![]() Granbull, The Fairy Pokémon. It is timid in spite of its looks. If it becomes enraged, however, it will strike with its huge fangs. It is actually timid and easily spooked. If attacked, it flails about to fend off its attacker. Because its fangs are too heavy, it always keeps its head tilted down. However, its bite is powerful. Overview Granbull is a hugely cool Pokémon. Even though I've only used it in one tier (Metro; the only real way to play), I've always liked it. Pink is a cool colour, has a ridiculous bottom jaw (Jay Leno joke here), it's just awesome. Shame that it is so… meh. Great physical movepool, good Attack, good abilities, but crippling Speed. This really shuts it down. To improve its Speed you need to run Quick Feet, which requires either being paralyzed or just running Toxic Orb, slowly killing yourself. Don't expect much special here, Granbull is a generic physical sweeper. However, be prepared to for something COOL. B) Abilities Intimidate: we all know what this does. Enemy Pokémon takes -1 Attack when Granbull enters the battle. Movesets Toxic Toes - Facade Sweeping Granbull. Façade will lay down the pain once you are hit by Toxic Orb, as it reaches a pretty cute 140 base power without STAB. You get STAB, so you have 210 base power. Close Combat is a great move that allows you to deal with Steels like Ferrothorn easily. Earthquake is one of the best moves in the game, coverage is great, no point in using point Earthquake and Close Combat though. Fire Punch kills Ferrothorn, Forretress, Scizor, that sort of gang. Ice Punch ruins Dragons and Gliscor. Crunch is handy for smacking Ghosts that try to come into your Façade, and it partners really well with Close Combat. Choice - Return / Double-Edge Hit hard, leave. Just like a good party. Return is the most reliable Normal move you have, but Double-Edge hits like a truck and has an awesome name. Close Combat and Earthquake are both amazing, but pointless together as the coverage is very similar. Fire Punch helps get rid of 4x weak Steels, Ice Punch is for 4x weak Dragons and Flying/Grounds. Crunch beats Ghosts and gets some cutie coverage with Close Combat. Support? - Super Fang Super Fang always deals a good bit of damage, and as you aren't running any Attack EVs, it's the best move for the job. Heal Bell cures your team of status, which is handy. Toxic deals crippling poison to beat walls, Thunder Wave halves Speed, so ruins sweepers. Taunt is for stuff trying to heal up and set stuff up. Roar can phaze, which is brilliant at spreading damage with entry hazards. EVs & Natures Granbull Other Options Bulk Up, Metronome, Reflect, Stone Edge Double & Triple Battle Options There's only really one tactic that would make Granbull worth using, and that's Beat Up Rattled, to give it the Speed it always needed. That's really about it. It's a fairly generic Normal type, outclassed by most others.. Partners There are very few Pokémon that can partner up with Granbull successfully. Having Pokémon who can boost Attack and Speed and Baton Passing to Granbull can help make Granbull a sweeping master, but other than those, you're somewhat limited Countering Granbull The one problem with Granbull is its defenses, they're pretty low meaning that any powerful hit can get in and do considerable damage. Fighting-types like Throh, Sawk, Conkeldurr, Hitmonlee and Hitmontop can easily take Granbull out with their Super Effective Fighting moves while various other Pokémon such as Ferrothorn can easily stall Granbull who don't have Fire Punch. Ghost-types are also good at blocking one thing that Granbull is good at; Super Fang usage ![]() Locations in Games Ruby/Sapphire/Emerald: FireRed/LeafGreen: Colosseum/XD: Diamond/Pearl/Platinum: HeartGold/SoulSilver: Black/White: ![]() Animé Appearences
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