#0779 Bruxish
Gen VII Dex

| Goh | Phil | Wild |

Goh's Bruxish

# -English Episode Name- -Jp. Episode Name- Pics
1165 All Out, All of the Time! Fully Powered! The Alola Desert Island Race!! Pics
1183 Suffering the Flings and Arrows! The Heracross Loss and the Pinsir in Love Pics
1196 Big Brother to the Rescue! Help Us, Big Bro Yamper! Pics
1225 These Could be the Start of Something Big! Ash and Goh! Setting Off Anew!! Pics

Phil's Bruxish

# -English Episode Name- -Jp. Episode Name- Pics
1165 All Out, All of the Time! Fully Powered! The Alola Desert Island Race!! Pics

Wild Bruxish

# -English Episode Name- -Jp. Episode Name- Pics
944 Alola to New Adventure! Alola! New Islands, New Pokémon!! Pics
974 The Island Whisperer! Enter Olivia! Cry and Laugh, Island Queen!! Pics
1063 The One That Didn't Get Away! Lana Hooks a Kyogre?! Pics
1165 All Out, All of the Time! Fully Powered! The Alola Desert Island Race!! Pics

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