- 31-7-2004-07:02-EDT - Serebii Had to update this quickly In The Games Department Fire Red/Leaf Green news Well, as you may probably know, in FireRed/LeafGreen, there is a new set of Island range featuring 9 Islands. Well, I come with exclusive news on their name. No Longer shall they be called the Mystery Islands, or the Rainbow Islands...they are, the Sevii Islands. But that's not all, we also have the US Name for Island 1, It isnt Island 1 anymore, it is called Knot Island. We'll bring further info as soon as possible. Click Below to read up on the islands:
In The Pokémon Of The Day Department Who's That Pokémon Well, Here's the seventy-first PotD, Castform, tomorrow is a Medium Black Thing
Until Tomorrow, See Ya
Friday: Ep Pics & Pokémon of the Day Early Update as I'm gonna be busy today In The Anime Department Episode Pictures Well, here are the pics of the episode that aired yesterday in Japan. Be Warned as they contains spoilers. Enjoy:
In The Pokémon Of The Day Department Who's That Pokémon Well, Here's the seventieth PotD, Kabuto, tomorrow is a Small White Thing
Until Tomorrow, See Ya
Thursday: Pokémon of the Day Been busy with stuff, sorry. Ep Pics tomorrow. Also there is this "fact" going around that Emerald has a US release date of July 10th 2005. This has no basis in truth so complain complain complain In The Pokémon Of The Day Department Who's That Pokémon Well, Here's the sixty-nineth PotD, Wurmple, tomorrow is a Small Brown Thing
Until Tomorrow, See Ya
Wednesday: Pokémon of the Day Thanks to all who sent Birthday Wishes to me, I have had a great day and am thus going to bed. See ya In The Pokémon Of The Day Department Who's That Pokémon Well, Here's the sixty-eighth PotD, Celebi, tomorrow is a Small Red Thing
Until Tomorrow, See Ya
Tuesday: Ep Guide, Movie Thing & Pokémon of the Day It's my 18th birthday tomorrow so I may not update other than with the PotD In The Anime Department Episode Guide Well, while Mike is havin a break, Zak has done the guide for Thursday's episode. Enjoy:
Movies In Animé Well, I added another movie to the movie section, the final from the recent ep. Enjoy:
In The Pokémon Of The Day Department Who's That Pokémon Well, Here's the sixty-seventh PotD, Moltres, tomorrow is a Small Green Thing
Until Tomorrow, See Ya
Monday: Game Stuff & Pokémon of the Day Should have the episode guide tomorrow. There is a Pokémon DS box art going around, let me tell you for sure. ITS FAKE...STOP EMAILING ME WITH IT In The Games Department PokéRus Well, Many people have been e-mailling us asking for information on Pokérus, so Dragonair has done a small write-up about it. Enjoy:
In The Pokémon Of The Day Department Who's That Pokémon Well, Here's the sixty-sixth PotD, Misdreavus, tomorrow is a Big Orange Thing
Until Tomorrow, See Ya
Sunday: Anime Movies & Pokémon of the Day Will try and have a new games update up tomorrow if possible. I will keep you aprised on it as time goes by. Running out of these movie things and I'm busy all week. 3 Days until my birthday. A reminder, the Deoxys I posted yesterday is not officially confirmed, while it is likely to be the real one, it is possible that it isn't. In The Anime Department Movies In Animé Well, I added another movie to the movie section. Enjoy:
In The Pokémon Of The Day Department Who's That Pokémon Well, Here's the sixty-fifth PotD, Spoink, tomorrow is a Small Black Thing
Until Tomorrow, See Ya
Saturday: Speed Form Deoxys, Anime Movies & Pokémon of the Day Busy Busy In The Pokémon Department Speed Form Deoxys Well, thanks to may11 and "Obedient Raccoon Dog", we may have found the Sugimori art of the new Deoxys form, Speed Deoxys. This may not be 100% true but even if not, it gives a good idea:
In The Anime Department Movies In Animé Well, I added another movie to the movie section. Enjoy:
In The Pokémon Of The Day Department Who's That Pokémon Well, Here's the sixty-fourth PotD, Butterfree, tomorrow is a Small Grey Thing
Until Tomorrow, See Ya
Friday 2 of 2: New Section & Pokémon of the Day As you may or may not know, I'm gonna be busy in the next week and may not have abundant time to update In The Anime Department Movies In Animé Well, Recently there have been a number of movies shown in the anime, so I have decided to make a page...I will add one whenever its a dry update day between now and the end of the month. I currently have 2 of them up. They have a small, 3 Paragraph Average (Pretty good for a 30 second film) summary written by myself and 30 pictures of it. Enjoy:
In The Pokémon Of The Day Department Who's That Pokémon Well, Here's the sixty-third PotD, Murkrow, tomorrow is a Medium Blue Thing
Until Tomorrow, See Ya
Friday 1 of 2: Ep Pics Sorry for the delay, had a couple of technical problems. I'm gonna open a special section for me to gradually update over the next week as I'll be kinda busy but will still get a daily update in wherever possible. The First Part of the Special Section will be up tonight In The Anime Department Episode Pictures Well, here are the pics of the episode that aired yesterday in Japan. Be Warned as they contains spoilers. Enjoy:
Until Tomorrow, See Ya
Thursday: Char BIOs, Pokémon Of The Day Have to delay episode reasons til tomorrow, will get them up as soon as possible In The Anime Department Character BIOs Well, I have added a new BIO for a "trainer" in today's episode. Red, it was a cross over from one of the Japanese Mangas. Enoy:
In The Pokémon Of The Day Department Who's That Pokémon Well, Here's the sixty-second PotD, Spinda, tomorrow is a Small Black Thing
Until Tomorrow, See Ya
Wednesday: Pokémon Of The Day Still nothing, sorry. Ep Pics tomorrow maybe. I will endeavor to get something for tomorrow though In The Pokémon Of The Day Department Who's That Pokémon Well, Here's the sixty-first PotD, Seel, tomorrow is a Small Beige Thing
Until Tomorrow, See Ya
Tuesday: Pokémon Of The Day Nothing update worthy today but I have been busy with other things too, will try and get stuff for tomorrow In The Pokémon Of The Day Department Who's That Pokémon Well, Here's the sixtieth PotD, Skarmory, tomorrow is a Small White Thing
Until Tomorrow, See Ya
Monday: Emerald Info, Movie 7 Pics & Pokémon Of The Day And again, more news nobody seems to have as far as I have seen anyway, and some that has In The Games Department Emerald news Well, Coronis got the issue of Pokémon Wonderland and with it he got a little more information (and a few new pictures) for Emerald's Battle Dome and Battle Tube. Click each one to go to it's respective page. Enjoy:
In The Movies Department 7th Movie Pictures Also from Wonderland, Coronis has given us exclusively some new shots from the movie, about 26 of them. I put them in order. Mits off all you thieves, you know who you are:
In The Pokémon Of The Day Department Who's That Pokémon Well, Here's the fifty-nineth PotD, Metagross, tomorrow is a Big Grey Thing
Until Tomorrow, See Ya
Sunday: Ep Guide, Emerald News & Pokémon Of The Day What a week this has been, loads of exclusives and firsts at Serebii.net before any other site on the web, In-Depth Emerald Info, Emerald Pictures, Movie 7 Synopsis, Movie 8 News and Yesterday the New Deoxys Form. Surely this proves SPP is the place to go for info. Coronis got the new issue of Pokémon Wonderland In The Anime Department Episode Guide Well, Mike has sent in the guide for the episode that aired in Japan on Thursday. He had it ready yesterday but we didnt want to put it up as it would be dwarfed by the updates then Contains Spoilers. Enjoy:
In The Games Department Emerald News Well, I have some minor Emerald News for you, it seems that Emerald will be having it's own set of Battle E Cards due for release in October/November in Japan. We have no details of whats in them or anything but as soon as it's known, it'll be here In The Pokémon Of The Day Department Who's That Pokémon Well, Here's the fifty-eighth PotD, Deoxys - Defense Form, tomorrow is another Big Blue Thing
Until Tomorrow, See Ya
Saturday 2 of 2: NEW DEOXYS FORM, Movie 7 Guide, BIOs & Pokémon Of The Day Altomare Latios said he'll get us the guide as soon as possible...but it is a big movie In The Pokemon Department New Deoxys Form Well, the official site has revealed a Sihlouette of a brand new Deoxys form...not seen in the movie but seen in Pokémon Emerald. Thanks to PiPikachu for the heads up. We dont know what it specialises in but we do know a full picture will be shown on August 11th. Check back here for it. Here's the Sihlouette and you saw it here FIRST AND ONLY: In The Movies Department Movie 7 Guide Altomare Latios Has sent in the full version of the synopsis. This is a Serebii.net Exclusive, The First Guide on any english site and Contains Spoilers. Enjoy:
Character BIOs Well, with the movie come many character BIOs...5 in fact. Click each to show
In The Anime Department Episode Titles Well, Zak has translated some new Episode titles for us:
Episode 365: Pikachu, Joining Team Rocket!? In The Pokémon Of The Day Department Who's That Pokémon Well, Here's the fifty-seventh PotD, Deoxys - Normal Form, tomorrow is another Big Red Thing
Until Tomorrow, See Ya
Saturday 1 of 2: Movie 7 Review & Movie 8 News - UPDATED: MOVIE 7 GUIDE PART Altomare Latios said he'll get us the guide as soon as possible...but it is a big movie In The Movies Department Movie 7 Guide Altomare Latios Has sent in the first part of the guide. It will be updated continuously throughout the day so keep your eye on it and we'll add to it as much as possible. This is a Serebii.net Exclusive, A First and Contains Spoilers. Enjoy:
Movie 7 Review Well, Altomare Latios saw the 7th Movie today and has posted a Short Review to keep us anxious to see his guide within the next day. Click Below to read
Movie 8 News Well, as with any previous movie...at the end there was a trailer for the 8th movie. No details were given...only that it exists and is coming in 2005. Expect news on it in December. This news was a Serebii.net Exclusive. Thanks to Altomare Latios for it. Until Tomorrow, See Ya
Friday: Ep Pics, Char BIOs, Block Robot & Pokémon Of The Day Ep Guide tomorrow, Next Week Episode seems interesting...its about a Pokemon film which has Pichu's flying Fighter Planes. Movie 7 shows in Japan tomorrow and as with every year, Altomare Latios is going to see it and will have a guide up Saturday...maybe Sunday or if things are stretched...Monday In The Anime Department Episode Pictures Well, we've got pictures of the episode that aired yesterday in Japan. Sorry about the delay. Be Warned as they contains spoilers. Enjoy:
Character BIOs Well, I have updated Winona's Character BIO with 2 New Pokémon and I have also added a new BIO for a trainer in next week's ep. Enoy:
In The Movies Department Block Robot Well, A Small Special after the episode (lasted 1 min) showed a bit more of Block Robot's uses...so I added that to it's page
In The Pokémon Of The Day Department Who's That Pokémon Well, Here's the fifty-sixth PotD, Deoxys - Attack Form, tomorrow is another Big Red Thing
Until Tomorrow, See Ya
Thursday: TCG Set, AttackDex & Pokémon Of The Day Ep Pics Delayed til tomorrow...sorry. No New Emerald News...I think thats all the news for now...unless Pokémon Festa this Summer reveals anything but judging by preliminary info, it's just going to have the Battle Tube & Battle Dome playable and we've got a section on that but I will keep you aprised in news if it occurs In The TCG Department EX Trainer Kit Well, our very own Pokémon Professor (It's true, he's an official one), Fox McCloud has sent me scans and info about the new Starter Decks called the EX: Trainer Kit. Click below to view the page:
In The Site Department Attack Dex Well, Today I added a new bit to the Attack Dex...Listings by Contest Type. I have also fixed a few errors and put a few more pictures up Have a look...I may start on TM Moves next week or I'll do somethin else...I'll tell you closer to the time
In The Pokémon Of The Day Department Who's That Pokémon Well, Here's the fifty-fifth PotD, Rayquaza, tomorrow is a Big Red Thing
Until Tomorrow, See Ya
Wednesday: Emerald, Movie 7 (Is This The New Pokémon)? AttackDex & Pokémon Of The Day Ep Pics and all that tomorrow as usual...may have more Emerald News...probably wont for a month now. Also sorry for boring you with that whine about that site (now deleted) and it's full-scans...they angered me by bashing the site and the scans we have In The Games Department Pokémon Emerald Well, With More of Coronis' Scans, I have made a page explaining the new Double Battle bits
And Fianlly, I have collected all the pics we have and put them into the picture page. Enjoy:
In The Movies Department 7th Movie Stuff Well as you know, Coro Coro's site had a line "Is this a new Pokémon" in regards to something related to the 7th movie. Well we have pictures (thanks to Coronis and Coro Coro again) of Block Robot and with it, I have made a new page. It is possible that this is a Pokémon but I doubt it and Coro Coro stated it is a non-Pokemon force:
In The Site Department Attack Dex Well, Today I added a new bit to the Attack Dex...Listings by Attack Type. Have a look
In The Pokémon Of The Day Department Who's That Pokémon Well, Here's the fifty-fourth PotD, Qwilfish, tomorrow is a Big Green Thing
Until Tomorrow, See Ya
Tuesday: Emerald, AttackDex & Pokémon Of The Day Will have some 7th Movie Info & Possibly More Emerald Info Tomorrow In The Games Department Pokémon Emerald Well, Coronis has sent us more scans and Info from Emerald...WORSHIP HIM. NOTE THESE ARE FIRSTS AND EXCLUSIVES TO SEREBII,NET AND ARE UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES TO BE USED ELSEWHERE. This includes stuff on the Story, Battle Frontier, Battle Tube & Battle Domb. First is the Story
Next is The Battle Frontier which is the name of the brand new area in Hoenn:
After that is stuff from the Battle Dome...which is the tournements:
And The Battle Tube, which is a little wierd:
Also we have a little bit more info I added to the front Emerald Page. I will put the pictures up in the Picture Section Tomorrow:
In The Site Department Attack Dex Well, I also finished the Attack Dex today but it will be continually updated over the next month with TM Listings, Move Tutors, Egg Moves Type Listings etc. Click Below to look:
In The Pokémon Of The Day Department Who's That Pokémon Well, Here's the fifty-third PotD, Graveler, tomorrow is a Small Blue Thing
Until Tomorrow, See Ya
Monday 2 of 2: Emerald TouchUp & Pokémon Of The Day
AttackDex Status Report: 84% Complete for 1st Version In The Games Department Pokémon Emerald Well, I sprused up the information for Pokéon Emerald earlier today as it seemed a bit sloppy so click it if you havent checked
In The Pokémon Of The Day Department Who's That Pokémon Well, Here's the fifty-second PotD, Kadabra, tomorrow is a Medium Grey Thing
Until Tomorrow, See Ya
Monday 1 of 2: Pokémon Emerald
AttackDex Status Report: 75.5% Complete for 1st Version In The Games Department Pokémon Emerald Well, new information about Pokémon Emerald was released today, from Coro Coro (cheers to CVXFREAK for the heads up and Quiter for the Scan), including a Japanese Release Date; September 16th 2004. We have some of the first bits of new information. I will have much more soon, possibly tonight. Click below to look
Until Tomorrow, See Ya
Sunday: Pokémon Of The Day
AttackDex Status Report: 75.5% Complete for 1st Version In The Pokémon Of The Day Department Who's That Pokémon Well, Here's the fifty-first PotD, Cleffa, tomorrow is a Medium Yellow Thing
Until Tomorrow, See Ya
Saturday: Manga BIOs & Pokémon Of The Day
AttackDex Status Report: 68.5% Complete for 1st Version In The Manga Department Manga BIOs Well, Coronis has sent some MORE Character BIOs...this time of 7 Recurring Characters. Click below to view:
In The Pokémon Of The Day Department Who's That Pokémon Well, Here's the fiftieth PotD, Shiftry, tomorrow is a Small Pink Thing
Until Tomorrow, See Ya
Friday: Ep Guide, Manga Summaries & Pokémon Of The Day
AttackDex Status Report: 68.5% Complete for 1st Version In The Anime Department Episode Guide Well, Mike has done the guide for yesterday's episode. Be warned as it contains spoilers:
In The Manga Department Manga Summaries Well, Much to my suprise, Coronis has sent me summaries for THREE volumes now covering ALL of the released Ruby/Sapphire Volumes. Click each Volume to go to it's respective Summary Listing which you then click for the summaries:
In The Pokémon Of The Day Department Who's That Pokémon Well, Here's the fourty-ninth PotD, Golduck, tomorrow is a Large Brown Thing
Until Tomorrow, See Ya
Thusday: Ep Pics, Ep Guide, Char BIOs, Ep Title, Manga BIOs & Pokémon Of The Day
AttackDex Status Report: 56% Complete for 1st Version In The Anime Department Episode Pictures Well, We have done pictures for the episode that aired today In Japan featuring Winona. Be warned as they contain spoilers:
Episode Guide Well, Mike has done the guide for Last Week's episode and he apologises for the delay. Be warned as it contains spoilers:
Character BIOs Well, I have 3 Updated Character BIOs. One for James, one for the Magikarp Salesman & one for Winona. Be warned as they contain Spoilers:
Episode Title Well, Zak translated a new Episode Title for a future Hoenn Episode: Episode 364: The Snorlax in Banana-Slakoth's Garden! In The Manga Department Character BIOs Well, Coronis has sent me the BIOs for the Hoenn Gym Leaders so we have done the pages for them. Click below to view:
In The Pokémon Of The Day Department Who's That Pokémon Well, Here's the fourty-eighth PotD, Raikou, tomorrow is a Medium Blue Thing
Until Tomorrow, See Ya
Wednesday: Movie 7 Pics & Pokémon Of The Day
AttackDex Status Report: 45% Complete for 1st Version In The Anime Department Movie 7 Pictures Well, Yesterday in Japan aired a little special talking about the upcoming movie (Out July 17th...should have a guide on the 17th/18th ;-) ) and Golden Darkness (chaos warchild) has kindly let us use some of his pictures from this event as I was unable to get it. We have about 44 of the choice shots Be warned as it obviously contains spoilers of the movie and future episodes:
In The Pokémon Of The Day Department Who's That Pokémon Well, Here's the fourty-seventh PotD, Nosepass, tomorrow is a Large Yellow Thing
Until Tomorrow, See Ya
Tuesday: Special Dex Addition Coming & Pokémon Of The Day Still No Guide from Mike...wonder where he is In The Site Department New Section Coming Well, I told you I would show you a teaser of it so here it is. The Upcoming SPP Attack Dex. I am doing the level up lists and pages while I have Dratini927 helping with breed moves and Sciz helping with the attack pics and the TMs & Move Tutors if I dont get round to them. All data is coming from our own Pokédex and Game Sections too. I will open it as soon as I have done all the Level Up Lists and pages for them. I am currently 32% through so it may be done like next week. Click below for a teaser and e-mail me with what you think:
In The Pokémon Of The Day Department Who's That Pokémon Well, Here's the fourty-sixth PotD, Exeggutor, tomorrow is a Small Grey Thing
Until Tomorrow, See Ya
Monday: Pokémon Of The Day I dunno where Mike's guide is, we may have it tomorrow. I am contemplating giving you a sneak peek of this new thing but I dont really wanna do it so soon as I'm only 16% through it and dont want anyone to steal the idea or anything. If theres still nothing to update with tomorrow...then I'll do it In The Pokémon Of The Day Department Who's That Pokémon Well, Here's the fourty-fifth PotD, Steelix, tomorrow is a Large Eggy Thing
Until Tomorrow, See Ya
Sunday: Pokémon Of The Day Happy Independence Day to the American visitors. Sorry that I havent made a worthwhole update today but I have been working on that new thing I was telling about. I am 10.4% through my part and have help from 2 of the forum admins on it...hopefully we'll see it before the end of the month In The Pokémon Of The Day Department Who's That Pokémon Well, Here's the fourty-fourth PotD, Walrein, tomorrow is a Large Grey Thing
Until Tomorrow, See Ya
Saturday: Games, Time to Squash an Emerald Rumour & Pokémon Of The Day We have started work on a cool new Pokédex-esque new thing...will give ya a sneak peek within the next 2 weeks depending on how quick it seems it will be to make In The Games Department Final Game Mechanic Page Well, Dragonair has written the final report on Games Mechanics of R/S/C/FR/LG...Dynamic Values. Enjoy: Emerald Rumour to be Squashed There has been a UK Pokemon site that I will not name has posted several rumours as fact saying they translated it from the cover we had posted a few days ago. This included Catching Groudon, Kyogre, Latios, Latias, Deoxys & having Magma & Aqua in it. While a few of those may end up being true (the Deoxys one wont be I can promise you), Coronis translated the cover and found out that They are NOT on the cover and are NOT facts and should NOT be believed so tell the owners of that site to stop posting lies...I'm fed up with having to reply to emails from people believing these LIES. Thank you. In The Pokémon Of The Day Department Who's That Pokémon Well, Here's the fourty-third PotD, Arcanine, tomorrow is a Large Blue Thing
Until Tomorrow, See Ya
Friday: Episode Pictures, Character BIOs, Ending Pics & Pokémon Of The Day Guide Tomorrow In The Anime Department Episode Pics Well, I have done Episode Pictures for the episode that aired yesterday featuring Castform. Be warned as it contains spoilers: Ending Pics Well Today a New Ending aired in Japan and with that I decided to do a Seperate page for the final version of the last ending to go with the first. I'll have pics of the new Ending with the Episode Pics: Character BIOs I have done 2 more Character BIOs...one for a trainer in today's episode, one for Winona. Enjoy: In The Pokémon Of The Day Department Who's That Pokémon Well, Here's the fourty-second PotD, Houndoom, tomorrow is a Large Orange Thing
Until Tomorrow, See Ya
Thursday: Emerald YET Again, Ending Pics & Pokémon Of The Day Told ya I'ld have stuff first. Ep Pics tomorrow morning...promise :-) In The Games Department Emerald News Well, I have just noticed in a new screenshot by Netkun that Emerald IS a Brand New form of Ruby & Sapphire...but it seems to have several differences. What we know is it will have Brendan & May in in HIP new clothes featuring green which makes me think it is more of a remake of RS than a 3rd port. Remember you saw this FIRST on SPP, however it may not be 100% fact. Click it for all details we have on it:
![]() In The Anime Department Ending Pics Well Today a New Ending aired in Japan and with that I decided to do a Seperate page for the final version of the last ending to go with the first. I'll have pics of the new Ending with the Episode Pics: In The Pokémon Of The Day Department Who's That Pokémon Well, Here's the fourty-first PotD, Volbeat, tomorrow is a Medium Black Thing
Until Tomorrow, See Ya
Wednesday 2 of 2: Emerald Again & Pokémon Of The Day So many people thought yesterday's Manga picture was from FR/LG...that has to say something about Coronis' talent lol In The Games Department Emerald Section Well, I made a section for the Emerald stuff...currently there is hardly anything there for obvious reasons. Whenever theres new news (like there will be July 15th where we'll more than loikely expand the section with screenshots & details) I'll add it there and we'll have it first! or second! or twelth if its revealed when I'm sleeping. Enjy:
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