![]() Politoed, The Frog Pokémon. It gathers groups of others as their leader. Its cries make Poliwag obey. Whenever three or more of these get together, they sing in a loud voice that sounds like bellowing. The curled hair on its head proves its status as a king. It is said that the longer and curlier the hair, the more respect it earns from its peers. Overview Oh Politoed, you crazy pink-cheeked swirly-tummied little critter. The pain you have wrought the OU tier is immeasurable. You and your endless rain... and, obviously, that's all Politoed is used for. Nobody sits there thinking "hm... I really need a bulky Water... Water Absorb Politoed, of course!". Basically, Politoed exists for Drizzle and Drizzle alone. Not saying it can't be useful outside of infinite rain, but it's the reason everyone adds it to their team. It can use Hypnosis... that's nice. Strong Water attacks, which is awesome. A fairly good support movepool? Great! But it's Drizzle we all go there for, and it's all we want out of the poor little green toad, whose ability is more desired than its own existence. Abilities Water Absorb: a great ability, normally. Absorb any Water attacks that touch you, giving you extra recovery and the perfect switch in to strong Water types. Drizzle me this, Batman! - Hydro Pump / Surf Outside of Belly Drum, this is Politoed's hardest hitting set. It can even OHKO Tyranitar with Hydro Pump, which is perfect considering you'd be fighting for weather superiority. Surf is more reliable, but I like Hydro Pump more personally. Ice Beam is the perfect move to combine with your Water attacks for coverage. Focus Blast breaks through Ferrothorn and other Steels like Empoleon. Hidden Power [Grass] hits Swampert and other Water/Grounds harder, but Hidden Power [Electric] hits Gyarados much harder than any other move. Hypnosis works best with Choice Scarf, so you can get a quick sleep then retreat. Double status toad - Scald A more defensive Politoed, used more as a status inflicter and standard bulky Water than the other sets. Scald is the best Water attack Politoed has access to, as it can inflict burn. Encore is amazing, and if you hit the opponent with it when they use Stealth Rock or what not, you get a free switch effectively. Ice Beam provides awesomely useful coverage. Toxic or Hypnosis depends on what you want for your main status. Protect stalls Leftovers and Toxic damage, whereas Substitute does this but protects you for more than one turn. Rest provides you with recovery. Here comes the drum - Belly Drum It's all about the Belly Drum. Belly Drum gives you +6 attack, meaning you deal a lot of insane damage. Waterfall is your main move here, doing the most damage due to STAB and rain. Earthquake is like... the best physical attack ever, and I'm really surprised Politoed has access to. Return combos amazingly with Waterfall, and is a nice, strong, reliable attack regardless. EVs & Natures Drizzle me this, Batman! Double status toad Here comes the drum Other Options Body Slam, Counter, Endeavor, Haze, Hyper Voice, Perish Song, Psychic, Sleep Talk, Salac Berry Double & Triple Battle Options Drizzle makes it a great Pokémon to use. It means you can build your entire strategy around rain, without having to waste a moveslot for Rain Dance. It also uses Surf, which is always a great move in multiple Pokémon battles. Being pure Water is useful too, as it resists Surf and Blizzard. If, for some reason, you're using Politoed without Drizzle, you can make use of its other two abilities, both of which are useful in doubles and triples. Partners STOP FERROTHORN AT ALL COSTS. Ferrothorn is the be all and end all of rain teams, and walls them come hell or high water. Running something that uses strong Fighting attacks is a good idea, as running Fire moves in rain is pretty backwards. Honestly, Ferrothorn is the number one target to remove. Other targets to remove are Jellicent, Gyarados, bulky Waters, bulky Grass Pokémon, there's a few types that do well against rain teams. Aside from stopping Pokémon that might end you, pile the rest of your team with Pokémon that love the rain. Swift Swimmers, Hydration Pokémon, Dry Skin users like Parasect and Toxicroak, Steel types to lose the Fire weakness, there's honestly a huge amount of variety. Kabutops, Ludicolo, Vaporeon, Jirachi, it's practically endless. Zapdos is always a good choice to abuse 100% accuracy with Thunder. Countering Politoed It's a standard Water type with a few tricks up its sleeve. Cute images of a Politoed in a tuxedo have just swamped my brain. Anyway, it has a few special moves like Hypnosis and Encore that can mess you up, but otherwise it's a generic Water type. Ferrothorn, Jellicent, Gyarados, the standard switch ins work great. Bulky Grass Pokémon work well too, just avoid Ice Beam. To deal with Drizzle which, let's be honest, is a lot more threatening than Politoed alone, you have a number of ways. Firstly, your own weather. Tyranitar, Hippowdon, Ninetales, or Abomasnow. They all replace rain with sandstorm, sunny day or hail, but except for Abomasnow, they all lose and cannot switch into Politoed safely. There's also Cloud Nine and Air Lock, both of which stop all weather effects, although they are held by lacklustre Pokémon such as Altaria, Golduck and Lickilicky. You can also revenge kill the toad with Zapdos, Serperior, the list is huge, so I won't go on. As I've said, Politoed is a Water Pokémon with one or two tricks up its sleeve. All it has going for it is Drizzle and a few status moves... and a pretty cute design. ![]() Locations in Games Ruby/Sapphire/Emerald: FireRed/LeafGreen: Colosseum/XD: Diamond/Pearl/Platinum: HeartGold/SoulSilver: Black/White: ![]() Animé Appearences
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