Double-edge Details Pokémon AttackDex

Name Type Strength
Double-edge ★★★★★
Hits Direction Distance
4 Assault Wide
Speed Toys Needed to Teach in Axle Town
Medium 5 Toys knowing the move
Does damage to the user

Pokémon Listings

No. Pic Name Type Attack Defence Speed Location
Bulbasaur •• •• ••• 4-2 Everspring Valley Forest
Ivysaur •• ••• ••• 4-2 Everspring Valley Forest
Venusaur ••• •••• ••• 4-2 Everspring Valley Forest
Rattata •• ••• 1-1 Trailhead Field Meadow
Raticate ••• ••• ••• 1-1 Trailhead Field Meadow (After Game Completion)
4-2 Everspring Valley Meadow
Jigglypuff •• 1-4 Challengers' Ground Forest
Wigglytuff •• •• ••• 1-4 Challengers' Ground Forest (After Game Completion)
Growlithe •• •• ••• 1-3 Echo Valley Cave
4-3 Sunny Seashore Magma
World Axle B1F Magma
Arcanine •••• ••• ••• 4-3 Sunny Seashore Magma
World Axle B1F Magma
World Axle B2F Cave
Geodude •• ••• •• 3-1 Desolated Ruins Canyon
Graveler ••• ••• ••• 3-1 Desolated Ruins Canyon
3-3 Firebreathing Mountain Magma
4-3 Sunny Seashore Canyon
Golem ••• •••• ••• 4-3 Sunny Seashore Canyon
Ponyta ••• •• ••• 4-3 Sunny Seashore Magma
World Axle B1F Magma
Rapidash ••• ••• •••• 4-3 Sunny Seashore Magma
World Axle B1F Magma
Onix •••• ••• 3-1 Desolated Ruins Canyon
4-3 Sunny Seashore Canyon
Cubone ••• ••• 2-2 Misty Edgewater Cave
Marowak •• •••• ••• 2-2 Misty Edgewater Cave
Chansey •• ••• 1-3 Echo Valley Forest (After Game Completion)
Kangaskhan ••• ••• ••• 3-1 Desolated Ruins Canyon
Snorlax ••• ••• ••• 3-2 Volcanic Slope Autumnwood (After Game Completion)
Cyndaquil •• •• ••• 3-3 Firebreathing Mountain Magma
Quilava ••• •• ••• 3-3 Firebreathing Mountain Magma
Typhlosion •••• ••• •••• 3-3 Firebreathing Mountain Magma
Sentret •• 1-4 Challengers' Ground Meadow
Furret ••• •• ••• 1-4 Challengers' Ground Meadow (After Game Completion)
Ledyba •• ••• 2-3 Soothing Shore Treetops
Ledian •• ••• ••• 2-3 Soothing Shore Treetops
Togepi ••• •• 1-1 Trailhead Field Meadow
Togetic •• •••• ••• World Axle B2F Lake
Marill •• ••• 2-1 Sun-Dappled Bank Lake
Azumarill ••• ••• 2-1 Sun-Dappled Bank Lake
Sudowoodo ••• •••• ••• 3-2 Volcanic Slope Autumnwood
Hoppip •• ••• 1-2 Seabreeze Trail Meadow
Skiploom •• ••• 1-2 Seabreeze Trail Meadow
Jumpluff •• ••• •••• 1-2 Seabreeze Trail Meadow (After Game Completion)
Yanma ••• ••• 4-2 Everspring Valley Forest
World Axle B1F Forest
Pineco •• •• •• World Axle B1F Forest
Forretress ••• •••• ••• World Axle B1F Forest
Gligar •• ••• ••• 4-2 Everspring Valley Cave
4-3 Sunny Seashore Canyon
Steelix •• ••••• ••• 4-3 Sunny Seashore Canyon
Snubbull •• ••• 3-1 Desolated Ruins Cave
Granbull •••• ••• ••• 3-1 Desolated Ruins Cave
Heracross •••• ••• ••• World Axle B2F Treetops (After Game Completion)
Teddiursa •• •• ••• 2-2 Misty Edgewater Forest
Ursaring •••• ••• ••• 2-2 Misty Edgewater Forest (After Game Completion)
Swinub ••• 4-1 Frozen Tundra Glacier
Piloswine ••• ••• ••• 4-1 Frozen Tundra Glacier
Phanpy •• •• ••• 4-3 Sunny Seashore Desert
Miltank ••• ••• •••• 4-2 Everspring Valley Meadow
Blissey •• ••• ••• 1-3 Echo Valley Forest (After Game Completion)
Mudkip •• •• ••• 2-3 Soothing Shore Lake
Marshtomp ••• ••• ••• 2-3 Soothing Shore Lake
Swampert ••• •••• ••• 2-3 Soothing Shore Lake (After Game Completion)
Nosepass ••••• ••• 4-2 Everspring Valley Cave
Skitty ••• 1-1 Trailhead Field Meadow
Delcatty •• •• ••• 1-1 Trailhead Field Meadow
Aron •• ••• ••• 3-2 Volcanic Slope Canyon
Lairon ••• •••• ••• 3-2 Volcanic Slope Canyon
Aggron ••• ••••• ••• 3-2 Volcanic Slope Canyon (After Game Completion)
Volbeat •• ••• ••• 2-4 Shimmering Lake Treetops
Carvanha ••• ••• 1-4 Challengers' Ground Beach
Sharpedo •••• ••• 1-4 Challengers' Ground Beach (After Game Completion)
Wailmer •• ••• 3-1 Desolated Ruins Beach
Wailord ••• ••• 3-1 Desolated Ruins Beach (After Game Completion)
Numel •• ••• 4-3 Sunny Seashore Magma
Spinda •• •• ••• 3-3 Firebreathing Mountain Factory
Corphish •• •• ••• 1-4 Challengers' Ground Beach
4-3 Sunny Seashore Desert
Crawdaunt •••• ••• ••• 4-3 Sunny Seashore Desert
Chimecho ••• ••• ••• 2-3 Soothing Shore Tower (After Game Completion)
Absol ••••• •• ••• World Axle B2F Tower (After Game Completion)
World Axle Shaft Rust Army Lair
Relicanth ••• •••• ••• World Axle B1F Beach
Bagon •• ••• 4-3 Sunny Seashore Canyon
Shelgon ••• ••• ••• 4-3 Sunny Seashore Canyon
Salamence ••••• ••• •••• 4-3 Sunny Seashore Canyon (After Game Completion)
Kyogre ••••• ••••• ••• All Beachs After game completion
Jirachi ••• •••• •••• 3-3 Firebreathing Mountain Tower (After meeting 40 people)
Turtwig •• •• ••• 4-3 Sunny Seashore Desert
Grotle ••• ••• ••• 4-3 Sunny Seashore Desert
Torterra ••• •••• ••• 4-3 Sunny Seashore Desert
Starly ••• 4-2 Everspring Valley Meadow
Staravia •• ••• 4-2 Everspring Valley Meadow
Staraptor •••• •• •••• 4-2 Everspring Valley Meadow
Bidoof ••• 2-1 Sun-Dappled Bank Lake
Bibarel ••• •• ••• 2-1 Sun-Dappled Bank Lake
Cranidos •••• ••• 3-2 Volcanic Slope Magma
Rampardos ••••• •• ••• World Axle B2F Cave
Shieldon •••• ••• 3-3 Firebreathing Mountain Magma
Bastiodon ••••• ••• World Axle B2F Cave
Stunky •• ••• 4-2 Everspring Valley Forest
Skuntank ••• •• ••• 4-2 Everspring Valley Forest
Bonsly •• ••• 3-2 Volcanic Slope Autumnwood
Gible •• ••• World Axle B2F Cave
Gabite ••• •• ••• World Axle B2F Cave
Garchomp ••••• •••• •••• World Axle B2F Cave
Munchlax •• •• 3-2 Volcanic Slope Autumnwood
Hippopotas •• •• ••• 4-3 Sunny Seashore Desert
Hippowdon ••• •••• ••• 4-3 Sunny Seashore Desert
Snover •• •• ••• World Axle B2F Glacier
Abomasnow ••• ••• ••• World Axle B2F Glacier
Togekiss •••• ••••• ••• World Axle B2F Lake
Yanmega •••• ••• ••• World Axle B1F Forest
Gliscor ••• •••• ••• 4-3 Sunny Seashore Canyon
Mamoswine ••••• ••• ••• 4-1 Frozen Tundra Glacier (After Game Completion)
Probopass •• ••••• ••• 4-2 Everspring Valley Cave
Victini ••• •••• •••• Beginning Garden
World Axle B2F Tower (After meeting 150 people)
Blitzle •• ••• 1-4 Challengers' Ground Meadow
World Axle B1F Meadow
Zebstrika •••• •• •••• 1-4 Challengers' Ground Meadow
World Axle B1F Meadow
Audino •• ••• ••• 1-1 Trailhead Field Meadow (After Game Completion)
1-1 Trailhead Field Forest (After Game Completion)
1-4 Challengers' Ground Meadow
3-1 Desolated Ruins Desert
3-1 Desolated Ruins Canyon
3-2 Volcanic Slope Canyon
3-3 Firebreathing Mountain Autumnwood
World Axle B1F Meadow
Venipede •• ••• 2-1 Sun-Dappled Bank Treetops
Whirlipede ••• ••• 2-1 Sun-Dappled Bank Treetops
World Axle B2F Treetops
Scolipede ••• ••• •••• World Axle B2F Treetops
Basculin ••• •• ••• 2-3 Soothing Shore Lake
2-4 Shimmering Lake Lake
Sandile •• ••• 3-1 Desolated Ruins Desert
Krokorok ••• ••• 3-1 Desolated Ruins Desert
Krookodile •••• ••• ••• 3-1 Desolated Ruins Desert (After Game Completion)
Deerling •• •• ••• 1-3 Echo Valley Forest - Spring Form
1-4 Challengers' Ground Forest - Spring Form
2-2 Misty Edgewater Forest - Summer Form
3-2 Volcanic Slope Autumnwood - Autumn Form
3-3 Firebreathing Mountain Autumnwood - Autumn Form
4-1 Frozen Tundra Glacier - Winter Form
Sawsbuck ••• ••• ••• 1-3 Echo Valley Forest - Spring Form (After Game Completion)
1-4 Challengers' Ground Forest (After Game Completion) - Spring Form
2-2 Misty Edgewater Forest - Summer Form(After Game Completion)
3-3 Firebreathing Mountain Autumnwood - Autumn Form
4-1 Frozen Tundra Glacier - Winter Form
Karrablast •• ••• 2-3 Soothing Shore Treetops
World Axle B2F Treetops
Shelmet ••• •• 2-3 Soothing Shore Lake
World Axle B2F Lake
Accelgor •••• •• ••••• World Axle B2F Lake
Larvesta ••• •• ••• World Axle B2F Cave