
Picture Name Roles
Trevenant Pokémon Unite Image Trevenant
Attack StylePhysical Attacker

Evolution Data

PhantumpLevel 5Trevenant


Subway Style (Red)Happi StyleRock 'n' Roll Style
Ranger StyleGardening Style

Obtaining Method

Aeos Emporium - 10,000 Aeos Coins / 575 Aeos Gems


Natural Cure Natural Cure
When the Pokémon with this Ability is at low HP, a continuous HP recovery effect is triggered for a short time. This effect also reduces the cooldowns of the Pokémon's moves. When this HP recovery effect ends, there is a delay until it can trigger again. However, this delay is reduced each time one of the Pokémon's moves hits an opposing Pokémon.


PicNameCategoryStyleL15 Base DamageCooldown


Basic Attack Basic Attack Physical 330 (Std)
429 (Boosted)
Becomes a boosted attack with every third attack, dealing increased damage to opposing Pokémon and restoring the user's HP when it hits.

Special 1

Will-O-Wisp Will-O-Wisp Ranged Physical 521 first hit
260 subsequent hits
137 burn
1192 total
Shoots sinister flames in the designated direction, dealing damage to any opposing Pokémon hit and leaving them burned for a short time.

Upgrade at Level 5: Upgrades to 1 of the following moves
Wood Hammer Wood Hammer Hindrance Physical 1030 9
Has the user pull back its arms and attack, dealing damage to opposing Pokémon in the area of effect, pulling them in front of the user, and leaving them unable to act for a short time. If this attack deals damage to at least one opposing Pokémon, a follow-up attack will be available for a short time. This follow-up attack has the user slam down a giant wooden hammer in front of itself, dealing damage to any Pokémon it hits and leaving them unable to act for a short time. The lower the user's HP, the longer the opposing Pokémon will be left unable to act. Every time this move is used, it consumes a set amount of the user's HP.

Upgrade at Level 11: When the follow-up attack hits opposing Pokémon, this move also decreases the damage those Pokémon deal for a short time
Curse Curse Hindrance Physical 327 per hit
5232 if hit totally
Has the user create a cursed zone in exchange for some of its HP, dealing damage over time to opposing Pokémon in the area of effect and decreasing their movement speed. The lower the user's HP is, the greater the decrease in movement speed. While using this move, the user builds up curse power every time it deals or receives damage. Releasing this built-up power will deal additional damage to opposing Pokémon in the area of effect. If the curse power is at maximum when it's released, the cooldowns of Branch Poke, Horn Leech, and Pain Split are reset.

Upgrade at Level 11: Increases this move's area of effect

Special 2

Branch Poke Branch Poke Dash Physical 566 7.5
Has the user jab in the designated direction, dealing damage to opposing Pokémon and decreasing their movement speed for a short time when it hits. At the same time, the user's HP begins to gradually recover for a short time

Upgrade at Level 7: Upgrades to 1 of the following moves
Horn Leech Horn Leech Dash Physical 397 first hit
397 second hit
794 total
Has the user charge forward, dealing damage to opposing Pokémon in its path and shoving them as it charges. Colliding with an opposing Pokémon while charging recovers the user's HP, and the lower the user's remaining HP, the more HP is recovered. At the end of the charge, the opposing Pokémon that were shoved are dealt additional damage and then thrown. After this move hits an opposing Pokémon, the mechanics of the user's next three basic attacks change. These changed basic attacks deal increased damage and reduce this move's cooldown when they hit.

Upgrade at Level 13: Increases the user's movement speed for a short time after this move ends
Pain Split Pain Split Sure Hit Other 0 10
Creates a link between the user and a designated opposing Pokémon. While the link holds, the user redirects a portion of the damage it receives to the linked Pokémon. The lower the user's remaining HP, the greater the percentage of damage that is redirected. Additionally, if the user's percentage of remaining HP is lower than the linked Pokémon's, this move continuously recovers the user's HP and deals damage over time to the linked Pokémon. If the user and the linked opposing Pokémon are too far apart, the link will disappear. Using this move increases the user's movement speed for a short time.

Upgrade at Level 13: Increases the time the link persists before disappearing on its own


Phantom Forest Phantom Forest Hindrance Physical 1438
Creates a cursed forest, dealing damage to opposing Pokémon in the area of effect, throwing them, and decreasing their movement speed for a short time. For a short time afterward, the basic attacks of all allied Pokémon deal increased damage to opposing Pokémon that were hit by this Unite Move. The user is also granted a shield when this Unite Move hits an opposing Pokémon, with the shield effect becoming stronger the more opposing Pokémon are hit. While the user is shielded, HP recovery effects applied to the user are strengthened.

Activates at Level 9

Viability Stats

4 8 4 5 5


LevelHPAttackDefenseSp. AtkSp. DefSpeed
Level 1 3250 175 100 20 70
Level 2 3391 178 109 22 78
Level 3 3553 182 120 24 87
Level 4 3739 187 132 27 97
Level 5 4589 208 188 40 144
Level 6 4835 214 204 44 158
Level 7 5118 221 223 48 174
Level 8 5444 229 245 53 192
Level 9 5819 238 270 59 213
Level 10 6251 249 299 66 237
Level 11 6748 261 332 74 264
Level 12 7319 275 370 83 295
Level 13 7976 291 413 93 331
Level 14 8731 309 463 104 373
Level 15 9599 330 520 117 421