| Ball of Mud |
Sprites |
Item Type |
Japanese Name |
Price |
Miscellaneous |
Purchase Price: | | Sell Price: | 0 |
Attainable In |
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In-Depth Effect |
This item can be used for crafting and can be thrown at Pokémon to stun them |
Flavour Text |
Legends: Arceus |
A ball of mud that has become stiff and hard. Hitting a Pokémon with one may stun the Pokémon, creating an opening for you to act. |
Scarlet |
Violet |
A ball of mud that has become stiff and hard. Hitting a Pokémon with one may stun the Pokémon, creating an opening for you to act. |
Locations |
Legends Arceus |
Jubilife Village, Jubilife Village, Jubilife Village, Lava Dome Sanctum, Highlands Camp, Snow Piles in Alabaster Icelands Hidden in ground and dug up by Ursaluna (Random chance) Request Rewards: Massive Mass Outbreak in the Highlands, Massive Mass Outbreak in the Icelands Carried by Pokémon Buizel, Floatzel, Geodude, Paras, Parasect, Psyduck, Golduck, Aipom, Ambipom, Magikarp, Gyarados, Shellos, Gastrodon, Qwilfish, Overqwil, Carnivine, Tangela, Tangrowth, Croagunk, Toxicroak, Ralts, Kirlia, Gardevoir, Gallade, Hippopotas, Hippowdon, Goomy, Sliggoo, Goodra, Onix, Rhyhorn, Rhydon, Rhyperior, Bonsly, Sudowoodo, Lickitung, Lickilicky, Porygon, Porygon2, Porygon-Z, Remoraid, Octillery, Skorupi, Drapion, Glameow, Purugly, Machop, Machoke, Machamp, Mantyke, Mantine, Basculin, Basculegion, Bronzor, Bronzong, Gible, Gabite, Garchomp, Nosepass, Probopass, Voltorb, Electrode, Rotom, Chingling, Chimecho, Snorunt, Glalie, Cranidos, Rampardos, Shieldon, Bastiodon, Swinub, Piloswine, Mamoswine, Bergmite, Avalugg, Snover, Abomasnow, Rufflet, Braviary, Riolu, Lucario |
Items Able to Be Crafted with Ball of Mud
Sticky Glob |
A ball of some kind of sticky substance. Hitting a Pokémon with one may stun the Pokémon, creating an opening for you to act. |