
Pachirisu, The EleSquirrel Pokémon. A pair may be seen rubbing their cheek pouches together in an effort to share stored electricity. It's one of the kinds of Pokémon with electric cheek pouches. It shoots charges from its tail. It makes electricity with pouches in its cheeks and shoots charges from its tail. It lives atop trees. It makes fur balls that crackle with static electricity. It stores them with berries in tree holes.


Pachirisu is a cool Pokemon. Besides being endlessly cute it has some features that sets itself apart from other Electric types. 95 base speed is passable and its defenses aren't THAT bad especially for an electric rodent. Pachirisu also learns Super Fang, something that no other Electric type gets. It isn't all good news for Pachirisu. Its Attacking stats are terrible. Also besides Super Fang it doesn't really get much to separate its movepool from other electric types. When it comes to bulky support Electrics Pachirisu is rivaled by Ampharos, Stunfisk, Rotom, and Luxray. Still Pachirisu has a few perks that gives it SOME use. Well, its better than Plusle and Minun at least.


Run Away: Except for trainer battles, can always run from battle. Cannot run during Mean Look or Block or when the opponent is trapping with the Arena Trap, Magnet Pull, or Shadow Tag ability. Effectively useless. Never use this. Even in-game Pachirisu is fast enough that it should never hear the dreaded "can't escape!" message.
Pickup: Has a 10% chance of finding and holding an item after battle. Will not work if this Pokémon is already holding an item. Allows for the user to pick up the item of its opponent or ally if they used up the item in battle. This means if your opponent uses a Berry and you aren't holding an item you have a chance of picking it up and using it. Which is actually weird considering they're EATING the Berry, which you pick up later. What exactly are you picking up? Their poop?
Volt Absorb: The Pokémon heals up to 1/4 of it’s maximum Hit Points when hit with Electric-type moves. This ability is the only one you should ever use. It helps set Pachirisu apart from other Electric types. Healing some HP and being immune to Thunder Wave is also very handy.


Big things come in small Pach-iges

- Thunder Wave
- Volt Switch
- Super Fang
- Light Screen
Item Attached: Leftovers
Ability: Volt Absorb
EVs and Nature:
EVs: 252 HP / 240 SDef / 16 Spd
Calm Nature (+SDef, -Atk)

If someone breaks into your house, holds a Pester Ball to your head and starts screaming "use Pachirisu or else" this is the set I would use... but only if I HAD to use it. With Volt Absorb and passable Special Defense Pachirisu can switch in on other Electric types pretty easily and from there launch crippling attacks with Thunder Wave or Super Fang. When the opponent finally gets their act together and brings out something Pachirisu can't do much to (like Misdreavus) you can Volt Switch out to something else. Pachirisu's movepool isn't particularly large. With terrible 45 base offenses you shouldn't waste your time with moves like Grass Knot and Hidden Power. Instead try Light Screen. This will further support the team and help extend Pachirisu's life. 16 Speed EVs lets Pachi outrun max speed base 55 Speed Pokes like Ursaring, Golurk and Exeggutor, as well as Adamant Torterra. Make sure to run Leftovers. No other item will keep Pachirisu alive very long.


- Thunder Wave
- Substitute
- Super Fang / Double Team / Flash
- Swagger
Item Attached: Leftovers
Ability: Volt Absorb
EVs and Nature:
EVs: 252 HP / 240 SDef / 16 Spd
Calm Nature (+SDef, -Atk)

Sporting rocking sunglasses and sporting more swagger than Scarface is the mighty parafusion Pachirisu. In competitive Pokemon "annoyers" are frowned upon. Not because they are "cheap" but because they are bad. Usually there is nothing stopping you from just switching in a ground type and laughing at any attempts at Thunder Wave. Unlike most parafusion sets Pachirisu can do heavy damage to even ground types with Super Fang, effectively meaning nothing can switch in on this without taking at least SOME damage. Well, except Golurk... The idea of this set is simple. Thunder Wave something, then attempt to Substitute and Swagger until your opponent fails to hit you. Once you're safely behind a Substitute you can Super Fang freely until your opponent is hurt enough that Confusion damage finishes the job. Don't be fooled into thinking this is a good set. Most of the time Pachirisu will fail to do much more than Thunder Waving one Pokemon. But if you really want to make your opponent angry I guess this has the chance of doing it. While virtually every competitive community in the world including Serebii bans evasion moves, Double Team is still an option over Super Fang for the potential to just ruin your opponent's day. If your opponent puts their foot down about Double Team you can always use Flash. No one bans Flash!

Other Options

Choice Specs / Choice Scarf, Rain Dance / Thunder / Damp Rock, Signal Beam, Air Balloon, Electro Ball, Charm, Toxic, Fake Tears, Discharge, and U-turn
Pachirisu does not even remotely have the stats to run a Choice Specs or Choice Scarf set. It has the movepool, but not even CLOSE to the right stats.
If you're insane Pachirisu can sort of use Rain Dance / Thunder. Though it will sweep nothing on its own it can hold Damp Rock to support the team with a long Rain storm.
Signal Beam eradicates Exeggutor but doesn't really hit anything else. Actually it doesn't even OHKO Exeggutor. Not even close.
Air Balloon turns Pachirisu's weakness into an immunity. With HP investment Pachirisu may actually survive a few hits. Keep Leftovers though. It gives you more long term survival.
Electro Ball gets a mention just to say you should never use it. If you use Thunder Wave then Electro Ball you will have 150 base power against most things. This sounds nice except 45 base Special Attack isn't getting you far.
Charm can help buffer strong Physical Attacks and cushion something else switching into them. Works perfectly well over Light Screen.
Toxic is usable on either set over Thunder Wave to cripple bulky Electrics and Grounds. Though it is unsettling to have something as cute as Pachirisu venomous as a cobra, it does have some uses.
Fake Tears can pair with Volt Switch if you want to do some extra damage, but in the long term you're better off just Thunder Waving or Super Fanging.
Discharge has solid base power and has a good Paralysis chance but in most situations its better to just Thunder Wave, then Volt Switch away.
U-turn is an option over Volt Switch to do some extra damage to Grass types and do SOMETHING to Ground types that you must flee from. However it is far, far weaker than Volt Switch due to no same type attack bonus.

Double & Triple Battle Options

Please, more than any other Electric rat in the game do not use Pachirisu in Doubles / Triples. It has non-existent offenses, relatively bad defenses, small movepool and with the exception of Discharge, nothing that would really work well in any sort of doubles environment.


Farfetch'd. Pachirisu is immune to Electric while Farfetch'd takes on Ground moves aimed at the ele-squirrel. Seriously though, good partners for Pachi are slower tanks that appreciate Thunder wave support. Preferably tanks that need Pachirisu's Electric countering abilities. Though Farfetch'd was ajoke, Braviary appreciates Golem and Probopass being cripples by Super Fang and faster things Paralyzed. Zangoose and Toreterra can use a crippled opponent as a chance to setup.

Countering Pachirisu

Golurk is basically immune to anything Pachirisu does besides Swagger, which could backfire on the Squirrel. All Ground types and Volt Absorb Pokemon can switch into it fairly easily, barring a Super Fang that can not actually KO you. Altaria recovers status damage with Natural Cure and can Roost off any Super Fang / Volt Switch damage. Any physical attacker should be able to take down Pachirisu in one to two hits. All you really have to do is watch out for Thunder Waves and Pachirisu shouldn't be much trouble to take out.

Locations in Games

Not in game .

Not in game

Trade from Ruby/Sapphire/Emerald

Route 205, Fuego Ironworks, Valley Windworks .

Safari Zone

Trade from other games

Black 2/White 2:
Hidden Hollow in Route 3

Animé Appearences

Pachirisu has made a fair ew appearances. In most of its appearances, it was under the control of Dawn during her quest to become a top Pokémon co-ordinator.

# -English Episode Name- -Jp. Episode Name- Pics
487 Twice Smitten, Once Shy! I Got a Pachirisu! Is That Ok?? Pics
488 Mutiny in the Bounty! Pokémon Hunter J! Pics
490 Borrowing on Bad Faith! Pachirisu VS Aipom! Pokémon Contest! Pics
492 Cooking up a Great Story! Showdown! Ash VS Pikachu! Pics
493 Oh Do You Know the Poffin Plan! The Gifted Roserade & The Flower Legend! Pics
494 Getting the Pre-Contest Titters! Pokémon Contest! Floaroma Conference! Pics
495 Setting a Not-So-Old Score! Deciding Match! Piplup VS Prinplup!! Pics
501 All Dressed Up With Somewhere To Go! It's Love! Pokémon Transformation Convention!! Pics
503 An Elite Meet & Greet! Elite Four Lucian & Bronzong! Pics
504 The Secret Sphere of Influence The Sinnoh Space-Time Legend! Pics
507 Steamboat Willies Pikachu's In Charge! Pics
M10 The Rise of Darkrai Dialga VS Palkia VS Darkrai Pics
P10 Not Aired Pikachu's Exploration Club Pics
509 A Stand-Up Sit-Down Dawn, Zoey & A Double Performance! Pics
510 The Electrike Company Electrike Practice Centre! Pics
512 Mass Hip-Po-Sis Save The Stray Hippopotas! Pics
514 A-Maze-ing Race Maze Shuffle! Everybody Hustle! Pics
516 Not Aired Ash & Dawn! Head For A New Adventure! Pics
517 Dawn's Early Night Pokémon Contest! Hearthome Convention! Pics
519 Glory Blaze Chimchar VS Zangoose! Battle of Fate! Pics
521 Tears For Fears! Chimchar's Tears! Pics
522 Once There Were Greenfields! Cacea & Gardenia! Farewell is for Whom?! Pics
523 Throwing A Track Switch Aipom & Buizel! Respective Roads! Pics
526 Nosing 'Round The Mountain Probopass! Burning Spirit! Pics
528 Journey to the Unown! Unown of Solaceon Ruins! Pics
529 Team Shocker! Pokémon Contest! Solaceon Convention! Pics
530 Tanks For The Memories! Miltank of the Maid Café Pics
531 Hot Springing A Leak! The Swinub Trio & The Hot Spring Battle! Pics
532 Riding the Winds of Change! Gliscor and Gligar! Getting Through the Wind Maze! Pics
533 Sleight of Sand! Pachirisu in Hippowdon's Mouth!? Pics
535 Crossing the Battle Line! Dawn's First Gym Battle! Pics
536 A Triple Fighting Chance! Veilstone Gym! Lucario VS Buizel! Pics
540 Pokémon Ranger and the Kidnapped Riolu (2) Pokémon Ranger! The Wave-Guiding Riolu! (Part Two) Pics
541 Crossing Paths Goodbye, Dustox! Pics
543 Our Cup Runneth Over! Enter The Contest Master - Wallace! Pics
546 Pruning a Passel of Pals! Fierce Battles! Everyone's Respective Rival! Pics
547 Strategy With a Smile! Decisive Match! Dawn VS May! Pics
551 A Crasher Course in Power Pastoria Gym! VS Crasher Wake! Pics
552 Hungry For the Good Life! The Gluttonous Swinub at Mr. Backlot's! Pics
553 Fighting Fear With Fear! Gligar! Wings of Friendship!! Pics
M11 Giratina & The Sky Warrior Giratina & The Bouquet of the Sky - Shaymin Pics
P11 Not Aired Pikachu's Great Ice Adventure Pics
555 The Psyduck Stops Here The Psyduck Roadblock Pics
560 Lean Mean Team Rocket Machine Return to the Basics, Team Rocket! Pics
562 Doc Brock Pachirisu's Fever! Care-taking by Two People!? Pics
563 Battling the Generation Gap Pokémon Contest! The Celestic Convention! Pics
565 Double Team Turnover! The Charge of Team Galactic!! (Part Two) Pics
568 Aiding the Enemy Turtwig, Grotle...& Torterra! Pics
571 Jumping Rocket Ship Chaotic Melee At Canalave City! Pics
573 Get Your Rotom Running Yokan & Rotom Pics
574 A Breed Stampede The Way To Befriend Pokémon! Pics
577 Leading A Stray! The Missing Child Wailmer Pics
581 Hold the Phione Mischief Phione! Pics
582 Another One Gabites the Dust Pokémon Contest! Akebi Convention!! Pics
586 Pursuing a Lofty Goal PokéRinger! Big Decisive Sky Battle!! Pics
587 Trials and Adulations! Clash! Mamoswine VS Aggron! Pics
588 Not Aired Mysterious Creatures: Pokémon Pics
589 The Lonely Snover The Lonely Snover! Pics
590 Stopped in the Name of Love Evolution! This Time For Piplup!? Pics
591 Old Rivals, New Tricks Pokémon Contest! Tatsuami Convention! Pics
598 Frozen on Their Tracks Ampharos Train! Looker Appears!! Pics
601 Uncrushing Defeat Uxie's Shadow! Pics
M12 Arceus & The Jewel of Life Arceus - Towards Conquering Space-Time Pics
P12 Not Aired Pikachu's Great Sparking Search Pics
606 Strategy Begins At Home Dawn VS Mom! Showdown Between Parent & Child!! Pics
618 Unlocking the Red Chain of Events! The Red Chain! Team Galactic Start!! Pics
623 Double-Time Battle Training! Double Battle! Mamoswine & Cyndaquil! Pics
626 Regaining the Home Advantage! Explosion! Magnezone vs Metagross!! Pics
635 Teaching the Student Teacher Beach Pokémon School! Pics
638 An Elite Coverup! Elite Four Bertha! Hippowdon vs Torterra!! Pics
642 Last Call, First Round! Grand Festival! The Art of Flame & Ice! Pics
643 Opposites Interact! Mamoswine & Pachirisu! The Ice Chandelier - Decisive Blow! Pics
644 Coming Full Festival Circle! Semi-Final! Who is Heading to the Final!? Pics
645 A Grand Fight for Winning! Final! Dawn VS Zoey! Pics
M13 Zoroark - Master of Illusions Phantom Champion Zoroark Pics
P13 Not Aired Pikachu's Really Mysterious Adventure Pics
S26 TBC Dawn's New Journey Pics
747 Piplup, Pansage, and a Meeting of the Times! Piplup VS Pansage, the Magnificent Battle!! Pics
M15 TBC Meloetta's Sparkling Recital Pics
838 The Forest Champion The Forest Champion! Enter Hawlucha!! Pics
849 The Clumsy Crier Quiets the Chaos! The Clumsy Wigglytuff VS the Rampaging Salamence! Pics
851 A Campus Reunion! Clemont's Campus of Memories! An Electrifying Reunion!! Pics
865 The Future Is Now, Thanks to Determination! Protect the Future of Science! The Labyrinth of Electricity!! Pics
908 Party Dancecapades Ash and Serena! Getting One at a Dance Party!! Pics
922 A Full-Strength Battle Surprise! Rival Showdown! Ash VS Sawyer!! Pics
928 A League of His Own! The Kalos League Begins! Mega Charizard Showdown: X VS Y!! Pics
940 Battling With a Clean Slate! We Start at Zero! Clemont's Decision!! Pics
943 Till We Compete Again A Zero With No End! Till the Day We Meet Again!! Pics
1178 The Gates of Warp! Dialga & Palkia! The Space-time Cataclysm!! Pics
51 The Flower Tower A Prickly Floragato?! The Mysterious Flower Pillar Pics
52 Wattrel's High Wind Warning! Storm Warning for Wattrell! Pics
58 Food Fit for a Kingambit! The Mascot Pokémon is Kingambit?! Pics
75 TBC The Future We've Been Entrusted, the Shine of This World Pics
83 TBC The Truth Revealed? Amethio's Resolve! Pics

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