- 7-31-2002-9:33:EST - Serebii The Server Admins are still unsure to what happened. Anyway, as I write this, I have uploaded everything except anime and movie pictures, those will take the while so be patient.
In The Anime Department
New Guide
Well, this was the file I was trying to upload when I found out the site was gone. Zak has done the guide for the episode Xeno missed when he went to see the 5th movie. Warning, this contains spoilers:
Well Thats all for today. See Ya New Pkmn First of, thank you all for all the Birthday Wishes and stuff you sent. I had a great day
In The Pokémon Department
1 New Pokémon
A New Pokémon has been released. This little guy's name was released along with Samehadda but hasnt been seen until Yesterday. It is Jiguzaguma, we believe it to be a Red (Lesser) Panda. I have made a game sprite and my friend Arty2 drew a cool picture based on it. Also, in the new pkmn section I have added each pkmn's sprites:
Well Thats all for today. See Ya Not Much Well At the Moment there truthfully isnt anything to update with. Rumours of a picture of Jiguzaguma have cropped up, I will look into it. Also Xeno Lugia managed to get around 40 pictures from Pokémon Festa. We wont have them until he gets back home which wont be until the 6th of August I think. Anyway, tomorrow is my birthday so dont expect an update or a large one then. I have updated the new pokémon page with attacks Xeno saw at Festa. Click the Kecleon to go there Until tomorrow or Monday, go to the forums to discuss everything that there is to Discuss Well Thats all for today. See Ya New Episode Guide
In The Anime Department
Episode Guide
With Xeno being in Tokyo, he managed to see last nights episode. Kindly (and unexpectingly) he wrote a guide for it. This contains Major Spoilers
Well Thats all for today. See Ya Various Updates
In The Games Department
Various Gaming Section Updates
I have updated Various sections of the Games Area with new pages or updated Pages. These sections are there Ruby/Sapphire section and the Gold/Silver/Crystal sections. For Example I have put a load of new and updated information into the R/S section of the site and I have also made several new pages of the Gold/Silver and Crystal sections which Include a Wild Attachment Pokémon page and a GSC Attack's Page. Click the following links to get to the particular sections
In The Forums Department
430 Members
Well, The Forums are doing Brilliantly in the time that they have been up including the downtime so they've done pretty well. A lot of heated discussions are there, including Multiple on the debated Season 6 Picture and other pkmn Matters. I also made a new logo for it. Click below to have a look: Well Thats all for today. See Ya 2 New Pokémon
In The Pokémon Department
2 New Pokémon
At Pokémon Festa Two New Pokémon were shown. These have had their names be around and Constantly be talked about. I have made sprites and My Good Friend Arty2 has given me hi-res pics for these Pkmn. The sprites lack bright colour at the moment but I'll Fix it ASAP. I will post the Hi-Res Here. But the Sprites are on the main Ruby/Sapphire Page Here. Click them to go to the New Pkmn Page. Also a few screens have been released, I am awaiting the owners reply to see if I can use them until Xeno gets back hopefully with more
In The Anime Department
3 New Titles
3 More New titles have been announced:
263: Casey and Elekid 264: Try your best, Larvitar 265: The Unown of the Wondrous Country
In The Forums Department
400 Members
Well, The Forums are doing Brilliantly in the time that they have been up including the downtime so they've done pretty well. A lot of heated discussions are there, including Multiple on the debated Season 6 Picture and other pkmn Matters. I also made a new logo for it. Click below to have a look: Well Thats all for today. See Ya New Movie Pictures Aswell as this, I have touched up many of the pages in the games section...I'll work on these all week
New Movie Pictures
Lugia has kindly made alot of Pokémon 3 Pictures. Theres alot in here so be sure to be patient as they load:
In The Pokémon Department
3 Fake Pokémon
Well, over the past 3 months I have recieved Countless E-mails saying about 3 New Pokémon. Well to clarify things. They are fake. Here's the pics so you can be ever cautious. From Now On, If I get emailed about them being real I'll just reply July 2002 which means to go to this update in the archives. Anyway, here's the pics. If bigger ones are required, I could try and arrange it:
Remember, these are fake and are not actual Pokémon
In The Forums Department
375 Members
Well, The Forums are doing Brilliantly in the time that they have been up including the downtime so they've done pretty well. A lot of heated discussions are there, including Multiple on the debated Season 6 Picture and other pkmn Matters. I also made a new logo for it. Click below to have a look: Well Thats all for today. See Ya New Episode Guide Aswell as this, I have updated the looks of all the Johto & Orange Episode Guides. I will do Indigo tomorrow or Wednesday In Anime Department
New Ep Guide
Well, Suprisingly, Xeno Lugia has sent me a guide for an episode he forgot to do almost a year ago. Here it is, it'll contain some spoilers:
New Hi-Res Picture
Well, I have created a new Hi-Res Charizard Picture. I cut it out from a Screenshot of the 3rd Movie Lugia sent me with the other load that I'll be using in an update this week. Well here it is:
In The Forums Department
350 Members
Well, The Forums are doing Brilliantly in the time that they have been up including the downtime so they've done pretty well. A lot of heated discussions are there, including Multiple on the debated Season 6 Picture and other pkmn Matters. I also made a new logo for it. Click below to have a look: Well Thats all for today. See Ya Pokémon Advance Sprites 1 Week Until My Birthday! Start the Celebrations! July 28th! In Games Department
Pokémon Advance Trainer & Pkmn Sprites
Well, Today I havent really done alot of work but I have re-done all the Ruby/Sapphire Pokémon Sprites to make them look better. I have also created Trainers. I will put the pic of 2 trainers Pelippaa and Samehaddaa down here. These are not to be used without my permission:
In The Forums Department
300 Members
Well, The Forums are doing Brilliantly in the time that they have been up including the downtime so they've done pretty well. A lot of heated discussions are there, including Multiple on the debated Season 6 Picture and other pkmn Matters. I also made a new logo for it. Click below to have a look: Well Thats all for today. See Ya Enhanced 5th Movie Guides
In The Anime Department
Enhanced 5th Movie Guides
Xeno Lugia went to see the 5th movie again today and has touched up his guides accordingly. I've also updated the 4th movie Guides with the Dub Names like Yukinari = Sammy. Here they are:
In The Forums Department
240 Members
Well, The Forums are doing Brilliantly in the time that they have been up including the downtime so they've done pretty well. A lot of heated discussions are there, including Multiple on the debated Season 6 Picture and other pkmn Matters. I also made a new logo for it. Click below to have a look: Well Thats all for today. See Ya Special 5th Movie Stuff Well, Heres an update just like I promised.
In The Anime Department
5th Movie Special Pics
I have done a special Cameo Section to the 5th Movie Page. In it you will find pictures of Cameos of Previous Pokémon. Click The Latios Pic to go there:
In The Forums Department
150 Members
Well, The Forums are doing Brilliantly in the time that they have been up including the downtime so they've done pretty well. A lot of heated discussions are there, including Multiple on the debated Season 6 Picture. Click below to have a look: Well Thats all for today. See Ya Forums are up Sorry for not updating Yesterday but I suddenly turned ill...I still am. Anyway, I will put this small update now and a larger update tonight. Anyway after a couple weeks of being down, the forums are back up. Already its got heated discussions so go there and join in. Unfortunately if you registered last time you will have to re-register. Click the Link to get there: Well Thats all for today. See Ya New Hi-Res Pictures, Ep. Guide and New Site Section Looks like 4 in a row is our limit. I have yet to have been able to find names for the 3 starters but the search continues
In The Anime Department
Hi-Res Pictures
Well, to coincide with yesterdays Picture I have done multiple updates. For One I have created 3 Hi-Res Pictures of the Starters. You might have seen several progressions of them over night, I have been perfecting them. Click on the Lizard to go to the New Pkmn Page. Which I might add, I have updated with new Info:
Episode Guides
Well, amongst all the commotion in the last 4 days, Xeno Lugia didnt forget to do the Guide for the ep that aired on the 6th. Unfortunately he missed the Evolution of Poliwhirl episode. So Spinazak Will do that Episode ASAP. Which Brings me on to Spinazak's guide for ep 258. These will contain spoilers:
Advance League Section
Well, Like I have had The Johto Saga Section and thus forth, I have created one for the Advance League based on yesterdays news. All info in it is preliminary and subject to change. Click the below pic to go there:
In The Games Department
Pokémon Advance Title
Well, recently, the Japanese Logo for Pokémon Ruby and Sapphire has been revealed. I have put it in an image and generously made an animation with both of them. Here it is: Well Thats all for today. See Ya EXCLUSIVE! New Pokémon Season 6 Picture The Exclusives and Sudden things just keep coming this week dont they
In The Anime Department
Advance Season
UPDATE: 100% CONFIRMED: A Picture has arisen, and it is real of the next season of Pokémon. It features what may be the starters. It has Ash, Brock, The R/S girl Kimi, the Starters, Prof. Odamaki and a Young Trainer in it. Ash and Brock in Different Clothes also. Heres the Pic. Thanks to Pokemon.com and Chat Regular TheRealWobbuffet for bringing it to my attention. Click on it to get a bigger Version: This fits in well with the Advert Xeno saw at the 5th movie calling the Next Year: Pokémon Advance Generation. I have also got Hi-Res Pics of Kimi, Odamaki and that Young Trainer. I have also created a brand new Hi-Res Ash & Brock Picture based on the above pic which I have put in their BIO. Click for Larger versions: Also, I have updated around the site with Several Hi-Res Pkmn Pics. Like my new Celebi Signiture. Well Thats all for today. See Ya EXCLUSIVE! Pika Pika Starlit Sky Camp Synopsis What a Weekend. A Whole Bunch of Exclusives. To Recap: 5th Movie Synopsis, 3 New Pokémon and Game Details Revealed and now this
In The Anime Department
Movie Guide
Well, Xeno has kindly finished writing the guide for the 5th Pikachu Short. He says its a draft and it may be slightly innaccurate but when he next goes to see the movie, he'll fix it. Anyway here it is:
2 5th Movie Character BIOs
Well In the Midst of the 5th Movie. Some characters with Pkmn Arose. So here are their BIOs:
Zanna & Rion (TR Elites) Well Thats all for today. See Ya
EXCLUSIVE! Pokémon Advance 2 on 2 Battle Pics Xeno Will Send In The Guide for the Pikachu Short tomorrow. Until then, Heres an Early Update
In The Games Department
Pokémon Advance Pics
It seems we don't need the advert for pics. It would appear That the July Issue of Corocoro managed to get Pictures of 2 on 2 battling out. I will post a couple here but follow its Link to get all the new Pictures. These feature some of the new Pokémon we announced earlier this week
Also thanks to these screenshots I have been able to create some more Pictures of inside the game which I do for each game:
Pokémon Advance Pkmn
I have Also Put Pictures of the New Pkmn In The New Pkmn Area: Well Thats all for today. See Ya EXCLUSIVE! POKÉMON 5 GUIDE Big Update Today:
In The Anime Department
Movie Guide
Xeno Lugia has done it again. Today the 5th Movie came out in Japan and Xeno saw it. He has kindly written a guide for us so here it is. I will update with the Pikachu Short as he sends it to me
In The Games Department
Pokémon Advance News
Before the 5th Movie was an advert for Pokémon Ruby and Sapphire. It confirmed the game names and also that the Pokémon I mention several days ago were real. It gave a date for Japanese release: 21st November 2002. It also revealed that you can have 2 on 2 Pokémon battles, using 2 pkmn at once each. I'll try and find an online version of this ad to get pics
In The Pokédex Department
20 New Entries
In the last 24 hours I have done 30 Dex Entries. Here are the 20 I didnt Add Yesterday. Staryu-Omastar are the new ones. I wont put their banner links up here for people with slow connections so just follow this banner link to the index page and choose them from the drop down Menu: Well Thats all for today. See Ya New Guides, Titles, Anime News and Dex Entries Big Update Today:
In The Anime Department
Episode Guides
GoldenNoctowl77 has done one more guide for the other episode we needed one for, Moving Pictures. Also I touched up a couple of episode guides. Basically they are new ones. Also, Zak has kindly written the guide for the long wondered about Wynaut episode So here we go:
2 New Episode Titles
2 More Episode Titles have been announced from the very end of what will be Pokémon Master Quest when released in America. With one more Episode:
261: Entei and the Evil Spirits Inside of the Hot Spring!!
Some Special Anime News regarding the Johto League and one of Ash's Pokémon has come up. Follow the link below to see it:
In The Pokédex Department
10 New Entries
I know I said I'ld bring all the remaining entries up together, but I think that I should keep going. Today I have done Kabuto, Kabutops, Aerodactyl, Snorlax, Articuno, Zapdos, Moltres, Dratini, Dragonair and Dragonite. I wont put their banner links up here for people with slow connections so just follow this banner link to the index page and choose them from the drop down Menu: Well Thats all for today. See Ya New Guides + Some Pkmn Pics The Forums are still down, I havent seen my host on all day so I couldnt have dealt with it with him. I apologise. If you want to talk about anything within reason, go to the Chatroom. My helpful ops will be glad to help if you have any questions. Anyway, on with the update
In The Anime Department
Episode Guides
Chat/Forum Regular GoldenNoctowl77 was kind enough to write us some guides for episodes we didnt have guides for. Here they are:
Pokémon Pictures
As some of you May have noticed. I have had anime pictures for every pokémon revealed except for Volbeat and Yomawaru. Well in the 2 day wake of the 5th movie. I have created some. Here they are, they have been put in the 'A Pikapika Starlit Sky Camp' section:
Well Thats all for today. See Ya Yet Again, New Episode Pictures First off, about the forums. I know they are down but myself, my host and the server admins are working on trying to bring them back. Please stop emailing me about them.
In The Anime Department
Episode Pictures
Continuing with the current ratio, I'm continuing with episode pics. I have not forgot about the Pokédex. I will get that done, but this is to tide things over until I upload the remaining ones which will be a while since there are like 142 pkmn for me left to do and it takes an hour to do each entry. Todays Pictures are from the Fourth Johto Gym; Episode 184: From Ghost to Ghost. Well Thats all for today. See Ya New Episode Pictures
In The Anime Department
Episode Pictures
Well, Once Again, I have done some more Episode Pictures. These are from the First Johto Gym; Episode 133: Fighting Flyer With Fire. Well Thats all for today. See Ya New Movie Type Thing Synops Pictures + Advance News
In The Anime Department
Movie Synops & Pictures
Well, As a Change Of Pace. I have decided to do pictures to the Origin of Mewtwo. Our old pal Lugia was the one who had the DVD and made the pics. Theres 167 pictures in this part. Also, Forum Member GoldenNoctowl77 was kind enough to write us a Synopsis for it. They Link back to Eachother but to get to where you wish to go, Left Picture is Synopsis, Right is for the Pictures. Also I have linked it up with Mewtwo Strikes Back and Mewtwo Returns In The Games Department
It would appear that Pokémon Advance have finally been given their actual names. Many Japanese Sources are calling it Pokémon Ruby and Pokémon Sapphire. This is an omage to Red And Blue. Anyway, four new Pokémon names have also been released. No Pics as of yet but when they are visually revealed I will get them for you. The new pokémon are:
Remember, this might not be confirmed so do not treat it as fact just yet Well Thats all for today. See Ya New Episode Pictures
In The Anime Department
Episode Pictures
Like Many of you have requested, I have done some more Episode Pictures. I will try and do pictures of every gym episodes at the moment so here's the Cianwood Gym Shiny Noctowl
A Few Of you have requested that when using a Picture for Ash's Noctowl, to use a Shiny Picture. This I havent done until now. So I thought you might like to see it. I've added it to the guides and Ash's BIO
Well Thats all for today. See Ya New Guide - Happy Independance Day
In The Anime Department
Episode Guide
With Everyone being so anticipative (is that a word?) of the guides for the Clair Set of Episodes. Forum Admin The Mozz has kindly written a short synopsis for the next episod. It contains Major Spoilers.
![]() Character BIOs
To co-incide with the new guide. I've updated Ash's BIO Again. I will be making more BIOs soon. I also have not forgotten about the Dex. I'm still working on that Well Thats all for today. See Ya Its What you have been Waiting For
In The Anime Department
Episode Guide
I apologise for not updating but there was nothing to update with. Anyway, Zak has finished the guide for the episode you have all been wanting to read about. This contains Spoilers. Also, I have updated the toolbar of most of the johto guides...soon to be all with a new section. Anyway, Here's todays: |
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