
Picture Name Roles
Hoopa Pokémon Unite Image Hoopa
Attack StylePhysical Attacker

Hoopa Unbound

Picture Name Roles
Hoopa Pokémon Unite Image Hoopa
Attack StylePhysical Attacker

Evolution Data



Special StyleHip-Hop StyleCostume Party
Special Style (Navy)ResearcherCaptain Style
Neo Guardian Party

Obtaining Method


Magician Magician
In battles where the map is divided into an ally team and an opposing team side, this Ability creates a hole under one of the Berries on the opposing team's side (chosen at random) and warps it to right in front of Hoopa. If there are no Berries on the opposing team's side but there is Aeos Energy on the ground, then some energy is warped in front of Hoopa instead.
In the event that no berries from the opposing team's side were warped, the cooldown until this Ability's next use is reduced.


PicNameCategoryStyleL15 Base DamageCooldown


Basic Attack Basic Attack Physical
Special (Boosted)
309 (Std)
316 and 690 (Unbound) (Boosted)
Becomes a boosted attack with every third attack, dealing damage to opposing Pokémon by unleashing a beam of light. When Hoopa is Unbound, it unleashes beams of light with every basic attack, dealing damage to up to two nearby opposing Pokémon

Special 1

Confusion Confusion Ranged Special 620 first hit
1861 total
Has the user unleash a telekinetic force in the designated direction, dealing damage to the first opposing Pokémon it hits. The telekinetic force clings to that Pokémon and then causes a delayed explosion. The explosion deals damage to opposing Pokémon in the area of effect and decreases their movement speed for a short time

Upgrade at Level 6:
Hyperspace Hole Hyperspace Hole Dash Special 1189 12
Hoopa creates a large ring at the designated location, dealing damage to opposing Pokémon in the area of effect. After a set amount of time, Hoopa and any ally Pokémon in the area of effect will return to their base, and their movement speed will be increased for a short time. Ally Pokémon that return to their base in this manner must wait a short time before the HP recovery from being in their base triggers. These ally Pokémon can also warp back to where the large ring was created.
An intact ally forward goal zone can also be designated as the location where the large ring is created. Creating the ring on the forward goal zone of the top path will also create a ring on the forward goal zone of the bottom path and vice versa. All ally Pokémon, including Hoopa, can use these rings to warp between the two goal zones, and their movement speed will be increased for a short time after warping. After an ally Pokémon warps, there is a set cooldown before that ally can use these rings again.
If a path's forward goal zone is destroyed, the middle goal zone on the same path will take its place. This move cannot be used on a base goal zone

Upgrade at Level 10: Also increases the movement speed of all Pokémon near the ring when they are heading toward it
Trick Trick Buff Other 0 7.5
Hoopa creates a link between itself and an ally Pokémon using a ring, increasing both of their movement speeds and granting them each a shield for a short time.
When Hoopa uses Shadow Ball or performs a basic attack, the ring on the linked Pokémon also unleashes the same move or attack. Hoopa can also use this move on itself, increasing Hoopa's movement speed and granting itself a shield for a short time. Additionally, it increases the damage dealt by Shadow Ball

Upgrade at Level 10: Also restores the linked ally Pokémon's HP when it deals damage to opposing Pokémon
Hyperspace Fury Hyperspace Fury Area Special 160 per hit
1120 total
Has the user unleash a barrage of attacks in the designated area with its many arms, dealing damage to opposing Pokémon in the area of effect and leaving them unable to act for a short time.

Only usable as Hoopa Unbound

Special 2

Astonish Astonish Hindrance Special 1310 6.5
Deals damage to the opposing Pokémon in the designated area of effect, leaving them unable to act for a short time

Upgrade at Level 4:
Phantom Force Phantom Force Hindrance, Dash Special 1196 first hit
598 2nd and 3rd hit
2392 total
Hoopa creates a ring under itself and warps to a designated Pokémon's location, dealing damage to nearby opposing Pokémon at that location and shoving them. Hoopa then shoots two sinister flames that deal damage to opposing Pokémon they hit and decrease their movement speed for a short time.
This move can be used a second time within a set amount of time. If used a second time, Hoopa can return to the initial location where it warped from.
When using this move, if there is a nearby ally that is linked by Trick,t hat ally can also warp to the initial ring's location. The ally Pokémon that warps in this way will recover some HP

Upgrade at Level 12: Makes the user invincible for a short time when this move is used
Shadow Ball Shadow Ball Ranged Special 933 first hit
248 surrounding balls
Has the user unleash a shadowy blob in front of itself, dealing damage to opposing Pokémon it hits and decreasing their movement speed and Sp. Def for a short time. If the user then hits the same opposing Pokémon with a move or boosted attack within a set amount of time, it deals additional damage to the opposing Pokémona nd leaves them unable to act for a short time.
When using this move, if there is a nearby ally Pokémon linked by Trick, this move will also unleash a shadowy blob at the same target from that ally's location

Upgrade at Level 12: The shadowy blob will now explode before it disappears. Opposing Pokémon hit by the explosion are affected as if they were hit by the shadowy blob itself
Psybeam Psybeam Special 1841
Has the user fire a peculiar ray in front of itself in a horizontal sweeping motion, dealing damage to opposing Pokémon it hits. The user becomes immune to hindrances while using this move

Only usable as Hoopa Unbound


Rings Unbound Rings Unbound Special
Transforms the user into Hoopa Unbound for a short time, increasing the user's max HP and creating a ring at the designated location. Each ally Pokémon can warp to the ring's location once only
As Hoopa Unbound, the user's moves change to Hyperspace Fury and Psybeam.
As Hoopa Unbound, the user cannot score goals or activate its Ability

Activates at Level 9

Viability Stats

6 4 6 4 5

Viability Stats - Hoopa Unbound

9 4 3 3 5


LevelHPAttackDefenseSp. AtkSp. DefSpeed
Level 1 3278 130 72 40 50
Level 2 3443 136 80 61 55
Level 3 3624 143 89 84 61
Level 4 3823 151 99 109 67
Level 5 4041 160 110 136 74
Level 6 4282 169 122 166 82
Level 7 4547 179 135 199 91
Level 8 4839 190 149 236 100
Level 9 5161 203 165 276 110
Level 10 5516 217 182 320 122
Level 11 5906 232 201 369 135
Level 12 6335 249 222 423 149
Level 13 6808 267 245 482 164
Level 14 7329 287 271 547 181
Level 15 7902 309 299 619 200

Stats - Hoopa Unbound

LevelHPAttackDefenseSp. AtkSp. DefSpeed
Level 1 3278 130 72 40 50
Level 2 3443 136 80 55
Level 3 3624 143 89 61
Level 4 3823 151 99 67
Level 5 4041 160 110 74
Level 6 4282 169 122 82
Level 7 4547 179 135 91
Level 8 4839 190 149 100
Level 9 7225 203 165 110
Level 10 7722 217 182 122
Level 11 8268 232 201 135
Level 12 8869 249 222 149
Level 13 9531 267 245 164
Level 14 10260 287 271 181
Level 15 11062 309 299 200