![]() Terrakion, The CavernPokémon. This Pokémon came to the defense of Pokémon that had lost their homes in a war among humans.Its charge is strong enough to break through a giant castle wall in one blow. This Pokémon is spoken of in legends. Overview Terrakion. Words can not describe the sheer power Terrakion possesses. Have you ever seen that Youtube video of the monkey that loves the frog? Sadly the frog just can't handle the monkey's love and it dies as dozens of school children watch on. I think that's sort of like nature's Romeo and Juliet I guess. Except in the Pokemon world the monkey is Terrakion, and the frog is... everything else. Terrakion has the defenses and offense of Tyranitar yet the speed of Infernape. Sure its Special Attack isn't amazing but that doesn't really matter. Its Fighting / Rock STAB moves hits virtually every single Pokemon in the game neutral or better. Terrakion is so fast and so powerful that only a handful of Pokemon can even hope to switch in on it and walk away with their lives. Abilities Justified: Raises Terrakion's Attack one stage when hit by a Dark type move. A cool ability for Terrakion. His Attack is already high but if you switch in on a Crunch or Dark Pulse Terrakion's devastating offenses gets boosted to obscene levels. Movesets TERRAfying - Close Combat Choice Band Terrakion is easily the most difficult thing to fully counter that wasn't banned. Between Stone Edge and Close Combat it can 2HKO literally every Pokemon in standard play with Stealth Rocks down. Even the titan of fighting resistance Gliscor can be KOed by two consecutive Stone Edges after a hit from Stealth Rock. X-Scissor is the third move to hit Reuniclus a little harder with more accuracy than Stone Edge. It also OHKOs Latios and Celebi which Stone Edge can't always do. Quick Attack is in the final slot because it can come in handy to strike down a rampaging Latios around 25% or Scizor at 10% before it delivers a lethal Bullet Punch. Another usable move is Double Kick. Double Kick can eliminate lead Focus Sash Tyranitar and Focus Sash Mamoswine in one shot while breaking Breloom's Substitutes, preventing a Focus Punch. Earthquake is the last notable option that can be used to hit Toxicroak, Nidoqueen (lol), Tentacruel and Jirachi harder than your other moves without relying on bad accuracy or taking defense drops. We will rock you - Close Combat Swords Dance Terrakion is a nightmare to face for stall teams. While it's hard enough taking Choice Band hits it is near impossible to handle a Swords Danced blow for anything not named Nidoqueen. Swords Dance against something that is afraid of staying in, such as Tyranitar or Magnezone. If they send in a Skarmory, Slowbro, Toxicroak or Gliscor laugh as a Rock Gem Stone Edge OHKOs them all after Stealth Rocks. If you don't like Rock Gem's one time use policy you can try Air Balloon. Substitute + Air Balloon makes you immune to Toxic Gliscor's entire movepool as well as making Hippowdon Roar you out, taking a ton of damage from +2 Close Combat. Enough! These bull puns are going to Taurus apart! - Close Combat While the Sub Swords Dance set excels in wearing down and destroying its counters this set is far better at flat out sweeping. Unfortunately it has far more trouble getting through Gliscor so be sure to eliminate that before attempting a sweep. It is very hard to get a Swords Dance boost AND Rock Polish as by the time you set up one your opponent will have already responded to the Terrakion. So make a choice, what hurts your opponent more? Are they slower and more defensive, just begging to be trashed by a Swords Dancer? Is the team quick yet frail, perfect for a Rock Polish sweep? Life Orb gives Terrakion apocalyptic destructive power. After a Swords Dance there is nothing in standard play that takes less than 80% from Stone Edge or Close Combat. Focus Sash is an item for those that wish to lead with Terrakion. Sash lets you stay in on Scarf Politoed, Scizor and others and do enormous damage to them. Babiri Berry can be used if you dislike Scizor constantly ending your sweep. With the berry in use Scizor can do 65% max with Choice Band Bullet Punch while you tear it apart. If the puns don't make you sick, they aren't... punny - Close Combat Terrakion is an unrivaled terror in the game of Physical sweeping it can also take the role of revenge killer. 108 base speed is more than enough to make Volcarona and Scrafty think twice before Quiver / Dragon Dancing. Don't forget that despite not holding a Choice Band or Rock Gem Terrakion's Attack is a killer 129, more than enough to sweep with Close Combat when the moment is right. With Stealth Rocks and Sandstorm support wearing down the opposing team you would be surprised how quickly Terrakion's counters drop into OHKO range. For example after a hit from Stealth Rocks and just a single turn of Sandstorm Close Combat can OHKO Infernape, Jolteon, Mienshao, Haxorus, Ninetales and Virizion as well as every single Pokemon hit Super effective by it (poor Tyranitar). X-scissor mainly is useful for a reliable hit on Psychics like Celebi and Latios. Stone Edge is useful to power through Venusaur and Gengar but Rock Slide is good in those vital "if this misses I lose" moments when facing down Salamence and Volcarona. If you don't think Rock Slide is useful Earthquake can hit Tentacruel, Toxicroak and Jirachi hard I guess. EVs & Natures Terrakion Other Options Hidden Power (Ice), Sacred Sword, Taunt, Work Up and Stealth Rock. Yes, that is literally it. This thing has a movepool only slightly bigger than Kakuna's. Double & Triple Battle Options Terrakion is one of the best and most common sweepers in single. Despite this, Terrakion retains its title as a top-tier threat in doubles play. Terrakion possesses several key qualities that many other Pokemon would die for, the most obvious being its brilliant dual STABs: a strong Rock Slide puts the hurt on both opponents, while Close Combat can badly damage a single opponent. Together, they form a STAB combo that is resisted by only a few Pokemon. Complementing this is Terrakion's towering Attack stat, high Speed, and decent bulk, which enables it to survive most neutral attacks. However, said bulk is compromised by Terrakion's many common weaknesses, most notably to Fighting-, Ground-, and Water-type attacks. Consequently, there are many common Pokemon that threaten it, particularly as all forms of weather run rampant in doubles. Team support thus becomes even more important, as it helps Terrakion overcome its many counters and lets it reach its full potential. This whole Potw is full of bull - Close Combat This is Terrakion's standard set. Close Combat and Rock Slide form the crux of this set, one hitting an individual target very hard, and the other hitting both opponents, albeit for less damage; the two also form a nearly unresisted STAB combo. Quick Attack can finish off weakened opponents, and is the usual choice for the third moveslot. An alternative option to Quick Attack is Quick Guard, as Terrakion is weak to Mach Punch, Bullet Punch, and Aqua Jet, with the first two priority moves being very prevalent. If you have teammates that are also weak to common priority attacks, Quick Guard can protect both Terrakion and your teammate from them. It also provides protection against Fake Out from Pokemon that are slower than Terrakion, and temporarily shuts down Technician Hitmontop, whose only form of offense is in the form of priority attacks. Safeguard can also be used to stop annoying status from Pokemon such as Cresselia and Ammonguss. Protect is a staple move in doubles play, as it keeps Terrakion safe from harm as a teammate eliminates a potential threat to it, and lets Terrakion stall out at least one turn of Trick Room or Tailwind, in addition to guarding it from priority. Quick Guard can also be used over Protect, but this isn't recommended as Protect is generally superior to either of the moves in the third slot. Focus Sash is a great item for Terrakion in doubles play, as it allows Terrakion to survive common super effective attacks. Life Orb gives Terrakion a major boost in power and is a viable alternative to Focus Sash, however. As far as EVs are concerned, always maximize Speed to Speed-tie with Infernape and other Terrakion. 4 EVs each in HP and Defense enable Terrakion to always survive Jolly Tornadus's Flying Gem Acrobatics. 244 Attack EVs give the same Attack as 248, so the remaining EVs are thrown into Special Defense, as they are of no use elsewhere. Earthquake can be used in the third moveslot if the listed options aren't to your liking, but the only notable Pokemon it hits harder is Toxicroak. Terrakion enjoys teammates that can take out Fighting-types, as it cannot do so itself. Terrakion especially fears Mach Punch from Hitmontop and Conkeldurr, as the move bypasses Terrakion's superior Speed. Flying-types such as Tornadus and Staraptor are thus great teammates, as they both outspeed and OHKO the common Fighting-types, as well as Amoonguss that lack Coba Berry, which walls Terrakion while simultaneously threatening it with Spore and STAB Giga Drain. Speaking of Tornadus, Terrakion loves the Tailwind support it provides, as it enables Terrakion to outrun almost everything. Beat Up support gives Terrakion a +4 Attack boost thanks to its ability, Justified, making it a very deadly sweeper. Whimsicott is easily the best Beat Up supporter, as it can also provide Tailwind, Charm, and Helping Hand support. Furthermore, Whimsicott appreciates Terrakion's Quick Guard, which lets it avoid Fake Out from opponents slower than Terrakion. Keep in mind, however, that Focus Sash is counterproductive with the Beat Up strategy. Sandstorm support helps Terrakion survive even super effective STAB special attacks. The weather is best set up by Tyranitar, who deals with the Psychic-types that threaten Terrakion. Tyranitar can remove the rain set up by Politoed as well, preventing Swift Swim users from outspeeding and OHKOing Terrakion with their rain-boosted attacks. Latios is another excellent partner, as its typing and special bulk provide your team with durability against Water-type attacks. Additionally, Latios can OHKO Water-types with either Thunderbolt or Draco Meteor, and remove Fighting-types (barring Scrafty) with its STAB Psychic-type attacks. Finally, Fire-type partners can take out Scizor and Metagross, which threaten Terrakion with priority STAB Bullet Punch. Ninetales is notable as it also sets up sunshine to remove Terrakion's weakness to Water-type moves. However, while Terrakion usually enjoys sunshine, it enjoys sandstorm support even more. If using Ninetales, be careful of opposing Chlorophyll users that can outspeed Terrakion and hit it super effectively with Grass-type attacks. Take the bull by the horns. - Close Combat With a Choice Scarf, Terrakion outspeeds almost everything without more than a +1 boost in Speed, enabling it to take out certain opponents, such as Low Kick Weavile, before they have a chance to attack. Close Combat and Rock Slide are staples for great coverage; Earthquake deals less damage than STAB Rock Slide and might possibly damage your ally, but nets extra coverage and functions as another spread attack when Rock Slide wouldn't be as useful or if you really need the 100% accuracy; it forms the infamous QuakeSlide combo with Rock Slide as well. Earthquake is also notable for hitting Toxicroak super effectively; as it resists all of Terrakion's other attacks, it otherwise walls Terrakion while posing a threat with STAB Fighting-type attacks. X-Scissor hits Psychic-types harder than any of Terrakion's other moves do. Just keep in mind that it won't OHKO bulky Psychic-types such as Reuniclus and Musharna, while 252+ Musharna has a 81% chance to OHKO Terrakion with Psychic, and Reuniclus will OHKO for sure. However, Quick Attack can be used if one uses Choice Band, as it can KO weakened threats such as Latios, Weavile, and Crobat. Jolly is the preferred nature to outspeed Choice Scarf Garchomp and Modest Ludicolo in the rain, as well as any other Choice Scarf users with a base Speed less than 108. Jolly Terrakion also Speed-ties with neutral-natured Shiftry and Venusaur in the sun, along with +2 Blaziken. However, an Adamant nature is a viable option for the extra power. The EVs are the same as the previous set for the same reasons listed. Choice Scarf Terrakion shares similar checks and counters as non-Choice Scarf Terrakion. However, Earthquake and X-Scissor dent many would-be counters, such as Toxicroak, while the extra Speed makes Terrakion more difficult to revenge kill, but this comes at the price of being locked into one attack. Choice Scarf Terrakion doesn't need Tailwind support, but hates Trick Room even more than usual. Tyranitar sets up sandstorm to support Terrakion, and is a great answer to the many Ghost- and Psychic-types that set up Trick Room; with its low Speed, Tyranitar also benefits from Trick Room should the opponent set it up. Terrakion appreciates both Wide Guard and Quick Guard support to avoid many super effective attacks such as Earthquake and Mach Punch, even more so than the previous set as it doesn't have Protect. Unfortunately, most of the users of those two attacks share Terrakion's Fighting typing, meaning the team will be doubly weak to Psychic-type attacks. Nevertheless, Hitmontop is the best user of both those attacks because it has Sucker Punch to dent Psychic-types and can use Fake Out as Terrakion uses X-Scissor. Other Double/Triple Options Chople Berry is an option to provide protection against the common Fighting-types attacks that could otherwise OHKO Terrakion; it is also a good choice if Terrakion's teammates are already holding Focus Sash and Life Orb. Finally, Lum Berry is another option to remove paralysis, burn, and sleep, all of which severely cripple Terrakion. Uber Battle With its astounding Rock- and Fighting-type STABs that are unresisted by commonly seen Uber Pokemon, along with a respectable base 129 Attack stat, Terrakion can be a huge offensive threat in Ubers. Terrakion's Attack is also raised by one stage every time it gets hit by a Dark-type attack through its Justified ability. Along with its great Attack, Terrakion also boasts an impressive base 108 Speed that allows it to outspeed a fair amount of Uber Pokemon. While its typing is somewhat disappointing defensively, Terrakion's 91 / 90 / 90 defenses can come in handy at times, especially when granted a one-stage Special Defense boost from sandstorm. Terrakion also has access to a powerful offensive movepool with some added toys, such as Swords Dance and Rock Polish. Due to these attributes, Terrakion can function extraordinarily well as either a sweeper or revenge killer. Ew, he's Stone Edging that poor bird - Close Combat With Terrakion's above-average base 108 Speed boosted by Choice Scarf, Terrakion is able to hit a Speed stat of 519, and outspeed a vast majority of the Uber tier. In fact, it is able to outrun any Pokemon without a Speed boost, and a good majority of popular Choice Scarf users. Terrakion can outspeed Choice Scarf variants of Palkia and Garchomp, some of the fastest Pokemon in the Uber metagame, as well as outpace both Rayquaza and Salamence after a Dragon Dance boost, and nail them with a super effective STAB Stone Edge. It can also switch into Darkrai's Dark Pulse or Tyranitar's Crunch and gain an Attack boost, and outspeed both afterward to KO with its other STAB move, Close Combat. X-Scissor hits the multitude of Psychic-types in Ubers for super effective damage. Earthquake is the recommended move to use in slot four as it allows Terrakion to better deal with grounded Steel-types, such as Jirachi and Metagross, but with the advent of Air Balloon, more Pokemon can switch into it without getting hurt. There are also a fair number of Pokemon within the Uber metagame that are either Flying-type or have access to Levitate; however, they will not want to switch into Terrakion at first for fear of Stone Edge. Nonetheless, if the threat of foes setting up on a Choice-locked Earthquake is off-putting, Sacred Sword is a suitable alternative choice over Earthquake, although it is normally outclassed by Close Combat. Sacred Sword's main attraction is that it nails the likes of Bulk Up Dialga, as it will bypass the Pokemon's boosted Defense. Psychic-types serve two excellent purposes as teammates to Terrakion: firstly, they can bait Dark-type attacks that Terrakion can switch into to gain Justified boosts, and secondly, they can handle Fighting-type moves aimed at Terrakion. Wobbuffet is an excellent example as it can also handle opposing Choice Scarf users. As a revenge killer, Terrakion appreciates entry hazard support that will allow it to efficiently KO its targets. Deoxys-S is a good candidate as it will also draw out Dark-type attacks for Terrakion to switch in on. Skarmory is another great example as it resists three out of Terrakion's six weaknesses, is immune to Ground-type moves, and does not share any weaknesses with Terrakion. Furthermore, Skarmory can set up entry hazards or Whirlwind Pokemon that try to set up on Terrakion's switch-out, such as Swords Dance Scizor. Terrakion has trouble dealing with bulky Ghost-types such as Ghost Arceus and Giratina, as both can either set up on Terrakion or cripple it with Will-O-Wisp. Tyranitar does a good job of dealing with both of these Pokemon. The sandstorm it summons also benefits Terrakion by boosting its Special Defense to a respectable 324 without investment, as well as wearing down opposing Pokemon with residual damage. These are terri-bull - Rock Polish / Substitute With Rock Polish and Swords Dance boosting Terrakion's already impressive Speed and Attack, Terrakion can be a huge force to be reckoned with. Add Terrakion's great offensive coverage due to its STAB moves, and you have the makings of an extremely potent sweeper. Terrakion also resists the most commonly used form of priority in Ubers, ExtremeSpeed, so priority won't be as much of a problem for Terrakion as it is in OU. It is often recommended that Terrakion use Rock Polish before it sets up a Swords Dance, as many commonly used Pokemon that outspeed Terrakion have a super effective move to take it down, such as Mewtwo's Aura Sphere, Darkrai's Focus Blast, and Shaymin-S's Seed Flare. After a Rock Polish, Terrakion hits a Speed stat of 692 and is able to outspeed virtually the entire tier, outside of Choice Scarf Deoxys and the occasional Ninjask. With Swords Dance, Terrakion hits an astounding 714 Attack stat that will allow it to tear through any number of Pokemon with its fantastic offensive STAB combination. An Adamant nature can be used for more power; Terrakion will still hit a total of 630 Speed after a single Rock Polish. However, this allows positive-natured base 95s and above to outspeed Terrakion before Rock Polish. While the set normally relies on its incredible Speed after a Rock Polish, Terrakion can often find it hard to set up in Ubers with its overall disappointing defensive typing. For this reason, it is normally recommended that a Jolly nature be used. Wobbuffet is a teammate to Terrakion for several reasons: not only does it bait Dark-type attacks that grant Terrakion Justified boosts, it can also attract Dark-type Pokemon such as Darkrai and Tyranitar for Terrakion to switch into. While Darkrai can give Terrakion trouble with either Dark Void or Focus Blast, Choice Scarf variants are a piece of cake to set up on. Tyranitar on the other hand is pretty easy to set up on, as it cannot safely stay in and take a Close Combat. As Terrakion can often have a hard time setting up due to its somewhat lackluster defenses and typing, for an even safer setup, Wobbuffet can also Encore a support or Dark-type move, allowing Terrakion to switch in and boost its stats as the opposing Pokemon switches out. As a plus, Wobbuffet can handle Fighting-type moves aimed at Terrakion, and remove Choice Scarf users that try to outspeed and KO Terrakion. Like most sweepers, Terrakion appreciates entry hazard support that will allow it to efficiently KO its targets. Deoxys-S is a good candidate as it will also draw out Dark-type attacks for Terrakion to switch in on. Skarmory is another great example as it has relatively good defensive synergy with Terrakion. Skarmory can also set up entry hazards and Whirlwind the likes of Swords Dance Scizor, who might try to set up as Terrakion switches out. Hippowdon and Tyranitar also make good teammates as Terrakion appreciates sandstorm's boost to its Special Defense, as well as the residual damage wearing down opposing Pokemon. Banded Terrakion doesn't care - Close Combat The goal of this set is to bring immediate brute force onto the battlefield. Close Combat and Stone Edge are this set's main attacks, and are Terrakion's strongest STAB moves. In fact, Terrakion has a good chance to OHKO Great Wall Lugia after Stealth Rock damage; because most Lugia do not run a Speed-boosting nature, Lugia won't be able to stall out Terrakion with Roost. Terrakion is also capable of 2HKOing offensive Calm Mind Mewtwo after Stealth Rock damage, and because Mewtwo is a common switch-in, Terrakion can still deal a lot of damage with the safe Close Combat instead of being locked on something less reliable. Not only that, Terrakion can also 2HKO one of the sturdiest walls in the Ubers metagame, who also happens to be a very common switch-in to Terrakion: Groudon. Stealth Rock damage and two layers of Spikes ensures the 2HKO on Support Groudon, and since Groudon lacks reliable recovery, this can even be done without dedicated Spikes support, but some prior damage instead. It must also be noted that Terrakion outspeeds standard Extreme Killer Arceus, survives a +2 ExtremeSpeed, and can OHKO Arceus with a super effective Close Combat. Quick Attack can pick off Rayquaza and Mewtwo at about 25% HP and can be quite useful in a pinch. X-Scissor hits common Psychic-type Pokemon such as Mewtwo, but most can usually take that hit and strike back at Terrakion with their STAB moves. Sacred Sword ignores all Defense boosts, which is very helpful if your team struggles against Bulk Up Dialga. The set is pretty much self-explanatory. Choice Band grants you the immediate brute force you need in order to be an efficient wallbreaker. Jolly along with the listed EVs maximize Terrakion's offensive power without losing any important stat. If you're looking for an alternative over X-Scissor or Sacred Sword, Earthquake is a good option, as it can 2HKO Poison Arceus, who would otherwise wall Terrakion. Hippowdon, Giratina, and Groudon are good counters to Terrakion. All three of them are able to tank Terrakion's moves, although Groudon cannot take repeated hits. Faster Arceus formes that can hit Terrakion super effectively are good checks, though some formes, namely Dark and Steel, cannot switch into this set safely. Mewtwo, as already noted, is faster, can take a hit, and strike back with a super effective STAB Psystrike. Darkrai, Dark Arceus, Dialga, Kyogre, and Rayquaza are good partners because they excel at removing Terrakion's counters and clearing the path for Terrakion to sweep, while also enjoying Terrakion's wallbreaking capabilities. Ho-Oh and Reshiram are good teammates as well because Terrakion can take on all Rock Arceus variants bar Swords Dance, who walls the aforementioned partners. Additionally, Ho-Oh supports Terrakion by defeating most variants of Calm Mind Arceus which Terrakion cannot handle, and Reshiram can kill Groudon and Giratina. Excadrill can switch into every move besides Close Combat and Sacred Sword and can OHKO Terrakion with Earthquake. If sandstorm is in effect, Excadrill outpaces Terrakion as well. Choice Scarf Garchomp outruns Terrakion and OHKOes with Earthquake, but risks being OHKOed by Close Combat on the switch. Although rare, Gliscor can also effectively wall this set thanks to its resistances and Protect, along with the ability to 2HKO Terrakion with Earthquake. However, Gliscor should be wary of Stone Edge, as it is 2HKOed after Stealth Rock damage. Other Uber Options Air Balloon can be used on the Double Dancer set instead of Life Orb, but it is not as effective in Ubers as it is in OU. While Air Balloon does grant Terrakion immunity to Spikes and Toxic Spikes, it really only allows Terrakion to switch in more easily on Garchomp and Groudon. The former can do a good deal of damage to Terrakion with Outrage, while the latter can take Terrakion's attacks fairly well and can phaze any boosts that Terrakion has with either Dragon Tail or Roar. Terrakion can run X-Scissor or Earthquake over either Rock Polish or Swords Dance if you are concerned about coverage. This is often not recommended as Terrakion usually needs both Rock Polish and Swords Dance to be an effective sweeper. If you really only want one boosting move, then Rock Polish is recommended as it is possible for Terrakion to boost its Attack stat through its Justified ability. The problem with relying on Justified is that Team Preview makes it hard to bait random Dark-type attacks for Terrakion to switch into. Partners Tyranitar is the biggest partner. It creates a Sandstorm that boosts Terrakion's Special Defense and wears down the opponent's HP. It also lures in Skarmory, Scizor and Gliscor, eliminating them with Fire Blast and Ice Beam. Tyranitar can also Pursuit Latios, Latias and Reuniclus further assisting Terrakion's sweep. Stealth Rocks, while not 100% required, assists in grabbing MANY KOs against frailer Pokemon and 2HKOs against defensive ones. Landorus benefits from Sand due to its ability Sand Power and can bring down Gliscor with Hidden Power Ice. It can fake a Choice Scarf set by running Expert Belt. This can help remove both Gliscor and Celebi. Mixed Salamence is effective at luring in Gliscor, and eradicating it with Draco Meteor. Salamence also covers Terrakion's Water, Ground and Grass weakness. Countering Terrakion Hah. A Terrakion counter does not exist. Close Combat, Stone Edge and maybe a boosting or minor coverage move. You know what it will bring, yet countering it is still a struggle. Probably THE best standard counter for Terrakion is Gliscor. Gliscor survives Close Combat easily enough and can take a Stone Edge sometimes. Be warned that with 10% prior damage (or a hit from Stealth Rock) Stone Edge can 2HKO, and Rock Gem Swords Danced Stone Edge will OHKO. Tentacruel can sort of switch in on the Choice Bander in the Rain but is also 2HKOed by Stone Edge and OHKOed by Swords Danced Rock Gem hits. Latios is OHKOed by Choice Band Stone Edge most of the time, and X-Scissor all of the time but can kind of survive a Close Combat and OHKO with Psyshock, Surf or Draco Meteor. Toxicroak with HP and some Defense EVs can sponge a Close Combat or Stone Edge and devastate Terrakion with Drain Punch. It doesn't like Earthquake very much though. Reuniclus and Celebi, like Tentacruel and Gliscor, survives everything except boosted Stone Edges and retaliate with Super Effective STAB moves (though neither can OHKO it in a Sandstorm). While very few Pokemon can switch into Terrakion many can revenge kill it. Scizor OHKOs with Choice Band Bullet Punch unless Terrakion carries Babiri Berry (most don't). Dugtrio can trap and destroy Terrakion and even switch in if Duggy has a Focus Sash. Conkledurr can Mach Punch Terrakion but that doesn't even come close to a OHKO unless Terrakion is badly damaged. Choice Band Iron Fist Mach Punch Infernape can OHKO Terrakion even if it's healthy, though it has almost no chance of safely switching in.
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