
Picture Name Roles
Tyranitar Pokémon Unite Image Tyranitar
Attack StylePhysical Attacker

Evolution Data

LarvitarLevel 5PupitarLevel 9Tyranitar


Tuxedo StyleHip-Hop StylePokébuki Style

Obtaining Method

Aeos Emporium - 14,000 Aeos Coins / 575 Aeos Gems


Guts Guts
When the Pokémon receives a certain amount of damage, its Attack increases for a short time. This Ability goes on cooldown after it's triggered.

Larvitar only
Shed Skin Shed Skin
When the Pokémon receives a certain amount of damage, all of its status conditions are nullified and it is granted a shield. This Ability goes on cooldown after it's triggered.

Pupitar only
Sand Stream Sand Stream
Summons a sandstorm around the Pokémon for a short time after it uses a move. This increases the Pokémon Defense and Sp. Def and deals damage to nearby opposing Pokémon.

Tyranitar only


PicNameCategoryStyleL15 Base DamageCooldown


Basic Attack Basic Attack Physical 450 (Std)
585 (Boosted)
Becomes a boosted attack with every third attack, dealing increased damage. This boosted attack also paralyzes opposing Pokémon for a short time when it hit's.

Special 1

Bite Bite Melee Physical 1283 5
Deals damage to opposing Pokémon in front of the user. If the opposing Pokémon's HP is below a set percentage or falls below that percentage as a result of this move they become unable to move for a short time.

Upgrade at Level 5: Upgrades to 1 of the following moves
Dark Pulse Dark Pulse Area Physical 1250 5
Has the user exhale a mist of darkness in a horizontal sweeping motion, dealing damage to any opposing Pokémon it hit's. If the remaining HP of an opposing Pokémon hit by this move falls below a set percentage, that Pokémon becomes unable to move for a short time. If this move hit's an opposing Pokémon again within a set amount of time, it deals additional damage. If this move is used while the users piercing strength has been increased by Ancient Power, the user can ignore opposing Pokémon's Defense and shield effects for a longer duration.

Upgrade at Level 11: Reduces this moves cooldown.
Stone Edge Stone Edge Area Physical 844 8
Deals damage to opposing Pokémon in the area of effect, dealing more damage the closer the opposing Pokémon are to the user. This move can be used up to 3 time(s) within a set amount of time, with the area of effect widening each time it's used.

Upgrade at Level 11: Increases the damage dealt by this move.

Special 2

Rock Polish Rock Polish Dash Physical 982 8
Has the user charge ahead in the designated direction, dealing damage to any opposing Pokémon it hit's. If this move hit's any opposing Pokémon, the users Attack is increased for a short time.

Upgrade at Level 9: Upgrades to 1 of the following moves
Ancient Power Ancient Power Buff Physical 515 first hit
473 second
Charges power before releasing a shock wave. The shock wave deals damage to nearby opposing Pokémon and leaves them unable to act for a short time. While charging power, the users movement speed increases, it gains a shield, and it becomes resistant to hindrances. If any opposing Pokémon are hit by the shock wave, the users piercing strength increases, allowing it to ignore opposing Pokémon's Defense and shield effects for a set time. If this move hit's an opposing Pokémon, the user can release a second shock wave in front of it'self, dealing damage to opposing Pokémon and decreasing their movement speed for a short time. If this second shock wave hit's successfully, the user is granted another shield. The strength of this shield is proportional to the number of opposing Pokémon hit by the second shock wave, reaching maximum shield strength if 3 Pokémon are hit.

Upgrade at Level 13: Strengthens the effect of the shields granted by this move.
Sand Tomb Sand Tomb Hindrance Physical 277 first hit
78 Sand Hits
Has the user move in the designated direction in a single bound, dealing damage to any opposing Pokémon it hit's while leaping and leaving them unable to act for a short time. When the user lands, the shock from landing creates a cloud of dust at the point of impact that deals damage over time and decreases the movement speed of opposing Pokémon within the area of effect. If this move is used again while the user in the cloud of dust, opposing Pokémon in front of the user will be pulled closer to it. Furthermore, while the user is in the cloud of dust, it takes reduced damage and can ignore the Defense and shield effects of opposing Pokémon.

Upgrade at Level 13: Increases the length of time the cloud of dust remains at the point of impact.


Tyrannical Rampage Tyrannical Rampage Buff Physical 909
Has the user explode with anger and go on a rampage, increasing it's movement speed for a short time. If the user is affected by a hindrance, it will return to normal faster than usual. While the user is rampaging, it's basic attack pattern changes and the attacks deal increased damage. If the HP of an opposing Pokémon hit by these basic attacks is below a set percentage, it is immediately knocked out.

Activates at Level 10

Viability Stats

8 8 4 3 2


LevelHPAttackDefenseSp. AtkSp. DefSpeed
Level 1 3300 150 110 20 90 3800
Level 2 3381 154 116 21 94 3800
Level 3 3478 159 123 23 99 3800
Level 4 3595 165 131 25 105 3800
Level 5 4018 187 162 32 128 3950
Level 6 4186 196 174 35 137 3950
Level 7 4388 207 189 38 148 4100
Level 8 4630 220 207 42 161 4100
Level 9 5486 266 269 56 207 4250
Level 10 5835 285 294 62 226 4250
Level 11 6254 307 324 69 249 4400
Level 12 6756 334 360 77 276 4400
Level 13 7359 366 404 87 309 4400
Level 14 8082 404 457 99 348 4400
Level 15 8950 450 520 114 395 4400