#0153 Bayleef | |
| Ash | Casey | Horace | Special/Other Trainers | Wild |
Ash's Bayleef
# |
-English Episode Name- |
-Jp. Episode Name- |
Pics |
201 |
Current Events |
Goodbye Chikorita! Dangerous Electric Labyrinth! | Pics |
202 |
Turning Over a New Bayleef |
Where has Bayleaf Gone!? The Catcher in the Herbs! | |
203 |
Doin' What Comes Natu-rally! |
Fortune-Telling Natu! Foreshadow Future's Mystery! | |
205 |
The Screen Actor's Guilt |
Smoochum is Daydreaming! Pokémon Superstar In Love? | |
207 |
The Kecleon Caper! |
Kecleon Is Somewhere! Pokémon That Cannot Be Seen | Pics |
M4 |
Celebi: Voice of the Forest |
Celebi: A Timeless Encounter | Pics |
P4 |
Pikachu's Pikaboo |
Pikachu's Hide & Seek | Pics |
209 |
Got Miltank! |
Mother Miltank! Desert Secret!! | Pics |
211 |
Machoke, Machoke Man |
Cianwood City Gym! Wrestling Match! | Pics |
214 |
Takin' It On The Chinchou! |
Trip to the Beach! Chinchou Possession! | Pics |
215 |
The Corsola Caper |
A Friend Hereafter in Corsola! Showdown at Yellow Rock Island! | Pics |
218 |
Dueling Heroes |
Whirlpool Cup! Great Battle in the Water Colosseum! | Pics |
219 |
The Perfect Match |
Ash Vs. Misty! Whirlpool Cup Final Battle! | Pics |
222 |
The Mystery is History! |
Mystery Pokémon X!! | Pics |
225 |
Throwing in the Noctowl! |
Fly Proud Hoothoot! Aim for Olivine!! | Pics |
226 |
Nerves of Steelix |
Olivine Gym! Vs. Steelix! | Pics |
227 |
Bulbasaur...The Ambassador! |
Goodbye Bulbasaur! Adventure at Oak's Residence!! | Pics |
230 |
Extreme Pokémon! |
Ride the Swiftly Running Pokémon!! | Pics |
233 |
Due's and Don'ts |
Team Rocket and Delibird! | Pics |
234 |
Just Waiting On A Friend |
Ninetales In The Fog! | Pics |
235 |
A Tyrogue Full of Trouble |
Tyrogue And The Karate King Nobuhiko! | Pics |
238 |
Rage Of Innocence |
Rage of the Red Gyarados! | Pics |
241 |
Whichever Way the Wind Blows! |
Bellossom and Vileplume! Peace In The Grassy Meadow! | Pics |
244 |
As Clear As Crystal |
Zapdos and the Crystal! Secret of the Lake! | Pics |
248 |
Wish Upon a Star Shape |
Cleffa, Clefairy, and the Shoooting Star! | Pics |
249 |
Outrageous Fortunes |
The Evolution of Poliwhirl! | Pics |
251 |
I Politoed You So! |
Politoed and Cheerleading! | Pics |
252 |
Not Aired |
The Ice Cave! | Pics |
257 |
Why? Wynaut! |
Wynaut! Wobbuffet and the Gym Badges! | Pics |
261 |
Entei at Your Own Risk |
Entei and Friends of the Hot Spring! | Pics |
263 |
Here's Lookin' at You, Elekid! |
Casey and Elekid! | Pics |
264 |
You're A Star, Larvitar |
Try Your Best Larvitar! | Pics |
269 |
Love, Pokemon Style! |
League Preliminaries! Quilava Flame Battle! | Pics |
272 |
Can't Beat the Heat! |
Rival Confrontation! Charizard VS Blatoise! | Pics |
273 |
Playing with Fire!! |
Blaziken Returns! Battle with Harrison!! | Pics |
C8 |
Showdown at the Oak Corral! |
Epic Battle at Oak's Lab! | Pics |
C14 |
Journey To The Starting Line! |
Pallet Town! The Setting off of the Pokémon Trainer! | Pics |
410 |
The Right Place at the Right Mime |
Oak's Laboratory! All Member's Gather! | Pics |
650 |
An Old Family Blend! |
The Eve of the Fierce Fighting! The Big Gathering of Ash's Pokémon! | Pics |
803 |
Dream Continues! |
My Dream: Pokémon Master! | Pics |
1128 |
Octo-Gridlock at the Gym! |
Ash VS Bea! Overcome Octolock | Pics |
1157 |
Advice for Goh! |
Rivals for Goh?! The Road to Mew!! | Pics |
1203 |
Friends, Rivals, Lend Me Your Spirit! |
Fire Training Battle! Ash VS Paul!! | Pics |
1207 |
Battling as Hard as Stone! |
Ash Heads Into Battle! VS Steven!! | Pics |
1212 |
Bewitch, Battle, and Bewilder! |
The Semifinals II: Dazzle | Pics |
1213 |
Valor: A Strategic Part of Battling! |
The Semifinals III: Valor | Pics |
1214 |
Whittle While You Work! |
The Semifinals IV: Impact | Pics |
1218 |
A Flood of Torrential Gains |
The Finals I: Torrent | Pics |
1219 |
Toying With Your Motions! |
The Finals II: Toying | Pics |
1220 |
Paring Pokémon While Parrying! |
The Finals III: Smashing | Pics |
1221 |
Partners in Time! |
The Finals IV: Partner | Pics |
1224 |
Heroes Unite! |
Pokémon! I Am Glad I Got To Meet You | Pics |
1232 |
Ride, Lapras, Ride! |
Riding on Lapras! | Pics |
1236 |
The Rainbow and the Pokémon Master |
The Rainbow and the Pokémon Master! | Pics |
Casey's Bayleef
Horace's Bayleef
Special/Other Trainers's Bayleef
Wild Bayleef