![]() Excadrill, The Subterrene Pokémon. It can help in tunnel construction. Its drill has evolved into steel strong enough to bore through iron plates.More than 300 feet below the surface, they build mazelike nests. Their activity can be destructive to subway tunnels. Overview I hate this thing. I hate it so much. It is stupidly good. Excadrill has insanely high Attack and the ability Sand Rush, which doubles its Speed in sandstorm. It also has Swords Dance and a good physical movepool, and to top it off it is pretty bulky for a sweeper. Excadrill is pretty much the most dangerous Pokémon in the OU metagame, thanks to its huge offensive capabilities. If you are making an OU team, have this Pokémon covered. In fact, have sandstorm covered in general, as Excadrill is seen on practically every sandstorm team. Abilities Sand Rush: easily the best ability Excadrill has, and one of the best abilities in the game. Your Speed is doubled in sandstorm. Basically, it's a free Agility. With Jolly and max EVs, Excadrill has 302 Speed, which leaves it with a brutal 604 Speed after Sand Rush. On top of its 135 base Attack and Swords Dance, it will be wiping your team out unless you are prepared. Pretty much the only set you will see - Swords Dance Swords Dance makes Excadrill ridiculously threatening. Doubled base 135 Attack is silly, and should not be underestimated. Earthquake I've praised to death as being one of the best physical attacks in the game, so I'm sure you know it is no exception on Excadrill. Rock Slide provides awesome coverage with Earthquake, and the flinch can be crazy helpful with Sand Rush. It's a shame you don't get Stone Edge, but oh well. The fourth move depends on what you want to take down. Regardless of what you pick, there will be something (other than priority moves) that will counter you. Return allows you to smack the Rotom formes, Gliscor, Weezing, that sort of lot. Stuff that isn't hit by Earthquake, and isn't hurt much by Rock Slide. X-Scissor ruins bulky Grass types like Celebi and also hits Slowbro and Starmie harder than Earthquake. Brick Break is pretty much solely for Air Balloon Heatran, as otherwise it checks you. Rapid Spin is an odd choice, but it makes Excadrill the most offensive spinner in the game, not to mention its Speed and the switches it forces make it a fairly effective user of Rapid Spin. An alternative you will rarely see - Earthquake If you want initial power rather than relying on Swords Dance, try this out. Earthquake is amazing, the greatest, etc. Rock Slide gets great coverage, although a little weak. X-Scissor ruins Celebi, Slowbro, Reuniclus, Psychics and Grasses basically. Return hits plenty of Pokémon hard thanks to its 102 base power. EVs & Natures Mole Other Options Choice Scarf, Aerial Ace, Drill Run, Shadow Claw, Substitute Double & Triple Battle Options Excadrill can be great in doubles, especially in sandstorm. It has STAB Earthquake, that awesome base Attack, and Sand Rush. Rock Slide is also handy as it this both Pokémon the opponent has. It may be weak to Surf, Heat Wave, and Earthquake, but it's such an amazing offensive Pokémon that outspeeds pretty much everything, these weaknesses can be overlooked. If you run Air Balloon, you remove the Ground weakness entirely! Partners SANDSTORM. Tyranitar or Hippowdon, it doesn't matter. Just run sandstorm. Excadrill's main issue is priority, specifically Mach Punch. Running Gliscor or Reuniclus works really to counter these Mach Punch users. They also benefit from sandstorm. A bulky Water to take on Aqua Jet users could be important, although Aqua Jet is way less common than Mach Punch. Suicune, Jellicent, something like that. Bulky Waters also stop Heatran. Because of the switches Excadrill forces, entry hazards like Spikes and Stealth Rock are important in dealing damage. As it is immune to Electric attacks, you could go down the baiting route. Skarmory, Gyarados, stuff weak to Electric so you get a free switch in. A good idea is to run Excadrill with Pokémon like Landorus, Terrakion, fast physical sweepers with similar counters, as the opponent likely won't be prepared for that many powerhouses, and their counters will just buckle. Countering Excadrill Right, this all depends on the moves and item Excadrill has. We'll start with counters that work pretty much all of the time; Bronzong, Gliscor, Skarmory, Pokémon immune to Ground that take little damage from every other attack. Bronzong can Earthquake or Gyro Ball Excadrill (or use Trick Room), Gliscor can take anything, Earthquake it or Fire Fang it, and Skarmory can... uh... use it for set up bait or Whirlwind it away. There are other Pokémon that work, just find them. Now, attack specific counters include Air Balloon Heatran, Weezing, priority attacks, bulky Grass Pokémon, Excadrill. Right, Air Balloon Heatran checks Excadrill really well, but is hurt by Rock Slide but especially Brick Break. Make sure to switch into Earthquake or Swords Dance, as otherwise you lose you Air Balloon. Weezing can take any attack except for Return and +2 Rock Slide well, and Will-O-Wisp, Pain Split, Flamethrower, whatever its way to beating the mole. Mach Punch coming from Iron Fist Infernape, Choice Band Conkeldurr, Technician Breloom, Technician Hitmontop, Aqua Jet from Azumarill, Vacuum Wave from Lucario or Infernape, Bullet Punch from Choice Band Scizor, priority really hurts Excadrill. Bulky Grass Pokémon can take anything but X-Scissor and Return well, and hit you back hard. Excadrill itself can Speed draw with itself and try and beat it like that. As I've said, Excadrill is one of the best Pokémon in the game. Probably the most dangerous Pokémon right now, and I can't see that changing, unless it gets bumped to ubers, which I also can't see happening. Oh, speaking of ubers, Excadrill works well there. Yeah, it can do anything. ![]() Drilbur does exactly what Excadrill does, but in the lower tiers and in Little Cup. It isn't as devastating as it has way less Attack, but it can still work. . ![]() Locations in Games Ruby/Sapphire/Emerald: FireRed/LeafGreen: Colosseum/XD: Diamond/Pearl/Platinum: HeartGold/SoulSilver: Black/White: ![]() Animé Appearences
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