Rotom, The Plasma Pokémon. Its electric-like body can enter some kinds of machines and take control in order to make mischief. Research continues on this Pokémon, which could be the power source of a unique motor. Its body is composed of plasma. It is known to infiltrate electronic devices and wreak havoc.
Look at this cute little guy. Great design, unique typing, good support and alright offensive movepool, acceptable stats, and pretty usable in the lower tiers. Rotom is pretty cool, I like it a lot. Platinum brought in alternate formes with unique, which pretty much made Rotom pointless. However, 5th gen made those Rotom formes lose their Ghost typing and gain their unique move's typing, giving Rotom a niche again.
Levitate: Gives you immunity to Spikes, Toxic Spikes, and most importantly, Ground moves.
Let's get this motor running
- Shadow Ball
- Thunderbolt / Volt Switch
- Hidden Power [Fighting] / Hidden Power [Grass] / Hidden Power [Ice] / Hidden Power [Fire] / Volt Switch
- Trick
Item Attached: Choice Specs / Choice Scarf
Ability: Levitate
EVs and Nature:
EVs: 252 SAtk / 4 SDef / 252 Spd
Timid Nature (+Spd, -Atk) / Modest Nature (+SAtk, -Atk)
A set that pretty much every special attacker should have. Shadow Ball is nice and reliable, and can possible reduce Special Defence. Thunderbolt is your strongest move whilst still maintaining great accuracy. Hidden Power [Fighting] hurts Normal Pokémon and Steels, as well as Tyranitar if you are using Rotom in OU. Hidden Power [Grass] breaks down Water/Grounds like Quagsire. Hidden Power [Ice] is for revenge killing Dragons. Hidden Power [Fire] wrecks anything 4x weak, but that'd mostly be useful in OU. Volt Switch is a special Electric version of U-turn. Really useful. Trick is the move you use to really mess up the opponent.
- Hex
- Will-O-Wisp
- Discharge
- Substitute / Volt Switch / Pain Split / Toxic
Item Attached: Leftovers / Life Orb
Ability: Levitate
EVs and Nature:
EVs: 252 SAtk / 4 SDef / 252 Spd
Timid Nature (+Spd, -Atk)
It's all about inflicting status. Hex has 50 base power normally, and with STAB it reaches 75. That's less than an unSTABbed Shadow Ball! However, if the opponent is inflicted with status, it deals double damage. Yeah, 150 base power. Will-O-Wisp inflicts arguably the best status on the opponent; burn. It is also fairly accurate, having 75 accuracy. Discharge has a 30% chance of paralysis, which is very useful for Pokémon immune to burn. Substitute keeps you from status and damage. Volt Switch scouts and deals some nice damage. Pain Split keeps you healed up whilst damaging the enemy. Toxic is another option if you really feel you need a third status option.
- Discharge / Shadow Ball
- Will-O-Wisp / Shadow Ball
- Rest
- Sleep Talk
Item Attached: Leftovers
Ability: Levitate
EVs and Nature:
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 Spd
Bold Nature (+Def, -Atk)
Huh? Rotom that focuses on Defence? Well, yeah. Rotom has three immunities; Normal, Fighting, and Ground, which are all predominantly physical. Its other resists, except for Electric, all also mostly physical based. Rotom's typing is ideal for a UU physical wall. Discharge can hit paralysis and is still fairly strong. Will-O-Wisp burns, halving the victim's Attack, allowing you to wall even better. Shadow Ball can be used for two attacks, or as an alternative attack to Discharge. Rest restores you to full HP, and Sleep Talk allows you to use attacks whilst you rest.
Dual screen motor?
- Thunderbolt / Shadow Ball / Will-O-Wisp / Discharge / Pain Split
- Thunderbolt / Shadow Ball / Will-O-Wisp / Discharge / Pain Split
- Reflect
- Light Screen
Item Attached: Light Clay
Ability: Levitate
EVs and Nature:
EVs: 252 HP / 4 SAtk / 252 Spd
Timid Nature (+Spd, -SAtk)
Sounds like a strange car. No, no, it's a lead Rotom set. The first two slots are open for whichever two of the five moves you want. They all work together. Thunderbolt is your hardest hitting reliable move. Shadow Ball also gets STAB and can lower the opponent's Special Defence. Will-O-Wisp inflicts burn, which is always great. Discharge is a little weaker than Thunderbolt, but it can paralyse. Pain Split keeps you healthy and works with Rotom's dire HP. Reflect and Light Screen effectively double your team's defences, making you pretty damn ridiculous. Again, Rotom does this well thanks to its immunities.
- Substitute
- Pain Split / Charge Beam
- Shadow Ball
- Thunderbolt / Hidden Power [Fighting]
Item Attached: Life Orb / Leftovers
Ability: Levitate
EVs and Nature:
EVs: 252 SAtk / 4 SDef / 252 Spd
Timid Nature (+Spd, -Atk)
Right, this is more or less two sets in one space. However, they both focus on Substitute, so I thought I'd just include them both in the same set. Substitute blocks status and damage, whilst only taking 25% of your max HP. Pain Split behind a Substitute is devastating, as you keep lowering your HP with Substitute only to bring it back up with Pain Split, whilst the opponent can just sit there taking damage and wasting PP. This is very similar to a set Gengar uses. Charge Beam however is an anti-counter move. It allows you to set up on your opponent, even if they send out Registeel or what not. Substitute and a rapidly rising Special Attack stat will mean trouble for the opponent. Shadow Ball gets STAB and is a great move in general. Thunderbolt hits hard, it's amazing, blah blah. Hidden Power [Fighting] adds some crazy good coverage with Shadow Ball.
EVs & Natures
Let's get this motor running
You could run 4 in Defence rather than Special Defence, but as your resists already focus on the physical side, a little boost to the special side isn't a bad thing.
Same thing as the above explanation.
Max HP because Rotom's HP is abysmal. You could add some Speed EVs if you wanted. 16 gets 222, which outspeeds Adamant Tyranitar. 48 beats Adamant Scizor. 88 beats Adamant Breloom. 104 beats Jolly Tyranitar. Basically, if there is something you want to burn, you could add some EVs to outspeed it. Put the rest in Defence.
Dual screen motor?
252 HP adds to Rotom's general bulk a lot more than 128 in each defence. Max Speed allows you to set up screens as soon as possible.
Low HP means Pain Split heals you more and damages the opponent. Max Speed and max Special Attack keeps your damage high and keeps you fast.
Other Options
Charge, Electro Ball, Rain Dance, Signal Beam, Snatch, Thunder, Thunder Wave
Charge doubles the power of your next Electric attack, but now also adds +1 Special Defence.
Electro Ball's base power is worked out depending on how high your Speed is compared to your opponent's.
Rain Dance can be paired with Thunder for team support and a very strong unmissable attack.
Signal Beam is a special attack Rotom has access to that isn't totally pointless like Dark Pulse.
Snatch can steal certain moves used by the opponent.
Thunder is hardly reliable when used outside of rain, but it is a lot stronger than any other move you have.
Thunder Wave is sort of pointless, as Discharge paralyses often enough.
Double & Triple Battle Options
Rotom isn't an ideal multi battle Pokémon, but it has a few nice points. Firstly, it is immune to Earthquake. It is also immune to Fake Out. Secondly, it has Discharge, which is a great attack as it hits everyone. Its support movepool works with doubles and triples. Protect, Will-O-Wisp, Pain Split, and Trick can all be handy.
Rotom can be pretty hard to stop once it has set up, and it can come in quite often thanks to those immunities. However, it does have counters. Most of these Pokémon will not appreciate being trapped by a Choice Band Dugtrio and being hit with STAB Earthquake. Obviously Rotom is hardly bulky, so having its weaknesses covered and having Pokémon there to switch in is required. Rotom and a pure Steel actually resist all but Fire and Water, and only have 5 weaknesses between them. Darks also cover Rotom's weaknesses and vice versa. Registeel, Umbreon, there are a good few options. Entry hazards help Rotom out as, because of its immunities, it can easily switch into choiced Pokémon, forcing the opponent to take damage.
Countering Rotom
Bulky Steels do well against Rotom, as long as they have a move that can damage it. Steelix and Registeel are the two main guys here. Bulky Grass Pokémon resist Rotom's main STAB and can hurt it badly with a strong STAB move; Torterra, Roserade, there are a few good choices. Bulky Grounds can work well, but are hit fairly hard by Shadow Ball. Standard special walls like Clefable work. Dark types can switch into Shadow Ball and ruin Rotom with a Dark move or ideally Pursuit. Lanturn is a good choice as it isn't hurt by Shadow Ball and absorbs Thunderbolt. Now, let's start talking 5th gen. Excadrill is practically immune to any move but Will-O-Wisp and Hidden Power [Fighting]. Same deal with Krookodile. Also, Sawsbuck is in a similar situation. It is immune to Ghost, and resists Electric. Amoonguss and Ferrothorn are two new Grass Pokémon that can wall Rotom to hell and back. Hydreigon resists both your STAB moves and OHKOs with Dark Pulse. A few more Pokémon got Mold Breaker, which means bye bye Ground immunity. Rotom hasn't really changed much. It hasn't gained much, but it hasn't really gotten worse. It can still be effective. I like Rotom though. It is a pretty cool dude. However, its alternate formes are where things get more interesting.
Locations in Games
Not in Game.
Not in Game.
Not in Game
Old Chateau.
Trade from Diamond/Pearl/Platinum.
Trade in Route 15
Transfer from Diamond/Pearl/Platinum
Animé Appearences
Rotom has made a single appearance in the animé where it and its multiple forms terrorised Ash & Co. in a mansion
# |
-English Episode Name- |
-Jp. Episode Name- |
Pics |
573 |
Get Your Rotom Running |
Yokan & Rotom | Pics |
588 |
Not Aired |
Mysterious Creatures: Pokémon | Pics |
789 |
To Catch a Rotom! |
Rotom VS Professor Oak! | Pics |
791 |
Butterfree and Me! |
Ash and Butterfree! Until the Day We Meet Again!! | Pics |
803 |
Dream Continues! |
My Dream: Pokémon Master! | Pics |
806 |
A Battle of Aerial Mobility! |
Froakie VS Fletchling! Air Maneuver Battle!! | Pics |
884 |
Rotom's Wish! |
Ash Leapt Through Time! Rotom's Wish! | Pics |
946 |
Loading the Dex! |
Good Rotomorning, I am the Rotomdex, Roto! | Pics |
947 |
First Catch in Alola, Ketchum-style! |
Enter Rowlet! I Got A Pokémon in Alola!! | Pics |
948 |
Yo, Ho, Ho! Go, Popplio! |
Popplio, Do Your Balloonest! | Pics |
949 |
A Shocking Grocery Run! |
Zing Zap Togedemaru! | Pics |
950 |
That's Why Litten is a Scamp! |
The Marketplace Wanderer, Litten! | Pics |
951 |
Lillie's Egg-xhilarating Challenge! |
Who's in Charge of the Egg? | Pics |
952 |
To Top A Totem! |
The Totem Pokémon is Gumshoos! | Pics |
953 |
Trial and Tribulation |
Will the Z-Move Work?! Challenging the Grand Trial!! | Pics |
954 |
Young Kiawe Had a Farm |
Ash Visits Kiawe! | Pics |
955 |
The Sun, the Scare, the Secret Lair! |
The Extracurricular Lesson is on Mareanie?! | Pics |
957 |
Getting to Know You! |
The Fruit of Courage: Lillie and Vulpix! | Pics |
958 |
Rocking Clawmark Hill! |
Scratchmark Hill, Rockruff and Lycanroc!! | Pics |
959 |
They Might Not Be Giants! |
A Tiny Trio on a Big Adventure!! | Pics |
960 |
Crystal-Clear Sleuthing! |
Alola Detective Rotom! The Mystery of the Lost Crystal!! | Pics |
961 |
A Seasoned Search! |
For Real?! Mallow's Cooking Operation! | Pics |
962 |
A Guardian Rematch! |
Intense Electric Shock Training! A Rematch with Tapu Koko!! | Pics |
963 |
Partner Promises! |
The Promise Between Ash and Pikachu!! | Pics |
964 |
One Journey Ends, Another Begins... |
It is Time for Litten to Set Off!! | Pics |
965 |
A Shivering Shovel Search! |
Beware of Shovels!! | Pics |
966 |
Getting the Band Back Together! |
Here's a Real Shocker! A Dugtrio Split-Up?! | Pics |
967 |
Alolan Open House! |
Alola! The First Visitation Day!! | Pics |
968 |
A Team-on-Team Tussle! |
The Fight Over the Crystal! Team Rocket VS Team Skull!! | Pics |
969 |
So Long, Sophocles! |
Farewell, Sophocles! | Pics |
970 |
A Glaring Rivalry! |
Come Forth, Lycanroc with the Crimson Look!! | Pics |
971 |
Pulling Out the Pokémon Base Pepper |
The Fierce Pokébase Match! Aim for a Home Run to Turn the Tide!! | Pics |
972 |
Lulled to La-La Land! |
Hey Mush, Are You Going to Sleep in the Morelull Forest Too? | Pics |
973 |
The Ol' Raise and Switch |
Lillie, Take Good Care of Pikachu | Pics |
974 |
The Island Whisperer! |
Enter Olivia! Cry and Laugh, Island Queen!! | Pics |
975 |
Treasure Hunt, Akala Style! |
We Found a Treasure! Stoutland Search!! | Pics |
976 |
Big Sky, Small Fry! |
Little Wishiwashi Isn't Lacking, It's the Lord of the Lake! | Pics |
977 |
A Crowning Moment of Truth! |
A Fire Battle! Marowak Shows Up! | Pics |
978 |
Currying Favor and Flavor! |
A Curry-zy Beautiful Battle! The Dance of Lurantis! | Pics |
979 |
Trials and Determinations! |
Olivia's Grand Trial! The Hardest Pokémon Match Ever!! | Pics |
980 |
Rising from the Ruins! |
Rockruff and the Guardian Diety of the Ruins of Life! | Pics |
981 |
Mimikyu Unmasked |
Mimikyu's Disguise! | Pics |
982 |
Mallow and the Forest Teacher! |
Mallow the Runaway and Oranguru | Pics |
983 |
Balloons, Brionne, and Belligerence! |
Popplio, Brionne and the An-chor-gry Dhelmise! | Pics |
984 |
Mounting an Electrifying Charge! |
Dash, Charjabug! | Pics |
985 |
Alola, Kanto |
An Alola! in Kanto! Brock & Misty! | Pics |
986 |
When Regions Collide |
Gym Battle! Z-Move VS Mega Evolution!! | Pics |
987 |
A Dream Encounter! |
Ash and Nebby! A Mysterious Encounter!! | Pics |
988 |
Now You See Them, Now You Don't! |
Nebby's Panic! The Teleport Happened Suddenly!! | Pics |
989 |
Deceiving Appearances! |
C'mon, Search for the Transformed Ditto! | Pics |
990 |
A Masked Warning! |
Gladion & Silvally! The Confinement Mask!! | Pics |
991 |
Night of a Thousand Poses! |
Strike a Fully Powered Pose for a Sleepover! | Pics |
992 |
Mission: Total Recall! |
Lillie & Silvally: Memories Reborn! | Pics |
993 |
Faba's Revenge! |
Faba Strikes Back! Nebby Gets Abducted!! | Pics |
994 |
Family Determination! |
EffortfuLillie! A Determined Runaway Act! | Pics |
995 |
Revealing the Stuff of Legend! |
The Altar of the Sunne! Solgaleo Descends!! | Pics |
996 |
Rescuing the Unwilling! |
Hurry Up! Operation: Rescue Lusamine!! | Pics |
997 |
10,000,000 Reasons to Fight! |
Shine, Z-Power Ring! A Super Fully Powered 10,000,000 Volt Thunderbolt!! | Pics |
998 |
The Professors' New Adventure! |
Thank You, Solgaleo! You are Our Nebby!! | Pics |
999 |
Let Sleeping Pokémon Lie! |
A Strong Sleeper: Komala's Secret | Pics |
1000 |
The Dex Can't Help It! |
Rotom Won't Stop Undergoing Forme Change! | Pics |
1002 |
Tasting the Bitter with the Sweet! |
Mallow & Lana: Bittersweet Memories! | Pics |
1003 |
Getting a Jump on the Competition! |
Lillie is Soaring Through The Air! The PokéSled Jump Tournament! | Pics |
1004 |
A Mission of Ultra Urgency! |
Set Off! You Are Our Ultra Guardians!! | Pics |
1005 |
Acting True to Form! |
The Dark Meowth is Alolan Meowth!? | Pics |
1006 |
Pushing the Fiery Envelope! |
Burn with Passion, Litten! Down with Incineroar!! | Pics |
1007 |
Ash and Passimian! A Touchdown of Friendship!! | Pics |
1008 |
Turning Heads and Training Hard! |
Ilima and Eevee Have Ilimade Their Entrance!! | Pics |
1009 |
Smashing with Sketch! |
Smashing with Sketch! The Fierce Poké-Ping Pong Match!! | Pics |
1010 |
Love at First Twirl! |
Pika Pika Sparkling Love! Poipole Spins Round and Round!! | Pics |
1011 |
Real Life...Inquire Within! |
Work Experience! Around the Clock with the Pokémon Center! | Pics |
1012 |
Rise and Shine, Starship! |
Shine On, Starship Celesteela! | Pics |
1013 |
The Young Flame Strikes Back! |
Protect the Farm! The Blue Flame Strikes Back!! | Pics |
1014 |
Dewpider Ascending! |
Dewpider Gets Lana!? | Pics |
1015 |
Sours for the Sweet! |
Ta-Dough! Burn with Passion, Mallow's Family! | Pics |
1016 |
Why Not Give Me a Z-Ring Sometime? |
Team Rocket, Get a Z-Ring!! | Pics |
1017 |
Tough Guy Trials! |
This Tough Old Geezer's the Island Kahuna? | Pics |
1018 |
Some Kind of Laziness! |
Tapu Bulu! Intense Slacker Training!! | Pics |
1019 |
A Battle Hand-Off! |
The Decisive Super Battle! Pikachu VS Mimikyu!! | Pics |
1020 |
Guiding an Awakening! |
Nanu's Grand Trial! The Awakening of Lycanroc! | Pics |
1021 |
Twirling with a Bang! |
Ultra Beast Clash! Operation: Boom Boom Crackle!! | Pics |
1022 |
Showering the World With Love! |
Minior and Poipole: A Promise that Got Lost in the Starry Skies! | Pics |
1023 |
Not Caving Under Pressure! |
A Sandshrew's Storm! An Ice Hole Double Battle!! | Pics |
1024 |
A Young Royal Flame Ignites! |
The Young Flame of Alola! The Birth of Royal Ash!! | Pics |
1025 |
All They Want to Do is Dance Dance! |
Won't You Give us a Dance Dance Evolution? | Pics |
1026 |
Dummy, You Shrunk the Kids! |
Ash Becomes Tiny | Pics |
1027 |
The Shape of Love to Come! |
The Shape of Family: Poipole's Feelings! | Pics |
1028 |
The Long Vault Home! |
Leap 'n' Climb: Stakataka! | Pics |
1029 |
I Choose Paradise! |
I Choose Here! The Pokémon Steam Paradise!! | Pics |
1030 |
Filling the Light with Darkness! |
Crisis in Alola! The Darkness that Eats Radiance!! | Pics |
1031 |
Full Moon and Many Arms! |
Lunala VS UB: BLACK! A Battle at Full Moon!! | Pics |
1032 |
The Prism Between Light and Darkness! |
A Prism of Light and Darkness: Its name is Necrozma! | Pics |
1033 |
Securing the Future! |
Connect to the Future! The Legend of the Blinding One!! | Pics |
1034 |
A Plethora of Pikachu! |
It's an Outbreak-chu! The Pikachu Valley!! | Pics |
1035 |
Turning the Other Mask! |
Kukui Up Against the Wall! A Second Masked Royal!! | Pics |
1036 |
Lillier and the Staff! |
The Hero Lilliel and the Alolan Cane! | Pics |
1037 |
A Haunted House for Everyone! |
Ghost Pokémon Everywhere! Everyone's Haunted House!! | Pics |
1038 |
Sparking Confusion! |
Wela Volcano: The Golem, the Graveler and the Hikers! | Pics |
1039 |
Don't Ignore the Small Stufful! |
Team Rocket & Stufful! | Pics |
1040 |
No Stone Unturned! |
Dartrix the Master!!! Rowlet the Sleeperzzz | Pics |
1041 |
Bright Lights, Big Changes! |
The Duo Splits Up!? Ash & Rotom | Pics |
1042 |
We Know Where You're Going, Eevee! |
Where is Eevee Going? To the End of the World for the Sake of a Meeting! | Pics |
1043 |
Battling the Beast Within! |
The Lightning that Blocks Wind! Its name is Zeraora! | Pics |
1044 |
Parallel Friendships! |
Fire it Off! The Twin Gigavolt Havoc of Friendship!! | Pics |
1045 |
Alola, Alola! |
An Alola! in Alola! Brock and Misty! | Pics |
1046 |
Heart of Fire! Heart of Stone! |
A Passionate Heart That Smashes Even Rocks! Olivia and Brock!! | Pics |
1048 |
Showdown on Poni Island! |
Lycanroc Showdown! Ash VS Gladion!! | Pics |
1049 |
Evolving Research! |
We Have the Sea and We Have Valleys! Pokémon Evolution Training!! | Pics |
1050 |
Run Heroes Run! |
Run, Kiawe! Surpass Yourself!! | Pics |
1051 |
Memories in the Mist! |
In Tapu Fini's Mist | Pics |
1052 |
A Grand Debut! |
An Island Kahuna is Born! Ash's Grand Trial!! | Pics |
1053 |
Keeping Your Eyes on the Ball! |
Hole in One at PokéGolf | Pics |
1054 |
Show Me the Metal! |
Arrival in Alola! Melty Metal Panic!! | Pics |
1055 |
Got Meltan? |
A New Species Has Been Discovered! I Got a Meltan!! | Pics |
1056 |
This Magik Moment! |
A New Show?! The Tiny Melody of Magikarp | Pics |
1057 |
Beauty is Only Crystal Deep! |
Beauty and the Meowth | Pics |
1058 |
The Dealer of Destruction! |
Guzma, Emperor of Destruction! | Pics |
1059 |
The Secret Princess! |
Lillie and the Secret Ingenuity Princess! | Pics |
1060 |
Drawn with the Wind! |
Shaymin, Meltan and Sandy! Lost Explorers!! | Pics |
1061 |
Aiming for the Top Floor! |
Aim for the Top Floor! The Explosive Dragon Gym!! | Pics |
1062 |
A High-Speed Awakening! |
Superspeed Vikavolt! The Awakening of Sophocles!! | Pics |
1063 |
The One That Didn't Get Away! |
Lana Hooks a Kyogre?! | Pics |
1064 |
A Recipe for Success! |
Mallow's Valiant Effort! The Forest Pokémon Café!! | Pics |
1065 |
Spying for the Big Guy! |
You're Being Watched! Team Rocket's Alola Forms!! | Pics |
1066 |
A Fiery Training Camp Trick! |
Master the Z-Move! Kiawe's Fierce Boot Camp!! | Pics |
1067 |
Living on the Cutting Edge! |
Perfect Sharpness! Kartana has Arrived! | Pics |
1068 |
A Timeless Encounter! |
Ash: A Timeless Encounter! | Pics |
1069 |
Pikachu's Exciting Adventure! |
Pikachu's Exciting Expedition! | Pics |
1070 |
Chasing Memories, Creating Dreams! |
Gladion & Lillie! Chasing a Father's Phantom!! | Pics |
1071 |
League Offenders and Defenders! |
The Curtain Rises! The Alola Pokémon League!! | Pics |
1072 |
Battle Royal 151 |
Brawl! Battle Royal 151!! | Pics |
1073 |
Battling Besties! |
Mallow & Lana! A Fully Powered Battle of Friendship!! | Pics |
1074 |
The Battlefield of Truth and Love! |
Jessie VS James! A Battlefield of Love and Truth!! | Pics |
1075 |
Imitation Is the Sincerest Form of Strategy! |
Overcome Decidueye!! | Pics |
1076 |
Battling on the Wing! |
A Birdacious Battle! Brave Bird VS Sky Attack!! | Pics |
1077 |
The Road to the Semifinals! |
Everyone's Fully Powered! The Road to the Semifinals!! | Pics |
1078 |
The Final Four! |
The Semifinals! Kiawe VS Gladion! | Pics |
1079 |
Getting Down to The Ire! |
Rising Fire! More Than One Rival!! | Pics |
1080 |
The Wisdom Not to Run! |
Guzma the Undefeated! | Pics |
1081 |
Final Rivals! |
The Finals! The Ultimate Rival Showdown!! | Pics |
1082 |
Enter the Champion! |
He's Born! The Alolan League Winner! | Pics |
1083 |
Z-Move Showdown! |
Guzzlord Attacks! Decisive Z-Move Battle!! | Pics |
1084 |
Exhibition Unmasked! |
Final Battle! Ash VS Kukui!! | Pics |
1085 |
A Full Battle Bounty! |
Burn with Passion! Get Filled with Intensity! A Full Battle!!! | Pics |
1086 |
Fiery Surprises! |
Conclusion! Incineroar VS Torracat!! | Pics |
1087 |
From Z to Shining Z! |
The Greatest Z in Alola! Tapu Koko VS Pikachu! | Pics |
1088 |
Dreaming of the Sun and Moon! |
The Sun, the Moon and Everyone's Dreams! | Pics |
1089 |
Thank You, Alola! The Journey Continues! |
Thank You, Alola! Respective Departures!! | Pics |
1092 |
Ivysaur's Mysterious Tower! |
Ivysaur is Quite Mysterious, Don't You Think So? | Pics |
1093 |
Settling the Scorbunny! |
Let's Go to the Galar Region! An Encounter with Scorbunny!! | Pics |
1094 |
Mind-Boggling Dynamax! |
Snorlax Grows Gigantic?! The Mystery of Dynamax!! | Pics |
1095 |
Working My Way Back To Mew! |
I'm Gonna Get a Ton of Pokémon! The Road to Mew!! | Pics |
1096 |
Serving Up the Flute Cup! |
The Hoenn Region, Site of Fierce Fights! The Battle Frontier Challenge!! | Pics |
1097 |
The Sinnoh Iceberg Race! |
Don't Give In, Piplup! An Ice Floe Race in the Sinnoh Region!! | Pics |
1098 |
Finding a Legend |
The Pledge We Made That Day! The Ho-Oh Legend of the Johto Region!! | Pics |
1099 |
A Test in Paradise! |
The Dragonite Paradise and the Dragonair Trial! | Pics |
1100 |
Best Friend ... Worst Nightmare! |
Chloe, Yamper, and Sometimes Gengar Too! | Pics |
1101 |
Flash of the Titans |
Dynamax Battle! Leon, The Greatest of Them All!! | Pics |
1102 |
The Climb to Be the Very Best! |
Ash VS Leon! The Path to Power!! | Pics |
1104 |
A Snow Day for Searching! |
Snow Day: Where is Cubone's Bone? | Pics |
1105 |
A Chilling Curse! |
Ash Has Been Cursed...! | Pics |
1106 |
Kicking it from Here Into Tomorrow! |
Scorbunny Use Your Flaming Kick! Face Tomorrow!! | Pics |
1107 |
Destination: Coronation! |
Ash Joins In! The Pokémon World Coronation Series!! | Pics |
1108 |
A Talent for Imitation! |
I Am Ditto! | Pics |
1109 |
Dreams are Made of These! |
Go Towards Your Dream! Ash and Goh!! | Pics |
1110 |
Caring for a Mystery! |
Hit Your Mark, Aura! Ash and the Mysterious Egg!! | Pics |
1111 |
Goodbye, Friend! |
Farewell Raboot! | Pics |
1112 |
Panic in the Park! |
Massive Panic! Cerise Park!! | Pics |
1113 |
A Little Rocket R & R! |
Rest, Team Rocket! | Pics |
1114 |
A Festival Reunion! |
A Battle Festival Exploding With Life! VS Mega Lucario!! | Pics |
1115 |
Splash, Dash, and Smash for the Crown! |
Splash! Magikarp Crown Yourself, Slowking | Pics |
1116 |
Toughing it Out! |
The Legend of Heroes! Leon's Ultimate Battle! | Pics |
1117 |
Sobbing Sobble! |
Sobble Sobs For What Reason? | Pics |
1121 |
Time After Time! |
Celebi: A Timeless Promise | Pics |
1122 |
Trade, Borrow, and Steal! |
Who Wants to Trade Pokémon? | Pics |
1123 |
Solitary and Menacing! |
Bea, the Lone Warrior! The Grapploct Menace!! | Pics |
1125 |
Making Battles in the Sand! |
Crawl Out of the Sand Tomb, Ash and Goh! | Pics |
1126 |
The New Old Gang of Mine |
I Am Back! Nice to See You, Alola! | Pics |
1127 |
Restore and Renew! |
The Colossal Restoration and the Fossil Pokémon! | Pics |
1128 |
Octo-Gridlock at the Gym! |
Ash VS Bea! Overcome Octolock | Pics |
1129 |
A Crackling Raid Battle! |
VS Zapdos! Legendary Raid Battle | Pics |
1132 |
Sword and Shield: The Darkest Day! |
Sword & Shield II: Darkest Day | Pics |
1134 |
Sword and Shield: The Legends Awaken! |
Sword & Shield IV: Ultimate Sword & Shield | Pics |
1135 |
Getting More Than You Battled For! |
Battling & Getting! Mewtwo Comes Back | Pics |
1136 |
Crowning the Chow Crusher! |
Pokémon Champion! The Battle of Big Eaters!! | Pics |
1137 |
A Close Call... Practically |
Almost Pikachu Crisis! | Pics |
1138 |
To Train, or Not to Train! |
Chloe & The Really Mysterious Eevee | Pics |
1139 |
A Pinch of This, a Pinch of That! |
Galar Fossils! Stick 'em Together!! | Pics |
1140 |
Trials of a Budding Master! |
The Great Farfetch'd Trial! | Pics |
1142 |
Healing the Healer! |
Getting a Legend?! Search for Suicune, the Guardian Deity of Water!! | Pics |
1143 |
Sobble Spies a Stealthy Strategy! |
Sobble In Possible | Pics |
1144 |
The Tale of You and Glimwood Tangle! |
The Tale of You and Me in Glimwood Tangle! | Pics |
1147 |
A Rollicking Roll... / Eyes on the Goal! |
Panic! The Gulpin Ball!! Come On, Chewtle Turtle Race | Pics |
1148 |
When a House is Not a Home! |
The Lost Grookey! Who is its Trainer!? | Pics |
1149 |
Beyond Chivalry... Aiming to be a Leek Master! |
Aim to Become Leek Master! Stay With Me, Chivalry!! | Pics |
1150 |
Searching for Service With a Smile! |
Leave It To Us! The Plusle and Minun Handymen! | Pics |
1152 |
On Land, In the Sea, and to the Future! |
Challenge! The Pokémon Water Obstacle Course!! | Pics |
1153 |
Absol Absolved |
The Detested Absol!! | Pics |
1154 |
Thrash of the Titans! |
Dragon Battle! Ash VS Iris!! | Pics |
1155 |
Under Color of Darkness! |
Flabébé's White Flower!! | Pics |
1156 |
Sleuths for Truth! |
Pikachu the Suspect!? | Pics |
1157 |
Advice for Goh! |
Rivals for Goh?! The Road to Mew!! | Pics |
1158 |
Errand Endurance! |
I'd Like To Keep An Eye On Their First Errand! | Pics |
1160 |
Leaping Towards the Dream! |
Let's Go! Project Mew!! | Pics |
1162 |
Grabbing the Brass Ring! |
Commander Pikachu! Head Forth, Falinks!! | Pics |
1163 |
Nightfall? Nightmares! |
Darkrai's Midsummer Night's Dream! | Pics |
1164 |
A Midsummer Night's Light! |
Cresselia's Midsummer Night's Light! | Pics |
1165 |
All Out, All of the Time! |
Fully Powered! The Alola Desert Island Race!! | Pics |
1166 |
Excitement from the Ultra-Shocking Start! |
A Super-Electromagnetic Hyper Class Battle! | Pics |
1168 |
Night and Day, You are the Ones |
The Moon and the Sun; Chloe and Haruhi | Pics |
1169 |
Trial on a Golden Scale! |
Trial Mission! Volcarona's Golden Scales!! | Pics |
1170 |
Mad About Blue |
A Clash?! Blue Pokémaniacs! | Pics |
1171 |
The Sweet Taste of Battle! |
Alcremie's Super Sweet Battle?! | Pics |
1172 |
Star Bright, Star Flight! |
The Cleffa That Became A Star | Pics |
1174 |
Battle Three with Bea! |
Rival Showdown! Ash VS Bea!! | Pics |
1175 |
A Battle of Mega vs Max! |
Mega Evolution VS Gigantamax! | Pics |
1176 |
Breaking the Ice! |
The Ice Queen and Glaceon | Pics |
1177 |
Looking Out for Number Two! |
Trial Mission! The Deep Sea Diver Research Team!! | Pics |
1178 |
The Gates of Warp! |
Dialga & Palkia! The Space-time Cataclysm!! | Pics |
1179 |
Showdown at the Gates of Warp! |
Dialga & Palkia! The Decisive Space-time Battle!! | Pics |
1180 |
The Spectral Express! |
The Ghost Train Departs... | Pics |
1181 |
The Winding Path to Greatness! |
Gengar Does Its Best! The Road to Gigantamax!! | Pics |
1182 |
It's all in the Name! |
Your Name is Francois | Pics |
PLA2 |
The Arceus Chronicles |
Arceus, the One Called a God: The Explosive Evolution of Heatran!! | |
1183 |
Suffering the Flings and Arrows! |
The Heracross Loss and the Pinsir in Love | Pics |
1185 |
Lighting the Way Home! |
Reach Space! Ampharos' Light | Pics |
1186 |
An Evolution in Taste |
Slowking! A Curry-zy Beautiful Encounter!! | Pics |
1187 |
Out of Their Elements! |
The Pokémon Circus! Flareon and Jolteon | Pics |
1188 |
Battling Turned Up to Eleven! |
Marnie from Spikemuth | Pics |
1189 |
Meeting Up with the Monarch! |
A Full Coverage of Leon's Special Training!! | Pics |
1190 |
A One-Stick Wonder! |
The Thwackey with One Stick! | Pics |
1191 |
Battling in the Freezing Raid! |
Trial Mission: A Frozen Raid Battle!! | Pics |
1192 |
The Future is Now, Thanks to Strategy! |
Ash & Clemont! Special Friendship Training!! | Pics |
1193 |
Taking Two For The Team! |
Ultra Class! VS Elite Four Drasna! | Pics |
1195 |
Radio Lulled the Mischievous Stars! |
A New Show! The Team Rocket Undercover Kingdom Radio!! | Pics |
1196 |
Big Brother to the Rescue! |
Help Us, Big Bro Yamper! | Pics |
1197 |
Catching the Aura of Fate! |
Lucario & Greninja! The Aura of Fate!! | Pics |
1198 |
Aim for the Eight! |
VS Raihan! A Fight with Masters Eight on the Line!! | Pics |
1199 |
Narrowing the Chaser Chase! |
The Traitorous Battle Royal!! | Pics |
1200 |
The Homecoming Crown! |
Mohn and Lillie: A Reunion on the Tundra! | Pics |
1201 |
Helping the Hometown Hero! |
A Triumphant Return! The Alola Champion!! | Pics |
1202 |
Chasing to the Finish! |
Last Mission! Get Regieleki & Regidrago!! | Pics |
1203 |
Friends, Rivals, Lend Me Your Spirit! |
Fire Training Battle! Ash VS Paul!! | Pics |
1204 |
Curtain up! Fight the Fights! |
The Curtain Rises! The Masters Tournament!! | Pics |
1205 |
Pride of a Champion! |
Champions' Pride! Lance VS Diantha!! | Pics |
1206 |
The Fiery Road to Mastership! |
VS Cynthia! Iris' Road to Dragon Master | Pics |
1207 |
Battling as Hard as Stone! |
Ash Heads Into Battle! VS Steven!! | Pics |
1209 |
Infinite Possibilities! |
The Possibilities are Endless for Chloe and Eevee! | Pics |
1211 |
It's Champion Time! |
The Semifinals I: Sweep | Pics |
1212 |
Bewitch, Battle, and Bewilder! |
The Semifinals II: Dazzle | Pics |
1213 |
Valor: A Strategic Part of Battling! |
The Semifinals III: Valor | Pics |
1216 |
Just a Scone's Throw From Here |
Goh and Cinderace! The Place Where It All Began!! | Pics |
1218 |
A Flood of Torrential Gains |
The Finals I: Torrent | Pics |
1220 |
Paring Pokémon While Parrying! |
The Finals III: Smashing | Pics |
1221 |
Partners in Time! |
The Finals IV: Partner | Pics |
1222 |
The Mew from Here! |
Project Mew | Pics |
1223 |
In the Palms of our Hands! |
The Future I Seize | Pics |
1224 |
Heroes Unite! |
Pokémon! I Am Glad I Got To Meet You | Pics |
1226 |
The Road Most Traveled |
The Wind of Beginnings! The Eon Path!! | Pics |
1227 |
A Fated Face-Off |
Ash VS Misty! A One-on-One on the Beach!! | Pics |
1228 |
Must Be Our Heroes and the Witch! |
Brock, Cilan and the Forest Witch! | Pics |
1233 |
Getting to the Heart of it All! |
What Banette Is Looking For! | Pics |
1 |
The Pendant That Starts It All: Part One |
The Pendant It All Started With! (Part 1) | Pics |
2 |
The Pendant That Starts It All: Part Two |
The Pendant It All Started With! (Part 2) | Pics |
3 |
For Sure! Cause Sprigatito's with Me! |
As Long As I'm With Sprigatito... | Pics |
4 |
The Treasure After the Storm! |
The Treasure That Washed Ashore | Pics |
5 |
Found You, Fuecoco! |
I Found You, Fuecoco | Pics |
6 |
The Ancient Poké Ball! |
The Ancient Poké Ball | Pics |
7 |
Special Training with Cap! |
Training! Captain Pikachu | Pics |
8 |
The Door That Never Opens! |
The Secret Behind the Off-Limits Door | Pics |
9 |
Welcome to Paldea! |
Arrival in Paldea! | Pics |
10 |
Nemona and Brassius and... |
Nemona & Brassius | Pics |
11 |
Arboliva's Forest |
The Arboliva's Forest | Pics |
12 |
The Future I Choose! |
The Future I Choose | Pics |
13 |
An Unexpected Picni |
A Sudden Picnic | Pics |
14 |
Fly! Wattrell |
Fly, Wattrel | Pics |
15 |
It's Someone You Can't See! Whosawhatsit? |
It's Someone You Can't See! Whosawhatsit? | Pics |
18 |
Flying Pikachu, Rising Higher and Higher! |
The Sky Is The Limit For Flying Pikachu! | Pics |
19 |
The Bittersweet Truth |
The Truth About Alcremie | Pics |
20 |
Kabu's Battle Training |
Kabu's Battle Training | Pics |
22 |
Charge! Galar Mine! |
Clash! The Galar Mine | Pics |
24 |
Reunion at the Ancient Castle! |
Reunion at the Old Castle | Pics |
25 |
Rivals in the Dark of Night! |
Rivals in the Moonless Night | Pics |
26 |
Terapagos's Adventure! |
Terapagos' Adventure | Pics |
27 |
As Long as I'm with My Friends |
As Long As I'm With My Companions | Pics |
28 |
The Stolen Treasure |
The Stolen Treasure | Pics |
29 |
Orla and the Poké Ball Smith |
Orla & The Poké Ball Craftsman | Pics |
30 |
Slip and Crash! A Mystery Pokémon?! |
The Mystery Pokémon Behind the Slipping and Clanging?! | Pics |
31 |
Song Within the Mist |
The Song in the Mist | Pics |
32 |
Lapras's Feelings for its Friends |
Lapras' Thoughts for its Companions | Pics |
34 |
Respective Departures |
Respective Departures | Pics |
35 |
The Wild Pair, Friede and Cap! |
A Duo in the Wilderness: Friede and Cap | Pics |
36 |
Mission: Find Oinkologne's Partner! |
Operation: Oinkologne Friendship! | Pics |
37 |
Fuecoco... Becomes a Crook?! |
Fuecoco Becomes a Bad Boy?! | Pics |
38 |
The SOS is from Tandemaus? |
The SOS Comes from Tandemaus? | Pics |
39 |
Tinkatink's Ideal Hammer |
Tinkatink and its Choice Hammer | Pics |
40 |
Farewell, Sprigatito? |
Farewell, Sprigatito | Pics |
41 |
A Wild Mom Appears! |
Enter the Intense Mom! | Pics |
42 |
Transform! Hero of the Seas, Palafin |
Transform! Palafin, the Hero of the Sea! | Pics |
44 |
The Plan to Capture Rayquaza |
The Plan for Capturing Rayquaza! | Pics |
45 |
From So Far Away |
To Places Far Far Away | Pics |
49 |
Dot and Nidothing |
Dot & Nidothing | Pics |
50 |
Trending Terastallisation! Dance, Dance, Quaxly! |
Terastallize for Social Media! Dance Dance Quaxly!! | Pics |
51 |
The Flower Tower |
A Prickly Floragato?! The Mysterious Flower Pillar | Pics |
55 |
Showdown! The Paldea Elite Four! |
Showdown! The Paldea Elite Four! | Pics |
60 |
Roy and Fuecoco's First Snow! |
Seeing Snow for the First Time! Fue-Fuecoco! | Pics |
61 |
Resonating Spirits in a Challenge to Ryme! |
Resound, My Soul! Challenging Ryme! | Pics |
62 |
A New Song for Fuecoco |
Me and Fuecoco's Song | Pics |
64 |
The Approaching Shadow! |
The Creeping Shadow on Glaseado Mountain | Pics |
66 |
Infiltrating the System! Naranja Academy in Danger! |
System Intrusion! Crisis at Naranja Academy! | Pics |
67 |
Shine on, Terastallization! Liko vs. Roy! |
Shine, Terastallization! Liko VS Roy!! | Pics |
69 |
I'm a Pokémon and You're Me?! | Pics |
70 |
Tinkatink's Hammer Was Not Built In A Day! | Pics |
72 |
Pursuit! Search for Kleavor! | Pics |
76 |
Wynaut? Sohdayo! | Pics |
77 |
Ludlow Returns to His Hometown | Pics |
78 |
A Fierce Fight Against Entei! The Noble Roar of Flame!! | Pics |
79 |
Over the Top! | Pics |
80 |
Oni-Awesome Pokémon in Area Zero?! | Pics |
81 |
A Grand Battle! Earth-Gouging Fire | Pics |
82 |
At the End of the Shining Rainbow | Pics |