![]() Alakazam, The Psi Pokémon. The spoons clutched in its hands are said to have been created by its psychic powers.Its brain cells multiply continually until it dies. As a result, it remembers everything. Closing both its eyes heightens all its other senses. This enables it to use its abilities to their extremes. Its superb memory lets it recall everything it has experienced from birth. Its IQ exceeds 5,000. Overview Alakazam, the original powerhouse Psychic Pokémon. It used to be incredible, but has sort of dwindled in usefulness over the years. With the 2nd generation bringing Steel and Dark in to counter the overpowered Psychic type, it hasn't really been as powerful since then. 3rd gen it was pretty strong, being probably the most powerful Psychic type outside of ubers. 4th gen brought phsycial Pursuit into play. Bye bye Alakazam. 5th gen brought Dream World, which brought Alakazam a neat new ability in the form of Magic Guard. One of the coolest abilities, it really makes Alakazam more useful. With a huge base Special Attack and a nice base Speed, Alakazam is a key example for special sweeper. Abilities Synchronize: Alakazam's second most useful ability. Being able to bounce statuses back is always useful. Pure offensive Zam - Psychic / Psyshock Hit hard, try not to get hurt. Psychic has more base power than Psyshock, but Psyshock can possibly deal more damage with the whole targetting Defence thing. Focus Blast ruins Steels and Darks, which will want to switch into your Psychic attacks. Grass Knot can destroy bulky Waters and bulky Grounds, always useful. Shadow Ball combos perfectly with Focus Blast, and helps deal with other Psychic Pokémon. Trick is great with Choice Specs, as you can completely ruin a Pokémon if you Trick it properly. Alakabooster - Calm Mind / Charge Beam A boosting set. Calm Mind gives you Special Attack and Special Defence, but Charge Beam deals some damage and possibly boosts your Special Attack. Psychic or Psyshock, pick whichever you think would be more useful. Focus Blast nails Steels and Darks, and Shadow Ball rounds off the Fighting/Ghost combo, as well as being a nice attack in its own right. LeadZam - Taunt Taunt+Encore is disgustingly brutal. You Taunt the Stealth Rock and Encore it, forcing them to Struggle or switch out. You could also use Magic Coat to bounce Stealth Rock and other entry hazards away. Snatch steals boosts but ideally steals a Substitute. Trick steals your opponent's item, same as Knock Off. Thunder Wave hits the opponent with a damaging status. Focus Blast helps with coverage and decimates the opponent's Steel and Dark Pokémon. Counter is useful considering you are running Focus Sash. Psychic stops you being Taunt bait. Twin Screens - Reflect More of a support set than an offensive one. Reflect and Light Screen make you sort of crazy durable. Psychic is always a useful attack, and stops you being Taunt bait. Speaking of Taunt, it is still useful on a set like this. Encore is also very handy, as it can force a switch meaning you get a free screen set up. Thunder Wave is a cool way of dropping a status on the opponent. It's awesome due to the fact it has 100% accuracy. Recover means you can heal yourself. EVs & Natures Pure offensive Zam Alakabooster LeadZam Twin Screens Other Options Choice Band, Energy Ball, Psych Up, Substitute, Signal Beam Countering Alakazam Dark types are immune to your STAB moves. Tyranitar, Honchkrow, Scrafty, Hydreigon, Dark types are great switch ins. However, watch out for Focus Blast. Blissey, Chansey, Snorlax, Jellicent, these are all good switch ins. But, be very careful around Psyshock. Priority really hurts Alakazam, basically because of its awful HP and Defence. Sucker Punch, Ice Shard, Aqua Jet, ExtremeSpeed, Bullet Punch, anything but Mach Punch works. Sableye and Spiritomb get a special mention due to being immune to Alakazam's most common moves. Psychic types themselves work well, such as Cresselia, Starmie, Reuniclus and stuff like that. Honestly, there isn't too much to say. Alakazam has giant Special Attack but... doesn't seem to use it well. Ironically it is outclassed by Espeon now as a Psychic type, where it used to be Espeon only beating Alakazam as a Baton Passer. ![]() Animé Appearences
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