![]() Pidgeot, The Bid Pokémon. By flapping its wings with all its might, Pidgeot can make a gust of wind capable of bending tall trees. Its well-developed chest muscles make it strong enough to whip up a gusty windstorm with just a few flaps. It spreads its beautiful wings wide to frighten its enemies. It can fly at Mach 2 speed. Overview Pidgeot. If you were around since the first generation, or picked up the Red and Blue remakes you probably raised a little Pidgey at some point in your Pokemon career. Sadly, despite being one of the most frequently raised Pokemon ever it's battling ability does not translate over to competitive matches well. It's sitting at the bottom of the barrel in the Neverused tier. Normal / Flying is not a very good type but even among other Normal / Flyers Pidgeot is bad. It lacks pretty much everything Braviary, Dodrio, Staraptor, Swellow and even Noctowl have. Pidgeot is a sad middleman with no particularly good stats (well besides Speed.. sort of). It does have decent Special Attack alongside usable Attack however. Its 91 base speed is JUST enough to outrun a fair number of things in NU". Abilities Keen Eye: Opponent cannot lower this Pokémon’s accuracy. Pretty useless as almost no one uses Flash, or similar moves. Movesets Work Up Sweeper! - Work Up So you may be asking yourself.. if Pidgeot is so bad why use it? That's a good question.. one that I had some trouble answering myself. The key is to find something Pidgeot can do that the other bird Pokemon can't. Pidgeot is pretty weak but has decent Speed and Attack. After a Work Up It's Brave Birds do impressive damage to anything in NU that does not resist it. Magmortar, Skuntank, Cryogonal and Samurott are all easily obliterated by a boosted hit. Return is the second STAB move that lets Pidgeot crack open some frailer things like Absol without taking Brave Bird recoil. Another option is Roost which may let you pick up some extra boosts. Heat Wave is a powerful move against Tangela that you can use to OHKO it but doesn't really hit anything else in NU. Also Heat Wave is impossible to get alongside Big Pecks so you have to use Tangled Feet. The final attack is the main reason to use Pidgeot at all.. usable Special Attack. After a boost Hidden Power Grass OHKOs Golem, Relicanth, Rampardos and Water Absorb Quagsire. It also 2HKOs Alomomola! Another option is Hidden Power Fighting although this pretty much only hits Bastiodon for a 2HKO. Speed EVs outrun Timid Rotom special forms and Adamant / Modest base 100s. Brave Bird Everything - Brave Bird Ok so say you want to use Pidgeot. You don't care what people say when they tell you that Pidgeot is an inferior bird. You want your flyer to crush them where they stand. Dodrio? Hah. Swellow? Never heard of it. Braviary? Doesn't have pecks nearly big enough for you. Here is what you should use if you just want to power through anything you face. This is not the best use of Pidgeot as most other normal / flying birds do it better but its's still hard to shrug off the motto "Brave Bird everything". One way to abuse this set is to run it alongside something like a Choice Band Dodrio or Choice Scarf Braviary. Once one of them wears its counters down the other one can sweep. EVs outrun neutral nature base 100s, max attack and put the rest in HP. 32 makes your HP odd so you can survive 4 hits from Stealth Rock. The last EVs are placed in defense as Pidgeot's physical bulk is decent. Psychic Predator - Toxic Pidgeot has pretty good bulk. It also gets Roost and Pursuit allowing it to act as a sort of Psychic and Ghost predator. Pursuit can catch fleeing Exeggutor, Drifblim and Musharna for heavy damage while Toxic hits them if they stay in (especially Misdreavous). Brave Bird is a primary damage dealing move that packs a reasonable punch off 80 base attack and with 120 base power. 48 Speed outruns Timid Exeggutor. 240 HP hits an odd number to lower the damage from Stealth Rock while 220 Special Defense gets a bonus point. EVs & Natures Pidgeot Other Options Quick Attack, Featherdance, Whirlwind, Hurricane / Air Slash, Fly, Ominous Wind and Heat Wave Double & Triple Battle Options Pretty much nothing. Heat Wave spam is about all it does. In a tier that loves Rock Slide, Blizzard, Discharge etc.. Partners Rapid Spin is nice. Stealth Rocks strips 25% of Pidgeot's health each time it switches in. Spinning the rocks away is always a good way to keep the bird flying. Pidgeot has a knack for luring in and either killing or hurting generic bird counters so things that take advantage of that work well. You can just slap a bunch of Normal / Flying birds together and try to break through your opponent through sheer Brave Bird power. Even if you lose you will be doing so in style. Countering Pidgeot Besides Stealth Rocks them self the biggest one is Light Bulb Rotom. It resists or is immune to your STAB moves, it's faster, has Thunderbolt (or Volt Switch), and takes minimal damage from any other coverage move. Electric types in general work well though they take a pretty heavy hit from Life Orb or Choice Banded Return. Regirock is 3HKOed by +1 Hidden Power but usually is able to beat it with a Stone Edge (unless it misses). Miltank takes even Choice Band Brave Birds well and can paralyze with Body Slam or just Milk Drink off the damage until Pidgeot's recoil kills itself. Tauros takes a hit easily thanks to Intimidate and punished Pidgeot with hard hitting STAB moves of its own. If you can't directly switch into Pidgeot it's easy to revenge kill with and strong attacker like Charizard or Zebstrika. ![]() I'm going to be honest here. There is no reason to ever use Pidgeotto or Pidgey in NU, Little Cup or Middle Cup. So many Pokemon do their jobs better. Golbat and Zubat alone outclass them at virtually everything. ![]() Locations in Games Ruby/Sapphire/Emerald: FireRed/LeafGreen: Colosseum/XD: Diamond/Pearl/Platinum: HeartGold/SoulSilver: Black/White: ![]() Animé Appearences
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