
Picture Name Roles
Ho-Oh Pokémon Unite Image Ho-Oh
Attack StyleSpecial Attacker

Evolution Data



Dark Lord Style

Obtaining Method


Regenerator Regenerator
If the Pokémon doesn’t take damage from Pokémon on the opposing team for a set amount of time, it will gradually recover HP.


PicNameCategoryStyleL15 Base DamageCooldown


Basic Attack Basic Attack Special 380 (Std)
570 (Boosted)
Becomes a boosted attack with every third attack, shooting out a sweeping flame that deals increased damage and restores the user’s HP.
When the user hits multiple Pokémon with a boosted attack, the amount of HP restored is increased.

Special 1

Safeguard Safeguard Buff Other 0 5
Has the user create a protective field that reduces damage taken from the next attack.
When this field reduces damage from an attack, the user’s movement speed is increased for a short time.

Upgrade at Level 5: Upgrades to 1 of the following moves
Flamethrower Flamethrower Ranged Special 310 per hit
110 burn
Has the user blow flames in the designated direction, dealing damage to opposing Pokémon it hits.
This move’s cooldown increases the longer the user blows flames.
If the user hits Pokémon from the opposing team with this move, the user recovers HP.
If the user continues to hit opposing Pokémon with this move, the Pokémon are burned, decreasing their movement speed.
When the burned Pokémon moves, it will leave behind scorched ground. Opposing Pokémon that touch this scorched ground will also be burned, decreasing their movement speed.

Upgrade at Level 11: Increases the length of time the user can continue to blow flames and reduces this move’s cooldown.
Sky Attack Sky Attack Dash Special 106 (burn) 8
Has the user spread its wings and charge, then return to its original position, dealing damage to opposing Pokémon it hits and burning the ground along its flight path for a short time.
Burning ground deals damage to opposing Pokémon and applies a slowing effect.
When this move is used again, or if another move is used mid-charge, the user stops in place.

Upgrade at Level 11: Also gradually restores the user's HP while the user is on burning ground

Special 2

Tailwind Tailwind Ranged Special 1074 6
Has the user whip up a whirlwind in the designated direction, dealing damage to the opposing Pokémon it hits. The whirlwind then remains on the field for a short time.
Ally Pokémon moving in the same direction as the whirlwind have their movement speed increased, while opposing Pokémon moving against the whirlwind have their movement speed decreased.

Upgrade at Level 7: Upgrades to 1 of the following moves
Fly Fly Buff Special 710 8.5
Has the user fly higher, allowing it to move freely over walls, and increasing its movement speed and Attack.
After using this move, the user’s next three basic attacks become boosted attacks.
When this move is used again, the user lands on the ground forcefully, dealing damage to nearby opposing Pokémon.

Upgrade at Level 13: Increases the length of time the user can fly.
Fire Spin Fire Spin Fire Spin Special 302 per hit
1510 main hit
Has the user generate a blazing vortex around itself, dealing damage and applying a slowing effect to opposing Pokémon it hits.
The user redirects a portion of damage taken by ally Pokémon inside the vortex to itself.
At the start of this move, the user receives a shield effect. This move ends if the user loses this shield.
While the user is still shielded, if a set amount of time passes or if this move is used again, the user releases a heat wave around itself that deals damage to opposing Pokémon. The more damage the user takes while the shield effect is active, the more damage this heat wave deals.

Upgrade at Level 13: Automatically releases a heat wave when the user’s shield is lost.


Rekindling Flame Rekindling Flame Buff Special 0
When a nearby ally Pokémon is knocked out, a feather is left in its place for a short time.
This move has the user spread its wings wide and consume all of the Aeos energy it has to revive knocked-out ally Pokémon, returning them to battle at their respective feathers.
The more Aeos energy that’s consumed, the more ally Pokémon are revived.

Activates at Level 9

Viability Stats

6 8 4 2 6


LevelHPAttackDefenseSp. AtkSp. DefSpeed
Level 1 3400 170 90 20 70 3700
Level 2 3631 177 104 23 81 3700
Level 3 3886 185 119 27 93 3700
Level 4 4166 194 136 31 107 3700
Level 5 4473 204 154 36 122 3850
Level 6 4812 215 174 41 138 3850
Level 7 5184 227 196 46 156 4000
Level 8 5594 240 221 52 176 4000
Level 9 6046 255 248 59 198 4150
Level 10 6544 271 278 66 222 4150
Level 11 7093 289 311 74 249 4300
Level 12 7697 309 347 83 278 4300
Level 13 8362 330 387 93 310 4300
Level 14 9094 354 431 104 346 4300
Level 15 9900 380 480 116 385 4300