![]() Scizor, The Pincer Pokémon. It raises its pincers with eyelike markings for intimidation. It also swings them down dangerously. Its wings are not used for flying. They are flapped at high speed to adjust its body temperature. It swings its eye-patterned pincers up to scare its foes. This makes it look like it has three heads. Overview Since Platinum, Scizor has come into its prime. It was the first Pokémon to really abuse Technician STAB priority, and it did it so well. 130 Attack, pretty good defences, a great physical movepool, a slick as hell design, it's a great Pokémon. In terms of revenge killing, it is arguably the best in the game. Technician Pursuit and Technician STAB priority means you can take practically anything down. It gets Swords Dance which can make it a brutal sweeper, or a Choice Bander to punch holes in the enemy team. It also has one of the best typings available. Abilities Swarm: increases the power of your Bug moves in a pinch. Not very good, except on a Reversal set. Choice Bug - U-turn / Bug Bite The most common Scizor you will see. U-turn punches holes in teams and scouts. Bug Bite gets the Technician boost making it 135 base power with STAB, which is really, really strong. Bullet Punch is the move most teams fear; priority, base 90 power, no immunities, it's amazing. You want to use it for revenge killing, leave the armour breaking to U-turn. Pursuit revenge kills stuff like Gengar, Latias, Latios, Alakazam, that sort of thing. Quick Attack is an alternative priority attack to Bullet Punch, for Fire and Electric types. Superpower is for Steels like Heatran. Scissor Dance - Swords Dance A great late game cleaner. Swords Dance doubles your already huge Attack stat. Bullet Punch obviously wrecks everything with its priority and power. Roost heals you half of your max HP. Bug Bite gets awesome power, which combined with Swords Dance is silly strong. Brick Break ruins Steels. Reversal - Swords Dance / Agility Use your boosting move, either Swords Dance or Agility on the switch, and then boost again, Endure or Substitute to get you to minimum health. Reversal at minimum HP has 200 base power, which is insane. X-Scissor gets Swarm power, making it 180 base power with STAB. Baton Pass - Swords Dance / Agility Swords Dance adds +2 Attack and Agility adds +2 Speed. Roost heals you, allowing you to boost again. Bullet Punch is the most useful attack you have, and it can allow you to sweep to an extent. Baton Pass gives your boosts to another Pokémon on your team. EVs & Natures Pretty much every Scizor Other Options Choice Scarf, Acrobatics, Iron Head, Knock Off, Light Screen, Night Slash Like Tyranitar, Scizor can use a Choice Scarf quite well. It has the movepool and with Choice Scarf, it can outrun plenty of threats. Acrobatics gets 110 base power when you have no item. Iron Head is mostly useful for Choice Scarf. Knock Off is handy for a support set... gets the Technician boost, but like that matters. Light Screen allows Scizor to take practically any special attack barring Fire moves. Night Slash hits Jellicent really hard, as otherwise it'll wall you. Double & Triple Battle Options You'd mostly use Scizor in singles, as it lacks multi Pokémon attacks and doesn't really have any support moves or anything to make it stand out. It still gets priority and what not, but nothing else it doesn't use in singles. Partners Steels are a big issue, especially Magnezone and Heatran. Although it is pretty “eh”, Dugtrio can take down both of these Pokémon easily. Scizor is immune to sandstorm, so running it alongside Tyranitar works. Politoed and Rain Dance also works well as it stop your huge Fire weak. Speaking of huge Fire weak, something with Flash Fire can take any Fire attack and get a boost. Countering Scizor Scizor can be countered by a number of things. Firstly, by cutting down its attack using Intimidate or Will-o-Wisp. In terms of Pokemon that can resist some Scizor-bashing and then retaliate, there are a few, most notably Infernape, Heatran and Rotom-H who get STAB fire moves. Others include Magnezone and Zapdos who can counter with Hidden Power Fire and Heat Wave respectively. A Max HP/Max Def Regirock can survive a Bullet Punch after two Swords Dances and then counter with...Counter. Finally, Jellicent and Skarmory have enough the typing and defences to withstand Scizor's hits./p> ![]() Scyther is a rather unique Pokémon in that it can hold its own in battle and can be used as well as most evolved Pokémon. As such, an article has been written for it detailling all of the moves and strategies best for it. ![]() Locations in Games Ruby/Sapphire/Emerald: FireRed/LeafGreen: Colosseum/XD: Diamond/Pearl/Platinum: HeartGold/SoulSilver: Black/White: ![]() Animé Appearences
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