![]() Shiftry, The Wicked Pokémon. By flapping its leafy fan, it can whip up gusts of 100 ft/second that can level houses. It lives quietly in the deep forest. It is said to create chilly winter winds with the fans it holds. It was feared as a forest guardian. It can read the foe's mind and take preemptive action. It is a mysterious Pokémon that is said to live atop towering trees dating back over a thousand years. It creates terrific windstorms with the fans it holds. Overview Shiftry is one of those weird offensive Pokemon that.. uhh, one I can't easily make puns of. It's based off the Tengu from Japanese folklore. No don't worry I'm not cultured, I just managed to get to the final boss of Dead or Alive 2. Man that boss was annoying. Get close and the Tengu just demolishes you with hard hits. Its deceptively fast too. A lot like Shiftry. While Shiftry is by no means a bad Pokemon, it does lack the pure stats required to be a top tier Pokemon. It's pretty cool looking and with the right team support it can beat almost anything in it's path. Abilities Chlorophyll: Doubles Shiftry's speed in the sunlight. Incredible ability that changes Shiftry from an average grass type to a lightning warrior that virtually nothing can outrun. Movesets Tengu feel the power? - Growth So the concept is pretty simple here. Use Growth in the sun to get a +2 boost in both offenses. Then plow the road as very little can survive the boosted hits. Dark Pulse crushes Latios and Latias after a boost while Giga Drain breaks Water and Ground types. Giga Drain keeps you healthy over long games and after a few boosts it can even wear down Blissey. SolarBeam however has a lot more power against bulky things like Tentacruel. Low Kick is used in the last slot to beat Heatran, Ferrothorn and Blissey with one move. Speed EVs outrun Choice Scarf Landorus which is pretty much the fastest common thing you will see in OU besides Scarf Terrakion. You can run Naive nature to outrun Terrakion too but the power loss is pretty large. Oh, please make sure you are using this in the sunlight. If you don't have Drought Ninetales on your team just avoid using Shiftry all together. Usopp. - Swords Dance Swords Dancing with a Physical set lets you take advantage of Shiftry's higher attack. It also allows you to use Sucker Punch which cuts down Scarf Latios and makes you somewhat useful even if the sun stops shining. Basically plays the same as the previous set. One key difference is due to the greater focus on Physical Attack Low Kick can OHKO Ferrothorn and Brick Break can OHKO Blissey (after a Swords Dance). Both moves OHKO virtually anything else weak to it so your choice depends on if you hate Blissey or Ferrothorn more. Keep in mind Blissey takes about 90% from +2 Seed Bomb so Low Kick is the superior option most of the time. As with the Growth set 212 Speed outruns as much as you can without going Jolly.. and you don't want to lose the power just to outrun the occasional Scarf Terrakion. Shiftry puns? No, that's hard. - Nasty Plot Of course a Nasty Plot set is worth mentioning. Nasty Plot and sweep. While this set can not get around Blissey as easily it instead can destroy Skarmory and Ferrothorn. Giga Drain is the reliable STAB of choice but SolarBeam has sickening power. It's useless outside of sunlight though. Focus Blast beats Heatran and puts some pressure on Blissey. Hidden Power Fire is a good option as well to fry Skarmory, Ferrothorn, Bronzong and Virizion. None of them take a +2 Sun boosted hit and walk away to tell the tale. If you use Hidden Power Fire move 4 HP EVs into Speed to make up for the 30 IVs in speed you need. Assassin! - Leaf Storm Last but not least is the 4 attack Shiftry set. Dropping a stat boosting moves turns Shiftry into a powerful hit and run attacker. A Life Orb Leaf Storm gets a clear OHKO on Gyarados after rocks. It OHKOs pretty much everything in standard play that doesn't resist it not named Blissey or Chansey. Dark Pulse gives you a chance against Reuniclus and Latios. Low Kick vs Brick Break is power vs reliability. Low Kick beats Heatran easier but Brick Break does more to Blissey. Hidden Power Ice OHKOs Landorus, Gliscor and Salamence but Hidden Power Fire has 105 base power in sunlight which burns through many common Steel types (besides Heatran). EVs & Natures Shiftry Other Options Faint Attack, Explosion, Rock Slide, Leech Seed / Substitute, Choice Specs, Nature Power. Double & Triple Battle Options Decent amount. Fake Out is always awesome and with Chlorophyll boosting it's speed it is free to Explode or just throw around high powered Grass, Dark, Fire or Fighting attacks. Partners Ninetales. It's less a partnership and more a dependency. Shiftry NEEDS Ninetales. Without sun boosting it's speed Shiftry is just a bad, slow grass type. Ninetales also shrugs off bug and ice moves while Shiftry takes on water and ground hits. Other partners are anything that works well offensively in a Sun team. Volcarona, Dragonite, Espeon, etc. Countering Shiftry Pretty difficult as it has the movepool and the ability to boost any of its stats. Scizor can switch in on anything and usually OHKO it with Bullet Punch after a turn of Life Orb recoil. Dragonite will survive anything Shiftry can do as long as multiscale is intact, and either OHKO with Fire Punch or pick it off with Extremespeed if it's at about 70-80% health. Ninetales, Infernape and Volcarona will live through any hit and OHKO back. Infernape can blow Shiftry away with a Choice Band Mach Punch. Hitmontop and Conkledurr can do the same but don't last very long against repeated SolarBeams. Chansey and Blissey take heavy damage from +2 Brick Break but will usually survive one unboosted and can smash Shiftry with game ending Paralysis. Breloom and Virizion survive both Shiftry's STAB moves and will take a few Brick Breaks though neither can live through a Nasty Plotted Hidden power Fire. Breloom can put it in it's place with a Mach Punch. Politoed with Drizzle, ironically enough, counters any set with Solarbeam by forcing it into a two turn charge and halving the power. The frog can then dispatch Shiftry with a swift Ice Beam to the face. Toxicroak resists every common move Shiftry runs besides Hidden Power Fire and can beat it with Drain Punch. It takes a lot of damage from Dry Skin in the sunlight unfortunately. If you can remove the sunlight Shiftry becomes completely useless. Speed is his main advantage, without that he becomes incapable of surviving very long against fast powerful Pokemon such as Terrakion or Haxorus. ![]() I could post a set here showing Seedot's abilities as a Chlorophyll sweeper and make acorn-y pun or two but to be honest Seedot is completely useless in all tiers. Its stats are awful and unlike its evolution it isn't even a Dark type (it doesn't even learn any good Dark type moves). You can pick literally any other Chlorophyll Pokemon besides Sunkern and you will probably have more success. ![]() Locations in Games Ruby/Sapphire/Emerald: FireRed/LeafGreen: Colosseum/XD: Diamond/Pearl/Platinum: HeartGold/SoulSilver: Black/White: ![]() Animé Appearences
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