
Zygarde, The Aura Pokémon. Its sharp fangs make short work of finishing off its enemies, but it’s unable to maintain this body indefinitely. After a period of time, it falls apart. This is Zygarde’s form when about 10% of its cells have been gathered. It runs across the land at speeds greater than 60 mph.


Introduced in X and Y, Zygarde was the final part of the legendary trio and the only one who wasn't banned to Ubers. However, like Kyurem before it, Zygarde gain new forms with the new game, Zygarde 10% and Zygarde Complete Forme, both being incredible powerful Pokémon spread across UU, OU, and Ubers. Zygarde also gained access to Thousand Arrows, a Ground Stab with a smack down effect, allowing Zygarde to get around generic answers such as Landorus Therian allowing Zygarde to basically have neutral coverage with its stab moves, a huge bonus making Zygarde a very potent threat.
+Strong offensive stats allowing Zygarde 10% to pressure easily +Suffers a bit less from coverage due to not needing Dragon Dance

-61 Special Attack prevents it from using any special moves -Low defensive stats really hurt it


Aura Break - Lowers the multiplier on Dark Aura and Fairy Aura to .75% - Shared ability for Zygarde 10% and Zygarde inside OU and UU, it's literally useless sadly
Power Construct - Changes to Complete Form after dropping below 50% health - Zygarde's banned ability outside Ubers, it's the only way to gain access to Zygarde Complete Forme, which is the only form you will use in Ubers



-Thousand Arrows
-Extreme Speed
Item Attached: Life Orb
Ability: Aura Break
EVs and Nature:
4 HP/252 Atk/252 Spd
Jolly Nature

With its low defensive stats, especially its health Zygarde 10% synergizes well with a Choice Band to allow it to hit targets at the same level of damage as a single boost of Dragon Dance. This works well with Zygarde 10%'s strong move pool, namely its neutral coverage with its Stab moves, Outrage and Thousands Arrows. Outrage will be the best Dragon Stab option because you want to deal as much damage as possible while the effect of Thousand Arrows is too good to pass up. Extreme Speed rounds out the set with its priority, allowing Zygarde 10% to revenge kill threats that have had a chance to boost its speed or get around other priority users such as Weavile. Toxic is a nice as a lot of times physical walls will switch into Zygarde 10% and Toxic will put them on a timer to say on how long they can stay in due to the buildup damage from Toxic.


Metagross - Metagross makes a nice offensive partner with Zygarde 10% with it's ability to switch into Fairy and Ice threats that give it trouble and boost with Agility or just muscle through things with it's own Choice Band
Amoonguss - A defensive partner, Zygarde 10% struggles with Water types that can either tank a hit or just outpace it, making Amoonguss a nice option to soak the moves up and spread Spore and Stun Spore allowing Zygarde 10% to sweep

VGC, Double, & Triple Battle Options

Zygarde unfortunately is not VGC-legal in 2017, despite actually being in the Alolan Pokedex. While its first two forms would not be considered too strong for the format, it's unlikely we will see Zygarde again for a while due to the negative response to VGC 2016. Speaking of which, Zygarde was basically non-existent in last year's format. While we covered what an interesting niche it could fill last year, the fact that it took up one of your two valuable restricted legendary slots ruined any chance of it being used. Nearly every other restricted legend outclassed it, but a new attack and a new form certainly have improved Zygarde's potential for the future.

Imperfect Cell!

-Thousand Arrows
-Extreme Speed
-Rock Slide
-Protect / Superpower
Item Attached: Life Orb / Groundium Z / Choice Band
Ability: Aura Break
EVs and Nature:
4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature

10% Zygarde is not quite the threat as its more complete cousins. Its poor defensive stats limit its ability to set-up, but its good speed stat gives it an opportunity to immediately start attacking before the opponent. Max speed with a Jolly nature helps it outspeed as much as possible, while maximum attack investment with a power-boosting item allows it to hit harder. Groundium Z allows for a single strong attack in Tectonic Rage, while Life Orb and Choice Band provide a boost to every attack. The choice between the two of course comes down to whether you want to run Protect and switch moves, or get a bit more power without recoil and open up a fourth moveslot for an attack. Aura Break sadly does not really help this Zygarde much in the formats it will be capable in.

Thousand Arrows is arguably one of the best attacks in the game, and the move you should probably use almost every turn. Extreme Speed is an awesome priority move though, and likely the only other attack you should click. Rock Slide does not have as much use with Thousand Arrows ability to hit Pokemon off the ground, but is good for trying for a lucky flinch. Protect is still fantastic in doubles, while Superpower gives some additional coverage if you are Banded.

Countering Zygarde

Mega Audino - With its high bulk and Fairy typing, Mega Audino can wall out Zygarde 10% even working around Toxic with Heal Bell, forcing Zygarde 10% out due to its inability to truly do anything
Weavile - Faster than Zygarde 10%, Weavile is the best revenge killer for it, easily KOing it with Ice Punch or priority Ice Shard. However Weavile can't switch in on anything and has to be wary of Extreme Speed
Hippowdon - Very similar to Audino, but weaker, Hippowdon can be worn down a bit easier due to its weakness to Toxic. However Slack Off is a slightly better heal with it being an instant heal, as well as also using Ice Fang to check Dragons that it generally handles, tho Zygarde 10% doesn't like Earthquake anyway.

50% Forme

Zygarde, The Aura Pokémon. This is Zygarde’s form when it has gathered 50% of its cells. It wipes out all those who oppose it, showing not a shred of mercy. It’s thought to be monitoring the ecosystem. There are rumors that even greater power lies hidden within it.


Introduced in X and Y, Zygarde was the final part of the legendary trio and the only one who wasn't banned to Ubers. However, like Kyurem before it, Zygarde gain new forms with the new game, Zygarde 10% and Zygarde Complete Forme, both being incredible powerful Pokémon spread across UU, OU, and Ubers. Zygarde also gained access to Thousand Arrows, a Ground Stab with a smack down effect, allowing Zygarde to get around generic answers such as Landorus Therian allowing Zygarde to basically have neutral coverage with its stab moves, a huge bonus making Zygarde a very potent threat.
+Nice bulk to make use of Zygarde's typing
+Access to 2 great boosting moves, Coil and Dragon Dance

-Ground makes it neutral to common stuff such as Tangrowth -Lack of a recovery hurts


Aura Break - Lowers the multiplier on Dark Aura and Fairy Aura to .75% - Shared ability for Zygarde 10% and Zygarde inside OU and UU, it's literally useless sadly
Power Construct - Changes to Complete Form after dropping below 50% health - Zygarde's banned ability outside Ubers, it's the only way to gain access to Zygarde Complete Forme, which is the only form you will use in Ubers


Dragon of Order

-Dragon Dance
-Extreme Speed
-Thousand Arrows
Item Attached: Dragonium Z/Groundium Z
Ability: Aura Break
EVs and Nature:
4 HP/252 Atk/252 Spd
Adamant Nature

Making use of Dragon Dance, Zygarde is one of the best users of the move in OU with its complete coverage. Outrage is the main Dragon Stab dealing a lot of damage but the confusion effect is rough while Thousand Arrows pins down Flying types making one less type that you need to use Outrage on. Extreme Speed returns as a way to pick off faster threats or weakened targets. The Z Crystals are the best item due to their ability to smash through walls or gain a boosted Dragon Dance.

Snake Charmer

-Thousand Arrows
-Extreme Speed/Toxic
Item Attached: Leftovers
Ability: Aura Break
EVs and Nature:
240 HP/212 SpDef/56 Spd
Careful Nature

Coil is the other boosting move Zygarde has access to, going a more defensive route. Substitute has strong synergy with Coil and EV spread as Coil will increase physical defense while the EV spread allows Zygarde to take special hits well, namely from Tangrowth(Giga Drain won't break Substitute). Thousand Arrows will be your main damage as it hits a lot for neutral damage missing out on Grass namely which is where Toxic comes in, putting answers on a timer, though Extreme Speed is an option to look for a sweep after enough Coils.


Mega Charizard Y - Charizard Y brings a lot for Zygarde offensively, namely soft checking waters with Drought and destroying Tangrowth. Charizard Y also forces in other Dragons mostly, crippling them with Fire Blast or destroying Water switch ins with Solarbeam
Landorus Therian - Landorus Therian brings hazards, a nice boon for Zygarde in both forms, as well as checks Tangrowth and other Landorus Therians, both annoying for Zygarde to handle

VGC & Double Battle Options

Semi-Perfect Cell

-Thousand Arrows
-Extreme Speed
-Dragon Dance
Item Attached: Groundium Z
Ability: Aura Break
EVs and Nature:
4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature

Zygardenite 50% Zygarde has always had good bulk, but with one of its signature ground moves now able to hit flying-types, the Order Pokemon is an incredibly scary set-up sweeper. Aura Break is still fairly useless unless you play in a match where the Kalos box legends are on the opponents' team. Groundium Z gives Zygarde the ability to strike with an incredibly strong ground-type move, especially after a Dragon Dance boost. Potentially just as important, it also gives Zygarde a way to work around Wide Guard, which can shut down its sweeping ability. Investing in a slower, bulkier Zygarde is perfectly fine, but Zygarde does have good natural bulk, so this set aims to deal with one of the few potential problems Zygarde may have after setting up: Choice Scarf Tapu Lele. A Jolly nature with maximum speed will outspeed a Modest Scarf Tapu Lele, and at worst speed tie a Timid one (which is not as common as the Modest version). Since Tapu Lele can OHKO with Moonblast, this may be an important thing to consider if using Dragon Dance Zygarde.

Thousand Arrows is again an incredible move with great coverage. Extreme Speed gives Zygarde a form of priority in case it is threatened by an opponents priority, while Dragon Dance sets it up to sweep. Protect is still Protect, necessary on most Pokemon in doubles.

Countering Zygarde 50% Forme

Tapu Fini - Tapu Fini, and honestly most Fairies, deal with Zygarde quite well with their stab moves. Fini also can just tank Zygarde quite well but its lack of recovery lowers its standing as a counter
Tangrowth - The best counter to Zygarde in OU, Tangrowth resists Thousand Arrows and has enough bulk to laugh off most of Zygarde's moves and pressure back with Knock Off and Giga Drain

Complete Forme

Zygarde, The Aura Pokémon. This is Zygarde’s form at times when it uses its overwhelming power to suppress those who endanger the ecosystem. This is Zygarde’s 100% form. It has enough power to overwhelm even Xerneas or Yveltal.


Introduced in X and Y, Zygarde was the final part of the legendary trio and the only one who wasn't banned to Ubers. However, like Kyurem before it, Zygarde gain new forms with the new game, Zygarde 10% and Zygarde Complete Forme, both being incredible powerful Pokémon spread across UU, OU, and Ubers. Zygarde also gained access to Thousand Arrows, a Ground Stab with a smack down effect, allowing Zygarde to get around generic answers such as Landorus Therian allowing Zygarde to basically have neutral coverage with its stab moves, a huge bonus making Zygarde a very potent threat.
+One of the best physical walls in tier
+Very splashable

-At half power till Power Construct activates
-With Rest as its only recovery, suffers from 4 moveslot syndrome


Power Construct - Changes to Complete Form after dropping below Complete health - Zygarde's banned ability outside Ubers, it's the only way to gain access to Zygarde Complete Forme, which is the only form you will use in Ubers


Complete Wall

-Thousand Arrows
-Dragon Tail/Toxic
-Sleep Talk/Toxic/Glare
Item Attached: Leftovers
Ability: Power Construct
EVs and Nature:
252 HP/252 Def/4 SpDef
Impish Nature

Zygarde Complete Forme earns a spot as one of the best physical walls in Ubers, which is quite a feat, and it stems from its insane health pool. 216 base health is crazy, on top of Dragon typing allows it to easily handle most common physical types. This makes Rest a spectacular move, outside of being Zygarde Complete Forme's only recovery move. Rest also removes both burns and poison, namely Toxic, increasing its survivability immensely. As such as well Sleep Talk synergies very well with Rest, allowing it to maintain pressure through its recovering. Thousand Arrows earns a spot again due to its pressure and amazing effect, crippling strong threats like Ho-Oh. Last moves include Toxic, to cripple other walls like Lugia and other Zygarde Complete Forme, Glare, which cripples most or all sweepers with paralyses, or Dragon Tail to phase out threats that try to set up while Zygarde Complete Forme is sleeping with Rest.


Primal Groudon - Primal Groudon brings a lot for Zygarde Complete Forme, one of the biggest aspects is its ability, soft checking Waters that bane Zygarde Complete Forme, as well as entry hazards allowing it to ware out the opposing team with Toxic and phasing
Magearna - Magearna synergizes very well with Zygarde Complete Forme, pivoting into most threats that check or counter it such as Xerneas and Yveltal while Zygarde counters most of Magearna's counters such as Ho-Oh and Primal Groudon making a solid defensive core

VGC & Double Battle Options

Perfect Cell

-Thousand Arrows
-Extreme Speed
-Dragon Dance
Item Attached: Groundium Z
Ability: Power Construct
EVs and Nature:
4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spe
Adamant / Jolly Nature

Zygarde's great bulk allows it have a chance to activate its Complete Form, and it is a huge threat. Power Construct unlocks the opportunity to change form, while Groundium Z still gives Zygarde a nuke. The Complete Zygarde really functions just like its 50% Form, but with even more bulk at the expense of some speed after changing forms. Due to this it does become more difficult to outspeed as many Pokemon, including the previously mentioned Choice Scarf Tapu Lele after a Dragon Dance. A Jolly nature is still necessary to outspeed a Modest Tapu Lele, but Adamant provide more power, especially since you are capable of surviving a Moonblast after changing forms.

The moveslot is still the same as its previous form. Thousand Arrows is what you will click most of the time if not using your z move or setting up, while Extreme Speed provides valuable priority. Dragon Dance helps Zygarde sweep, while Protect keeps the user safe from attacks.

Other Options and Team Ideas

-"Pinch" berries that heal 50% health once you go under 25% health are very good on a Pokemon like Zygarde, as they can allow you to set up multiple Dragon Dances or take more hits during your sweep. A Lum Berry can shake off burns or sleep-inducing moves.
-Thousand Waves and Earthquake are simply not as good as Thousand Arrows, but do have niche uses, especially if you want to put them on a Choice Banded 10% Zygarde as its fourth move. Thousand Waves can trap an opponent in while you switch in something that can safely set up, while Earthquake does do more damage, but will not hit flying opponents and can also hurt your teammate.
-Outrage, Zygarde's only strong physical dragon move, is terrible in doubles due to targeting a random target, but paired with Draconium Z it can be a powerful nuke.
-Glare, Bulldoze, and Haze were used in the past on support sets. Glare and Bulldoze were good choices for speed control, especially since the former can paralyze ground types and now has better accuracy than Thunder Wave. Haze has great to remove Geomancy Boosts from Xerneas, but can also be used against Curse or Belly Drum Snorlax, Evoboost Eevee, and other opponents.

-Redirection, especially for Dragon Dance sets, keep Zygarde clean. Follow Me and Rage Powder users are good teammates.
-Tapu Fini's Misty Terrain prevents Zygarde from being burned or put to sleep, and it also can safely switch in on ice attacks. Dragon type attacks aimed at Zygarde are also weakened.
-Defiant and Competitive users can punish opponents trying to Intimidate Zygarde.
-Zygarde appreciates the help from steel types to deal with fairies a little easier.

Countering Zygarde Complete Forme

Xerneas - Like all its prior forms, Zygarde Complete Forme suffers from Fairies, making Xerneas a good answer to it, which can Geomancy fearing only Toxic as Dragon Tail can't phase it out.
Yveltal - Yveltal earns a spot with its stall breaking nature, giving Zygarde Complete Forme a lot of trouble with Taunt, basically shutting it down. This allows Yveltal to slowly muscle through it
Primal Kyogre - With its immensely powerful Water attacks, Primal Kyogre just plows through Zygarde Complete Forme. Zygarde Complete Forme can do little to Primal Kyogre in return as it will just heal off Toxic with Rest. Most other Waters give Zygarde Complete Forme a hard time but Kyogre does the most

Locations in Games

Not in game

Not in game

Not in game

Not in game

Not in game

Not in game

Not in game

Black 2/White 2:
Not in game

Terminus Cave

Omega Ruby/Alpha Sapphire:
Not in game

Route 16 (Requires 10 or more cells)

Animé Appearences

Zygarde has made a few appearances in the anime. Most notably, Zygarde travelled with Bonnie and was targeted by Team Flare in their evil scheme.

# -English Episode Name- -Jp. Episode Name- Pics
896 All Eyes on the Future! Double Battle at the Anistar Gym! Olympia's Future Sight!! Pics
S41 Pokémon Mega Evolution IV Strongest Mega Evolution ~Act IV~ Pics
897 From A to Z! The Explosive Birth of Z! That Which Lies Hidden in Kalos!! Pics
898 Love Strikes! Eevee, Yikes Hot-blooded Quilladin! Squishy is Being Targeted!! Pics
899 A Giga Battle With Mega Results Mega Audino VS Giga Giga Meowth!! Pics
900 A Fiery Rite of Passage! Litleo and Pyroar! A Fiery Departure!! Pics
901 Dream a Little Dream From Me! Pikachu Dreams of Squishy!! Pics
902 The Legend of the Ninja Hero! Welcome to the Ninja Village! The Legend of the Hero Greninja!! Pics
903 A Festival of Decisions! Decisive Battle in the Ninja Village! Frogadier VS Bisharp!! Pics
904 A Dancing Debut! Dance, Eevee! Its Pokémon Showcase Debut!! Pics
905 Meeting at Terminus Cave! Terminus Cave! The Mystery of Z is Set in Motion!! Pics
906 A Cellular Connection! Bonnie & Squishy! Pics
907 A Windswept Encounter Noibat and Floette! An Encounter in the Wind!! Pics
908 Party Dancecapades Ash and Serena! Getting One at a Dance Party!! Pics
909 A Meeting of Two Journeys The Strongest Mega Battle! Greninja VS Mega Charizard!! Pics
910 An Explosive Operation The Explosive Land's Wrath! Operation: Capture Zygarde!! Pics
911 A Watershed Moment! A Chesnaught from the Wilderness! The Tree-planting Robon!! Pics
912 Master Class Choices! The Master Class Trial! What Will You Do, Serena!? Pics
913 An Electrifying Rage! Zapdos and Noivern! A Furious Strike of Lightning!! Pics
914 Unlocking Some Respect! Left and Right! The Indecisive Binacle!! Pics
915 Master Class is in Session! The Master Class Begins! A Maidens' Fight Where Sparks Fly!! Pics
916 Performing a Pathway to the Future! Aria VS Serena! Open the Door to the Future!! Pics
917 A Keeper for Keeps? A Bride for Clemont! Bonnie's S'il-vous-plaît Panic!! Pics
918 Battling at Full Volume! Serena Becomes Ash! The Ultimate Pikachu Showdown!! Pics
919 The Synchronicity Test! Ash and Alain! Greninja VS Mega Charizard Once Again!! Pics
920 Making Friends and Influencing Villains! The Forest's Curse and the White Phantump!! Pics
921 Championing a Research Battle! Ash VS Champion Diantha! VS Mega Gardevoir!! Pics
922 A Full-Strength Battle Surprise! Rival Showdown! Ash VS Sawyer!! Pics
923 All Hail the Ice Battlefield! Snowbelle Gym Match! A Battlefield of Ice!! Pics
924 Seeing the Forest for the Trees! The Winding Woods...The Dawn of Evolution! Pics
925 A Real Icebreaker! Ash-Greninja VS Mega Abomasnow! The Giant Water Shuriken Triggers!! Pics
926 A Diamond in the Rough! Find Carbink! Goodra and Dedenne!! Pics
927 A Gaggle of Gadget Greatness! Heatbursts at the Ingenuity Festival! Pics
928 A League of His Own! The Kalos League Begins! Mega Charizard Showdown: X VS Y!! Pics
929 Valuable Experience for All! Mega Sceptile VS Raichu! I Received Some EXP!! Pics
M19 Volcanion and the Mechanical Marvel Volcanion & The Ingenious Magearna Pics
930 Analysis Versus Passion! Semifinal Full Battle! Ash VS Sawyer!! Pics
932 Kalos League Passion With a Certain Flare! Fierce Fighting at the Kalos League! Gather, All of My Passion!! Pics
933 Finals Not for the Faint-Hearted! The Finals! Ash VS Alain!! Pics
934 Down to the Fiery Finish Kalos League Victory! Ash's Ultimate Match!! Pics
935 A Towering Takeover! Team Flare Attacks! The Zygarde at the Prism Tower!! Pics
936 Coming Apart at the Dreams! The Shocking Zygarde VS Zygarde! The Breaking World!! Pics
937 The Right Hero for the Right Job! Attack on Lumiose Gym! The Clembot Forever!! Pics
938 Rocking Kalos Defenses! The Megalith Advances! A Fight to Protect Kalos!! Pics
939 Forming a More Perfect Union! Zygarde Fights Back! The Final Battle for Kalos!! Pics
940 Battling With a Clean Slate! We Start at Zero! Clemont's Decision!! Pics
942 Facing the Needs of the Many Farewell, Ash-Greninja! Xerosic Strikes Back!! Pics
943 Till We Compete Again A Zero With No End! Till the Day We Meet Again!! Pics
XYZS1 To be confirmed The Legend of XYZ Pics
45 From So Far Away To Places Far Far Away Pics
54 The Treasure of Eternity Eternal Blessings! Pics
75 TBC The Future We've Been Entrusted, the Shine of This World Pics
82 TBC At the End of the Shining Rainbow Pics
83 TBC The Truth Revealed? Amethio's Resolve! Pics