn & Brock's BIO aswell as adding a BIO for Gardenia & Cheryl. Click below to view. Be warned as it does contain spoilers
Until Next Time, See Ya
Tuesday: More Dungeon 2 Stuff
Busy Busy, got an exam tomorrow so revision abound! The WiFi Battling & Trading Chatroom is booming so now its even easier to find people in real-time to battle or trade, and not forgetting the Normal Chatroom for the discussion of everything else DP which is also popular.
In The Games Department
Dungeon 2 Details
More details on Dungeon Time & Darkness have been revealed
Until Next Time, See Ya
Sunday: First Dungeon 2 Details & Pokémon of the week
A quick update today, have to focus on my presentation, of which I am presenting tomorrow morning so I need to make sure it is perfect The WiFi Battling & Trading Chatroom is booming so now its even easier to find people in real-time to battle or trade, and not forgetting the Normal Chatroom for the discussion of everything else DP which is also popular.
In The Games Department
Dungeon 2 Details
Well, the first Dungeon 2 details have been revealed by CoroCoro
![]() ![]() ![]() In The Pokémon of the Week Department
Who's That Pokémon
Continuing our break into the 4th Generation Competitive area, today we focus on the rare Pokémon that many people have obtained from Fiore
Until Next Time, See Ya
Friday: DP Stuff
I really doubt I shall update tomorrow, I really need to focus on this presentation. Sorry The WiFi Battling & Trading Chatroom is booming so now its even easier to find people in real-time to battle or trade, and not forgetting the Normal Chatroom for the discussion of everything else DP which is also popular.
In The Games Department
Items Including Locations
As promised (albeit in October), and long requested, forum admin Captain Chris has helped us to add Locations to the Item Page. It is not yet complete but does currently include Key Items, Evolution Items and more with more to come at a later date. Click below to view
Darkrai Event Well, thanks to Filb for the tip, the Darkrai Event in Japan has been announced. On July 14th, the same day as the movie's release, you will be able to get Darkrai through Mystery Gift when at the Cinema (using the Local Wireless Mystery Gift). However, you will not receive Darkrai by catching it yourself after going through the in-game story, but rather just receive Darkrai. This Darkrai however, like other Pokémon given in events, is inside a Cherish Ball, has a Special Ribbon, and this time has an Enigma Berry attached. It also has the Dialga & Palkia exclusive moves Roar of Time and Spacial Rend. We'll bring more on this as we get it. Click below for Darkrai's Dex entry:
Until Next Time, See Ya
Thursday: Episode Pictures
Still fairly busy, got a big presentation coming up for Uni on Monday and another on Thursday so I need to focus on those, but I'll definitely get some stuff done tomorrow The WiFi Battling & Trading Chatroom is booming so now its even easier to find people in real-time to battle or trade, and not forgetting the Normal Chatroom for the discussion of everything else DP which is also popular.
In The Anime Department
Episode Pictures Well, I have done the pictures for today's episode, the Pokémon Transformation Convention episode. Click Below to view. Be Warned as they contain spoilers:
Until Next Time, See Ya
Tuesday: More DP Stuff & Episode Title
Something big is coming...maybe after my exams that is The WiFi Battling & Trading Chatroom is booming so now its even easier to find people in real-time to battle or trade, and not forgetting the Normal Chatroom for the discussion of everything else DP which is also popular.
In The Games Department
Ribbon Society
Many of you have probably noticed the club that denies you entry in the Resort Area. Well, in regards to the questions you have, I have created a page about it. Click below to view;
In The Anime Department
Episode Title A new Japanese Episode title has been revealed for an upcoming episode: Episode 505: Eterna Gym! VS Gardenia! Until Next Time, See Ya
Monday: DP Stuff & Pokédex Top 100
It's Exam season, so don't expect anything as complex as the stuff I did today for a little while, got a lot going on next week that needs my attention first The WiFi Battling & Trading Chatroom is booming so now its even easier to find people in real-time to battle or trade, and not forgetting the Normal Chatroom for the discussion of everything else DP which is also popular.
In The Games Department
Daily/Weekly Events
As per some popular demand, I have created a page that contains all the events that happen Daily or Weekly, there are a fair few of them around so essentially make that page your checklist of things to do each day. Click below to view the section;
In The Site Department
DP Pokédex - Top 100! Something that is commonly asked in the community and sent as e-mails to myself is; "What Pokémon has the highest Attack" and questions to that effect. On those lines, I have added a Top 100 List for each Stat possible. This lists the Pokémon that have the highest base stat for that, their Base Stat for that Stat and the Max Stat with Max IVs and EVs, it also includes the top 100 Pokémon based on all of their base stats added together. Enjoy;
Until Next Time, See Ya
Sunday: Pokemon of the Week
Busy Busy The WiFi Battling & Trading Chatroom is booming so now its even easier to find people in real-time to battle or trade, and not forgetting the Normal Chatroom for the discussion of everything else DP which is also popular.
In The Pokémon of the Week Department
Who's That Pokémon
Continuing our break into the 4th Generation Competitive area, today we focus on another commonly used Pokémon in previous Competitive areas
Until Next Time, See Ya
Saturday: Manga Stuff
We're working on a rejig of the whole Item page for DP, that should be done in a couple of days. If I have time before I go out tonight, I shall try and get something DP related up here The WiFi Battling & Trading Chatroom is booming so now its even easier to find people in real-time to battle or trade, and not forgetting the Normal Chatroom for the discussion of everything else DP which is also popular.
In The Manga Department
Volume 24 Summaries Although I've put putting this off for a couple of weeks, Coronis has kindly written up summaries for the latest volume of the Pokémon Special Manga. This volume includes the FRLG series. Click below to go to the Chapter List:
Until Next Time, See Ya
Friday: Episode Pictures
I'm sorry about the delay with this, had some prior responsibilities that required my attention. I'll add a coupel of DP pages tomorrow The WiFi Battling & Trading Chatroom is booming so now its even easier to find people in real-time to battle or trade, and not forgetting the Normal Chatroom for the discussion of everything else DP which is also popular.
In The Anime Department
Episode Pictures Well, I have done the pictures for yesterday's episode, the Vespiquen episode. Click Below to view. Be Warned as they contain spoilers:
Until Next Time, See Ya
Thursday: DP Stuff
Busy Busy, exams are eating up my time. I also apologise for the speed of the site in the last two weeks. This is due to the massive volume of you wanting DP information. Fear not, we are working on minimising this slowness, but we are NEVER down, so just keep trying if your browser decides to give up and you WILL get on the site The WiFi Battling & Trading Chatroom is booming so now its even easier to find people in real-time to battle or trade, and not forgetting the Normal Chatroom for the discussion of everything else DP which is also popular.
In The Games Department
Multiplayer Avatars
I have made a page detailing the intricacies of the Multiplayer Avatars seen in the Union Room & Pal Pad. Click below to view the section;
Until Next Time, See Ya
Tuesday: DP Stuff
Sorry about the lack of updatess. Am in the run up to my exams so my focus is completely on that at the moment. Shall still update however. I've made a few minor adjustments to the Pokédex and Berrydex, taking a few suggestions into account The WiFi Battling & Trading Chatroom is booming so now its even easier to find people in real-time to battle or trade, and not forgetting the Normal Chatroom for the discussion of everything else DP which is also popular.
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