
Picture Name Roles
Ceruledge Pokémon Unite Image Ceruledge
Attack StylePhysical Attacker

Evolution Data

CharcadetLevel 5Ceruledge


Noble Style

Obtaining Method


Flame Body Flame Body
When the Pokémon with this Ability hits opposing Pokémon with a basic attack, it deals damage around itself with flames.
This Ability goes on cooldown after it's triggered

Charcadet only
Weak Armor Weak Armor
When the Pokémon takes Attack-based damage, its movement speed is increased for a short time. This effect can stack up to 2 time(s).
If the Pokémon with this Ability deals damage to opposing Pokémon with its basic attacks or moves, the Pokémon hit receive a wound. Life energy leaks out of these wounds, causing damage over time. This effect can stack up to 6 time(s). If the effect stacks 6 time(s) on an opposing Pokémon, that Pokémon takes increased damage from the Pokémon with this Ability.

Ceruledge only


PicNameCategoryStyleL15 Base DamageCooldown


Basic Attack Basic Attack Physical 430 (Std)
Becomes a boosted attack with every third attack, dealing increased damage
Basic Attack Basic Attack 430 (Std)
322 per hit (Boosted)
Becomes a boosted attack every 4 attacks, dealing damage twice. The next basic attack after using a move becomes a boosted attack

Special 1

Lava Plume Lava Plume Physical 1112 5
Has the user torch the area around itself with an inferno of scarlet flames, dealing damage to opposing Pokémon it hits.
The user's next basic attack on opposing Pokémon hit by this move deals increased damage.

Upgrade at Level 5: Upgrades to 1 of the following moves
Bitter Blade Bitter Blade Physical 1866
2058 after burn
Has the user focus its bitter feelings toward the world of the living into a slashing attack. The user recovers HP based on the amount of damage this move deals. Any HP recovered that exceeds the user's max HP is converted into a shield.

Upgrade at Level 11: Increases the amount of HP recovered.
Psycho Cut Psycho Cut Physical 1490
1682 after burn
Has the user launch a blade formed by psychic power in the designated direction, dealing damage and applying a slowing effect to opposing Pokémon it hits. Opposing Pokémon hit by this move have their Defense decreased for a short time.
If the user hits opposing Pokémon with a basic attack, this move's cooldown is reduced.

Upgrade at Level 11: Further decreases the Defense of opposing Pokémon hit by this move.

Special 2

Take Down Take Down Physical 1033 8
Has the user charge recklessly in the designated direction, dealing damage to opposing Pokémon it hits.
The user's basic attack speed is increased for a short time.

Upgrade at Level 7: Upgrades to 1 of the following moves
Phantom Force Phantom Force Physical 1092 per hit 9
Has the user dash and disappear into darkness, where it hides for a short time. While it is hiding, it cannot move.
When this move is used again, the user appears in the designated direction while slashing around itself, dealing damage that ignores Defense and shields to opposing Pokémon it hits and applying a slowing effect to them.
If this move hits opposing Pokémon, its cooldown is reduced.

Upgrade at Level 13: Reduces this move's cooldown.
Flame Charge Flame Charge Physical 599 8
Has the user cloak itself in flame and charge in the designated direction, dealing damage to opposing Pokémon it hits. The user's basic attack speed is increased for a short time after using this move.
A maximum of 2 use(s) can be kept in reserve for this move.

Upgrade at Level 13: Increases the length of time that the user's basic attack speed is increased.


Revenant Rend Revenant Rend Physical 1128 per hit
3562 before burn
Has the user ready both of its arm blades before slashing through to the designated location faster than the eye can track. The user leaves opposing Pokémon it hits unable to act before striking them with three slashing blows.

Activates at Level 9

Viability Stats

8 5 5 5 1


LevelHPAttackDefenseSp. AtkSp. DefSpeed
Level 1 3250 125 80 20 64 3700
Level 2 3352 132 85 22 71 3700
Level 3 3469 140 91 24 79 3700
Level 4 3604 149 98 27 88 3700
Level 5 4219 190 130 40 130 3850
Level 6 4398 202 139 44 142 3850
Level 7 4603 216 150 48 156 4000
Level 8 4839 232 162 53 172 4000
Level 9 5111 250 176 59 191 4150
Level 10 5424 271 192 66 213 4150
Level 11 5784 295 211 73 238 4300
Level 12 6198 322 233 82 266 4300
Level 13 6674 353 258 92 299 4300
Level 14 7221 389 287 103 337 4300
Level 15 7850 430 320 116 380 4300